a Commands – Part I
aa-anl-list [congested-only] [sort-type { top-by-subs | top-by-rate} [isa mda-id]
aa-anl-list summary
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group aa-anl-list)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group aa-anl-list
This command displays the list of active ANLs detected by AA along with the associated conditions (for example, congestion, measured rate, and number of subscribers).
- congested-only
Specifies only congested ANLs.
- sort-type
Filters by the specified sub-type.
- mda-id
Specifies the slot and MDA in the format slot/mda.
- summary
Displays summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of aa-anl-list information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-C# tools dump application-assurance group 120:10 aa-anl-list
Application-Assurance Access Network Location List: Group 120:10, ISA 3/1
Type Location Congestion State Rate (kbps) Subscribers
AP-MAC+VLAN 23:89:be:c2:64:50+1034 RTT Limits Exceeded 21961 113
AP-MAC+VLAN 83:2d:3d:73:c4:9a+4090 RTT Limits Exceeded 15963 86
AP-MAC+VLAN f2:ee:cc:47:71:f7+0034 Not Congested 6147 12
aa-interface isa mda-id
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group aa-interface)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-interface
This command displays AA interface information.
- mda-id
Specifies the MDA ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aa-sub esm sub-ident-string [snapshot]
aa-sub esm-mac esm-mac-name [snapshot]
aa-sub sap sap-id
aa-sub spoke-id sdp-id:vc-id [ snapshot]
aa-sub transit transit-aasub-name [snapshot]
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group aa-sub)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub
This command displays per-subscriber statistics.
- esm sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification string.
- esm-mac esm-mac-name
Specifies an existing subscriber MAC.
- sap sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- spoke-id sdp-id:vc-id
Specifies the spoke SDP ID and VC ID.
- snapshot
Specifies that the statistics retrieved include the sum of the statistics from the previous collection windows, and the statistics for any closed flows since the last collection window.
- transit transit-aasub-name
Specifies an existing transit subscriber name string up to 32 characters in length.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the aa-sub command information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub spoke-sdp 1:1 snapshot application count
Application-Assurance Subscriber 1:1 (spoke-sdp)
Application Statistics (snapshot)
Application Disc Octets Packets Flows
Unknown 0% 0 0 0
show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub {esm <sub-ident-string> | esm-mac <esm-mac-name> | sap <sap-id> | spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> } summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber summary (realtime | snapshot)
AA-Subscriber : <sub-ident-string> or <sap-id> or <sdp-id:vc-id>
ISA assigned : <Slot/MDA> Unassigned
App-Profile : <app-profile-name>
App-Profile divert : Yes or No
capacity-cost : 100 // for sap/spoke-sdp & esm aa-sub)
Traffic Octets Packets Flows
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
Top App-Groups Octets Packets Flows
<app-group-name> 100000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 90000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 80000 3000 30
Application Service Options (ASO)
Characteristic Value Derived from
Server Block default
ServiceBw SuperUser app-profile
Teleworker Yes override
VideoBoost Priority override
Total characteristics : 4
Total derived from aso defaults : 1
Total derived from app-profile : 1
Total derived from overrides : 2
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub {esm <sub-ident-string>
| esm-mac <esm-mac-name> | sap <sap-id> | spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> | transit
<transit-aasub-name>} summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber summary (realtime | snapshot)
AA-Subscriber : 1:1 (spoke-sdp)
ISA assigned : 3/1
App-Profile : app_prof_D_4
App-Profile divert : Yes
Capacity cost : 1
Traffic Octets Packets Flows
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
Top App-Groups Octets Packets Flows
<app-group-name> 100000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 90000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 80000 3000 30
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub transit <transit-aasub-name>
Application-Assurance Subscriber summary (realtime | snapshot)
AA-Subscriber : <transit-aasub-name>
App-Profile : <app-profile-name>
aa-filter : aa-ip <aa-ip-filter-id> or aa-prefix <aa-prefix-filter-id>
Parent : SAP <sap-id> or Spoke-SDP <id> or N/A
Parent ISA assigned : <Slot/MDA> or <None (fail-to-closed | fail-to-open)> or
Unassigned or N/A
Parent app-profile : <app-profile-name> or N/A
Parent divert : Yes or No or N/A
Parent capacity-cost : 2000 or N/A
Traffic Octets Packets Flows
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
Top App-Groups Octets Packets Flows
<app-group-name> 100000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 90000 3000 30
<app-group-name> 80000 3000 30
show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub {esm <sub-ident-string> | esm-mac <esm-mac-name> |sap <sap-id> | spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> | transit <transit-aasub-name>} count
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub {esm <sub-ident-string> | esm-mac <esm-mac-name> | sap <sap-id> | spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> | transit <transit-aasub-name>} snapshot
Application-Assurance Subscriber esm|sap|spoke-sdp|transit <name>
Application Group, Application and Protocol Statistics (realtime | snapshot)
Application Group Disc Octets Packets Flows
Games 0% 0 0 0
Mail 0% 0 0 0
Peer to Peer 0% 0 0 0
Unknown 0% 0 0 0
Web 0% 0 0 0
Application Disc Octets Packets Flows
SIP 0% 0 0 0
Protocol statistics are not configured in statistics>aa-sub
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub {esm <sub-ident-string> | esm-mac <esm-mac-name> | sap <sap-id> | spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> | transit <transit-aasub-name>}
application count detail
Application-Assurance Subscriber esm|esm-mac|sap|spoke-sdp|transit <name>
Application Statistics (realtime | snapshot)
Subscriber Application:
Type Octets Packets Flows
name SIP:
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Max per min from sub: 1000 10
Max per min to sub: 2000 20
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
aa-sub dsm mac mac-address [snapshot]
aa-sub esm sub-ident-string
aa-sub esm-mac esm-mac-name
aa-sub transit transit-aasub-name
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group aa-sub)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group aa-sub
This command displays AA subscriber information for a specific ISA.
- esm-mac-name
Specifies the ESM MAC name; a maximum of 32 characters.
- mac-address
Specifies the MAC address in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx format.
- snapshot
Displays snapshot statistics.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies the AA subscriber identifier string, up to 32 characters.
- transit-aasub-name
Specifies the AA transit subscriber name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AA subscriber information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-C# tools dump application-assurance group 120:10 aa-sub dsm mac 00:01:02:00:00:00 summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber Summary (realtime)
MAC : 00:01:02:00:00:00 (dsm)
ISA assigned : 3/1
Group : 120:10
App-Profile : AppPro1
HTTP URL Parameters : (Not Specified)
Access Network Location : 04:7d:be:fb:64:a8+0243 (Not Congested)
Last HTTP Notified Time : N/A
Traffic Octets Packets Flows
From subscriber:
Admitted 0 0 0
Denied 0 0 0
Active flows 0
To subscriber:
Admitted 0 0 0
Denied 0 0 0
Active flows 0
Flow counts:
Short duration 0
Med duration 0
Long duration 0
Total flow duration : 0 seconds
Application Service Options (ASO)
Characteristic Value Derived from
Char1 val10 default
aa-sub esm sub-ident-string
aa-sub esm-mac esm-mac-name
aa-sub sap sap-id
aa-sub spoke-id sdp-id:vc-id
aa-sub transit transit-aasub-name
[Tree] (tools>perform>app-assure>group aa-sub)
Full Context
tools perform application-assurance group aa-sub
This command performs application assurance group aa-sub operations.
- esm sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification string.
- esm-mac esm-mac-name
Specifies an existing subscriber MAC.
- sap sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- spoke-id sdp-id:vc-id
Specifies the spoke SDP ID and VC ID.
- transit transit-aasub-name
Specifies an existing transit subscriber name string up to 32 characters in length.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aa-sub-list [isa mda-id]
aa-sub-list policers-exceeded
aa-sub-list summary
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group aa-sub-list)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub-list
This command displays AA subscriber lists.
- isa mda-id
Displays the slot and MDA ID.
- summary
Displays summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the aa-sub-list command information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 74:40346 aa-sub-list summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber Summary for Group 74:40346
all esm sap spoke-sdp transit esm-mac
Total 100 0 0 0 0 100
Overrides 100 0 0 0 0 100
Total number of aa-subs found : 100
Total number of aa-subs with overrides found : 100
*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 224:10559 aa-sub-list
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 224:10559
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
sap 1/1/1:113 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:241 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:369 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:497 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/4:113 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:241 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:369 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:497 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
Total number of aa-subs found : 8
A:Dut-C show application-assurance group 1 aa-sub-list
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 1
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
group 1:1
sap 2/1/1:100 all ap1 Yes
sap 2/1/1:200 esa-1/1 ap2 Yes
Number of aa-subs found in group 1:1 : 2
Total number of aa-subs found : 2
*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 224:10559 aa-sub-list isa 3/2
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 224:10559, isa 3/2
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
sap 1/1/1:113 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:241 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:369 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/1:497 3/2 prof_224_10559_1 Yes
sap 1/1/4:113 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:241 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:369 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
sap 1/1/4:497 3/2 prof_224_10559_2 Yes
Total number of aa-subs found : 8
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 2 aa-sub-list [isa <mda-id>]
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 2, isa <slot/mda>
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
group 2:50
esm Bob 3/1 Grp2P50appProf1 Yes
esm Fred 1/1 Grp2P50appProf2 Yes
sap 1/2/9 3/1 Grp2P50appProf1 Yes
sap 1/2/10 1/1 Grp2P50appProf2 Yes
spoke-sdp 1:7 1/1 Grp2P50appProf1 Yes
spoke-sdp 2:101 3/1 Grp2P50appProf2 Yes
esm-mac Sub3-000102030405 1/1 Grp2P50appProf2 Yes
group 2:32656
esm Alex 1/1 appProf1 Yes
esm Sub1 3/1 Lite Yes
esm Max 3/1 appProf1 Yes
esm tcpr_sub 1/1 appProf2 Yes
sap 1/2/5 3/1 appProf1 Yes
sap 1/2/6 1/1 appProf1 Yes
sap 2/2/4:111 1/1 Power Yes
spoke-sdp 1:6 1/1 appProf1 Yes
spoke-sdp 2:100 3/1 appProf2 Yes
esm-mac Sub4-000203040506 3/1 appProf2 Yes
Number of aa-subs found in group 2:50 : 6
Number of aa-subs found in group 2:32656 : 9
Total number of aa-subs found : 15
A:ALA-IPD# show application-assurance group 2:32656 aa-sub-list [isa <mda-id>
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 2:32656, isa <slot/mda>
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
esm Alex 1/1 appProf1 Yes
esm Sub1 3/1 Lite Yes
esm Max 3/1 appProf1 Yes
esm tcpr_sub 1/1 appProf2 Yes
sap 1/2/5 3/1 appProf1 Yes
sap 1/2/6 1/1 appProf1 Yes
sap 2/2/4:111 1/1 Power Yes
spoke-sdp 2:100 1/1 appProf8 Yes
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000001 3/2 appProf2 Yes
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000002 3/2 appProf2 Yes
Number of aa-subs : 8
*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 74 aa-sub-list isa 3/2
Application-Assurance Subscriber List for Group 74, isa 3/2
type aa-sub ISA App-Profile divert
group 74:40346
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000001 3/2 appProf2 Yes
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000002 3/2 appProf2 Yes
aa-sub-list [filter-by-type sub-type] [ isa mda-id] quarantined-only
aa-sub-list [filter-by-type sub-type] [ isa mda-id] policers-exceeded
aa-sub-list summary
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group aa-sub-list)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group aa-sub-list
This command displays the AA subscriber list for a specific ISA.
- filter-by-type sub-type
Filters by the specified sub-type.
- mda-id
Specifies the slot and MDA in the format slot/mda.
- summary
Displays summary information.
- quarantined-only
Displays the AA subscribers that are under quarantine.
- policers-exceeded
Displays subscribers that have exceeded policer resources.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AA subscriber list information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# tools dump application-assurance group 1 aa-sub-list quarantined-only
Application-Assurance Sub List (quarantined): Group 1, ISA 3/1
Type AA-Sub App Profile Part
(Quarantined Since) (Last Quarantine Event)
esm Sub1 app-profile-1 0
(01/30/2018 14:25:22) (01/30/2018 15:27:3)
spoke-Sdp 1000:150 app-profile-2 0
(01/30/2018 13:25:22) (01/30/2018 16:27:3)
esm-mac Sub3-000102030405 app-profile-1 0
(01/30/2018 12:25:22) (01/30/2018 17:27:3)
transit t1 app-profile-4 0
(01/30/2018 11:25:22) (01/30/2018 18:27:3)
Number of AA Subscribers : 4
*A:Dut-C# tools dump application-assurance group 1 aa-sub-list summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber Summary for Group 1, ISA 5/2
all esm sap spoke- transit dsm esm-mac
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Overrides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pol Exceeded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Congested 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quarantined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total number of aa-subs found : 0
Total number of aa-subs with overrides found : 0
Total number of aa-subs with policer resources exceeded found : 0
Total number of congested aa-subs found : 0
Total number of quarantined aa-subs found : 0
aa-sub-search search-type granularity [direction direction] [max-count max-count]
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group aa-sub-search)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group aa-sub-search
This command displays AA aa-sub information.
- search-type
Specifies the type of search.
- granularity
Specifies the granularity of the search.
- direction direction
Specifies the network/subscriber direction.
- max-count max-count
Specifies the maximum flows to display.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AA aa-sub information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-C# tools dump application-assurance group 74 aa-sub-search top bytes
Application-Assurance aa-sub search for Group 74: Top 10 by bytes (both)
Entry isa SubType SubName
From-sub-count To-sub-count Group:Partition Interval(UTC)
1 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000001"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
2 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000002"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
3 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000003"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
4 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000004"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
5 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000005"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
6 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000006"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
7 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000007"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
8 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000008"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
9 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-000100000009"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
10 3/2 esm-mac "diameter_esm-00010000000a"
40 42 74:40346 "01/13/2017 14:39:18"
Total number of aa-subs found: 10
aa-sub-study esm sub-ident-string [snapshot]
aa-sub-study esm-mac esm-mac-name [snapshot]
aa-sub-study sap sap-id [snapshot]
aa-sub-study spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id [snapshot]
aa-sub-study transit transit-aasub-name [ snapshot]
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group aa-sub-study)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub-study
This command displays per-subscriber special study statistics.
- esm sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification string.
- esm-mac esm-mac-name
Specifies an existing subscriber MAC.
- sap sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- spoke-id sdp-id:vc-id
Specifies the spoke SDP ID and VC ID.
- snapshot
Specifies that the statistics retrieved include the sum of the statistics from the previous collection windows, and the statistics for any closed flows since the last collection window.
- transit transit-aasub-name
Specifies an existing transit subscriber name string.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aa-sub-using app-profile app-profile-name
[Tree] (show>service aa-sub-using)
Full Context
show service aa-sub-using
This command displays the subscribers and associated services diverted to Application Assurance using a specific app profile name.
- app-profile-name
Specifies the application profile name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the aa-sub-using command information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show service aa-sub-using
aa-sub-type aa-sub-name app-profile-name
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000001 app-prof~%;&+-!?
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000002 app-prof~%;&+-!?
esm-mac diameter_esm-000100000064 app-prof~%;&+-!?
Number of ESM subs : 0
Number of ESM mac subs : 100
Number of SAP subs : 0
Number of Spoke-Sdp subs : 0
Number of Transit subs : 0
Total number of aa-subs : 100
[Tree] (clear aaa)
Full Context
clear aaa
Commands in this context clear authentication, authorization, and accounting data.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show aaa)
Full Context
show aaa
Commands in this context display authentication, authorization, and accounting data.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>dump aaa)
Full Context
tools dump aaa
Commands in this context dump authentication, authorization, and accounting information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform aaa)
Full Context
tools perform aaa
Commands in this context perform AAA operations.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aarp aarpId
[Tree] (show>app-assur aarp)
Full Context
show application-assurance aarp
This command displays the Application Assurance Redundancy Protocol (AARP) instance status.
- aarpId
Specifies an integer that identifies an AARP instance.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aarp aarpId event-history [clear]
[Tree] (tools>dump>application-assurance aarp)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance aarp
This command dumps application-assurance AARP information for a specified instance.
- aarpId
Specifies the AARP ID.
- event-history
Dumps historical information for the instance.
- clear
Clears the event history after reading.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
aarp aarpId force-evaluate
[Tree] (tools>perform>app-assure aarp)
Full Context
tools perform application-assurance aarp
This command performs Application Assurance Redundancy Protocol instance operations.
- aarpId
Specifies an integer that identifies an AARP instance.
- force-evaluate
Forces a re-evaluation of the preferred AARP instance.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp>server>pool>failover abort-startup-wait)
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp>server>failover abort-startup-wait)
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp6>server>pool>failover abort-startup-wait)
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp6>server>failover abort-startup-wait)
Full Context
tools perform router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool failover abort-startup-wait
tools perform router dhcp local-dhcp-server failover abort-startup-wait
tools perform router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool failover abort-startup-wait
tools perform router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server failover abort-startup-wait
This command aborts the running start-up-wait time, forcing the DCHP server to transition immediately to the COMMUNICATIONS-INTERRUPTED state.
The start-up-wait time is started after a boot to enable two redundant routers to synchronize the DHCP server lease database before transitioning to the (PRE-)NORMAL state when the last state record from the peer is synchronized. If the last state record is not received before the start-up-wait time expires, it is assumed that the remote DHCP server is not operational and the DHCP server goes in COMMUNICATIONS-INTERRUPTED state.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
access-group [group-name]
[Tree] (show>system>security access-group)
Full Context
show system security access-group
This command displays SNMP access group information.
- group-name
This command displays information for the specified access group.
The following output is an example of access group information.
Output fields: system security access group describes security access group output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-4# show system security access-group
Access Groups
group name security security read write notify
model level view view view
snmp-ro snmpv1 none no-security no-security
snmp-ro snmpv2c none no-security no-security
snmp-rw snmpv1 none no-security no-security no-security
snmp-rw snmpv2c none no-security no-security no-security
snmp-rwa snmpv1 none iso iso iso
snmp-rwa snmpv2c none iso iso iso
snmp-trap snmpv1 none iso
snmp-trap snmpv2c none iso
Label |
Description |
Group name |
The access group name. |
Security model |
The security model required to access the views configured in this node. |
Security level |
Specifies the required authentication and privacy levels to access the views configured in this node. |
Read view |
Specifies the variable of the view to read the MIB objects. |
Write view |
Specifies the variable of the view to configure the contents of the agent. |
Notify view |
Specifies the variable of the view to send a trap about MIB objects. |
access-group group-name
[Tree] (show>system>security access-group)
Full Context
show system security access-group
This command displays access-group information.
The following output is an example of access group information.
Output fields: system security access group describes the access-group output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# show system security access-group
Access Groups
group name security security read write notify
model level view view view
snmp-ro snmpv1 none no-security no-security
snmp-ro snmpv2c none no-security no-security
snmp-rw snmpv1 none no-security no-security no-security
snmp-rw snmpv2c none no-security no-security no-security
snmp-rwa snmpv1 none iso iso iso
snmp-rwa snmpv2c none iso iso iso
snmp-trap snmpv1 none iso
snmp-trap snmpv2c none iso
No. of Access Groups: 8
A:ALA-1# show system security access-group detail
Access Groups
group name security security read write notify
model level view view view
snmp-ro snmpv1 none no-security no-security
No. of Access Groups:
Label |
Description |
Group name |
The access group name. |
Security model |
The security model required to access the views configured in this node. |
Security level |
Specifies the required authentication and privacy levels to access the views configured in this node. |
Read view |
Specifies the view to read the MIB objects. |
Write view |
Specifies the view to configure the contents of the agent. |
Notify view |
Specifies the view to send a trap about MIB objects. |
No. of access groups |
The total number of configured access groups. |
accounting-policy [acct-policy-id] [access | network] [associations]
[Tree] (show>log accounting-policy)
Full Context
show log accounting-policy
This command displays accounting policy information.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy ID that uniquely identifies the accounting policy, expressed as a decimal integer.
- access
Specifies to only display access accounting policies.
- network
Specifies to only display network accounting policies.
- association
Displays accounting-policy associations.
The following output is an example of accounting policy information.
Output fields: accounting policy describes accounting policy output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# show log accounting-policy
Accounting Policies
Policy Type Def Admin Oper Intvl File Record Name
Id State State Id
1 network No Up Up 15 1 network-ingress-packets
2 network Yes Up Up 15 2 network-ingress-octets
10 access Yes Up Up 5 3 complete-service-ingress-egress
A:ALA-1# show log accounting-policy 10
Accounting Policies
Policy Type Def Admin Oper Intvl File Record Name
Id State State Id
10 access Yes Up Up 5 3 complete-service-ingress-egress
Description : (Not Specified)
This policy is applied to:
Svc Id: 100 SAP : 1/1/8:0 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 101 SAP : 1/1/8:1 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 102 SAP : 1/1/8:2 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 103 SAP : 1/1/8:3 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 104 SAP : 1/1/8:4 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 105 SAP : 1/1/8:5 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 106 SAP : 1/1/8:6 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 107 SAP : 1/1/8:7 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 108 SAP : 1/1/8:8 Collect-Stats
Svc Id: 109 SAP : 1/1/8:9 Collect-Stats
A:ALA-1# show log accounting-policy network
Accounting Policies
Policy Type Def Admin Oper Intvl File Record Name
Id State State Id
1 network No Up Up 15 1 network-ingress-packets
2 network Yes Up Up 15 2 network-ingress-octets
A:ALA-1# show log accounting-policy access
Accounting Policies
Policy Type Def Admin Oper Intvl File Record Name
Id State State Id
10 access Yes Up Up 5 3 complete-service-ingress
Label |
Description |
Policy ID |
The identifying value assigned to a specific policy. |
Type |
Identifies accounting record type forwarded to the configured accounting file. access — Indicates that the policy is an access accounting policy. network — Indicates that the policy is a network accounting policy. none — Indicates no accounting record types assigned. |
Def |
Yes — Indicates that the policy is a default access or network policy. No — Indicates that the policy is not a default access or network policy. |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the policy. Up — Indicates that the policy is administratively enabled. Down — Indicates that the policy is administratively disabled. |
Oper State |
Displays the operational state of the policy. Up — Indicates that the policy is operationally up. Down — Indicates that the policy is operationally down. |
Intvl |
Displays the interval, in minutes, in which statistics are collected and written to their destination. The default depends on the record name type. |
File ID |
The log destination. |
Record Name |
The accounting record name which represents the configured record type. |
This policy is applied to |
Specifies the entity where the accounting policy is applied. |
[Tree] (show>log accounting-records)
Full Context
show log accounting-records
This command displays accounting policy record names.
The following output is an example of accounting records output information.
Output fields: accounting records describes accounting records output fields.
Label |
Description |
Record # |
The record ID that uniquely identifies the accounting policy, expressed as a decimal integer. |
Record Name |
The accounting record name. |
Def. Interval |
The default interval, in minutes, in which statistics are collected and written to their destination. |
aa, video and subscriber records are not applicable to the 7950 XRS.
# show log accounting-records
Accounting Policy Records
Record # Record Name Def. Interval
1 service-ingress-octets 5
2 service-egress-octets 5
3 service-ingress-packets 5
4 service-egress-packets 5
5 network-ingress-octets 15
6 network-egress-octets 15
7 network-ingress-packets 15
8 network-egress-packets 15
9 compact-service-ingress-octets 5
10 combined-service-ingress 5
11 combined-network-ing-egr-octets 15
12 combined-service-ing-egr-octets 5
13 complete-service-ingress-egress 5
14 combined-sdp-ingress-egress 5
15 complete-sdp-ingress-egress 5
16 complete-subscriber-ingress-egress 5
17 aa-protocol 15
18 aa-application 15
19 aa-app-group 15
20 aa-subscriber-protocol 15
21 aa-subscriber-application 15
23 custom-record-subscriber 5
24 custom-record-service 5
25 custom-record-aa-sub 15
26 queue-group-octets 15
27 queue-group-packets 15
28 combined-queue-group 15
29 combined-mpls-lsp-ingress 5
30 combined-mpls-lsp-egress 5
31 combined-ldp-lsp-egress 5
32 saa 5
33 video 10
34 kpi-system 5
35 kpi-bearer-mgmt 5
36 kpi-bearer-traffic 5
37 kpi-ref-point 5
38 kpi-path-mgmt 5
39 kci-iom-3 5
40 kci-system 5
41 kci-bearer-mgmt 5
42 kci-path-mgmt 5
43 complete-kpi 5
44 complete-kci 5
45 kpi-bearer-group 5
46 kpi-ref-path-group 5
47 kpi-kci-bearer-mgmt 5
48 kpi-kci-path-mgmt 5
49 kpi-kci-system 5
50 complete-kpi-kci 5
51 aa-performance 15
52 complete-ethernet-port 15
53 extended-service-ingress-egress 5
54 complete-network-ing-egr 15
55 aa-partition 15
56 complete-pm 5
63 aa-admit-deny 15
0 nat-binding-port-block 0
65 network-interface-ingress-octets 15
66 network-interface-egress-octets 15
67 network-interface-ingress-packets 15
68 network-interface-egress-packets 15
69 combined-network-interface-ingress 15
70 combined-network-interface-egress 15
71 complete-network-interface-ing-egr 15
72 access-egress-octets 15
73 access-egress-packets 15
74 combined-access-egress 15
75 combined-network-egress 15
76 complete-service-activation-test 5
77 combined-mpls-srte-egress 5
Default collection interval for accounting records lists the accounting record names available and the default collection interval.
Record Type |
Accounting Record Name |
Default Interval |
1 |
service-ingress-octets |
5 |
2 |
service-egress-octets |
5 |
3 |
service-ingress-packets |
5 |
4 |
service-egress-packets |
5 |
5 |
network-ingress-octets |
15 |
6 |
network-egress-octets |
15 |
7 |
network-ingress-packets |
15 |
8 |
network-egress-packets |
15 |
9 |
compact-service-ingress-octets |
5 |
10 |
combined-service-ingress |
5 |
11 |
combined-network-ing-egr-octets |
15 |
12 |
combined-service-ing-egr-octets |
5 |
13 |
complete-service-ingress-egress |
5 |
14 |
combined-sdp-ingress-egress |
5 |
15 |
complete-sdp-ingress-egress |
5 |
16 |
complete-subscriber-ingress-egress |
5 |
17 |
aa-protocol |
15 |
18 |
aa-application |
15 |
19 |
aa-app-group |
15 |
20 |
aa-subscriber-protocol |
15 |
21 |
aa-subscriber-application |
15 |
23 |
custom-record-subscriber |
5 |
24 |
custom-record-service |
5 |
25 |
custom-record-aa-sub |
15 |
26 |
queue-group-octets |
15 |
27 |
queue-group-packets |
15 |
28 |
combined-queue-group |
15 |
29 |
combined-mpls-lsp-ingress |
5 |
30 |
combined-mpls-lsp-egress |
5 |
31 |
combined-ldp-lsp-egress |
5 |
32 |
saa |
5 |
33 |
video |
10 |
34 |
kpi-system |
5 |
35 |
kpi-bearer-mgmt |
5 |
36 |
kpi-bearer-traffic |
5 |
37 |
kpi-ref-point |
5 |
38 |
kpi-path-mgmt |
5 |
39 |
kci-iom-3 |
5 |
40 |
kci-system |
5 |
41 |
kci-bearer-mgmt |
5 |
42 |
kci-path-mgmt |
5 |
43 |
complete-kpi |
5 |
44 |
complete-kci |
5 |
45 |
kpi-bearer-group |
5 |
46 |
kpi-ref-path-group |
5 |
47 |
kpi-kci-bearer-mgmt |
5 |
48 |
kpi-kci-path-mgmt |
5 |
49 |
kpi-kci-system |
5 |
50 |
complete-kpi-kci |
5 |
51 |
aa-performance |
15 |
52 |
complete-ethernet-port |
15 |
53 |
extended-service-ingress-egress |
5 |
54 |
complete-network-ing-egr |
15 |
55 |
aa-partition |
15 |
56 |
complete-pm |
5 |
63 |
aa-admit-deny |
15 |
0 |
nat-binding-port-block |
0 |
65 |
network-interface-ingress-octets |
15 |
66 |
network-interface-egress-octets |
15 |
67 |
network-interface-ingress-packets |
15 |
68 |
network-interface-egress-packets |
15 |
69 |
combined-network-interface-ingress |
15 |
70 |
combined-network-interface-egress |
15 |
71 |
complete-network-interface-ing-egr |
15 |
72 |
access-egress-octets |
15 |
73 |
access-egress-packets |
15 |
74 |
combined-access-egress |
15 |
75 |
combined-network-egress |
15 |
76 |
complete-service-activation-test |
5 |
77 |
combined-mpls-srte-egress |
5 |
acct-off [radius-server-policy policy-name] [ force] [acct-terminate-cause number]
[Tree] (tools>perform>aaa acct-off)
Full Context
tools perform aaa acct-off
This command triggers a RADIUS Accounting-Off message:
for all radius-server-policies that have acct-on-off configured
for the specified radius-server-policy if the acct-on-off is configured
The Accounting-Off message is not sent when the last successful event for the radius server policy was an Accounting-Off message. In this case, an Accounting-On should be sent first. By specifying the keyword force, this is overruled.
- policy-name
Specifies the radius-server-policy for which the Accounting-Off should be sent.
- force
Sends an Accounting-On also if the last successful event was an Accounting-Off.
- number
Overrides the default Acct-Terminate-Cause (User-Request) in the Accounting-Off message.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
acct-on [radius-server-policy policy-name] [ force]
[Tree] (tools>perform>aaa acct-on)
Full Context
tools perform aaa acct-on
This command triggers a RADIUS Accounting-On message:
for all radius-server-policies that have acct-on-off configured.
for the specified radius-server-policy if the acct-on-off is configured
The Accounting-On message is not sent when the last successful event for the RADIUS server policy was an Accounting-On message. In this case, an Accounting-Off should be sent first. By specifying the keyword force, this is overruled.
- policy-name
Specifies the radius-server-policy for which the Accounting-On should be sent.
- force
Sends an Accounting-On also if the last successful event was an Accounting-On.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
acct-on-off-group [group-name]
[Tree] (show>aaa acct-on-off-group)
Full Context
show aaa acct-on-off-group
This command displays Acct-On-Off group information and the associated RADIUS server policies.
- group-name
Displays information pertaining to the specified acct-on-off group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AAA Acct-On-Off group information.
Output Example# show aaa acct-on-off-group "group-1"
Acct-On-Off-Group Information
acct on off group name : group-1
- controlling Radius-Server-policy :
- monitored by Radius-Server-policy :
Nbr of Acct-on-off-groups displayed : 1
Label |
Description |
acct on off group name |
The name of a RADIUS server policy Accounting-On-Off-Group |
controlling Radius-Server-policy |
The controlling RADIUS server policy name |
monitored by Radius-Server-policy |
The policy monitored a RADIUS server policy. |
Nbr of Acct-on-off-groups displayed |
The RADIUS policy that controls the Acct-On-Off group |
accu-stats subscriber subscriber-id
[Tree] (show>subscriber-mgmt accu-stats)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats
This command displays the accumulated statistics for both online and offline statistics.
- subscriber-id
Specifies the subscriber ID, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber statistics.
Output ExampleA:active# show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats subscriber home-1
Subscriber accumulated statistics for "home-1”
Subscriber accumulated statistics ingress queue 1
packets octets
Offered high priority 0 0
Offered low priority 0 0
Dropped high priority 0 0
Dropped low priority 0 0
Forwarded in-profile 0 0
Forwarded out-of-profile 0 0
Subscriber accumulated statistics egress queue 1
packets octets
Forwarded in-profile 0 0
Forwarded out-of-profile 0 0
Dropped in-profile 0 0
Dropped out-of--profile 0 0
Output fields: accumulated statistics describes accumulated statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
packets |
The number of packets associated with this policy |
octets |
The number of octets associated with this policy |
Offered high priority |
The number of offered high priority packets or octets |
Offered low priority |
The number of offered low priority packets or octets |
Dropped high priority |
The number of dropped high priority packets or octets |
Forwarded in-profile |
The number of forwarded in-profile packets or octets |
Forwarded out-of-profile |
The number of forwarded out-of-profile packets or octets |
Dropped in-profile |
The number of dropped in-profile packets or octets |
Dropped out-of-profile |
The number of dropped out-of-profile packets or octets |
accu-stats active-subs no-accu-stats-policy
accu-stats active-subs sub-profile profile-name
accu-stats inactive-subs
accu-stats subscriber subscriber-id
[Tree] (clear>subscriber-mgmt accu-stats)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats
This command removes the accumulated statistics for a subscriber.
- active-subs no accu-stats-policy
Removes the accumulated statistics that are no longer associated with an accu-stats-policy. These are active subscribers that are referencing a subscriber profile that removed an accu-stats-policy.
- active-subs sub-profile profile-name
Removes the accumulated statistics for the specified subscriber profile.
- inactive-subs
Removes the accumulated statistics from all inactive subscribers.
- profile-name
Specifies the subscriber profile up to 32 characters.
- subscriber-id
Specifies the subscriber up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
accu-stats-policy policy-name [associations]
[Tree] (show>subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-policy)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-policy
This command displays the configuration of the accumulated statistics policy for the subscriber profile that referenced the accumulated statistics policy.
- policy-name
Specifies the policy name, up to 32 characters.
- associations
Lists the sub-profile that referenced the policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management accumulated statistics information.
Output ExampleA:active# show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-policy "accu-stats-policy-01” associations
Subscriber profile associations
No. of subscriber profiles: 2
A:active# show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-policy "accu-stats-policy-01”
Subscriber accumulated statistics policy accu-stats-policy-01
Description : (Not Specified)
Last management change : 09/23/2016 16:48:46
Direction Type Id
ingress queue 1
egress queue 1
Output fields: accumulated statistics policy describes subscriber management accumulated statistics policy fields.
Field |
Description |
Description |
The user provided description of this policy |
Last management change |
The date and time of the last management change |
Direction Type |
The specific direction for the policer or the queue to be stored, ingress or egress |
ID |
The queue ID |
No. of subscriber profiles |
The number of entries matching the search criteria |
accu-stats-subscribers [subscriber sub-ident] [ sub-profile name]
[Tree] (show>subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-subscribers)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-subscribers
This command lists all subscribers on the system that had referenced an accumulated statistics policy. The list contains subscribers that are currently referencing an accu-stats-policy as well as subscribers that no longer reference an accu-stats-policy (due to removal of the policy from the subscriber profile).
- sub-ident
Specifies a specific subscriber ID, up to 32 characters.
- sub-profile name
Lists all subscribers that are referencing the specified subscriber profile, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management accumulated statistics information.
Output Example*DUT# show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-subscribers
Subscribers with accumulated statistics
Subscriber : home-1
Subscriber profile : no-prof
Accumulated-stats policy : accu-stats-policy-01
Subscriber : home-2
Subscriber profile : no-prof
Accumulated-stats policy : accu-stats-policy-02
Subscriber : twamp-host
Subscriber profile : no-prof
Accumulated-stats policy : (Unknown)
No. of Subscribers with accumulated statistics: 3
Output Example
The show subscriber-mgmt status system command shows the number of subscribers using accumulated statistics and whether the statistics usage has reached the peak value.
*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt status system
Subscriber Management System Status
Chassis 1
Memory usage high : No
DHCP message processing overload : No
Statistics usage high : Yes
Number of subscribers using statistics : 131072
Data-trigger statistics
Packets received : 0
Packets dropped : 0
Packets in queue (actual) : 0
Packets in queue (peak) : 0
Bridged Residential Gateway statistics
BRG initialized : 0
BRG operational : 0
BRG in connectivity verification : 0
BRG on hold : 0
BRG authenticated by proxy : 0
Output fields: status system describes subscriber management status system fields.
Field |
Description |
Chassis |
The chassis number |
Memory usage high |
The memory usage of the subscriber management function on this chassis is near the limit; Yes or No |
DHCP message processing overload |
The subscriber management DHCP message processing function is in overload; Yes or No |
Statistics usage high |
The memory used for subscriber statistics on this chassis is near the limit; Yes or No |
Number of subscribers using statistics |
The number of subscribers using memory to store accumulated statistics |
Packets received |
The number of data packets received that may trigger creation of data-triggered subscriber hosts on this system |
Packets dropped |
The number of data packets dropped that could have triggered creation of data-triggered subscriber hosts on this system |
Packets in queue (actual) |
The number of data packets currently in the waiting queue that may trigger creation of data-triggered subscriber hosts on this system |
Packets in queue (peak) |
The maximum value of the packets in queue object since the start up of this system or the last time that the value of packets in queue was reset |
BRG initialized |
The number of BRGs with the init timer running; waiting for the first host |
BRG operational |
The number of BRGs in the normal operating state, with dynamic hosts |
BRG in connectivity verification |
The number of BRGs with no hosts, pinging the residential gateway |
BRG on hold |
The number of BRGs with no hosts attached, in hold |
BRG authenticated by proxy |
The number of BRGs in this system |
[Tree] (tools>perform>filter>redirect-policy activate-best-dest)
Full Context
tools perform filter redirect-policy activate-best-dest
This command allows the operator to force a PBR switch to the best destination selected by the redirect policy when that destination is not currently active as result of sticky destination functionality being enabled for the specified redirect policy. If hold-time-up is running, the timer is also expired.
[Tree] (tools>perform>filter>ipv6-filter>entry activate-primary-action)
[Tree] (tools>perform>filter>ip-filter>entry activate-primary-action)
[Tree] (tools>perform>filter>mac-filter>entry activate-primary-action)
Full Context
tools perform filter ipv6-filter entry activate-primary-action
tools perform filter ip-filter entry activate-primary-action
tools perform filter mac-filter entry activate-primary-action
This command allows an operator to activate the primary action for the given filter policy entry. If the primary action is already active, the command has no effect. If a secondary action is active, the primary action will be activated unless the primary target is down. If the sticky destination timer is running for the primary action entry, it will expire.
active egress-lsp [tunnel-id]
active detail [family] [egress-if port-id]
active detail [family] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active detail [egress-nh ip-address] [family]
active egress-if port-id [summary | detail] [ family]
active egress-lsp tunnel-id [summary | detail] [family]
active egress-nh [family] [summary | detail] ip-address
active ipv4 [summary | detail] [ egress-if port-id]
active ipv4 [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active ipv4 [summary | detail] [ egress-nh ip-address]
active ipv6 [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active ipv6 [summary | detail] [ egress-nh ip-address]
active ipv6 [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [summary | detail] [ egress-if port-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [ summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [rd rd] [ summary | detail] [egress-if port-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [ rd rd] [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [rd rd] [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [ egress-if port-id] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [ egress-nh ip-address] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [ egress-if port-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [ egress-nh ip-address] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [ summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [ summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [ summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [ summary | detail] [innermost-root ip-address]
active prefixes [family] [summary | detail] [ egress-if port-id] [community community]
active prefixes [family] [summary | detail] [ egress-lsp tunnel-id] [community community]
active prefixes [egress-nh ip-address] [ family] [summary | detail] [ community community]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [ summary | detail] [egress-if port-id] [community community]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id] [ community community]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [egress-nh ip-address] [summary | detail] [ community community]
active summary [family] [egress-if port-id]
active summary [family] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active summary [egress-nh ip-address] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>ldp>bindings active)
Full Context
show router ldp bindings active
This command display information about LDP active bindings.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- summary
Displays information in a summarized format.
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 active LDP information.
- opaque-type opaque-type
Specifies the type of a Multi-Point Opaque Value Element.
- egress-lsp tunnel-id
Displays LDP active bindings by matching on the egress RSVP-TE LSP tunnel-id for LDP FECs which are tunneled over a RSVP-TE LSP. The tunnel-id for the RSVP-TE LSP can be found in the output of the show router mpls lsp detail command and in the show router tunnel-table command. It is not the path LSP ID shown in the output of the show router mpls lsp path detail command.
- egress-nh ip-address
Displays LDP active bindings by matching egress-nh.
- egress-if port-id
Displays LDP active bindings by matching egress-if.
- inner-root ip-address
Displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address.
- innermost-root ip-address
Displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address and non-recursive FECs that have a root address that matches the specified address.
- p2mp source ip-address
Displays LDP active P2MP source bindings.
- p2mp-id identifier
Displays LDP active P2MP identifier bindings.
- group mcast-address
Displays the P2MP group multicast address bindings.
- root ip-address
Displays root IP address information.
- rd rd
Displays information for the route distinguisher.
- prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length
Specifies information for the specified IP prefix and mask length.
- community
The string defining the LDP community assigned to the session. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters excluding double quotes. If the string contains spaces, use double quotes to delimit the start and end of the string.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Label Status:
U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, M - Community Mismatch, BA - ASBR Backup FEC
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(I) - SR-ISIS Next Hop (O) - SR-OSPF Next Hop
(C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262143 1/1/1 Push -- 262143 lag-1 Swap 262140 262143 lag-1 Pop 262143 --
-- -- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262143 2/1/1 Swap 262137 262143 2/1/1 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Swap 262138 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:103/128 Pop 262142 --
-- --
3ffe::a14:104/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:104/128 Swap 262134 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:105/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:105/128 Swap 262132 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:106/128 Push -- 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Swap 262133 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : lag-1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 333 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262140 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : lag-1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 333 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 262143 Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262139 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262137 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262137
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 2000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262135 Egr Lbl : 262137
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 2000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262136 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:102/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : lag-1
EgrNextHop : fe80::122
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 333 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:102/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262138 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : lag-1
EgrNextHop : fe80::122
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 333 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:103/128
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 262142 Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:104/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::114
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:104/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262134 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::114
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:105/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::55
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:105/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262132 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::55
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:106/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262136
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::114
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 2000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:106/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262133 Egr Lbl : 262136
Egr Int/LspId : 2/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::114
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 2000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active egress-if 2/1/2
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 4
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:104/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:104/128 Swap 262134 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Push -- 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Swap 262133 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 4
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active egress-nh
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 4
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active ipv4
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262143 1/1/1 Push -- 262143 lag-1 Swap 262140 262143 lag-1 Pop 262143 --
-- -- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262143 2/1/1 Swap 262137 262143 2/1/1 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active ipv6
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Swap 262138 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:103/128 Pop 262142 --
-- --
3ffe::a14:104/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:104/128 Swap 262134 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:105/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:105/128 Swap 262132 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:106/128 Push -- 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Swap 262133 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active summary
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
No. of Generic IPv6 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262143 1/1/1 Push -- 262143 lag-1 Swap 262140 262143 lag-1 Pop 262143 --
-- -- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262143 2/1/1 Swap 262137 262143 2/1/1 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Swap 262138 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:103/128 Pop 262142 --
-- --
3ffe::a14:104/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:104/128 Swap 262134 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:105/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:105/128 Swap 262132 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:106/128 Push -- 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Swap 262133 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes ipv4
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262143 1/1/1 Push -- 262143 lag-1 Swap 262140 262143 lag-1 Pop 262143 --
-- -- Push -- 262143 2/1/2 Swap 262139 262143 2/1/2 Push -- 262143 2/1/1 Swap 262137 262143 2/1/1 Push -- 262137 2/1/2 Swap 262135 262137 2/1/2
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes ipv6
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:102/128 Swap 262138 262142
fe80::122 lag-1
3ffe::a14:103/128 Pop 262142 --
-- --
3ffe::a14:104/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:104/128 Swap 262134 262142
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:105/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:105/128 Swap 262132 262142
fe80::55 2/1/1
3ffe::a14:106/128 Push -- 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
3ffe::a14:106/128 Swap 262133 262136
fe80::114 2/1/2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 11
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix 3ffe::a14:101/128 detail
egress-if 1/1/1
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262136 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix 3ffe::a14:101/128 egress-
nh fe80::21
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
8193 77156 Pop 255042 --
-- --
8193 77156 Swap 255042 259773 3/1/5:1
8193 77156 Pop 258780BU --
-- --
8193 77156 Swap 258780BU 259773 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Pop 255041 --
-- --
8194 77157 Swap 255041 259772 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Pop 258779BU --
-- --
8194 77157 Swap 258779BU 259772 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Pop 255040 --
-- --
8195 77158 Swap 255040 259769 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Pop 258777BU --
-- --
8195 77158 Swap 258777BU 259769
The following show output displays recursive FECs.
A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active p2mp
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73728 Pop 262135 --
-- -- (UF) 73728 Swap 262135 Stitched
-- -- (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 lag-1 (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 1/1/2:2
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp p2mp-id 1 root
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
1 73728 Pop 253348 --
-- --
1 73728 Swap 253348 256245 3/2/3:8
1 73728 Pop 260103BU --
-- --
1 73728 Swap 260103BU 256245 3/2/3:8
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp p2mp-id 1 root summary
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp p2mp-id 1 root detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 253348
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 253348
Egr Lbl : 256245
Egr Int/LspId : 3/2/3:8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : src-1.8
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1500
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 260103BU
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 260103BU
Egr Lbl : 256245
Egr Int/LspId : 3/2/3:8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : src-1.8
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1500
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp p2mp-
id 1 root detail egress-
if 3/2/3:8
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 253348
Egr Lbl : 256245
Egr Int/LspId : 3/2/3:8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : src-1.8
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1500
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 1
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 260103BU
Egr Lbl : 256245
Egr Int/LspId : 3/2/3:8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : src-1.8
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1500
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 2
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp p2mp-id 1 root egress-nh
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
1 73728 Swap 253348 256245 3/2/3:8
1 73728 Swap 260103BU 256245 3/2/3:8
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 2
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp ipv4 summary
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 8870
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 182
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 0
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp ipv4 detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 255042
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 255042
Egr Lbl : 259773
Egr Int/LspId : 3/1/5:1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : sicily1-1:1
Metric : 1 Mtu : 9194
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 258780BU
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 258780BU
Egr Lbl : 259773
Egr Int/LspId : 3/1/5:1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : sicily1-1:1
Metric : 1 Mtu : 9194
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8194
Root-Addr :
Op : Pop
Ing Lbl : 255041
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp ipv4 egress-if 3/1/5:1
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
8193 77156 Swap 255042 259773 3/1/5:1
8193 77156 Swap 258780BU 259773 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 255041 259772 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 258779BU 259772 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 255040 259769 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 258777BU 259769 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 255039 259768 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 258772BU 259768 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 255034 259762 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 258758BU 259762 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 255033 259761 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 258755BU 259761
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp ipv4 egress-nh
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
8193 77156 Swap 255042 259773 3/1/5:1
8193 77156 Swap 258780BU 259773 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 255041 259772 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 258779BU 259772 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 255040 259769 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 258777BU 259769 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 255039 259768 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 258772BU 259768 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 255034 259762 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 258758BU 259762 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 255033 259761 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 258755BU 259761
*A:SRU4# show router ldp bindings active p2mp ipv4 egress-if 3/1/5:1 opaque-type
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::6e14:104[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
8193 77156 Swap 255042 259773 3/1/5:1
8193 77156 Swap 258780BU 259773 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 255041 259772 3/1/5:1
8194 77157 Swap 258779BU 259772 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 255040 259769 3/1/5:1
8195 77158 Swap 258777BU 259769 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 255039 259768 3/1/5:1
8196 77159 Swap 258772BU 259768 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 255034 259762 3/1/5:1
8197 77160 Swap 258758BU 259762 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 255033 259761 3/1/5:1
8198 77161 Swap 258755BU 259761
The following show output displays recursive FECs.
A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active p2mp source group
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73728 Pop 262135 --
-- -- (UF) 73728 Swap 262135 Stitched
-- -- (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 lag-1 (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 1/1/2:2
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active p2mp source group
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73728 Pop 262135 --
-- -- (UF) 73728 Swap 262135 Stitched
-- -- (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 lag-1 (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 1/1/2:2
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 4
A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active p2mp source group
inner-root root
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 lag-1 (LF) Unknw Push -- 262139 1/1/2:2
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Active Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix 3ffe::a14:101/128
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix 3ffe::a14:101/128 detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262136 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-C>config>router>isis# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103)
Label Status:
U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, BA - ASBR Backup FEC
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(I) - SR-ISIS Next Hop (O) - SR-OSPF Next Hop
(C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swap 262122 474387 1/1/1
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 1
*A:Dut-C>config>router>isis# show router ldp bindings prefixes prefix
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103)
Label Status:
U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, BA - ASBR Backup FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262122U 262131 --
-- 262122U 262140 --
-- 262122U 262139 --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 3
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings prefixes prefix
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Label Status:
U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, BA - ASBR Backup FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262142U 262142 --
-- 262142U -- --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Label Status:
U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, BA - ASBR Backup FEC
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(I) - SR-ISIS Next Hop (O) - SR-OSPF Next Hop
(C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swap 262142 262142 LspId 65545
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 1
*A:Dut-C# show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 LspId 5 Push -- 262143 LspId 6 Push -- 262143 LspId 7 Push -- 262143 LspId 8 Swap 262141 262143 LspId 5 Swap 262141 262143 LspId 6 Swap 262141 262143 LspId 7 Swap 262141 262143 LspId 8
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 8
show router ldp bindings active prefixes prefix detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 5
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_5
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 6
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_6
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 7
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_7
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_8
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 5
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_5
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
CBF Default LSP: No CBF FC : None
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 6
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_6
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
CBF Default LSP: No CBF FC : None
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 7
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_7
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
CBF Default LSP: Yes CBF FC : be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : LspId 8
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Lsp Name : B_C_8
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1492
CBF Default LSP: No CBF FC : None
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 8
active-subscribers detail
active-subscribers mirror
active-subscribers [summary]
[Tree] (show>service active-subscribers)
Full Context
show service active-subscribers
This command displays active subscriber information.
- detail
Displays detailed output.
- mirror
Displays active subscriber mirror information.
- summary
Displays active subscriber information in a brief format.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of active service subscriber information. Output fields: active subscriber describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show service active-subscribers
Active Subscribers
Subscriber hpolSub1 (hpolSubProf2)
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-1:2000.1 - sla:hpolSlaProf1
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:01:00:00:03:c1 PPP 1 IPCP 1000 Y
(2) SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-1:2000.1 - sla:hpolSlaProf2
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:01:00:00:03:22 N/A ARP-Host 1000 Y
00:01:00:00:03:c2 PPP 1 IPCP 1000 Y
Subscriber hpolSub16 (hpolSubProf1)
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:[lag-1:2000.2] - sla:hpolSlaProf1
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:01:00:00:03:df PPP 1 IPCP 1000 Y
Subscriber hpolSub2 (hpolSubProf1)
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-1:2000.1 - sla:hpolSlaProf1
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:01:00:00:03:c3 PPP 1 IPCP 1000 Y
Number of active subscribers : 3
*A:EsrC# show service active-subscribers mirror
Active Subscribers
Subscriber user1 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 l2 af l1 nc
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 l2 af l1 nc
Subscriber user10 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 af ef h1 nc
Subscriber user11 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:02 Static
Egress mirror: 100 l2 ef h1
Subscriber user12 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:03 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user13 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 l1 ef h1
Subscriber user14 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:02 Static
Egress mirror: 100 l2 h2 ef h1
Subscriber user15 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:03 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 l1 nc
Egress mirror: 100 l1 nc
Subscriber user16 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af nc
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af nc
Subscriber user17 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla2
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 af l1 h1
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla2
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 af l1 h1
Subscriber user18 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla3
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 h2
Egress mirror: 100 h2
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla3
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 h2
Egress mirror: 100 h2
Subscriber user2 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user3 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:11 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user4 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user5 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user6 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be af l1 h2
Egress mirror: 100 be af l1 h2
Subscriber user7 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Subscriber user8 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Egress mirror: 100 be af l1 h1 nc
Subscriber user9 (sub1)
SLA Profile Instance sap:lag-8:1 - sla:sla1
IP Address MAC Address Origin
--------------------------------------------- 00:00:01:00:00:01 Static
Ingress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Egress mirror: 100 be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
*B:Dut-C# show service active-subscribers detail
Active Subscribers
Subscriber basic1
I. Sched. Policy : N/A
E. Sched. Policy : HSch1 E. Agg Rate Limit: Max
E. Min Resv Bw : 1
I. Policer Ctrl. : N/A
E. Policer Ctrl. : N/A
I. vport-hashing : Disabled
I. sec-sh-hashing: Disabled
Q Frame-Based Ac*: Disabled
Acct. Policy : N/A Collect Stats : Disabled
ANCP Pol. : N/A
Accu-stats-pol : (Not Specified)
HostTrk Pol. : N/A
IGMP Policy : igmp1
MLD Policy : mld1
PIM Policy : N/A
Sub. MCAC Policy : N/A
NAT Policy : N/A
Firewall Policy : N/A
UPnP Policy : N/A
NAT Prefix List : N/A
Allow NAT bypass : No
NAT access mode : auto
Def. Encap Offset: none Encap Offset Mode: none
Vol stats type : full
Preference : 5
LAG hash class : 1
LAG hash weight : 1
Sub. ANCP-String : "basic1"
Sub. Int Dest Id : ""
Igmp Rate Adj : N/A
RADIUS Rate-Limit: N/A
Oper-Rate-Limit : Maximum
Radius Accounting
Policy : radacct
Session Opti.Stop: False
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
(1) SLA Profile Instance
- sap:1/1/2:51 (VPRN 10 - gi-1-6)
- sla:slaS2S1
Description : SLA Profile Id slaS2S1
Control plane(s) : local
Host Limits : No Limit
Session Limits : No Limit
Egr Sched-Policy : N/A
Ingress Qos-Policy : 11 Egress Qos-Policy : 110
Ingress Queuing Type : Service-queuing (Not Applicable to Policer)
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : N/A Egr IP Fltr-Id : N/A
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : N/A Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : N/A
Ingress Report-Rate : Maximum
Egress Report-Rate : Maximum
Egress Remarking : from Sap Qos
Credit Control Pol. : N/A
Category Map : (Not Specified)
Use ing L2TP DSCP : false
Default SPI sharing : per-sap
Hs-Agg-Rate-Limit : Maximum
Egress HS Q stat mode: no-override
Bonding Rate-thresh. : high 90 low 80
Bonding Weight : weight 100 5
Hs-Oper-Rate-Limit : Maximum
Egr hqos mgmt status : disabled
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
10:00:00:00:01:10 N/A DHCP6 10 Y
SLA Profile Instance statistics
Packets Octets
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 5 670
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 11)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 5 670
Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 110)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 5 670
SLA Profile Instance per Queue statistics
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 2 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 3 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 4 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 5 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 6 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 7 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 8 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 9 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 5 670
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 5 670
Egress Queue 1
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 2
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 3
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 5 670
Egress Queue 4
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 5
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 6
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 7
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 8
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
(2) SLA Profile Instance
- sap:1/1/2:113 (VPRN 10 - gi-1-11)
- sla:sla17S1 PPP session:23
Description : SLA Profile Id sla17S1
Control plane(s) : local
Host Limits : No Limit
Session Limits : No Limit
Egr Sched-Policy : N/A
Ingress Qos-Policy : 17 Egress Qos-Policy : 110
Ingress Queuing Type : Service-queuing (Not Applicable to Policer)
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : N/A Egr IP Fltr-Id : N/A
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : N/A Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : N/A
Ingress Report-Rate : Maximum
Egress Report-Rate : Maximum
Egress Remarking : from Sap Qos
Credit Control Pol. : ccpol
Category Map : (Not Specified)
Use ing L2TP DSCP : false
Default SPI sharing : per-session
Hs-Agg-Rate-Limit : Maximum
Egress HS Q stat mode: no-override
Bonding Rate-thresh. : high 90 low 80
Bonding Weight : weight 100 5
Hs-Oper-Rate-Limit : Maximum
Egr hqos mgmt status : disabled
Credit Control Policy: ccpol
Category Map : catmap1
Diameter Session Gy : router.be;1624914238;80
CC Failure Handling : terminate
Number of categories
static : 1
gx-session : 0
gx-pcc : 0
Category Name : cat1
Ingress Queues : 1
Egress Queues : 1
Ingress Policers : (Not Specified)
Egress Policers : (Not Specified)
Credit Volume Used : 0 Credit Time Used : 213
Credit Volume Avail. : 0 Credit Time Avail. : 87
Credit Volume Thres. : 0 Credit Time Thres. : 0
Credit Expired : False Credit Negotiating : False
Out Of Credit Action : None Quota Holding Time : 0
Validity Time Used : 212 Validity Time Avail. : 988
HTTP Rdr URL Override: (Not Specified)
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
10:00:00:00:01:91 PPP 1 IPCP 10 Y
10:00:00:00:01:91 PPP 1 SLAAC 10 Y
SLA Profile Instance statistics
Packets Octets
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 10 1320
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 17)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 10 1320
Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 110)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 10 1320
SLA Profile Instance per Queue statistics
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 2 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 10 1320
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 10 1320
Ingress Queue 3 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 2
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 3
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 10 1320
Egress Queue 4
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 5
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 6
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 7
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 8
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Number of active subscribers : 1
Output fields: active subscriber describes active subscriber output fields.
Field |
Description |
Active Subscribers |
The active subscriber’s name |
IP Address |
The IP address of the active subscriber |
MAC Address |
The MAC address of the active subscriber |
Session |
The session type |
Origin |
The IPCP parameter |
Svc |
The service ID |
Fwd |
Option to forward |
Number of active subscribers |
The total number of active subscribers |
adjacency [detail]
[Tree] (show>service>id>spb adjacency)
Full Context
show service id spb adjacency
This command displays SPB adjacency information.
- detail
Shows detailed information
The following output is an example of service SPB adjacency information.
Output Example===============================================================================
ISIS Adjacency
System ID Usage State Hold Interface MT Enab
Dut-B L1 Up 19 sap:1/2/2:1.1 No
Dut-C L1 Up 21 sap:1/2/3:1.1 No
Adjacencies : 2
adjacency [ip-address | ip-int-name | nbr-system-id] [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>isis adjacency)
Full Context
show router isis adjacency
This command displays information regarding IS-IS neighbors. When no ip-address, ip-int-name, or nbr-system-id is specified, then all adjacencies are displayed.
- ip-address
When specified, only adjacencies with that interface is displayed.
- ip-int-name
When specified, only adjacencies with that interface is displayed.
- nbr-system-id
When specified, only the adjacency with that ID is displayed.
- detail
All output is displayed in the detailed format.
- mt-id-number
Specifies the multi topology ID number for this route.
Standard and Detailed IS-IS Adjacency Output
Output fields: adjacency describes the standard and detailed command output fields for an IS-IS adjacency.
Label |
Description |
Interface |
Interface name associated with the neighbor. |
System-id |
Neighbor’s system ID. |
Level |
1-L1 only, 2-L2 only, 3-L1 and L2. |
State |
Up, down, new, one-way, initializing, or rejected. |
Hold |
Hold time remaining for the adjacency. |
Subnetwork point of attachment, MAC address of the next hop. |
Circuit type |
Level on the interface L1, L2, or both. |
Expires In |
Number of seconds until adjacency expires. |
Priority |
Priority to become designated router. |
Up/down transitions |
Number of times neighbor state has changed. |
Event |
Event causing last transition. |
Last transition |
Time since last transition change. |
Speaks |
Supported protocols (only IP). |
IP address |
IP address of neighbor. |
MT enab |
Yes — The neighbor is advertising at least 1 non MTID#0. |
Topology |
Derived from the MT TLV in the IIH
Not supported MTIDs => Topology line suppressed |
*A:Dut-C# show router isis adjacency
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Adjacency
System ID Usage State Hold Interface MT-ID
Dut-B L1L2 Up 23 to_Dut-B 0
Dut-D L1L2 Up 23 to_Dut-D1 0
Adjacencies : 2
*A:Dut-C# show router isis adjacency Dut-D detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Adjacency (detail)
SystemID : Dut-D SNPA : 00:00:00:00:00:04
Interface : to_Dut-D1 Up Time : 0d 00:05:23
State : Up Priority : 0
Nbr Sys Typ : L1L2 L. Circ Typ : L1L2
Hold Time : 19 Max Hold : 27
Adj Level : L1L2 MT Enabled : No
Topology : Unicast
IPv6 Neighbor : fe80::200:ff:fe00:4
IPv4 Neighbor :
IPv4 Adj SID : Label 262139
Restart Support : Disabled
Restart Status : Not currently being helped
Restart Suppressed : Disabled
Number of Restarts: 0
Last Restart at : Never
*A:ALA-A# show router isis adjacency
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Adjacency
System ID Usage State Hold Interface
asbr_east L2 Up 25 if2/5
Adjacencies : 1
*A:ALA-A# show router isis adjacency if2/5
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Adjacency
System ID Usage State Hold Interface
asbr_east L2 Up 20 if2/5
Adjacencies : 1
*A:Dut-A# show router isis adjacency detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Adjacency (detail)
SystemID : Dut-B SNPA : 20:81:01:01:00:01
Interface : ip-3FFE::A0A:101 Up Time : 0d 00:56:10
State : Up Priority : 64
Nbr Sys Typ : L1 L. Circ Typ : L1
Hold Time : 2 Max Hold : 2
Adj Level : L1 MT Enabled : Yes
Topology : Unicast, IPv6-Unicast
IPv6 Neighbor : FE80::2281:1FF:FE01:1
IPv4 Neighbor :
Restart Support : Disabled
Restart Status : Not currently being helped
Restart Supressed : Disabled
Number of Restarts: 0
Last Restart at : Never
SystemID : Dut-B SNPA : 20:81:01:01:00:01
Interface : ip-3FFE::A0A:101 Up Time : 0d 00:56:10
State : Up Priority : 64
Nbr Sys Typ : L2 L. Circ Typ : L2
Hold Time : 2 Max Hold : 2
Adj Level : L2 MT Enabled : Yes
Topology : Unicast, IPv6-Unicast
IPv6 Neighbor : FE80::2281:1FF:FE01:1
IPv4 Neighbor :
Restart Support : Disabled
Restart Status : Not currently being helped
Restart Supressed : Disabled
Number of Restarts: 0
Last Restart at : Never
SystemID : Dut-F SNPA : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Interface : ies-1-3FFE::A0A:1501 Up Time : 0d 01:18:34
State : Up Priority : 0
Nbr Sys Typ : L1L2 L. Circ Typ : L1L2
Hold Time : 5 Max Hold : 6
Adj Level : L1L2 MT Enabled : Yes
Topology : Unicast, IPv6-Unicast
IPv6 Neighbor : FE80::2285:FFFF:FE00:0
IPv4 Neighbor :
Restart Support : Disabled
Restart Status : Not currently being helped
Restart Supressed : Disabled
Number of Restarts: 0
Last Restart at : Never
adjacency [system-id]
[Tree] (clear>router>isis adjacency)
Full Context
clear router isis adjacency
This command clears and resets the entries from the IS-IS adjacency database.
- system-id
When the system ID is entered, only the specified entries are removed from the IS-IS adjacency database.
adjacency [system-id]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>spb adjacency)
Full Context
clear service id spb adjacency
This command clears and resets IS-IS adjacencies.
- system-id
Specifies the system ID. When the system ID is entered, only the specified entries are removed from the IS-IS adjacency database.
adjust-autobandwidth [lsp lsp-name [force [ bandwidth mbps]]]
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>mpls adjust-autobandwidth)
Full Context
tools perform router mpls adjust-autobandwidth
This command initiates an immediate automatic bandwidth adjustment attempt for either one specific LSP or all active LSPs. The automatic bandwidth adjustment is made to the primary or secondary path of the LSP, whichever is the currently active path. If an LSP is not specified, then the system assumes the command applies to all LSPs. The optional force parameter, which is available only when an LSP is referenced, determines whether adjust-up and adjust-down threshold checks are applied. If force is not specified then the maximum average data rate must differ from the current reservation by more than the adjust-up or adjust-down thresholds, otherwise no bandwidth adjustment occurs. If the force option is specified then, bandwidth adjustment ignores the configured thresholds. If a bandwidth is specified as part of the force option then the bandwidth of the LSP is changed to this specific value, otherwise the bandwidth is changed to the maximum average data rate that has been measured by the system in the current adjust interval.
The adjust-count and maximum average data rate are not reset by the manual auto-bandwidth command, whether or not the bandwidth adjustment succeeds or fails. The overflow count is reset only if the manual auto-bandwidth attempt is successful.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name, up to 64 characters, to which this command applies. If this parameter is not supplied the command applies to all active LSPs.
- mbps
Specifies the bandwidth that the LSP should be immediately resized to.
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>policy admin)
Full Context
show application-assurance group policy admin
This command displays the application-assurance policy uncommitted changes.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the admin command.
Output Example*A:ALA-48>show>app-assure>group>policy# admin
entry 10 create
entry 10 create
admin-group [name]
[Tree] (show>router>if-attribute admin-group)
Full Context
show router if-attribute admin-group
This command displays administrative group statistics.
- name
Displays entries that are associated with the specified administrative group name, up to 32 characters.
The following output is an example of administrative group statistics, and Output fields: administrative group describes the fields.
Output Example*A:node-3# show router if-attribute admin-group
Interface Administrative Groups
Group Name Group Value
Admin 4
admin 1
No. of Groups: 2
Label |
Description |
Group Name |
The name of the administrative group |
Group Value |
The integer value of the administrative group |
No. of Groups |
The total number of displayed administrative groups |
[Tree] (tools>perform>service>id admin-lock)
Full Context
tools perform service id admin-lock
Commands in this context apply an administrative lock for a spoke SDP that is bound to a VLL SAP, another spoke-\ sdp or a VPLS interface for an MPLS-TP PW. After the PW is locked, it can be put into loopback mode. The command must be executed at both ends of the PW or MS-PW represented by the spoke-\ SDP. Test traffic can then be injected using a test SAP.
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group admit-deny-stats)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group admit-deny-stats
This command displays application-assurance admit-deny statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AA admit-deny statistics information.
Output Exampletools dump application-assurance group 1 admit-deny-stats
Application-Assurance Group 1 Admit-Deny Statistics
Packet Validation Statistics
Admitted Sub-To-Net Denied Sub-To-Net Admitted Net-To-Sub Denied Net-To-Sub
(Packets) (Packets) (Packets) (Packets)
0 0 0 0
Fragments: Out-Of-Order
0 0 0 0
Fragments: All
0 0 0 0
N/A 0 N/A 0
TCP Validation Statistics
Admitted Sub-To-Net Denied Sub-To-Net Admitted Net-To-Sub Denied Net-To-Sub
(Packets) (Packets) (Packets) (Packets)
2 0 0 0 0
net 14 1 15 1
adv-config-policy [policy-name] [association]
[Tree] (show>qos adv-config-policy)
Full Context
show qos adv-config-policy
This command displays advanced QoS policy information.
- policy-name
The name of the advanced QoS policy.
- association
Displays associations related to the specified adv-config-policy.
The following output is an example of advanced QoS policy information, and Output fields: QoS scheduler hierarchy customer describes the advanced QoS policy fields.
Output Example*A:PE# show qos adv-config-policy "adv1"
QoS Advanced Configure Policy
Policy Name : adv1
Description : (Not Specified)
OM Add PIR Prcnt : 0.00 OM Add Rate : 0
OM Add [min-only : false] [active-min-only : false]
OM Gran PIR Prcnt : 0.00 OM Gran Rate : 0
Max Dec PIR Prcnt : 100.00 Max Dec Rate : 0
Abv Off PIR Prcnt : 100.00 Abv Off Rate : max
BWD Gran PIR Prcnt : 0.00 BWD Gran Rate : 0
Fast Start : Disabled Fast Stop : Disabled
Time Average Factor : 0 [dec-only : false]
Hi Rate Hold Time : 0 [active-min-only : false]
Sample Interval : 1 Enqueue on PIR Zero : false
Limit PIR Zero Drain : false Init LUB with min PIR : false
Internal Sched Wght Mode: no-override
Unconsumed Agg-rate : 100.00 Delta Consumed Agg-rate : 20.00
Unconsumed Hi-tier-rate : 100.00 Delta Consumed Hi-tier-rate : 5.00
Label |
Description |
Policy Name |
Displays the policy name. |
Description |
Displays the policy description. |
OM Add PIR Prcnt |
Displays the percentage of the administrative PIR by which the measured rate is increased. |
OM Add Rate |
Displays the amount, in kb/s, by which the measured rate is increased. |
OM Add |
min-only — When this option is true, the system uses the specified increase as a minimum offered rate even for inactive queues or policers associated with the policy. active-min-only — When this option is true, the respective rate or percentage is treated as the minimum offered rate for a queue only when the queue has an actual non-zero offered rate. This is intended to limit the artificial increase in offered rate to queues that are currently active. When a queue’s measured offered rate drops to zero, the system stops enforcing the minimum value. |
OM Gran PIR Prcnt |
Displays the percentage of the child’s administrative PIR that is used as the threshold sensitivity to the offered rate change. If a value of 0 or 0.00 is used, the system will interpret this equivalent to no granularity. |
OM Gran Rate |
Displays the explicit rate, in kb/s, that are used as the child’s offered rate change sensitivity value. If a rate sensitivity of 0 is specified, the system interprets this equivalent to no granularity. |
Max Dec PIR Prcnt |
Displays the percentage of the child’s administrative PIR that is used as the decrement limit to the offered rate change. If a value of 100 or 100.00 is used, the system interprets this equivalent as no max-decrement. |
Max Dec Rate |
Displays the rate, in kb/s, that is used as the child’s offered rate change sensitivity value. If a rate sensitivity of 0 is specified, the system interprets this equivalent to no granularity. |
Abv Off PIR Prcnt |
Displays the percentage of the child’s administrative PIR that is used as the fair share increase limit. The new operational PIR result is capped by the child’s PIR. If a value of 0 or 0.00 is specified, the system will disable the fair share increase function and only configure the actual distribution rate. If a value of 100 or 100.00 is used, the system will interpret this equivalent to executing the no above-offered-cap command and return the fair-share operation to the default behavior. |
Abv Off Rate |
Specifies the explicit rate, in kb/s, that is used as the limit to the child’s fair share increase to the operational PIR. The new operational PIR result is capped by the child’s PIR. If a value of 0 is used, the system will disable the fair share increase function and only configure the actual distribution rate. |
BWD Gran PIR Prcnt |
Displays the percentage of the child’s administrative PIR that is used as the rounding step value. If a value of 0 or 0.00 is used, the system will interpret this equivalent to no granularity. |
BWD Gran Rate |
Displays the rate, in kb/s, that is used as the rounding step value. If a value of 0 is used, the system will interpret this equivalent to no granularity. |
Fast Start |
Displays whether fast detection of initial bandwidth on a child policer or queue associated with the policy is enabled. |
Fast Stop |
Displays whether fast detection of lack of offered rate on a child policer or queue associated with the policy is enabled. |
Time Average Factor |
Displays the time average factor used to calculate the weight of the new offered rate using a portion of the previous offered rate. If dec-only is true, the time average factor adjustment is only applied if the new offered rate is decreasing compared to the previous offered rate. |
Hi Rate Hold Time |
Displays the time period that the current offered rate is maintained for a child policer or queue when it is seen that the offered rate is decreasing. The offered measurement that triggers the hold time is used when the hold timer expires, unless a higher offered rate is seen in the interim. When a higher rate is observed, the hold timer is canceled and the higher offered rate is used immediately. If active-min-only is true, the respective rate or percentage is treated as the minimum offered rate for a queue, only when the queue has an actual non-zero offered rate. |
Sample Interval |
Displays the number of intervening sample periods before a new offered rate is measured. |
Enqueue on PIR Zero |
Displays whether enqueue-on-pir-zero is enabled. If it is enabled, when the operational PIR is set to zero, the queue’s MBS remains set to the normal value and is not also set to zero. |
Limit PIR Zero Drain |
If true, the system to use the minimum configurable PIR instead of an H-QoS derived zero operational PIR. |
Init LUB with min PIR |
If true, new queues associated with a LUB context are assigned a minimum rate operational PIR to be applied to the queue for use by enqueued packets prior to an H-QoS iteration. |
Internal Sched Wght Mode |
Specifies the internal scheduler weight: default — Specifies that queues are equally weighted, except at ingress for mixed-speed LAGs without per-fp-inq-queuing enabled and at egress for all mixed-speed LAGs, in which cases the queues are weighted based on port speed. force-equal — Specifies that the queues are always equally weighted. offered-load — Specifies that the queues are weighted based on observed offered load. capped-offered-load — Specifies that the queues are weighted based on observed offered load capped by PIR. |
Unconsumed Agg-rate |
Displays the percentage of the unconsumed aggregate rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS pass. |
Delta Consumed Agg-rate |
Displays the percentage of the delta consumed aggregate rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS pass. |
Unconsumed Hi-tier-rate |
Displays the percentage of the unconsumed higher tier rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS pass. |
Delta Consumed Hi-tier-rate |
Displays the percentage of the delta consumed higher tier rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS pass. |
[Tree] (show>qos agg-rate)
Full Context
show qos agg-rate
This command displays aggregate rate information.
aggregate [family] [active] [ detail]
[Tree] (show>router aggregate)
Full Context
show router aggregate
This command displays aggregated routes.
- active
This keyword filters out inactive aggregates.
- detail
This keyword displays detailed information.
- family
Specifies the family to display.
The following output is an example of router aggregate information, and Output fields: aggregate describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:ALA-12# show router 3 aggregate
Aggregates (Service: 3)
Prefix Summary AS Set Aggr AS Aggr IP-Address State
No. of Aggregates: 0
*A:Dut-A>config>router# show router aggregate
Aggregates (Router: Base)
Prefix Aggr IP-Address Aggr AS
Summary AS Set State
NextHop NextHopType
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0
False False Inactive Indirect 0
False False Active
No. of Aggregates: 2
*A:CPM133>config>router# show router aggregate
Aggregates (Router: Base)
Prefix Aggr IP-Address Aggr AS
Summary AS Set State
NextHop Community NextHopType
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0
False False Inactive
100:33 Blackhole
No. of Aggregates: 1
Label |
Description |
Prefix |
Displays the destination address of the aggregate route in dotted decimal notation. |
Summary |
Specifies whether the aggregate or more specific components are advertised. |
AS Set |
Displays an aggregate where the path advertised for the route consists of all elements contained in all paths that are being summarized. |
Aggr AS |
Displays the aggregator path attribute to the aggregate route. |
Aggr IP-Address |
The IP address of the aggregated route. |
State |
The operational state of the aggregated route. |
No. of Aggregates |
The total number of aggregated routes. |
alarm-contact-input {alarm-contact-input-id | all} [detail]
[Tree] (show>system alarm-contact-input)
Full Context
show system alarm-contact-input
This command displays the alarm contact input information.
- alarm-contact-input-id
Specifies the alarm contact input pin number. Alarm contact input information is displayed only for the specified pin.
- all
Displays alarm contact input information for all pins.
- detail
Displays detailed alarm contact input information for the specifies pin or all pins.
7750 SR-a
The following output is an example of alarm contact input information, and Output fields: alarm contact input describes the output fields.
Output Example============================================================
Alarm Contact Input
Alarm Input Pin Number : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
Alarm Severity : major
Alarm Raised : No
Last State Change : 03/18/2021 14:45:31
Alarm Input Pin Number : 2
Description : (Not Specified)
Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
Alarm Severity : major
Alarm Raised : No
Last State Change : 02/21/2021 11:46:45
Alarm Input Pin Number : 3
Description : (Not Specified)
Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
Alarm Severity : major
Alarm Raised : No
Last State Change : 02/22/2021 16:20:00
Alarm Input Pin Number : 4
Description : (Not Specified)
Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
Alarm Severity : major
Alarm Raised : No
Last State Change : 03/18/2021 14:45:31
Label |
Description |
Alarm Input Pin Number |
Indicates the alarm contact input pin number. |
Description |
Displays the configured description string for the alarm contact input |
Alarm Input Pin Current State |
Indicates the configured administrative state of the alarm contact input. Disabled — The alarm contact input is disabled (shutdown) and log events will not be generated for changes to the input pin status. Enabled — The alarm contact input is enabled (no shutdown) and log events are generated for changes to the input pin status as long as the log events are not suppressed in event-control configuration. |
Alarm Severity |
Indicates the configured severity of the associated CHASSIS log event. |
Alarm Raised |
Indicates if the input pin is triggered or not. |
Last State Change |
Indicates when the input pin last changed state. |
alarms [cleared] [count count] [newer-than days] [severity severity-level]
[Tree] (show>system alarms)
Full Context
show system alarms
This command displays facility alarms on the system. Alarm support covers a focused subset of router states that are likely to indicate service impacts (or imminent service impacts) related to the overall state of hardware assemblies (cards, fans, links, and so on).
Output fields: system alarms describes the alarms output fields.
Use the following command to display facility alarms on the system.
show system alarms
Alarms [Critical:1 Major:2 Minor:0 Warning:0 Total:3]
Index Date/Time Severity Alarm Resource
8 2011/04/01 18:36:43.80 MAJOR 7-2011-1 Power Supply 1
Power supply 1, power lost
7 2011/04/01 18:35:57.00 MAJOR 7-2005-1 Chassis 1
Chassis 1: temperature too high
6 2011/04/01 18:35:24.80 CRITICAL 7-2006-1 Fan 1
Fan 1 failed
Output Example
Alarms [Critical:3 Major:1 Minor:0 Warning:0 Total:4]
Index Date/Time Severity Alarm Resource
8 2022/08/23 17:06:54.70 MAJOR 7-2426-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis temperature status degraded
7 2022/08/23 17:06:54.70 CRITICAL 7-2416-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis fan status degraded
6 2022/08/23 17:06:14.70 CRITICAL 7-2410-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis power supply 2 status failed
5 2022/08/23 17:06:14.70 CRITICAL 7-2404-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis power supply 1 status degraded
Use the following command to display cleared facility alarms on the system.
show system alarms cleared
Cleared Alarms [Size:500 Total:5 (not wrapped)]
Index Date/Time Severity Alarm Resource
5 2011/04/01 18:11:55.00 MAJOR 7-2005-1 Chassis 1
Clear Chassis temperature too high alarm
3 2011/04/01 18:11:54.50 CRITICAL 7-2051-1 Power Supply 1
Clear Power Supply failure
2 2011/04/01 18:11:54.40 CRITICAL 7-2050-1 Power Supply 1
Clear Power Supply failure
4 2011/04/01 18:11:54.10 MINOR 7-2004-1 Fan 1
Clear Fan wrong type failure
1 2011/04/01 18:11:54.00 CRITICAL 7-2007-1 Power Supply 1
Clear Power Supply failure
Output Example (ESA)
Cleared Alarms [Size:500 Total:14 (not wrapped)]
Index Date/Time Severity Alarm Resource
15 2022/09/22 14:49:36.00 MAJOR 7-2422-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis power supply redundancy degraded - cleared, now redundant
14 2022/09/22 14:49:36.00 MAJOR 7-2400-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis aggregate hardware degraded status cleared, now ok
13 2022/09/22 14:49:31.00 CRITICAL 7-2410-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis power supply 2 failed status cleared, now ok
12 2022/09/22 11:27:04.80 MAJOR 7-2400-1 Chassis esa-1
ESA Chassis aggregate hardware degraded status cleared, now ok
Label |
Description |
Index |
Alarm index number |
Date/Time |
Date and time string for the alarm |
Severity |
Severity level of the alarm |
Alarm |
Alarm identifier |
Resource |
Facility associated with the alarm |
Details |
Description of the alarm |
ale-adjust subscriber sub-ident-string
[Tree] (show>service>active-subscribers ale-adjust)
Full Context
show service active-subscribers ale-adjust
This command displays subscriber Access Loop Encapsulation adjust information.
- sub-ident-string
Displays subscriber Access Loop Encapsulation adjust for the specified subscriber, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show alias)
Full Context
show alias
This command shows command aliases.
This command is not available in the MD-CLI. Use the MD-CLI info detail environment command-alias command.
The following output is an example of alias information, and Output fields: alias describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-103>config>system# show alias
Alias-Name Alias-command-name
sri show router interface
sse show service service-using epipe
ssvpls show service service-using vpls
ssvprn show service service-using vprn
ssi show service service-using ies
Number of aliases : 5
Label |
Description |
Alias-Name |
Displays the name of the alias. |
Alias-command-name |
The command and parameter syntax that define the alias. |
Number of aliases |
The total number of aliases configured on the router. |
[Tree] (show>service>id all)
Full Context
show service id all
This command displays all information about the service.
Show All Service-ID Output
Output Example*A:PE-6# show service id 1 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 1 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : VPLS
Name : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 05/08/2018 09:40:32
Last Mgmt Change : 05/08/2018 09:40:24
Etree Mode : Disabled
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
MTU : 1514
SAP Count : 1 SDP Bind Count : 1
Snd Flush on Fail : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Propagate MacFlush: Disabled Per Svc Hashing : Disabled
Allow IP Intf Bind: Disabled
Fwd-IPv4-Mcast-To*: Disabled Fwd-IPv6-Mcast-To*: Disabled
Mcast IPv6 scope : mac-based
Def. Gateway IP : None
Def. Gateway MAC : None
Evpn Mcast GW : Enabled Mcast-GW Type : MEG
Temp Flood Time : Disabled Temp Flood : Inactive
Temp Flood Chg Cnt: 0
SPI load-balance : Disabled
TEID load-balance : Disabled
Src Tep IP : N/A
Vxlan ECMP : Disabled
BGP Information
Split Horizon Group specifics
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
Sdp Id 65:1 -(
Description : (Not Specified)
SDP Id : 65:1 Type : Spoke
Spoke Descr : (Not Specified)
Split Horiz Grp : (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
VC Type : Ether VC Tag : n/a
Admin Path MTU : 0 Oper Path MTU : 8974
Delivery : MPLS
Far End : Tunnel Far End :
Oper Tunnel Far End:
LSP Types : LDP
Hash Label : Disabled Hash Lbl Sig Cap : Disabled
Oper Hash Label : Disabled
Entropy Label : Disabled
Admin State : Up Oper State : Down
MinReqd SdpOperMTU : 1514
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Ingress Label : 524279 Egress Label : None
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
Admin ControlWord : Not Preferred Oper ControlWord : False
BFD Template : None
BFD-Enabled : no BFD-Encap : ipv4
Last Status Change : 05/07/2018 16:50:10 Signaling : TLDP
Last Mgmt Change : 05/08/2018 09:40:24
Endpoint : N/A Precedence : 4
PW Status Sig : Enabled
Force Vlan-Vc : Disabled Force Qinq-Vc : none
Class Fwding State : Down
Flags : NoEgrVCLabel
Time to RetryReset : never Retries Left : 3
Mac Move : Blockable Blockable Level : Tertiary
Local Pw Bits : None
Peer Pw Bits : None
Peer Fault Ip : None
Peer Vccv CV Bits : None
Peer Vccv CC Bits : None
Application Profile: None
Max Nbr of MAC Addr: No Limit Total MAC Addr : 0
Learned MAC Addr : 0 Static MAC Addr : 0
OAM MAC Addr : 0 DHCP MAC Addr : 0
Host MAC Addr : 0 Intf MAC Addr : 0
SPB MAC Addr : 0 Cond MAC Addr : 0
BGP EVPN Addr : 0 EVPN Static Addr : 0
MAC Learning : Enabled Discard Unkwn Srce: Disabled
MAC Aging : Enabled
BPDU Translation : Disabled
L2PT Termination : Disabled
MAC Pinning : Disabled
Ignore Standby Sig : False Block On Mesh Fail: False
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Auto Learn Mac Prot: Disabled
RestMacProtSrc Act : none
Ingress Qos Policy : (none) Egress Qos Policy : (none)
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
KeepAlive Information :
Admin State : Disabled Oper State : Disabled
Hello Time : 10 Hello Msg Len : 0
Max Drop Count : 3 Hold Down Time : 10
Statistics :
I. Fwd. Pkts. : 0 I. Dro. Pkts. : 0
I. Fwd. Octs. : 0 I. Dro. Octs. : 0
E. Fwd. Pkts. : 0 E. Fwd. Octets : 0
Control Channel Status
PW Status : disabled Refresh Timer : <none>
Peer Status Expire : false
Request Timer : <none>
Acknowledgement : false
MCAC Policy Name :
MCAC Max Unconst BW: no limit MCAC Max Mand BW : no limit
MCAC In use Mand BW: 0 MCAC Avail Mand BW: unlimited
MCAC In use Opnl BW: 0 MCAC Avail Opnl BW: unlimited
MCAC If-Policy Name:
ETH-CFM SDP-Bind specifics
V-MEP Filtering : Disabled
Squelch ch Levels : None
Squelch ch Ctag Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
LDP Information :
LDP LSP Id : 65541
RSVP/Static LSPs
Associated LSP List :
No LSPs Associated
Class-based forwarding :
Class forwarding : Disabled EnforceDSTELspFc : Disabled
Default LSP : Uknwn
Multicast LSP : None
FC Mapping Table
FC Name LSP Name
No FC Mappings
Segment Routing
ISIS : disabled
OSPF : disabled
TE-LSP : disabled
Stp Service Destination Point specifics
Stp Admin State : Up Stp Oper State : Down
Core Connectivity : Down
Port Role : N/A Port State : Discarding
Port Number : 0 Port Priority : 128
Port Path Cost : 10 Auto Edge : Enabled
Admin Edge : Disabled Oper Edge : N/A
Link Type : Pt-pt BPDU Encap : Dot1d
Root Guard : Disabled Active Protocol : N/A
Last BPDU from : N/A
Designated Bridge : N/A Designated Port Id: 0
Fwd Transitions : 0 Bad BPDUs rcvd : 0
Cfg BPDUs rcvd : 0 Cfg BPDUs tx : 0
TCN BPDUs rcvd : 0 TCN BPDUs tx : 0
TC bit BPDUs rcvd : 0 TC bit BPDUs tx : 0
RST BPDUs rcvd : 0 RST BPDUs tx : 0
Number of SDPs : 1
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/c1/1:1
Service Id : 1
SAP : 1/1/c1/1:1 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 05/07/2018 16:50:10
Last Mgmt Change : 05/08/2018 09:40:32
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf Tag : 0
Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
Max Nbr of MAC Addr: No Limit Total MAC Addr : 0
Learned MAC Addr : 0 Static MAC Addr : 0
OAM MAC Addr : 0 DHCP MAC Addr : 0
Host MAC Addr : 0 Intf MAC Addr : 0
SPB MAC Addr : 0 Cond MAC Addr : 0
BGP EVPN Addr : 0 EVPN Static Addr : 0
Admin MTU : 9000 Oper MTU : 9000
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
ARP Reply Agent : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Mac Learning : Enabled Discard Unkwn Srce: Disabled
Mac Aging : Enabled Mac Pinning : Disabled
BPDU Translation : Disabled
L2PT Termination : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
MCAC Policy Name : MCAC Const Adm St : Enable
MCAC Max Unconst BW: no limit MCAC Max Mand BW : no limit
MCAC In use Mand BW: 0 MCAC Avail Mand BW: unlimited
MCAC In use Opnl BW: 0 MCAC Avail Opnl BW: unlimited
Use LAG port weight: no
MCAC If-Policy Name:
Restr MacUnpr Dst : Disabled
Auto Learn Mac Prot: Disabled
RestMacProtSrc Act : none
Time to RetryReset : never Retries Left : 3
Mac Move : Blockable Blockable Level : Tertiary
Auth Policy : None
DestMac Rewrite : Disabled
SendBvplsEvpnFlush : Enabled
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a V-MEP Filtering : Disabled
Squelch ch Levels : None
Squelch ch Ctag Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Stp Service Access Point specifics
Stp Admin State : Up Stp Oper State : Down
Core Connectivity : Down
Port Role : N/A Port State : Forwarding
Port Number : N/A Port Priority : 128
Port Path Cost : 10 Auto Edge : Enabled
Admin Edge : Disabled Oper Edge : N/A
Link Type : Pt-pt BPDU Encap : Dot1d
Root Guard : Disabled Active Protocol : N/A
Last BPDU from : N/A
CIST Desig Bridge : N/A Designated Port : N/A
Forward transitions: 0 Bad BPDUs rcvd : 0
Cfg BPDUs rcvd : 0 Cfg BPDUs tx : 0
TCN BPDUs rcvd : 0 TCN BPDUs tx : 0
TC bit BPDUs rcvd : 0 TC bit BPDUs tx : 0
RST BPDUs rcvd : 0 RST BPDUs tx : 0
MST BPDUs rcvd : 0 MST BPDUs tx : 0
ARP host
Admin State : outOfService
Host Limit : 1 Min Auth Interval : 15 minutes
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
DHCP Snooping : Down Action : Keep
Proxy Admin State : Down
Proxy Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server Addr : Not Configured
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down
DHCP Snooping : Down
Interface-Id : AsciiTuple Remote-Id : Disabled
Subscriber Management
Admin State : Down MAC DA Hashing : False
Def Sub-Id : None
Def Sub-Profile : None
Def SLA-Profile : None
Def Inter-Dest-Id : None
Sub-Ident-Policy : None
Subscriber Limit : 1
Prof Traffic Only : False
Non-Sub-Traffic : N/A
Static host management
MAC learn options : N/A
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 (Multipoint) (Priority)
Off. Combined : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
VPLS Spanning Tree Information
VPLS oper state : Up Core Connectivity : Down
Stp Admin State : Down Stp Oper State : Down
Mode : Rstp Vcp Active Prot. : N/A
Bridge Id : 80:00.d8:4a:ff:00:00:00 Bridge Instance Id: 0
Bridge Priority : 32768 Tx Hold Count : 6
Topology Change : Inactive Bridge Hello Time : 2
Last Top. Change : 0d 00:00:00 Bridge Max Age : 20
Top. Change Count : 0 Bridge Fwd Delay : 15
MST region revision: 0 Bridge max hops : 20
MST region name :
Root Bridge : N/A
Primary Bridge : N/A
Root Path Cost : 0 Root Forward Delay: 0
Rcvd Hello Time : 0 Root Max Age : 0
Root Priority : 0 Root Port : N/A
Forwarding Database specifics
Service Id : 1 Mac Move : Disabled
Primary Factor : 3 Secondary Factor : 2
Mac Move Rate : 2 Mac Move Timeout : 10
Mac Move Retries : 3
Table Size : 250 Allocated Count : 0
Total In Use : 0
Learned Count : 0 Static Count : 0
OAM MAC Count : 0 DHCP MAC Count : 0
Host MAC Count : 0 Intf MAC Count : 0
Spb Count : 0 Cond MAC Count : 0
BGP EVPN Count : 0 EVPN Static Cnt : 0
EVPN Dup Det Cnt : 0
Remote Age : 900 Local Age : 300
High Watermark : 95% Low Watermark : 90%
Mac Learning : Enabled Discard Unknown : Disabled
Mac Aging : Enabled Relearn Only : False
Mac Subnet Len : 48
Sel Learned FDB : Disabled
IGMP Snooping Base info
Admin State : Down
Querier : No querier found
Port Oper MRtr Pim Send Max Max Max MVR Num
Id Stat Port Port Qrys Grps Srcs Grp From-VPLS Grps
sap:1/1/c1/1:1 Up No No No None None None Local 0
sdp:65:1 Down No No No None None None N/A 0
MLD Snooping Base info
Admin State : Down
Querier : No querier found
Port Oper MRtr Send Max Num MVR Num
Id State Port Queries Groups From-VPLS Groups
sap:1/1/c1/1:1 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 0
sdp:65:1 Down No Disabled No Limit N/A 0
DHCP Summary, service 1
Sap/Sdp Snoop Used/ Arp Reply Info Admin
Provided Agent Option State
sap:1/1/c1/1:1 No 0/0 No Keep Down
sdp:65:1 No N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of Entries : 2
ARP host Summary, service 1
Sap Used Provided Admin State
sap:1/1/c1/1:1 0 1 outOfService
Number of SAPs : 1 0
Service VPLS Group Information
No vxlan information for 1
Service Endpoints
No Endpoints found.
VPLS Sites
Site Site-Id Dest Mesh-SDP Admin Oper Fwdr
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output fields: service ID all describes the show all service-id command output fields:
Label |
Description |
Service Id |
The value that identifies a service |
VPN Id |
The number that identifies the VPN |
Service Type |
The type of service |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier |
Description |
The text string describing general information about the service |
Customer Id |
The customer identifier |
Last Mgmt Change |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this customer |
SAP Count |
The number of SAPs specified for this service |
SDP Bind Count |
The number of SDPs bound to this service |
Evpn Mcast GW |
The status of the EVPN multicast gateway |
Mcast-GW Type |
The multicast gateway type: MEG, PEG, or MEG-PEG |
Split Horizon Group |
The name of the split horizon group for this service |
Description |
The text string describing the split horizon group |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this split horizon group |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier |
Type |
The service SDP binding type, spoke or mesh |
Admin Path MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented |
Oper Path MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented |
Delivery |
The type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE or MPLS |
Admin State |
The administrative state of this SDP |
Oper State |
The operational status of the KeepAlive protocol. |
Ingress Label |
The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP |
Egress Label |
The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by this SDP |
Ingress Filter |
The ID of the ingress filter policy |
Egress Filter |
The ID of the egress filter policy |
Far End |
The IP address of the remote end of the GRE or MPLS tunnel defined by this SDP |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent change to this customer |
Signaling |
The signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on this SDP. |
Admin State |
The operating status of the SDP |
Oper State |
The operational state of the SDP |
Hello Time |
The frequency that SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP |
Hello Msg Len |
The length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP |
Max Drop Count |
The maximum number of consecutive SDP echo request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault |
Hold Down Time |
The amount of time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state. |
SDP Delivery Mechanism |
When the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the Far End field. If the SDP type is GRE, then the following message displays: SDP Delivery Mechanism is not MPLS |
Number of SDPs |
The total number SDPs applied to this service ID |
Service Access Points |
Service Id |
The value that identifies a service |
Port Id |
The ID of the access port where this SAP is defined |
Description |
The generic information about the SAP |
Encap Value |
The value of the label used to identify this SAP on the access port. |
Admin State |
The desired state of the SAP |
Oper State |
The operating state of the SAP |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the last change |
Admin MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented |
Oper MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented |
Ingress qos-policy |
The SAP ingress QoS policy ID |
Egress qos-policy |
The SAP egress QoS policy ID |
Ingress Filter-Id |
The SAP ingress filter policy ID |
Egress Filter-Id |
The SAP egress filter policy ID |
Multi Svc Site |
The multi-service site in which the SAP is a member |
Ingress sched-policy |
The ingress QoS scheduler for the SAP |
Egress sched-policy |
The egress QoS scheduler for the SAP |
Acct. Pol |
The accounting policy applied to the SAP |
Collect Stats |
Accounting statistics collected on the SAP |
Dropped |
The number of packets or octets dropped |
Offered Hi Priority |
The number of high priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy |
Offered Low Priority |
The number of low priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded |
Dropped In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded |
Dropped Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded |
Ingress Queue 1 |
The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP |
High priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the high priority traffic for the SAP |
High priority dropped |
The number of high priority traffic packets or octets dropped |
Low priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the low priority traffic |
Low priority dropped |
The number of low priority traffic packets or octets dropped |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded |
Egress Queue 1 |
The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded |
In profile dropped |
The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded |
Out profile dropped |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded |
State |
The DHCP relay state on this SAP |
Info Option |
Option 82 processing state on this SAP |
Action |
Option 82 processing state SAP or interface: keep, replace or drop |
Circuit ID |
If index is inserted in Circuit ID sub-option of Option 82 |
Remote ID |
The far-end MAC address inserted in remote ID sub-option of Option 82 |
Managed by Service |
The service-id of the management VPLS managing this SAP |
Managed by SAP |
The SAP ID inside the management VPLS managing this SAP |
Prune state |
The STP state inherited from the management VPLS |
Managed by Service |
The service ID of the management VPLS managing this spoke SDP |
Managed by Spoke |
The SAP ID inside the management VPLS managing this spoke SDP |
Prune state |
The STP state inherited from the management VPLS |
[Tree] (show>service>id all)
Full Context
show service id all
This command displays detailed information for all aspects of the service.
The following output is an example of all service ID information, and Output fields: service ID all describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 1 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : Epipe
Name : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 08/31/2018 11:12:04
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:09:25
Test Service : No
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
MTU : 1514
Vc Switching : False
SAP Count : 2 SDP Bind Count : 0
Per Svc Hashing : Disabled
Vxlan Src Tep Ip : N/A
Force QTag Fwd : Disabled
Oper Group : <none>
BGP Information
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/1
Service Id : 1
SAP : 1/1/1 Encap : null
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 11:12:04
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:09:24
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
LLF Admin State : Down LLF Oper State : Clear
Admin MTU : 1514 Oper MTU : 1514
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Endpoint : N/A
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Ignore Oper Down : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : 08/31/2018 11:19:51
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SAP 1/1/9:1
Service Id : 1
SAP : 1/1/9:1 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 11:09:25
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:23:45
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Endpoint : N/A
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Ignore Oper Down : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : 08/31/2018 11:19:51
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Service Endpoints
No Endpoints found.
VLL Sites
Site Site-Id Dest Admin Oper Fwdr
No Matching Entries
Output fields: service ID all describes the Show service ID output fields when the all option is specified.
Label |
Description |
Service Id |
The service identifier |
VPN Id |
The number which identifies the VPN |
Service Type |
The type of service |
VLL Type |
The VLL type |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Description |
Generic information about the service |
Customer Id |
The customer identifier |
Last Mgmt Change |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change |
Endpoint |
The name of the service endpoint for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Flags |
The conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. Display output includes: ServiceAdminDown, SapAdminDown, InterfaceAdminDown, PortOperDown, PortMTUTooSmall, L2OperDown, SapIngressQoSMismatch, SapEgressQoSMismatch,RelearnLimitExceeded, RxProtSrcMac, ParentIfAdminDown, NoSapIpipeCeIpAddr, SapParamMismatch, CemSapNoEcidOrMacAddr, StandByForMcRing, ServiceMTUTooSmall, NoSapEpipeRingNode. |
SAP Count |
The number of SAPs specified for this service |
SDP Bind Count |
The number of SDPs bound to this service for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Split Horizon Group Specifics |
Split Horizon Group |
The name of the split horizon group for this VPLS for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Description |
The description of the split horizon group for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this split horizon group for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Service Destination Points (SDPs) |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Type |
Indicates whether this service SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Admin Path MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR. |
Oper Path MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Delivery |
The type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE or MPLS for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Admin State |
The administrative state of this SD for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Oper State |
The operational state of this SDP for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Jitter Buffer (packets) |
The jitter buffer length in number of packet buffers for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Playout Threshold (packets) |
The playout buffer packets threshold in number of packet buffers for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Playout Threshold (packets) |
Indicates the current packet depth of the jitter buffer for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR |
Peer Pw Bits |
The bits set by the LDP peer when there is a fault on its side of the pseudowire for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR. LAC failures occur on the SAP that has been configured on the pipe service, PSN bits are set by SDP-binding failures on the pipe service. The pwNotForwarding bit is set when none of the above failures apply, such as an MTU mismatch failure. This value is only applicable if the peer is using the pseudowire status signaling method to indicate faults. pwNotForwarding — Pseudowire not forwarding lacIngressFault Local — Attachment circuit RX fault lacEgressFault Local — Attachment circuit TX fault psnIngressFault Local — PSN-facing PW RX fault psnEgressFault Local — PSN-facing PW TX fault pwFwdingStandby — Pseudowire in standby mode |
Signaling Override |
The overriding signaled pseudowire type, as configured under the signaled-vc-type-override option for Apipes. This field is only displayed if signaled-vc-type-override is configured for the 7750 SR. |
[Tree] (show>service>id all)
Full Context
show service id all
This command displays detailed information for all aspects of the service.
The following output is an example of a service displaying all information.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 1 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : VPLS
Name : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Etree Mode : Disabled
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
MTU : 1514
SAP Count : 2 SDP Bind Count : 0
Snd Flush on Fail : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Propagate MacFlush: Disabled Per Svc Hashing : Disabled
Allow IP Intf Bind: Disabled
Fwd-IPv4-Mcast-To*: Disabled Fwd-IPv6-Mcast-To*: Disabled
Mcast IPv6 scope : mac-based
Def. Gateway IP : None
Def. Gateway MAC : None
Temp Flood Time : Disabled Temp Flood : Inactive
Temp Flood Chg Cnt: 0
SPI load-balance : Disabled
TEID load-balance : Disabled
Src Tep IP : N/A
Vxlan ECMP : Disabled
BGP Information
PW-Template Id : None
Split Horizon Group specifics
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/1
Service Id : 1
SAP : 1/1/1 Encap : null
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf Tag : 0
Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
Max Nbr of MAC Addr: No Limit Total MAC Addr : 0
Learned MAC Addr : 0 Static MAC Addr : 0
OAM MAC Addr : 0 DHCP MAC Addr : 0
Host MAC Addr : 0 Intf MAC Addr : 0
SPB MAC Addr : 0 Cond MAC Addr : 0
BGP EVPN Addr : 0 EVPN Static Addr : 0
Admin MTU : 1514 Oper MTU : 1514
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
ARP Reply Agent : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Mac Learning : Enabled Discard Unkwn Srce: Disabled
Mac Aging : Enabled Mac Pinning : Disabled
BPDU Translation : Disabled
L2PT Termination : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
MCAC Policy Name : MCAC Const Adm St : Enable
MCAC Max Unconst BW: no limit MCAC Max Mand BW : no limit
MCAC In use Mand BW: 0 MCAC Avail Mand BW: unlimited
MCAC In use Opnl BW: 0 MCAC Avail Opnl BW: unlimited
Use LAG port weight: no
MCAC If-Policy Name:
Restr MacUnpr Dst : Disabled
Auto Learn Mac Prot: Disabled
RestMacProtSrc Act : none
Time to RetryReset : never Retries Left : 3
Mac Move : Blockable Blockable Level : Tertiary
Auth Policy : None
DestMac Rewrite : Disabled
SendBvplsEvpnFlush : Enabled
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a V-MEP Filtering : Disabled
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Stp Service Access Point specifics
Stp Admin State : Up Stp Oper State : Down
Core Connectivity : Down
Port Role : N/A Port State : Forwarding
Port Number : N/A Port Priority : 128
Port Path Cost : 10 Auto Edge : Enabled
Admin Edge : Disabled Oper Edge : N/A
Link Type : Pt-pt BPDU Encap : Dot1d
Root Guard : Disabled Active Protocol : N/A
Last BPDU from : N/A
CIST Desig Bridge : N/A Designated Port : N/A
Forward transitions: 0 Bad BPDUs rcvd : 0
Cfg BPDUs rcvd : 0 Cfg BPDUs tx : 0
TCN BPDUs rcvd : 0 TCN BPDUs tx : 0
TC bit BPDUs rcvd : 0 TC bit BPDUs tx : 0
RST BPDUs rcvd : 0 RST BPDUs tx : 0
MST BPDUs rcvd : 0 MST BPDUs tx : 0
ARP host
Admin State : outOfService
Host Limit : 1 Min Auth Interval : 15 minutes
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
DHCP Snooping : Down Action : Keep
Proxy Admin State : Down
Proxy Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server Addr : Not Configured
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down
DHCP Snooping : Down
Interface-Id : AsciiTuple Remote-Id : Disabled
Subscriber Management
Admin State : Down MAC DA Hashing : False
Def Sub-Id : None
Def Sub-Profile : None
Def SLA-Profile : None
Def Inter-Dest-Id : None
Def App-Profile : None
Sub-Ident-Policy : None
Subscriber Limit : 1
Prof Traffic Only : False
Non-Sub-Traffic : N/A
Static host management
MAC learn options : N/A
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 (Multipoint) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SAP 1/1/9:1
Service Id : 1
SAP : 1/1/9:1 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 11:46:13
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf Tag : 0
Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
Max Nbr of MAC Addr: No Limit Total MAC Addr : 0
Learned MAC Addr : 0 Static MAC Addr : 0
OAM MAC Addr : 0 DHCP MAC Addr : 0
Host MAC Addr : 0 Intf MAC Addr : 0
SPB MAC Addr : 0 Cond MAC Addr : 0
BGP EVPN Addr : 0 EVPN Static Addr : 0
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
ARP Reply Agent : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Mac Learning : Enabled Discard Unkwn Srce: Disabled
Mac Aging : Enabled Mac Pinning : Disabled
BPDU Translation : Disabled
L2PT Termination : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
MCAC Policy Name : MCAC Const Adm St : Enable
MCAC Max Unconst BW: no limit MCAC Max Mand BW : no limit
MCAC In use Mand BW: 0 MCAC Avail Mand BW: unlimited
MCAC In use Opnl BW: 0 MCAC Avail Opnl BW: unlimited
Use LAG port weight: no
MCAC If-Policy Name:
Restr MacUnpr Dst : Disabled
Auto Learn Mac Prot: Disabled
RestMacProtSrc Act : none
Time to RetryReset : never Retries Left : 3
Mac Move : Blockable Blockable Level : Tertiary
Auth Policy : None
DestMac Rewrite : Disabled
SendBvplsEvpnFlush : Enabled
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a V-MEP Filtering : Disabled
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Stp Service Access Point specifics
Stp Admin State : Up Stp Oper State : Down
Core Connectivity : Down
Port Role : N/A Port State : Forwarding
Port Number : N/A Port Priority : 128
Port Path Cost : 10 Auto Edge : Enabled
Admin Edge : Disabled Oper Edge : N/A
Link Type : Pt-pt BPDU Encap : Dot1d
Root Guard : Disabled Active Protocol : N/A
Last BPDU from : N/A
CIST Desig Bridge : N/A Designated Port : N/A
Forward transitions: 0 Bad BPDUs rcvd : 0
Cfg BPDUs rcvd : 0 Cfg BPDUs tx : 0
TCN BPDUs rcvd : 0 TCN BPDUs tx : 0
TC bit BPDUs rcvd : 0 TC bit BPDUs tx : 0
RST BPDUs rcvd : 0 RST BPDUs tx : 0
MST BPDUs rcvd : 0 MST BPDUs tx : 0
ARP host
Admin State : outOfService
Host Limit : 1 Min Auth Interval : 15 minutes
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
DHCP Snooping : Down Action : Keep
Proxy Admin State : Down
Proxy Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server Addr : Not Configured
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down
DHCP Snooping : Down
Interface-Id : AsciiTuple Remote-Id : Disabled
Subscriber Management
Admin State : Down MAC DA Hashing : False
Def Sub-Id : None
Def Sub-Profile : None
Def SLA-Profile : None
Def Inter-Dest-Id : None
Def App-Profile : None
Sub-Ident-Policy : None
Subscriber Limit : 1
Prof Traffic Only : False
Non-Sub-Traffic : N/A
Static host management
MAC learn options : N/A
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 (Multipoint) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
VPLS Spanning Tree Information
VPLS oper state : Up Core Connectivity : Down
Stp Admin State : Down Stp Oper State : Down
Mode : Rstp Vcp Active Prot. : N/A
Bridge Id : 80:00.d8:2c:ff:00:00:00 Bridge Instance Id: 0
Bridge Priority : 32768 Tx Hold Count : 6
Topology Change : Inactive Bridge Hello Time : 2
Last Top. Change : 0d 00:00:00 Bridge Max Age : 20
Top. Change Count : 0 Bridge Fwd Delay : 15
MST region revision: 0 Bridge max hops : 20
MST region name :
Root Bridge : N/A
Primary Bridge : N/A
Root Path Cost : 0 Root Forward Delay: 0
Rcvd Hello Time : 0 Root Max Age : 0
Root Priority : 0 Root Port : N/A
Forwarding Database specifics
Service Id : 1 Mac Move : Disabled
Primary Factor : 3 Secondary Factor : 2
Mac Move Rate : 2 Mac Move Timeout : 10
Mac Move Retries : 3
Table Size : 250 Allocated Count : 0
Total In Use : 0
Learned Count : 0 Static Count : 0
OAM MAC Count : 0 DHCP MAC Count : 0
Host MAC Count : 0 Intf MAC Count : 0
Spb Count : 0 Cond MAC Count : 0
BGP EVPN Count : 0 EVPN Static Cnt : 0
EVPN Dup Det Cnt : 0
Remote Age : 900 Local Age : 300
High Watermark : 95% Low Watermark : 90%
Mac Learning : Enabled Discard Unknown : Disabled
Mac Aging : Enabled Relearn Only : False
Mac Subnet Len : 48
Sel Learned FDB : Disabled
IGMP Snooping Base info
Admin State : Down
Querier : No querier found
Port Oper MRtr Pim Send Max Max Max MVR Num
Id Stat Port Port Qrys Grps Srcs Grp From-VPLS Grps
sap:1/1/1 Up No No No None None None Local 0
sap:1/1/9:1 Up No No No None None None Local 0
MLD Snooping Base info
Admin State : Down
Querier : No querier found
Port Oper MRtr Send Max Num MVR Num
Id State Port Queries Groups From-VPLS Groups
sap:1/1/1 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 0
sap:1/1/9:1 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 0
DHCP Summary, service 1
Sap/Sdp Snoop Used/ Arp Reply Info Admin
Provided Agent Option State
sap:1/1/1 No 0/0 No Keep Down
sap:1/1/9:1 No 0/0 No Keep Down
Number of Entries : 2
ARP host Summary, service 1
Sap Used Provided Admin State
sap:1/1/1 0 1 outOfService
sap:1/1/9:1 0 1 outOfService
Number of SAPs : 2 0
WLAN Gateway specifics
Admin State : disabled
Description : (Not Specified)
SAP-template : (Not Specified)
Last management change : (Not Specified)
No associated WLAN Gateway interface VLAN tag ranges found.
Service VPLS Group Information
Egress VTEP, VNI
Instance VTEP Address Egress VNI Evpn/ Static
Mcast Oper State L2 PBR Static Num.
No Matching Entries
Service Endpoints
No Endpoints found.
VPLS Sites
Site Site-Id Dest Mesh-SDP Admin Oper Fwdr
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output fields: service ID all describes the command output fields.
Label |
Description |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
VPN Id |
The number which identifies the VPN. |
Service Type |
Specifies the type of service. |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Description |
Generic information about the service. |
Customer Id |
The customer identifier. |
Last Mgmt Change |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this customer. |
SAP Count |
The number of SAPs specified for this service. |
SDP Bind Count |
The number of SDPs bound to this service. |
Split Horizon Group |
Name of the split horizon group for this service. |
Description |
Description of the split horizon group. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this split horizon group. |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Type |
Indicates whether this service SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh. |
Admin Path MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper Path MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Delivery |
Specifies the type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE or MPLS. |
Admin State |
The administrative state of this SDP. |
Oper State |
The operational state of this SDP. |
Ingress Label |
The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP. |
Egress Label |
The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by this SDP. |
Ingress Filter |
The ID of the ingress filter policy. |
Egress Filter |
The ID of the egress filter policy. |
Far End |
Specifies the IP address of the remote end of the GRE or MPLS tunnel defined by this SDP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent change to this customer. |
Hello Time |
Specifies how often the SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP. |
Hello Msg Len |
Specifies the length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP. |
Max Drop Count |
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault. |
Hold Down Time |
Specifies the amount of time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state. |
SDP Delivery Mechanism |
When the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the Far End field. If the SDP type is GRE, then the following message displays: SDP Delivery Mechanism is not MPLS |
Number of SDPs |
The total number SDPs applied to this service ID. |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
Port Id |
The ID of the access port where this SAP is defined. |
Description |
Generic information about the SAP. |
Encap Value |
The value of the label used to identify this SAP on the access port. |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the SAP. |
Oper State |
The operating state of the SAP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the last change. |
Admin MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Ingress qos-policy |
The SAP ingress QoS policy ID. |
Egress qos-policy |
The SAP egress QoS policy ID. |
Ingress Filter-Id |
The SAP ingress filter policy ID. |
Egress Filter-Id |
The SAP egress filter policy ID. |
Multi Svc Site |
Indicates the multi-service site that the SAP is a member. |
Ingress sched-policy |
Indicates the ingress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Egress sched-policy |
Indicates the egress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Acct. Pol |
Indicates the accounting policy applied to the SAP. |
Collect Stats |
Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SAP. |
Dropped |
The number of packets or octets dropped. |
Offered Hi Priority |
The number of high priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Offered Low Priority |
The number of low priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Offered Low Priority |
The number of low priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Dropped In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Dropped Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Ingress Queue 1 |
The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP. |
High priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the high priority traffic for the SAP. |
High priority dropped |
The number of high priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
Low priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the low priority traffic. |
Low priority dropped |
The number of low priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Egress Queue 1 |
The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
In profile dropped |
The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP. |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Out profile dropped |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded. |
State |
Specifies whether DHCP Relay is enabled on this SAP. |
Info Option |
Specifies whether Option 82 processing is enabled on this SAP. |
Action |
Specifies the Option 82 processing on this SAP or interface: keep, replace or drop. |
Circuit ID |
Specifies whether the If Index is inserted in Circuit ID sub-option of Option 82. |
Remote ID |
Specifies whether the far-end MAC address is inserted in Remote ID sub-option of Option 82. |
Managed by Service |
Specifies the service-id of the management VPLS managing this SAP. |
Managed by MSTI |
Specifies the MST instance inside the management VPLS managing this SAP. |
Last BPDU from |
The bridge ID of the sender of the last BPDU received on this SAP. |
Managed by SAP |
Specifies the sap-id inside the management VPLS managing this SAP. |
Prune state |
Specifies the STP state inherited from the management VPLS. |
Managed by Service |
Specifies the service-id of the management VPLS managing this spoke-SDP. |
Last BPDU from |
The bridge ID of the sender of the last BPDU received on this SAP. |
Managed by Spoke |
Specifies the sap-id inside the management VPLS managing this spoke-SDP. |
Prune state |
Specifies the STP state inherited from the management VPLS. |
Peer Pw Bits |
Indicates the bits set by the LDP peer when there is a fault on its side of the pseudowire. LAC failures occur on the SAP that has been configured on the pipe service, PSN bits are set by SDP-binding failures on the pipe service. The pwNotForwarding bit is set when none of the above failures apply, such as an MTU mismatch failure. This value is only applicable if the peer is using the pseudowire status signaling method to indicate faults. pwNotForwarding — Pseudowire not forwarding. lacIngressFault Local — Attachment circuit RX fault. lacEgressFault Local — Attachment circuit TX fault. psnIngressFault Local — PSN-facing PW RX fault. psnEgressFault Local — PSN-facing PW TX fault. pwFwdingStandby — Pseudowire in standby mode. |
[Tree] (show>service>id all)
Full Context
show service id all
This command displays detailed information for all aspects of the service.
The following output is an example of service id information, and Output fields: service ID all describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:PE# show service id 500 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 500 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : IES
Name : 500
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
SAP Count : 2 SDP Bind Count : 0
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/9:1
Service Id : 500
SAP : 1/1/9:1 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
AARP Id : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : 08/31/2018 16:19:29
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SAP pw-1:500
Service Id : 500
SAP : pw-1:500 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 16:09:16
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Sub Type : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 8660
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
AARP Id : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 500
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : pw-sap
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : 08/31/2018 16:19:29
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 500)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Service Interfaces
If Name : int
Admin State : Up Oper (v4/v6) : Up/Down
Down Reason V6 : ifProtoOperDown
Protocols : None
IP Addr/mask : Address Type : Primary
IGP Inhibit : Disabled Broadcast Address : Host-ones
HoldUp-Time : 0 Track Srrp Inst : 0
Description : N/A
Ignore Port State : None
Description : (Not Specified)
If Index : 4 Virt. If Index : 4
Last Oper Chg : 08/31/2018 16:14:20 Global If Index : 258
Mon Oper Grp : None
Srrp En Rtng : Disabled Hold time : N/A
SAP Id : pw-1:500
TOS Marking : Untrusted If Type : IES
SNTP B.Cast : False IES ID : 500
MAC Address : d8:2c:ff:00:00:00 Mac Accounting : Disabled
Ingress stats : Disabled IPv6 DAD : Enabled
TCP MSS V4 : 0 TCP MSS V6 : 0
ARP Timeout : 14400s IPv6 Nbr ReachTime: 30s
ARP Retry Timer : 5000ms IPv6 stale time : 14400s
ARP Limit : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Limit : Disabled
ARP Threshold : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Threshold: Disabled
ARP Limit Log Only: Disabled IPv6 Nbr Log Only : Disabled
ARP Learn Unsolic*: Disabled ND Learn Unsolici*: None
ARP Proactive Ref*: Disabled ND Proactive Refr*: None
ARP Populate Host : Disabled ND Populate Host : Disabled
ARP Route Tag : 0 ND Route tag : 0
IP MTU : (default)
IP Oper MTU : 8660
ARP Populate : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Cflowd (unicast) : None Cflowd (multicast): None
LdpSyncTimer : None
LSR Load Balance : system
EGR Load Balance : both
Vas If Type : none
TEID Load Balance : Disabled
SPI Load Balance : Disabled
uRPF Chk : disabled
uRPF Ipv6 Chk : disabled
uRPF Select VPRN : False
PTP HW Assist : Disabled
Rx Pkts : 0 Rx Bytes : 0
Rx V4 Pkts : N/A Rx V4 Bytes : N/A
Rx V6 Pkts : N/A Rx V6 Bytes : N/A
Tx DBcast Dis. Pk*: 0 Tx DBcast Dis. By*: 0
Mpls Rx Pkts : 0 Mpls Rx Bytes : 0
Mpls Tx Pkts : 0 Mpls Tx Bytes : 0
OperDCpuProtPlcy : N/A
Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP : Disabled Local Proxy ARP : Disabled
Policies : none
Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies : none
DHCP no local server
DHCP Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Gi-Addr :* Gi-Addr as Src Ip : Disabled
* = inferred gi-address from interface IP address
Action : Keep Trusted : Disabled
DHCP Proxy Details
Admin State : Down
Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server : Not configured
DHCP Relay Proxy Details
Relay ucast : none
Siaddr ovr : N/A
Subscriber Authentication Details
Auth Policy : None
DHCP6 Relay Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Oper State : Down Nbr Resolution : Disabled
If-Id Option : None Remote Id : Disabled
Src Addr : Not configured
Python plcy : (Not Specified)
DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State : Down Max. Lease States : 8000
ISA Tunnel redundant next-hop information
Static Next-Hop :
Dynamic Next-Hop :
ICMP Details
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
TTL Expired : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
ICMP Mask Reply : True
ICMPv6 Details
Packet Too Big : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Time Exceeded : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
IPCP Address Extension Details
Peer IP Addr : Not configured
Peer Pri DNS Addr : Not configured
Peer Sec DNS Addr : Not configured
Network Domains Associated
Admin Groups
No Matching Entries
Srlg Groups
No Matching Entries
QoS Queue-Group Redirection Details
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
If Name : int1
Admin State : Up Oper (v4/v6) : Up/Down
Down Reason V6 : ifProtoOperDown
Protocols : None
IP Addr/mask : Address Type : Primary
IGP Inhibit : Disabled Broadcast Address : Host-ones
HoldUp-Time : 0 Track Srrp Inst : 0
Description : N/A
Ignore Port State : None
Description : (Not Specified)
If Index : 5 Virt. If Index : 5
Last Oper Chg : 08/31/2018 16:07:55 Global If Index : 259
Mon Oper Grp : None
Srrp En Rtng : Disabled Hold time : N/A
SAP Id : 1/1/9:1
TOS Marking : Untrusted If Type : IES
SNTP B.Cast : False IES ID : 500
MAC Address : d8:2c:01:01:00:09 Mac Accounting : Disabled
Ingress stats : Disabled IPv6 DAD : Enabled
TCP MSS V4 : 0 TCP MSS V6 : 0
ARP Timeout : 14400s IPv6 Nbr ReachTime: 30s
ARP Retry Timer : 5000ms IPv6 stale time : 14400s
ARP Limit : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Limit : Disabled
ARP Threshold : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Threshold: Disabled
ARP Limit Log Only: Disabled IPv6 Nbr Log Only : Disabled
ARP Learn Unsolic*: Disabled ND Learn Unsolici*: None
ARP Proactive Ref*: Disabled ND Proactive Refr*: None
ARP Populate Host : Disabled ND Populate Host : Disabled
ARP Route Tag : 0 ND Route tag : 0
IP MTU : (default)
IP Oper MTU : 1500
ARP Populate : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Cflowd (unicast) : None Cflowd (multicast): None
LdpSyncTimer : None
LSR Load Balance : system
EGR Load Balance : both
Vas If Type : none
TEID Load Balance : Disabled
SPI Load Balance : Disabled
uRPF Chk : disabled
uRPF Ipv6 Chk : disabled
uRPF Select VPRN : False
PTP HW Assist : Disabled
Rx Pkts : 3 Rx Bytes : 0
Rx V4 Pkts : N/A Rx V4 Bytes : N/A
Rx V6 Pkts : N/A Rx V6 Bytes : N/A
Tx Pkts : 5 Tx Bytes : 530
Tx V4 Pkts : 5 Tx V4 Bytes : 530
Tx V4 Discard Pkts: 0 Tx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx V6 Pkts : 0 Tx V6 Bytes : 0
Tx V6 Discard Pkts: 0 Tx V6 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx DBcast Dis. Pk*: 0 Tx DBcast Dis. By*: 0
Mpls Rx Pkts : 0 Mpls Rx Bytes : 0
Mpls Tx Pkts : 0 Mpls Tx Bytes : 0
OperDCpuProtPlcy : N/A
Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP : Disabled Local Proxy ARP : Disabled
Policies : none
Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies : none
DHCP no local server
DHCP Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Gi-Addr :* Gi-Addr as Src Ip : Disabled
* = inferred gi-address from interface IP address
Action : Keep Trusted : Disabled
DHCP Proxy Details
Admin State : Down
Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server : Not configured
DHCP Relay Proxy Details
Relay ucast : none
Siaddr ovr : N/A
Subscriber Authentication Details
Auth Policy : None
DHCP6 Relay Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Oper State : Down Nbr Resolution : Disabled
If-Id Option : None Remote Id : Disabled
Src Addr : Not configured
Python plcy : (Not Specified)
DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State : Down Max. Lease States : 8000
ISA Tunnel redundant next-hop information
Static Next-Hop :
Dynamic Next-Hop :
ICMP Details
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
TTL Expired : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
ICMP Mask Reply : True
ICMPv6 Details
Packet Too Big : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Time Exceeded : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
IPCP Address Extension Details
Peer IP Addr : Not configured
Peer Pri DNS Addr : Not configured
Peer Sec DNS Addr : Not configured
Network Domains Associated
Admin Groups
No Matching Entries
Srlg Groups
No Matching Entries
QoS Queue-Group Redirection Details
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Label |
Description |
Service Detailed Information |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
VPN Id |
The number which identifies the VPN. |
Service Type |
Specifies the type of service. |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Description |
Generic information about the service. |
Customer Id |
The customer identifier. |
Last Mgmt Change |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this customer. |
SAP Count |
The number of SAPs specified for this service. |
SDP Bind Count |
The number of SDPs bound to this service. |
Service Destination Points (SDPs) |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Type |
Indicates whether this Service SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh. |
Admin Path MTU |
The largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper Path MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Delivery |
Specifies the type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE or MPLS. |
Admin State |
The administrative state of this SDP. |
Oper State |
The operational state of this SDP. |
Ingress Label |
The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP. |
Egress Label |
The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by this SDP. |
Ingress Filter |
The ID of the ingress filter policy. |
Egress Filter |
The ID of the egress filter policy. |
Far End |
Specifies the IP address of the remote end of the GRE or MPLS tunnel defined by this SDP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent change to this customer. |
Signaling |
Specifies the signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on this SDP. |
Admin State |
Specifies the operating status of the service. |
Oper State |
The current status of the service. |
Hello Time |
Specifies how often the SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP. |
Hello Msg Len |
Specifies the length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP. |
Max Drop Count |
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault. |
Hold Down Time |
Specifies the amount of time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state. |
SDP Delivery Mechanism |
When the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the far-end field. If the SDP type is GRE, then the following message displays: "SDP Delivery Mechanism is not MPLS”. |
Number of SDPs |
The total number SDPs applied to this service ID. |
Service Access Points |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
Port Id |
The ID of the access port where this SAP is defined. |
Description |
Generic information about the SAP. |
Encap |
The value of the label used to identify this SAP on the access port. |
Admin State |
The desired state of the SAP. |
Oper State |
The operating state of the SAP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the last change. |
Admin MTU |
The largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Ingress qos-policy |
The SAP ingress QoS policy ID. |
Egress qos-policy |
The SAP egress QoS policy ID. |
Ingress Filter-Id |
The SAP ingress filter policy ID. |
Egress Filter-Id |
The SAP egress filter policy ID. |
Multi Svc Site |
Indicates the multi-service site that the SAP is a member. |
Ingress sched-policy |
Indicates the ingress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Egress sched-policy |
Indicates the egress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Acct. Pol |
Indicates the accounting policy applied to the SAP. |
Collect Stats |
Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SAP. |
SAP Statistics |
Dropped |
The number of packets or octets dropped. |
Offered Hi Priority |
The number of high priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Offered Low Priority |
The number of low priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Queueing Stats |
Dropped In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Dropped Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
SAP per Queue stats |
Ingress Queue 1 |
The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP. |
High priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the high priority traffic for the SAP. |
High priority dropped |
The number of high priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
Low priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the low priority traffic. |
Low priority dropped |
The number of low priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Egress Queue 1 |
The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
IPCP Address Extension Details |
In profile dropped |
The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP. |
Peer IP Addr |
Specifies the remote IP address to be assigned to the far-end of the associated PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions. |
Peer Pri DNS Addr |
Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the primary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions. |
Peer Sec DNS Addr |
Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the secondary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions (optional). |
[Tree] (show>service>id all)
Full Context
show service id all
This command displays detailed information for all aspects of the service.
The following output is an example of show all service-ID information, and Output fields: service ID all describes the output fields.
Output ExampleIng ipv6 Fltr and Egr ipv6 Fltr are for the 7750 SR only.
Output Example
show service id all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 2 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : VPRN
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 08/21/2013 08:54:14
Last Mgmt Change : 08/21/2013 08:56:06
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Route Dist. : None VPRN Type : regular
AS Number : None Router Id :
ECMP : Enabled ECMP Max Routes : 1
Max IPv4 Routes : No Limit Auto Bind : None
Max IPv6 Routes : No Limit
Ignore NH Metric : Disabled
Hash Label : Disabled
Vrf Target : None
Vrf Import : None
Vrf Export : None
MVPN Vrf Target : None
MVPN Vrf Import : None
MVPN Vrf Export : None
Car. Sup C-VPN : Disabled
Label mode : vrf
BGP VPN Backup : Disabled
SAP Count : 0 SDP Bind Count : 0
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
No Sap Associations
Service Interfaces
No Interface Associations found.
PTP Configuration
Admin State : down Oper State : down
Peer Limit : 25
show service id all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id : 9 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : VPRN
Name : 9
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Router Oper State : Up
Route Dist. : 65536:9 VPRN Type : regular
Oper Route Dist : 65536:9
Oper RD Type : configured
AS Number : None Router Id :
ECMP : Enabled ECMP Max Routes : 1
Max IPv4 Routes : No Limit
Auto Bind Tunnel
Resolution : disabled
Weighted ECMP : Disabled ECMP Max Routes : 1
Max IPv6 Routes : No Limit
Ignore NH Metric : Disabled
Hash Label : Disabled
Entropy Label : Disabled
Vrf Target : None
Vrf Import : None
Vrf Export : None
MVPN Vrf Target : None
MVPN Vrf Import : None
MVPN Vrf Export : None
Car. Sup C-VPN : Disabled
Label mode : vrf
BGP VPN Backup : Disabled
BGP Export Inactv : Disabled
SAP Count : 1 SDP Bind Count : 0
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults : ignore
VPRN service Network Specifics
Ing Net QoS Policy : none
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none)
Ingress uRPF check : enabled
Vxlan Tunnel Termination
Tunnel Term IP FPE ID Last Change
No Matching Entries
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/10:1
Service Id : 9
SAP : 1/1/10:1 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Last Mgmt Change : 08/31/2018 16:07:55
Sub Type : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Qinq-vlan- Qinq-vlan-
translation : None translation Ids : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Anti Spoofing : None Dynamic Hosts : Enabled
Avl Static Hosts : 0 Tot Static Hosts : 0
Calling-Station-Id : n/a
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
AARP Id : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Bandwidth : Not-Applicable
Oper DCpu Prot Pol*: _default-access-policy
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults : n/a AIS : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels : None
Collect Lmm Stats : Disabled
LMM FC Stats : None
LMM FC In Prof : None
Ingress qos-policy : 1 Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy : n/a Multipoint shared : Disabled
I. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Sched Pol : (Not Specified)
I. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. Policer Ctl Pol : (Not Specified)
E. HS Sec. Shaper : (Not Specified)
I. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
E. QGrp Redir. List: (Not Specified)
Sap Aggregate Stats
Packets Octets
Aggregate Offered : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Aggregate Forwarded : 0 0
Aggregate Dropped : 0 0
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time : 08/31/2018 16:29:08
Packets Octets
CPM Ingress : 0 0
Forwarding Engine Stats
Dropped : 0 0
Received Valid : 0 0
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Off. Managed : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Sap per Queue stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
For. In/InplusProf : 0 0
For. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
Dro. In/InplusProf : 0 0
Dro. Out/ExcProf : 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Service Interfaces
If Name : int
Admin State : Up Oper (v4/v6) : Up/Down
Down Reason V6 : ifProtoOperDown
Protocols : None
IP Addr/mask : Address Type : Primary
IGP Inhibit : Disabled Broadcast Address : Host-ones
HoldUp-Time : 0 Track Srrp Inst : 0
Description : N/A
Ignore Port State : None
Description : (Not Specified)
If Index : 3 Virt. If Index : 3
Last Oper Chg : 08/31/2018 16:07:55 Global If Index : 257
Mon Oper Grp : None
Srrp En Rtng : Disabled Hold time : N/A
SAP Id : 1/1/10:1
TOS Marking : Trusted If Type : VPRN
SNTP B.Cast : False
MAC Address : 00:00:00:00:00:01 Mac Accounting : Disabled
Ingress stats : Disabled IPv6 DAD : Enabled
TCP MSS V4 : 0 TCP MSS V6 : 0
ARP Timeout : 14400s IPv6 Nbr ReachTime: 30s
ARP Retry Timer : 5000ms IPv6 stale time : 14400s
ARP Limit : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Limit : Disabled
ARP Threshold : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Threshold: Disabled
ARP Limit Log Only: Disabled IPv6 Nbr Log Only : Disabled
ARP Learn Unsolic*: Disabled ND Learn Unsolici*: None
ARP Proactive Ref*: Disabled ND Proactive Refr*: None
ARP Populate Host : Disabled ND Populate Host : Disabled
ARP Route Tag : 0 ND Route tag : 0
IP MTU : (default)
IP Oper MTU : 1500
ARP Populate : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Cflowd (unicast) : None Cflowd (multicast): None
LdpSyncTimer : None
LSR Load Balance : system
EGR Load Balance : both
Vas If Type : none
TEID Load Balance : Disabled
SPI Load Balance : Disabled
uRPF Chk : disabled
uRPF Ipv6 Chk : disabled
PTP HW Assist : Disabled
Rx Pkts : 9 Rx Bytes : 0
Rx V4 Pkts : N/A Rx V4 Bytes : N/A
Rx V6 Pkts : N/A Rx V6 Bytes : N/A
Tx Pkts : 10 Tx Bytes : 1060
Tx V4 Pkts : 10 Tx V4 Bytes : 1060
Tx V4 Discard Pkts: 0 Tx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx V6 Pkts : 0 Tx V6 Bytes : 0
Tx V6 Discard Pkts: 0 Tx V6 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx DBcast Dis. Pk*: 0 Tx DBcast Dis. By*: 0
Mpls Rx Pkts : 0 Mpls Rx Bytes : 0
Mpls Tx Pkts : 0 Mpls Tx Bytes : 0
OperDCpuProtPlcy : N/A
Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP : Disabled Local Proxy ARP : Disabled
Policies : none
Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies : none
DHCP no local server
DHCP Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Gi-Addr :* Gi-Addr as Src Ip : Disabled
* = inferred gi-address from interface IP address
Action : Keep Trusted : Disabled
DHCP Proxy Details
Admin State : Down
Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server : Not configured
DHCP Relay Proxy Details
Relay ucast : none
Siaddr ovr : N/A
Subscriber Authentication Details
Auth Policy : None
DHCP6 Relay Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Oper State : Down Nbr Resolution : Disabled
If-Id Option : None Remote Id : Disabled
Src Addr : Not configured
Python plcy : (Not Specified)
DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State : Down Max. Lease States : 8000
ISA Tunnel redundant next-hop information
Static Next-Hop :
Dynamic Next-Hop :
ICMP Details
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
TTL Expired : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
ICMP Mask Reply : True
ICMPv6 Details
Packet Too Big : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Time Exceeded : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
IPCP Address Extension Details
Peer IP Addr : Not configured
Peer Pri DNS Addr : Not configured
Peer Sec DNS Addr : Not configured
Admin Groups
No Matching Entries
Srlg Groups
No Matching Entries
QoS Queue-Group Redirection Details
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
The following command displays output that is relevant to PW SAPs and Output fields: service ID all describes the output fields.
show service id all
SAP pw-3:3
Service Id : 3
SAP : pw-3:3 Encap : q-tag
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Flags : None
Multi Svc Site : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2015 18:04:39
Last Mgmt Change : 02/03/2015 18:04:13
Sub Type : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IP Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a Egr Mac Fltr-Id : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint : N/A
Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Vlan-translation : None
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Application Profile: None
Transit Policy : None
Oper Group : (none) Monitor Oper Grp : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy : n/a
Ignore Oper Down : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof : (none)
Cflowd : Disabled
Label |
Description |
Service Detailed Information |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
VPN Id |
The number which identifies the VPN. |
Customer Id |
The customer identifier. |
Last Status Change |
The date and time of the most recent change in the administrative or operating status of the service. |
Last Mgmt Change |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this customer. |
Admin State |
The current administrative state. |
Oper State |
The current operational state. |
Route Dist. |
Displays the route distribution number. |
AS Number |
Displays the autonomous system number. |
Router Id |
Displays the router ID for this service. |
Displays equal cost multipath information. |
ECMP Max Routes |
Displays the maximum number of routes that can be received from the neighbors in the group or for the specific neighbor. |
Max Routes |
Displays the maximum number of routes that can be used for path sharing. |
Auto Bind |
Specifies the automatic binding type for the SDP assigned to this service. |
Vrf Target |
Specifies the VRF target applied to this service. |
Vrf Import |
Specifies the VRF import policy applied to this service. |
Vrf Export |
Specifies the VRF export policy applied to this service. |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Description |
Generic information about the service. |
SAP Count |
The number of SAPs specified for this service. |
SDP Bind Count |
The number of SDPs bound to this service. |
Split Horizon Group |
Name of the split horizon group for this service. |
Description |
Description of the split horizon group. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this split horizon group. |
ETH-CFM Service Specifics |
Tunnel Faults |
Whether tunnel faults are ignored or accepted. |
Service Destination Points (SDPs) |
SDP Id |
The SDP identifier. |
Type |
Indicates whether this Service SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh. |
Admin Path MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper Path MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Delivery |
Specifies the type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE or MPLS. |
Admin State |
The administrative state of this SDP. |
Oper State |
The operational state of this SDP. |
Ingress Label |
The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP. |
Egress Label |
The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by this SDP. |
Ingress Filter |
The ID of the ingress filter policy. |
Egress Filter |
The ID of the egress filter policy. |
Far End |
Specifies the IP address of the remote end of the GRE or MPLS tunnel defined by this SDP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the most recent change to this customer. |
Signaling |
Specifies the signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on this SDP. |
Admin State |
Specifies the operating status of the keepalive protocol. |
Oper State |
The current status of the keepalive protocol. |
Hello Time |
Specifies how often the SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP. |
Hello Msg Len |
Specifies the length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP. |
Max Drop Count |
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault. |
Hold Down Time |
Specifies the amount of time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state. |
SDP Delivery Mechanism |
When the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the far end field. If the SDP type is GRE, then the following message displays: SDP delivery mechanism is not MPLS. |
Max Drop Count |
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault. |
Number of SDPs |
The total number SDPs applied to this service ID. |
Service Access Points |
Service Id |
The service identifier. |
Port Id |
The ID of the access port where this SAP is defined. |
Description |
Generic information about the SAP. |
Encap Value |
The value of the label used to identify this SAP on the access port. |
Admin State |
The desired state of the SAP. |
Oper State |
The operating state of the SAP. |
Last Changed |
The date and time of the last change. |
Admin MTU |
The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Oper MTU |
The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented. |
Ingress qos-policy |
The SAP ingress QoS policy ID. |
Egress qos-policy |
The SAP egress QoS policy ID. |
Ingress Filter-Id |
The SAP ingress filter policy ID. |
Egress Filter-Id |
The SAP egress filter policy ID. |
Multi Svc Site |
Indicates the multi-service site that the SAP is a member. |
Ingress sched-policy |
Indicates the ingress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Egress sched-policy |
Indicates the egress QoS scheduler for the SAP. |
Acct. Pol |
Indicates the accounting policy applied to the SAP. |
Collect Stats |
Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SAP. |
SAP Statistics |
Dropped |
The number of packets or octets dropped. |
Offered Hi Priority |
The number of high priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Offered Low Priority |
The number of low priority packets, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Queueing Stats |
Dropped In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Dropped Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded. |
Forwarded In Profile |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Forwarded Out Profile |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
SAP per Queue stats |
Ingress Queue 1 |
The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP. |
High priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the high priority traffic for the SAP. |
High priority dropped |
The number of high priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
Low priority offered |
The packets or octets count of the low priority traffic. |
Low priority dropped |
The number of low priority traffic packets/octets dropped. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Egress Queue 1 |
The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP. |
In profile forwarded |
The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded. |
In profile dropped |
The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP. |
Out profile forwarded |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded. |
Out profile dropped |
The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded. |
State |
Specifies whether DHCP relay is enabled on this SAP. |
Info Option |
Specifies whether Option 82 processing is enabled on this SAP. |
Action |
Specifies the Option 82 processing on this SAP or interface: keep, replace or drop. |
Circuit ID |
Specifies whether the If index is inserted in circuit ID sub-option of Option 82. |
Remote ID |
Specifies whether the far-end MAC address is inserted in Remote ID sub-option of Option 82. |
Service Access Points |
Managed by Service |
Specifies the service-id of the management VPLS managing this SAP. |
Managed by SAP |
Specifies the sap-id inside the management VPLS managing this SAP. |
Prune state |
Specifies the STP state inherited from the management VPLS. |
Spoke SDPs |
Managed by Service |
Specifies the service-id of the management VPLS managing this spoke SDP. |
Managed by Spoke |
Specifies the sap-id inside the management VPLS managing this spoke SDP. |
Prune state |
Specifies the STP state inherited from the management VPLS. |
Peer Pw Bits |
Indicates the bits set by the LDP peer when there is a fault on its side of the pseudowire. LAC failures occur on the SAP that has been configured on the pipe service, PSN bits are set by SDP-binding failures on the pipe service. The pwNotForwarding bit is set when none of the above failures apply, such as an MTU mismatch failure. This value is only applicable if the peer is using the pseudowire status signaling method to indicate faults. pwNotForwarding — Pseudowire not forwarding. lacIngressFault Local — Attachment circuit RX fault. lacEgressFault Local — Attachment circuit TX fault. psnIngressFault Local — PSN-facing PW RX fault. psnEgressFault Local — PSN-facing PW TX fault. pwFwdingStandby — Pseudowire in standby mode. |
IPCP Address Extension Details |
Peer IP Addr |
Specifies the remote IP address to be assigned to the far-end of the associated PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions. |
Peer Pri DNS Addr |
Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the primary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions. |
Peer Sec DNS Addr |
Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the secondary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions. |
[Tree] (show>service>id>mld-snooping all)
Full Context
show service id mld-snooping all
This command displays detailed information about MLD snooping.
The following output is an example of service MLD snooping information.
Output Example*A:rbae_C# show service id 1 mld-snooping all
MLD Snooping info for service 1
MLD Snooping Base info
Admin State : Up
Querier : FE80:db8:12 on SAP 2/1/5
Sap/Sdp Oper MRtr Send Max Num MVR Num
Id State Port Queries Groups From-VPLS Groups
sap:1/1/4 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 0
sap:2/1/5 Up Yes Disabled No Limit Local 0
sdp:31:1 Up No Disabled No Limit N/A 0
sdp:36:1 Up No Disabled No Limit N/A 0
MLD Snooping Querier info
Sap Id : 2/1/5
IP Address : FE80:db8:12
Expires : 11s
Up Time : 0d 00:05:05
Version : 2
General Query Interval : 10s
Query Response Interval : 1.0s
Robust Count : 2
MLD Snooping Multicast Routers
Sap/Sdp Id Up Time Expires Version
2/1/5 0d 00:05:05 11s 2
Number of mrouters: 1
MLD Snooping Proxy-reporting DB
Group Address
Mode Up Time Num Sources
Number of groups: 0
MLD Snooping SAP 1/1/4 Port-DB
Group Address
Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num MC
Src Stdby
Number of groups: 0
MLD Snooping SAP 2/1/5 Port-DB
Group Address
Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num MC
Src Stdby
Number of groups: 0
MLD Snooping SDP 31:1 Port-DB
Group Address
Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
MLD Snooping SDP 36:1 Port-DB
Group Address
Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
MLD Snooping Static Source Groups
MLD Snooping Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted Forwarded
General Queries 43 0 129
Group Queries 0 0 0
Group-Source Queries 0 0 0
V1 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Reports 4 35 0
V1 Done 0 0 0
Unknown Type 0 N/A 0
Drop Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad MLD Checksum : 0
Bad Encoding : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Zero Source IP : 0
Wrong Version : 0
Lcl-Scope Packets : 0
Rsvd-Scope Packets : 0
Send Query Cfg Drops : 0
Import Policy Drops : 0
Exceeded Max Num Groups : 0
MCAC Policy Drops : 0
MCS Failures : 0
MVR From VPLS Cfg Drops : 0
MVR To SAP Cfg Drops : 0
MLD Snooping Multicast VPLS Registration info
MLD Snooping Admin State : Up
MVR Admin State : Down
MVR Policy : None
Local SAPs/SDPs
Svc Id Sap/Sdp Oper From Num Local
Id State VPLS Groups
1 sap:1/1/4 Up Local 0
1 sap:2/1/5 Up Local 0
1 sdp:31:1 Up N/A 0
1 sdp:36:1 Up N/A 0
MVR SAPs (from-vpls=1)
Svc Id Sap/Sdp Oper From Num MVR
Id State VPLS Groups
No MVR SAPs found.
[Tree] (show>service>id>igmp-snooping all)
Full Context
show service id igmp-snooping all
Displays detailed information for all aspects of IGMP snooping on the VPLS service.
The following output is an example of IGMP snooping information.
Output ExampleThe following example applies to the 7750 SR:
*A:ALA-48>show>service>id>igmp-snooping>snooping# all
IGMP Snooping info for service 750
IGMP Snooping Base info
Admin State : Up
Querier : No querier found
Sap/Sdp Oper MRtr Send Max Num Num
Id State Port Queries Groups Groups
sap:1/1/7:0 Down No Disabled No Limit 0
sdp:1:22 Down No Disabled No Limit 0
sdp:8:750 Down No Disabled No Limit 0
IGMP Snooping Querier info
No querier found for this service.
IGMP Snooping Multicast Routers
MRouter Sap/Sdp Id Up Time Expires Version
Number of mrouters: 0
IGMP Snooping Proxy-reporting DB
Group Address Mode Type Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
IGMP Snooping SAP 1/1/7:0 Port-DB
Group Address Mode Type Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
IGMP Snooping SDP 1:22 Port-DB
Group Address Mode Type Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
IGMP Snooping SDP 8:750 Port-DB
Group Address Mode Type Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
IGMP Snooping Static Source Groups
IGMP Snooping Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted Forwarded
General Queries 0 0 0
Group Queries 0 0 0
Group-Source Queries 0 0 0
V1 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Reports 0 0 0
V3 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Leaves 0 0 0
Unknown Type 0 N/A 0
Drop Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad IP Checksum : 0
Bad IGMP Checksum : 0
Bad Encoding : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Zero Source IP : 0
Send Query Cfg Drops : 0
Import Policy Drops : 0
Exceeded Max Num Groups : 0
The following example applies to the 7450 ESS:
*A:ALA-42>show>service>id>igmp-snooping>snooping# all
IGMP Snooping info for service 100
IGMP Snooping Base info
Admin State : Up
Querier : on SAP 2/2/1:100
Sap/Sdp Oper MRtr Send Max Num MVR Num
Id State Port Queries Groups From-VPLS Groups
sap:1/1/4 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 1
sap:2/2/1:100 Up No Disabled No Limit Local 0
IGMP Snooping Querier info
Sap Id : 2/2/1:100
IP Address :
Expires : 3s
Up Time : 0d 00:15:23
Version : 3
General Query Interval : 2s
Query Response Interval : 1.0s
Robust Count : 2
IGMP Snooping Multicast Routers
MRouter Sap/Sdp Id Up Time Expires Version
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/2/1:100 0d 00:15:24 2s 3
Number of mrouters: 1
IGMP Snooping Proxy-reporting DB
Group Address Mode Up Time Num Sources
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exclude 0d 00:00:04 0
Number of groups: 1
IGMP Snooping SAP 1/1/4 Port-DB
Group Address Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num Src
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exclude dynamic local 0d 00:00:05 4s 0
Number of groups: 1
IGMP Snooping SAP 2/2/1:100 Port-DB
Group Address Mode Type From-VPLS Up Time Expires Num Src
Number of groups: 0
IGMP Snooping Static Source Groups
IGMP Snooping Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted Forwarded
General Queries 463 0 463
Group Queries 0 0 0
Group-Source Queries 0 0 0
V1 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Reports 0 0 0
V3 Reports 4 4 0
V2 Leaves 0 0 0
Unknown Type 0 N/A 0
Drop Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad IP Checksum : 0
Bad IGMP Checksum : 0
Bad Encoding : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Zero Source IP : 0
Send Query Cfg Drops : 0
Import Policy Drops : 0
Exceeded Max Num Groups : 0
MVR From VPLS Cfg Drops : 0
MVR To SAP Cfg Drops : 0
IGMP Snooping Multicast VPLS Registration info
IGMP Snooping Admin State : Up
MVR Admin State : Down
MVR Policy : None
Local SAPs/SDPs
Svc Id Sap/Sdp Oper From Num Local
Id State VPLS Groups
100 sap:1/1/4 Up Local 1
100 sap:2/2/1:100 Up Local 0
MVR SAPs (from-vpls=100)
Svc Id Sap/Sdp Oper From Num MVR
Id State VPLS Groups
No MVR SAPs found.
Output fields: IGMP snooping all describes the show all service ID command output fields:
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the IGMP instance |
Querier |
The address of the IGMP querier on the IP subnet to which the interface is attached |
Sap/Sdp Id |
The SAP and SDP IDs of the service ID |
Oper State |
The operational state of the SAP and SDP IDs of the service ID |
Mrtr Port |
The multicast router port |
Send Queries |
Send-queries command is enabled or disabled |
Max Num Groups |
The maximum number of multicast groups that can be joined on this SAP or SDP |
MVR from VPLS enabled |
Num Groups |
The actual number of multicast groups that can be joined on this SAP or SDP |
[Tree] (show>redundancy>multi-chassis all)
Full Context
show redundancy multi-chassis all
This command displays brief multi-chassis redundancy information.
The following output is an example of multi-chassis all information, and Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis all describes the output fields.
Output ExampleB:Dut-B# show redundancy multi-chassis all
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address :
Description : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication : Disabled
Source IP Address :
Admin State : Enabled
B:Dut-B# show lag detail
LAG Details
Description: Description For LAG Number 1
Lag-id : 1 Mode : access
Adm : up Opr : up
Thres. Exceeded Cnt : 9 Port Threshold : 0
Thres. Last Cleared : 05/20/2006 00:12:35 Threshold Action : down
Dynamic Cost : false Encap Type : null
Configured Address : 1c:71:ff:00:01:41 Lag-IfIndex : 1342177281
Hardware Address : 1c:71:ff:00:01:41 Adapt Qos : distribute
Hold-time Down : 0.0 sec
LACP : enabled Mode : active
LACP Transmit Intvl : fast LACP xmit stdby : enabled
Selection Criteria : highest-count Slave-to-partner : disabled
Number of sub-groups: 1 Forced : -
System Id : 1c:71:ff:00:00:00 System Priority : 32768
Admin Key : 32768 Oper Key : 32666
Prtr System Id : 20:f4:ff:00:00:00 Prtr System Priority : 32768
Prtr Oper Key : 32768
MC Peer Address : MC Peer Lag-id : 1
MC System Id : 00:00:00:33:33:33 MC System Priority : 32888
MC Admin Key : 32666 MC Active/Standby : active
MC Lacp ID in use : true MC extended timeout : false
MC Selection Logic : peer decided
MC Config Mismatch : no mismatch
Port-id Adm Act/Stdby Opr Primary Sub-group Forced Prio
331/2/1 up active up yes 1 - 32768
331/2/2 up active up 1 - 32768
331/2/3 up active up 1 - 32768
331/2/4 up active up 1 - 32768
Port-id Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity
331/2/1 actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/1 partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/2 actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/2 partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/3 actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/3 partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/4 actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
331/2/4 partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Label |
Description |
Peer IP Address |
The multi-chassis redundancy peer. |
Description |
The text string describing the peer. |
Authentication |
If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the MC peer. |
Source IP Address |
The source address used to communicate with the MC peer. |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the peer. |
all [color color] [end-point {ipv4-address | ipv6-address}] [preference preference-id] [distinguisher distinguisher-id] [tunnel-id tunnel-id]
all summary
[Tree] (show>router>seg-rt>sr-policies all)
Full Context
show router segment-routing sr-policies all
This command displays the traffic statistics of all or a filtered set of the BGP and static policies, or displays summary parameters.
- color
Specifies the color to filter on.
- ipv4-address | ipv6-address
Specifies the end-point IPv4 or IPv6 address to filter on.
- preference-id
Specifies the preference ID to filter on.
- distinguisher-id
Specifies the distinguisher ID to filter on.
- summary
Displays the summary information for the BGP and static policies.
- tunnel-id
Specifies the tunnel ID to filter on.
The following output is an example of traffic statistics for all BGP and static policies.
Output Example
A:node-2# show router segment-routing sr-policies all
SR-Policies Path
Type : srMpls
Active : No Owner : static
Color : 10
Head : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:103
RD : 6 Preference : 10
BSID : 50001
TunnelId : 917508 Age : 12
Origin ASN : 0 Origin :
NumReEval : 0 LastReEvalReason: route-add
NumActPathChange: 0 Last Change : 08/18/2023 05:42:53
Act S-BFD Sess. : 1 S-BFD Threshold : 1
Maintenance Plcy: policy1
Ret Path BFD Lbl: 50008
Path Segment Lists:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
Num Segments : 2 Last Change : 08/17/2023 17:11:08
1 MPLS Label : 524282 State : resolved-up
2 MPLS Label : 524280 State : N/A
Type : srMpls
Active : Yes Owner : static
Color : 10
Head : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:103
RD : 5 Preference : 20
BSID : 50001
TunnelId : 917508 Age : 12
Origin ASN : 0 Origin :
NumReEval : 0 LastReEvalReason: route-add
NumActPathChange: 0 Last Change : 08/18/2023 05:42:52
Act S-BFD Sess. : 1 S-BFD Threshold : 1
Maintenance Plcy: policy1
Ret Path BFD Lbl: 50008
Path Segment Lists:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
Num Segments : 2 Last Change : 08/17/2023 17:11:08
1 MPLS Label : 524281 State : resolved-up
2 MPLS Label : 524282 State : N/A
[Tree] (show>redundancy>multi-chassis>omcr all)
Full Context
show redundancy multi-chassis omcr all
This command displays detailed information about OMCR.
7750 SR