s Commands – Part III
sr-adjacencies [ip-int-name | ip-address] [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>isis sr-adjacencies)
Full Context
tools dump router isis sr-adjacencies
This command displays IS-IS SR adjacency information.
- ip-int-name
Specifies the IP interface name. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can be any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
- ip-address
Specifies the interface’s IP address.
sr-adjacencies [ip-int-name | ip-address] [detail]
sr-adjacencies [remote ip-address] [ detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>ospf sr-adjacencies)
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>ospf3 sr-adjacencies)
Full Context
tools dump router ospf sr-adjacencies
tools dump router ospf3 sr-adjacencies
This command displays OSPFv2 or OSPFv3 SR adjacency information.
- ip-int-name
Specifies the IP interface name. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can be any string up to 32 characters, composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
- ip-address
Specifies the interface’s IP address.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>ospf3# /tools dump router ospf3 0 sr-adjacencies detail
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 Segment Routing Adjacencies (detail)
label stack is ordered from bottom-most to top-most
Interface DUTC_TO_DUTA.1.0
Nbr RouterID : Nbr State : FULL
Label : 524287 PgID : 9
SID Protection : Enabled Curr Hold Time : 15
Area ID : SR MTU : 1492
Neighbor IP : fe80::200:ff:fe00:1-"DUTC_TO_DUTA.1.0"
LFA Labels : 30004/70005
LFA Next hop : fe80::200:ff:fe00:6-"DUTC_TO_DUTF.1.0"
LFA Glob Itf id: 26 LFA Loc Itf id : 3
Interface DUTC_TO_DUTF.1.0
Nbr RouterID : Nbr State : FULL
Label : 524286 PgID : 10
SID Protection : Enabled Curr Hold Time : 15
Area ID : SR MTU : 1492
Neighbor IP : fe80::200:ff:fe00:6-"DUTC_TO_DUTF.1.0"
LFA Labels : 30003/20005
LFA Next hop : fe80::200:ff:fe00:1-"DUTC_TO_DUTA.1.0"
LFA Glob Itf id: 25 LFA Loc Itf id : 2
No. of SR Adjacencies: 2
sr-database [sid sid] [prefix ip-address] [nh-type {sr | bgp | rsvp}] [ipv4-unicast | ipv6-unicast] [algo algo-id] [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>isis sr-database)
Full Context
tools dump router isis sr-database
This command displays IS-IS SR database information.
- sid
Displays information for the specific segment identifier.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address in dotted decimal notation.
- sr
Displays information for SR next-hop route.
- bgp
Displays information for BGP next-hop route.
- rsvp
Displays information for RSVP next-hop route.
- ipv4-unicast
Displays IPv4 unicast parameters.
- ipv6-unicast
Displays IPv6 unicast parameters.
- algo algo-id
Filters information based on the specific algorithm only.
- detail
Displays detailed IS-IS SR database information.
The following outputs are examples of IS-IS SR database information, and Output fields: IS-IS SR database describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-E# tools dump router isis sr-database
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR Database
SID Label Prefix Last-act Lev MT RtmPref TtmPref Metric IpNh SrNh
Mtu MtuPrim MtuBk D xL LT Act AdvSystemId SrErr
0 60000 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 100 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 T +R 0100.2000.1003 SR_ERR_OK
1 60001 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 200 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1004 SR_ERR_OK
2 60002 Local - - - - - - -
- - - 0 - - +R 0100.2000.1005 SR_ERR_OK
3 60003 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 100 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 T +R 0100.2000.1006 SR_ERR_OK
4 60004 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 200 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1001 SR_ERR_OK
5 60005 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 300 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1002 SR_ERR_OK
6 60006 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 100 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 T +R 0100.2000.1003 SR_ERR_OK
7 60007 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 200 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1004 SR_ERR_OK
8 60008 Local - - - - - - -
- - - 0 - - +R 0100.2000.1005 SR_ERR_OK
9 60009 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 100 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 T +R 0100.2000.1006 SR_ERR_OK
10 60010 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 200 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1001 SR_ERR_OK
11 60011 LfaNhops 1 0 15 11 300 1 1
1484 1500 1500 0 0 Tn +R 0100.2000.1002 SR_ERR_OK
No. of Entries: 12
Lev = route level
IpNh = number of IP next-hops
SrNh = number of SR-tunnel next-hops
D = duplicate pending
xL = exclude from LFA
LT = LFA type (L:LFA, R:RLFA, T:TILFA, n:nodeProtection)
Act = tunnel active state (R:reported, F:failed, +:SR-ack)
Output Example
*A:Dut-C# tools dump router isis sr-database detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR Database
label stack is ordered from bottom-most to top-most
SID 601
Label : 20601 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1001
Prefix :
Route Level : 1 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 15 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 10 Last Action : TnlChange
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 4 2 19 1 20601 0
SID 602
Label : 20602 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1002
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 10 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 5 3 15 1 20602 0
SID 603
Label : 20603 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1003
Prefix : Type : Local
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
SID 604
Label : 20604 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1004
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 20 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 5 3 15 0 20604 0
SID 605
Label : 20605 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1005
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 10 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 6 4 17 1 20605 0
SID 606
Label : 20606 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1006
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 20 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 6 4 17 0 20606 0
SID 611 Algorithm 128
Label : 20611 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1001
Prefix :
Route Level : 1 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 15 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 10 Last Action : TnlChange
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 4 2 19 1 20611 0
SID 613
Label : 20613 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1003
Prefix : Type : Local
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
SID 614 Algorithm 128
Label : 20614 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1004
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 20 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 5 3 15 0 20614 0
SID 615 Algorithm 128
Label : 20615 Adv System Id : 0010.0100.1005
Prefix :
Route Level : 2 MT Id : 0
Rtm Preference : 18 Ttm Preference : 11
Metric : 10 Last Action : AddTnl
Num Ip NextHop : 1 Num SR-Tnl NextHop : 1
Mtu : 1560
Mtu Prim : 1564 Mtu Backup : -
Exclude from LFA : 0 LFA Type : -
Duplicate Pending : 0 Tunnel Active State : Reported/Ack
SR Error : SR_ERR_OK
NHOP: IP IsTunl GIfId/ IfId/ PgId IsAdv Label IsLfaX
TunlType LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 6 4 17 1 20615 0
Label |
Description |
Label |
The ILM MPLS label corresponding to the SID |
Prefix |
The route prefix and mask |
Metric |
Interface metric for Level 1 and Level 2; if none are set to 0 |
sr-database [sid sid] [prefix ip-address] [nh-type {sr | ldp | rsvp}] [algo algo-id] [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>ospf sr-database)
Full Context
tools dump router ospf sr-database
This command displays OSPFv2 SR database information.
- sid
Displays information for the specific segment identifier.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address in dotted decimal notation.
- algo-id
Displays the OSPFv2 database information for the specified algorithm identifier.
The following output is an example of OSPFv2 SR database information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# tools dump router ospf sr-database
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Segment Routing Database
SID Label St Type Prefix Stitching
Algo AdvRtr Area Flags FRR
2 100002 +R T1 -
0 [NnP ] L(R)
3 100003 +R LT1 -
0 [NnP ] -
5 100005 +R T1 -
0 [NnP ] L(R)
1282 101282 +R T1 -
128 [NnP ] -
1283 101283 +R LT1 -
128 [NnP ] -
1285 101285 +R T1 -
128 [NnP ] -
No. of Entries: 6
St: R:reported I:incomplete W:wrong N:not reported F:failed
+:SR-ack -:no route
Type: L:local M: mapping Srv Tx: route type
FRR: L:Lfa R:RLfa T:TiLfa (R):Reported (F):Failed
Ln, Rn, Tn: FRR providing node-protection
*A:Dut-C# tools dump router ospf sr-database algo 128
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Algo 128 Segment Routing Database
SID Label St Type Prefix Stitching
Algo AdvRtr Area Flags FRR
1282 101282 +R T1 -
128 [NnP ] -
1283 101283 +R LT1 -
128 [NnP ] -
1285 101285 +R T1 -
128 [NnP ] -
No. of Entries: 3
St: R:reported I:incomplete W:wrong N:not reported F:failed
+:SR-ack -:no route
Type: L:local M: mapping Srv Tx: route type
FRR: L:Lfa R:RLfa T:TiLfa (R):Reported (F):Failed
Ln, Rn, Tn: FRR providing node-protection
sr-database [sid sid] [prefix ip-address] [nh-type {sr | ldp | rsvp}] [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>ospf3 sr-database)
Full Context
tools dump router ospf3 sr-database
This command displays OSPFv3 SR database information.
- sid
Displays information for the specific segment identifier.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address in dotted decimal notation.
Output ExampleA:Dut-E# tools dump router ospf sr-database
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Segment Routing Database
SID Label St Type Prefix Stitching
AdvRtr Area Flags FRR
0 60000 +R T1 - [NnP ] T(R)
1 60001 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
2 60002 +R LT1 - [NnP ] -
3 60003 +R T1 - [NnP ] T(R)
4 60004 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
5 60005 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
6 60006 +R T1 - [NnP ] T(R)
7 60007 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
8 60008 +R LT1 - [NnP ] -
9 60009 +R T1 - [NnP ] T(R)
10 60010 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
11 60011 +R T1 - [NnP ] Tn(R)
No. of Entries: 12
St: R:reported I:incomplete W:wrong N:not reported F:failed
+:SR-ack -:no route
Type: L:local M: mapping Srv Tx: route type
FRR: L:Lfa R:RLfa T:TLfa (R):Reported (F):Failed
Rn: RLfa + node-protect Tn: TLfa + node-protect
*A:Dut-F# tools dump router ospf sr-database detail
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Segment Routing Database (detail)
SID Label Sts Prefix Type AdvRtr Area Flags
lsId AdvRtr Area Type
0 70000 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
1 70001 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 L(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
2 70002 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
3 70003 +R
32 LT1 [NnP ] 0 - T3 T1 <<<< Best
4 70004 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 L(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
5 70005 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
6 70006 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
7 70007 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 L(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
8 70008 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
9 70009 +R
32 LT1 [NnP ] 0 - T3 T1 <<<< Best
10 70010 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 L(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
11 70011 +R
32 T1 [NnP ] 2 R(R) T3 T1 <<<< Best
994 70994 +R
32 T1 [NnPB ] 0 - T1 <<<< Best
995 70995 +R
32 T1 [NnPB ] 0 - T1 <<<< Best
996 70996 +R
32 LT1 [NnPB ] 0 -
997 70997 -
32 T1 [NnPB ] - - T1 <<<< Best
998 70998 +R
32 T1 [NnPB ] 0 - T1 <<<< Best
999 70999 +R
32 T1 [NnPB ] 0 - T1 <<<< Best
Sts: R:reported I:incomplete W:wrong N:not reported F:failed +:SR-ack -
:no route
Type: L:local M: mapping Srv Tx: route type
FRR: L:Lfa R:RLfa (R):Reported (F):Failed
[Tree] (show>router>bgp sr-label)
Full Context
show router bgp sr-label
This command displays BGP SR label information.
sr-lfa-coverage [flex-algo {flex-algo-id | all}]
[Tree] (show>router>isis sr-lfa-coverage)
Full Context
show router isis sr-lfa-coverage
This command displays IS-IS SR LFA coverage information. This corresponds to the coverage provided by the various LFA algorithms for SR-ISIS tunnel, SR-TE LSP, and LDP FEC if the fast-reroute backup-sr-tunnel option is enabled. The LFA algorithms activate the backup next hops in the following preference order:
- flex-algo flex-algo-id
Displays SR LFA coverage information for the specified algorithm.
- all
Displays all the flexible algorithms that are configured.
The following output is an example of SR LFA coverage information, and Output fields: IS-IS SR LFA coverage describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>isis# show router isis 0 sr-lfa-coverage
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR LFA Coverage
MT-ID SidType Level Proto LFA RLFA TILFA Coverage
node-sid 4(40%) 6(60%) 0(0%) 10/10(100%)
adj-sid 0(0%) 2(100%) 0(0%) 2/2(100%)
Output Example
A:Dut-A# show router isis 0 sr-lfa-coverage flex-algo 128
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Flex-Algo 128 SR LFA Coverage
MT-ID SidType Level Proto LFA RLFA TILFA Coverage
No Matching Entries
A:Dut-A# show router isis 0 sr-lfa-coverage flex-algo all
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Flex-Algo 128 SR LFA Coverage
MT-ID SidType Level Proto LFA RLFA TILFA Coverage
No Matching Entries
Output fields: IS-IS SR LFA coverage describes the IS-IS SR LFA coverage output fields.
Label |
Description |
Displays the MT identification |
SidType |
Displays the SID type |
Level |
Displays the level |
Proto |
Displays the protocol |
Displays the LFA |
Displays the RLFA |
Displays the TI-LFA |
Coverage |
Displays the percentage of coverage |
sr-lfa-coverage [area area-id] [flex-algo { flex-algo-id | all}]
[Tree] (show>router>ospf sr-lfa-coverage)
Full Context
show router ospf sr-lfa-coverage
This command displays the details of the OSPF SR LFA coverage. This corresponds to the coverage provided by the various LFA algorithms for SR-OSPF tunnel, SR-TE LSP, and LDP FEC if fast-reroute backup-sr-tunnel option is enabled. The LFA algorithms activate the backup next hops using the preference order:
- area area-id
Displays all interfaces configured in this area.
- flex-algo flex-algo-id
Displays the OSPF SR LFA coverage details for the specified segment routing algorithm.
- flex-algo all
Displays the OSPF SR LFA coverage details for all segment routing algorithms.
The following output is an example of OSPF SR LFA coverage, and Output fields: OSPF SR LFA coverage describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router ospf sr-lfa-coverage flex-algo 128
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Flex-Algo 128 SR LFA Coverage
SidType Area LFA RLFA TILFA Coverage
node-sid 2(100%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2/2(100%)
Label |
Description |
SidType |
Displays the SID type. |
Area |
Displays the OSPF area. |
Displays the LFA. |
Displays the RLFA. |
Displays the TI-LFA. |
Coverage |
Displays the percentage of coverage. |
sr-lfa-coverage [area area-id]
[Tree] (show>router>ospf3 sr-lfa-coverage)
Full Context
show router ospf3 sr-lfa-coverage
This command displays the details of the OSPF SR LFA coverage. This corresponds to the coverage provided by the various LFA algorithms for SR-OSPF tunnel, SR-TE LSP, and LDP FEC if fast-reroute backup-sr-tunnel option is enabled. The LFA algorithms activate the backup next hops using the preference order:
- area area-id
Displays all interfaces configured in this area.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>ospf3# show router ospf3 0 sr-lfa-coverage
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 SR LFA Coverage
SidType Area LFA RLFA TILFA Coverage
node-sid 4(40%) 6(60%) 0(0%) 10/10(100%)
adj-sid 0(0%) 2(100%) 0(0%) 2/2(100%)
The following table describes the OSPF SR LFA coverage output fields.
Label |
Description |
SidType |
Displays the SID type. |
Area |
Displays the OSPF area. |
Displays the LFA. |
Displays the RLFA. |
Displays the TI-LFA. |
Coverage |
Displays the percentage of coverage. |
sr-lfa-info [ipv4-unicast | ipv6-unicast | mt mt-id-number] [prefix ip-prefix[/prefix-length]] [algo algo-id] [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>isis sr-lfa-info)
Full Context
show router isis sr-lfa-info
This command displays IS-IS SR LFA information.
- ipv4-unicast
Keyword used to display IPv4 unicast parameters.
- ipv6-unicast
Keyword used to display IPv6 unicast parameters.
- mt-id-number
Displays the MT ID parameters.
- ip-prefix/prefix-length
Displays the specified IP prefix.
- algo-id
Filters information based on the specific algorithm only.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of SR LFA information, and Output fields: IS-IS SR LFA information describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow router isis sr-lfa-info prefix algo 253
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR LFA Info
Prefix Algo MT
LFA-NextHop LfaType (Pr-Type)
Backup-Node NodeType SID SID-Type
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 253 0 TI-LFA (Link)
1920.0000.2006 P-Node 524285 Adjacency
1920.0000.2004 TR-Node 524287 Adjacency
1920.0000.2002 TR-Node 524287 Adjacency
1920.0000.2001 Q-Node - -
No. of Entries: 1
Pr-Type : Link = linkProtection, Node = nodeProtection
Label |
Description |
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR LFA Info |
Prefix |
Displays the prefix IP address |
Algo |
Displays the algorithm ID |
MT |
Displays the Multi-Topology value |
NextHop |
Displays the next-hop IP address |
LFA-NextHop |
Displays the LFA next-hop IP address |
LfaType (Pr-Type) |
Displays the LFA type |
Backup-Node |
Displays the backup node system ID |
NodeType |
Displays the node type |
Displays the SID value |
SID-Type |
Displays the SID type |
No. of Entries |
Displays the total number of entries |
The following output is an example of detailed SR LFA information, and Output fields: IS-IS SR LFA information detail describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow router isis sr-lfa-info prefix algo 253 detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR LFA Info (detail)
SR Tunnel Prefix :
Algorithm : 253
MT : 0
NextHop :
LFA-NextHop :
LFA-Protection : Link Protection
Displaying Backup-Node-Info
Node-count : 4
Node-SysID : 1920.0000.2006
Node-Type : P-Node
SID : 524285
SID-Type : Adjacency
Node-SysID : 1920.0000.2004
Node-Type : TR-Node
SID : 524287
SID-Type : Adjacency
Node-SysID : 1920.0000.2002
Node-Type : TR-Node
SID : 524287
SID-Type : Adjacency
Node-SysID : 1920.0000.2001
Node-Type : Q-Node
SID : -
SID-Type : -
No. of Entries: 1
Label |
Description |
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 SR LFA Info (detail) |
SR Tunnel Prefix |
Displays the SR tunnel prefix IP address |
Algorithm |
Displays the algorithm ID |
MT |
Displays the MT value |
NextHop |
Displays the next-hop IP address |
LFA-NextHop |
Displays the LFA next-hop IP address |
LFA-Type |
Displays the LFA type |
LFA-Protection |
Displays the LFA protection type |
Displaying Backup-Node-Info |
Node-count |
Displays the number of nodes |
Node-SysID |
Displays the node system ID |
Node-Type |
Displays the node type |
Displays the SID value |
SID-Type |
Displays the SID type |
No. of Entries |
Displays the total number of entries |
[Tree] (clear>router>seg-rt sr-policies)
Full Context
clear router segment-routing sr-policies
Commands in this context clear SR policies statistics.
[Tree] (show>router>seg-rt sr-policies)
Full Context
show router segment-routing sr-policies
Commands in this context display SR policy information.
[Tree] (monitor>router>seg-rt sr-policies)
Full Context
monitor router segment-routing sr-policies
Commands in this context monitor Segment Routing SR Policy Statistics.
sr-policy-ipv4 [rd rd] [color color] [endpoint ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>bgp>routes sr-policy-ipv4)
Full Context
show router bgp routes sr-policy-ipv4
This command displays BGP SR policy IPv4 routes.
- ip-address
Specifies the endpoint IPv4 address.
sr-policy-ipv6 [rd rd] [color color] [endpoint ipv6-address]
sr-policy-ipv6 hunt [rd rd] [color color] [endpoint ipv6-address]
[Tree] (show>router>bgp>routes sr-policy-ipv6)
Full Context
show router bgp routes sr-policy-ipv6
This command displays BGP SR policy IPv6 routes.
- ipv6-address
Specifies the endpoint IPv6 address, up to 64 characters
[Tree] (clear>router>mpls>lsp>auto-lsp sr-te)
Full Context
clear router mpls lsp auto-lsp sr-te
This command resets and restarts all auto SR-TE LSPs.
[Tree] (clear>router>mpls>lsp sr-te)
Full Context
clear router mpls lsp sr-te
This command resets and restarts all SR-TE LSPs.
sr-te-cspf [path-computation-method path-computation-method] to ip-address [path path-name] [from ip-address] [include-bitmap bitmap] [exclude-bitmap bitmap] [hop-limit limit] [metric-type-te] [local-sr-protection local-sr-protection] [label-stack-reduction] [max-sr-labels label-stack-size] [exclude-address excl-addr [excl-addr]] [exclude-node excl-node-id [excl-node-id]] [skip-interface interface-name] [metric-type metric-type] [delay-metric-limit delay-metric-limit]
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>mpls sr-te-cspf)
Full Context
tools perform router mpls sr-te-cspf
This command computes and returns one or more SR-TE paths and corresponding label stack to a specific destination router and with the specified constraints.
By default, or when the user specifies the value of ip-to-label for the path-computation-method parameter, MPLS passes the to path and the from parameters to TE-DB, which converts the list of hops into a label stack by scanning the TE database for adjacency and node SID information that belongs to the router or link identified by each hop address. If the conversion is successful, the TE database returns the actual selected hop SIDs plus labels, as well as the configured path hop addresses that were used as the input for this conversion. None of the TE constraint parameters are used in this path computation method.
When the user specifies the value of local-cspf for the path-computation-method parameter, MPLS passes all parameters of the tools command, including the TE constraint parameters. In this case, a full CSPF is run using these parameters.
When the user runs this tools command without specifying a path name, CSPF returns the set of candidate ECMP paths. When the user specifies a path name, CSPF returns a single path, which is selected randomly similar to a configured SR-TE LSP, with the path-computation-method local-cspf command enabled.
- to ip-address
Specifies the destination address.
- path path-name
Specifies the path name, up to 64 characters.
- from ip-address
Specifies the originating IP address.
- path-computation-method path-computation-method
Specifies the path computation method of the LSP path.
- hop-limit limit
Specifies the maximum number of hops for the path.
- exclude-bitmap bitmap
Specifies a bit-map of the admin groups that should be excluded in the path computation. Accepted in decimal, hex, or binary.
- include-bitmap bitmap
Specifies a bit-map of the admin groups that should be included in the path. Accepted in decimal, hex, or binary.
- metric-type-te
Specifies the use of the TE metric to optimize the path. By default, the link IGP metric is used.
This parameter is deprecated. When used, it is automatically translated to metric-type te and an INFO message is displayed that the parameter is deprecated and metric-type te should be used instead.
- local-sr-protection
Specifies the local LFA protection desired for the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs.
- label-stack-reduction
Specifies to apply label stack reduction to the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs.
- max-sr-labels label-stack-size
Specifies the maximum label stack size of the CSPF computed path with or without label stack reduction.
- exclude-address ip-addr
Specifies a list of up to eight IP addresses that should be excluded in the path computation.
- exclude-node excl-node-id
Specifies a list of up to eight addresses that should be excluded during the path computation.
- skip-interface interface-name
Specifies an interface name, up to 32 characters, that should be skipped during the path computation.
- metric-type metric-type
Specifies the metric type.
- delay-metric-limit delay-metric-limit
This parameter is valid for metric-type delay only and specifies the upper limit of the delay for a path, in microseconds. If metric-type delay and delay-metric-limitare specified, this command returns the lowest latency path that satisfies the delay-metric-limit. If metric-type delay is specified and the delay-metric-limit is not, the lowest latency path through the network is returned.
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] [status {up | down}] [detail] path [path-name] [auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte| on-demand-p2p-srte}] [family family]
sr-te-lsp count
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] [detail] [ auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte}] [family family]
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] [status {up | down}] [to {ip-address | ipv6-address}] [detail] [auto-lsp { all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte}] [family family]
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] activepath [ auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte}] [family family]
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] egress-stats
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] path [path-name] [ auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte}] mbb
sr-te-lsp [lsp-name] path [path-name] [auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte}] [detail] [dns]
[Tree] (show>router>mpls sr-te-lsp)
Full Context
show router mpls sr-te-lsp
This command displays SR-TE LSP information.
- lsp-name
Specifies the SR-TE LSP name, up to 64 characters.
- status
Keyword used to filter the output based on the status of the SR-TE LSP.
- detail
Keyword used to display detailed information.
- path-name
Specifies the SR-TE LSP path name, up to 64 characters.
- auto-lsp
Keyword used to display the type of automatic LSP.
- family
Displays the family of IP addresses.
- count
Keyword used to display the total number of SR-TE LSPs.
- to {ip-address | ipv6-address}
Keyword used to display the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the egress router for the LSP.
- egress-stats
Keyword used to display the traffic statistics for the specified SR-TE LSP or for all SR-TE LSPs if none is explicitly specified. Traffic statistics are provided for primary path, secondary path if any, and secondary standby paths, if any. Statistics are preserved across switchover only for primary and secondary standby paths.
- mbb
Keyword used to display make-before-break (MBB) information.
- activepath
Keyword used to display the SR-TE active paths, which are candidate paths selected as the best paths by the SR policy make-before-break (MBB) information.
- dns
Keyword used to display reverse DNS resolution of actual and explicit hop information.
The following outputs are examples of MPLS SR-TE LSP information. The associated tables describe the output fields.
Output ExampleThe following outputs apply to an SR-TE LSP for which the path is computed using the local SR-TE CSPF method.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "C_F_70000"
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
C_F_70000 1 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 1
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "C_F_70000" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend :
+ - Inherited
Type : Originating
LSP Name : C_F_70000
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 11:40:44 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 3 Path Changes : 3
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 10 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1484
PathCompMethod : local-cspf
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : 1000 Metric Type : igp
Local Sr Protec*: preferred Label Stack Reduction: Enabled
Load Bal Wt : N/A ClassForwarding : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
BFD Template : None BFD Ping Intvl : N/A
BFD Enable : False BFD Failure-action : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4
Revert Timer : Disabled Next Revert In : N/A
Entropy Label : Enabled+ Oper Entropy Label : Enabled
Negotiated EL : Disabled
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 1000
PCE Report : Disabled+
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile : None
Admin Tags : None
Primary(a) : C_F_70000
Up Time : 0d 11:40:44
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "C_F_70000" activepath
MPLS LSP: C_F_70000 (active paths)
Legend :
# - Manually switched path
#F - Manually forced switched path
LSP Name : C_F_70000
LSP Id : 26114
Path Name : C_F_70000
Active Path : Primary
To : LSP Type : SR-TE
*A:Dut-C# tools perform router mpls sr-te-cspf to path "C_F_70000" hop-
limit 3 label-stack-reduction path-computation-method local-cspf max-sr-labels 4
Req CSPF TE path
From: this node To:
[1] Source Add Cost 4000
Hop 1 -> Label 524242 NH --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 2 -> Label 434687 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 3 -> Label 435087 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 4 -> Label 435487 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
*A:Dut-C# tools perform router mpls resignal sr-te-lsp "C_F_70000" path "C_F_70000"
1 2019/07/03 19:36:37.768 UTC WARNING: MPLS #2014 Base VR 1:
"LSP path C_F_70000::C_F_70000 resignaled as a result of manualResignal MBB"
*A:Dut-C# tools perform router mpls sr-te-cspf to path "C_F_70000" hop-
limit 3 label-stack-reduction path-computation-method local-cspf max-sr-labels 4
Req CSPF TE path
From: this node To:
[1] Source Add Cost 4000
Hop 1 -> Label 524242 NH --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 2 -> Label 434687 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 3 -> Label 435087 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
Hop 4 -> Label 435487 NH :: --> ( Cost 1000 Color 0x0
*A:Dut-C# tools perform router mpls resignal sr-te-lsp "C_F_70000" path "C_F_70000"
1 2019/07/03 19:36:37.768 UTC WARNING: MPLS #2014 Base VR 1:
"LSP path C_F_70000::C_F_70000 resignaled as a result of manualResignal MBB"
Output Example
The following show outputs display an LSP with BFD configured to use controlled return path. The following tables describe the MPLS SR-TE LSP detail fields and the MPLS SR-TE LSP path detail fields.
*A:Dut-C# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend :
+ - Inherited
Type : Originating
LSP Name : to_A_SR_TE
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From :
To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:00:05 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 2 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1496
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt : N/A ClassForwarding : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
Egress Stats : Disabled
BFD Template : None BFD Ping Intvl : N/A
BFD Enable : False BFD Failure-action : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4
ReturnPathLabel : None
Revert Timer : Disabled Next Revert In : N/A
Entropy Label : Enabled+ Oper Entropy Label : Enabled
Negotiated EL : Disabled Override Tunnel ELC : Disabled
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
PCE Report : Disabled+
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile : None
Admin Tags : None
Primary(a) : path_A
Up Time : 0d 00:00:09
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Secondary : path_A2
Down Time : 0d 00:00:50
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Type : Originating
LSP Name : template-
LSP Type : OneHopP2PSrTe LSP Tunnel ID : 16386
LSP Index : 81921 TTM Tunnel Id : 671747
From :
To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:00:08 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt : N/A ClassForwarding : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
Egress Stats : Disabled
BFD Template : srte BFD Ping Intvl : N/A
BFD Enable : True BFD Failure-action : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4
ReturnPathLabel : 35002
Revert Timer : Disabled Next Revert In : N/A
Entropy Label : Enabled+ Oper Entropy Label : Enabled
Negotiated EL : Disabled Override Tunnel ELC : Disabled
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
OriginTemplName : template
Admin Tags : None
PCE Report : Disabled+
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile : None
Primary(a) : path_A
Up Time : 0d 00:00:09
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Label |
Description |
LSP Name |
The name of the LSP |
LSP Type |
The type of the LSP |
LSP Tunnel ID |
The tunnel ID number for the LSP used in the interaction with PCC/PCE |
LSP Index |
The LSP index used for indexing the LSP in the MIB table shared with the RSVP-TE LSP |
TTM Tunnel Id |
The tunnel ID number for the tunnel representing the LSP in the tunnel table |
From |
The IP address for the ingress router for the LSP |
To |
The IP address for the egress router for the LSP |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the LSP |
Oper State |
The operational state of the LSP |
LSP Up Time |
The length of time the LSP has been operational |
LSP Down Time |
The amount of time the LSP has been down |
Transitions |
The number of transitions that have occurred for the LSP |
Path Changes |
The number of times the path has changed |
Retry Limit |
The number of attempts that the software makes to reestablish the LSP after it has failed |
Retry Timer |
The time, in seconds, for LSP reestablishment attempts after LSP failure |
Hop Limit |
The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers |
Negotiated MTU |
The size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that is negotiated during establishment of the LSP |
PathCompMethod |
pce — PCE path computation method is configured local-cspf — Local CSPF path computation method is configured none — No computation method is configured |
FallbkPathComp |
none — No fallback method is configured local-cspf — Local CSPF fallback is configured |
Metric |
The cost of the TE path for the LSP |
Local Sr Protection |
The local LFA protection wanted for the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
Label Stack Reduction |
The label stack reduction applied to the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
Load Bal Wt |
The load balance weight value |
Include Grps |
The included groups. None indicates that no groups are included |
Exclude Grps |
The excluded groups. None indicates that no groups are excluded |
Egress Stats |
The traffic statistics for the specified SR-TE LSP or for all SR-TE LSPs if none is explicitly specified. Traffic statistics are provided for primary path, secondary path, if any, and secondary standby paths, if any. Statistics are preserved across switch over for primary and secondary standby paths |
BFD Template |
The BFD template name |
BFD Ping Intvl |
The BFD ping interval |
BFD Enable |
The operational state of the BFD on the LSP |
BFD Failure-action |
The failure action that is configured for the BFD LSP |
WaitForUpTimer |
The BFD wait for up timer value |
ReturnPathLabel |
The return path label added to the MPLS label to the bottom of the label stack for S-BFD. With this configured, the S-BFD packet returns to the initiator through the MPLS return path |
Revert Timer |
The length of time before a named LSP using the secondary path to revert to the primary path |
Next Revert In |
The next revert interval |
Entropy Label |
The enabled or disabled status for the entropy label |
Oper Entropy Label |
Indicates that the entropy label is in use |
Negotiated EL |
Indicates if the entropy label is negotiated for the LSP |
Override Tunnel ELC |
The enabled or disabled status of the override tunnel ELC |
VPRNAutoBind |
The enabled or disabled status for VRPN autobind |
IGP Shortcut |
The enabled or disabled status for IGP shortcut |
BGP Shortcut |
The enabled or disabled status for BGP shortcut |
The enabled or disabled status for IGP LFA |
BGPTransTun |
The enabled or disabled status for BGP transport tunnels |
Oper Metric |
The enabled or disabled status of the operational metric |
PCE Report |
The enabled or disabled status of PCE report |
PCE Control |
The enabled or disabled status of PCE control |
Max SR Labels |
The maximum label stack size of the computed path with or without label stack reduction |
Additional FRR Labels |
The additional FRR labels value that the router is configured to take into account during TI-LFA |
Path Profile |
The path profile value for the LSP |
Admin Tags | The administrative tag names. None indicates that there are no tags. |
Primary (a) |
The preferred path for the LSP |
Up Time |
The total time in increments that the LSP path has been operational |
Bandwidth |
The amount of bandwidth in Mb/s reserved for the LSP path |
Secondary |
The alternate path that the LSP uses if the primary path is not available |
Downtime |
The time that the LSP has been down |
Bandwidth |
The amount of bandwidth in Mb/s reserved for the LSP path |
*A:Dut-C# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp path detail
Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
Path path_A
LSP Name : to_A_SR_TE
Path LSP ID : 3072
From :
To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : path_A
Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:01:11 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 2 sec
Retry Attempt : 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper IncludeGroups:
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper ExcludeGroups:
None None
Last Resignal : n/a
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1496 Path Trans : 1
Degraded : False
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops : Record Label : 19410
BFD Configuration and State
Template : srte Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : True State : up
ReturnPathLabel : 35001
WaitForUpTimer : 4 sec OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft : 0
StartFail Rsn : N/A
Path path_A2
LSP Name : to_A_SR_TE
Path LSP ID : 3074
From :
To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : path_A2
Path Type : Secondary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Down
Path Up Time : 0d 00:00:00 Path Down Time : 0d 00:01:53
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 2 sec
Retry Attempt : 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none OperPathCompMethod: N/A
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : N/A
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : N/A
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : N/A
Setup Priority : 7 Oper SetupPriority: N/A
Hold Priority : 0 Oper HoldPriority : N/A
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper IncludeGroups:
None N/A
Exclude Groups : Oper ExcludeGroups:
None N/A
Last Resignal : n/a
IGP/TE Metric : N/A Oper Metric : N/A
Oper MTU : N/A Path Trans : 0
Degraded : False
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops :
No Hops Specified
Srlg : Disabled Srlg Disjoint : False
BFD Configuration and State
Template : srte Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : True State : notApplicable
ReturnPathLabel : 35002
WaitForUpTimer : 4 sec OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft : 0
StartFail Rsn : N/A
LSP SR-TE template-
Path path_A
LSP Name : template-
Path LSP ID : 14336
From :
To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : path_A
Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:01:12 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 2 Oper HopLimit : 2
Setup Priority : 7 Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper IncludeGroups:
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper ExcludeGroups:
None None
Last Resignal : n/a
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1496 Path Trans : 1
Degraded : False
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops : Record Label : 524282
BFD Configuration and State
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : up
ReturnPathLabel : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4 sec OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft : 0
StartFail Rsn : N/A
show router mpls sr-te-lsp path detail dns
Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
LSP SR-TE C_F_65536
Path C_F_1
LSP Name : C_F_65536
Path LSP ID : 13312
From :
To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : C_F_1
Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:01:27 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 10 Retry Timer : 10 sec
Retry Attempt : 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper IncludeGroups:
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper ExcludeGroups:
None None
Last Resignal : n/a
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1488 Path Trans : 1
Degraded : False
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
Actual Hops : Record Label : 524279
-> Record Label : 524281
-> Record Label : 524281
BFD Configuration and State
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
ReturnPathLabel : None
BFD Source Addr : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4 sec OperWaitForUpTimer: 0 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft : 0
StartFail Rsn : N/A
5. sr-te (ipV6)
6. Command:
show router mpls sr-te-lsp path detail dns
7. Logs:
Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
LSP SR-TE C_F_65536
Path C_F_1
LSP Name : C_F_65536
Path LSP ID : 60928
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : C_F_1
Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:51:10 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 10 Retry Timer : 10 sec
Retry Attempt : 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper IncludeGroups:
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper ExcludeGroups:
None None
Last Resignal : n/a
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1488 Path Trans : 1
Degraded : False
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
-> 3ffe::a14:105(S)
-> 3ffe::a14:106(S)
Actual Hops :
Record Label : 524279
-> (3ffe::a14:105)(A-SID)
Record Label : 524281
-> (3ffe::a14:106)(A-SID)
Record Label : 524281
BFD Configuration and State
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
ReturnPathLabel : None
BFD Source Addr : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4 sec OperWaitForUpTimer: 0 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft : 0
StartFail Rsn : N/A
Label |
Description |
LSP Name |
The name of the LSP |
Path LSP ID |
The path LSP ID |
From |
The IP address for the ingress router for the LSP |
To |
The IP address for the egress router for the LSP |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the LSP |
Oper State |
The operational state of the LSP |
Path Name |
The name of the LSP path |
Path Type |
The type of LSP path |
Path Admin |
The administrative state of the LSP path |
Path Oper |
The operational state of the LSP path |
Path Up Time |
The length of time the LSP path has been operational |
Path Down Time |
The length of time the LSP path has been down |
Retry Limit |
The number of attempts that the software makes to reestablish the path after it has failed |
Retry Timer |
The time, in seconds, for path reestablishment attempts after LSP failure |
Retry Attempt |
The number of retry attempts |
Next Retry In |
The next retry value |
PathCompMethod |
The path computation method for the specific LSP pce — PCE path computation method is configured local-cspf — Local CSPF path computation method is configured none — No computation method is configured |
OperPathCompMethod |
The operational state of the path computation method pce — PCE path computation method is configured local-cspf — Local CSPF path computation method is configured none — No computation method is configured |
MetricType |
The cost of the TE path for the specific LSP |
Oper MetricType |
The operational state of cost of the TE path |
LocalSrProt |
The local LFA protection for the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
Oper LocalSrProt |
The operational state of LFA protection for the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
LabelStackRed |
The label stack reduction applied to the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
Oper LabelStackRed |
The operational state of the label stack reduction applied to the CSPF computed explicit path with adjacency SIDs |
Bandwidth |
The amount of bandwidth in Mb/s to be reserved |
Oper Bandwidth |
The operational state of the bandwidth |
Hop Limit |
The maximum number of hops for the path |
Oper HopLimit |
The operational state of the maximum number of hops for the path |
Setup Priority |
The setup priority value to use for the path |
Oper SetupPriority |
The operational state of the setup priority value for the path |
Hold Priority |
The hold priority to use for the path |
Oper HoldPriority |
The operational state of the hold priority for the path |
PCE Updt ID |
The update ID |
PCE Updt State |
The update state |
PCE Upd Fail Code |
The update failure code |
PCE Report |
The enabled or disabled status of PCE report |
Oper PCE Report |
The operational state of the PCE report |
PCE Control |
The enabled or disabled status of PCE control |
Oper PCE Control |
The operational state of PCE control |
Include Groups |
The included groups. None indicates that no groups are included |
Oper IncludeGroups |
The operational state of the included groups |
Exclude Groups |
The excluded groups. None indicates that no groups are included |
Oper ExcludeGroups |
Oper ExcludeGroups |
Last Resignal |
The last resignal time |
IGP/TE Metric |
The IGP or TE metric value |
Oper Metric |
The operational metric value |
Oper MTU |
The largest service frame size that can be transmitted to the far-end router without requiring the packet to be fragmented |
Path Trans |
The path transmission value |
Degraded |
The degraded status |
Failure Code | The reason code for in-progress MBB value. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred. |
Failure Node | The IP address of the node in the LSP path at which the in-progress MBB failed. When no failure has occurred this value is none. |
Explicit Hops |
The explicit configured hops for an LSP path |
Actual Hops |
The actual hops an LSP path takes |
Record Label |
The record label value |
BFD Configuration and State |
Template |
Indicates if the BFD template configured |
Ping Interval |
The BFD ping interval value |
Enable |
Indicates if BFD is enabled |
State |
The state of BFD |
ReturnPathLabel |
The return path label to add to the MPLS label on the bottom of the label stack for S-BFD. When configured, the S-BFD packet returns to the initiator through the MPLS return path. |
BFD Source Addr |
The BFD source address |
WaitForUpTimer |
The BFD wait for up timer value |
OperWaitForUpTimer |
The operational state of the wait for up timer value |
WaitForUpTmLeft |
The length of time remaining for the wait for up timer |
StartFail Rsn |
The start fail RSN value |
The following outputs apply to an SR-TE auto-LSP for which the path is computed by the hop-to-label translation method.
*A:Phoenix 199# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "sr-te-level2-mesh-
716805" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating
LSP Name : sr-te-level2-mesh-
LSP Type : MeshP2PSrTe LSP Tunnel ID : 61444
LSP Index : 126979 TTM Tunnel Id : 716805
From : To :*
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:02:12 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 3 Path Changes : 3
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A Use TE metric : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 8 Additional FRR Labels: 2
Path Profile :
Primary(a) : loose-anycast-sid Up Time : 0d 00:02:12
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
*A:Phoenix 199# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "sr-te-level2-mesh-
716805" path detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP sr-te-level2-mesh- Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
SR-TE LSP sr-te-level2-mesh- Path loose-anycast-sid
LSP Name : sr-te-level2-mesh-
Path LSP ID : 20480
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : loose-anycast-sid Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 02:30:28 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : local-cspf OperPathCompMethod : local-cspf
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed: : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Enabled Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
Actual Hops : ( Record Label : 200099
-> ( Record Label : 200323
*A:Phoneix 199# show router mpls sr-te-lsp
- sr-te-lsp [<lsp-name>] [status {up|down}] [detail] path [<path-name>]
[auto-lsp {all|mesh-p2p-srte|one-hop-p2p-srte}]
- sr-te-lsp [<lsp-name>] [detail] [auto-lsp {all|mesh-p2p-srte|
- sr-te-lsp [<lsp-name>] [status {up|down}] [to <ip-address>] [detail]
[auto-lsp {all|mesh-p2p-srte|one-hop-p2p-srte}]
<lsp-name> : [64 chars max]
<up|down> : up|down
<ip-address> : a.b.c.d
<detail> : keyword
<path> : keyword
<path-name> : [32 chars max]
<all|mesh-p2p-srte*> : keyword - specify type of auto-lsp
*A:Phoneix 199# show router mpls sr-te-lsp auto-lsp all
MPLS Auto SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
sr-te-level2-mesh- 61443 N/A Up Up
sr-te-level2-mesh- 61444 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 2
*A:Phoneix 199# show router mpls sr-te-lsp auto-lsp mesh-p2p-srte
MPLS Auto SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
sr-te-level2-mesh- 61443 N/A Up Up
sr-te-level2-mesh- 61444 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 2
Output Example
The following output is an example of SR-TE LSP count statistics.
Total IpV4 IpV6
SR-TE LSPs 0 0 0
Mesh SR-TE LSPs 0 0 0
One Hop SR-TE LSPs 0 0 0
PCE Init SR-TE LSPs 0 0 0
Output fields: MPLS SR-TE LSP describes the MPLS SR-TE LSP count statistics output fields.
Label |
Description |
LSP Name |
The name of the LSP used in the path. |
Adm State |
Down — The path is administratively disabled. Up — The path is administratively enabled. |
PathCompMethod |
pce — PCE path computation method is configured. local-cspf — Local CSPF path computation method is configured. |
FallbkPathComp |
none — No fallback method is configured. local-cspf — Local CSPF fallback is configured. |
Retry Limit |
The number of attempts that the software should make to reestablish the LSP after it has failed. |
Hop Limit |
The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers. |
Retry Timer |
The time in seconds, for LSP re-establishment attempts after an LSP failure. |
LSP Up Time |
The total time in increments that the LSP path has been operational. |
LSP Down Time |
The total time in increments that the LSP path has not been operational. |
Displays the number of SR-TE LSPs |
Mesh SR-TE LSPs |
Displays the number of mesh SR-TE LSPs |
One Hop-P2P SR-TE LSPs |
Displays the number of one-hop SR-TE LSPs |
Displays the number of PCE initiated SR-TE LSPs |
The following outputs apply to a router-controlled or to a PCC-controlled SR-TE LSP for which the path is computed using the hop-to-label transition method.
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srTeRtrControlled" path "1" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP srTeRtrControlled Path 1 (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
SR-TE LSP srTeRtrControlled Path 1
LSP Name : srTeRtrControlled
Path LSP ID : 1024
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : 1 Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:03:19 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : pce OperPathCompMethod : pce
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed : disabled Oper LabelStackRed : disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Inherited Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1484 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops : ->
Actual Hops : ( Record Label : 262143
-> ( Record Label : 102003
-> ( Record Label : 103006
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srTeRtrControlled" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating
LSP Name : srTeRtrControlled
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 2
LSP Index : 65537 TTM Tunnel Id : 655363
From : To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:06:09 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1484
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
PCE Report : Inherited Max SR Labels : 6
PCE Control : Disabled
Path Profile:
Primary(a) : 1 Up Time : 0d 00:06:09
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Outputs with other filters:
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
sr-te1 1 N/A Up Up
srTeRtrControlled 2 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 2
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp path
LSP Name : sr-te1 To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name Type Adm Opr
1 Primary Up Up
LSP Name : srTeRtrControlled To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name Type Adm Opr
1 Primary Up Up
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp to
MPLS SRTE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
sr-te1 1 N/A Up Up
srTeRtrControlled 2 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 2
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp status up
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name To Tun Protect Adm Opr
Id Path
sr-te1 1 N/A Up Up
srTeRtrControlled 2 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 2
*A:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srTeRtrControlled" status up detail path "1"
MPLS SR-TE LSP srTeRtrControlled Path 1 (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
SR-TE LSP srTeRtrControlled Path 1
LSP Name : srTeRtrControlled
Path LSP ID : 1024
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : 1 Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:07:12 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Inherited Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1484 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops : ->
Actual Hops : ( Record Label : 262143
-> ( Record Label : 102003
-> ( Record Label : 103006
Output Example
The following outputs apply to PCE-computed SR-TE LSPs.
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" path detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path fully_loose
LSP Name : srte_lsp
Path LSP ID : 2
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : fully_loose Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 10:48:05 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : pce OperPathCompMethod : pce
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Enabled Oper PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 20 Oper Metric : 20
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops : Record Label : 131071
-> Record Label : 131068
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating
LSP Name : srte_lsp
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 10:48:17 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1492
PathCompMethod : pce
FallbkPathComp : none
Metric : N/A Use TE metric : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 20
PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile :
Primary(a) : fully_loose Up Time : 0d 10:48:17
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Output Example
The following outputs apply to a PCE-computed SR-TE LSP when pce-report sr-te is enabled under MPLS.
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" path detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path fully_loose
LSP Name : srte_lsp
Path LSP ID : 2
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : fully_loose Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 10:51:47 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : pce OperPathCompMethod: : pce
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Inherited Oper PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 20 Oper Metric : 20
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops : Record Label : 131071
-> Record Label : 131068
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating
LSP Name : srte_lsp
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 10:52:16 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1492
PathCompMethod : pce
FallbkPathComp : none
Metric : N/A Use TE metric : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 20
PCE Report : Inherited
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile :
Primary(a) : fully_loose Up Time : 0d 10:52:16
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Output Example
The following outputs apply to PCE-controlled SR-TE LSPs.
*A:Dut-B>config>router>pcep>pcc# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" path detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path fully_loose
LSP Name : srte_lsp
Path LSP ID : 2
From : To :
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : fully_loose Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:01:07 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt : 1 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMethod : pce OperPathCompMethod: : pce
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed : Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priority : 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority : 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report : Enabled Oper PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Enabled Oper PCE Control : Enabled
Include Groups : Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Groups : Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
IGP/TE Metric : 20 Oper Metric : 20
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops :
No Hops Specified
Actual Hops : Record Label : 131071
-> Record Label : 131068
*A:Dut-B>config>router>pcep>pcc# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating
LSP Name : srte_lsp
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:01:38 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1492
PathCompMethod : pce
FallbkPathComp : none
Metric : N/A Use TE metric : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 20
PCE Report : Enabled
PCE Control : Enabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile :
Primary(a) : fully_loose Up Time : 0d 00:01:38
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router pcep pcc lsp-db
PCEP Path Computation Client (PCC) LSP Update Info
PCEP-specific LSP ID: 3
LSP ID : 2 LSP Type : seg-rt
Tunnel ID : 1 Extended Tunnel Id :
LSP Name : srte_lsp::fully_loose
Source Address : Destination Address :
LSP Delegated : True Delegate PCE Address:
Oper Status : active
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "srte_lsp" path
MPLS SR-TE LSP srte_lsp Path
LSP Name : srte_lsp To :
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name Type Adm Opr
fully_loose Primary Up Up
Output Example
The following output applies to SR-TE LSP path statistics.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp path family ipv6 status up
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name Type Adm Opr
pe1_pe2 Primary Up Up
pe1_pe2_Stby Standby Up Up
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106"
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name Tun Protect Adm Opr
To Id Path
3ffe::a14:106 1 N/A Up Up
LSPs : 1
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend :
+ - Inherited
Type : Originating
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:05:11 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1492
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt : N/A ClassForwarding : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
Egress Stats : Disabled
BFD Template : None BFD Ping Intvl : N/A
BFD Enable : False BFD Failure-action : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4
Revert Timer : Disabled Next Revert In : N/A
Entropy Label : Enabled+ Oper Entropy Label : Enabled
Negotiated EL : Disabled
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
PCE Report : Disabled+
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile : None
Admin Tags : None
Primary(a) : pe1_pe2
Up Time : 0d 00:05:13
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Secondary : pe1_pe2_Sec
Down Time : 0d 00:01:23
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Standby : pe1_pe2_Stby
Up Time : 0d 00:01:09
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" path
MPLS SR-TE LSP 3ffe::a14:106 Path
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name Type Adm Opr
pe1_pe2 Primary Up Up
pe1_pe2_Sec Secondary Up Dwn
pe1_pe2_Stby Standby Up Up
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" path detail
MPLS SR-TE LSP 3ffe::a14:106 Path (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
LSP SR-TE 3ffe::a14:106
Path pe1_pe2
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
Path LSP ID : 59904
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : pe1_pe2 Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:09:24 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt: 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMeth*: none Oper PathCompMethod : none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed: Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priori*: 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority: 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail : noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Grou*: Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Grou*: Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
Last Resignal: n/a
IGP/TE Metric: 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops:
-> 3ffe::a14:106(L)
Actual Hops :
Record Label : 454488
-> (3ffe::a14:106)(N-SID)
Record Label : 424493
BFD Configuration and State:
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
WaitForUpTim*: 4 OperWaitForUpTimer : 0
WaitForUpTmL*: 0
Start Fail Reason: N/A
LSP SR-TE 3ffe::a14:106
Path pe1_pe2_Sec
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
Path LSP ID : 59906
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : pe1_pe2_Sec Path Type : Secondary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Down
Path Up Time : 0d 00:00:00 Path Down Time : 0d 00:05:35
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt: 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMeth*: none Oper PathCompMethod : N/A
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : N/A
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : N/A
LabelStackRed: Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : N/A
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : N/A
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : N/A
Setup Priori*: 7 Oper Setup Priority : N/A
Hold Priority: 0 Oper Hold Priority : N/A
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail : noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Grou*: Oper Include Groups :
None N/A
Exclude Grou*: Oper Exclude Groups :
None N/A
Last Resignal: n/a
IGP/TE Metric: N/A Oper Metric : N/A
Oper MTU : N/A Path Trans : 2
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops:
-> 3ffe::a14:106(L)
Actual Hops :
No Hops Specified
Srlg : Disabled Srlg Disjoint : False
BFD Configuration and State:
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
WaitForUpTim*: 4 OperWaitForUpTimer : 0
WaitForUpTmL*: 0
Start Fail Reason: N/A
LSP SR-TE 3ffe::a14:106
Path pe1_pe2_Stby
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
Path LSP ID : 59908
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : pe1_pe2_Stby Path Type : Standby
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:05:21 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt: 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMeth*: none Oper PathCompMethod : none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed: Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priori*: 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority: 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail : noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Grou*: Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Grou*: Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
Last Resignal: n/a
IGP/TE Metric: 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops:
-> 3ffe::a14:106(L)
Actual Hops :
Record Label : 454489
-> (3ffe::a14:106)(N-SID)
Record Label : 439493
Srlg : Disabled Srlg Disjoint : False
BFD Configuration and State:
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
WaitForUpTim*: 4 OperWaitForUpTimer : 0
WaitForUpTmL*: 0
Start Fail Reason: N/A
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" status up detail path "pe1_pe2"
family ipv6
MPLS SR-TE LSP 3ffe::a14:106 Path pe1_pe2 (Detail)
Legend :
S - Strict L - Loose
A-SID - Adjacency SID N-SID - Node SID
+ - Inherited
LSP SR-TE 3ffe::a14:106
Path pe1_pe2
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
Path LSP ID : 59904
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Path Name : pe1_pe2 Path Type : Primary
Path Admin : Up Path Oper : Up
Path Up Time : 0d 00:16:20 Path Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Retry Attempt: 0 Next Retry In : 0 sec
PathCompMeth*: none Oper PathCompMethod : none
MetricType : igp Oper MetricType : igp
LocalSrProt : preferred Oper LocalSrProt : preferred
LabelStackRed: Disabled Oper LabelStackRed : Disabled
Bandwidth : No Reservation Oper Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit : 255 Oper HopLimit : 255
Setup Priori*: 7 Oper Setup Priority : 7
Hold Priority: 0 Oper Hold Priority : 0
Inter-area : N/A
PCE Updt ID : 0 PCE Updt State : None
PCE Upd Fail : noError
PCE Report : Disabled+ Oper PCE Report : Disabled
PCE Control : Disabled Oper PCE Control : Disabled
Include Grou*: Oper Include Groups :
None None
Exclude Grou*: Oper Exclude Groups :
None None
Last Resignal: n/a
IGP/TE Metric: 16777215 Oper Metric : 16777215
Oper MTU : 1492 Path Trans : 1
Failure Code : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops:
-> 3ffe::a14:106(L)
Actual Hops :
Record Label : 454488
-> (3ffe::a14:106)(N-SID)
Record Label : 424493
BFD Configuration and State:
Template : None Ping Interval : N/A
Enable : False State : notApplicable
WaitForUpTim*: 4 OperWaitForUpTimer : 0
WaitForUpTmL*: 0
Start Fail Reason: N/A
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" activepath
MPLS LSP: 3ffe::a14:106 (active paths)
Legend :
# - Manually switched path
#F - Manually forced switched path
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
LSP Id : 59904
Path Name : pe1_pe2
Active Path : Primary
To : 3ffe::a14:106
LSP Type : SR-TE
*A:Dut-C>config>router>mpls# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" egress-stats
SR-TE LSP Egress Statistics
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
Admin State : Up
Path Name : pe1_pe2
StatsOperState : Up
Aggregate Pkts : 0 Aggregate Octets : 0
Path Name : pe1_pe2_Sec
StatsOperState : Up
Aggregate Pkts : 0 Aggregate Octets : 0
Path Name : pe1_pe2_Stby
StatsOperState : Up
Aggregate Pkts : 0 Aggregate Octets : 0
Total for all paths
Tot.Aggr Pkts : 0 Tot.Aggr Octets : 0
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp "3ffe::a14:106" to 3ffe::a14:106 detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend :
+ - Inherited
Type : Originating
LSP Name : 3ffe::a14:106
LSP Type : SrTeLsp LSP Tunnel ID : 1
LSP Index : 65536 TTM Tunnel Id : 655362
From : 3ffe::a14:103
To : 3ffe::a14:106
Adm State : Up Oper State : Up
LSP Up Time : 0d 00:50:36 LSP Down Time : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions : 1 Path Changes : 1
Retry Limit : 0 Retry Timer : 30 sec
Hop Limit : 255 Negotiated MTU : 1492
PathCompMethod : none
FallbkPathComp : not-applicable
Metric : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt : N/A ClassForwarding : Disabled
Include Grps : Exclude Grps :
None None
Egress Stats : Disabled
BFD Template : None BFD Ping Intvl : N/A
BFD Enable : False BFD Failure-action : None
WaitForUpTimer : 4
Revert Timer : Disabled Next Revert In : N/A
Entropy Label : Enabled+ Oper Entropy Label : Enabled
Negotiated EL : Disabled
VprnAutoBind : Enabled
IGP Shortcut : Enabled BGP Shortcut : Enabled
IGP LFA : Disabled IGP Rel Metric : Disabled
BGPTransTun : Enabled
Oper Metric : 16777215
PCE Report : Disabled+
PCE Control : Disabled
Max SR Labels : 6 Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile : None
Admin Tags : None
Primary(a) : pe1_pe2
Up Time : 0d 00:50:39
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Secondary : pe1_pe2_Sec
Down Time : 0d 00:46:48
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
Standby : pe1_pe2_Stby
Up Time : 0d 00:46:34
Bandwidth : 0 Mbps
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example
The following output applies to SR-TE LSP egress statistics.
*A:Dut-B>config>router>mpls>lsp# /show router mpls sr-te-lsp "lsp1" egress-stats
SR-TE LSP Egress Statistics
LSP Name : lsp1
Admin State : Up
Path Name : p1
StatsOperState : Up
Aggregate Pkts : 0 Aggregate Octets : 0
Path Name : p2
StatsOperState : Up
Aggregate Pkts : 0 Aggregate Octets : 0
Total for all paths
Tot.Aggr Pkts : 0 Tot.Aggr Octets : 0
Packet Rate pps : 0 Bit Rate Mbps : 0
Output fields: MPLS SR-TE LSP egress statistics describes the MPLS SR-TE LSP egress statistics output fields.
Label |
Description |
LSP Name |
The name of the LSP for which the statistics are provided |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the LSP |
Path Name |
The path name of the LSP |
StatsOperState |
Indicates whether the system is able to allocate a statistical index to that specific path |
Aggregate Pkts |
The number of packets recorded by the statistical index for that path |
Aggregate Octets |
The number of octets recorded by the statistical index for that path |
Tot.Aggr Pkts |
The sum of packets over all paths of the LSP |
Tot.Aggr Octets |
The sum of octets over all paths of the LSP |
Packet Rate |
The packet rate for the LSP (across all paths, for all FCs in/out-of profile) expressed in packets per second |
Bit Rate |
The bit rate for the LSP (across all paths, for all FCs in/out-of profile) expressed in Mb/s |
sr-te-lsp-egress-stats lsp-name
[Tree] (clear>router>mpls sr-te-lsp-egress-stats)
Full Context
clear router mpls sr-te-lsp-egress-stats
This command clears or resets the egress statistics for MPLS SR-TE LSP.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP to clear, up to 64 characters.
sr-te-lsp-egress-stats lsp lsp-name [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [ absolute| rate] [bits ]
[Tree] (monitor>router>mpls sr-te-lsp-egress-stats)
Full Context
monitor router mpls sr-te-lsp-egress-stats
This command monitors MPLS SR-TE LSP Egress Statistics.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
- bits
Displays output value in bits.
src-access-list [list-name]
[Tree] (show>system>security>snmp src-access-list)
Full Context
show system security snmp src-access-list
This command displays source access lists and the hosts for each. Including the list-name parameter modifies the output show only the specified src-access-list.
The following output is an example of SR access list information.
Output fields: source access list describes the source access list output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# show system security snmp src-access-list
Source Access Lists
List Name
HostName Host Address
Total Access Lists: 2
A:ALA-1# show system security snmp src-access-list L1
Source Access Lists
List Name
HostName Host Address
Total Access Lists: 1
Label |
Description |
List Name |
Displays the name of the src-access-list. |
Host Name |
Displays the name of the src-host. |
Host Address |
Displays the IP address of the src-host. |
Total Access Lists |
Displays the total number of source access lists. |
[Tree] (tools>dump>redundancy src-bmac-lsb)
Full Context
tools dump redundancy src-bmac-lsb
This command dumps PBB source Backbone MAC address LSB information.
srlg-database [router-id ip-address] [interface ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>mpls srlg-database)
Full Context
show router mpls srlg-database
This command displays MPLS SRLG database information.
- router-id ip-address
Specifies a 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the router in the Autonomous System. By convention to ensure uniqueness, this may default to the value of one of the router's IPv4 host addresses, represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer, if IPv4 is configured on the router. The router-id can be either the local one or some remote router.
- interface ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the interface.
srlg-group [name]
[Tree] (show>router>if-attribute srlg-group)
Full Context
show router if-attribute srlg-group
This command displays SRLG statistics.
- name
Displays entries that are associated with the specified SRLG name, up to 32 characters.
The following output is an example of SRLG statistics, and Output fields: SRLG describes the fields.
Output ExampleB:CORE2# show router if-attribute srlg-group
Interface Srlg Groups
Group Name Group Value Penalty Weight
1 1 100
2 2 200
3 3 300
No. of Groups: 3
Label |
Description |
Group Name |
The name of the SRLG |
Group Value |
The integer value of the SRLG |
Penalty Weight |
The penalty weight that is assigned to the SRLG |
No. of Groups |
The total number of displayed SRLGs |
[Tree] (clear>router srrp)
Full Context
clear router srrp
Commands in this context clear and reset SRRP virtual router instances.
srrp [srrp-id [detail]]
[Tree] (show srrp)
Full Context
show srrp
This command displays information related to the SRRP.
- srrp-id
Specifies the SRRP ID.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
srrp-sync-database [instance instance-id] [ peer ip-address]
[Tree] (tools>dump>redundancy>multi-chassis srrp-sync-database)
Full Context
tools dump redundancy multi-chassis srrp-sync-database
This command dumps SRRP database information and applies to the 7450 ESS.
- ip-address
Specifies the peer’s IP address.
- instance-id
Dumps information for the specified Subscriber Router Redundancy Protocol instance configured on this system.
ssh [detail | server-lists | client-lists | server-public-keys]
[Tree] (show>system>security ssh)
Full Context
show system security ssh
This command displays all SSH sessions and the SSH status and fingerprint. The type of SSH application (CLI, SCP, SFTP, or NETCONF) is indicated for each SSH connection.
- detail
Keyword to display detailed information.
- server-lists
Keyword to display the lists of cipher, MAC, KEX, and host key algorithms allowed by the SSH server.
- client-lists
Keyword to display the lists of cipher, MAC, KEX, and host key algorithms allowed by the SSH client.
- server-public-keys
Keyword to display the SSH server public keys.
The following outputs are examples of SSH information, and Output fields: ssh describes the output fields.
Output example (show system security ssh)===============================================================================
SSH Server
Administrative State : Enabled
Operational State : Up
Preserve Key : Disabled
Key-re-exchange : 60 minutes / 1024 MB
SSH Protocol Version 2 : Enabled
Host Key Fingerprints :
RSA : MD5:51:02:1d:28:0e:b3:49:f9:71:79:2e:67:a3:25:55:74
ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP256 : MD5:d8:63:f5:9a:01:0f:24:4e:26:06:ab:a4:05:08:fb:52
ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP521 : MD5:fa:7d:9f:16:a7:e1:17:89:52:0d:d3:bc:0d:c8:1d:ef
Connection ConnectionID
Username ConnectionStatus
RouterInstance Key-re-exchange
Version KEX
SessionID ChannelID ServerName ChannelStatus
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
admin connected
management 60 minutes / 1024 MB
SSHv2 ecdh-sha2-nistp256
23 0 cli connected
Number of SSH connections : 1
Number of SSH sessions : 1
Output example (show system security ssh
SSH Server Global
Administrative State : Enabled
Operational State : Up
Preserve Key : Disabled
Key-re-exchange : 60 minutes / 1024 MB
SSH Protocol Version 2 : Enabled
Host Key Fingerprints :
RSA : MD5:51:02:1d:28:0e:b3:49:f9:71:79:2e:67:a3:25:55:74
ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP256 : MD5:d8:63:f5:9a:01:0f:24:4e:26:06:ab:a4:05:08:fb:52
ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP521 : MD5:fa:7d:9f:16:a7:e1:17:89:52:0d:d3:bc:0d:c8:1d:ef
SSH Server Router Instance [Base]
Access allowed : Allowed
Connection ConnectionID
Username ConnectionStatus
Version KEX
SessionID ChannelID ServerName ChannelStatus
No entries found
SSH Server Router Instance [management]
Access allowed : Allowed
Connection ConnectionID
Username ConnectionStatus
Version KEX
SessionID ChannelID ServerName ChannelStatus
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
admin connected
60 minutes / 1024 MB
SSHv2 ecdh-sha2-nistp256
23 0 cli connected
Number of SSH connections : 1
Number of SSH sessions : 1
Output example (show system security ssh
SSH Server configurable algorithm lists
SSHv2 Cipher List : aes256-ctr
SSHv2 MAC List : hmac-sha2-512
SSHv2 KEX List : ecdh-sha2-nistp521
SSHv2 Host Key List : ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
Output example (show system security ssh
SSH Client configurable algorithm lists
SSHv2 Cipher List : aes256-ctr
SSHv2 MAC List : hmac-sha2-512
SSHv2 KEX List : ecdh-sha2-nistp521
SSHv2 Host Key List : ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
Output example (show system security ssh
SSH Server Public Keys
Label |
Description |
Administrative State |
Enabled — The administrative state of the SSH server is enabled Disabled — The administrative state of the SSH server is disabled |
Operational State |
Up — The operational state of the SSH server is up Down — The operational state of the SSH server is down |
Preserve Key |
Enabled — preserve-key is enabled Disabled — preserve-key is disabled |
Key-re-exchange |
The maximum amount of time and the maximum number of megabytes to be transmitted before a key re-exchange is initiated by the server |
SSH Protocol Version 2 |
Enabled — SSH2 is enabled Disabled — SSH2 is disabled |
Host Key Fingerprints |
The key fingerprint is the server identity. If a client attempts and fails to verify the key fingerprint of the server, the client session is disconnected. |
Connection |
The IP address of the connected routers (remote client) |
ConnectionID |
The connection ID |
Username |
The name of the user |
ConnectionStatus |
The connection status |
Version |
The SSH version |
KEX algorithm negotiated between SR OS SSH server and SSH client |
Cipher |
Cipher algorithm negotiated between SR OS SSH server and SSH client |
MAC algorithm negotiated between SR OS SSH server and SSH client |
HostKey |
Host key algorithm negotiated between SR OS SSH server and SSH client |
SessionID |
The session ID |
ChannelID |
The channel ID |
ServerName |
The server name |
ChannelStatus |
The channel status |
Number of SSH connections | The total number of SSH connections |
Number of SSH sessions |
The total number of active SSH sessions |
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>wlan-gw ssid)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt wlan-gw ssid
This command displays SSID information.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
ssm-translate interface interface-name
[Tree] (show>router>igmp ssm-translate)
Full Context
show router igmp ssm-translate
This command displays IGMP SSM translate configuration information.
- interface-name
Specifies the IP interface name, up to 32 characters.
The following output is an example of SSM translate information. Output fields: IGMP provides IGMP field descriptions.
Output Example=================================================================
IGMP SSM Translate Entries
Group Range Source Interface
< -> -
< -> ies-abc
Label |
Description |
Group Range |
The address ranges of the multicast groups for which this router can be an RP. |
Source |
The unicast address that sends data on an interface. |
SSM Translate Entries |
The total number of SSM translate entries. |
ssm-translate interface interface-name
[Tree] (show>router>mld ssm-translate)
Full Context
show router mld ssm-translate
This command displays MLD SSM translate configuration information.
- interface-name
Specifies the IP interface name, up to 32 characters.
MLD Interface Output
The following table provides MLD field descriptions.
Label |
Description |
Start Address End Address |
The address ranges of the multicast groups for which this router can be an RP. |
Source Address |
The unicast address that sends data on an interface. |
Interface |
The interface name. |
SSM Translate Entries |
The total number of SSM translate entries. |
*A:ALA-BA# show router mld static
MLD SSM Translate Entries
Start Address : ff0e::db8:9
End Address : ff0e::db8:c
Source Address : 2001:db8::1
Start Address : ff04:db8:2
End Address : ff04:db8:10
Source Address : 2001:db8:3:4:5:6:7:8
Interface : lax-vls
Start Address : ff0e:db8:db8:9
End Address : ff0e:db8:db8:c
Source Address : 2001:db8::1
Interface : lax-vls
SSM Translate Entries : 3
[Tree] (show>system>ptp standby)
Full Context
show system ptp standby
This command displays information for PTP on the standby control module.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of PTP standby information.
Output Example# show system ptp standby
IEEE 1588/PTP Clock Information
Local Clock
Clock Type : boundary PTP Profile : ITU-T G.8275.1
Domain : 24 Network Type : sdh
Admin State : up Oper State : up
Announce Interval : 8 pkt/s Announce Rx Timeout: 3 intervals
Peer Limit : none (Base Router)
G.8275 Priority : 128 PTSF-unusable : disabled
Clock Id : a47b2cfffe441e1f Clock Class : 165
Clock Accuracy : unknown Clock Variance : ffff (not computed)
Clock Priority1 : 128 Clock Priority2 : 128
Parent Clock
Port : 1/1/3 Remote MAC Address : a4:7b:2c:e2:f1:a2
Parent Clock Id : 242124fffe49e335 Remote PTP Port : 1
GM Clock Id : 242124fffe49e335 GM Clock Class : 6
GM Clock Accuracy : within 100 ns GM Clock Variance : 0x4e5d (1.8E-15)
GM Clock Priority1: 128 GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Time Properties
Timescale : PTP
Frequency Traceable : yes
Time Traceable : yes
Time Source : GPS
UTC Offset : +37 seconds
Leap Second : no leap second pending
Frequency Recovery
PTP Recovery State: initial Last Changed : 2021/09/02 11:04:48
Frequency Offset : -367.370 ppb
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>vrgw>brg>gateway standby-ip-addresses)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt vrgw brg gateway standby-ip-addresses
This command shows associated home-aware pool standby IP addresses.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>l2tp>group>tunnel start)
Full Context
tools perform router l2tp group tunnel start
This command triggers an attempt to start the control connection for a specified L2TP tunnel.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
start route-downloader-name [force]
[Tree] (tools>perform>aaa>route-downloader start)
Full Context
tools perform aaa route-downloader start
This command causes the download process to start immediately. If an ongoing download is already in progress then no further action is needed, except if the force keyword is added. In case the force keyword is added, then the current download is aborted and a new one is immediately restarted. If aborting the current download, the internal route table should not be emptied or cleared.
- route-downloader-name
Specifies the route downloader name, up to 32 characters.
- force
Causes the current download to be aborted and a new one is immediately restarted.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
static [sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>mld-snooping static)
Full Context
show service id mld-snooping static
This command displays MLD snooping static group membership data.
The following output is an example of MLD snooping static group membership information.
Output Example*A:rbae_C# show service id 1 mld-snooping static
MLD Snooping Static Source Groups for service 1
MLD Snooping Static Source Groups for SDP 36:1
Static (*,G)/(S,G) entries: 2
static [sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>igmp-snooping static)
Full Context
show service id igmp-snooping static
This command displays information on static IGMP snooping source groups for the VPLS service.
- sap sap-id
Displays static IGMP snooping source groups for a specific SAP.
- sdp sdp-id
Displays the IGMP snooping source groups for a specific spoke or mesh SDP.
- vc-id
The virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID for which to display information.
Output Example*A:ALA-1>show>service>id>snooping# static
IGMP Snooping Static Source Groups for SAP 1/1/2
Source Group
Static (*,G)/(S,G) entries: 2
IGMP Snooping Static Source Groups for SDP 10:10
Source Group
Static (*,G)/(S,G) entries: 1
Output fields: IGMP snooping source groups describes the show output fields.
Label |
Description |
Source |
Displays the IP source address used in IGMP queries. |
Group |
Displays the static IGMP snooping source groups for a specified SAP. |
static [ip-int-name | ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>igmp static)
Full Context
show router igmp static
This command displays static IGMP, (*,G) and (S,G) information.
- ip-int-name
Displays information associated with the specified IP interface name, up to 32 characters.
- ip-address
Displays information associated with the specified IP address.
The following output is an example of IGMP static information. Output fields: IGMP static provides static IGMP field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router 100 igmp static
IGMP Static Group Source
Source Group Interface
------------------------------------------------------------------ IGMP_to_CE
Static (*,G)/(S,G) Entries : 3
Label |
Description |
Source |
Entries that represent a source address from which receivers are interested/not interested in receiving multicast traffic. |
Group |
The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information. |
Interface |
Displays the interface name. |
static [ip-int-name | ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>mld static)
Full Context
show router mld static
This command displays static MLD, (*,G) and (S,G) information.
- ip-int-name
Displays the information associated with the specified IP interface name.
- ip-address
Displays the information associated with the specified IP address.
The following output is an example of MLD static information. Output fields: MLD static provides static MLD field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router mld static
Rtr Base MLD Static Group Sources
Source Interface
Group Start [Group Step]
[Group End] [Group Count]
2001:db8:2016:10ff::4 lax-vls
* lax-vls
* lax-vls
ff01:db8:1 ::4:0
ff01:db8:100:0 64
3::1 lax-vls
ff05:db8:1 ::1
ff05:db8:20 32
* lax-vls
ff05:db8:2:1 ::1
ff05:db8:2:3ff 1023
3::1 lax-vls
ff05:db8:3:0 ::64
ff05:db8:4:0 656
3::2 lax-vls
ff05:db8:3:0 ::64
ff05:db8:4:0 656
4::1 flax-vlsoo
ff05:db8:3:0 ::64
ff05:db8:4:0 656
5::1 lax-vls
ff05:db8:3:0 ::64
ff05:db8:4:0 656
Static (*,G)/(S,G) Entries : 9
Label |
Description |
Source |
The entries which represents a source address from which receivers are interested/not interested in receiving multicast traffic. |
Group |
The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information. |
Interface |
The interface name. |
static [head-end {local | ip-address}] [ color color] [end-point { ipv4-address | ipv6-address}] [preference preference-id] [distinguisher distinguisher-id]
static summary
[Tree] (show>router>seg-rt>sr-policies static)
Full Context
show router segment-routing sr-policies static
This command displays the traffic statistics of all or a filtered set of the static policies, or displays summary parameters.
- head-end local
Filters on local head end.
- head-end ip-address
Filters on the head end IP address value.
- color
Filters on the color.
- ipv4-address | ipv6-address
Filters on the end-point IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- preference-id
Filters on the preference ID.
- distinguisher-id
Filters on the distinguisher ID.
- summary
Displays the summary information of the static policies.
The following output is an example of traffic statistics for the static policies.
Output Example Information for Static Policies *A:Dut-C# show router segment-routing sr-policies static
SR-Policies Path
Type : srv6
Active : Yes Owner : static
Color : 10
Head : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:102
RD : 5 Preference : 14
SRv6 BSID 1 : 3333:3:3:3:0:b::
TunnelId : 917510 Age : 759
Origin ASN : 0 Origin :
NumReEval : 0 ReEvalReason : none
NumActPathChange: 0 Last Change : 06/13/2022 17:40:54
Maintenance Policy: N/A
Path Segment Lists:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
S-BFD State : Down S-BFD Transitio*: 0
Num Segments : 1 Last Change : 06/10/2022 17:07:01
Seg 1 SID : 2222:2:2:2:0:a:: State : resolved-up
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example Information for a Subset of Static
*A:Dut-C# show router segment-routing sr-policies static end-point 3ffe::a14:102
SR-Policies Path
Type : srv6
Active : Yes Owner : static
Color : 10
Head : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:102
RD : 5 Preference : 14
SRv6 BSID 1 : 3333:3:3:3:0:b::
TunnelId : 917510 Age : 426
Origin ASN : 0 Origin :
NumReEval : 0 ReEvalReason : none
NumActPathChange: 0 Last Change : 06/13/2022 17:40:54
Maintenance Policy: N/A
Path Segment Lists:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
S-BFD State : Down S-BFD Transitio*: 0
Num Segments : 1 Last Change : 06/10/2022 17:07:01
Seg 1 SID : 2222:2:2:2:0:a:: State : resolved-up
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
static-arp [{ip-int-name | ip-address | mac ieee-mac-address}]
[Tree] (show>router static-arp)
Full Context
show router static-arp
This command displays the router static ARP table sorted by IP address. If no options are present, all ARP entries are displayed.
- ip-int-name
Only displays static ARP entries associated with the specified IP interface name.
- ip-address
Only displays static ARP entries associated with the specified IP address.
- ieee-mac-address
Only displays static ARP entries associated with the specified MAC address.
Static ARP Table Output — The following output is an example of static AARP table information, and Output fields: static ARP describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-A# show router static-arp
ARP Table
IP Address MAC Address Age Type Interface
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:5a:40:00:01 00:00:00 Sta to-ser1 00:00:5a:01:00:33 00:00:00 Inv to-ser1a
No. of ARP Entries: 1
A:ALA-A# show router static-arp
ARP Table
IP Address MAC Address Age Type Interface
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:5a:01:00:33 00:00:00 Inv to-ser1
A:ALA-A# show router static-arp to-ser1
ARP Table
IP Address MAC Address Age Type Interface
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:5a:40:00:01 00:00:00 Sta to-ser1
A:ALA-A# show router static-arp mac 00:00:5a:40:00:01
ARP Table
IP Address MAC Address Age Type Interface
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:5a:40:00:01 00:00:00 Sta to-ser1
Label |
Description |
IP Address |
The IP address of the static ARP entry |
MAC Address |
The MAC address of the static ARP entry |
Age |
The age of the ARP entry. Static ARPs always have 00:00:00 for the age |
Type |
Inv — the ARP entry is an inactive static ARP entry (invalid) Sta — the ARP entry is an active static ARP entry |
Interface |
The IP interface name associated with the ARP entry |
No. of ARP Entries |
The number of ARP entries displayed in the list |
static-host [sap sap-id] [wholesaler service-id] [port port-id][inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id] [detail] [mac ieee-address] [ip-address ip-prefix[ /prefix-length]]
static-host [sap sap-id ][wholesaler service-id ][port port-id] no-inter-dest-id [ detail]
static-host summary
[Tree] (show>service>id static-host)
Full Context
show service id static-host
This command displays static hosts configured on this service.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- intermediate-destination-id
Specifies the intermediate destination identifier which is encoded in the identification strings up to 32 characters.
- summary
Displays summary static host information.
- detail
Displays detailed static host information.
- service-id
The service ID of the wholesaler.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address.
- ip-prefix[/prefix-length]
Specifies the IP address.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of service static host information.
Output Example*A:ALA-48# show service id 88 static-host
Static Hosts for service 88
Sap IP Address Configured MAC Dynamic MAC
Subscriber Admin State Fwding State
1/2/20:0 N/A N/A
N/A Down Not Fwding
3/2/4:50/5 N/A N/A
N/A Up Fwding
Number of static hosts : 2
static-lsp [lsp-name]
static-lsp {transit | terminate}
static-lsp count
[Tree] (show>router>mpls static-lsp)
Full Context
show router mpls static-lsp
This command displays MPLS static LSP information.
The following output is an example of MPLS static LSP information.
Output fields: MPLS static LSP describes the MPLS static LSP output fields.
Label |
Description |
Lsp Name |
The name of the LSP used in the path up to 64 characters in length. |
To |
The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP. |
Next Hop |
The system IP address of the next hop in the LSP path. |
In I/F |
The ingress interface. |
Out Label |
The egress interface. |
Out I/F |
The egress interface. |
Adm |
Down — The path is administratively disabled. Up — The path is administratively enabled. |
Opr |
Down — The path is operationally down. Up — The path is operationally up. |
LSPs |
The total number of static LSPs. |
A:ALA-12# show router mpls static-lsp
MPLS Static LSPs (Originating)
Lsp Name To Next Hop Out Label Out I/F Adm Opr
NYC_SJC_customer2 1020 1/1/1 Up Up
LSPs : 1
*A:SRU4>config>router>mpls# show router mpls static-lsp transit
MPLS Static LSPs (Transit)
In Label In Port Out Label Out Port Next Hop Adm Opr
240 aps-1 440 1/1/10 Up Up
241 aps-1 441 1/1/10 Up Up
242 aps-1 442 1/1/10 Up Up
243 aps-1 443 1/1/10 Up Up
244 aps-1 444 1/1/10 Up Up
245 aps-1 445 1/1/10 Up Up
246 aps-1 446 1/1/10 Up Up
247 aps-1 447 1/1/10 Up Up
248 aps-1 448 1/1/10 Up Up
249 aps-1 449 1/1/10 Up Up
250 aps-1 450 1/1/10 Up Up
251 aps-1 451 1/1/10 Up Up
252 aps-1 452 1/1/10 Up Up
253 aps-1 453 1/1/10 Up Up
207 3/2/8 407 1/1/9 Up Up
208 3/2/8 408 1/1/9 Up Up
209 3/2/8 409 1/1/9 Up Up
LSPs : 256
A:ALA-12# show router mpls static-lsp terminate
MPLS Static LSPs (Terminate)
In Label In I/F Out Label Out I/F Next Hop Adm Opr
1021 1/1/1 n/a n/a n/a Up Up
LSPs : 1
static-policy name [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>seg-rt>sr-policies static-policy)
Full Context
show router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy
This command displays information about all static policies or the specified static policy.
- name
Specifies the name of the static policy, up to 64 characters.
- detail
Displays detailed information about the static policy.
The following outputs are examples of information for a specified static policy.
Output Example Information for a Specific Static Policy*A:Dut-C# show router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy "a1"
SR-Policies Static Policy
Policy Name: a1
Type : srv6
Admin Status : Up Color : 10
Head End Addr : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:102
Preference : 14
RD : 5
SRv6 BSID 1 : N/A
Locator : C1
Function : End.B6.Encaps.Red Function Value : -
Function Stat*: error
Segment Lists Configuration:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
Admin Status : Up Last Change : 06/13/2022 17:40:54
Segment Stack:
SRv6 SID 1: 2222:2:2:2:0:a::
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example Detailed Information for a Specific Static
*A:Dut-C# show router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy "a1" detail
SR-Policies Static Policy
Policy Name: a1
Type : srv6
Admin Status : Up Color : 10
Head End Addr : Endpoint Addr : 3ffe::a14:102
Preference : 14
RD : 5
SRv6 BSID 1 : N/A
Locator : C1
Function : End.B6.Encaps.Red Function Value : -
Function Stat*: error
Path Entry:
Active : Yes Owner : static
TunnelId : 917510 Age : 346
Origin ASN : 0 Origin :
NumReEval : 0 ReEvalReason : none
NumActPathChange: 0 Last Change : 06/13/2022 17:40:54
Maintenance Policy: N/A
Path Segment Lists:
Segment-List : 1 Weight : 1
S-BFD State : Down S-BFD Transitio*: 0
Num Segments : 1 Last Change : 06/10/2022 17:07:01
Seg 1 SID : 2222:2:2:2:0:a:: State : resolved-up
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
static-route [family] [{ip-prefix/prefix-length | preference preference | [ next-hop ip-address | tag tag}] [ detail]
[Tree] (show>router static-route)
Full Context
show router static-route
This command displays the static entries in the routing table. If no options are present, all static routes are displayed sorted by prefix.
- family
Specifies the type of routing information to be distributed by this peer group.
- ip-prefix/prefix-length
Displays static routes only matching the specified ip-prefix and mask.
- preference
Only displays static routes with the specified route preference.
- ip-address
Only displays static routes with the specified next hop IP address.
- tag
Displays the tag used to add a 32-bit integer tag to the static route. The tag is used in route policies to control distribution of the route into other protocols.
- detail
Displays detailed static routes information.
Static Route Output — The following output is an example of static route information, and Output fields: static route describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-A# show router static-route
Route Table
IP Addr/mask Pref Metric Type Nexthop Interface Active
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 1 ID to-ser1 Y 5 1 NH n/a N 5 1 NH to-ser1 n/a N 5 1 NH n/a N 4 1 BH black-hole n/a Y
A:ALA-A# show router static-route
Route Table
IP Addr/mask Pref Metric Type Nexthop Interface Active
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 1 ID to-ser1 Y
A:ALA-A# show router static-route preference 4
Route Table
IP Addr/mask Pref Metric Type Nexthop Interface Active
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1 BH black-hole n/a Y
A:ALA-A# show router static-route next-hop
Route Table
IP Addr/mask Pref Metric Type Nexthop Interface Active
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 1 NH n/a N
Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv6
Prefix : 3ffe::10:10:14:0/120
Nexthop : 3ffe::10:20:1:6
Type : Indirect
Interface : n/a Active : Y
Prefix List : n/a Prefix List Type : n/a
Metric : 1 Preference : 5
Source Class : 0 Dest Class : 0
Admin State : Up Tag : 0
Creation Origin : manual
BFD : disabled
Community :
CPE-check : disabled
Tunnel Resolution: any Disallow-IGP : disabled
RSVP-TE Tunnels : disabled LDP Tunnels : disabled
SR-ISIS Tunnels : disabled SR-OSPF Tunnels : disabled
SR-TE Tunnels : disabled
Prefix : 3ffe::10:10:14:0/120
Nexthop : 3ffe::20:20:1:6
Type : Indirect
Interface : n/a Active : Y
Prefix List : n/a Prefix List Type : n/a
Metric : 1 Preference : 5
Source Class : 0 Dest Class : 0
Admin State : Up Tag : 0
Creation Origin : manual
BFD : disabled
Community :
CPE-check : disabled
Tunnel Resolution: any Disallow-IGP : disabled
RSVP-TE Tunnels : disabled LDP Tunnels : disabled
SR-ISIS Tunnels : disabled SR-OSPF Tunnels : disabled
SR-TE Tunnels : disabled
Prefix : 3ffe::10:10:14:0/120
Nexthop : 3ffe::20:20:1:5
Type : Indirect
Interface : n/a Active : Y
Prefix List : n/a Prefix List Type : n/a
Metric : 1 Preference : 5
Source Class : 0 Dest Class : 0
Admin State : Up Tag : 0
Creation Origin : manual
BFD : disabled
Community :
CPE-check : disabled
Tunnel Resolution: any Disallow-IGP : disabled
RSVP-TE Tunnels : disabled LDP Tunnels : disabled
SR-ISIS Tunnels : disabled SR-OSPF Tunnels : disabled
SR-TE Tunnels : disabled
Prefix : 3ffe::10:10:14:0/120
Nexthop : 3ffe::10:20:1:5
Type : Indirect
Interface : n/a Active : Y
Prefix List : n/a Prefix List Type : n/a
Metric : 1 Preference : 5
Source Class : 0 Dest Class : 0
Admin State : Up Tag : 0
Creation Origin : manual
BFD : disabled
Community :
CPE-check : disabled
Tunnel Resolution: filter Disallow-IGP : disabled
RSVP-TE Tunnels : disabled LDP Tunnels : disabled
SR-ISIS Tunnels : enabled SR-OSPF Tunnels : disabled
SR-TE Tunnels : disabled
No. of Static Routes: 4
A:Router#show router static-route detail
Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix :
CommunityList : (Not Specified)
Tag : 0
Backup Tag : 0
Nexthop : Validate Nexthop : No
Type : Nexthop
Backup Nexthop : Backup Status : Active
Interface : Dut-C-Dut-A-1 Active : Y
Prefix List : n/a Prefix List Type : n/a
Metric : 1 Preference : 5
Source Class : 0 Dest Class : 0
Admin State : Up Nexthop Tag : 0
Creation Origin : manual Load Bal Weight : n/a
BFD : disabled
Nexthop Community:
CPE-check : disabled
LDP Sync : disabled
No. of Static Routes: 1
Label |
Description |
IP Addr/mask |
The static route destination address and mask |
Pref |
The route preference value for the static route |
Metric |
The route metric value for the static route |
Type |
BH — the static route is a black hole route; the nexthop for this type of route is black-hole ID — the static route is an indirect route, where the nexthop for this type of route is the non-directly connected next hop NH — the route is a static route with a directly connected next-hop; the next-hop for this type of route is either the next-hop IP address or an egress IP interface name |
Nexthop |
The next hop for the static route destination |
Protocol |
The protocol through which the route was learned |
Interface |
The egress IP interface name for the static route n/a — indicates there is no current egress interface because the static route is inactive or a black hole route |
Active |
N — the static route is inactive; for example, the static route is disabled or the next hop IP interface is down Y — the static route is active |
No. of Routes |
The number of routes displayed in the list |
Backup Nexthop |
The backup next hop for the static route destination |
Backup Tag |
The tag value used for the static route when the primary next hop fails and the backup next hop is active |
Backup Status |
The status of the backup next hop |
static-route ldp-sync-status
[Tree] (tools>dump>router static-route)
Full Context
tools dump router static-route
This command enables the synchronization status that static route keeps track of LDP interfaces.
- ldp-sync-status
Specifies the LDP synchronization status.
The following output is an example of static route information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# tools dump router static-route ldp-sync-status
Sync Status of LDP interfaces
If If Name Timer Running? Timeout Time
Index Yes/No Used Left
2 ip- Yes 30 5
3 ip- No 30 0
4 ip- No 30 0
5 ip- No 30 0
6 ip- No 30 0
static-sa name sa-name
static-sa spi spi
[Tree] (show>ipsec static-sa)
Full Context
show ipsec static-sa
This command displays IPsec static-SA information.
- sa-name
Specifies the SA name.
- spi
Specifies the spi.
station [station-name]
[Tree] (show>router>bmp station)
Full Context
show router bmp station
This command displays BGP monitor (BMP) information.
- station-name
Specifies the station name of a BMP monitoring station, up to 32 characters.
The following output is an example of BMP monitor information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router bmp station
BMP Stations (monitoring router "Base")
Station Name Session State Since Msgs Sent
lys ESTABLISHED 05/08/2018 15:32:12 103054
myr ESTABLISHED 05/08/2018 15:32:13 100007
No. of BMP Stations: 2
*A:Dut-C# show router bmp station "lys"
BMP Station "lys" (monitoring router "Base")
Admin State : enabled Global BMP State : enabled
Station Address : Station Port : 12344
Via Router : Base TCP Auth Keychain:
Stats Report : 15 seconds Routes Report : 5 seconds
Connect Interval : 120 seconds Local Routes : reporting
Initiation Msg : Hello Station Lys
Reported families: ipv4
Session State : ESTABLISHED Last Change : 05/08/2018 15:32:12
Local Address : Local Port : 51041
Stat Report Msgs : 3028 Route Report Msgs: 100021
Peer Up Msgs : 4 Peer Down Msgs : 0
Initiation Msgs : 1 Goodbye Msgs : 0
Bytes sent : 10926521
Stats Timer : 1 seconds left Routes Timer : 3 seconds left
Connect Timer : not running Monitored Peers : 3 of 4
Output queue : 0/50 Last Msg Sent : 05/15/2018 09:27:31
station station-name
station all
[Tree] (clear>router>bmp station)
[Tree] (clear>service>id>bmp station)
Full Context
clear router bmp station
clear service id bmp station
This command clears BMP station connections.
- station-name
Specifies the BMP monitoring station name, up to 32 characters.
station [station-name]
[Tree] (show>bmp station)
Full Context
show bmp station
This command displays BMP station information.
- station-name
Specifies the station name, up to 32 characters.
statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp statistics)
Full Context
show router dhcp statistics
This command displays statistics for DHCP Relay and DHCP snooping.
If no IP address or interface name is specified, all configured interfaces are displayed.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, only data regarding the specified interface is displayed.
- ip-int-name | ip-address
Displays statistics for the specified IP interface.
The following command displays DHCP statistics information, and Output fields: DHCP statistics describes the output fields.
show router dhcp statistics
Output Example
DHCP Global Statistics (Router: Base)
Rx Packets : 0
Tx Packets : 0
Rx Malformed Packets : 0
Rx Untrusted Packets : 0
Client Packets Discarded : 0
Client Packets Relayed : 0
Client Packets Snooped : 0
Client Packets Proxied (RADIUS) : 0
Client Packets Proxied (Diameter) : 0
Client Packets Proxied (User-Db) : 0
Client Packets Proxied (Lease-Split) : 0
Server Packets Discarded : 0
Server Packets Relayed : 0
Server Packets Snooped : 0
DHCP RELEASEs Spoofed : 0
Client packets streamed : 0
Routed Subnet Transparent Forwarded
Client Packets (BOOTREQUEST) : 0
Server Packets (BOOTREPLY) : 0
Other Opcode Packets : 0
Label |
Description |
Rx Packets |
The number of packets received from the DHCP clients |
Tx Packets |
The number of packets transmitted to the DHCP clients |
Rx Malformed Packets |
The number of malformed packets received from the DHCP clients |
Rx Untrusted Packets |
The number of untrusted packets received from the DHCP clients |
Client Packets Discarded |
The number of packets received from the DHCP clients that were discarded |
Client Packets Relayed |
The number of packets received from the DHCP clients that were forwarded |
Client Packets Snooped |
The number of packets received from the DHCP clients that were snooped |
Client Packets Proxied (RADIUS) |
The number of client packets proxied through RADIUS |
Client Packets Proxied (Diameter) |
The number of client packets proxied through Diameter |
Client Packets Proxied (User-Db) |
The number of client packets proxied through User-Db |
Client Packets Proxied (Lease-Split) |
The number of client packets proxied through a lease split |
Server Packets Discarded |
The number of packets received from the DHCP server that were discarded |
Server Packets Relayed |
The number of packets received from the DHCP server that were forwarded |
Server Packets Snooped |
The number of packets received from the DHCP server that were snooped |
The number of spoofed DHCP releases |
The number of spoofed FORCERENEW messages |
Client packets streamed |
The number of client packets streamed |
Routed Subnet Transparent Forwarded |
Client Packets (BOOTREQUEST) |
The number of DHCP client packets (BOOTREQUEST) received on a subscriber interface with the source IP in a routed subnet that is associated with a routed IPoE session or host. The routed-subnet-transparent-forwarding command must be configured in the routing instance. |
Server Packets (BOOTREPLY) |
The number of DHCP server packets (BOOTREPLY) received on a subscriber interface with the source IP in a routed subnet that is associated with a routed IPoE session or host. The routed-subnet-transparent-forwarding command must be configured in the routing instance. |
Other Opcode Packets |
The number of DHCP packets (Opcode field that are different from BOOTREQUEST and BOOTREPLY) received on a subscriber interface with the source IP in a routed subnet associated with a routed IPoE session or host. The routed-subnet-transparent-forwarding command must be configured in the routing instance. Note: When transparent forwarding is
enabled, the system does not check if the DHCP packet is
valid and therefore packets with an Opcode field
different from BOOTREQUEST and BOOTREPLY are
statistics [interface ip-int-name]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6 statistics)
[Tree] (show>service>id>dhcp6 statistics)
Full Context
show router dhcp6 statistics
show service id dhcp6 statistics
This command displays statistics for DHCPv6 relay and snooping.
- ip-int-name
Specifies to display interface name information.
The following output is an example of DHCP6 statistics information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-A# show service id 20 dhcp6 statistics
DHCP Statistics, service 20, all interfaces
Packets received : 0
Packets transmitted : 0
Packets dropped : 0
DHCP Statistics, service 21, all SAPs
Client packets snooped : 2
Client packets forwarded : 2
Client packets dropped : 19
Server packets snooped : 2
Server packets forwarded : 2
Server packets dropped : 0
A:Dut-A# show service id 1000 dhcp6 statistics
DHCP Statistics, service 1000, all interfaces
Packets received : 16063
Packets transmitted : 16061
Packets dropped : 0
DHCP Statistics, service 1000, all SAPs
Client packets snooped : 0
Client packets forwarded : 0
Client packets dropped : 0
Server packets snooped : 0
Server packets forwarded : 0
Server packets dropped : 0
Output fields: DHCP6 statistics describes DHCP6 output statistics.
Field |
Description |
Client Packets Dropped |
The number of DHCPv6 client packets snooped on SAP ingress and dropped, for example: DHCPv6 client packet received on an LDRA enabled network-facing SAP |
Client Packets Forwarded |
The number of DHCPv6 client packets snooped on SAP ingress and forwarded |
Client Packets Snooped |
The number of DHCPv6 client packets snooped on SAP ingress |
Server Packets Dropped |
The number of DHCPv6 server packets snooped on SAP ingress and dropped, for example: DHCPv6 server packet received on an LDRA enabled client-facing SAP |
Server Packets Forwarded |
The number of DHCPv6 server packets snooped on SAP ingress and forwarded |
Server Packets Snooped |
The number of DHCPv6 server packets snooped on SAP ingress |
statistics [[sap sap-id] | [sdp sdp-id:vc-id] | [interface interface-name]]
[Tree] (show>service>id>dhcp statistics)
Full Context
show service id dhcp statistics
This command displays DHCP relay statistics.
- ip-int-name
Displays DHCP statistics on the specified interface.
- interface-name
Displays DHCP statistics for the specified interface name.
- sap-id
Displays DHCP statistics for the specified SAP.
The following output is an example of DHCP statistics information.
Output Example*A:ALA-48# show service id 88 dhcp statistics interface SpokeTerm
DHCP Statistics for interface SpokeTerm
Rx Packets : 0
Tx Packets : 0
Rx Malformed Packets : 0
Rx Untrusted Packets : 0
Client Packets Discarded : 0
Client Packets Relayed : 0
Client Packets Snooped : 0
Client Packets Proxied (RADIUS) : 0
Client Packets Proxied (Lease-Split) : 0
Server Packets Discarded : 0
Server Packets Relayed : 0
Server Packets Snooped : 0
DHCP RELEASEs Spoofed : 0
Output fields: DHCP statistics interface describes DHCP statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
Rx Packets |
The number of received packets |
Tx Packets |
The number of transmitted packets |
Rx Malformed |
The number of malformed packets received |
Rx Untrusted Packets |
The number of untrusted packets received |
Client Packets Discarded |
The number of client packets discarded |
Client Packets Relayed |
The number of client packets relayed |
Client Packets Snooped |
The number of client packets snooped |
Client Packets Proxied (RADIUS) |
The number of client packets proxied through RADIUS |
Client Packets Proxied (Lease-Split) |
The number of client packets proxied through a lease split |
Server Packets Discarded |
The number of discarded server packets |
Server Packets Relayed |
The number of relayed server packets |
Server Packets Snooped |
The number of snooped server packets |
The number of spoofed DHCP releases |
The number of spoofed FORCERENEW messages |
statistics interface {ip-int-name | ip-address}
statistics sap sap-id
[Tree] (show>service>id>ppp statistics)
Full Context
show service id ppp statistics
This command displays PPP statistics.
- ip-int-name
Displays information about the specified interface, up to 32 characters.
- ip-address
Displays information about the specified IP address.
- sap-id
Displays information for the specified SAP.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
statistics frag-stats
statistics map-domain domain-name mapping-rule rule-name
[Tree] (clear>nat>map statistics)
Full Context
clear nat map statistics
This command clears MAP statistics.
- domain-name
Clears MAP statistics for the specified domain name, up to 32 characters.
- rule-name
Clears MAP statistics for the specified mapping rule name, up to 32 characters.
7750 SR-1-24D, 7750 SR-1-46S, 7750 SR-1-48D, 7750 SR-1-92S, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s, VSR
statistics [{ip-address | ip-int-name}]
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp statistics)
Full Context
clear router dhcp statistics
This command clears statistics for DHCP statistics.
If no IP address or interface name is specified, then statistics are cleared for all configured interfaces.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, then only data regarding the specified interface is cleared.
- ip-int-name
Clears DHCP statistics for the specified interface name.
- ip-address
Clears DHCP statistics for the specified IP address.
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp6 statistics)
Full Context
clear router dhcp6 statistics
This command clears DHCP6 statistics.
statistics interface ip-int-name | ipv6-address
statistics sap sap-id
[Tree] (clear>service>id>dhcp6 statistics)
Full Context
clear service id dhcp6 statistics
This command clears DHCPv6 statistics for interfaces and VPLS SAPs.
- ip-int-name
Clears DHCPv6 statistics for the specified interface name.
- ipv6-address
Clears DHCPv6 statistics for the specified IP address.
- sap-id
Clears DHCPv6 statistics for the specified VPLS SAP.
statistics [{sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | interface { ip-address | ip-int-name}}]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>dhcp statistics)
Full Context
clear service id dhcp statistics
This command clears DHCP statistics.
- sap-id
Clears the specified SAP information.
- sdp-id
The specified SDP to be cleared.
- vc-id
Specifies the virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID to be cleared.
- ip-address
Specifies the interface IP address.
- ip-int-name
Specifies the interface name, up to 32 characters.
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>gtp statistics)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt gtp statistics
This command displays GTP statistics information.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of GTP statistics.
Output ExampleNode# show subscriber-mgmt gtp statistics
GTP statistics
tx echo requests : 23
tx echo responses : 0
tx errors : 0
rx echo requests : 0
rx echo responses : 23
rx errors : 0
rx version not supported : 0
rx zero TEID responses : 0
path faults : 0
path restarts : 0
tx invalid msgs : 0
tx create PDP context requests : 0
tx create PDP context responses : 0
tx delete PDP context requests : 0
tx delete PDP context responses : 0
tx create session requests : 0
tx create session responses : 1
tx delete session requests : 0
tx delete session responses : 0
tx delete bearer requests : 0
tx delete bearer responses : 0
tx create bearer responses : 0
tx update bearer responses : 0
tx modify bearer requests : 0
tx modify bearer responses : 1
tx change notification responses : 0
tx rls access bearers responses : 0
tx error indication count : 0
tx downlink notifications : 0
tx stop paging indication : 0
tx end marker : 0
rx invalid msgs : 0
rx create PDP context requests : 0
rx create PDP context responses : 0
rx delete PDP context requests : 0
rx delete PDP context responses : 0
rx create session requests : 1
rx create session responses : 0
rx delete session requests : 0
rx delete session responses : 0
rx delete bearer requests : 0
rx delete bearer responses : 0
rx create bearer requests : 0
rx update bearer requests : 0
rx modify bearer requests : 1
rx modify bearer responses : 0
rx change notification requests : 0
rx rls access bearers request : 0
rx error indication count : 0
rx downlink notification ack : 0
rx downlink notification fail : 0
rx invalid pkt length : 0
rx unknown pkts : 0
rx missing IE pkts : 0
rx bad UDP header pkts : 0
rx discarded pkts : 0
rx in-session discarded pkts : 0
rx pkts : 25
tx discarded pkts : 0
tx pkts : 25
rx UDP checksum error : 0
[Tree] (show>router>l2tp statistics)
Full Context
show router l2tp statistics
This command displays L2TP statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of L2TP statistics information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router l2tp statistics
L2TP Statistics
Tunnels Sessions
Active : 3 Active : 6
Setup history since 04/17/2009 18:38:41
Total : 4 Total : 9
Failed : 0 Failed : 0
Failed Auth : 0
statistics [{sap sap-id | interface ip-int-name | ip-address}]
[Tree] (show>service>id>pppoe statistics)
Full Context
show service id pppoe statistics
This command displays PPPoE statistics.
- sap-id
Displays information for the specified SAP.
- ip-int-name
Displays information about the specified interface.
- ip-address
Displays information about the specified IP address.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of PPPoE statistics information.
Output Example*A:ALA-49# show service id 20 pppoe statistics
PPPoE statistics for IES service 20
Packet Type Received Transmitted
PADI 2 -
PADO - 2
PADR 2 -
PADS - 2
PADT 0 0
session 9838 9839
Drop Counters
Rx Invalid Version : 0
Rx Invalid Type : 0
Rx Invalid Code : 0
Rx Invalid Session : 0
Rx Invalid Length : 0
Rx Invalid Tags : 0
Rx Invalid AC-Cookie : 0
Rx Dropped : 0
[Tree] (clear>router>l2tp>group statistics)
[Tree] (clear>router>l2tp>peer statistics)
[Tree] (clear>router>l2tp statistics)
[Tree] (clear>router>l2tp>tunnel statistics)
Full Context
clear router l2tp group statistics
clear router l2tp peer statistics
clear router l2tp statistics
clear router l2tp tunnel statistics
This command clears statistics for the specified context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
statistics [{sap sap-id | interface ip-int-name | ip-address}]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>pppoe statistics)
Full Context
clear service id pppoe statistics
This command clears PPPoE statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>service>dynsvc>script statistics)
Full Context
show service dynamic-services script statistics
This command displays dynamic service script statistics. Only non-zero values are shown.
The script statistics can be cleared with the "clear service statistics dynamic-services” command.
This command is not available in the MD-CLI.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of Dynamic Services script statistics information, and Output fields: dynamic services script statistics describes the output fields.
Output Example# show service dynamic-services script statistics
Dynamic Services Script Statistics
Description Counter
python scripts with 0 retries due to timeout 46
setup - jobs launched 16
setup - jobs handled 16
setup - success 13
setup - syntax error 1
setup - execution failed 2
teardown - jobs launched 15
teardown - jobs handled 15
teardown - success 14
teardown - syntax error 1
No. of Script Statistics: 10
Last Cleared Time: 02/26/2013 09:59:07
Output field |
Description |
Description |
The name of the script. |
Counter |
The number of times the script executed. |
python scripts with 0 retries due to timeout |
The number of retries due to timeouts. |
setup |
The setup script action. jobs launched — The number of times the setup jobs launched. jobs handled — The number of times the setup jobs were handled. success — The number of times the setup jobs were successful. syntax error — The number of setup syntax errors. execution failed — The number of times the setup failed. |
teardown |
The teardown script action. jobs launched — The number of times the teardown jobs launched. jobs handled — The number of times the teardown jobs were handled. success — The number of times the teardown jobs were successful. syntax error — The number of teardown syntax errors. |
statistics iom (slot | all) [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics mda (mda | all) [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics port (port-id | all) [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics pw-port (pw-port | all) [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics system (pw-port | all) [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics service (svc-id | all) [host | session | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics service {svc-id} subscriber-interface { sub-itf | all} [host | session | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics service {svc-id} group-interface { grp-itf | all} [host | session | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics sla-profiles
statistics sub-profiles
statistics system [host | session | subscriber | summary] [non-zero-value-only]
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt statistics)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt statistics
This command displays enhanced subscriber management statistics per port, PW port, MDA, IOM, system, service, subscriber interface, or group interface.
For each statistic, a current value and peak value is displayed. The peak value is the highest generated value since the last reset as a result of a system boot or the clear subscriber-mgmt peakvalue-stats command.
The user can execute the clear subscriber-mgmt peakvalue-stats command to reset the peak values.
- iom slot
Displays specified IOM slot information.
- mda mda
Displays specified slot and mda information.
- port port-id
Specifies to display information for both the physical port ID and LAG.
- pw-port pw-port
Specifies to display information for a pseudowire port ID.
- all
Displays statistics of all IOM or MDA or port or pseudowire port in the system
- host
Displays v4/v6 host statistics only.
- session
Displays PPPoX/LAC/LNS session statistics only.
- sla-profiles
Displays the current and historical statistics for SLA profiles.
- service svc-id
Displays the current and historical statistics for service level profiles.
- sub-profiles
Displays the current and historical statistics for subscriber profiles.
- subscriber
Displays subscriber statistics only.
- subscriber-interface sub-itf
Displays specified subscriber interface level statistics, up to 32 characters.
- group-interface grp-itf
Displays specified group-interface level statistics, up to 32 characters.
- summary
Displays summary statistics only.
- non-zero-value-only
Displays only non-zero value counters.
The following tables describe the counters available in the show subscriber management statistics command output.
The following terminology is used to indicate applicability of the stats:
ESM — Enhanced Subscriber Management. Subscriber traffic forwarded via subscriber queues. Enabled with SAP sub-sla-mgmt in no shutdown state
BSM — Basic Subscriber Management. Subscriber traffic forwarded via SAP queues. SAP sub-sla-mgmt must be in shutdown state. For DHCP, dhcp lease-populate or dhcp6-relay lease-populate must be enabled to count the leases. For IPv4, if anti-spoof is enabled on the SAP, a subscriber host is instantiated.
Routed CO — IES or VPRN service with subscriber interface and group interface constructs
Bridged CO — VPLS service with DHCPv4 lease management enabled (lease-populate)
regular interface — IES or VPRN interface (none subscriber-interface or group-interface)
Host (also subscriber host) — A resource in the system that is used for traffic forwarding and security related actions. The creation of a subscriber host entry is linked to anti-spoof being enabled on a SAP. For ESM, anti-spoof is mandatory and hence every connected {IP/MAC} consumes by default a subscriber host entry. A DHCP6 IA-PD can also be modeled as a managed route. In this case, no subscriber host is instantiated. For BSM, anti-spoof is optional on regular interfaces. An IPv4 static-host and DHCPv4 lease do not result in a subscriber host instantiation when anti-spoof is disabled on the SAP.
Table 26. Output fields: host and protocol statistics Section
Applies to
PPP Hosts - IPCP
IPv4 local terminated PPP hosts (PTA, LNS)
ESM, Routed CO
DHCPv4 hosts (lease states)
ESM, Routed CO, Bridged CO
IPOE Hosts - ARP
ARP hosts
ESM, Routed CO, Bridged CO
IPOE Hosts – Static
IPv4 static hosts
ESM, Routed CO, Bridged CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – Data-trig
Data triggered IPv4 hosts
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – AAA
vRGW managed static IPv4 addresses: IPv4 static hosts created via RADIUS (Alc-Reserved-Addresses)
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – GTP
IPv4 GTP access host
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – Bonding
IPv4 hosts associated with an internal IPoE session of a connection bonding subscriber context
ESM, Routed CO
DHCPv4 hosts (lease states: anti-spoof and lease-populate enabled)
BSM, Routed CO, Bridged CO, regular interface
IPOE Hosts BSM – Static
IPv4 static hosts (with anti-spoof enabled)
BSM, Routed CO, Bridged CO, regular interface
DHCPv4 lease states (with lease-populate enabled, no anti-spoof)
BSM, Routed CO, Bridged CO, regular interface
IPOE BSM – Static
IPv4 static hosts (no anti-spoof)
BSM, Routed CO, Bridged CO, regular interface
Local terminated IPv6 wan-host – SLAAC (PTA, LNS)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Hosts - DHCP6 (NA)
Local terminated IPv6 wan-host (PTA, LNS) – DHCP6 IA-NA leases over PPP
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Hosts - DHCP6 (PD)
Local terminated IPv6 pd-host (PTA, LNS) – DHCP6 IA-PD leases over PPP (excluding PD as managed route)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Mngd Routes - DHCP6 (PD)
IPv6 (PTA, LNS) – DHCP6 IA-PD leases over PPP (PD as managed route only)
ESM, Routed CO
IPv6 wan-host – SLAAC
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Hosts - DHCP6 (NA)
IPv6 wan-host – DHCP6 IA-NA leases
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Hosts - DHCP6 (PD)
IPv6 pd-host – DHCP6 IA-PD leases (excluding PD as managed route)
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Routes - DHCP6 (PD)
IPv6 – DHCP6 IA-PD leases (PD as managed route only)
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Hosts – Static (WAN)
IPv6 static hosts with prefix-length equal to /128
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Hosts – Static (Pfx)
IPv6 static hosts with prefix-length shorter than /128
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – Data-trig (Pfx)
Data triggered IPv6 Prefix host (prefix length shorter than /128)
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts – Data-trig (Pfx)
Data triggered IPv6 Prefix host (prefix length shorter than /128)
ESM, Routed CO
IPv6 (Cont)
IPOE Mngd Routes – Data-trig (Pfx)
Data triggered IPv6 Prefix (prefix length shorter than /128) modeled as a managed route
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts - AAA
(currently unused)
Not applicable
IPOE Mngd Hosts – GTP (SLAAC)
IPv6 (SLAAC) GTP Access host
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Bonding
IPv6 hosts associated with an internal IPoE session of a connection bonding subscriber context..
ESM, Routed CO
IPv6 – DHCP6 IA-NA leases (lease-populate)
BSM, regular interface
IPv6 – DHCP6 IA-PD leases (lease-populate)
BSM, regular interface
PPP Hosts
Local terminated PPP hosts (PTA, LNS)
IPOE Hosts
Total IPv4 and IPv6 IPOE hosts
IPv4 Hosts
Total IPv4 hosts, PPP (PTA, LNS) and IPOE
IPv6 Hosts
Total IPv6 hosts, PPP (PTA, LNS) and IPOE
IPv6 PD Mngd Routes
Total DHCP6 IA-PD leases modeled as a managed route. PPP (PTA, LNS) and IPOE
L2TP LAC Hosts
L2TP LAC hosts – single host per single or dual stack PPP session
Counter also increases for outgoing LTS sessions.
ESM, Routed CO
L2TP LNS Hosts
L2TP LNS hosts – single host per single or dual stack PPP session
ESM, Routed CO
Internal Hosts
Subscriber hosts for internal use. For example, LNS redirect hosts (for LTS, an LNS redirect host is also instantiated).
The internal LNS redirect host only counts against the system limit and not against the per line card limit.
Total (Cont)
Non-Sub-Traffic L2-Hosts
A host on a single subscriber SAP in a VPLS service that enables non-IP traffic to be forwarded using the specified SLA profile instance queues.
Host on a single subscriber SAP attached to an IES or VPRN group-interface that enables traffic normally forwarded using the SAP queues to flow using the specified SLA profile instance queues.
configure>service>vpls service-id>sap sap-id>sub-sla-mgmt single-sub-parameters>non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string] [app-profile app-profile-name]
ESM, Routed CO, Bridged CO
DHCP leases
Total number of DHCPv4 lease states
DHCPv6 leases
Total number of DHCPv6 lease states
Subscriber Hosts
Counter displayed in the output of show>subscriber-mgmt>statistics [ iom | mda | port | pw-port]
System Hosts Scale
Counter displayed in the output of show>subscriber-mgmt>statistics system
This counter matches the number of hosts accounted for in the system wide limit.
Table 27. Output fields: PPP session statistics Section
Applies to
PPP Sessions - PPPoE
Local terminated PPPoE sessions (PTA)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - PPPoEoA
Local terminated PPPoEoA sessions (PTA)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - PPPoA
Local terminated PPPoA sessions (PTA)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - L2TP (LNS)
Local terminated PPP sessions (L2TP LNS)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - PPPoE
Tunneled PPPoE session (L2TP LAC)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - PPPoEoA
Tunneled PPPoEoA session (L2TP LAC)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - PPPoA
Tunneled PPPoA session (L2TP LAC)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - L2TP (LTS)
Tunneled PPP session (L2TP LTS)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - established
PPP sessions that are established (at least one active host attached) – PTA/LAC/LTS/LNS
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - in setup
PPP sessions in setup (session created, host setup in progress) – PTA/LAC/LTS/LNS
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - local
Local terminated PPPoX sessions (PTA, L2TP LNS)
ESM, Routed CO
PPP Sessions - LAC
Tunneled PPPoX session (L2TP LAC, L2TP LTS)
ESM, Routed CO
L2TP Tunnels - originator
Number of L2TP Tunnels originated on this node. (LAC/LTS)
ESM, Routed CO
.L2TP Tunnels - receiver
Number of L2TP Tunnels terminated on this node. (LNS/LTS)
ESM, Routed CO
Total L2TP Tunnels
Number of L2TP Tunnels originated or terminated on this node.
ESM, Routed CO
Table 28. Output fields: IPoE session statistics Section
Applies to
IPOE Sessions - established
IPoE sessions that are established (at least one active host attached).
ESM, Routed CO
IPOE Sessions- in setup
IPoE sessions in setup (session created, host setup in progress).
ESM, Routed CO
Table 29. Output fields: subscriber statistics Section
Applies to
Total number of active subscribers.
ESM, Routed CO, Bridged CO
Table 30. Output fields: subscriber management statistics summary Section
Total IPv4 hosts
Total IPv6 hosts
Total PPP sessions established
Total IPOE sessions established
Total number of active subscribers
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following outputs are examples of subscriber management statistics information.
Output ExampleA:PE-1# show subscriber-mgmt statistics port 1/1/4 summary
SubMgmt Statistics
| Hosts | Sessions | Subscribers
Port Id | IPv4 IPv6 | PPP IPOE |
1/1/4 | 2 2 | 1 1 | 2 (Curr)
| 3 3 | 1 2 | 3 (Peak)
Output Example
A:PE-1# show subscriber-mgmt statistics sla-profiles
SLA Profile Statistics
SLA-Profile Name Current Peak Peak Timestamp
tv-prof 0 0
hsi-prof 1 1 12/29/2016 15:50:50
hsi-iptv--prof 0 0
no-prof-1 1 1 01/03/2017 20:00:37
hsi-voip-prof 0 2 12/29/2016 18:42:44
Total 2
Output Example
A:PE-1# show subscriber-mgmt statistics sub-profiles
Subscriber Profile Statistics
Subscriber-Profile Name Current Peak Peak Timestamp
no-prof 2 3 12/29/2016 18:42:44
sub-10M 0 0
sub-10M-UPNP 0 0
sub-20M 0 0
sub-20M-UPNP 0 0
Total 2
Output Example
A:pe1# show subscriber-mgmt statistics system
Subscriber Management Statistics for System
Type Current Peak Peak Timestamp
Host & Protocol Statistics
IPv4 PPP Hosts - IPCP 0 0
PPP Hosts - PFCP 0 0
IPOE Hosts - DHCP 0 0
IPOE Hosts - ARP 0 0
IPOE Hosts - Static 0 0
IPOE Hosts - PFCP 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Data-trig 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - AAA 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - GTP 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Bonding 0 0
IPOE Hosts BSM - DHCP 0 0
IPOE Hosts BSM - Static 0 0
IPOE BSM - Static 0 0
IPv6 PPP Hosts - SLAAC 0 0
PPP Hosts - DHCP6 (NA) 0 0
PPP Hosts - DHCP6 (PD) 0 0
PPP Mngd Routes - DHCP6 (PD) 0 0
PPP Hosts - PFCP (SLAAC) 0 0
PPP Hosts - PFCP (NA) 0 0
PPP Hosts - PFCP (PD) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - SLAAC 0 0
IPOE Hosts - DHCP6 (NA) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - DHCP6 (PD) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Routes - DHCP6 (PD) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - Static (WAN) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - Static (Pfx) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - PFCP (SLAAC) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - PFCP (NA) 0 0
IPOE Hosts - PFCP (PD) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Data-trig (WAN) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Data-trig (Pfx) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Routes - Data-trig (Pfx) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - AAA 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - GTP (SLAAC) 0 0
IPOE Mngd Hosts - Bonding 0 0
Total PPP Hosts 0 0
IPOE Hosts 0 0
IPv4 Hosts 0 0
IPv6 Hosts 0 0
IPv6 PD Mngd Routes 0 0
L2TP LAC Hosts 0 0
L2TP LNS Hosts 0 0
Internal Hosts 0 0
Non-Sub-Traffic L2-Hosts 0 0
DHCP Leases 0 0
DHCPv6 Leases 0 0
PFCP Hosts 0 0
System Hosts Scale 0 0
statistics sub-profile {sub-profile-name | all}
statistics sla-profile {sla-profile-name | all}
[Tree] (clear>subscriber-mgmt statistics)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt statistics
This command clears the current and historical statistics.
- sub-profile-name
Clears the statistics for a specific subscriber profile, limited to 32 characters.
- sub-profile all
Clears all subscriber profile statistics.
- sla-profile-name
Clears the statistics for a specific SLA profile, limited to 32 characters.
- sla-profile all
Clears all SLA profile statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
statistics interface subscriber-interface [ id srrp-id]
[Tree] (clear>router>srrp statistics)
Full Context
clear router srrp statistics
This command clears statistics for SRRP instances.
- subscriber-interface
Specifies an existing subscriber interface name up to 32 characters.
- srrp-id
Specifies an existing SRRP ID.
[Tree] (clear>service statistics)
Full Context
clear service statistics
This command clears the statistics for a service.
statistics [policy name] [sap sap-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>auth statistics)
Full Context
show service id authentication statistics
This command displays session authentication statistics for this service.
- policy name
Specifies an existing authentication policy name.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
The following output is an example of service authentication statistics information
Output Example*A:ALA-48# show service id 700 authentication statistics
Authentication Statistics for service 700
Client Packets Authenticate Fail : 0
Client Packets Authenticate Ok : 0
statistics [sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>mld-snooping statistics)
Full Context
show service id mld-snooping statistics
This command displays MLD snooping statistics.
The following output is an example of MLD snooping statistics information.
Output Example*A:rbae_C# show service id 1 mld-snooping statistics
MLD Snooping Statistics for service 1
Message Type Received Transmitted Forwarded
General Queries 109 0 327
Group Queries 0 0 0
Group-Source Queries 0 0 0
V1 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Reports 438 87 0
V1 Done 0 0 0
Unknown Type 0 N/A 0
Drop Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad MLD Checksum : 0
Bad Encoding : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Zero Source IP : 0
Wrong Version : 0
Lcl-Scope Packets : 0
Rsvd-Scope Packets : 0
Send Query Cfg Drops : 0
Import Policy Drops : 0
Exceeded Max Num Groups : 0
MCAC Policy Drops : 0
MCS Failures : 0
MVR From VPLS Cfg Drops : 0
MVR To SAP Cfg Drops : 0
statistics [evpn-mpls | sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | vxlan vtep ip-address vni vni]
[Tree] (show>service>id>igmp-snooping statistics)
Full Context
show service id igmp-snooping statistics
This command displays IGMP snooping statistics for the VPLS service.
- evpn-mpls
Displays IGMP snooping statistics for EVPN-MPLS destinations
- sap-id
Displays IGMP snooping statistics for a specific SAP
- sdp-id
Displays the IGMP snooping statistics for a specific spoke or mesh SDP
- vc-id
The virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID for which to display information
- vxlan vtep ip-address vni <1..16777215>
Displays the IGMP snooping entries associated with a specific VXLAN binding, given by the VXLAN Termination Endpoint (VTEP) and VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.
- vni
The VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI) for which to display information. This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.
Output Example*A:ALA-1>show>service>id>snooping# statistics
IGMP Snooping Statistics for service 1
Message Type Received Transmitted Forwarded
General Queries 4 0 4
Group Queries 0 0 0
Group-Source Queries 0 0 0
V1 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Reports 0 0 0
V3 Reports 0 0 0
V2 Leaves 0 0 0
Unknown Type 0 N/A 0
Drop Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad IP Checksum : 0
Bad IGMP Checksum : 0
Bad Encoding : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Zero Source IP : 0
Send Query Cfg Drops : 0
Import Policy Drops : 0
Exceeded Max Num Groups : 0
MVR From VPLS Cfg Drops : 0
MVR To SAP Cfg Drops : 0
statistics [ip-int-name | ip-address]
statistics group-interface [fwd-service service-id] [ip-int-name]
statistics host [ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>igmp statistics)
Full Context
show router igmp statistics
This command displays IGMP statistics information.
- ip-int-name
Displays information associated with the specified IP interface name, up to 32 characters.
- ip-address
Displays information associated with the specified IP address.
The following output is an example of IGMP statistics information. Output fields: IGMP statistics provides statistical IGMP field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router igmp interface "IGMP_to_CE"
IGMP Interface IGMP_to_CE Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted
Queries 0 0
Report V1 0 0
Report V2 0 0
Report V3 0 0
Leaves 0 0
Interface General Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad Checksum : 0
Unknown Type : 0
Drops : 0
Rx Non Local : 0
Rx Wrong Version : 0
Policy Drops : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Rx Bad Encodings : 0
Local Scope Pkts : 0
Resvd Scope Pkts : 0
MCAC Policy Drops : 0
Interface Source Group Statistics
(S,G) : 0
(*,G) : 0
*B:Dut-C# show router igmp statistics host
IGMP Host Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted
Queries 0 1739
Report V1 0 0
Report V2 0 0
Report V3 10 0
Leaves 0 0
General Host Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad Checksum : 0
Unknown Type : 0
Bad Receive If : 0
Rx Non Local : 0
Rx Wrong Version : 0
Policy Drops : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Rx Bad Encodings : 0
Local Scope Pkts : 0
Resvd Scope Pkts : 0
MCAC Policy Drops : 0
Label |
Description |
IGMP Interface Statistics |
Lists the IGMP statistics for a particular interface. |
Message Type |
Queries — The number of IGMP general queries transmitted or received on this interface. |
Report — The total number of IGMP V1, V2, or V3 reports transmitted or received on this interface. |
Leaves — The total number of IGMP leaves transmitted on this interface. |
Received |
The total number of IGMP packets received on this interface. |
Transmitted |
The total number of IGMP packets transmitted from this interface. |
General Interface Statistics |
The general IGMP statistics. |
Bad Length |
The total number of IGMP packets with bad length received on this interface. |
Bad Checksum |
The total number of IGMP packets with bad checksum received on this interface. |
Unknown Type |
The total number of IGMP packets with unknown type received on this interface. |
Drops |
The total number of IGMP packets dropped on this interface. |
Rx Non Local |
The total number of IGMP packets received from a non-local sender. |
Rx Wrong Version |
The total number of IGMP packets with wrong versions received on this interface. |
Policy Drops |
The total number of IGMP packets dropped by import policies on this interface. |
No Router Alert |
The total number of IGMPv3 packets received on this interface which did not have the router alert flag set. |
Rx Bad Encodings |
The total number of IGMP packets with bad encodings received on this interface. |
Rx Pkt Drops |
The total number of IGMP receive packet drops on this interface. |
Local Scope Pkts |
The total number of IGMP packets with local scope received on this interface. |
Resvd Scope Pkts |
The total number of IGMP packets with reserved scope received on this interface. |
MCAC Policy Drops |
The total number of IGMP packets dropped by MCAC policies on this interface. |
statistics all
statistics sap sap-id
statistics sdp sdp-id:vc-id
statistics vxlan vtep ip-address vni vni-id
[Tree] (clear>service>id>mld-snooping statistics)
Full Context
clear service id mld-snooping statistics
This command clears MLD snooping statistics.
- sap-id
Clears MLD snooping statistics for the specified SAP.
- sdp-id
Clears MLD snooping statistics associated with the specified SDP. For a spoke-SDP, the VC ID must be specified; for a mesh SDP, the VC ID is optional.
- vni-id
Clears the MLD snooping statistics for the specified VXLAN VNI id.
- ip-address
Specifies a specific configured static egress VTEP to clear the MLD snooping statistics associated only with the VTEP.
[Tree] (clear>service>id>authentication statistics)
Full Context
clear service id authentication statistics
This command clears session authentication statistics for this service.
statistics {evpn-mpls | all | sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | vxlan vtep ip-address vni vni-id}]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>igmp-snooping statistics)
Full Context
clear service id igmp-snooping statistics
This command clears IGMP snooping statistics for the VPLS service.
- all
Clears the IGMP snooping information for all port objects in the service
- evpn-mpls
Clears IGMP snooping statistics for EVPN-MPLS destinations
- sap-id
Clears the IGMP snooping information on the specified SAP
- sdp-id
Clears only IGMP snooping entries associated with the specified mesh SDP or spoke-SDP. For a spoke-SDP, the VC ID must be specified, for a mesh SDP, the VC ID is optional.
- vc-id
Clears statistics for the specified virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID
- vxlan vtep ip-address vni <1..16777215>
Clears the IGMP snooping statistics associated with a specific VXLAN destination given by the VXLAN Termination Endpoint (VTEP) and VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.
- vni-id
Displays information for the specified VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>wlan-gw statistics)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt wlan-gw statistics
This command displays statistics information.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>service>id>spb statistics)
Full Context
show service id spb statistics
This command displays SPB statistics.
The following output is an example of service SPB statistics information.
Output ExampleA:cses-B01# show service id spb statistics
ISIS Statistics
ISIS Instance : 1024 SPF Runs : 4
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 11
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 31 31 0 9 0
IIH 532 532 0 533 0
CSNP 479 479 0 479 0
PSNP 9 9 0 27 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
statistics [sap sap-id] [ sdp sdp-id:vc-id] [family]
[Tree] (show>service>id>pim-snooping statistics)
Full Context
show service id pim-snooping statistics
This command displays PIM statistics information.
- sap-id
Displays the statistics associated with the specified SAP
- sdp-id:vc-id
Displays the statistics associated with the specified SDP
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 statistics
The following output is an example of service PIM snooping statistics information.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 pim-snooping statistics
PIM Snooping Statistics ipv4
Message Type Received Transmitted Rx Errors
Hello 36 - 0
Join Prune 8 8 0
Total Packets 44 8
General Statistics
Rx Neighbor Unknown : 0
Rx Bad Checksum Discard : 0
Rx Bad Encoding : 0
Rx Bad Version Discard : 0
Join Policy Drops : 0
Source Group Statistics
(S,G) : 1
(*,G) : 0
statistics {all | ipv4 | ipv6 | mac}
statistics group grp-address
[Tree] (clear>service>id>mfib statistics)
Full Context
clear service id mfib statistics
This command clears multicast FIB statistics for the VPLS service.
- all
Clears all statistics for the service ID
- ipv4
Clears IPv4 address statistics for the service ID
- ipv6
Clears IPv6 address statistics for the service ID
- mac
Clears MAC address statistics for the service ID
- grp-address
Specifies an IGMP multicast group address that receives data on an interface
statistics [evpn-mpls | sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | vxlan vtep ip-address vni vni-id] [family]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>pim-snooping statistics)
Full Context
clear service id pim-snooping statistics
This command clears PIM snooping statistics for the specified SAP or SDP.
- sap-id
Clears PIM snooping statistics for the specified SAP
- sdp-id:vc-id
Clears PIM statistics for the specified SDP. For a spoke-SDP, the VC ID must be specified; for a mesh SDP, the VC ID is optional.
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 information
- evpn-mpls
Clears PIM snooping statistics for EVPN-MPLS destinations
statistics [summary] [sap sap-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>host-connectivity-verify statistics)
Full Context
show service id host-connectivity-verify statistics
This command displays host connectivity verification statistics.
- sap-id
Specifies the SAP ID to show statistics for.
- summary
Displays host connectivity verify summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of host connectivity verification statistics information, and Output fields: host connectivity verify statistics describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-48>show>service>id# host-connectivity-verify statistics sap 1/1/9:0
Host connectivity check statistics
Svc SapId/ DestIp Last Time Oper
Id SdpId Address Response Expired State
1000 551/2/3:0 Up
Label |
Description |
Svc Id |
The service identifier. |
SapId/SdpId |
The SAP and SDP identifiers. |
DestIp Address |
The destination IP address. |
Last Response |
The time when the last response was received. |
Time Expired |
Displays whether the interval value has expired. |
Oper State |
Displays the current operational state of the service. |
[Tree] (show>router>vrrp statistics)
Full Context
show router vrrp statistics
This command displays statistics for VRRP instance.
The following output is an example of VRRP statistics information, and table describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-48# show router vrrp statistics
VRRP Global Statistics
VR Id Errors : 0 Version Errors : 0
Checksum Errors : 0
Label |
Description |
VR Id Errors |
Displays the number of virtual router ID errors |
Version Errors |
Displays the number of version errors |
Checksum Errors |
Displays the number of checksum errors |
statistics interface interface-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
statistics interface interface-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
[Tree] (clear>router>vrrp statistics)
Full Context
clear router vrrp statistics
This command clears statistics for VRRP instances on an IP interface or VRRP priority control policies.
- interface-name
Clears the VRRP statistics for all VRRP instances on the specified IP interface.
- virtual-router-id
Clears the VRRP statistics for the specified VRRP instance on the IP interface.
- ipv6
Clears IPv6 statistics for the specified interface.
statistics [ip-addr | ip-int-name]
[Tree] (show>router>rip statistics)
Full Context
show router rip statistics
Display Interface level statistics for the RIP protocol.
If no IP address or interface name is specified, then all configured RIP interfaces are displayed.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, then only data regarding the specified RIP interface is displayed.
- ip-addr | ip-int-name
Displays statistics for the specified IP interface.
The following output is an example of RIP statistics information, and Output fields: RIP statistics describes the output fields.
Output ExampleRIP Statistics
Learned Routes : 0 Timed Out Routes : 0
Current Memory : 120624 Maximum Memory : 262144
Interface "to-web"
Primary IP : Update Timer : 30
Timeout Timer : 180 Flush Timer : 120
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 0 0 0
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
RIPv1 Updates Received 0 0 0
RIPv1 Updates Ignored 0 0 0
RIPv1 Bad Routes 0 0 0
RIPv1 Requests Received 0 0 0
RIPv1 Requests Ignored 0 0 0
RIPv2 Updates Received 0 0 0
RIPv2 Updates Ignored 0 0 0
RIPv2 Bad Routes 0 0 0
RIPv2 Requests Received 0 0 0
RIPv2 Requests Ignored 0 0 0
Authentication Errors 0 0 0
Label |
Description |
Learned Routes |
The number of RIP-learned routes exported to RIP neighbors. |
Timed Out Routes |
The number of routes that have been timed out. |
Current Memory |
The amount of memory used by this RIP router instance. |
Maximum Memory |
The amount of memory allocated for this RIP router instance. |
Interface |
Displays the name of each interface configured in RIP and associated RIP statistics. |
Primary IP |
The interface IP address. |
Update Timer |
The current setting of the RIP update timer value expressed in seconds. |
Timeout Timer |
The current RIP timeout timer value expressed in seconds. |
Flush Timer |
The number of seconds after a route has been declared invalid that it is flushed from the route database. |
Updates Sent |
Total — The total number of RIP updates that were sent. Last 5 Min — The number of RIP updates that were sent in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of RIP updates that were sent in the last 1 minute. |
Triggered Updates |
Total — The total number of triggered updates sent. These updates are sent before the entire RIP routing table is sent. Last 5 Min — The number of triggered updates that were sent in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of triggered updates that were sent in the last 1 minute. |
Bad Packets Received |
Total — The total number of RIP updates received on this interface that were discarded as invalid. Last 5 Min — The number of RIP updates received on this interface that were discarded as invalid in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min —The number of RIP updates received on this interface that were discarded as invalid in the last 1 minute. |
RIPv1 Updates Received |
Total — The total number of RIPv1 updates received. Last 5 Min — The number of RIPv1 updates received in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of RIPv1 updates received in the last 1 minute. |
RIPv1 Updates Ignored |
Total — The total number of RIPv1 updates ignored. Last 5 Min — The number of RIPv1 updates ignored in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of RIPv1 updates ignored in the last 1 minute. |
RIPv1 Bad Routes |
Total — The total number of bad routes received from the peer. Last 5 Min — The number of bad routes received from the peer in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of bad routes received from the peer in the last minute. |
RIPv1 Requests Received |
Total — The total number of times the router received RIPv1 route requests from other routers. Last 5 Min — The number of times the router received RIPv1 route requests from other routers in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of times the router received RIPv1 route requests from other routers in the last 1 minute. |
RIPv1 Requests Ignored |
Total — The total number of times the router ignored RIPv1 route requests from other routers. Last 5 Min — The number of times the router ignored RIPv1 route requests from other routers in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of times the router ignored RIPv1 route requests from other routers in the last 1 minute. |
RIPv2 Updates Received |
Total — The total number of RIPv2 updates received. Last 5 Min — The number of RIPv2 updates received in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of RIPv2 updates received in the last minute. |
RIPv2 Updates Ignored |
Total — The total number of RIPv2 updates ignored. Last 5 Min — The number of RIPv2 updates ignored in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of RIPv2 updates ignored in the last minute. |
RIPv2 Bad Routes |
Total — The total number of bad routes received from the peer. Last 5 Min — The number of bad routes received from the peer in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of bad routes received from the peer in the last minute. |
RIPv2 Requests Received |
Total — The total number of times the router received RIPv2 route requests from other routers. Last 5 Min — The number of times the router received RIPv2 route requests from other routers in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min — The number of times the router received RIPv2 route requests from other routers in the last minute. |
RIPv2 Requests Ignored |
Total — The total number of times the router ignored RIPv2 route requests from other routers. Last 5 Min — The number of times the router ignored RIPv2 route requests from other routers in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min —The number of times the router ignored RIPv2 route requests from other routers in the last minute. |
Authentication Errors |
Total — The total number of authentication errors to secure table updates. Last 5 Min — The number of authentication errors to secure table updates in the last 5 minutes. Last 1 Min —The number of authentication errors to secure table updates in the last minute. |
statistics [neighbor {ip-address | ip-int-name}]
[Tree] (clear>router>rip statistics)
Full Context
clear router rip statistics
This command clears statistics for RIP neighbors.
- {ip-address | ip-int-name}
Clears the statistics for the specified RIP interface.
statistics [neighbor {ip-int-name | ip-address}]
[Tree] (clear>router>ripng statistics)
Full Context
clear router ripng statistics
This command clears statistics for RIPng neighbors.
- {ip-int-name | ip-address}
Clears the statistics for the specified RIPng interface.
[Tree] (show>router>ldp statistics)
Full Context
show router ldp statistics
This command displays LDP instance statistics related information.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# show router ldp statistics
LDP Statistics for IPv4 LSR ID
IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:101[0]
Active IPv4 Sess : 3 Active IPv6 Sess : 3
Active IPv4 LinkAdj: 2 Active IPv6 LinkAdj : 2
Active IPv4 TargAdj: 1 Active IPv6 TargAdj : 1
Active IPv4 If : 2 Inactive IPv4 If : 0
Active IPv6 If : 2 Inactive IPv6 If : 0
Active IPv4 Peers : 1 Inactive IPv4 Peers : 0
Active IPv6 Peers : 1 Inactive IPv6 Peers : 0
IPv4 Attempted Sess: 0 IPv6 Attempted Sess : 0
IPv4 OLoad If : 0 IPv4 OLoad Targ Peers: 0
IPv6 OLoad If : 0 IPv6 OLoad Targ Peers: 0
Protocol Stats
No Hello Err : 0 Param Adv Err : 0
Max PDU Err : 0 Label Range Err : 0
Bad LDP Id Err : 0 Bad PDU Len Err : 0
Bad Mesg Len Err : 0 Bad TLV Len Err : 0
Unknown TLV Err : 0 Bad Proto Ver Err : 0
Malformed TLV Err : 0 Keepalive Expired Err: 0
Shutdown Notif Sent: 0 Shutdown Notif Recv : 0
IPv4 Pfx FECs Sent : 10 IPv4 Pfx FECs Recv : 10
IPv6 Pfx FECs Sent : 10 IPv6 Pfx FECs Recv : 10
IPv4PfxFecOLSessSnt: 0 IPv4PfxFecOLSessRecv : 0
IPv6PfxFecOLSessSnt: 0 IPv6PfxFecOLSessRecv : 0
IPv4PfxFecInOLoad : 0 IPv6PfxFecInOLoad : 0
IPv4 P2MP FECs Sent: 0 IPv4 P2MP FECs Recv : 0
IPv6 P2MP FECs Sent: 0 IPv6 P2MP FECs Recv : 0
IPv4P2MPFecOLSessSn: 0 IPv4P2MPFecOLSessRecv: 0
IPv6P2MPFecOLSessSn: 0 IPv6P2MPFecOLSessRecv: 0
IPv4P2MPFecInOLoad : 0 IPv6P2MPFecInOLoad : 0
Svc FEC128s Sent : 0 Svc FEC128s Recv : 0
Svc FEC129s Sent : 0 Svc FEC129s Recv : 0
Svc Fec128 OLSessSn: 0 Svc Fec128 OLSessRecv: 0
Svc Fec129 OLSessSn: 0 Svc Fec129 OLSessRecv: 0
Svc Fec128 InOLoad : 0 Svc Fec129 InOLoad : 0
[Tree] (clear>router>ldp statistics)
Full Context
clear router ldp statistics
This command clears LDP instance statistics.
[Tree] (show>router>rsvp statistics)
Full Context
show router rsvp statistics
This command displays global statistics in the RSVP instance.
The following output is an example of RSVP statistics information.
Output fields: RSVP statistics describes RSVP statistics output fields.
Label |
Description |
PATH Timeouts |
The total number of path timeouts. |
RESV Timeouts |
The total number of RESV timeouts. |
*A:SR1# /show router rsvp statistics
RSVP Global Statistics
PATH Timeouts : 0 RESV Timeouts : 0
GR Helper PATH Tim*: 0 GR Helper RESV Tim*: 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:SRU4>show>router>rsvp# statistics
RSVP Global Statistics
PATH Timeouts : 1026 RESV Timeouts : 182
statistics lsp-ldp head ip-prefix/prefix-length src-ip ip-address
statistics lsp-ldp tail ip-prefix/prefix-length dst-ip ip-address
statistics src-ip ip-address dst-ip ip-address
statistics all
statistics src-ip ip-address dst-ip ip-address lsp-rsvp {head | tail} tunnel-id [0..4294967295] lsp-id [0..4294967295]
statistics mpls-tp lsp-name path {working | protect}
statistics p2mp-interface interface-name
statistics src-ip ip-address lsp-rsvp {head | tail} rsvp-session-name [256 chars max]
[Tree] (clear>router>bfd statistics)
Full Context
clear router bfd statistics
This command clears BFD statistics.
- all
Clears all statistics for the BFD instance.
- dst-ip ip-address
Clears statistics about the specified destination IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- ip-prefix/prefix-length
Clears statistics for the specified IP prefix.
- lsp-id [0..4294967295]
Clears statistics about the specified LSP ID.
- lsp-ldp head
Clears statistics for the head of the LSP LDP link.
- lsp-ldp tail
Clears statistics for the tail of the LSP LDP link.
- lsp-rsvp {head | tail}
Clears statistics about the specified link type.
- mpls-tp lsp-name
Clears statistics about the specified MPLS TP LSP.
- p2mp-interface interface-name
Clears statistics about the specified P2MP interface.
- path {working | protect}
Clears statistics about the working or protect path.
- rsvp-session-name [256 chars max]
Clears statistics about the specified RSVP session.
- src-ip ip-address
Clears statistics about the specified source IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- tunnel-id [0..4294967295]
Clears statistics about the specified tunnel ID.
[Tree] (clear>router>rsvp statistics)
Full Context
clear router rsvp statistics
This command clears global statistics for the RSVP instance, for example, clears path and resv timeout counters.
[Tree] (show>isa statistics)
Full Context
show isa statistics
Commands in this context display ISA statistical information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>video statistics)
Full Context
clear video statistics
This command clears video related statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
[Tree] (show>router>bier statistics)
Full Context
show router bier statistics
This command displays BIER statistics.
statistics group-interface [fwd-service service-id] ip-in-name
statistics group-interface all
statistics host ip-address
statistics host all
statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
[Tree] (clear>router>igmp statistics)
Full Context
clear router igmp statistics
This command clears IGMP statistics on a specified interface or IP address.
An interface, group, and source cannot be specified at the same time.
- group-interface interface-name
Clears the IGMP statistics on the specified group interface.
- group-interface all
Clears the IGMP statistics on all group interfaces.
- service-id
Specifies the service ID.
- host ip-address
Clears the IGMP statistics on the specified host.
- host all
Clears the IGMP statistics on all hosts.
- interface ip-int-name
Clears the IGMP statistics on the specified interface.
- interface ip-address
Clears the IGMP statistics on the specified IP address.
statistics policy policy-name [bundle bundle-name] [ protocol {igmp | pim | igmpSnpg | mld}]
[Tree] (show>router>mcac statistics)
Full Context
show router mcac statistics
This command displays MCAC statistics.
- policy-name
Specifies an existing multicast CAC (MCAC) policy name.
- bundle-name
Displays statistics for the specified existing multicast bundle name.
- protocol {igmp | pim | igmpSnpg | mld}
Displays statistics for the specified applicable protocol.
statistics [ip-int-name | ipv6-address]
statistics ipsec-interface ip-int-name
[Tree] (show>router>mld statistics)
Full Context
show router mld statistics
This command displays MLD statistics information.
- ip-int-name
Displays information associated with the specified IP interface name, up to 32 characters.
- ipv6-address
Displays information associated with the specified IPv6 address.
- ipsec-interface ip-int-name
Displays information associated with the specified dynamic name for the MLD-enabled child_SA.
The following output is an example of MLD statistics information. Output fields: MLD statistics provides statistical MLD field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router mld statistics
MLD Interface Statistics
Message Type Received Transmitted
Queries 0 9
Report V1 0 0
Report V2 0 0
Dones 0 0
General Interface Statistics
Bad Length : 0
Bad Checksum : 0
Unknown Type : 0
Bad Receive If : 0
Rx Non Local : 0
Rx Wrong Version : 0
Policy Drops : 0
No Router Alert : 0
Rx Bad Encodings : 0
Rx Pkt Drops : 0
Local Scope Pkts : 0
Resvd Scope Pkts : 0
MCAC Policy Drops : 0
Source Group Statistics
(S,G) : 0
(*,G) : 5
Label |
Description |
MLD Interface Statistics |
The MLD statistics for a particular interface. |
Message Type |
Queries — The number of MLD general queries transmitted or received on this interface. Report — The total number of MLD V1 or V2 reports transmitted or received on this interface. Dones — The total number of MLD dones transmitted on this interface. |
Received |
The total number of MLD packets received on this interface. |
Transmitted |
The total number of MLD packets transmitted from this interface. |
General Interface Statistics |
The general MLD statistics. |
Bad Length |
The total number of MLD packets with bad length received on this interface. |
Bad Checksum |
The total number of MLD packets with bad checksum received on this interface. |
Unknown Type |
The total number of MLD packets with unknown type received on this interface. |
Bad Receive If |
The total number of MLD packets incorrectly received on this interface. |
Rx Non Local |
The total number of MLD packets received from a non-local sender. |
Rx Wrong Version |
The total number of MLD packets with wrong versions received on this interface. |
Policy Drops |
The total number of MLD packets dropped by import policies on this interface. |
No Router Alert |
The total number of MLD packets received on this interface which did not have the router alert flag set. |
Rx Bad Encodings |
The total number of MLD packets with bad encodings received on this interface. |
Rx Pkt Drops |
The total number of MLD receive packet drops on this interface. |
Local Scope Pkts |
The total number of MLD packets with local scope received on this interface. |
Resvd Scope Pkts |
The total number of MLD packets with reserved scope received on this interface. |
MCAC Policy Drops |
The total number of MLD packets dropped by MCAC policies on this interface. |
statistics group-interface [fwd-service service-id] ip-int-name
statistics group-interface all
statistics host ipv6-address
statistics host all
statistics [ip-int-name | ipv6-address]
statistics ipsec-interface ip-int-name
[Tree] (clear>router>mld statistics)
Full Context
clear router mld statistics
This command clears MLD statistics parameters.
- service-id
Clears the MLD statistics for the service ID.
- group-interface interface-name
Clears the MLD statistics on the specified group interface.
- group-interface all
Clears the MLD statistics on all group interfaces.
- host all
Clears the MLD statistics on all hosts.
- host ipv6-address
Clears the MLD statistics on the specified host.
- ip-int-name
Clears statistics for the specified MLD interface name.
- ipv6-address
Clears statistics for the specified MLD IPv6 address.
- ipsec-interface ip-int-name
Clears statistics information for the specified dynamic name for the MLD-enabled child_SA.
statistics [peer ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>msdp statistics)
Full Context
show router msdp statistics
This command displays statistics information related to a MSDP peer.
- ip-address
Displays information about the specified peer IP address.
The following output is an example of MSDP statistics information, and Output fields: MSDP statistics describes the output fields.
Output exampleA:ALA-48# show router msdp statistics
MSDP Statistics
Glo ActSrc Lim Excd: 0
Peer Address :
Last State Change : 0d 11:33:16 Last message Peer : 0d 00:00:17
RPF Failures : 0 Remote Closes : 0
SA Msgs Sent : 0 SA Msgs Recvd : 709
SA req. Msgs Sent : 0 SA req. Msgs Recvd : 0
SA res. Msgs Sent : 0 SA res. Msgs Recvd : 0
KeepAlive Msgs Sent: 694 KeepAlive Msgs Recd: 694
Unknown Msgs Sent : 0 Error Msgs Recvd : 0
Peers : 1
Label |
Description |
Glo ActSrc Lim Excd | The number of times the active source limit was exceeded across all MSDP sessions |
Peer address | The IP address of the peer |
Last State Change |
The date and time the peer state changed |
RPF Failures |
The number of reverse path forwarding (RPF) failures |
SA Msgs Sent |
The number of SA messages sent |
SA req. Msgs Sent |
The number of SA request messages sent |
SA res. Msgs Sent |
The number of SA response messages sent |
KeepAlive Msgs Sent |
The number of keepalive messages sent |
Unknown Msgs Sent |
The number of unknown messages received |
Last message Peer |
The time the last message was received from the peer |
Remote Closes |
The number of times the remote peer close |
SA Msgs Recvd |
The number of SA messages received |
SA req. Msgs Recvd |
The number of SA request messages received |
SA res. Msgs Recvd |
The number of SA response messages received |
KeepAlive Msgs Recd |
The number of keepalive messages received |
Error Msgs Recvd |
The number of unknown messages received |
statistics [peer ip-address]
[Tree] (clear>router>msdp statistics)
Full Context
clear router msdp statistics
This command clears IP address statistics of the peer to which Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) source-active (SA) requests for groups matching this entry's group range were sent.
- ip-address
Clears the statistics of the specified IP address.
statistics [ip-int-name | mt-int-name | ip-address | mpls-if-name] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>pim statistics)
Full Context
show router pim statistics
This command displays statistics for a particular PIM instance.
- ip-int-name
Displays interface information associated with the specified IP interface name.
- mt-int-name
Displays information about the default core group address of the Multicast Distribution Tree (MDT) for the VPRN instance. The Multicast Tunnel (MT) interface for a VPRN is created when this object is set to a valid group address.
Syntax: vprn-id-mt-grp-ip-address
- ip-address
Displays interface information associated with the specified IP address.
- mpls-if-name
Displays information about the specified MPLS interface name.
Syntax: mpls-if-index
- family
Displays statistics information for the specified family.
The following output is an example of PIM statistics information. Output fields: PIM statistics provides PIM statistics output field descriptions
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# show router pim statistics
PIM Statistics ipv4
Message Type Received Transmitted Rx Errors
Hello 18009 12834 0
Join Prune 9135 1129 10
Core RPFV JP 0 0 0
Asserts 0 0 0
Register 0 0 0
Null Register 0 0 0
Register Stop 0 0 0
BSM 0 0 0
Candidate RP Adv 0 0 0
Auto-RP Announce 2049 0 0
Auto-RP Mapping 2066 0 0
PIM DM Grafts 0 0 0
PIM DM Graft Acks 0 0 0
Total Packets 31231 13963
Intra-AS AD 0 0 0
Inter-AS AD 0 0 0
Mdt-Safi 1323 10 0
S-PMSI AD 0 0 0
Leaf AD 0 0 0
Source-Active AD 0 0 0
Shared Tree Join 0 0 0
Source Tree Join 0 0 0
Total BGP Packets 1323 10
General Statistics
Rx Invalid Register : 0
Rx Neighbor Unknown : 10
Rx Bad Checksum Discard : 0
Rx Bad Encoding : 0
Rx Bad Version Discard : 0
Rx CRP No Router Alert : 0
Rx BSM Router Alert Drops : 0
Rx BSM Wrong If Drops : 0
Rx Invalid Join Prune : 0
Rx Invalid Auto-RP PDU : 0
RPF Mismatch Auto-RP Mapping PDU : 65
RPF Mismatch Auto-RP Announce PDU : 80
Rx Unknown PDU Type : 0
Join Policy Drops : 0
Register Policy Drops : 0
Bootstrap Import Policy Drops : 0
Bootstrap Export Policy Drops : 0
Mcac Policy Drops : 0
Fwd Candidate RP Adv : 0
Fwd Candidate RP Adv Drops : 0
S-pmsi Join TLV PDUs txd. : 0
S-pmsi Join TLV PDUs rcd. : 0
S-pmsi Join TLV PDUs txd. Drops : 0
S-pmsi Join TLV PDUs rcd. Drops : 0
S-pmsi Maximum-P2mp-Spmsi Hits : 0
P2mp Pmsi Create Failures : 0
P2mp Pmsi Request Failures : 0
PDU Drops on Non-PIM/Down Intf : 0
Active Tx S-pmsis : 0
Active Tx MS-pmsis : 0
Active Rx S-pmsis : 0
Active Rx Pseudo S-pmsis : 0
Total Tx S-pmsis : 0
Total Rx S-pmsis : 0
Source Group Statistics
(S,G) : 2
(*,G) : 2
(*,*,RP) : 0
Label |
Description |
PIM Statistics |
The section listing the PIM statistics for a particular interface |
Message Type |
The type of message. Hello — The number of PIM hello messages received or transmitted Join Prune — The number of PIM join prune messages received or transmitted Asserts — The number of PIM assert messages received or transmitted Register — The number of register messages received or transmitted Null Register — The number of PIM null register messages received or transmitted Register Stop — The number of PIM register stop messages received or transmitted BSM — The number of PIM Bootstrap messages (BSM) received or transmitted Candidate RP Adv — The number of candidate RP advertisements Auto-RP Announce — The number of auto-RP announce ( messages received or transmitted Auto-RP Mapping — The number of auto-RP mapping ( messages received or transmitted |
Message Type |
PIM DM Grafts — The number of PIM graft messages received or transmitted PIM DM Graft Acks — The number of PIM graft acknowledgment messages received or transmitted Total Packets — The total number of packets transmitted and received. |
Received |
The number of messages received |
Transmitted |
The number of multicast data packets transmitted |
Rx Errors |
The total number of receive errors |
General Interface Statistics |
The section listing the general PIM interface statistics |
Register TTL Drop |
The number of multicast data packets which could not be encapsulated in Register messages because the time to live (TTL) was zero |
Tx Register MTU Drop |
The number of Bootstrap messages received on this interface but were dropped |
Rx Invalid Register |
The number of invalid PIM register messages received |
Rx Neighbor Unknown |
The number of PIM messages (other than hello messages) which were received and were rejected because the adjacency with the neighbor router was not already established |
Rx Bad Checksum Discard |
The number of PIM messages received, and which were discarded because of bad checksum |
Rx Bad Encoding |
The number of PIM messages with bad encodings received |
Rx Bad Version Discard |
The number of PIM messages with bad versions received |
Rx CRP No Router Alert |
The number of candidate-rp advertisements (C-RP-Adv) received, and which had no router alert option set |
Rx Invalid Join Prune |
The number of invalid PIM join prune messages received |
Rx Unknown PDU Type |
The number of packets received with an unsupported PIM type |
Join Policy Drops |
The number of times the join policy match resulted in dropping PIM join-prune message or one of the source group contained in the message |
Register Policy Drops |
The number of times the register policy match resulted in dropping PIM register message |
Bootstrap Import Policy Drops |
The number of Bootstrap messages received that were dropped because of Bootstrap import policy |
Bootstrap Export Policy Drops |
The number of Bootstrap messages that were not transmitted because of Bootstrap export policy. |
Source Group Statistics |
The section listing the source group statistics |
(S,G) |
The number of entries in which the type is (S,G) |
(*,G) |
The number of entries in which the type is (*,G) |
(*,*,RP) |
The number of entries in which the type is (*, *, rp) |
statistics [family]
statistics [interface ip-int-name | mt-int-name | int-ip-address] [family]
statistics [group grp-ip-address] [source ip-address] [family]
[Tree] (clear>router>pim statistics)
Full Context
clear router pim statistics
This command clears PIM statistics on a specified interface or IP address.
An interface and group or source cannot be specified at the same time.
- ip-int-name
Clears PIM statistics on the specified interface.
- ip-address
Clears PIM statistics on the specified IP address.
- mt-int-name
Clears the default core group address of the Multicast Distribution Tree (MDT) for the VPRN instance. The Multicast Tunnel (MT) interface for a VPRN is created when this object is set to a valid group address.
syntax: vprn-id-mt-grp-ip-address
- grp-ip-address
When only the group address is specified and no source is specified, (*,G) statistics are cleared. When the group address is specified along with the source address, then the (S,G) statistics are reset to zero.
- ip-address
When the source address is specified along with the group address, then the (S,G) statistics are reset to zero.
- family
Clears statistics family information.
[Tree] (show>router>p2mp-sr-tree statistics)
Full Context
show router p2mp-sr-tree statistics
This command displays P2MP SR tree statistics.
The following output is an example of P2MP SR tree statistics information.
The "Programming failures” count in tree SID statistics are not High Availability (HA) compatible and are reset upon an activity switch of the CPMs.
A:node-2>show>router>p2mp-sr-tree# statistics
P2MP-SR Statistics
Total Number of p2mp-policies : 2
static : 2
pce : 0
sr-policy : 0
Total Number candidate-paths : 2
static : 2
pce : 0
sr-policy : 0
Total Number replication-segments : 4
static : 4
pce : 0
sr-policy : 0
Total Number downstream-nodes : 2
static : 2
pce : 0
sr-policy : 0
Total Number push : 2
Total Number swap : 1
Total Number pop : 1
Total Number tunnel-allocated : 2
Total Number downstream-node interfaces
inService : 1
outOfService : 0
unsupported : 0
mismatched : 0
without BFD : 0
DataPlane backpressure active : disabled
DataPlane backpressure count : 0
Unknown Originator Owner : 0
Duplicate TreeIds : 0
Programming failures
NhIdx : 0
Labels : 0
Tunnels : 0
Protection Grp : 0
P2MP Policies
RootAddr TreeId State NumPaths
Tunnel Active-Path
Candidate-Path Origin ASN PLSP-ID
State Create-Time Preference Desc
p2mp_policy_8193_10.20.1.3 8193 inService 1
73740 cp_1
cp_1 static 0 --
inService 1d 02:25:09 0 1
p2mp_policy_8194_10.20.1.3 8194 inService 1
73745 cp_1
cp_1 static 0 --
inService 1d 02:25:10 0 1
Total P2MP Policies : 2
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm statistics)
Full Context
show eth-cfm statistics
This command displays the ETH-CFM statistics counters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of ETH-CFM statistics information. Output fields: ETH-CFM statistics describes the ETH-CFM statistics fields.
Output Exampleshow eth-cfm statistics
ETH-CFM System Statistics
Rx Count : 10513196 Tx Count : 2294783
Dropped Congestion : 0 Discarded Error : 764766
AIS Currently Act : 0 AIS Currently Fail : 0
ETH-CFM System Op-code Statistics
Op-code Rx Count Tx Count
ccm 4588504 2294779
lbr 0 0
lbm 2 0
ltr 0 1
ltm 1 0
ais 0 0
lck 0 0
tst 0 0
laps 0 0
raps 0 0
mcc 0 0
lmr 0 0
lmm 0 0
1dm 0 0
dmr 0 0
dmm 4012644 0
exr 0 0
exm 0 0
csf 0 0
vsr 0 0
vsm 0 0
1sl 0 0
slr 0 0
slm 1912045 0
other 0 0
Total 10513196 2294780
Label |
Description |
Rx Count |
The ETH-CFM CPU receive rate, in PPS |
Tx Count |
The ETH-CFM CPU transmit rate, in PPS |
Dropped Congestion |
The number of valid or supported ETH-CFM packets not processed by the CPU as a result of resource contention |
Discard Error |
The number of ETH-CFM packets that did not pass validation |
statistics session session-name dm meas-interval { 5-mins | 15-mins | 1-hour | 1-day | raw} interval-number interval-number [ all | bins | summary]
statistics session session-name dmm meas-interval { 5-mins | 15-mins | 1-hour | 1-day | raw} interval-number interval-number [ all | bins | summary]
statistics session session-name lmm meas-interval { 5-mins| 15-mins| 1-hour| 1-day| raw} interval-number interval-number
statistics session session-name slm meas-interval { 5-mins| 15-mins| 1-hour| 1-day| raw} interval-number interval-number
statistics session session-name twamp-light meas-interval { 5-mins | 15-mins | 1-hour | 1-day | raw} interval-number interval-number delay [ all | bins | summary]
[Tree] (show>oam-pm statistics)
Full Context
show oam-pm statistics
This command shows the delay statistics for the specified test using the parameters specified.
- session-name
Identifies the session to be queried.
- dm
Specifies that the delay test is from the MPLS test family and is using dm style measurements for the delay.
- dmm
Specifies that the delay test is from the Ethernet test family and is using dmm style measurements for the delay.
- lmm
Specifies the loss test is from the Ethernet test family and is using lmm style measurements for the loss.
- slm
Specifies that the loss test is from the Ethernet test family and is using slm style measurements for the loss.
- twamp-light
Specifies that the delay test is from the IP test family and is using twamp-light style measurements for the delay.
- meas-interval
Identifies the measurement interval to query for the statistics. When raw is specified, the interval number is not to be included because there is only one raw cumulative bin.
- interval-number
Specifies the numerical reference that indicates the position from the latest sample window. The number 1 is the most recent with all higher numbers being that position in the past from current.
- [all | bins | summary]
Specifies a keyword to filter the output.
- delay
Indicates that the statistics being queried are for delay. TWAMP-Light PDUs carry both delay and loss informational elements and it is not clear from only the test type name which statistic the operator requires.
- loss
Indicates the statistics being queried are for loss. TWAMP-Light PDUs carry both delay and loss informational elements and it is not clear from only the test type name which statistic the operator requires. This keyword is specific to twamp-light.
[Tree] (clear>eth-cfm statistics)
Full Context
clear eth-cfm statistics
This command clears the eth-cfm statistics counters maintained in clearEthCfmStatistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
statistics interface {ip-int-name | ip-address}
statistics policy name
[Tree] (show>router>authentication statistics)
Full Context
show router authentication statistics
This command displays interface or policy authentication statistics.
- ip-int-name | ip-address
Specifies an existing interface name or IP address.
- name
Specifies an existing policy name.
Authentication Statistics Output — The following output is an example of authentication statistics, and Output fields: authentication statistics describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:ALU-3>show>router>auth# statistics
Authentication Global Statistics
Client Packets Authenticate Fail : 0
Client Packets Authenticate Ok : 12
Label |
Description |
Client Packets Authenticate Fail |
The number of packets that failed authentication |
Client Packets Authenticate Ok |
The number of packets that were authenticated |
statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
[Tree] (clear>router>authentication statistics)
Full Context
clear router authentication statistics
This command clears authentication statistics.
- ip-int-name
Clears the authentication statistics for the specified interface name. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
- ip-address
Clears the authentication statistics for the specified IP address.
statistics [policy policy-id]
[Tree] (clear>vrrp statistics)
Full Context
clear vrrp statistics
Commands in this context clear and reset VRRP entities.
- policy-id
Clears statistics for the specified policy.
[Tree] (show>system>ptp statistics)
Full Context
show system ptp statistics
This command displays the message and error statistics for the node.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of PTP statistics information, and Output fields: system PTP statistics describes the output fields.
Output Example# show system ptp statistics
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics
Input Output
PTP Packets 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Follow Up 0 0
Delay Request 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Signaling 0 0
Request Unicast Transmission TLVs 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Grant Unicast Transmission (Accepted) TLVs 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Grant Unicast Transmission (Denied) TLVs 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Ack Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs 0 0
Announce 0 0
Sync 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Other TLVs 0 0
Other 0 0
Event Packets timestamped at port 0 0
Event Packets timestamped at cpm 0 0
Discards 0 0
Bad PTP domain 0 0
Alternate Master 0 0
Out Of Sequence 0 0
Peer Disabled 0 0
Packet Timing Signal Fail - Unusable 0 0
Other 0 0
IEEE 1588/PTP Frequency Recovery State Statistics
State Seconds
Initial 0
Acquiring 0
Phase-Tracking 0
Locked 0
Hold-over 0
IEEE 1588/PTP Event Statistics
Event Sync Flow Delay Flow
Packet Loss 0 0
Excessive Packet Loss 0 0
Excessive Phase Shift Detected 0 0
Too Much Packet Delay Variation - Freq 0 0
Too Much Packet Delay Variation - Time
IEEE 1588/PTP Clock Time Recovery State Statistics
State Seconds
Initial 1280
Acquiring 63
Locked 0
Hold-over 0
IEEE 1588/PTP Message Rates Per Second
UDP/IP Ethernet
Packet Type Input Output Input Output
Announce 0 0 0 0
Sync 0 0 0 0
Follow Up 0 0 0 0
Delay Request 0 0 0 0
Delay Response 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0
Counter |
Counts |
PTP Packets (packet type) |
Input |
The number of input packets for the specified packet type |
Output |
The number of output packets for the specified packet type |
Discards (reason type) |
Input |
The number of discarded input packets for the specified reason |
Output |
The number of discarded output packets for the specified reason |
State (state type) |
Seconds |
The number of seconds for the specified state type |
Event (event type) |
Sync Flow |
The number of sync flows for the specified event type |
Delay Flow |
The number of delay flows for the specified event type |
Packet Type (packet type) |
UDP/IP Input/Output |
The number of UDP/IP input or output packets for the specified packet type |
Ethernet Input/Output |
The number of Ethernet input or output packets for the specified packet type |
[Tree] (clear>application-assurance>group statistics)
Full Context
clear application-assurance group statistics
This command clears application assurance statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>redundancy>multi-chassis>mcr statistics)
Full Context
clear redundancy multi-chassis mc-ring statistics
This command clears multi-chassis ring.
[Tree] (clear>system>ptp statistics)
Full Context
clear system ptp statistics
This command clears all PTP statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (clear>system statistics)
Full Context
clear system statistics
This command clears system specific statistics.
[Tree] (show>certificate statistics)
Full Context
show certificate statistics
This command shows certificate related statistics.
[Tree] (show>router>isis statistics)
Full Context
show router isis statistics
This command displays information regarding IS-IS traffic statistics.
The following output is an example of IS-IS statistics output.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router isis statistics
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Statistics
ISIS Instance : 0
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 17
Sid SRGB err : 0 Sid dupl err : 0
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
SPF Statistics
SPF Runs : 7
Last runTimeStamp: 01/26/2015 11:22:50
Partial SPF Runs : 3
Last runTimeStamp: 01/26/2015 11:22:51
LFA Statistics
LFA Runs : 7
Last runTimeStamp: 01/26/2015 11:22:51
Partial LFA Runs : 3
Last runTimeStamp: 01/26/2015 11:22:41
RLFA Statistics
RLFA Runs : 10
Last runTimeStamp: 01/26/2015 11:22:51
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 164 164 0 151 0
IIH 146 146 0 147 0
CSNP 288 288 0 291 0
PSNP 71 71 0 74 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
Output fields: IS-IS statistics describes IS-IS statistics output fields.
Label |
Description |
Purge Initiated |
The number of times purges have been initiated. |
SPF Runs |
The number of times shortest path first calculations have been made. |
LSP Regens |
The count of LSP regenerations. |
Requests |
The number of CSPF requests made to the protocol. |
Paths Found |
The number of responses to CSPF requests for which paths satisfying the constraints were found. |
PDU Type |
The PDU type. |
Received |
The count of link state PDUs received by this instance of the protocol. |
Processed |
The count of link state PDUs processed by this instance of the protocol. |
Dropped |
The count of link state PDUs dropped by this instance of the protocol. |
Sent |
The count of link state PDUs sent out by this instance of the protocol. |
Retransmitted |
The count of link state PDUs that had to be retransmitted by this instance of the protocol. |
[Tree] (show>router>ospf statistics)
[Tree] (show>router>ospf3 statistics)
Full Context
show router ospf statistics
show router ospf3 statistics
This command displays the global OSPF statistics.
The following output is an example of global OSPF statistic information and Output fields: OSPF statistics describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow router ospf statistics
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Statistics
Rx Packets : 441 Tx Packets : 463
Rx Hellos : 361 Tx Hellos : 371
Rx DBDs : 9 Tx DBDs : 7
Rx LSRs : 3 Tx LSRs : 3
Rx LSUs : 54 Tx LSUs : 72
Rx LS Acks : 14 Tx LS Acks : 10
New LSAs Recvd : 57 New LSAs Orig : 8
Ext LSAs Count : 0 No of Areas : 1
No of Interfaces : 4 No of Neighbors : 3
Discards : 3 Tx Failures : 3
Retransmits : 2
Bad Networks : 0 Bad Virt Links : 0
Bad Areas : 0 Bad Dest Addrs : 0
Bad Auth Types : 0 Auth Failures : 0
Bad Neighbors : 0 Bad Pkt Types : 0
Bad Lengths : 0 Bad Hello Int. : 2
Bad Dead Int. : 1 Bad Options : 0
Bad Versions : 0 Bad Checksums : 0
SID SRGB errors : 0 SID dupl errors : 0
Failed SPF Attempts : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
CSPF Requests : 0 CSPF Request Drops : 0
CSPF Path Found : 0 CSPF Path Not Found : 0
Total SPF Runs : 6 Total LFA SPF Runs : 0
Total RLFA SPF Runs : 0 Total TI-LFA SPF Runs: 0
show router ospf3 statistics
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 Statistics
Rx Packets : 525 Tx Packets : 564
Rx Hellos : 387 Tx Hellos : 387
Rx DBDs : 8 Tx DBDs : 7
Rx LSRs : 3 Tx LSRs : 3
Rx LSUs : 113 Tx LSUs : 156
Rx LS Acks : 14 Tx LS Acks : 11
New LSAs Recvd : 77 New LSAs Orig : 12
Ext LSAs Count : 0 No of Areas : 1
No of Interfaces : 4 No of Neighbors : 3
Discards : 0 Tx Failures : 0
Retransmits : 0
Bad Networks : 0 Bad Virt Links : 0
Bad Areas : 0 Bad Dest Addrs : 0
Bad Auth Types : 0 Auth Failures : 0
Bad Neighbors : 0 Bad Pkt Types : 0
Bad Lengths : 0 Bad Hello Int. : 0
Bad Dead Int. : 0 Bad Options : 0
Bad Versions : 0 Bad Checksums : 0
SID SRGB errors : 0 SID dupl errors : 0
Failed SPF Attempts : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
CSPF Requests : 0 CSPF Request Drops : 0
CSPF Path Found : 0 CSPF Path Not Found : 0
Total SPF Runs : 7 Total LFA SPF Runs : 0
Total RLFA SPF Runs : 0 Total TI-LFA SPF Runs: 0
Label |
Description |
Rx Packets |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Tx Packets |
The total number of OSPF packets transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Rx Hellos |
The total number of OSPF Hello packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Tx Hellos |
The total number of OSPF Hello packets transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Rx DBDs |
The total number of OSPF database description packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Tx DBDs |
The total number of OSPF database description packets transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces |
Rx LSRs |
The total number of OSPF Link State Requests (LSRs) received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Tx LSRs |
The total number of OSPF Link State Requests (LSRs) transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Rx LSUs |
The total number of OSPF Link State Update (LSUs) received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Tx LSUs |
The total number of OSPF Link State Update (LSUs) transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Rx LS Acks |
The total number of OSPF Link State Acknowledgments (LSAs) received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
New LSAs Recvd |
The total number of new OSPF Link State Advertisements received on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
New LSAs Orig |
The total number of new OSPF Link State Advertisements originated on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Ext LSAs Count |
The total number of OSPF External Link State Advertisements. |
No of Areas |
The number of areas configured for this OSPF instance. |
Total SPF Runs |
The total number of incremental SPF runs triggered by new or updated LSAs. |
Ext SPF Runs |
The total number of incremental SPF runs triggered by new or updated type-5 external LSAs. |
Retransmits |
The total number of OSPF Retransmits transmitted on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Discards |
The total number of OSPF packets discarded on all OSPF enabled interfaces. |
Bad Networks |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with invalid network or mask. |
Bad Virt Links |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces that are destined to a virtual link that does not exist. |
Bad Areas |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with an area mismatch. |
Bad Dest Addrs |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with the incorrect IP destination address. |
Bad Auth Types |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with an invalid authorization type. |
Auth Failures |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with an invalid authorization key. |
Bad Neighbors |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces where the neighbor information does not match the information this router has for the neighbor. |
Bad Pkt Types |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with an invalid OSPF packet type. |
Bad Lengths |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with a total length not equal to the length given in the packet itself. |
Bad Hello Int. |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces where the hello interval given in packet was not equal to that configured for the respective interface. |
Bad Dead Int. |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces where the dead interval given in the packet was not equal to that configured for the respective interface. |
Bad Options |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with an option that does not match those configured for the respective interface or area. |
Bad Versions |
The total number of OSPF packets received on all OSPF enabled interfaces with bad OSPF version numbers. |
Tx Failures |
Transmitted OSPF packets that are dropped due to resource shortage. |
[Tree] (clear>router>ospf statistics)
[Tree] (clear>router>ospf3 statistics)
Full Context
clear router ospf statistics
clear router ospf3 statistics
This command clears all neighbor, router, interface, SPF and global statistics of this OSPF instance.
statistics [ipv6-address | ip-int-name]
[Tree] (show>router>ripng statistics)
Full Context
show router ripng statistics
This command displays the interface level statistics for the RIPng protocol.
If no IPv6 address or interface name is specified, then all configured RIPng interfaces are displayed.
If an IPv6 address or interface name is specified, then only data regarding the specified RIPng interface is displayed.
- ipv6-address | ip-int-name
Displays statistics for the specified IPv6 interface.
The following output are examples of RIPng statistics information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng statistics
RIP-NG Statistics
Learned Routes : 40 Timed Out Routes : 0
Current Memory : 1,199,016 Maximum Memory : 2,097,152
Interface "one"
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:3:3/1* Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 221 180 5
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
Updates Received 225 185 3
Updates Ignored 0 0 0
Bad Routes 0 0 0
Requests Received 0 0 0
Requests Ignored 0 0 0
Interface "two"
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:103:3* Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 220 183 5
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
Updates Received 229 183 5
Updates Ignored 0 0 0
Bad Routes 0 0 0
Requests Received 0 0 0
Requests Ignored 0 0 0
Interface "three"
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:12:3/* Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 224 184 6
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
Updates Received 221 182 4
Updates Ignored 0 0 0
Bad Routes 0 0 0
Requests Received 0 0 0
Requests Ignored 0 0 0
Interface "four"
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:112:3* Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 220 182 8
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
Updates Received 227 185 4
Updates Ignored 0 0 0
Bad Routes 0 0 0
Requests Received 0 0 0
Requests Ignored 0 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng statistics "one"
RIP-NG Statistics
Learned Routes : 40 Timed Out Routes : 0
Current Memory : 1,199,016 Maximum Memory : 2,097,152
Interface "one"
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:3:3/1* Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
Counter Total Last 5 Min Last 1 Min
Updates Sent 224 183 8
Triggered Updates 0 0 0
Bad Packets Received 0 0 0
Updates Received 230 190 8
Updates Ignored 0 0 0
Bad Routes 0 0 0
Requests Received 0 0 0
Requests Ignored 0 0 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
statistics manager all
statistics manager manager-name
[Tree] (clear>system>management-interface>remote-management statistics)
Full Context
clear system management-interface remote-management statistics
This command clears the statistics for remote management managers. If the command is run without specifying the manager, the statistics for all remote managers are cleared.
- manager
Keyword to specify that clears statistics only for a specific manager.
- manager-name
Specifies the configured name of the manager, up to 64 characters, for which the statistics are cleared.
- all
Clears statistics for all managers.
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>pfcp statistics)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt pfcp statistics
This command displays the packet counters for each PFCP message and upstream IBCP message.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of PFCP statistics information.
Output ExampleA:BNG-UPF# show subscriber-mgmt pfcp statistics
PFCP System Statistics
PFCP Session Related Messages
Session Establish Req : 3 Session Establish Resp : 3
Session Establish Resp fail: 0
Session Modify Req : 2 Session Modify Resp : 2
Session Modify Resp fail : 0
Session Deletion Req : 1 Session Deletion Resp : 1
Session Deletion Resp fail : 0
Session Report Req : 1 Session Report Resp : 1
Session Report Resp fail : 0
Session Report DDR Req : 0 Session Report DDR Rsp : 0
Session Report DDR Rsp fail: 0
Session Report UR Req : 0 Session Report UR Rsp : 0
Session Report UR Rsp fail : 0
Session Report EIR Req : 0 Session Report EIR Rsp : 0
Session Report EIR Rsp fail: 0
Session Report UPIR Req : 1 Session Report UPIR Rsp : 1
Session Report UPIR Rs fail: 0
PFCP Session Audit Related Messages
Session Modify Req : 0 Session Modify Resp : 0
Session Modify Resp fail : 0
Session Report Req : 0 Session Report Rsp : 0
Session Report Rsp fail : 0
PFCP Node Related Messages
Node Report Req : 0 Node Report Resp : 0
Node Report Resp fail : 0
Assoc Setup Req Rx : 0 Assoc Setup Resp Rx : 1
Assoc Setup Resp fail Rx : 0
Assoc Setup Req Tx : 1 Assoc Setup Resp Tx : 0
Assoc Setup Resp fail Tx : 0
Assoc Upd Req Rx : 0 Assoc Upd Resp Rx : 0
Assoc Upd Resp fail Rx : 0
Assoc Upd Req Tx : 0 Assoc Upd Resp Tx : 0
Assoc Upd Resp fail Tx : 0
Assoc Upd Req with ARR : 0 Assoc Upd Req with GRP : 0
Assoc Upd Req ARR & GRP : 0
Assoc Release Req : 0 Assoc Release Resp : 0
Assoc Release Resp fail : 0
Heartbeat Req Rx : 417 Heartbeat Resp Rx : 1
Heartbeat Req Tx : 1 Heartbeat Resp Tx : 417
Heartbeat Aud Trig Req Tx : 0 Heartbeat Aud Trig Rsp Rx : 0
Heartbeat Aud Start Req Rx : 0 Heartbeat Aud Start Rsp Tx : 0
Heartbeat Aud End Req Rx : 0 Heartbeat Aud End Rsp Tx : 0
IBCP upstream packet statistics
Ipoe Rx Pkts : 0
Pppoe Ctrl Rx Pkts : 10
Pppoe Data Rx Pkts : 16
Tx Pkts to Smf : 26
IBCP upstream packet discard statistics
Missing pkt detection rule : 0
Default tnl trigger missing: 0
Default tunnel missing : 0
Parsing error : 0
Tx error : 0
IBCP default tunnel
overwrite : 0
Number of PFCP Sessions : 2
statistics lsp-path [lsp-index lsp-index] [path-lspid path-lspid ][prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length] [ src ip-address | ipv6 address]
statistics lsp-path all
statistics sr-policy [lsp-index lsp-index] [path-lspid path-lspid] [prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length] [ src ip-address | ipv6 address]
statistics sr-policy all
[Tree] (clear>router>bfd>seamless-bfd statistics)
Full Context
clear router bfd seamless-bfd statistics
This command clears BFD statistics.
- lsp-path
Keyword to clear the S-BFD statistics for LSP path.
- sr-policy
Keyword to clear the S-BFD statistics for SR policy.
- all
Keyword to clear all S-BFD statistics.
- lsp-index lsp-index
Specifies the LSP index.
- path-lspid path-lspid
Specifies the path LSP ID.
- prefix
Keyword to clear information by far-end prefix.
- ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies an IP prefix for which to clear S-BFD statistics, and the length of the prefix.
- ip-address | ipv6-address
Specifies the IP address for which to clear S-BFD statistics.
statistics [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>router>isis statistics)
Full Context
monitor router isis statistics
This command displays statistical IS-IS traffic information at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified router statistics. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display. When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
The following output is an example of ISIS statistics.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor>router>isis# statistics interval 3 repeat 2 absolute
ISIS Statistics
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 2
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 11
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 74 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 2
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 11
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 74 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 2
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 11
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 74 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
A:ALA-12>monitor>router>isis# statistics interval 3 repeat 2 rate
ISIS Statistics
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 2
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 11
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 76 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Rate)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 0
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 0
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 0 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Rate)
ISIS Instance : 1 SPF Runs : 0
Purge Initiated : 0 LSP Regens. : 0
CSPF Statistics
Requests : 0 Request Drops : 0
Paths Found : 0 Paths Not Found: 0
PDU Type Received Processed Dropped Sent Retransmitted
LSP 0 0 0 0 0
IIH 0 0 0 1 0
CSNP 0 0 0 0 0
PSNP 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
statistics [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>router>ldp statistics)
Full Context
monitor router ldp statistics
Monitor statistics for LDP instance at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the LDP statistics. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display. When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
The following output is an example of LDP statistics information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor>router>ldp# statistics interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for LDP instance
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 1 Serv FECs Recv : 2
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 1 Serv FECs Recv : 2
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 1 Serv FECs Recv : 2
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 1 Serv FECs Recv : 2
A:ALA-12>monitor>router>ldp# statistics interval 3 repeat 3 rate
Monitor statistics for LDP instance
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 1 Serv FECs Recv : 2
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Rate)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 0 Serv FECs Recv : 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Rate)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 0 Serv FECs Recv : 0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Rate)
Addr FECs Sent : 0 Addr FECs Recv : 0
Serv FECs Sent : 0 Serv FECs Recv : 0
statistics [interval seconds] [ repeat repeat] [absolute| rate]
[Tree] (monitor>eth-cfm statistics)
Full Context
monitor eth-cfm statistics
This command monitors control plane traffic statistics.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
statistics all
statistics neighbor ip-address [port port-number]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>gsmp statistics)
Full Context
clear service id gsmp statistics
This command clears General Switch Management Protocol (GSMP) statistics.
- all
Clears all GSMP related statistics.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address.
- port-number
Specifies port number.
[Tree] (clear>system>ptp>port statistics)
Full Context
clear system ptp port statistics
This command clears PTP port statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (clear>service>id>subhosts statistics)
Full Context
clear service id subscriber-hosts statistics
This command clears subscriber host HTTP redirect statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>li>x-interfaces statistics)
Full Context
show li x-interfaces statistics
Commands in this context display statistics of the X1, X2, and X3 interfaces.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (clear>router>bier statistics)
Full Context
clear router bier statistics
This command clears BIER statistics.
statistics [policy policy-name]
[Tree] (clear>router>mcac statistics)
Full Context
clear router mcac statistics
This command clears and resets MCAC statistics.
- policy-name
Specifies the policy name, up to 32 characters.
statistics [portal name] [ all-portals]
[Tree] (clear>router>wpp statistics)
Full Context
clear router wpp statistics
This command clears WPP statistics.
- portal-name
Specifies the portal name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>router>autoconfigure>rtr-adv statistics)
Full Context
clear router autoconfigure router-advertisement statistics
This command clears router-advertisement statistics.
7450 ESS-7, 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7, 7750 SR-1e, 7750 SR-2e, 7750 SR-s
statistics-summary [active] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>ldp statistics-summary)
Full Context
show router ldp statistics-summary
This command displays LDP statistics summary information.
- active
Displays LDP statistics for only active paths.
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 LDP information.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# show router ldp statistics-summary
Statistics Summary
LDP FEC IPv4 Prefix Egress statistics : 0
LDP FEC IPv6 Prefix Egress statistics : 0
[Tree] (show>router>mpls statistics-summary)
Full Context
show router mpls statistics-summary
This command displays the number of LSP statistics configured.
The following output is an example of MPLS statistics summary information.
Output Example*A:SRU4>config>router>mpls# show router mpls statistics-summary
Statistics Summary
LSP egress statistics : 0
LSP ingress statistics : 0
[Tree] (tools>dump>ipsec stats)
Full Context
tools dump ipsec stats
Commands in this context dump the IPsec statistics.
[Tree] (clear>ipsec stats)
Full Context
clear ipsec stats
Commands in this context clear IKE statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>call-trace status)
Full Context
show call-trace status
This command gives a router-wide overview of call-trace operational data, such as number of configured profile, number of jobs and status of the compact flash.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of call trace status information.
Output Example===============================================================================
Call trace status
No. of trace profiles: 1
No. of trace jobs : 0
Primary CF : CF1 Max files number : 200
CF1 state : enabled CF1 volume limit : 1000 MB
CF2 state : enabled CF2 volume limit : 1000 MB
Output fields: call trace status describes call trace status output field information.
Field |
Descriptions |
No. of trace profiles |
The number of profiles configured in the system |
No. of trace jobs |
The number of trace jobs |
Primary CF |
The compact flash card to be used as the primary local storage location to save the generated call trace log files |
Max files number |
The cumulative number of call trace log files present on all cflash cards on the active CPM that are being used for local storage has reached the limit |
CF1 state |
The status of a call trace job on CF2. "running” indicates the job is active and is tracing events triggered by the host being monitored. "finished” indicates the job has already finished and is not tracing events generated by the host anymore. |
CF1 volume limit |
The data volume limit for the CF1 call trace job |
CF2 state |
The status of a call trace job on CF2. "running” indicates the job is active and is tracing events triggered by the host being monitored. "finished” indicates the job has already finished and is not tracing events generated by the host anymore. |
CF2 volume limit |
The data volume limit for the CF2 call trace job |
[Tree] (show>router>igmp status)
Full Context
show router igmp status
This command displays IGMP status information.
If IGMP is not enabled, the following message appears:
A:NYC# show router igmp status
MINOR: CLI IGMP is not configured.
The following output is an example of IGMP status information. Output fields: IGMP status provides IGMP status field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router 100 igmp status
IGMP Status
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Query Interval : 1024
Last Member Query Interval : 1024
Query Response Interval : 1023
Robust Count : 10
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
The administrative status of IGMP. |
Oper State |
The current operating state of this IGMP protocol instance on this router. |
Query Interval |
The frequency at which IGMP query packets are transmitted. |
Last Member Query Interval |
The maximum response time inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages, and is also the amount of time between group-specific query messages. |
Query Response Interval |
The maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 queries. |
Robust Count |
The number of times the router will retry a query. |
[Tree] (show>service>id>spb status)
Full Context
show service id spb status
This command displays SPB status.
The following output is an example of service SPB status information.
Output ExampleA:cses-B01# show service id spb status
ISIS Status
System Id : 0000.00AA.AAAA
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
SPB Routing : Enabled
Last Enabled : 07/23/2012 16:01:06
Level Capability : L1
Authentication Check : True
Authentication Type : None
CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
Overload-On-Boot Tim*: 0
LSP Lifetime : 1200
LSP Wait : 5 sec (Max) 0 sec (Initial) 1 sec (Second)
LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
Adjacency Check : loose
L1 Auth Type : none
L1 CSNP-Authenticati*: Enabled
L1 HELLO-Authenticat*: Enabled
L1 PSNP-Authenticati*: Enabled
L1 Preference : 15
L1 Ext. Preference : 160
L1 Wide Metrics : Enabled
L1 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L1 LSPs : 4
L1 Default Metric : 10
L1 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
Last SPF : 07/23/2012 16:01:29
SPF Wait : 10 sec (Max) 1000 ms (Initial) 1000 ms (Second)
Multi-topology : Disabled
Area Addresses : 00
Total Exp Routes(L1) : 0
IID TLV : Disabled
All-L1-MacAddr : 01:80:c2:00:00:14
status [family]
[Tree] (show>service>id>pim-snooping status)
Full Context
show service id pim-snooping status
This command displays PIM status information.
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 status information
The following output is an example of service PIM snooping status information.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 pim-snooping status
PIM Snooping Status ipv4
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Mode Admin : Proxy
Mode Oper : Proxy
Hold Time : 90
Designated Router :
J/P Tracking : Inactive
Up Time : 0d 00:08:43
Group Policy : None
[Tree] (show>router>ldp status)
Full Context
show router ldp status
This command displays LDP status information.
LDP Status Output
Output fields: LDP status describes the LDP status output fields.
Output Example*A:Sim>config>router>ldp# show router ldp status
LDP Status for IPv4 LSR ID
IPv6 LSR ID ::
Created at : 02/01/22 16:19:46
Last Change : 02/01/22 16:19:46
Admin State : Up
IPv4 Oper State : Down IPv6 Oper State : Down
IPv4 Down Time : 2d 03:47:02 IPv6 Down Time : 2d 03:47:02
IPv4 Oper Down Rea*: systemIpDown IPv6 Oper Down Reason: systemIpDown
IPv4 Oper Down Eve*: 0 IPv6 Oper Down Events: 0
Tunn Down Damp Time: 3 sec Weighted ECMP : Disabled
Tunnel Table Pref : 9
Label Withdraw Del*: 0 sec Implicit Null Label : Disabled
Short. TTL Local : Enabled Short. TTL Transit : Enabled
ConsiderSysIPInGep : Disabled
Imp Ucast Policies : None Exp Ucast Policies : None
Imp Mcast Policies : None
Tunl Exp Policies : None Tunl Imp Policies : None
FRR : Disabled Mcast Upstream FRR : Disabled
Mcast Upst ASBR FRR: Disabled ASBR MoFRR Loop Detct: Disabled
MP MBB Time : 3
Aggregate Prefix : False Agg Prefix Policies : None
Class Forwarding : Disabled
Legacy LSR Interop : False
Entropy Label Capa*: False
Generate Basic FEC : Disabled
Resolve Root Using : ucastRtm
Import PMSI Routes : None
Cfg Max ECMP Routes: 32 Oper ECMP : 1
Dynamic : Enabled P2MP : Enabled
IPv4 Prefix Fec : Enabled IPv6 Prefix Fec : Enabled
Service Fec128 : Enabled Service Fec129 : Enabled
MP MBB : Enabled Overload : Enabled
Unrecognized Notif*: Enabled
Label |
Description |
Created at |
The date and time when the LDP instance was created. |
Last Change |
The date and time when the LDP instance was last modified. |
Admin State |
Up — The LDP is administratively enabled. Down — The LDP is administratively disabled. |
Oper State |
Up — The LDP is operationally enabled. Down — The LDP is operationally disabled. |
Up Time |
The time, in hundredths of seconds, that the LDP instance has been operationally up. |
Oper Down Reason |
The reason for the operational down status. |
Oper Down Events |
The number of times the LDP instance has gone operationally down since the instance was created. |
Tunn Down Damp Time |
Indicates the value configured by tunnel-down-damp-time. |
Weighted ECMP |
Indicates whether weighted ecmp is enabled or not. |
Label Withdraw Del* |
Indicates the value configured by label-withdrawal-delay. |
Implicit Null Label |
Indicates whether implicit null is supported. |
Short. TTL Local |
Indicates whether shortcut-local-ttl-propagate is enabled or not. |
Short. TTL Transit |
Indicates whether shortcut-transit-ttl-propagate is enabled or not. |
ConsiderSysIPByPol* |
Whether consider-system-ip-in-gep is enabled. |
Imp Ucast Policies |
Lists the applied import unicast policies, if any. Up to five import policies can be specified. |
Exp Ucast Policies |
Lists the applied export unicast policies, if any. Up to five import policies can be specified. |
Imp Mcast Policies |
Lists the applied import multicast policies, if any. Up to five import policies can be specified. |
Tunl Exp Policies |
Lists the applied tunnel export policies, if any. Up to five import policies can be specified. |
Indicates whether Fast ReRoute is enabled or not. |
Mcast Upstream FRR |
Indicates whether multicast upstream fast reroute has been enabled or not. |
Mcast Upst ASBR FRR |
Indicates whether multicast upstream fast reroute has been enabled or not at ASBR. |
MP MBB Time |
Indicates the value configured by mp-mbb-time. |
Aggregate Prefix |
Indicates whether aggregate-prefix-match has been enabled or not. |
Agg Prefix Policies |
Lists the policies for the aggregate prefix match, if any. Up to five aggregate prefix policies can be specified. |
Class Forwarding |
Indicates whether class forwarding is in the enabled or disabled mode. Enabled modes are (lsr, ler, or lsr-and-ler). |
Legacy LSR Interop |
Indicates whether legacy LSR interoperability has been enabled or not. |
Entropy Label Capa* |
Indicates whether the support for entropy label is enabled or not. |
Generate Basic FEC |
Indicates whether generate-basic-fec-only has been enabled or not. |
Resolve Via Mcast * |
Indicates whether the route for the root address of P2MP FECs will be resolved using the unicast routing table or the multicast routing table. |
Capabilities |
Dynamic |
Indicates whether LDP supports changing capabilities dynamically using the LDP Capability message, or only in the Initialization message. |
P2MP |
Indicates whether LDP supports exchanging P2MP FECs. |
IPv4 Prefix Fec |
Indicates whether LDP supports exchanging IPv4 Prefix FECs. |
IPv6 Prefix Fec |
Indicates whether LDP supports exchanging IPv6 Prefix FECs. |
Service Fec128 |
Indicates whether LDP supports exchanging basic pseudowire service FECs. |
Service Fec129 |
Indicates whether LDP supports exchanging generalized pseudowire (PWE3) service FECs. |
Indicates whether MP MBB is enabled or not. |
Overload |
Indicates whether LDP supports sending and receiving overload notification messages (Nokia vendor extension). |
Unrecognized Notif* |
Indicates whether LDP supports receiving notification messages with an unrecognized status; required for the end-of-lib feature (RFC 5919). |
[Tree] (show>router>mpls status)
Full Context
show router mpls status
This command displays MPLS operation information.
The following output is an example of MPLS status information.
Output fields: MPLS status describes MPLS status output fields.
Output Example# show router mpls status
MPLS Status
Admin Status : Up
Oper(V4) State : Up Oper(V6) State : Up
IPv4 Oper Down Reason : n/a
IPv6 Oper Down Reason : n/a
FRR Object : Enabled Resignal Timer : Disabled
Hold Timer : 1 seconds Next Resignal : N/A
Srlg Frr : Disabled Srlg Frr Strict : Disabled
Admin Group Frr : Disabled
Dynamic Bypass : Enabled User Srlg Database : Disabled
BypassResignalTimer : Disabled BypassNextResignal : N/A
LeastFill Min Thd : 5 percent LeastFill Reopti Thd : 10 percent
Local TTL Prop : Enabled Transit TTL Prop : Enabled
P2mp TTL Prop : Disabled
AB Sample Multiplier : 1 AB Adjust Multiplier : 288
Exp Backoff Retry : Disabled CSPF On Loose Hop : Disabled
Lsp Init RetryTimeout : 30 seconds MBB Pref Current Hops : Disabled
Logger Event Bundling : Disabled
Retry on IGP Overload : Disabled Resignal on IGP Overload : Enabled
P2mp Resignal Timer : Disabled P2mp Next Resignal : N/A
Sec FastRetryTimer : Disabled Static LSP FR Timer : 30 seconds
P2P Max Bypass Association: 1000
Max Bypass PLR Association: 16
P2PActPathFastRetry : Disabled P2MP S2L Fast Retry : Disabled
In Maintenance Mode : No
MplsTp : Disabled
Next Available Lsp Index : 2
Entropy Label RSVP-TE : Enabled Entropy Label SR-TE : Enabled
PCE Report RSVP-TE : Disabled PCE Report SR-TE : Disabled
PCE Init LSP : Disabled
SR-TE Resignal Timer : Disabled SR-TE Resig on IGP Event : Disabled
LSP History : Enabled LSP History Recording : Enabled
LSP Self Ping Timeout : 300 seconds LSP Self Ping Interval : 2 seconds
LSP Self Ping RSVP TE : Enabled
Originate Transit Terminate
Static LSPs 0 0 0
Dynamic LSPs 1 0 0
Detour LSPs 0 0 0
P2MP S2Ls 0 0 0
MPLS-TP LSPs 0 0 0
Mesh-P2P LSPs 0 N/A N/A
One Hop-P2P LSPs 0 N/A N/A
Mesh-P2P SR-TE LSPs 0 N/A N/A
One Hop-P2P SR-TE LSPs 0 N/A N/A
Label |
Description |
Admin Status |
Down — MPLS is administratively disabled. Up — MPLS is administratively enabled. |
Oper Status |
Down — MPLS is operationally down. Up — MPLS is operationally up. |
Oper Down Reason |
Specifies the operational down cause. |
FRR Object |
Enabled — Specifies that Fast reroute object is signaled for the LSP. Disabled — Specifies that Fast reroute object is not signaled for the LSP. |
Resignal Timer |
Enabled — Specifies that the resignal timer is enabled for the LSP. Disabled — Specifies that the resignal timer is disabled for the LSP. |
Hold Timer |
Displays the amount of time that the ingress node holds before programming its data plane and declaring the LSP up to the service module. |
Next Resignal |
Specifies the next resignal value. |
Srlg Frr |
Enabled — Specifies that SRLG Fast reroute is signaled for the LSP. Disabled — Specifies that SRLG Fast reroute is not signaled for the LSP. |
Srlg Frr Strict |
Enabled — Specifies that SRLG Fast reroute strict is signaled for the LSP. Disabled — Specifies that SRLG Fast reroute strict is not signaled for the LSP. |
Admin Group Frr |
Enabled — Specifies that the administrative group Fast reroute is signaled for the LSP. Disabled — Specifies that the administrative group Fast reroute is not signaled for the LSP. |
Dynamic Bypass |
Enabled — Specifies that dynamic bypass is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that dynamic bypass is disabled. |
User Srlg Database |
Enabled — Specifies that user SRLG databases are enabled. Disabled — Specifies that user SRLG databases are disabled. |
BypassResignalTimer |
Enabled — Specifies that the bypass resignal timer is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the bypass resignal timer is disabled. |
BypassNextResignal |
Specifies the bypass next resignal value. |
LeastFill Min Thd |
Specifies the least fill minimum threshold percentage value. |
LeastFill Reopti Thd |
Specifies the least fill re-optimization threshold percentage value. |
Local TTL Prop |
Enabled — Specifies that local TTL property is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that local TTL property is disabled. |
Transit TTL Prop |
Enabled — Specifies that transit TTL property is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that transit TTL property is disabled. |
P2mp TTL Prop |
Enabled — Specifies that the uniform mode of operation is configured for RSVP P2MP LSPs. Disabled — Specifies that the pipe mode of operation is configured for RSVP P2MP LSPs. |
AB Sample Multiplier |
Specifies the AB sample multiplier value. |
AB Adjust Multiplier |
Specifies the AB adjust multiplier value. |
Exp Backoff Retry |
Enabled — Specifies that Exp Backoff retry is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Exp Backoff is disabled. |
CSPF On Loose Hop |
Enabled — Specifies that CSPF On Loose Hop is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that CSPF On Loose Hop is disabled. |
Lsp Init RetryTimeout |
Specifies the LSP Init RetryTimeout seconds value. |
MBB Pref Current Hops |
Enabled — Specifies that MBB Pref Current Hops is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that MBB Pref Current Hops is disabled. |
Logger Event Bundling |
Enabled — Specifies that Logger Event Bundling is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Logger Event Bundling is disabled. |
Retry on IGP Overload |
Enabled — Specifies that Retry on IGP Overload is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Retry on IGP Overload is disabled. |
Resignal on IGP Overload |
Enabled — Specifies that Resignal on IGP Overload is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Resignal on IGP Overload is disabled. |
P2mp Resignal Timer |
Enabled — Specifies that the P2MP Resignal Timer is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the P2MP Resignal Timer is disabled. |
P2mp Next Resignal |
Specifies the P2MP Next Resignal Timer value. |
Sec FastRetryTimer |
Enabled — Specifies that the Sec Fast RetryTimer is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the Sec Fast RetryTimer is disabled. |
Static LSP FR Timer |
Specifies the Static LSP FR Timer seconds value. |
P2P Max Bypass Association |
Specifies the P2P Max Bypass Association value. |
P2PActPathFastRetry |
Enabled — Specifies that the P2P ActPath Fast Retry is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the P2P ActPath Fast Retry is disabled. |
P2MP S2L Fast Retry |
Enabled — Specifies that the P2MP S2L Fast Retry is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the P2MP S2L Fast Retry is disabled. |
In Maintenance Mode |
No — Specifies that the system is not in maintenance mode. Yes — Specifies that the system is in maintenance mode. |
MplsTp |
Enabled — Specifies that MPLS TP is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that MPLS TP is disabled. |
Next Available Lsp Index |
Specifies the next available LSP index value. |
Entropy Label RSVP-TE |
Enabled — Specifies that Entropy Label RSVP-TE is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Entropy Label RSVP-TE is disabled. |
Entropy Label SR-TE |
Enabled — Specifies that Entropy Label SR-TE is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that Entropy Label SR-TE is disabled. |
PCE Report RSVP-TE |
Enabled — Specifies that PCE Report RSVP-TE is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that PCE Report RSVP-TE is disabled. |
PCE Report SR-TE |
Enabled — Specifies that PCE Report SR-TE is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that PCE Report SR-TE is disabled. |
PCE Init LSP |
Enabled — Specifies that PCE Init LSP is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that PCE Init LSP is disabled. |
PCE Init SR-TE |
Enabled — Specifies that PCE Init LSP SR-TE is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that PCE Init LSP SR-TE is disabled. |
PCE Init SR-TE Admin State |
Up — Specifies that the PCE Init SR-TE Admin State is up. Down — Specifies that the PCE Init SR-TE Admin State is down. |
PCE Init SR-TE Oper State |
Up — Specifies that the PCE Init SR-TE Operational State is up. Down — Specifies that the PCE Init SR-TE Operational State is down. |
PCE Init SR-TE Oper Dn Rsn |
Specifies the reason for the PCE Init SR-TE Operationally down. |
LSP History |
Enabled — Specifies that the LSP history is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the LSP history is disabled. |
LSP History Recording |
Enabled — Specifies that the LSP history recording is enabled. Disabled — Specifies that the LSP history recording is disabled. |
LSP Self Ping Timeout |
Specifies the LSP Self Ping timeout value. |
LSP Self Ping Interval |
Specifies the LSP Self Ping interval value. |
LSP Self Ping RSVP TE |
Specifies the status of LSP Self Ping RSVP TE. |
Originate |
Specifies the number of originations for the various LSP types. |
Transit |
Specifies the number of transits for the various LSP types. |
Terminate |
Specifies the number of terminations for the various LSP types. |
[Tree] (show>router>mpls>mpls-tp status)
Full Context
show router mpls mpls-tp status
This command displays MPLS-TP system configuration information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of MPLS TP status information .
Output Example*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp status
MPLS-TP Status
Admin Status : Up
Global ID : 42 Node ID :
Tunnel Id Min : 1 Tunnel Id Max : 4096
[Tree] (show>router>rsvp status)
Full Context
show router rsvp status
This command displays RSVP status.
The following output is an example of RSVP status information.
Output fields: RSVP status describes RSVP status output fields.
Label |
Description |
Admin Status |
Down — RSVP is administratively disabled. Up — RSVP is administratively enabled. |
Oper Status |
Down — RSVP is operationally down. Up — RSVP is operationally up. |
Keep Multiplier |
Displays the keep-multiplier number used by RSVP to declare that a reservation is down or the neighbor is down. |
Refresh Time |
Displays the refresh-time interval (in s), between the successive Path and Resv refresh messages. |
Message Pacing |
Enabled — RSVP messages, specified in the max-burst command, are sent in a configured interval, specified in the period command. Disabled — Message pacing is disabled. RSVP message transmission is not regulated. |
Pacing Period |
Displays the time interval (in ms), when the router can send the specified number of RSVP messages specified in the rsvp max-burst command. |
Max Packet Burst |
Displays the maximum number of RSVP messages that are sent in the specified period under normal operating conditions. |
Soft Preemption Timer |
Displays the time (in s), a node holds on to a reservation for which it has triggered the soft preemption procedure. |
Rapid Retransmit |
Displays the value of the rapid retransmission interval. |
Rapid Retry Limit |
Displays the rapid retry limit. |
Graceful Shutdown |
Specifies whether graceful shutdown of the RSVP node is enabled. |
Dark Bandwidth |
Indicates the status of the dark bandwidth accounting application. |
DBw Sample Intv |
Displays the configured dark bandwidth sampling interval. |
DBw Up Threshold |
Displays the configured dark bandwidth up threshold. |
DBw Down Threshold |
Displays the configured dark bandwidth down threshold. |
DBw Multiplier |
Displays the configured dark bandwidth multiplier. |
DBw Sample Multp |
Displays the configured dark bandwidth sample multiplier. |
B:# show router rsvp status
RSVP Status
Admin Status : Down Oper Status : Down
Keep Multiplier : 3 Refresh Time : 30 sec
Message Pacing : Disabled Pacing Period : 100 msec
Max Packet Burst : 650 msgs Refresh Bypass : Disabled
Rapid Retransmit : 5 hmsec Rapid Retry Limit : 3
Graceful Shutdown : Disabled SoftPreemptionTimer: 300 sec
Implicit Null Label: Disabled Node-id in RRO : Exclude
P2P Merge Point Ab*: 10 P2MP Merge Point A*: 10
DiffServTE AdmModel: Basic
Percent Link Bw CT0: 100 Percent Link Bw CT4: 0
Percent Link Bw CT1: 0 Percent Link Bw CT5: 0
Percent Link Bw CT2: 0 Percent Link Bw CT6: 0
Percent Link Bw CT3: 0 Percent Link Bw CT7: 0
TE0 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 0
TE1 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 1
TE2 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 2
TE3 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 3
TE4 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 4
TE5 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 5
TE6 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 6
TE7 -> Class Type : 0 Priority : 7
IgpThresholdUpdate : Disabled
Up Thresholds(%) : 0 15 30 45 60 75 80 85 90 95 96 97 98 99 100
Down Thresholds(%) : 100 99 98 97 96 95 90 85 80 75 60 45 30 15 0
Update Timer : N/A
Update on CAC Fail : Disabled
Dark Bandwidth : Enabled DBw Multiplier : 100
DBw Sample Intv : 30 DBw Sample Multp : 3
DBw Up Threshold : 0 %
DBw Down Threshold : 0 %
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
[Tree] (show>router>pcep>pcc status)
Full Context
show router pcep pcc status
This command displays PCEP status information
The table in the detail parameter (show>router>pcep>pcc detail) describes the status output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>mpls# show router pcep pcc status
Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) Path Computation Client (PCC) Info
Admin Status : Up Oper Status : Up
Unknown Msg Limit : 10 msg/min
Keepalive Interval : 30 seconds DeadTimer Interval : 120 seconds
Capabilities List : stateful-delegate stateful-pce segment-rt-path rsvp-
path pce-initiated-lsp
Address :
Report Path Constraints: True
Redelegation Interval : 90 seconds
State Interval : 180 seconds State Timer Action : remove
Max SR-TE PCE Init Lsps: 8191
PCEP Path Computation Client (PCC) Peer Info
Peer Admin State/Oper State Oper Keepalive/Oper DeadTimer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up/Up 30/120
[Tree] (show>router>mpls>forwarding-policies status)
Full Context
show router mpls forwarding-policies status
This command displays MPLS Forwarding status information
Output fields: MPLS forward policy status describes MPLS forward-policy status output fields.
Label |
Description |
Reserved label bl |
Specifies the MPLS reserved label block name. |
*A:Dut-B>show>router>mpls# forwarding-policies status
Forwarding Policy Status
Admin Status : Up Oper Status : Down
Reserved label bl: reservedlabel!!!blockname32chars
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>cflowd status)
Full Context
show application-assurance group cflowd status
This command displays status information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of status information.
Output ExampleA:ALU-A# show application-assurance group 1 status [isa 1/2] cflowd
Application-Assurance Group Cflowd Status
Cflowd Admin Status : Enabled
Cflowd Oper Status : Enabled
Volume :
Sample Rate : <Disabled> or <1 in 500 packets>
Active Flows : 23102
Records Reported : 12345
Records Dropped : 10
Records Per Second : 45
Packets Sent : 1763
Packets Sent Per Sec : 7
TCP Performance :
Sample Rate : <Disabled> or <1 in 1000 flows>
Active Flows : 32103
Flows Not Allocated : 33
Records Reported : 12345678
Records Dropped : 100
Records Per Second : 456
Packets Sent : 2057613
Packets Sent Per Sec : 76
A:ALU-A#show application-assurance group <aa-group-id:[partition]> cflowd status
Application-Assurance Group:Partition Cflowd Status
Volume :
Admin State : Up
Records Reported : 12345
Records Dropped : 10
TCP Performance :
Admin State : Up
Flows Not Allocated : 33
Records Reported : 12345678
Records Dropped : 100
status [isa mda-id] cflowd
status [isa mda-id]
status [isa mda-id] detail
status [isa mda-id] cpu [sample-period seconds]
status [isa mda-id] overload
status {isa mda-id} qos count
status {isa mda-id} qos pools
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group status)
Full Context
show application-assurance group status
This command displays system statistics.
- isa mda-id
Displays information about the specified AA ISA.
- cflowd
Displays cflowd status information.
- detail
Displays detailed status information.
- cpu [sample-period seconds]
Displays DPU utilization info about the specified AA ISA. The isa mda-id must be specified. The sample period can be specified within a range of 1 5 seconds (default 1s).
- overload
Displays the overload status.
- qos count
Displays information about queue statistics. The isa mda-id must be specified.
- qos pools
Displays information about AA related pool utilization. The isa mda-id must be specified.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of status information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 1 status
Application-Assurance Status
Last time change affecting status : 01/25/2018 18:55:08
Number of Active ISAs : 2
Flows : 0
Flow Resources In Use : 0
AA Subs Created : 0
AA Subs Deleted : 0
AA Subs Modified : 0
AA Subs Quarantined : 0
Seen IP Requests Sent : 0
Seen IP Requests Dropped : 0
Current Average Peak
Active Flows : 0 0 0
Flow Setup Rate (per second) : 0 0 0
Traffic Rate (Mbps) : 0 0 0
Packet Rate (per second) : 0 0 0
AA-Subs Downloaded : 0 0 0
Active Subs : 0 0 0
Packets Octets
Diverted traffic : 0 0
Diverted discards : 0 0
Congestion : 0 0
Errors : 0 N/A
Entered ISA-AAs : 0 0
Buffered in ISA-AAs : 0 0
Discarded in ISA-AAs : 0 0
Policy : 0 0
Congestion : 0 0
Errors : 0 0
Modified in ISA-AAs : 0 0
Packet size increased : 0 0
Packet size decreased : 0 0
Errors (policy bypass) : 0 0
Errors (cut-through) : 0 0
Generated in ISA-AAs : 0 0
HTTP Redirect : 0 0
Exited ISA-AAs : 0 0
Returned discards : 0 0
Congestion : 0 0
Errors : 0 N/A
Returned traffic : 0 0
*A:Dut-C# show application-assurance group 1 status detail
Application-Assurance Status
Last time change affecting status : 01/25/2018 18:55:08
Number of Active ISAs : 2
Flows : 0
Flow Resources In Use : 0
AA Subs Created : 0
AA Subs Deleted : 0
AA Subs Modified : 0
Seen IP Requests Sent : 0
Seen IP Requests Dropped : 0
Current Average Peak
Active Flows : 0 0 0
Flow Setup Rate (per second) : 0 0 0
Traffic Rate (Mbps) : 0 0 0
Packet Rate (per second) : 0 0 0
AA-Subs Downloaded : 0 0 0
Active Subs : 0 0 0
from-sub packets from-sub octets
to-sub packets to-sub octets
Diverted traffic : 0 0
0 0
Diverted discards : 0 0
0 0
Congestion : 0 0
0 0
Errors : 0 N/A
0 N/A
Entered ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
Buffered in ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
Discarded in ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
Policy : 0 0
0 0
Congestion : 0 0
0 0
Errors : 0 0
0 0
Modified in ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
Packet size increased : 0 0
0 0
Packet size decreased : 0 0
0 0
Errors (policy bypass) : 0 0
0 0
Errors (cut-through) : 0 0
0 0
Generated in ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
HTTP Redirect : 0 0
0 0
Exited ISA-AAs : 0 0
0 0
Returned discards : 0 0
0 0
Congestion : 0 0
0 0
Errors : 0 N/A
0 N/A
Returned traffic : 0 0
0 0
Application-Assurance Status
Last time change affecting status : 09/28/2012 14:19:05
Number of Active ISAs : 1
Flows : 62
Flow Resources In Use : 0
AA-Subs Created : 200
AA-Subs Deleted : 149
AA-Subs Modified : 3
Seen-IP Requests Sent : 0
Seen-IP Requests Dropped : 0
Current Average Peak
Active Flows : 0 0 16
Flow Setup Rate (per second) : 0 0 1
Traffic Rate (Mbps) : 0 0 0
Packet Rate (per second) : 0 0 6
AA-Subs Downloaded : 51 51 51
Active Subs : 0 0 1
show application-assurance group <aa-group-id> status [isa <slot/mda>] overload
Application Assurance Group 1 overload
Trap Configuration High Watermark Low Watermark
Flow usage 95% 90%
Flow setup rate (fps) 60000 55000
Bit rate (Mbps) 9000 8500
Packet rate (pps) 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890
Datapath CPU usage 95% 90%
ISA 4/1 Total up-time (s) : 12345678901234567890
TCA Type
Current Level Average Level Peak Level
State Count Duration (s)
Flow resources
75.1% 50.0% 82.8%
cleared 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890
Flow setup rate
12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890
cleared 0 0
Bit rate
11000 5000 12000
raised 1 123456789
Packet rate
1500000 750000 1600000
cleared 2 12345
Datapath CPU usage
15.1% 10.5% 32.1%
cleared 0 0
Management CPU usage
65.2% 50.0% 77.5%
Overload Trap Configuration High Watermark Low Watermark
From-sub WA buffer depth 80% 75%
To-sub WA buffer depth 80% 75%
Isa-overload-cut-through : enabled
Overload cut-through TCA
Current from-sub WA : 30%
Current to-sub WA : 40%
State : cleared
Count : 3
Duration (s) : 123
A:ALU>show>app-assure>group# status isa 3/2 qos count
Application-assurance Queue Statistics for ISA-AA Group: 1, isa 3/2
Egress From-Subscriber
Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 28940 3767233
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress To-Subscriber
Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 44499 53066848
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Ingress From-Subscriber
Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 25548 3361023
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 1 60
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 2921 365606
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 9 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 10 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Ingress To-Subscriber
Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 39541 46899769
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 1 92
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 5050 6291204
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 9 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Queue 10 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof forwarded: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
*A:ALU>show>app-assure>group# status isa 1/2 qos pools
Pool Information
FP : 1
Application : Net-Ing Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : Sum
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 264192 KB
Pool Shared : 129024 KB Pool Resv : 135168 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
Sum 134640 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1 Net=be T=1/*
FC Map : be
Dest Tap : 1/* Dest FP : 1
Admin PIR : 30000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin FIR : 0 Oper FIR : 0
Admin MBS : 132096 KB Oper MBS : 132096 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 132096 KB High Drop Tail : 132096 KB
Low Drop Tail : 116736 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 119808 KB
CBS : 132 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 16 Net=nc T=31/*
FC Map : nc
Dest Tap : MCast Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 30000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 3000000 Oper CIR : 3000000
Admin FIR : 0 Oper FIR : 0
Admin MBS : 66048 KB Oper MBS : 66048 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 66048 KB High Drop Tail : 66048 KB
Low Drop Tail : 58368 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 59904 KB
CBS : 2640 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Pool Information
Port : 1/2/fm-sub
Application : Net-Egr Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : Sum
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 116736 KB
Pool Shared : 66048 KB Pool Resv : 50688 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
Sum 50520 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1 Net=be Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : be
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 1176 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 2 Net=l2 Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : l2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 3552 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 3 Net=af Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : af
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 11712 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 4 Net=l1 Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : l1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 29184 KB Oper MBS : 29184 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 29184 KB High Drop Tail : 29184 KB
Low Drop Tail : 26112 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 26112 KB
CBS : 3552 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 5 Net=h2 Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : h2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 11712 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 6 Net=ef Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : ef
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 11712 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 7 Net=h1 Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : h1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 29184 KB Oper MBS : 29184 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 29184 KB High Drop Tail : 29184 KB
Low Drop Tail : 26112 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 26112 KB
CBS : 3552 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 8 Net=nc Port=1/2/fm-sub
FC Map : nc
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 29184 KB Oper MBS : 29184 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 29184 KB High Drop Tail : 29184 KB
Low Drop Tail : 26112 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 26112 KB
CBS : 3552 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Pool Information
Port : 1/2/to-sub
Application : Net-Egr Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : Sum
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 233472 KB
Pool Shared : 132096 KB Pool Resv : 101376 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
Sum 101040 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1 Net=be Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : be
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 116736 KB Oper MBS : 116736 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 116736 KB High Drop Tail : 116736 KB
Low Drop Tail : 104448 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 104448 KB
CBS : 2352 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 2 Net=l2 Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : l2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 116736 KB Oper MBS : 116736 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 116736 KB High Drop Tail : 116736 KB
Low Drop Tail : 104448 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 104448 KB
CBS : 7104 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 3 Net=af Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : af
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 116736 KB Oper MBS : 116736 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 116736 KB High Drop Tail : 116736 KB
Low Drop Tail : 104448 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 104448 KB
CBS : 23424 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 4 Net=l1 Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : l1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 7104 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 5 Net=h2 Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : h2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 116736 KB Oper MBS : 116736 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 116736 KB High Drop Tail : 116736 KB
Low Drop Tail : 104448 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 104448 KB
CBS : 23424 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 6 Net=ef Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : ef
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 116736 KB Oper MBS : 116736 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 116736 KB High Drop Tail : 116736 KB
Low Drop Tail : 104448 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 104448 KB
CBS : 23424 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 7 Net=h1 Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : h1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 7104 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 8 Net=nc Port=1/2/to-sub
FC Map : nc
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 58368 KB Oper MBS : 58368 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 58368 KB High Drop Tail : 58368 KB
Low Drop Tail : 52224 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 52224 KB
CBS : 7104 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
[Tree] (show>router>mld status)
Full Context
show router mld status
This command displays MLD status information.
If MLD is not enabled, the following message appears:
A:NYC# show router mld status
MINOR: CLI MLD is not configured.
The following output is an example of MLD status information Output fields: MLD status provides MLD status field descriptions.
Output Example*A:ALA-BA# show router mld status
MLD Status
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Query Interval : 125
Last Listener Query Interval : 1
Query Response Interval : 10
Robust Count : 2
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
The administrative status of MLD. |
Oper State |
The current operating state of this MLD protocol instance on this router. |
Query Interval |
The frequency at which MLD query packets are transmitted. |
Last Listener Query Interval |
The maximum response time inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages, and is also the amount of time between group-specific query messages. |
Query Response Interval |
The maximum query response time advertised in MLDv2 queries. |
Robust Count |
The number of times the router will retry a query. |
[Tree] (show>router>msdp status)
Full Context
show router msdp status
This command displays MSDP status information.
The following output is an example of MSDP status information, and Output fields: MSDP status describes the output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router msdp status
MSDP Status
Admin State : Up
Local Address : None
Global Statistics
Active Src Limit : None
Act Src Lim Excd : 0
Num. Peers : 1
Num. Peers Estab : 1
Num. Source Active : 10
Policies : None
Data Encapsulation : Enabled
Receive Msg Rate
Rate : 0
Time : 0
Threshold : 0
Last Msdp Enabled : 08/30/2002 03:21:43
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
The administrative state |
Local Address |
The local IP address |
Active Src Limit |
The active source limit |
Act Src Lim Excd |
The active source limit which has been exceeded |
Number of Peers |
The number of peers |
Num. Peers Estab |
The number of peers established |
Num. Source Active |
The number of active sources |
Policies |
The policy to export source active state from the source active list into MSDP |
Data Encapsulation |
The RP using MSDP to encapsulate multicast data received in MSDP register messages inside forwarded MSDP SA messages - enabled or disabled |
Rate |
The receive message rate |
Time |
The receive message time |
Threshold |
The number of MSDP messages that can be processed before the MSDP message rate-limiting function is activated |
RPF Table |
The name of the RPF table |
Last msdp Enabled |
The time the last MSDP was triggered |
status [detail] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>pim status)
Full Context
show router pim status
This command displays PIM status. The Oper Status reflects the combined operational status of IPv4 or IPv6 PIM protocol status. If both are down, then Oper Status is reflected as down. If IPv4 or IPv6 reflects up, the Oper Status reflects up.
If PIM is not enabled, the following message appears:
A:NYC# show router pim status
MINOR: CLI PIM is not configured.
- detail
Displays detailed status information.
- family
Displays status information for the specified family.
The following output is an example of a PIM status configuration. Output fields: PIM status provides PIM status output field descriptions.
Output ExampleA:dut-d# show router pim status
PIM Status ipv4
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
IPv4 Admin State : Up
IPv4 Oper State : Up
BSR State : Accept Any
Elected BSR
Address : None
Expiry Time : N/A
Priority : N/A
Hash Mask Length : 30
Up Time : N/A
RPF Intf towards E-BSR : N/A
Candidate BSR
Admin State : Down
Oper State : Down
Address : None
Priority : 0
Hash Mask Length : 30
Candidate RP
Admin State : Down
Oper State : Down
Address :
Priority : 192
Holdtime : 150
Auto-RP : Disabled
Multicast-Fast-Failover : Disabled
SSM-Default-Range : Enabled
SSM-Assert-Comp-Mode : Disabled
MC-ECMP-Hashing : Disabled
MC-ECMP-Hashing-Rebalance : Disabled
Enable-MDT-SPT : Disabled
Policy : None
RPF Table : rtable-u
Non-DR-Attract-Traffic : Disabled
Rpf-Vector : None
ESM : Disabled
SSM S,G Scaling (upto 256K) : Enabled (fabric optimization off)
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
The administrative status of PIM. |
Oper State |
The current operating state of this PIM protocol instance. |
BSR State |
The state of the router with respect to the Bootstrap mechanism. |
Address |
The address of the elected Bootstrap router. |
Expiry Time |
The time remaining before the router sends the next Bootstrap message. |
Priority |
The priority of the elected Bootstrap router. The higher the value, the higher the priority. |
Hash Mask Length |
The hash mask length of the Bootstrap router. |
Up Time |
The time since the current E-BSR became the Bootstrap router. |
RPF Intf towards |
The RPF interface towards the elected BSR. The value is zero if there is no elected BSR in the network. |
Address |
The address of the candidate BSR OS. |
Expiry Time |
The time remaining before the router sends the next Bootstrap message. |
Auto-RP |
Displays if auto-RP functionality is enabled or disabled. |
Priority |
The priority of the Bootstrap router. The higher the value, the higher the priority. |
Hash Mask Length |
The hash mask length of the candidate Bootstrap router. |
Up Time |
The time since becoming the Bootstrap router. |
Admin State |
The administrative status of CRP. |
Oper State |
The current operating state of the C-RP mechanism. |
Address |
The local RP address. |
Priority |
The CRP's priority for becoming a rendezvous point (RP). A 0 value is the highest priority. |
Holdtime |
The hold time of the candidate RP. It is used by the Bootstrap router to time out the RP entries if it does not listen to another CRP advertisement within the holdtime period. |
Policy |
The PIM policies for a particular PIM instance. |
Default Group |
The default core group address. |
RPF Table |
The route table used for RPF check. |
MC-ECMP-Hashing |
Displays whether hash-based multicast balancing of traffic over ECMP links is enabled or disabled. |
SSM S,G Scaling (up to 256K) |
The status of PIM SSM scaling. |
[Tree] (show>router>p2mp-sr-tree status)
Full Context
show router p2mp-sr-tree status
This command displays P2MP SR tree status information.
The following output is an example of P2MP SR tree status information.
Output ExampleA:swsim103>show>router>p2mp-sr-tree# status
Admin Status : Up Oper Status : Up
Reserved Lbl Blk : treeSID
[Tree] (show>li status)
Full Context
show li status
This command displays LI status information.
The following output is an example of information about the LI status.
Output Example*A:sim138# show li status
Lawful Intercept Status Information
LI Booted Config Status : fail
LI Local Save Allowed : yes
Separate LI administration : no
Last LI Config Save Time : N/A
Last Config Save Result : none
Changes Since Last Save : yes
Last LI Config Modified Time : 2008/01/11 10:24:30
[Tree] (show>cflowd status)
Full Context
show cflowd status
This command displays basic information regarding the administrative and operational status of cflowd.
The following output is an example of cflowd status information, and Output fields: cflowd status describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>cflowd# /show cflowd status
Cflowd Status
Cflowd Admin Status : Enabled
Cflowd Oper Status : Enabled
Cflowd Export Mode : Automatic
Active Flow Timeout : 30 minutes
Inactive Flow Timeout : 10 seconds
Template Retransmit : 600 seconds
Cache Size : 65536 entries
Overflow : 1%
Aggregation Summary : (Not Specified)
VRtr If Index Context: global
Analyze GRE : [Enabled | Disabled]
Analyze L2TPv2 : [Enabled | Disabled]
Analyze IPV4overV6 : [Enabled | Disabled]
Active Flows : 0
Dropped Flows : 0
Total Pkts Rcvd : 2
Total Pkts Dropped : 0
Overflow Events : 0
Raw Flow Counts Aggregate Flow Counts
Flows Created 2 0
Flows Matched 0 0
Flows Flushed 2 0
Sample Profile Info
Profile Id Sample Rate
1 1000
Version Info
Version Status Sent Open Errors
5 Disabled 0 0 0
8 Disabled 0 0 0
9 Disabled 0 0 0
10 Enabled 1 0 0
Label |
Description |
Cflowd Admin Status |
The desired administrative state for this cflowd remote collector host |
Cflowd Oper Status |
The current operational status of this cflowd remote collector host |
Active Flow Timeout |
The maximum amount of time, in minutes, before an active flow will be exported; if an individual flow is active for this amount of time, the flow is exported and a new flow is created |
Inactive Flow Timeout |
Inactive flow timeout in seconds |
Template Retransmit |
The time in seconds before template definitions are sent |
Cache Size |
The maximum number of active flows to be maintained in the flow cache table |
Overflow |
The percentage number of flows to be flushed when the flow cache size has been exceeded |
Analyze GRE |
Displays whether cflowd analysis of the inner IP packet in a sampled GRE packet that is transiting the local router is enabled or disabled |
Analyze L2TPv2 |
Displays whether cflowd looking for and analyzing the inner IP header of an L2TPv2 frame is enabled or disabled |
Analyze IPV4overV6 |
Displays whether cflowd looking for and analyze the inner IPv4 header of IPv4overIPv6 frames that include MAP-E as well as DS-Lite and SAM traffic is enabled or disabled |
Sample Rate |
The rate at which traffic is sampled and forwarded for cflowd analysis: one (1) — all packets are analyzed 1000 (default) — every 1000th packet is analyzed |
Active Flows |
The current number of active flows being collected |
Total Pkts Rcvd |
The total number of packets sampled and forwarded for cflowd analysis |
Total Pkts Dropped |
The total number of packets dropped |
Aggregation Info: |
Type |
The type of data to be aggregated and to the collector |
Status |
enabled — specifies that the aggregation type is enabled |
disabled — specifies that the aggregation type is disabled |
Sent |
The number of packets with flow date sent to the associated collector |
Open |
This counter shows the number of partially filled packets which have some flow data but are not yet filled or have been timed out (60 seconds maximum) |
Error |
This counter increments when there was an error during exporting of the collector packet; the most common reason will be a UDP unreachable destination for the configured collector |
Overflow events |
The number of times the active cache overflowed |
Dropped Flows |
Total number of flows dropped due to cache overflow events |
[Tree] (show>router status)
Full Context
show router status
This command displays the router status.
Router Status Output — The following output is an example of router status information.
There are multiple instances of OSPF. OSPF-0 is persistent. OSPF-1 through OSPF-31 are present when that specific OSPF instance is configured.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router status
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2 Not configured Not configured
RIP Not configured Not configured
RIP-NG Not configured Not configured
ISIS-0 Up Up
LDP Not configured Not configured
BGP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
MLD Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
PIMv4 Not configured Not configured
PIMv6 Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
BIER Not configured Not configured
Max IPv4 Routes No Limit
Max IPv6 Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 27
Total IPv6 Routes 27
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
Total IPv6 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 64
Weighted ECMP Strict
Mcast Info Policy default
Triggered Policies No
Policy reference checks Disabled
LDP Shortcut Disabled
Single SFM Overload Disabled
IP Fast Reroute Disabled
Entropy Label Disabled
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
MSS adjust ISA group Not configured
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
IPv6 Nbr stale time (s) 14400
Static Route Hold Down Disabled
TTL Propagate
VPRN Local vc-only
VPRN Transit vc-only
Label Route Local none
Label Route Transit none
LSR Label Route none
LSP BFD Tail Sessions Disabled
Class Forwarding Disabled
Mtrace2 Tests Disabled
Leak Export Disabled
Leak Export Limit 5
Router Status Output —The following output is an example of router status information with Mtrace2 enabled.
Output Example===============================================================================
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2 Not configured Not configured
RIP Not configured Not configured
RIP-NG Not configured Not configured
ISIS Not configured Not configured
MPLS Not configured Not configured
RSVP Not configured Not configured
LDP Not configured Not configured
BGP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
MLD Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
PIMv4 Not configured Not configured
PIMv6 Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
Max IPv4 Routes No Limit
Max IPv6 Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 0
Total IPv6 Routes 0
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
Total IPv6 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes ECMP not configured
Weighted ECMP Disabled
Mcast Info Policy default
Triggered Policies No
LDP Shortcut Disabled
Single SFM Overload Disabled
IP Fast Reroute Disabled
Entropy Label Disabled
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
MSS adjust ISA group Not configured
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
IPv6 Nbr stale time (s) 14400
Static Route Hold Down Disabled
TTL Propagate
VPRN Local vc-only
VPRN Transit vc-only
Label Route Local none
Label Route Transit none
LSR Label Route none
LSP BFD Tail Sessions Disabled
Class Forwarding Disabled
Mtrace2 Tests Enabled on UDP PORT 5001
7450 ESS Router Status Output—The following output is an example of router status information for the 7450 ESS:
Output Example
*A:Performance# configure router ospf [1..31] shutdown
*A:Performance# show router status
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2-0 Up Up
OSPFv2-1 Down Down
OSPFv2-2 Down Down
OSPFv2-3 Down Down
OSPFv2-4 Down Down
OSPFv2-5 Down Down
OSPFv2-6 Down Down
OSPFv2-7 Down Down
OSPFv2-8 Down Down
OSPFv2-9 Down Down
OSPFv2-10 Down Down
OSPFv2-11 Down Down
OSPFv2-12 Down Down
OSPFv2-13 Down Down
OSPFv2-14 Down Down
OSPFv2-15 Down Down
OSPFv2-16 Down Down
OSPFv2-17 Down Down
OSPFv2-18 Down Down
OSPFv2-19 Down Down
OSPFv2-20 Down Down
OSPFv2-21 Down Down
OSPFv2-22 Down Down
OSPFv2-23 Down Down
OSPFv2-24 Down Down
OSPFv2-25 Down Down
OSPFv2-26 Down Down
OSPFv2-27 Down Down
OSPFv2-28 Down Down
OSPFv2-29 Down Down
OSPFv2-30 Down Down
OSPFv2-31 Down Down
MPLS Not configured Not configured
RSVP Not configured Not configured
LDP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
Max Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 244277
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total Multicast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 1
Single SFM Overload Enabled hold-off 30 sec
Single SFM State normal
Single SFM Start 004 19:03:39.680
Single SFM Interval 0d 00:16:06
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
Triggered Policies No
Router Status Output for 7750 SR and 7950 XRS—The following output is an example of router status information for the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS:
Output Example*A:Performance# configure router ospf [1..31] shutdown
*A:Performance# show router status
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2-0 Up Up
OSPFv2-1 Down Down
OSPFv2-2 Down Down
OSPFv2-3 Down Down
OSPFv2-4 Down Down
OSPFv2-5 Down Down
OSPFv2-6 Down Down
OSPFv2-7 Down Down
OSPFv2-8 Down Down
OSPFv2-9 Down Down
OSPFv2-10 Down Down
OSPFv2-11 Down Down
OSPFv2-12 Down Down
OSPFv2-13 Down Down
OSPFv2-14 Down Down
OSPFv2-15 Down Down
OSPFv2-16 Down Down
OSPFv2-17 Down Down
OSPFv2-18 Down Down
OSPFv2-19 Down Down
OSPFv2-20 Down Down
OSPFv2-21 Down Down
OSPFv2-22 Down Down
OSPFv2-23 Down Down
OSPFv2-24 Down Down
OSPFv2-25 Down Down
OSPFv2-26 Down Down
OSPFv2-27 Down Down
OSPFv2-28 Down Down
OSPFv2-29 Down Down
OSPFv2-30 Down Down
OSPFv2-31 Down Down
MPLS Not configured Not configured
RSVP Not configured Not configured
LDP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
Max Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 244277
Total IPv6 Routes 0
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total Multicast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 1
Single SFM Overload Enabled hold-off 30 sec
Single SFM State normal
Single SFM Start 004 19:03:39.680
Single SFM Interval 0d 00:16:06
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
Triggered Policies No
Class Forwarding—The following output is an example for checking if class-based forwarding is enabled in the global router context.
Output Example*A:Dut-B>show>router# show router "Base" status
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2 Not configured Not configured
RIP Not configured Not configured
RIP-NG Not configured Not configured
ISIS-0 Up Up
LDP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
MLD Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
PIMv4 Not configured Not configured
PIMv6 Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
Max IPv4 Routes No Limit
Max IPv6 Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 262
Total IPv6 Routes 262
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
Total IPv6 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 64
Weighted ECMP Disabled
Mcast Info Policy default
Triggered Policies No
LDP Shortcut Disabled
Single SFM Overload Disabled
IP Fast Reroute Disabled
Entropy Label Disabled
ICMP Tunneling Enabled
MSS adjust ISA group Not configured
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
IPv6 Nbr stale time (s) 14400
Static Route Hold Down Disabled
TTL Propagate
VPRN Local vc-only
VPRN Transit vc-only
Label Route Local none
Label Route Transit none
LSR Label Route none
LSP BFD Tail Sessions Disabled
Class Forwarding Enabled
TTL Propagation and ICMP Tunneling—The following output is an example of TTL propagation and ICMP tunneling configurations, first in base router and then in a VPRN service.
Output Example*A:Performance# show router status
Router Status (Router: Base)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2-0 Up Up
OSPFv2-2 Down Down
RIP Not configured Not configured
RIP-NG Not configured Not configured
ISIS-0 Up Up
ISIS-1024 Down Down
MPLS Down Down
RSVP Down Down
LDP Up Down
BGP Up Down
Max IPv4 Routes No Limit
Max IPv6 Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 0
Total IPv6 Routes 0
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
Total IPv6 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 1
Mcast Info Policy default
Triggered Policies No
LDP Shortcut Disabled
Single SFM Overload Disabled
IP Fast Reroute Disabled
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
IPv6 Nbr stale time (s) 14400
VPRN Local TTL Propagate vc-only
VPRN Transit TTL Propag* vc-only
Label Route Local TTL P* none
Label Route Transit TTL* none
LSR Label Route TTL Pro* none
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
VPRN TTL Propagation and ICMP Tunneling—The following output is an example of TTL propagation and ICMP tunneling configurations in a VPRN service. The TTL propagation has been specified as local and all for VPRN service 5001.
Output Example
*A:Dut-A# configure service vprn 5001 ttl-propagate local all
*A:Dut-A# show router 5001 status
Router Status (Service: 5001)
Admin State Oper State
Router Up Up
OSPFv2 Not configured Not configured
RIP Not configured Not configured
RIP-NG Not configured Not configured
ISIS Not configured Not configured
MPLS Not configured Not configured
RSVP Not configured Not configured
LDP Not configured Not configured
BGP Not configured Not configured
IGMP Not configured Not configured
MLD Not configured Not configured
PIM Not configured Not configured
PIMv4 Not configured Not configured
PIMv6 Not configured Not configured
OSPFv3 Not configured Not configured
MSDP Not configured Not configured
Max IPv4 Routes No Limit
Max IPv6 Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Routes 2
Total IPv6 Routes 2
Max Multicast Routes No Limit
Total IPv4 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
Total IPv6 Mcast Routes PIM not configured
ECMP Max Routes 1
Mcast Info Policy default
Triggered Policies No
GRT Lookup Disabled
Local Management Disabled
Single SFM Overload Disabled
IP Fast Reroute Disabled
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
Reassembly ISA-BB group Not configured
ICMP Tunneling Disabled
Ipv6 Nbr Reachab. time Not configured 30
VPRN Local TTL Propagate all
VPRN Transit TTL Propag* inherit (vc-only)
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
[Tree] (show>router>rib-api status)
Full Context
show router rib-api status
This command displays RIB-API status information.
The following output is an example of RIB-API status information.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# /show router rib-api status
Rib-Api Status
MPLS Admin Reserved Label Block Name
Up ribapi
[Tree] (clear>application-assurance>group status)
Full Context
clear application-assurance group status
This command clears application assurance system statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>router>isis status)
Full Context
show router isis status
This command displays the IS-IS status information.
The following output is an example of the IS-IS status that shows Unreachable Prefix Announcement (UPA) configuration properties, and Output fields: IS-IS status describes the output fields.
Output example
A:node-2# show router isis status
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Status
ISIS Cfg System Id : 0000.0000.0000
Micro loop avoidance : Disabled fib-delay 15
UPA Received Processing : Disabled
UPA Lifetime : 180
UPA Metric : 4261412865
UPA Max Number Advertised : 32
The following output is an example of the IS-IS status, and Output fields: IS-IS status describes the output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router isis status
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Status
ISIS Cfg System Id : 0000.0000.0000
ISIS Oper System Id : 0100.2000.1001
ISIS Cfg Router Id :
ISIS Oper Router Id :
ISIS Cfg IPv6 Router Id : ::
ISIS Oper IPv6 Router Id : ::
ASN : 0
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Ipv4 Routing : Enabled
Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Mcast Ipv4 Routing : Enabled, Native
Mcast Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Last Enabled : 12/09/2022 18:43:43
Level Capability : L1L2
Authentication Check : True
Auth Keychain : Disabled
Authentication Type : None
CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
Traffic Engineering : Disabled
Oper IPv6 TE Router Id : ::
Graceful Restart : Disabled
GR Helper Mode : Disabled
Overload-On-Boot Timeout : 0
Overload Max-Metric : False
Overload-On-Boot Max-Metric : False
Overload Include Locators : Disabled
Ovl Export Interlevel : Disabled
Ovl Export External : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Notify Only : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Retry : N.A.
LSP Lifetime : 1200
LSP Min Remaining Lifetime : N.A.
LSP Refresh Half Interval : 600 (Config) 600 (Oper)
LSP Wait (ms) : 5000 (Max) 10 (Initial) 1000 (Second)
LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config)
L1 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L2 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L1 MAX LSP MTU Size : 9187
L2 MAX LSP MTU Size : 1497
Adjacency Check : loose
L1 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L1 Auth Type : none
L1 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L1 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 Preference : 15
L1 Ext. Preference : 160
L1 Wide Metrics : Disabled
L1 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L1 LSPs : 1
L1 Default Metric : 10
L1 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L1 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L1 Total Exp Routes : 0
All-L1-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:14
Last SPF : 12/09/2022 18:43:43
SPF Wait (ms) : 10000 (Max) 1000 (Initial) 1000 (Second)
Multi-topology : Disabled
IPv6-Unicast MT2 : Disabled
IPv4-Multicast MT3 : Disabled
IPv6-Multicast MT4 : Disabled
Area Addresses : 30.31
Standard Multi-Instance : Disabled
IID TLV : Disabled
Prefix Attributes TLV : Disabled
L2 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L2 Auth Type : none
L2 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L2 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 Preference : 18
L2 Ext. Preference : 165
L2 Wide Metrics : Enabled
L2 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L2 LSPs : 6
L2 Default Metric : 10
L2 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L2 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L2 Total Exp Routes : 0
All-L2-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:15
Export Policies : None
Import Policies : None
LFA Policies : None
Multicast Import : None
Advertise-Passive-Only : Disabled
Ignore Attached Bit : Disabled
Suppress Attached Bit : Disabled
Default Route Tag : None
Rib Prio List High : None
Rib Prio Tag High : None
Ldp Sync Admin State : Up
LDP-over-RSVP : Disabled
IGP-Shortcut : Disabled
IGP SC Allow SR over SR-TE : Disabled
IPv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
IPv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
Advertise-Tunnel-Link : Disabled
Export Limit : 0
Exp Lmt Log Percent : 0
Loopfree-Alternate : Disabled
Remote-LFA : Disabled
Max PQ Cost : 4261412864
Remote-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
Max PQ nodes (node-protect) : 16
Augment-route-table : Disabled
TI-LFA : Disabled
Max SR FRR Labels : 2
TI-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
L1 LFA : Included
L2 LFA : Included
Advertise Router Cap : Disabled
Hello Padding : Disabled
L1 Hello Padding : Disabled
L2 Hello Padding : Disabled
Ignore Lsp Errors : Disabled
Ignore Narrow Metric : Disabled
Reference Bandwidth : 0
Ucast Import Disable : None
Segment Routing : Disabled
Segment Routing MT2 : Disabled
Flex Algo : Down
Mapping Server : Disabled
Purge Originator Id : Disabled
Class Based Forwarding : Disabled
Entropy Label : Enabled
Override ELC : Enabled
Micro loop avoidance : Disabled fib-delay 15
UPA Received Processing : Disabled
UPA Lifetime : 180
UPA Metric : 4261412865
UPA Max Number Advertised : 32
The following output is an example of the LFA policies configured in the configure router isis, and Output fields: IS-IS status describes the output fields.
Output example
A:node-2# show router isis status
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Status
ISIS Cfg System Id : 0000.C0A8.0001
ISIS Oper System Id : 0100.C0A8.1001
ISIS Cfg Router Id :
ISIS Oper Router Id :
ISIS Cfg IPv6 Router Id : ::
ISIS Oper IPv6 Router Id : ::
ASN : 0
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Ipv4 Routing : Enabled
Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Mcast Ipv4 Routing : Enabled, Native
Mcast Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Last Enabled : 12/09/2022 18:43:43
Level Capability : L1
Authentication Check : True
Auth Keychain : Disabled
Authentication Type : None
CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
Traffic Engineering : Disabled
Oper IPv6 TE Router Id : ::
Graceful Restart : Disabled
GR Helper Mode : Disabled
Overload-On-Boot Timeout : 0
Overload Max-Metric : False
Overload-On-Boot Max-Metric : False
Overload Include Locators : Disabled
Ovl Export Interlevel : Disabled
Ovl Export External : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Notify Only : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Retry : N.A.
LSP Lifetime : 1200
LSP Min Remaining Lifetime : N.A.
LSP Refresh Half Interval : 600 (Config) 600 (Oper)
LSP Wait (ms) : 5 (Max) 0 (Initial) 1 (Second)
LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config)
L1 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L2 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L1 MAX LSP MTU Size : 9187
L2 MAX LSP MTU Size : 1497
Adjacency Check : loose
L1 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L1 Auth Type : none
L1 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L1 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 Preference : 15
L1 Ext. Preference : 160
L1 Wide Metrics : Enabled
L1 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L1 LSPs : 51
L1 Default Metric : 10
L1 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L1 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L1 Total Exp Routes : 1
All-L1-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:14
Last SPF : 12/09/2022 18:43:43
SPF Wait (ms) : 10 sec (Max) 1000 ms (Initial) 1000 ms (Second)
Multi-topology : Disabled
IPv6-Unicast MT2 : Disabled
IPv4-Multicast MT3 : Disabled
IPv6-Multicast MT4 : Disabled
Area Addresses : 49.0001
Standard Multi-Instance : Disabled
IID TLV : Disabled
Prefix Attributes TLV : Disabled
L2 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L2 Auth Type : none
L2 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L2 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 Preference : 18
L2 Ext. Preference : 165
L2 Wide Metrics : Disabled
L2 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L2 LSPs : 0
L2 Default Metric : 10
L2 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L2 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L2 Total Exp Routes : 0
All-L2-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:15
Export Policies : static
Import Policies : None
LFA Policies : pol1
: pol2
: pol3
: pol4
: pol5
Multicast Import : None
Advertise-Passive-Only : Disabled
Ignore Attached Bit : Disabled
Suppress Attached Bit : Disabled
Default Route Tag : None
Rib Prio List High : None
Rib Prio Tag High : None
Ldp Sync Admin State : Up
LDP-over-RSVP : Disabled
IGP-Shortcut : Disabled
IGP SC Allow SR over SR-TE : Disabled
IPv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
IPv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
Advertise-Tunnel-Link : Disabled
Export Limit : 0
Exp Lmt Log Percent : 0
Loopfree-Alternate : Enabled
Remote-LFA : Disabled
Max PQ Cost : 4261412864
Remote-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
Max PQ nodes (node-protect) : 16
Augment-route-table : Disabled
TI-LFA : Disabled
Max SR FRR Labels : 2
TI-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
L1 LFA : Included
L2 LFA : Included
Advertise Router Cap : Disabled
Hello Padding : Disabled
L1 Hello Padding : Disabled
L2 Hello Padding : Disabled
Ignore Lsp Errors : Disabled
Ignore Narrow Metric : Disabled
Reference Bandwidth : 0
Ucast Import Disable : None
Segment Routing : Disabled
Segment Routing MT2 : Disabled
Flex Algo : Down
Mapping Server : Disabled
Purge Originator Id : Disabled
Class Based Forwarding : Disabled
Entropy Label : Enabled
Override ELC : Enabled
Micro loop avoidance : Disabled fib-delay 15
UPA Received Processing : Disabled
UPA Lifetime : 180
UPA Metric : 4261412865
UPA Max Number Advertised : 32
The following output is an example of the detailed LFA policies configured in the configure router isis context.
Output example
A:node-2# show router isis interface "DUTC_TO_DUTE.1.0" detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Interfaces (detail)
Interface : DUTC_TO_DUTE.1.0 Level Capability: L1L2
Oper State : Up Admin State : Up
Auth Keychain : Disabled
Auth Type : None Auth State : Enabled
Circuit Id : 3 Retransmit Int. : 5
Type : Broadcast LSP Pacing Int. : 100
Oper Type : Broadcast CSNP Int. : 10
Mesh Group : Inactive BER : none
LFA NH Template : "template1" Bfd Enabled : No
Topology : IPv4-Unicast, IPv6-Unicast, IPv4-Multicast, IPv6-Multicast
Te Metric : 0 Te State : Down
Admin Groups : None
Ldp Sync : outOfService Ldp Sync Wait : Disabled
Ldp Timer State : Disabled Ldp Tm Left : 0
Route Tag : None LFA : Included
Level : 1 Adjacencies : 0
Desg. IS : Dut-C
Auth Keychain : Disabled
Auth Type : None Metric : 10
Hello Timer : 9 IPv6-Ucast-Met : 10
Priority : 64 IPv6-Mcast-Met : 10
Passive : No IPv4-Mcast-Met : 10
SD-Offset : 0 SF-Offset : 0
Hello Mult. : 3
Level : 2 Adjacencies : 0
Desg. IS : Dut-C
Auth Keychain : Disabled
Auth Type : None Metric : 10
Hello Timer : 9 IPv6-Ucast-Met : 10
Priority : 64 IPv6-Mcast-Met : 10
Passive : No IPv4-Mcast-Met : 10
SD-Offset : 0 SF-Offset : 0
Hello Mult. : 3
The following output is an example of the output with flexible algorithms enabled, and Output fields: IS-IS status describes the output fields.
Output Example
A:node-2# show router isis 0 status
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Status
ISIS Cfg System Id : 4900.0000.0001
ISIS Oper System Id : 4900.0000.0001
ISIS Cfg Router Id :
ISIS Oper Router Id :
ISIS Cfg IPv6 Router Id : ::
ISIS Oper IPv6 Router Id : ::
ASN : 0
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Ipv4 Routing : Enabled
Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Mcast Ipv4 Routing : Enabled, Native
Mcast Ipv6 Routing : Disabled
Last Enabled : 05/28/2020 13:17:48
Level Capability : L1L2
Authentication Check : True
Auth Keychain : MyKeyChain
Authentication Type : None
CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
Traffic Engineering : Disabled
Oper IPv6 TE Router Id : ::
Graceful Restart : Disabled
GR Helper Mode : Disabled
Overload-On-Boot Timeout : 0
Overload Max-Metric : False
Overload-On-Boot Max-Metric : False
Overload Include Locators : Disabled
Ovl Export Interlevel : Disabled
Ovl Export External : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Notify Only : Disabled
Ovl FIB Error Retry : N.A.
LSP Lifetime : 1200
LSP Min Remaining Lifetime : N.A.
LSP Refresh Half Interval : 600 (Config) 600 (Oper)
LSP Wait (ms) : 5000 (Max) 10 (Initial) 1000 (Second)
LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config)
L1 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L2 LSP MTU Size : 1492 (Config) 1492 (Oper)
L1 MAX LSP MTU Size : 9775
L2 MAX LSP MTU Size : 1561
Adjacency Check : loose
L1 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L1 Auth Type : none
L1 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L1 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L1 Preference : 15
L1 Ext. Preference : 160
L1 Wide Metrics : Enabled
L1 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L1 LSPs : 1
L1 Default Metric : 10
L1 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L1 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L1 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L1 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L1 Total Exp Routes : 0
All-L1-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:14
Last SPF : 06/03/2020 10:27:06
SPF Wait (ms) : 10000 (Max) 1000 (Initial) 1000 (Second)
Multi-topology : Disabled
IPv6-Unicast MT2 : Disabled
IPv4-Multicast MT3 : Disabled
IPv6-Multicast MT4 : Disabled
Area Addresses : 49.0001
Standard Multi-Instance : Disabled
IID TLV : Disabled
Prefix Attributes TLV : Disabled
L2 Auth Keychain : Disabled
L2 Auth Type : none
L2 CSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 HELLO-Authentication : Enabled
L2 PSNP-Authentication : Enabled
L2 Preference : 18
L2 Ext. Preference : 165
L2 Wide Metrics : Enabled
L2 LSDB Overload : Disabled
L2 LSPs : 3
L2 Default Metric : 10
L2 IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric : 10
L2 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric : 10
L2 Adv Router Cap : Enabled
L2 Bier Template : None, Disabled
L2 Total Exp Routes : 0
All-L2-MacAddr (Cfg) : 01:80:c2:00:00:15
Export Policies : None
Import Policies : None
LFA Policies : None
Multicast Import : None
Advertise-Passive-Only : Disabled
Ignore Attached Bit : Disabled
Suppress Attached Bit : Disabled
Default Route Tag : None
Rib Prio List High : None
Rib Prio Tag High : None
Ldp Sync Admin State : Up
LDP-over-RSVP : Disabled
IGP-Shortcut : Disabled
IPv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
IPv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
SRv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
Advertise-Tunnel-Link : Disabled
Export Limit : 0
Exp Lmt Log Percent : 0
Loopfree-Alternate : Disabled
Remote-LFA : Disabled
Max PQ Cost : 4261412864
Remote-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
Max PQ nodes (node-protect) : 16
Augment-route-table : Disabled
TI-LFA : Disabled
Max SR FRR Labels : 2
TI-LFA (node-protect) : Disabled
L1 LFA : Included
L2 LFA : Included
Advertise Router Cap : Area
Hello Padding : Disabled
L1 Hello Padding : Disabled
L2 Hello Padding : Disabled
Ignore Lsp Errors : Disabled
Ignore Narrow Metric : Disabled
Reference Bandwidth : 0
Ucast Import Disable : None
Segment Routing : Up
Segment Routing MT2 : Disabled
Flex Algo : Up
Mapping Server : Down
Purge Originator Id : Disabled
Class Based Forwarding : Disabled
Entropy Label : Enabled
Override ELC : Disabled
Micro loop avoidance : Disabled fib-delay 15
UPA Received Processing : Disabled
UPA Lifetime : 180
UPA Metric : 4261412865
UPA Max Number Advertised : 32
Label |
Description |
ISIS Cfg System Id |
Displays the configured IS-IS system ID |
ISIS Oper System Id |
Displays the operational IS-IS system ID |
ISIS Cfg Router Id |
Displays the configured IS-IS router ID |
ISIS Oper Router Id |
Displays the operational IS-IS router ID |
ISIS Cfg IPv6 Router Id |
Displays the configured IS-IS IPv6 router ID |
ISIS Oper IPv6 Router Id |
Displays the operational IS-IS IPv6 router ID |
Displays the Autonomous System Number (ASN) the IGP uses when the IS-IS Traffic Engineering Database (TEDB) export is enabled. The ASN value represents either the ASN from the confederation AS, or the router AS if confederations are not configured. |
Admin State Oper State |
Displays one of the following:
Ipv4 Routing |
Displays one of the following:
Ipv6 Routing |
Displays one of the following:
Mcast Ipv4 Routing |
Displays one of the following:
Mcast Ipv6 Routing |
Displays one of the following:
Last Enabled |
Displays the date and time when IS-IS was last enabled in the router |
Level Capability |
Displays the routing level for the IS-IS routing process |
Authentication Check |
Displays one of the following:
Auth Keychain |
Displays the authentication keychain name used by IS-IS for the session when enabled |
Authentication Type |
Displays the authentication method used to verify the authenticity of packets sent by neighboring routers on an IS-IS interface |
CSNP-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
HELLO-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
PSNP-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
Traffic Engineering |
Displays one of the following:
Oper IPv6 TE Router Id |
Displays the value of the IS-IS IPv6 TE Router ID TLV (TLV 140) defined by RFC 6119. The IPv6 TE Router ID is configured using the configure router ipv6-te-router-id interface name command. By default, the system IPv6 address is used when IPv6 TE is enabled. |
Graceful Restart |
Displays one of the following:
GR Helper Mode |
Displays if GR helper mode is configured |
Overload-On-Boot Timeout |
Displays if the overload-on-boot timeout is configured |
Overload Max-Metric |
Displays if overload max metric is configured |
Overload-On-Boot Max-Metric |
Displays if the overload-on-boot maximum metric is configured |
Overload Include Locators |
Displays if overload include locators is enabled |
Ovl Export Interlevel |
Displays if overload export interlevel is configured |
Ovl Export External |
Displays if overload export external is configured |
Ovl FIB Error Notify Only |
Displays if overload notification only is configured:
Ovl FIB Error Retry |
Displays the amount of time in seconds until the router periodically retries to program the FIB during the gracious overload condition |
LSP Lifetime |
Displays the LSP lifetime value |
LSP Min Remaining Lifetime |
Displays the LSP minimum remaining lifetime information |
LSP Refresh Half Interval |
Displays the LSP refresh half interval |
LSP Wait (ms) |
Displays the max, initial, and initial wait times |
LSP MTU Size |
Displays the LSP Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size |
L1 LSP MTU Size |
Displays the level 1 LSP MTU size |
L2 LSP MTU Size |
Displays the level 2 LSP MTU size |
Displays the level 1 maximum LSP MTU size |
Displays the level 2 maximum LSP MTU size |
Adjacency Check |
Displays the adjacency check configuration |
L1 Auth Keychain or L2 Auth Keychain |
Displays if authentication keychain is enabled |
L1 Auth Type or L2 Auth Type |
Displays if the authentication type is configured |
L1 CNSP-Authentication or L2 CSNP-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
L1 HELLO-Authentication or L2 HELLO-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
L1 PSNP-Authentication or L2 PSNP-Authentication |
Displays one of the following:
L1 Preference or L2 Preference |
Displays the preference |
L1 Ext. Preference or L2 Ext. Preference |
Displays the external preference |
L1 Wide Metrics or L2 Wide Metrics |
Displays if the wide metrics features is enabled |
L1 LSDB Overload or L2 LSDB Overload |
Displays if the Link-State Database (LSDB) overload is enabled |
L1 LSPs or L2 LSPs |
Displays the number of LSPs |
L1 Default Metric or L2 Default Metric |
Displays the default metric |
L1 IPv6 Def Metric or L2 IPv6 Def Metric |
Displays the IPv6 default metric |
L1 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric or L2 Mcast IPv4 Def Metric |
Displays the multicast IPv4 default metric |
L1 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric or L2 Mcast IPv6 Def Metric |
Displays the multicast IPv6 default metric |
L1 Adv Router Cap or L2 Adv Router Cap |
Displays if the advanced router capacity is enabled for the level |
L1 Bier Template or L2 Bier Template |
Displays if the Bit Indexed Explicit Replication (BIER) template is enabled |
L1 Total Exp Routes or L2 Total Exp Routes |
Displays the total exp routes for the level |
All-L1-Mac_Addr (Cfg) or All-L2-MacAddr (Cfg) |
Displays the MAC addresses for the level |
Last SPF |
Displays the last shortest path first (SPF) calculation time |
SPF Wait (ms) |
Displays the SPF wait time before doing another calculation |
Muti-topology |
Displays if multi-topology is enabled |
IPv6-Unicast MT2 |
Displays if IPv6 unicast MT2 is enabled |
IPv4-Multicast MT3 |
Displays if IPv4 multicast MT3 is enabled |
IPv6-Multicast MT4 |
Displays if IPv6 multicast MT4 is enabled |
Area Addresses |
Displays the area addresses |
Standard Multi-Instance |
Displays if a standard multi-instance is enabled |
Displays if the Instance ID TLV is enabled |
Prefix TLV |
Displays if the Prefix Attributes TLV is enabled |
Export Policies |
Displays if there are export policies |
Import Policies |
Displays if there are import policies |
LFA Policies |
Displays if there are Loop-Free Alternate policies |
Multicast Import |
Displays if there is a multicast import |
Advertise-Passive-Only |
Displays if advertise passive only is enabled |
Ignore Attached Bit |
Displays if ignore attached bit is enabled |
Suppress Attached Bit |
Displays if suppress attached bit is enabled |
Default Route Tag |
Displays the default route tag if one exists |
Rib Prio List High |
Displays the Routing Information Base (RIB) high priority list |
Rib Prio Tag High |
Displays the RIB high priority tag |
Ldp Sync Admin State |
Displays if the IGP-LDP synchronization feature is enabled on all interfaces participating in the OSPF routing protocol |
LDP-over-RSVP |
Displays if LDP over RSVP is enabled |
IGP-Shortcut |
Displays if Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) shortcuts are enabled |
IPv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop |
Displays if IPv4 IGP shortcut tunnel next hop is enabled |
IPv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop |
Displays the IPv6 IGP shortcut tunnel next hop is enabled |
SRv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop |
Displays if the SRv4 IGP shortcut tunnel next hop is enabled |
SRv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop |
Displays if the SRv6 IGP shortcut tunnel next hop is enabled |
Advertise-Tunnel-Link |
Displays if advertise tunnel link is enabled |
Export Limit |
Displays the export limit |
Exp Lmt Log Percent |
Displays the export limit log percentage |
Loopfree-Alternate |
Displays if Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) is enabled in this IS-IS instance |
Remote-LFA |
Displays if remote LFA is enabled |
Max PQ Cost |
Displays the maximum PQ cost |
Remote-LFA (node-protect) |
Displays if remote LFA is enabled |
Max PQ Nodes (node-protect) |
Displays the maximum PQ nodes |
LFA NH Template |
Displays if the LFA Next-Hop (NH) template is applied for the configured LFA policies |
Augment-route-table |
Displays if the augment route table feature is enabled |
Displays if Topology-Independent Loop-Free Alternate (TI-LFA) is enabled |
Max SR FFR Labels |
Displays the maximum Segment Routing Fast Reroute (SR FRR) labels |
TI-LFA (node-protect) |
Displays if TI-LFA node protect is enabled |
L1 LFA |
Displays if level 1 LFA is included |
L2 LFA |
Displays if level 2 LFA is included |
Advertise Router Cap |
Displays the advertise router capacity |
Hello Padding L1 Hello Padding L2 Hello Padding |
Displays if Hello padding is enabled |
Ignore Lsp Errors |
Displays if ignoring LSP errors is enabled |
Ignore Narrow Metric |
Displays if ignoring narrow metric is enabled |
Reference Bandwidth |
Displays the reference bandwidth |
Ucast Import Disable |
Displays the Ucast import disable configuration information |
Segment Routing |
Displays if Segment Routing is enabled |
Segment Routing MT2 |
Displays if Segment Routing MT2 is enabled. |
Flex Algo |
Displays if Flexible Algorithms are up |
Mapping Server |
Displays if the mapping server is up |
Purge Originator Id |
Displays if purge originator ID is enabled |
Class Based Forwarding |
Displays if class based forwarding is enabled |
Entropy Label |
Displays if the entropy label is enabled |
Override ELC |
Displays if override ELC is enabled |
Micro loop avoidance |
Displays if micro-loop avoidance is enabled and the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) delay |
UPA Received Processing |
Displays if Unreachable Prefix Announcement (UPA) processing is enabled. When enabled, this allows processing of received UPAs from other routers. When disabled, received UPAs are handled briefly with normal IGP routes and ignored by the router. |
UPA Lifetime |
Displays the amount of time a UPA is advertised |
UPA Metric |
Displays the metric to an advertised UPA |
UPA Max Number Advertised |
Displays the maximum number of UPAs the router can advertise |
[Tree] (show>router>ospf3 status)
[Tree] (show>router>ospf status)
Full Context
show router ospf3 status
show router ospf status
Displays the general status of OSPF.
OSPF Status Output Fields
Output fields: OSPF status describes the command output fields for OSPF status.
Label |
Description |
OSPF Router Id |
A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the router in the Autonomous System. The SR OS system defaults to the System IP address or if not configured the 32 least significant bits of the system MAC address. |
OSPF Version |
The current version number of the OSPF protocol is 2. |
OSPF Admin Status |
Disabled — Denotes that the OSPF process is disabled on all interfaces. Enabled — Denotes that the OSPF process is active on at least one interface. |
OSPF Oper Status |
Disabled — Denotes that the OSPF process is not operational on all interfaces. Enabled — Denotes that the OSPF process is operational on at least one interface. |
Preference |
The route preference for OSPF internal routes. |
External Preference |
The route preference for OSPF external routes. |
Backbone Router |
False — This variable indicates that this router is not configured as an OSPF back bone router. True — This variable indicates that this router is configured as an OSPF back bone router. |
Area Border Router |
False — This router is not an area border router. True — This router is an area border router. |
AS Border Router |
False — This router is not configured as an Autonomous System border router. True — This router is configured as an Autonomous System border router. |
OSPF Ldp Sync Admin Status |
Indicates whether the IGP-LDP synchronization feature is enabled or disabled on all interfaces participating in the OSPF routing protocol. |
*A:Dut-A>config>service# show router ospf status
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Status
OSPF Cfg Router Id :
OSPF Oper Router Id :
OSPF Version : 2
OSPF Admin Status : Enabled
OSPF Oper Status : Enabled
Graceful Restart : Disabled
GR Helper Mode : Disabled
GR Strict LSA Checking : Enabled
Preference : 10
External Preference : 150
Backbone Router : True
Area Border Router : False
AS Border Router : False
Opaque LSA Support : True
Traffic Engineering Support : True
RFC 1583 Compatible : True
Demand Exts Support : False
In Overload State : False
In External Overflow State : False
Exit Overflow Interval : 0
Last Overflow Entered : Never
Last Overflow Exit : Never
External LSA Limit : -1
Reference Bandwidth : 100,000,000 Kbps
Init SPF Delay : 1000 msec
Sec SPF Delay : 1000 msec
Max SPF Delay : 1000 msec
Min LS Arrival Interval : 1000 msec
Init LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Sec LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Max LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Lsa accumulate : 1000 msec
Redistribute delay : 1000 msec
Incremental SPF wait : 1000 msec
Last Ext SPF Run : Never
Ext LSA Cksum Sum : 0x0
OSPF Last Enabled : 07/06/2017 18:51:52
Unicast Import : True
Multicast Import : False
Export Policies : None
Import Policies : None
Lfa Policies : None
OSPF Ldp Sync Admin Status : Enabled
LDP-over-RSVP : Disabled
IGP-Shortcut : Disabled
IPv4 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
Advertise-Tunnel-Link : Disabled
LFA : Disabled
Remote-LFA : Disabled
Max PQ Cost : 65535
TI-LFA : Disabled
Max SR FRR Labels : 2
Export Limit : 0
Export Limit Log Percent : 0
Total Exp Routes : 0
RIB-priority-high prefix list: None
Segment Routing : Enabled
Database export : Disabled
ASN : n/a
Entropy Label : Enabled
Override ELC : Enabled
*A:Dut-C>config>router>ospf3# show router ospf3 0 status
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 Status
OSPF Cfg Router Id :
OSPF Oper Router Id :
OSPF Version : 3
OSPF Admin Status : Enabled
OSPF Oper Status : Enabled
Graceful Restart : Disabled
GR Helper Mode : Disabled
GR Strict LSA Checking : Enabled (operational down)
Preference : 10
External Preference : 150
Backbone Router : False
Area Border Router : False
AS Border Router : True
Traffic Engineering Support : False
Demand Exts Support : False
In Overload State : False
In External Overflow State : False
Exit Overflow Interval : 0
Last Overflow Entered : Never
Last Overflow Exit : Never
External LSA Limit : -1
Reference Bandwidth : 100,000,000 Kbps
Init SPF Delay : 1000 msec
Sec SPF Delay : 1000 msec
Max SPF Delay : 10000 msec
Min LS Arrival Interval : 1000 msec
Init LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Sec LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Max LSA Gen Delay : 5000 msec
Lsa accumulate : 1000 msec
Redistribute delay : 1000 msec
Incremental SPF wait : 1000 msec
Last Ext SPF Run : 10/11/2018 07:39:48
Ext LSA Cksum Sum : 0x10926
OSPF Last Enabled : 10/11/2018 07:39:45
Unicast Import : True
Multicast Import : False
Export Policies : static
Import Policies : None
Lfa Policies : None
OSPF Ldp Sync Admin Status : Enabled
LDP-over-RSVP : Disabled
IGP-Shortcut : Disabled
IPv6 IGP SC Tunn-Nhop : Res-Disabled
Advertise-Tunnel-Link : Disabled
LFA : Enabled
Remote-LFA : Enabled
Max PQ Cost : 65535
TI-LFA : Disabled
Max SR FRR Labels : 2
Export Limit : 0
Export Limit Log Percent : 0
Total Exp Routes : 1
RIB-priority-high prefix list: None
Segment Routing : Enabled
Extended LSA : sparse
[Tree] (show>router>isis>srv6 status)
Full Context
show router isis segment-routing-v6 status
This command displays the IS-IS SRv6 status.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt status)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt status
Commands in this context display subscriber management status information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub>um status)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub usage-monitor status
This command displays the usage monitor status.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>router>bier status)
Full Context
show router bier status
This command displays the BIER status.
The following output is an example of BIER status information, and Output fields: BIER status describes the output fields.
Output Example# show router bier status
BIER Status
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
FRR State : Disabled BFD State : Disabled
Service-reserved-label-block: [NA | name of reserved block]
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state |
Oper State |
Displays the operational state |
FRR State |
Displays the FRR state |
BFD State |
Displays the BFD state |
Service-reserved-label-block |
Displays the service reserved label block name |