Signing in

To log into the EDA GUI, you must have:
  • the URL to the EDA server; for example, https://<server URL>:9443/
  • a valid user account and password for EDA
  1. Go to the URL for the EDA server, in the form of: https://<server URL>:9443/
    Figure 1. The EDA login page
  2. Enter your username or email address.
  3. Enter your password.
    Note: If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot password? link. Enter your email address in the field displayed and click Submit to receive instructions for resetting your password.
  4. Click Sign in.
    Note: If more than 15 minutes has elapsed from when you opened the login page and when you click Submit, EDA rejects your login attempt and display an error message indicating that you took too long to log in. If this happens, enter your credentials again and click Submit to log in.
You are logged into the EDA GUI. If configured by your administrator, a login banner displays with information for all EDA users.
Note: You can open multiple tabs displaying the EDA UI in your browser. If at any time any of the EDA session tabs has been idle for 15 minutes, a message displays in the active tab indicating this. It offers the options to either sign out, or remain signed in. If you do not choose to remain signed in within 30 seconds, EDA automatically signs you out.