s Commands – Part IV
steering-profile steering-profile-name
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt steering-profile)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt steering-profile
This command displays steering profile information.
- steering-profile-name
Specifies an existing steering profile name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>dump>filter>resources sticky-dest)
Full Context
tools dump filter resources sticky-dest
This command displays information about resources pertaining to sticky destinations timers.
The following output is an example of sticky destination filter action information.
Output Example===============================================================================
Filter action - Sticky-dest resources
Used : 1
Free : 2047
Total : 2048
sticky-leases [hostname]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp>server sticky-leases)
Full Context
show router dhcp local-dhcp-server sticky-leases
This command shows either all sticky leases or a single specific sticky lease created under the specified DHCP server.
- hostname
Specifies the name of the host for which an entry is created.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of sticky lease information
Output ExampleNode# show router dhcp local-dhcp-server "dhcp_server" sticky-leases
DHCP Server Sticky Leases
Hostname IP address
No. of Matching Entries: 1
Output fields: sticky leases describes the sticky leases field descriptions.
Field |
Description |
Hostname |
The name of the sticky host |
IP address |
The IP address of the sticky host |
No. of Matching Entries |
The total numbers of entries matching the command criteria |
sticky-leases hostname [hostname]
sticky-leases hostname-prefix [hostname-prefix]
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp>server sticky-leases)
Full Context
clear router dhcp local-dhcp-server sticky-leases
This command clears sticky leases.
- hostname
Clears information about the name of the host for which an entry is cleared.
- hostname-prefix
Clears information about the sub-string of all host names starting with that sub-string.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>l2tp>group stop)
Full Context
tools perform router l2tp group stop
This command triggers an attempt to immediately stop all the L2TP connections within the specified L2TP tunnel group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>l2tp>tunnel stop)
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>l2tp>group>tunnel stop)
Full Context
tools perform router l2tp tunnel stop
tools perform router l2tp group tunnel stop
This command triggers an attempt to immediately stop all the L2TP connections within the specified L2TP tunnel.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
stop [script-policy-name] [owner script-policy-owner] [ all]
[Tree] (tools>perform>system>script-control>script-policy stop)
Full Context
tools perform system script-control script-policy stop
This command stops the execution of scripts.
- script-policy-name
Specifies to only stop scripts with the specified script-policy, up to 32 characters.
- script-policy-owner
Specifies to only stop scripts that are associated with script-policies with the specified owner, up to 32 characters.
- all
Specifies to stop all running scripts.
stp [detail]
[Tree] (show>service>id stp)
Full Context
show service id stp
Displays information for the spanning tree protocol instance for the service.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of service STP information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12# show service id 1 stp
Spanning Tree Information
VPLS Spanning Tree Information
RSTP Admin State : Up RSTP Oper State : Down
Core Connectivity : Down
Bridge-id : 04:67:ff:00:00:01
Hold Timer : 1 Bridge fwd delay : 15
Bridge Hello time : 1 Bridge max age : 20
Bridge priority : 1 Topology change : Inactive
Last Top. change : 0d 00:00:00 Top. change count : 0
Root bridge-id : 00:03:fa:00:00:00
Root path cost : 1 Root forward delay: 15
Root hello time : 1 Root max age : 20
Root priority : 0 Root port : vcp
Spanning Tree Specifics
SAP Identifier : 1/1/7:0 RSTP State : Down
STP Port State : Forwarding BPDU encap : dot1d
Port Number : 2048 Priority : 128
Cost : 10 Fast Start : Disabled
Designated Port : 34816 Designated Bridge : 02:fa:00:04:54:01
The following output is an example for the 7450 ESS.
ALA-1# show service id 1 stp
Inherited Rstp State (from mVPLS), Service 1
Sap/Spoke Id Oper- Prune- Port- Managed by Managed by
State State State Service Sap/spoke
1/1/1:2 Down Pruned Discarding 101 1/1/1:1
100:1 Up Pruned Discarding 100 100:100
Output fields: service ID STP describes show service-id STP output fields:
Label |
Description |
RSTP Admin State |
The administrative state of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service |
Core Connectivity |
The connectivity status to the core |
RSTP Oper State |
The operational state of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. This field is applicable only when STP is enabled on the router. |
Bridge-id |
The MAC address used to identify this bridge in the network. |
Hold Time |
The interval length during which no more than two Configuration BPDUs shall be transmitted by this bridge |
Bridge fwd delay |
The speed of bridge state changes when moving toward the forwarding state |
Bridge Hello time |
The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration BPDUs |
Bridge max age |
The maximum age of spanning tree protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using. |
Bridge priority |
The priority of the spanning tree protocol instance associated with this service |
Topology change |
Topology change is currently in progress. |
Last Top. change |
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service |
Top. change count |
The total number of topology changes detected by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service since the management entity was last reset or initialized |
Root bridge-id |
The Root bridge-id |
Root path cost |
The Root path cost |
Root forward delay |
The Root forward delay |
Root hello time |
The Root hello time |
Root max age |
The Root maximum age |
Root priority |
The Root priority level |
Root port |
The Root port number |
SAP Identifier |
The SAP identifier |
RSTP State |
The RSTP state |
STP Port State |
The STP port state |
BPDU encap |
The BPDU encapsulation |
Port Number |
The port number |
Priority |
The priority level |
Cost |
The cost |
Fast Start |
The fast start state |
Designated Port |
The designated port |
Designated Bridge |
The designated bridge |
Sap/Spoke Id |
The SAP or spoke ID |
Oper-State |
The operational state |
Prune-State |
The prune state |
Port-State |
The port state |
Managed by Service |
The managed service |
Managed by Sap/spoke |
The managed SAP or spoke |
[Tree] (show>oam-pm streaming)
Full Context
show oam-pm streaming
Commands in this context show OAM performance monitoring telemetry report streaming information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (show>snmp streaming)
Full Context
show snmp streaming
Commands in this context display streaming counters information.
sub-ident-policy [sub-ident-policy-name [ association]]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name script { primary | secondary | tertiary}
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt sub-ident-policy)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy
This command displays subscriber identification policy information.
- sub-ident-policy-name
Specifies an existing subscriber identification policy name.
- association
Displays information configured with the specified sub-ident-policy-name.
- script {primary | secondary | tertiary}
Displays information for the specified identification script.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management subscriber identification policy information.
Output ExampleB:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy
Subscriber Identification Policies
Name Description
Number of Subscriber Identification Policies : 2
B:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy sub_ident_all
Subscriber Identification Policy sub_ident_all
Sub Profile Map
Key Sub profile
sub_prof100 sub_prof100
sub_prof110 sub_prof110
sub_prof120 sub_prof120
sub_prof130 sub_prof130
sub_prof140 sub_prof140
sub_prof230 sub_prof230
sub_prof80 sub_prof80
sub_prof81 sub_prof81
sub_prof90 sub_prof90
SLA Profile Map
Key SLA profile
sla_prof100_VOIP sla_prof100_VOIP
sla_prof110_VOIP sla_prof110_VOIP
sla_prof120_VOIP sla_prof120_VOIP
sla_prof130_VOIP sla_prof130_VOIP
sla_prof140_VOIP sla_prof140_VOIP
sla_prof230_VOIP sla_prof230_VOIP
sla_prof80_VOIP sla_prof80_VOIP
sla_prof81_VOIP sla_prof81_VOIP
sla_prof90_VOIP sla_prof90_VOIP
Python Scripts
# Admin Oper Script
State State Name
Primary Down Down pyTom.py
Secondary Up Up pyTomDebug.py
Tertiary Up Up hardcoded.py
B:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy sub_ident_all association
Subscriber Identification Policy sub_ident_all
SAP Associations
Service-Id : 80 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:80
Service-Id : 90 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:90
Service-Id : 100 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:100
- SAP : 1/2/1:101
- SAP : 1/2/1:102
Service-Id : 110 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:110
- SAP : 1/2/1:111
- SAP : 1/2/1:112
Service-Id : 120 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:120
- SAP : 1/2/1:121
- SAP : 1/2/1:122
Service-Id : 130 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:130
Service-Id : 140 (VPLS)
- SAP : 1/2/1:140
B:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy sub_ident_all script primary
Subscriber Identification Policy sub_ident_all
Primary Script
URL : ftp://xxx:yyy@a.b.c.d/pyTom.py
Admin State : Down Oper State : Down
Source (dumped from memory)
Script is not active.
B:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy sub_ident_all script secondary
Subscriber Identification Policy sub_ident_all
Secondary Script
URL : ftp://xxx:yyy@a.b.c.d/pyTomDebug.py
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Source (dumped from memory)
1 import alc
2 yiaddr = alc.dhcp.yiaddr
3 # Subscriber ID equals full client IP address.
4 # Note: IP address yields 'sub-168430090'
5 # and not 'sub-'
6 alc.dhcp.sub_ident = 'sub-' + str(yiaddr)
7 # DHCP server is configured such that the third byte (field) of the IP
8 # address indicates the session Profile ID.
9 alc.dhcp.sla_profile = 'sp-' + str((yiaddr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
B:Dut-A>show>subscr-mgmt# sub-ident-policy sub_ident_all script tertiary
Subscriber Identification Policy sub_ident_all
Tertiary Script
URL : ftp://xxx:yyy@a.b.c.d/hardcoded.py
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Source (dumped from memory)
1 from alc import dhcp
3 dhcp.sub_ident = 'sub_ident_A_1'
4 dhcp.sub_profile_string = 'sub_prof_B_2'
5 dhcp.sla_profile_string = 'sla_prof_C_3'
Output fields: subscriber identification policy describes subscriber identification policy output fields.
Field |
Description |
Name |
The subscriber identification policy name |
Description |
The user provided description of this policy |
Number of Subscriber Identification Policies |
The total number of subscriber identification policies configured on the node |
Sub Profile Map |
The subscriber profile used to define the aggregate QoS for all hosts within a subscriber context |
Key |
The key that defines the auto-generated subscriber identification key for PPP hosts. |
Sub profile |
A list of subscriber identification profiles |
SLA profile |
A list of SLA profiles |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the Python scripts |
Oper State |
The operational state of the Python scripts |
Script Name |
The Python policy script name |
SAP Associations |
The subscriber identification policy SAP associations |
Service-Id |
The service ID associated with the subscriber identification policy |
The SAP ID associated with the subscriber identification policy |
The URL of the script to change the Python message |
Admin State |
The admin state of the script |
Oper State |
The operational state of the script |
Primary Script |
Information about the primary Python script |
Secondary Script |
Information about the secondary Python script |
sub-mcac [subscriber sub-ident-string] [ policy sub-mcac-policy-name]
[Tree] (show>service>active-subscribers sub-mcac)
Full Context
show service active-subscribers sub-mcac
This command displays active subscriber MCAC information.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies the subscriber identification string, up to 32 characters.
- sub-mac-policy-name
Specifies the subscriber MAC policy name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of active subscriber MCAC information.
Output Example*A:eng-BNG-2# show service active-subscribers sub-mcac
Active Subscribers Sub-MCAC
Subscriber : user_1
MCAC-policy : sub-mcac-policy-01 (inService)
In use mandatory bandwidth : 10
In use optional bandwidth : 10
Available mandatory bandwidth : 1000
Available optional bandwidth : 100
Number of Subscribers: 1
sub-mcac-policy policy-name association
sub-mcac-policy policy-name
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt sub-mcac-policy)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt sub-mcac-policy
This command displays subscriber MCAC policy information.
- policy-name
Specifies the subscriber MCAC policy name, up to 32 characters.
- association
Displays information associated with the subscriber MCAC policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
sub-profile [sub-profile-name [association]]
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt sub-profile)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt sub-profile
This command displays subscriber profile information.
- sub-profile-name
Specifies an existing subscriber profile name.
- association
Displays the association information configured with the specified sub-profile-name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber profile information.
Output Example# show subscriber-mgmt sub-profile "sub-profile-10"
Subscriber Profile sub-profile-10
Description : (Not Specified)
Control plane(s) : local
Host Limits : overall 1
ipv4-overall 1
ipv4-arp 1
ipv4-dhcp 1
ipv4-ppp 1
ipv6-overall 1
ipv6-pd-overall 1
ipv6-pd-ipoe-dhcp 1
ipv6-pd-ppp-dhcp 1
ipv6-wan-overall 1
ipv6-wan-ipoe-dhcp 1
ipv6-wan-ipoe-slaac 1
ipv6-wan-ppp-dhcp 1
ipv6-wan-ppp-slaac 1
lac-overall 1
Session Limits : overall 1
ipoe 1
pppoe-overall 1
pppoe-local 1
pppoe-lac 1
l2tp-overall 1
l2tp-lns 1
l2tp-lts 1
I. Sched. Policy : N/A
E. Sched. Policy : N/A E. Agg Rate Limit: Max
E. Min Resv Bw : 1
I. Policer Ctrl. : N/A
E. Policer Ctrl. : N/A
I. vport-hashing : Disabled
I. sec-sh-hashing: Disabled
Q Frame-Based Ac*: Disabled
Acct. Policy : N/A Collect Stats : Disabled
ANCP Pol. : N/A
Accu-stats-pol : (Not Specified)
HostTrk Pol. : N/A
IGMP Policy : N/A
MLD Policy : N/A
PIM Policy : N/A
Sub. MCAC Policy : N/A
NAT Policy : N/A
Firewall Policy : N/A
UPnP Policy : N/A
NAT Prefix List : N/A
Allow NAT bypass : No
NAT access mode : auto
Def. Encap Offset: none Encap Offset Mode: none
Vol stats type : full
Preference : 5
LAG hash class : 1
LAG hash weight : 1
Radius Accounting
Policy : N/A
Session Opti.Stop: False
SLA-mode : expanded E Agg Rate Limit : Maximum
E. Min Resv Bw : 1
E low burst class: 6
Last Mgmt Change : 09/30/2020 15:39:24
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SLA Profile Map
Key SLA Profile
No mappings configured.
# show subscriber-mgmt sub-profile
Subscriber Profiles
Name Description
Number of Subscriber Profiles : 13
# show subscriber-mgmt sub-profile sub_prof100 association
Subscriber Profile sub_prof100
SAP Default-Profile Associations
No associations found.
SAP Static Host Associations
No associations found.
SAP Non-Sub-Traffic-Profile Associations
No associations found.
Sub-Ident-Policy Profile Map Associations
Policy-name : sub_ident_all
- Key : sub_prof100
Explicit Subscriber Map Associations
No associations found.
Output fields: subscriber profile describes subscriber management profile field descriptions.
Field |
Description |
Name |
The subscriber profile name |
Description |
The user provided description of this policy |
Control plane(s) |
The subscriber profile controlled by the local control plane or CUPS control plane |
I. Sched. Policy |
The ingress scheduler policy assigned to the ingress subscriber profile |
E. Sched. Policy |
The egress scheduler policy assigned to the egress subscriber profile |
E. Agg Rate Limit |
The egress aggregate rate limit |
E. Min Resv Bw |
The egress minimum reserved bandwidth |
I. Policer Ctrl |
The ingress policer control status |
E. Policer Ctrl |
The egress policer control status |
I. vport-hashing |
The ingress vport-hashing status |
I. sec-sh-hashing |
The ingress security sh hashing status |
Q Frame-Based Ac* |
The Q frame-based accounting status |
Acct. Policy |
The number of accounting policies associated with this subscriber profile |
ANCP Pol. |
The ANCP policy |
Accu-stats-pol |
The accu-stats policy |
HostTrk Pol. |
The HostTrk policy |
IGMP Policy |
The IGMP policy |
MLD Policy |
The MLD policy |
PIM Policy |
The PIM policy |
Sub. MCAC Policy |
The subscriber MCAC policy |
NAT Policy |
The NAT policy |
Host Limits |
The configured maximum number of hosts per subscriber associated with this subscriber profile |
Session Limits |
The configured maximum number of sessions per subscriber associated with this subscriber profile |
Number of Subscriber Profiles |
The total number of subscriber profiles configured on this node |
Ingress Scheduler Overrides |
Information about ingress scheduler overrides for the subscriber profile |
Scheduler |
The scheduler name |
Rate |
The scheduler rate |
The CIR rate allowed for this scheduler |
Egress Scheduler Overrides |
Information about egress scheduler overrides for the subscriber profile |
Key |
The lookup key in the map |
SLA Profile |
Information about the SLA profile map |
Collect Stats |
The accounting statistics collected on this subscriber profile. |
Last Mgmt Change |
The time of the most recent management-initiated change |
sub-services [id service-id] [sap sap-id] [ ip ip-prefix/prefix-length] [ mac ieee-address] [pppoe-session-id pppoe-session-id] [ sub-service-name sub-service-name] [sub-service-type sub-service-type] [summary | associations]
[Tree] (show>service sub-services)
Full Context
show service sub-services
This command displays subscriber service information.
- service-id
Specifies the subscriber service ID.
- sap-id
Specifies the SAP ID.
- ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length
Specifies information for the specified IP prefix and mask length.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address.
- pppoe-session-id
Specifies the PPPoE session ID.
- sub-service-name
Specifies the subscriber service name, up to 255 characters.
- sub-service-type
Specifies the subscriber service type, up to 255 characters.
- summary
Displays summary information.
- associations
Displays information associated with the subscriber service.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subnet-ext-stats ip-address[/mask]
subnet-ext-stats pool pool-name
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp>server subnet-ext-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp local-dhcp-server subnet-ext-stats
This command displays extended statistics per DHCPv4 subnet in local DHCPv4 server.
The following statistics are included in output:
The number of stable leases in the subnet
The number of provisioned address in the subnet
The number of used address in the subnet
The number of free address in the subnet
The percentage of used address
The percentage of free address
For each statistic (except for Provisioned Addresses), there is current value and peak value, peak value is the highest value since subnet creation or last reset via the clear router rt-id dhcp local-dhcp-server svr-name subnet-ext-stats command.
When parameter pool is used, the statistics of each subnet in the pool are displayed.
- ip-address[/mask]
Specifies the subnet and mask.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of local DHCPv4 server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subnet extended statistics information.
Output Exampleshow router 500 dhcp local-dhcp-server "d4" subnet-ext-stats
Extended statistics for subnet
Current Peak TimeStamp
Stable Leases 1 1 01/07/2013 19:38:36
Provisioned Addresses 101
Used Addresses 1 1 01/07/2013 19:38:36
Free Addresses 100 100 01/07/2013 19:38:36
Used Pct 1 1 01/07/2013 19:38:36
Free Pct 99 99 01/07/2013 19:38:36
Last Reset Time 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Number of entries 1
Output fields: extended subnet statistics describes extended subnet statistics output field descriptions.
Field |
Descriptions |
Current |
The current statistics for the subnet |
Peak |
The peak statistics for the subnet |
TimeStamp |
The timestamp for the last reset |
Stable Leases |
The number of stable leases |
Provision Addresses |
The number of provisioned addresses in this subnet |
Used Addresses |
The number of used addresses in this subnet |
Free Address |
The number of free addresses in this subnet |
Used Pct |
The percentage of addresses in this subnet in use |
Free Pct |
The percentage of addresses in this subnet currently unused |
Last Reset Time |
The time of the last reset |
Number of entries |
The total number of entries |
subnet-ext-stats ip-address[/mask]
subnet-ext-stats pool pool-name
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp>server subnet-ext-stats)
Full Context
clear router dhcp local-dhcp-server subnet-ext-stats
This command clears extended subnet statistics.
- ip-address[/mask]
Clears the specified IP address and mask.
- pool-name
Clears statistics for the specified pool name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subnet-stats ip-address[/mask]
subnet-stats pool pool-name
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp>server subnet-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp local-dhcp-server subnet-stats
This command displays subnet statistics.
- ip-address[/mask]
Specifies the subnet and mask.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of local DHCPv4 server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subnet statistics information.
Output Example*A:SUB-Dut-A# show router dhcp local-dhcp-server dhcpS2 subnet-stats pool POOL2
Statistics for pool POOL2
Subnet Free Offered Stable
FRPending RemPending Declined
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16384 0 0
0 0 0
No. of entries: 1
Output fields: subnet statistics pool describe the fields for subnet stats pool output.
Field |
Description |
Subnet |
The subnet address |
Free |
The number of addresses in this subnet that are free |
Offered |
The number of leases in this subnet that are in state offered |
Stable |
The number of leases in this subnet that are in state stable |
FRPending |
The number of leases in this subnet that are in state forceRenewPending |
RemPending |
The number of leases in this subnet that are in state removePending |
Declined |
The number of addresses in this subnet that are declined |
No. of entries |
The total number of entries |
subscribe-to log-id log-id
[Tree] (tools>perform>log subscribe-to)
Full Context
tools perform log subscribe-to
This command subscribes the current CLI session to the specified CLI log. Log events for the specified log will be output in the current CLI session until the CLI session closes or an unsubscribe-from command is used.
- log-id
Specifies the log ID for which subscription is requested.
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (clear>qos>scheduler-stats subscriber)
Full Context
clear qos scheduler-stats subscriber
This command clears scheduler stats by subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Clears information for the specified subscriber name.
- sap-id
Clears information for the specified SAP.
- sla-profile-name
Clears information for the specified SLA profile name.
- scheduler-name
Clears information for the specified scheduler.
- spi-sharing-type
Clears information for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Clears information for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type and sharing identifier. The SPI group identifier is:
an identifier when the sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE sharing identifier when the sharing type is a per-PPP or per-IPoE session
- egress
Clears egress information for the subscriber.
- ingress
Clears ingress information for the subscriber.
subscriber sub-ident-string
[Tree] (clear>service>statistics subscriber)
Full Context
clear service statistics subscriber
This command clears the statistics for a particular subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Clears statistics for the specified subscriber identification string.
subscriber sub-ident-string
subscriber sub-ident-string detail
subscriber sub-ident-string mirror
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id] detail
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id] mirror
[Tree] (show>service>active-subscribers subscriber)
Full Context
show service active-subscribers subscriber
This command displays active subscriber information for a subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Displays the subscriber ID of the active subscriber, up to 32 characters.
- sap-id
Displays the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- sla-profile-name
Displays the existing SLA profile name, up to 32 characters.
- spi-sharing-type
Displays subscriber information for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Displays subscriber information for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type and sharing identifier. The SPI group ID is:
a group id when sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE sharing id when the sharing type is per-PPP or per-IPoE session
- detail
Displays detailed output.
- mirror
Displays mirrored output.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber information for active subscribers.
Output Example*A:eng-BNG-2# show service active-subscribers subscriber "user_1"
Active Subscribers
Subscriber user_1
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:1/1/20:841 - sla:no-prof
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:00:10:10:12:13 N/A DHCP 1000 Y
subscriber sub-ident-string [{ingress | egress}] [{detail | root-detail | thresholds | priority-info | depth}] [port port-id] [ arbiter {name | root}]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer-hierarchy subscriber)
Full Context
show qos policer-hierarchy subscriber
This command displays information about the policer hierarchy per subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Displays information about the specified subscriber.
- ingress
Displays ingress information about the specified subscriber.
- egress
Displays egress information about the specified subscriber.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- root-detail
Displays detailed information about the arbiter root.
- thresholds
Displays threshold, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
- priority-info
Displays threshold information related to the root arbiter.
- depth
Displays bucket depth, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port.
- name
Displays information about the named QoS arbiter.
- root
Displays information about the arbiter root.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [{ingress | egress}] [detail]
subscriber sub-ident-string sla-profile sla-profile-name sap sap-id [ scheduler scheduler-name] [detail] [ spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [ spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-hierarchy subscriber)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-hierarchy subscriber
This command displays the scheduler hierarchy per subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Displays the subscriber identification policy name.
- scheduler-name
Displays the scheduler name.
- ingress
Displays ingress SAP subscriber scheduler stats.
- egress
Displays egress SAP subscriber scheduler stats.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- sla-profile-name
Displays information for the specified sla-profile-name.
- spi-sharing-type
Displays subscriber scheduler hierarchy information for sessions with the specified SLA Profile Instance sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Displays subscriber scheduler hierarchy information for sessions with the specified SLA Profile Instance sharing type and sharing identifier. The spi-sharing-id is:
a group id when sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE sharing id when the grouping type is per-PPP or per-IPoE-session
The following output is an example of QoS scheduler hierarchy subscriber information, and Output fields: QoS scheduler hierarchy subscriber describes the QoS scheduler hierarchy subscriber fields.
Output Example*A:PE# show qos scheduler-hierarchy subscriber "sub1"
Scheduler Hierarchy - Subscriber sub1
Ingress Scheduler Policy: basic-upstream-policy
Egress Scheduler Policy : basic-downstream-policy
Root (Ing)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : basic-upstream
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->2 1-1
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->1 1-1
| |
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : basic-downstream (Port 1/1/1)
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->1
| |
*A:PE# show qos scheduler-hierarchy subscriber "sub1" detail
Scheduler Hierarchy - Subscriber sub1
Ingress Scheduler Policy: basic-upstream-policy
Egress Scheduler Policy : basic-downstream-policy
Legend :
(*) real-time dynamic value
(w) Wire rates
B Bytes
Root (Ing)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : basic-upstream
| | AdminPIR:max AdminCIR:0(sum)
| | Limit Unused Bandwidth: disabled
| |
| |
| | [Within CIR Level 0 Weight 0]
| | Assigned:0 Offered:0
| | Consumed:0
| |
| | [Above CIR Level 0 Weight 0]
| | Assigned:0 Offered:0
| | Consumed:0
| |
| |
| | TotalConsumed:0
| | OperPIR:max
| |
| | [As Parent]
| | Rate:max
| | ConsumedByChildren:0
| |
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->2 1-1
| | | AdminPIR:1000000 AdminCIR:0
| | | Parent Limit Unused Bandwidth: not-found
| | | CBS:31457280 B
| | | MBS:51904512 B
| | | Depth:0 B
| | | HighPlus Drop Tail:51904512 B
| | | High Drop Tail:51904512 B
| | | Low Drop Tail:46399488 B
| | | Exceed Drop Tail:40894464 B
| | |
| | | [Within CIR Level 0 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:0 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | [Above CIR Level 1 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:1000000 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | TotalConsumed:0
| | | OperPIR:max OperCIR:0
| | | OperFIR:0
| | |
| | | PktByteOffset:add 0*
| | | OnTheWireRates:false
| | | ATMOnTheWireRates:false
| | | LastMileOnTheWireRates:false
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->1 1-1
| | | AdminPIR:10000 AdminCIR:0
| | | Parent Limit Unused Bandwidth: not-found
| | | CBS:10420224 B
| | | MBS:20840448 B
| | | Depth:0 B
| | | HighPlus Drop Tail:20840448 B
| | | High Drop Tail:20840448 B
| | | Low Drop Tail:20840448 B
| | | Exceed Drop Tail:16515072 B
| | |
| | | [Within CIR Level 0 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:0 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | [Above CIR Level 1 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:10000 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | TotalConsumed:0
| | | OperPIR:10000 OperCIR:0
| | | OperFIR:0
| | |
| | | PktByteOffset:add 0*
| | | OnTheWireRates:false
| | | ATMOnTheWireRates:false
| | | LastMileOnTheWireRates:false
| |
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : basic-downstream (Port 1/1/1)
| | AdminPIR:max AdminCIR:0(sum)
| | Parent Limit Unused Bandwidth: not-found
| |
| | AvgFrmOv:100.00
| | AdminPIR:max(w) AdminCIR:0(w)
| |
| | [Within CIR Level 0 Weight 0]
| | Assigned:0(w) Offered:0(w)
| | Consumed:0(w)
| |
| | [Above CIR Level 1 Weight 1]
| | Assigned:1000000(w) Offered:0(w)
| | Consumed:0(w)
| |
| |
| | TotalConsumed:0(w)
| | OperPIR:1000000
| |
| | [As Parent]
| | Rate:1000000
| | ConsumedByChildren:0
| |
| |
| |--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 200->1/1/1:1->1
| | | AdminPIR:1000000 AdminCIR:0
| | | Parent Limit Unused Bandwidth: not-found
| | | AvgFrmOv:100.00
| | | CBS:0 B
| | | MBS:1253376 B
| | | Depth:0 B
| | | HighPlus Drop Tail:1253376 B
| | | High Drop Tail:1253376 B
| | | Low Drop Tail:1253376 B
| | | Exceed Drop Tail:983040 B
| | |
| | | [Within CIR Level 0 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:0 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | [Above CIR Level 1 Weight 1]
| | | Assigned:1000000 Offered:0
| | | Consumed:0
| | |
| | | TotalConsumed:0
| | | OperPIR:max OperCIR:0
| | |
| | | PktByteOffset:add 0*
| | | OnTheWireRates:false
| | | ATMOnTheWireRates:false
| | | LastMileOnTheWireRates:false
| |
Label |
Description |
Legend |
Admin CIR/PIR: Specifies the configured value of CIR/PIR. Assigned CIR/PIR: Specifies the PIR/CIR rate given to a member by that parent level. Offered CIR/PIR: Specifies the offered load on that member. Consumed CIR/PIR: Specifies the amount of scheduler bandwidth used by this member. |
Specifies the PIR rate. |
Specifies the CIR rate. |
S |
Displays the scheduler name. |
Q |
Displays the queue ID and information. |
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [{ingress | egress}]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-stats subscriber)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-stats subscriber
This command displays scheduler statistics information.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing SLA profile string.
- scheduler-name
Specifies an existing scheduler name.
- ingress
Display only the policy displayed on ingress.
- egress
Display only the policy displayed on egress.
- sla-profile-name
Displays information for the specified sla-profile-name.
- spi-sharing-type
Displays subscriber scheduler hierarchy information for sessions with the specified SLA Profile Instance sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Displays subscriber scheduler hierarchy information for sessions with the specified SLA Profile Instance sharing type and sharing identifier. The spi-sharing-id is:
a group id when sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE sharing id when the sharing type is per-PPP or per-IPoE-session
The following output is an example of QoS scheduler-stats subscriber information, and Output fields: QoS scheduler statistics subscriber describes the QoS scheduler-stats subscriber fields.
Output ExampleA:D# show qos scheduler-stats subscriber RoutedCoHost1
Scheduler Stats
Scheduler Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
Ingress Schedulers
gp 0 0
Egress Schedulers
gp 0 0
mb 0 0
mbs 0 0
pb 0 0
pbs 0 0
rb 0 0
rbs 0 0
Label |
Description |
Scheduler |
Displays the scheduler policy name. |
Forwarded Packets |
Displays the number of packets forwarded. |
Forwarded Octet |
Displays the number of octets forwarded. |
subscriber sub-indent-string [egress] [detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>agg-rate subscriber)
Full Context
show qos agg-rate subscriber
This command displays the H-QoS aggregate rate limit per subscriber.
- sub-indent-string
Specifies the subscriber identification string of the subscriber.
- egress
Displays egress SAP customer scheduler stats.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of H-QoS aggregate rate limit per subscriber, and Output fields: H-QoS aggregate rate limit per subscriber describes the H-QoS aggregate rate limit per subscriber fields.
Output Example*A:PE1# show qos agg-rate subscriber "sub1" egress
Aggregate Rate Information - Subscriber sub1
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
| AdminRate : 1000
| OperRate : 0
| Limit Unused Bandwidth : disabled
| OnTheWireRates : false
| LastMileOnTheWireRates : false
|--(Q) : Sub=sub1:basic-sla 1->1/1/1:1->1 (Port 1/1/1)
Label |
Description |
AdminRate |
Displays the configured aggregate rate in the subscriber profile. |
OperRate |
Displays the actual downstream rate. |
Limit Unused Bandwidth |
Indicates whether the limit-unused-bandwidth command is enabled to protect against exceeding the aggregated bandwidth |
OnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates. |
LastMileOnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates for the last mile only. |
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] [base]
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] egress-policer-id egress-policer-id
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] egress-queue-id egress-queue-id
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] ingress-policer-id ingress-policer-id
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] ingress-queue-id ingress-queue-id
[Tree] (monitor>service subscriber)
Full Context
monitor service subscriber
This command monitors statistics for a subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification profile to monitor, up to 32 characters.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- sla-profile-name
Specifies an existing SLA profile. The name can be a maximum of 32 characters long.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display, in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
- base
Monitor base statistics.
- egress-policer-id
Monitors statistics for the policer.
- egress-queue-id
Monitors statistics for this queue.
- ingress-policer-id
Monitors statistics for this policer.
- ingress-queue-id
Monitors statistics for this queue.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber-information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-A# monitor service subscriber nokia_100 sap 1/2/1:101 sla-profile sla_
Monitor statistics for Subscriber nokia_100
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
SLA Profile Instance statistics
Packets Octets
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 94531 30704535
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 7332 2510859
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 87067 28152288
Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. InProf : 880 127660
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 90862 12995616
For. OutProf : 0 0
SLA Profile Instance per Queue statistics
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 2 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 94531 30704535
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 7332 2510859
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 87067 28152288
Ingress Queue 3 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 (Multipoint) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 1
Dro. InProf : 880 127660
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 90862 12995616
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 2
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Queue 3
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
A:Dut-A# monitor service subscriber nokia_100 sap 1/2/1:101 sla-
profile sla_default base rate
Monitor statistics for Subscriber nokia_100
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
SLA Profile Instance statistics
Packets Octets
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 109099 35427060
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 8449 2894798
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 100523 32489663
Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. InProf : 880 127660
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 105578 15104553
For. OutProf : 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
SLA Profile Instance statistics
Packets Octets % Port
Off. HiPrio : 0 0 0.00
Off. LowPrio : 1469 477795 0.38
Off. Uncolor : 0 0 0.00
Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0 0.00
Dro. LowPrio : 119 40691 0.03
For. InProf : 0 0 0.00
For. OutProf : 1349 437350 0.34
Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 1000)
Dro. InProf : 0 0 0.00
Dro. OutProf : 0 0 0.00
For. InProf : 1469 209129 0.16
For. OutProf : 0 0 0.00
A:Dut-A# monitor service subscriber nokia_100 sap 1/2/1:101 sla-
profile sla_ default ingress-queue-id 1
Monitor statistics for Subscriber nokia_100
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Packets Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
A:Dut-A# monitor service subscriber nokia_100 sap 1/2/1:101 sla-profile
sla_default egress-queue-id 1
Monitor statistics for Subscriber nokia_100
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Packets Octets
Egress Queue 1
Dro. InProf : 880 127660
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 164366 23506178
For. OutProf : 0 0
subscriber sub-ident-string [arbiter {root | name}] [ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>arbiter-stats subscriber)
Full Context
monitor qos arbiter-stats subscriber
This command monitors arbiter statistics for a subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification policy name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the name of the policer control policy arbiter.
- root
Specifies the arbiter to which this queue would be feeding.
- ingress
Displays arbiter name statistics applied on the ingress SAP.
- egress
Displays arbiter name statistics applied on the egress SAP.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [ ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [ repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
subscriber sub-ident-string [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name
[Tree] (monitor>qos>scheduler-stats subscriber)
Full Context
monitor qos scheduler-stats subscriber
This command monitors scheduler statistics for a subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies an existing subscriber identification policy name, up to 32 characters.
- scheduler-name
Specifies an existing QoS scheduler policy name, up to 32 characters. Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier level context.
- ingress
Displays scheduler-name statistics applied on the ingress SAP.
- egress
Displays scheduler-name statistics applied on the egress SAP.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- sla-profile-name
Specifies the SLA profile belonging to the subscriber host, up to 32 characters.
subscriber sub-ident-string [arbiter {name | root}] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (clear>qos>arbiter-stats subscriber)
Full Context
clear qos arbiter-stats subscriber
This command clears the arbiter statistics per subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Specifies the subscriber identification policy name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
subscriber id subscriber-id [statistics]
subscriber all [statistics]
[Tree] (clear>subscr-mgmt>host-tracking subscriber)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt host-tracking subscriber
This command clears the host tracking data for a subscriber.
- subscriber-id
Specifies subscriber ID, up to 32 characters.
- all
Clears all host tracking data.
- statistics
Clears statistical host tracking information for the specified subscriber ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subscriber sub-ident-string [arbiter name | root] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (show>qos>arbiter-stats subscriber)
Full Context
show qos arbiter-stats subscriber
This command displays the arbiter statistics per subscriber.
- sub-ident-string
Displays information about the specified subscriber, up to 32 characters for the 7950 XRS and VSR platforms and up to 64 characters for all other platforms.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
subscriber sub-ident-string [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [ingress | egress] [detail] [ port port-id]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer subscriber)
Full Context
show qos policer subscriber
This command displays the policer statistics per port.
- sub-ident-string
Displays information about the specified subscriber, up to 32 characters for the 7950 XRS and VSR platforms and up to 64 characters for all other platforms.
- sla-profile-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (clear>service>id subscriber-hosts)
Full Context
clear service id subscriber-hosts
Commands in this context clear information for a particular subscriber host.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subscriber-hosts [sap sap-id] [ip ip-prefix/prefix-length] [mac ieee-address] [ sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [ app-profile app-profile-name] [wholesaler service-id] [address-origin address-origin] [detail] [ statistics] [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id subscriber-hosts)
Full Context
show service id subscriber-hosts
This command displays subscriber host information.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- ip-prefix/prefix-length
Shows information for the specified IP address and mask.
- ieee-address
Displays information only for the specified 48-bit MAC address. The MAC address can be expressed in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff or aa-bb-cc-dd- ee-ff where aa, bb, cc, dd, ee and ff are hexadecimal numbers.
- sub-profile-name
Displays an existing subscriber profile name to be associated with the static subscriber host. The subscriber profile is configured in the config>subscr-mgmt>sub-profile context.
- sla-profile-name
Displays subscriber host information for hosts with the specified SLA profile name.
- app-profile-name
Specifies an existing SLA app profile name, up to 32 characters.
- service-id
Specifies the ID that uniquely identifies a service.
- address-origin
Specifies an address origin.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- statistics
Displays the HTTP redirect statistics for the host. The redirect statistics are divided into HTTP GET and HTTP response for redirection.
- spi-sharing-type
Displays subscriber host information for hosts with the specified SPI sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Displays subscriber host information for hosts with the specified SPI sharing type and sharing identifier. The SPI group ID is:
a sharing ID when the sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE sharing ID when the sharing type is per-PPP or per-IPoE session
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber host information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C># show service id 3 subscriber-hosts
Subscriber Host table
Sap Subscriber
IP Address
MAC Address PPPoE-SID Origin Fwding State
2/1/5:2 TEACAHEH74
00:80:00:00:00:0a N/A ARP-Host Fwding
[pw-11:11] VIACAHEH74
00:00:11:11:01:02 N/A ARP-Host Fwding
[pw-11:12] pw-11:12
00:00:11:11:01:03 N/A ARP-Host Fwding
[pw-11:13] pw-11:13
00:00:11:11:01:04 N/A ARP-Host Fwding
[pw-22:22] XMACAHEH74
00:00:22:22:01:02 N/A ARP-Host Fwding
[pw-33:33] IUASAHEH74
00:00:33:33:01:02 N/A ARP-Host Fwding
Number of subscriber hosts: 6
A:Dut-A# show service id 100 subscriber-hosts ip
Subscriber Host table
Sap IP Address MAC Address Origin(*) Subscriber
1/2/1:102 00:10:00:00:00:03 -/D/- nokia_100
Number of subscriber hosts : 1
(*) S=Static Host, D=DHCP Lease, N=Non-Sub-Traffic
The following table describes show service-id subscriber hosts output fields:
Label |
Description |
Sap |
The physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition. |
IP Address |
The IP address |
MAC Address |
The MAC address |
The PPPoE-SID of the originating subscriber |
Origin Subscriber |
The ID of the originating subscriber |
Fwding State |
The forwarding state |
Number of subscriber hosts |
The number of subscriber hosts |
[Tree] (show>router>nat subscriber-identification)
Full Context
show router nat subscriber-identification
This command displays the NAT subscriber identification information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subscriber-identification subscriber-string subscriber-string
[Tree] (clear>nat subscriber-identification)
Full Context
clear nat subscriber-identification
This command clears NAT subscriber identification information.
- subscriber-string
Specifies the subscriber identification string, up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear subscriber-mgmt)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt
This command enables the contect to clear subscriber management data.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform subscriber-mgmt)
Full Context
tools perform subscriber-mgmt
This command enables tools to control subscriber management.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (tools>dump subscriber-mgmt)
Full Context
tools dump subscriber-mgmt
Commands in this context display subscriber management resources.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show subscriber-mgmt)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt
Commands in this context display subscriber management statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
subscriber-using [service-id service-id] [ sap-id sap-id] [interface ip-int-name] [ ip ip-address[/mask]] [mac ieee-address] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [ sla-profile sla-profile-name] [app-profile app-profile-name] [ port port-id] [no-inter-dest-id | inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id]
[Tree] (show>service subscriber-using)
Full Context
show service subscriber-using
This command displays selective subscriber information using specific options.
- service-id
Specifies the ID that uniquely identifies a service.
- sap-id
Displays the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- ip-int-name
Shows DHCP statistics on the specified interface.
- port-id
Indicates the SAP or SDP for which this entry contains information.
- ip-address[/mask]
Shows information for the specified IP address and mask.
- ieee-address
Displays information only for the specified 48-bit MAC address. The MAC address can be expressed in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff or aa-bb-cc-dd- ee-ff where aa, bb, cc, dd, ee and ff are hexadecimal numbers.
- sub-profile-name
Displays an existing subscriber profile name to be associated with the static subscriber host. The subscriber profile is configured in the config>subscr-mgmt>sub-profile context.
- sla-profile-name
Specifies an existing SLA profile name.
- app-profile-name
Displays the profile of the specified application.
- intermediate-destination-id
Indicates the intermediate destination identifier received from either the DHCP or RADIUS server, or the local user database.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of selective subscriber information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-A# show service subscriber-using service-id 100
Subscriber Sub Profile
nokia_100 sub_prof100
Matching Subscribers : 1
A:Dut-A# show service subscriber-using
Subscriber Sub Profile
nokia_100 sub_prof100
nokia_110 sub_prof110
nokia_120 sub_prof120
nokia_130 sub_prof130
nokia_80 sub_prof80
nokia_90 sub_prof90
client_PC1 sub_profPC1
static sub_default
Matching Subscribers : 8
Output fields: subscriber using service ID describes subscriber using a specified service ID field descriptions.
Field |
Description |
Subscriber |
The subscriber name |
Sub Profile |
The subscriber profile name |
Matching Subscribers |
The number of subscribers matching the search criteria |
subscription subscription-id [paths]
[Tree] (show>system>telemetry>grpc subscription)
Full Context
show system telemetry grpc subscription
This command displays the active telemetry gRPC subscriptions.
- subscription-id
Specifies the unique subscription ID or number that is assigned by the SR OS gRPC server to each active telemetry subscription.
- paths
Keyword that indicates that the show command output includes all paths with the respective subscription ID information.
The following output is an example of the telemetry gRPC subscription information, and Output fields: telemetry gRPC subscription describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:node-6>show>system>telemetry>grpc# subscription
Telemetry gRPC subscriptions
Id User Mode Port
1 admin stream 49648
No. of gRPC Telemetry subscriptions: 1
A:node-6>show>system>telemetry>grpc# subscription 2
Telemetry gRPC subscription
Subscription-id : 2
User : admin
Destination :
Port : 54309
A:node-6>show>system>telemetry>grpc# subscription 1 paths
Telemetry gRPC subscription
Subscription id : 1
User : admin
Destination :
Port : 49648
Subscription mode : stream
Path : /state/router[router-instance=*]/interface[interface-
Path mode : on-change
Heartbeat interval : 10000 ms
Sample interval : 10000 ms
Finished samples : 1
Deferred samples : 0
Total collection time : 6 ms
Min collection time : 6 ms
Avg collection time : 6 ms
Max collection time : 6 ms
No. of paths : 1
Label |
Description |
Subscription id |
Displays the subscription ID |
User |
Displays name of the user who started the subscription |
Destination |
Displays the destination IP address |
Port |
Displays the destination port |
Subscription mode |
once — Short-lived subscription that transmits a single sample stream — Long-lived subscription that transmits a sample at every interval |
Encoding |
Displays the encoding method used for telemetry notifications: bytes, json, json-ietf, proto |
Notification count |
Displays the notification count |
Context count |
Displays the context count |
Notification bundling |
Display the state of notification bundling. When enabled, additional statistics are displayed. |
Path |
Display the subscribed path |
Path mode |
Displays the path mode: on-change, sample, target-defined |
Heartbeart interval |
Displays the heartbeat interval |
Finished samples |
Displays the number of finished samples |
Deferred samples |
Displays the number of deferred samples |
Total collection time |
Displays the total collection time |
Min collection time |
Displays the minimum collection time |
Avg collection time |
Displays the average collection time |
Max collection time |
Displays the maximum collection time |
No. of paths |
Displays the total number of paths |
subscription subscription-name [destinations | paths | scale-paths]
[Tree] (show>system>telemetry>persistent subscription)
Full Context
show system telemetry persistent subscription
This command displays the active persistent subscriptions.
- subscription-name
Specifies the subscription name, up to 32 characters.
- destinations
Indicates that the output includes all destinations with the respective subscription name.
- paths
Indicates that the output includes all paths with the respective subscription name.
- scale-paths
Indicates that the output includes all scale paths with the respective subscription name.
The following output is an example of persistent subscription fields and Output fields: persistent subscription describes the output fields.
Output Example# show system telemetry persistent subscription
Telemetry persistent subscriptions
Name Admin Oper
miro Disabled Down
No. of persistent Telemetry subscriptions: 1
# show system telemetry persistent subscription miro
Telemetry persistent subscription
Subscription Name : miro
Administrative State : Disabled
Operational State : Down
Oper Down Reason : TODO
Subscription Id : 0
Description :
Sensor Group : miro
Destination Group : miro
Path Mode : none
Sample Interval : 10000 ms
Encoding : json
# show system telemetry persistent subscription miro destinations
Telemetry persistent subscription
Subscription Name : miro
Administrative State : Disabled
Operational State : Down
Oper Down Reason : TODO
Subscription Id : 0
Description :
Sensor Group : miro
Destination Group : miro
Path Mode : none
Sample Interval : 10000 ms
Encoding : json
Destination :
Port : 57400
Operational State : Down
Oper Down Reason : TODO
Router Instance :
Establishment Time : 1970/01/01 00:00:00
Retry Count : 0
Operational Qos : be
Notification Count : 0
Total Notification Co*: 0
No. of destinations : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
# show system telemetry persistent subscription miro paths
Telemetry persistent subscription
Subscription Name : miro
Administrative State : Disabled
Operational State : Down
Oper Down Reason : TODO
Subscription Id : 0
Description :
Sensor Group : miro
Destination Group : miro
Path Mode : none
Sample Interval : 10000 ms
Encoding : json
Path : miro
Finished Samples : 0
Deferred Samples : 0
Total Collection Time : 0 ms
Min Collection Time : 0 ms
Avg Collection Time : 0 ms
Max Collection Time : 0 ms
No. of paths : 1
Label |
Description |
Subscription Name |
Displays the name of the persistent subscription. |
Administrative State |
Enabled — The administrative state of the persistent subscription is enabled. Disabled — The administrative state of the persistent subscription is disabled. |
Operational State |
Up — The operational state of the persistent subscription is up. Down — The operational state of the persistent subscription is down. Transition — The persistent subscription is waiting for the delay-on-boot timer to expire. |
No. of persistent Telemetry subscriptions |
Displays the number of persistent telemetry subscriptions. |
Oper Down Reason |
Displays the reason for the operational down state. |
Subscription Id |
Displays the subscription ID. |
Description |
Displays the description information of the subscription. |
Sensor Group |
Displays the sensor group name. |
Destination Group |
Displays the destination group name. |
Path Mode |
Displays the path mode. |
Sample Interval |
Displays the sample interval. |
Encoding |
json — The encoding method used for telemetry notifications. bytes — The encoding method used for telemetry notifications. |
Destination |
Displays the destination IP address. |
Port |
Displays the destination port. |
Router Instance |
Displays the router instance. |
Establishment Time |
Displays the date and time of the destination establishment. |
Retry Count |
Displays the number of missed TCP keepalive probes before closing a TCP connection. |
Operational Qos |
Displays the QoS marking type. |
Notification Count |
Displays the notification count. |
Total Notification Co* |
Displays the total notification count. |
No. of destinations |
Displays the total number of configured destinations. |
Path |
Displays the path name. |
Finished Samples |
Displays the number of finished samples. |
Deferred Samples |
Displays the number of deferred samples. |
Total Collection Time |
Displays the total collection time. |
Min Collection Time |
Displays the minimum collection time. |
Avg Collection Time |
Displays the average collection time. |
Max Collection Time |
Displays the maximum collection time. |
No. of paths |
Displays the total number of configured paths. |
[Tree] (tools>dump>log subscriptions)
Full Context
tools dump log subscriptions
This command displays the list of CLI logs to which each CLI session is currently subscribed.
The following is an output example.
Output Example===============================================================================
CLI log subscriptions of all CLI sessions
Session ID : 6
Type : console
User : admin
Login time : 19OCT2017 08:24:14
Remote IP address:
Log ID : 1
: 2
: 3
: 4
: 5
: 20
Session ID : 25
Type : telnet
User : admin
Login time : 19OCT2017 08:33:16
Remote IP address:
Log ID : 1
: 2
Output fields: tools dump log subsrciptions describes the output fields.
Label |
Description |
Session ID |
Specifies the session ID. |
Type |
Specifies the type of session (console, telnet, and so on). |
User |
Specifies the name of the user. |
Login time |
Specifies the time the user logged in. |
Remote IP address |
Specifies the originating (client side) IP address of the session. |
Log ID |
Specifies the log ID. |
[Tree] (tools>dump>log subscriptions)
Full Context
tools dump log subscriptions
This command displays the list of active subscriptions for this CLI session only.
The following output is an example of subscriptions information.
Output Example===============================================================================
CLI logs this CLI session is subscribed to
Log Id
No. of subscriptions: 2
Output fields: tools dump log subsrciptions describes subscriptions output fields.
Label |
Description |
No. of subscriptions |
Specifies the number of active subscriptions. |
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp>server summary)
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6>server summary)
Full Context
show router dhcp local-dhcp-server summary
show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server summary
This command displays DHCP or DHCP6 server summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of DHCP summary information.
Output Example*A:SUB-Dut-A# show router dhcp local-dhcp-server dhcpS2 summary
DHCP server dhcpS2 router Base
Admin State : inService
Persistency State : ok
User Data Base : N/A
Use gateway IP address : disabled
Send force-renewals : disabled
Pool name : POOL2
Subnet Free Stable Declined Offered Remove-pending
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16384 0 0 0 0
Totals for pool 16384 0 0 0 0
Totals for server 16384 0 0 0 0
Associations Admin
No associations found
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp local-dhcp-server "d4" summary
DHCP server d4 router 500
Admin State : inService
Operational State : inService
Persistency State : shutdown
User Data Base : N/A
Use gateway IP address : enabled (scope subnet)
Use pool from client : disabled
Send force-renewals : disabled
Creation Origin : manual
Lease Hold Time : 0h0m0s
Lease Hold Time For : N/A
User-ident : mac-circuit-id
Failover Admin State : outOfService
Failover Oper State : shutdown
Failover Persist Key : N/A
Administrative MCLT : 0h10m0s
Operational MCLT : 0h10m0s
Startup wait time : 0h2m0s
Partner down delay : 23h59m59s
Ignore MCLT : disabled
Pool name : v4-1
Failover Admin State : inService
Failover Oper State : normal
Failover Persist Key : N/A
Administrative MCLT : 0h10m0s
Operational MCLT : 0h10m0s
Startup wait time : 0h2m0s
Partner down delay : 23h59m59s
Ignore MCLT : disabled
Subnet Free % Stable Declined Offered Rem-pend Drain
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (L) 10 90% 1 0 0 0 N
(R) N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N
Totals for pool 10 90% 1 0 0 0
Totals for server 10 90% 1 0 0 0
Interface associations
Interface Admin
l1 Up
Local Address Assignment associations
Group interface Admin
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6 summary)
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp summary)
Full Context
show router dhcp6 summary
show router dhcp summary
This command displays the status of the DHCP6 relay and DHCP snooping functions on each interface.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP and DHCP6 summary information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-48>show>router>dhcp# summary
Interface Name Arp Used/ Info Admin
Populate Provided Option State
ccaiesif No 0/0 Keep Down
ccanet6 No 0/0 Keep Down
iesBundle No 0/0 Keep Up
spokeSDP-test No 0/0 Keep Down
test No 0/0 Keep Up
test1 No 0/0 Keep Up
test2 No 0/0 Keep Up
testA No 0/0 Keep Up
testB No 0/0 Keep Up
testIES No 0/0 Keep Up
to-web No 0/0 Keep Up
Interfaces: 11
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp summary
DHCP Summary (Service: 500)
Interface Name Arp Leases Per Interface/ Info Admin
SapId/Sdp Populate Per Sap Limit Option State
g1 No 1/1 Keep Up
sap:1/1/7 1/1
l1 No 0/0 Keep Down
Interfaces: 2
Output fields: DHCP summary describes DHCP summary output field descriptions.
Label |
Description |
Interface Name |
The name of the router interface |
ARP Populate |
ARP populate is enabled or disabled |
Used/Provided |
The number of used and provided DHCP leases |
Info Option |
Option 82 processing is enabled or disabled on the interface |
Admin State |
The administrative state |
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp6 summary
DHCP6 Summary (Service: 500)
Service Interfaces
Interface Name Nbr Used/Max Relay Admin Oper Relay
SapId Resol. Used/Max Server Admin Oper Server
l1 No 0/0 Down Down
0/8000 Down Down
Interfaces: 1
Routed CO Interfaces
Interface Name Used Admin (proxy/relay)
g1 1 Down/Up
sap:1/1/7 1
Interfaces: 1 1
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp6 local-dhcp-server "d6" summary
DHCP server d6 router 500
Admin State : inService
Operational State : inService
Persistency State : shutdown
Use Link Address : enabled (scope subnet)
Use pool from client : disabled
Creation Origin : manual
Lease Hold Time : 0h0m0s
Lease Hold Time For : N/A
User-ident : duid
Interface-id-mapping : disabled
Ignore-rapid-commit : disabled
Allow-lease-query : disabled
Failover Admin State : outOfService
Failover Oper State : shutdown
Failover Persist Key : N/A
Administrative MCLT : 0h10m0s
Operational MCLT : 0h10m0s
Startup wait time : 0h2m0s
Partner down delay : 23h59m59s
Ignore MCLT : disabled
Pool name : v6-1
Failover Admin State : inService
Failover Oper State : preNormal
Failover Persist Key : N/A
Time Left : 0h4m16s before state transition
Administrative MCLT : 0h10m0s
Operational MCLT : 0h10m0s
Startup wait time : 0h2m0s
Partner down delay : 23h59m59s
Ignore MCLT : disabled
Stable Declined Advert Rem-pend Drain
(L) 1 0 0 0 N
(R) 0 0 0 0 N
Totals for pool 1 0 0 0
Totals for server 1 0 0 0
Interface associations
Interface Admin
l1 Up
Local Address Assignment associations
Group interface Admin
Output fields: DHCP6 summary describes DHCP6 summary output fields.
Label |
Description |
Interface Name |
The name of the router interface |
ARP Populate |
ARP populate is enabled or disabled |
Used/Provided |
The number of used and provided DHCP leases |
Info Option |
Option 82 processing enabled or disabled on the interface |
Admin State |
The administrative state |
summary [interface interface-name | saps]
[Tree] (show>service>id>dhcp summary)
Full Context
show service id dhcp summary
This command displays DHCP configuration summary information.
- interface-name
Displays information for the specified IP interface.
- saps
Displays SAPs per interface.
The following output is an example of DHCP summary information, and Output fields: service ID DHCP summary describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-49# show service id 1 dhcp summary
DHCP Summary, service 1
Interface Name Arp Used/ Info Admin
SapId/Sdp Populate Provided Option State
SpokeSDP No 0/0 Keep Up
sdp:spoke-3:4 0/0
test No 0/0 Keep Up
sap:1/1/4:50/5 0/0
to-ce1 No 0/0 Keep Up
sap:1/1/10:1 0/0
Interfaces: 3
Label |
Description |
Sap/Sdp |
The configuration identification, expressed by a string containing "card/mda/port/:logical-id”. |
Snoop |
Yes — The packets received from the DHCP clients were snooped. No — The packets received from the DHCP clients were not snooped. |
Used/Provided |
Used — The number of lease-states that are currently in use on a specific interface, that is, the number of clients on that interface got an IP address by DHCP. This value is always less than or equal to the 'Provided’ field. Provided — The lease-populate value that is configured for a specific interface. |
Arp Reply Agent |
Displays whether or not there is proper handling of received ARP requests from subscribers. |
Info Option |
Keep — The existing information is kept on the packet and the router does not add any additional information. Replace — On ingress, the existing information-option is replaced with the information-option from the router. Drop —The packet is dropped and an error is logged. |
Admin State |
Indicates the administrative state. |
[Tree] (show>service>id>ppp summary)
Full Context
show service id ppp summary
This command displays PPP summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>gtp summary)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt gtp summary
This command displays a GTP system summary of information.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of GTP summary information.
Output ExampleNode# show subscriber-mgmt gtp summary
GTP system summary
Actual number of MME : 1
Actual number of ENODE-B : 1
Actual number of S11 Sessions : 1
Actual number of Mobile Gateways : 0
Actual number of Uplinks : 0
Actual number of Uplinks in Hold : 0
[Tree] (show>service>id>pppoe summary)
Full Context
show service id pppoe summary
This command displays PPPoE summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>service>id>ipoe summary)
Full Context
show service id ipoe summary
This command displays a summary of IPoE information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>service>dynsvc summary)
Full Context
show service dynamic-services summary
This command displays the global configuration summary for dynamic services:
Service range
This command is not available in the MD-CLI.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of dynamic service summary information.
Output Example# show service dynamic-services summary
Dynamic Services Summary
range start : 100000
range end : 200001
setup timeout Access Accept : 30
Output fields: dynamic services summary describes Dynamic Services summary fields.
Output field |
Description |
range start |
The start service ID to define the service range for dynamic services. |
range end |
The start and end service ID to define the service range for dynamic services. |
setup timeout Access Accept |
The timeout, in seconds, after which a script is canceled for setup actions received via RADIUS Access-Accept messages. |
[Tree] (show>service>id>slaac summary)
Full Context
show service id slaac summary
This command displays a summary of all SLAAC hosts.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
summary [sap sap-id]
[Tree] (show>service>id>host-connectivity-verify summary)
Full Context
show service id host-connectivity-verify summary
This command displays a host connectivity verification summary.
- sap-id
Specifies the SAP ID to show statistics for.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
summary [all] [dns]
summary [family family] [ group name] [dns]
summary [family family] [ neighbor ip-address] [dns]
[Tree] (show>router>bgp summary)
Full Context
show router bgp summary
This command displays a summary of BGP neighbor information.
If confederations are not configured, that information is not displayed in the command output.
The "State” field displays the global BGP operational state. The valid values are:
Up — BGP global process is configured and running.
Down — BGP global process is administratively shutdown and not running.
Disabled — BGP global process is operationally disabled. The process must be restarted by the operator. For example, if a BGP peer is operationally disabled, the state in the summary table shows the state 'Disabled’.
- all
Displays BGP peers in all instances.
- family
Specifies the type of routing information to be distributed by the BGP instance.
- name
Specifies the group name up to 32 characters.
- ip-address
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address
- dns
Displays the reverse DNS resolution of BGP neighbor.
The following output is an example of BGP summary information, and Output fields: BGP summary describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:Dut-B>config>router>bgp# show router bgp summary
BGP Router ID: AS:1 Local AS:1
BGP Admin State : Up BGP Oper State : Up
Total Peer Groups : 1 Total Peers : 1
Total VPN Peer Groups : 0 Total VPN Peers : 0
Current Internal Groups : 1 Max Internal Groups : 1
Total BGP Paths : 19 Total Path Memory : 6840
*A:ALA-12# show router 3 bgp summary
BGP Router ID : AS : 65206 Local AS : 65206
BGP Admin State : Up BGP Oper State : Up
Confederation AS : 40000
Member Confederations : 65205 65206 65207 65208
Number of Peer Groups : 2 Number of Peers : 7
Total BGP Active Routes : 86689 Total BGP Routes : 116999
Total BGP Paths : 35860 Total Path Memory : 2749476
Total Supressed Routes : 0 Total History Routes : 0
Total Decayed Routes : 0
BGP Summary
Neighbor AS PktRcvd PktSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State|Recv/Actv/Sent
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65206 5 21849 0 0 00h01m29s 32/0/86683 65206 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active 65206 5 10545 0 50 00h01m29s 6/0/86683 65205 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active 65206 5 9636 0 50 00h01m29s 6/0/86683 2 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active 60203 22512 15 0 0 00h01m29s 116955/86689/9
*A:ALA-12# show router 3 bgp summary dns
BGP Router ID : AS : 65206 Local AS : 65206
BGP Admin State : Up BGP Oper State : Up
Confederation AS : 40000
Member Confederations : 65205 65206 65207 65208
Number of Peer Groups : 2 Number of Peers : 7
Total BGP Active Routes : 86689 Total BGP Routes : 116999
Total BGP Paths : 35860 Total Path Memory : 2749476
Total Supressed Routes : 0 Total History Routes : 0
Total Decayed Routes : 0
BGP Summary
AS PktRcvd PktSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State|Recv/Actv/Sent
65206 5 21849 0 0 00h01m29s 32/0/86683
65206 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active
65206 5 10545 0 50 00h01m29s 6/0/86683
65205 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active
65206 5 9636 0 50 00h01m29s 6/0/86683
2 0 0 0 0 00h01m29s Active
60203 22512 15 0 0 00h01m29s 116955/86689/9
Label |
Description |
BGP Router ID |
The local BGP router ID |
AS |
The configured autonomous system number |
Local AS |
The configured local AS setting, if not configured it is the same as the system AS |
BGP Admin State |
Down — BGP is administratively disabled Up — BGP is administratively enabled |
BGP Oper State |
Down — BGP is operationally disabled Up — BGP is operationally enabled |
Confederation AS |
The configured confederation AS |
Current Internal Groups |
The current number of internal BGP peer groups. BGP peers are grouped within the BGP software to optimize the building of UPDATE messages towards peers with a similar configuration. An internal group is not the same as a configured BGP peer group. |
Max Internal Groups |
The maximum number of internal BGP peer groups that existed at any point since the last restart of BGP. BGP peers are grouped within the BGP software to optimize the building of UPDATE messages towards peers with a similar configuration. An internal group is not the same as a configured BGP peer group. |
Member Confederations |
The configured members of the BGP confederation |
Number of Peer Groups |
The total number of configured BGP peer groups |
Number of Peers |
The total number of configured BGP peers |
Total BGP Active Routes |
The total number of BGP routes used in the forwarding table |
Total BGP Routes |
The total number of BGP routes learned from BGP peers |
Total BGP Paths |
The total number of unique sets of BGP path attributes learned from BGP peers |
Total Path Memory |
Total amount of memory used to store the path attributes |
Total Suppressed Routes |
Total number of suppressed routes due to route damping |
Total History Routes |
Total number of routes with history due to route damping |
Total Decayed Routes |
Total number of decayed routes due to route damping |
Neighbor |
BGP neighbor address |
Name |
DNS name of the BGP neighbor |
AS (Neighbor) |
BGP neighbor autonomous system number |
PktRcvd |
Total number of packets received from the BGP neighbor |
PktSent |
Total number of packets sent to the BGP neighbor |
InQ |
The number of BGP messages to be processed |
OutQ |
The number of BGP messages to be transmitted |
Up/Down |
The amount of time that the BGP neighbor has either been established or not established depending on its current state |
State|Recv/Actv/Sent |
The BGP neighbor’s current state (if not established) or the number of received routes, active routes and sent routes (if established) |
summary [session ip-addr[label-space]] [ ipv4 | ipv6]
[Tree] (show>router>ldp>bindings summary)
Full Context
show router ldp bindings summary
This command displays a summary of LDP bindings.
- session ip-addr[label-space]
Specifies the IP address and label space identifier.
- ipv4
Displays IPv4 summary bindings information.
- ipv6
Displays IPv6 summary bindings information.
[Tree] (show>router>mpls-labels summary)
Full Context
show router mpls-labels summary
This command displays the MPLS label summary.
The following output is an example of MPLS label summary information.
Output fields: MPLS label summary describes MPLS label summary output fields.
Output Example*A:cses-V23>show>router>mpls-labels># show router mpls-labels summary
Mpls-Labels Summary
Static Label Range : 18400
Bgp Labels Hold Timer : 30
Segment Routing Start Label : 0
Segment Routing End Label : 0
Reserved Label Block Name :
test reserved-label
Label |
Description |
Static Label Range |
Displays the static label range. |
Bgp Labels Hold Timer |
Displays the BGP labels hold timer. |
Segment Routing Start Label |
Displays the segment routing start label. |
Segment Routing End Label |
Displays the segment routing end label. |
Reserved Label Block Name |
Displays the reserved label block name. |
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>http-enrich summary)
Full Context
show application-assurance group http-enrich summary
This command displays summarized HTTP enrichment information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>policy summary)
Full Context
show application-assurance group policy summary
This command displays application-assurance policy summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub summary)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub summary
This command displays a summary of statistics for a specific aa-sub.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the summary information.
Output ExampleA:ALU>show>app-assure>group>aa-sub# summary
Application-Assurance Subscriber Summary
AA-Subscriber : TestSubscriberName
ISA assigned : 3/2
App-Profile : Power_Profile
App-Profile divert : Yes
Sub-quarantined : No
Capacity cost : 1
Traffic Octets Packets Flows
Admitted from subscriber: 7092548 52935 2843
Denied from subscriber: 51160 617 374
Active flows from subscriber: 12
Admitted to subscriber: 73705675 73538 1453
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 12
Total flow duration: 12750 seconds
Terminated flows: 4646
Short Duration flows: 4516
Medium Duration flows: 130
Long Duration flows: 0
Top App-Groups Octets Packets Flows
MultiMedia 29060053 29961 138
Tunneling 19659289 33535 164
Web 14856331 19829 932
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group summary)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group summary
This command displays subscriber summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>router>firewall summary)
Full Context
show router firewall summary
This command displays a simple overview of all firewall configurations specific to the routing instance.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of summary firewall information.
Output ExampleNode# show router 4 firewall summary
Firewall policies
Policy : firewall_dhcp6_4
Domain : domain_dhcp6_4
ISA group : 1
Administrative state : in-service
Policy : firewall_slaac_4
Domain : domain_slaac_4
ISA group : 1
Administrative state : in-service
No. of policies: 2
[Tree] (show>router>nat summary)
Full Context
show router nat summary
This command displays the NAT information summary.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of this command.
Output Example*A:SR12_PPPOE>show>router>nat# show router Base nat summary
NAT pools
Pool NAT-group Type Admin-state
privpool 3 largeScale inService
pubpool 1 largeScale inService
No. of pools: 2
The following is an output example showing NAT import policy information.
*A:Dut-C>config>service>vprn>nat>inside# /show router 101 nat summary
ISA NAT group redundancy : active-standby
Subscriber identification
Admin state : outOfService
Attribute vendor : nokia
Attribute type : alc-sub-string
Description : (Not Specified)
Drop unidentified traffic : false
Radius proxy server router : (Not Specified)
Radius proxy server name : (Not Specified)
Last management change : 05/11/2021 11:09:25
NAT Redundancy
Peer : (Not Specified)
IPv6 peer : (Not Specified)
Steering route : (Not Specified)
NAT policies
Policy : n44Pool1-1
Inside router : vprn101
Outside router : vprn601
Pool : n44Pool1
Type : default
Active : true
No. of policies: 1
NAT-Import policies
Policy 1 : policystatment1
Policy 2 : bgpNat3
Policy 3 : (Not Specified)
Policy 4 : (Not Specified)
Policy 5 : (Not Specified)
Destination NAT
Inside source prefix list : (Not Specified)
Outside route limit : 32768
Outside routes : 0
Large Scale NAT destination prefixes
Destination prefix Nat policy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n44Pool1-1
[Tree] (show>grp-encryp summary)
Full Context
show group-encryption summary
This command shows NGE summary information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of NGE summary information, and Output fields: group encryption summary describes the fields.
Output Exampledomain1>show>grp-encryp# summary
Group Encryption
Encryption Label : 34
Encryption Keygroup
Id Name Auth Algo Encr Algo Active OutSA
2 KG1_secure sha256 aes128 6
4 sha256 aes128 0
No. of Encryption Keygroup: 2
Label |
Description |
Group Encryption |
Encryption Label |
The unique network-wide group encryption label |
Encryption Keygroup |
Id |
The key group identifier value |
Name |
The key group name |
Auth Algo |
The authentication algorithm used by the key group |
Encr Algo |
The encryption algorithm used by the key group |
Active OutSA |
The active outbound SA for the key group |
No. of Encryption Keygroup |
The number of encryption key groups currently configured on the node |
[Tree] (show>router>seg-rt>sr-policies summary)
Full Context
show router segment-routing sr-policies summary
This command displays summary information about all policies: BGP, static local, and static non-local.
The following output is an example of policies summary information.
Output Example*A:Dut-A>config>router# show router segment-routing sr-policies summary
SR-Policies Summary
Admin Status : Up
Ingress Stats : N/A Egress Stats : N/A
Resv Label Blk Name:
TTM Preference : 14 BSID Allocated : 0
Static Local Policies : 2 Active Static Lcl Pol : 2
Static Non Local Pol : 0
BGP Policies : 0 Active BGP Policies : 0
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>pfcp summary)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt pfcp summary
This command displays PFCP session and association counters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of PFCP summary information.
Output ExampleA:BNG-UPF# show subscriber-mgmt pfcp summary
PFCP system summary
Actual number of associations : 1
Actual number of PFCP sessions : 2
Actual number of PFCP sessions in setup : 0
Actual number of default tunnels : 1
Actual number of PPP sessions : 1
Actual number of IPOE sessions : 0
[Tree] (show>router>srv6 summary)
Full Context
show router segment-routing-v6 summary
This command displays the summary SRv6 status.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (show>li>x-interfaces summary)
Full Context
show li x-interfaces summary
This command displays a summary of the status of the X1, X2, and X3 interfaces.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (tools>dump>system>cpm-http-redirect summary)
Full Context
tools dump system cpm-http-redirect summary
This command displays the summary of the cpm-http-redirect optimized-mode information for the total number of hosts and connections currently in use. This output can also be used to compare the current system utilization with the maximum system scale.
The following output is an example of the summary information.
Output ExampleA# tools dump system cpm-http-redirect summary
CPM HTTP Redirect summary
Actual number of hosts : 0
Actual number of connections : 0
Number of hosts created in the last second : 0
Number of connections created in the last second : 0
summary [family] [egress-if port-id]
summary [family] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
summary [egress-nh ip-address] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>ldp>bindings>active summary)
Full Context
show router ldp bindings active summary
This command displays a summary of the LDP active bindings.
- ip-address
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- family
Specifies the address family.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
- tunnel-id
Specifies the tunnel ID.
summary-address [ip-address [/prefix-length]] [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>isis summary-address)
Full Context
show router isis summary-address
This command displays IS-IS summary addresses information.
- ip-prefix[/prefix-length]
Displays the summary address information for a certain IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- detail
Keyword to display detailed information.
The following output is an example of summary address information and Output fields: IS-IS summary address describes the IS-IS summary address output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router isis summary-address
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Summary Address
Address Level Tag Algo UPA
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1L2 None 0 Yes L1 None N.A. No L1L2 4294967295 128 No
Summary Addresses : 3
The following output is an example of detailed summary address information and Output fields: IS-IS summary address describes the IS-IS summary address output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router isis summary-address detail
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Summary Address (detail)
Summary Address :
Level : L1L2
Tag : None
Algorithm : 0
Advertise Unreachable : Enabled
Match Route Tag : 1234
Advertise Route Tag : None
Summary Address :
Level : L1
Tag : None
Algorithm : N.A.
Advertise Unreachable : Disabled
Match Route Tag : N.A.
Advertise Route Tag : N.A.
Summary Address :
Level : L1L2
Tag : 4294967295
Algorithm : 128
Advertise Unreachable : Disabled
Match Route Tag : N.A.
Advertise Route Tag : N.A.
Label |
Description |
Address or Summary Address |
Displays the IP address |
Level |
Displays the IS-IS level from which the prefix is summarized |
Tag |
Displays the tag number or displays as None if no tag number exists |
Algo or Algorithm |
Displays the flexible algorithm number if it exists |
Displays if the summary is configured for the originating UPA when suddenly a summary member route disappears |
Advertise Unreachable |
Displays if advertise unreachable is enabled |
Match Route Tag |
When configured, displays the match route tag if it is applicable. When advertise unreachable is enabled, but no route tag is configured, this field displays as None. When advertise unreachable is disabled, this field displays as N.A. |
Advertise Route Tag |
When configured, displays the advertise route tag. When advertise unreachable is enabled, but no route tag is configured this field displays as None. When advertise unreachable is disabled, this field displays as N.A. |
svlan-statistics port port-id all-svlans
svlan-statistics port port-id svlan tag
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt svlan-statistics)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt svlan-statistics
This command displays S-VLAN statistics.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format of the S-VLAN.
- all-svlans
Displays statistics for all S-VLANs on the port.
- svlan
Displays information about the S-VLAN.
- tag
Specifies a valid S-VLAN identifier.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of S-VLAN statistics information.
The collected statistics per outer VLAN tag, including the number of subscriber hosts is captured in the output.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt svlan-statistics port 1/1/2 all-svlans
Subscriber VLAN statistics for port 1/1/2 vlan 51
Ingress Egress
IP packets 5 5
Bytes in IP packets 670 670
Last cleared 12/18/2020 10:03:48
Number of active subscriber hosts : 1
Subscriber VLAN statistics for port 1/1/2 vlan 113
Ingress Egress
IP packets 10 10
Bytes in IP packets 1320 1320
Last cleared 12/18/2020 10:03:48
Number of active subscriber hosts : 2
This counter counts subscriber hosts (represented as individual IP addresses) and not sessions. This is shown in the output of the following commands where there is only one session but two subscriber hosts counted in the VLAN statistics.
*A:Dut-C# show service active-subscribers
Active Subscribers
Subscriber test-1
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:1/1/5:4 - sla:sla_profile
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:00:00:00:00:04 IPoE DHCP 10 Y
00:00:00:00:00:04 IPoE SLAAC 10 Y
Number of active subscribers : 1
*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt svlan-statistics port 1/1/5 all-svlans
Subscriber VLAN statistics for port 1/1/5 vlan 4
Ingress Egress
IP packets 0 0
Bytes in IP packets 0 0
Number of active subscriber hosts : 2
svlan-statistics port port-id all-svlans
svlan-statistics port port-id svlan tag
[Tree] (clear>subscr-mgmt svlan-statistics)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt svlan-statistics
This command clears Subscriber-VLAN statistics.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format of the S-VLAN.
- all-svlans
Clears statistics for all S-VLANs on the port.
- svlan
Clears information associated with the S-VLAN.
- tag
Specifies a valid S-VLAN identifier.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
switch-fabric [exclude-sfm sfm-list]
switch-fabric high-bandwidth-multicast
switch-fabric failure-recovery
[Tree] (show>system switch-fabric)
Full Context
show system switch-fabric
This command displays switch fabric information. When an MDA is not provisioned in an XCM, no information is displayed relating to that MDA. To display the forwarding capacity and multicast planes corresponding to that MDA, regardless of whether an XMA is equipped, an mda-type must be provisioned for that MDA.
- sfm-list
Specifies the SFMs to exclude from the displayed switch fabric information, in the format of a comma separated list of SFM numbers from 1 to 16, depending on the platform.
- high-bandwidth-multicast
Specifies that MDA information about the switch-fabric plane’s high bandwidth multicast traffic tap allocation is displayed.
- failure-recovery
Specifies to display information about the automatic switch fabric recovery process. The SFMs are listed in numerical order and are only shown when the recovery process is in progress or it has completed.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s, 7950 XRS
The following outputs are examples of switch fabric information, and the tables describe the output fields.
Output Example show system switch-fabric; Output fields: switch fabric
Output Example show system switch-fabric exclude-sfm; Output fields: switch fabric
Output Example show system switch-fabric high-bandwidth-multicast; Output fields: switch fabric high bandwidth multicast
Output Example show system switch-fabric failure-recovery (7750 SR); Output fields: switch fabric failure recovery
*A:DUT-A# show system switch-fabric
Switch Fabric
Slot/FP Min. Forwarding Capacity Max. Forwarding Capacity
1/1 100% 100%
1/2 100% 100%
1/5 100% 100%
1/6 100% 100%
3/1 100% 100%
3/5 100% 100%
3/6 100% 100%
5/1 100% 100%
5/2 100% 100%
5/3 100% 100%
5/5 100% 100%
5/6 100% 100%
5/7 100% 100%
5/8 100% 100%
A 100% 100%
B 100% 100%
sfm-loss-threshold: 2
Output fields: switch fabric describes the switch fabric output fields.
Label |
Description |
Slot/FP |
Displays either the FP (uniquely identified by an IOM number and FP number) or a CPM letter. |
Min. Forwarding Capacity |
Displays the minimum forwarding capacity of the slot and XMA/MDA as a percentage. |
Max. Forwarding Capacity |
Displays the maximum forwarding capacity of the slot and XMA/MDA as a percentage. |
Sfm-loss-threshold |
Displays the number of SFMs that are permitted to fail prior to SFM overload. Supported on SR-7s and SR-14s platforms only. |
*B:DUT-A# show system switch-fabric exclude-sfm 1,2,3
Switch Fabric
Slot/FP Min. Forwarding Capacity Max. Forwarding Capacity
1/1 69% 71%
1/2 69% 71%
1/5 100% 100%
1/6 100% 100%
3/1 100% 100%
3/5 69% 69%
3/6 69% 69%
5/1 69% 71%
5/2 69% 71%
5/3 69% 71%
5/5 69% 71%
5/6 69% 71%
5/7 69% 71%
5/8 69% 71%
A 100% 100%
B 100% 100%
sfm-loss-threshold: 2
Output Example show system switch-fabric
*A:PE-1# show system switch-fabric high-bandwidth-multicast
Switch Fabric
Cap: Planes:
Slot/FP Min Max Hbm Grp Hi | Lo
2/1 100% 100% No 0 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 15
5/1 100% 100% No 0 17 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 31
A 100% 100% No 0 40 | 40
B 100% 100% No 0 24 | 24
Output fields: switch fabric high bandwidth multicast describes the switch fabric high-bandwidth multicast output fields.
Label |
Description |
Slot/FP |
Displays either the FP (uniquely identified by an IOM number and FP number) or a CPM letter. |
Cap Min |
Displays the minimum forwarding capacity of the slot and XMA/MDA as a percentage. |
Cap Max |
Displays the maximum forwarding capacity of the slot and XMA/MDA as a percentage. |
Hbm |
Displays high-bandwidth multicast traffic information, which can be used to avoid overlapping planes on FPs that have a lot of multicast ingress traffic. |
Grp |
Displays high-bandwidth multicast groups for each FP. |
Planes Hi | Lo |
Displays plane information. When 2 FPs are in a different group, no plane overlap occurs. |
A:Dut-B# show system switch-fabric failure-recovery
Automatic Switch Fabric Failure Recovery
Admin state : enabled
Oper state : recoveryInProgress
SFM Slot State Time
1 pending 02/11/2021 21:05:45
2 inProgress 02/11/2021 21:05:45
Output fields: switch fabric failure recovery describes the automatic switch fabric recovery process output fields.
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state, enabled or disabled. |
Oper State |
Displays the current operational state:
SFM Slot |
Displays the fabric slot within a chassis in the system. |
State |
Displays the stage of the automatic switch fabric recovery process. |
Time |
Displays the date and time of the stage. |
[Tree] (tools>perform>system switch-fabric)
Full Context
tools perform system switch-fabric
This command performs switch fabric operations.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7, 7750 SR-12e, 7950 XRS
switch-path [lsp lsp-name] [path path-name]
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>mpls switch-path)
Full Context
tools perform router mpls switch-path
Use this command to move from a standby (or an active secondary) to another standby of the same priority. If a new standby path with a higher priority or a primary path comes up after the tools perform command is executed, the path re-evaluation command runs and the path is moved to the path specified by the outcome of the re-evaluation.
- lsp-name
Specifies an existing LSP name, up to 64 characters in length.
- path-name
Specifies the path name to which to move the specified LSP.
sync [peer ip-address]
sync peer ip-address detail
sync [peer ip-address] statistics
[Tree] (show>redundancy>multi-chassis sync)
Full Context
show redundancy multi-chassis sync
This command displays synchronization information.
- ip-address
Shows peer information about the specified IP address.
- detail
Displays detailed peer information.
- statistics
Displays peer statistics.
See the following sections for output example:
The following output is an example of multi-chassis sync information, and Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis sync describes the output fields.
Multi-Chassis Sync Output Example*A:subscr_mgt_2# show redundancy multi-chassis sync
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address :
Description : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication : Disabled
Source IP Address :
Admin State : Enabled
Client Applications : SUBMGMT
Sync Admin State : Up
Sync Oper State : Up
DB Sync State : inSync
Num Entries : 1
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 1
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Label |
Description |
Peer IP Address |
Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer. |
Description |
The text string describing the peer. |
Authentication |
If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer. |
Source IP Address |
Displays the source address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer. |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the peer. |
Client Applications |
Displays the list of client applications synchronized between SRs. |
Sync Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the synchronization. |
Sync Oper State |
Displays the operation state of the synchronization. |
DB Sync State |
Displays the database state of the synchronization. |
Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on local router. |
Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of deleted entries made at the local router. |
Alarm Entries |
Displays the alarm entries on the local router. |
Rem Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on the remote router. |
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of locally deleting entries made by the remote router. |
Rem Alarm Entries |
Displays alarm entries on the remote router. |
The following output is an example of multi-chassis sync peer information, and Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis sync peer describes the output fields.
Redundancy Multi-Chassis Sync Peer Output Example*A:subscr_mgt_2# show redundancy multi-chassis sync peer
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address :
Description : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication : Disabled
Source IP Address :
Admin State : Enabled
Client Applications : SUBMGMT
Sync Admin State : Up
Sync Oper State : Up
DB Sync State : inSync
Num Entries : 1
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 1
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
MCS Application Stats
Application : igmp
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : igmpSnooping
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : subMgmt
Num Entries : 1
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 1
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : srrp
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Label |
Description |
Peer IP Address |
Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer. |
Description |
The text string describing the peer. |
Authentication |
If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer. |
Source IP Address |
Displays the source address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer. |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the peer. |
Client Applications |
Displays the list of client applications synchronized between SRs. |
Sync Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the synchronization. |
Sync Oper State |
Displays the operation state of the synchronization. |
DB Sync State |
Displays the database state of the synchronization. |
Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on local router. |
Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of deleted entries made at the local router. |
Alarm Entries |
Displays the alarm entries on the local router. |
Rem Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on the remote router. |
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of locally deleting entries made by the remote router. |
Rem Alarm Entries |
Displays alarm entries on the remote router. |
The following output is an example of multi-chassis sync detail information, and Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis sync peer detail describes the output fields.
Output Example: Redundancy Multi-Chassis Sync Peer Detail*A:subscr_mgt_2# show redundancy multi-chassis sync peer detail
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address :
Description : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication : Disabled
Source IP Address :
Admin State : Enabled
Client Applications : SUBMGMT
Sync Admin State : Up
Sync Oper State : Up
DB Sync State : inSync
Num Entries : 1
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 1
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
MCS Application Stats
Application : igmp
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : igmpSnooping
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : subMgmt
Num Entries : 1
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 1
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Application : srrp
Num Entries : 0
Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Alarm Entries : 0
Rem Num Entries : 0
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0
Rem Alarm Entries : 0
Ports synced on peer
Port/Encap Tag
lag-1 test123
Label |
Description |
Peer IP Address |
Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer. |
Description |
The text string describing the peer. |
Authentication |
If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer. |
Source IP Address |
Displays the source address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer. |
Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the peer. |
Client Applications |
Displays the list of client applications synchronized between routers. |
Sync Admin State |
Displays the administrative state of the synchronization. |
Sync Oper State |
Displays the operation state of the synchronization. |
DB Sync State |
Displays the database state of the synchronization. |
Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on local router. |
Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of deleted entries made at the local router. |
Alarm Entries |
Displays the alarm entries on the local router. |
Rem Num Entries |
Displays the number of entries on the remote router. |
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries |
Displays the number of locally deleting entries made by the remote router. |
Rem Alarm Entries |
Displays alarm entries on the remote router. |
sync-database [peer ip-address] [ port port-id | lag-id] [ sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [ type type]
[Tree] (tools>dump>redundancy>multi-chassis sync-database)
Full Context
tools dump redundancy multi-chassis sync-database
This command dumps MCS database information.
- ip-address
Specifies the peer’s IP address.
- port-id | lag-id
Indicates the port or LAG ID to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.
- sync-tag
Specifies a synchronization tag to be used while synchronizing this port with the multi-chassis peer.
- application
Specifies a particular multi-chassis peer synchronization protocol application.
- type
Indicates the locally deleted or alarmed deleted entries in the MCS database per multi-chassis peer.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [ application application] [detail] [type type]
sync-database [peer ip-address] [sdp sdp-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [ type type]
[Tree] (tools>dump>redundancy>multi-chassis sync-database)
Full Context
tools dump redundancy multi-chassis sync-database
This command dumps multi-chassis sync database information.
- ip-address
Dumps the specified address of the multi-chassis peer.
- port-id
Dumps the specified port ID of the multi-chassis peer.
- lag-id
Dumps the specified Link Aggregation Group (LAG) on this system.
- sync-tag
Dumps the synchronization tag used while synchronizing this port with the multi-chassis peer up to 32 characters in length.
- application
Dumps the specified application information that was synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- type
Displays information for the specified type.
- sdp-id
Displays information for the specified SDP ID.
The following output is an example of sync database information.
Output ExampleA:Dut-C# tools dump redundancy multi-chassis sync-database application
<ip-address> : a.b.c.d
<port-id|lag-id> : slot/mda/port or lag-<lag-id>
<sync-tag> : [32 chars max]
<application> : dhcp-server - local dhcp server
igmp - internet group management protocol
igmp-snooping - igmp-snooping
mc-ring - multi-chassis ring
mld - multicast listener discovery
mld-snooping - multicast listener discovery-snooping
srrp - simple router redundancy protocol
sub-host-trk - subscriber host tracking
sub-mgmt-ipoe - subscriber management for IPoE
sub-mgmt-pppoe - subscriber management for PPPoE
mc-ipsec - multi-chassis IPsec
<detail> : - displays detailed information
<type> : alarm-deleted|local-deleted|global-deleted|
sync-database peer ip-address all application application
sync-database peer ip-address port { port-id | lag-id} [sync-tag sync-tag] application application
sync-database peer ip-address sdp sdp-id [sync-tag sync-tag] application application
sync-database peer ip-address sync-tag sync-tag application application
[Tree] (clear>redundancy>multi-chassis sync-database)
Full Context
clear redundancy multi-chassis sync-database
This command clears multi-chassis sync database information.
- ip-address
Clears the specified address of the multi-chassis peer.
- port-id
Clears the specified port ID of the multi-chassis peer.
- lag-id
Clears the specified Link Aggregation Group (LAG) on this system.
- all
Clears all ports and synchronization tags.
- sync-tag
Clears the synchronization tag used while synchronizing this port with the multi-chassis peer. The synchronization tag can be up to 32 characters.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP identifier.
- application
Clears the specified application information that was synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.
sync-database-reconcile [peer ip-address] [ port port-id | lag-id [sync-tag sync-tag]] [application application]
sync-database-reconcile [peer ip-address] [ sdp sdp-id [sync-tag sync-tag]] [ application application]
[Tree] (tools>perform>redundancy>multi-chassis sync-database-reconcile)
Full Context
tools perform redundancy multi-chassis sync-database-reconcile
This command provides the parameters to reconcile MCS database entries.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address (in the form of a.b.c.d).
- port-id
Specifies the port ID in the slot/MDA/port format.
- lag-id
Specifies the LAG ID.
- syn-tag
Specifies the syn tag up to 32 characters.
- application
Specifies the application.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP ID.
[Tree] (show>system>satellite>eth-sat sync-if-timing)
Full Context
show system satellite eth-sat sync-if-timing
This command displays synchronous interface timing operational information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of Ethernet satellite synchronous interface timing information where it is the default case of using the first two uplink ports as sources into the satellite. Output fields: system satellite timing describes the fields.
show system satellite eth-sat 1 sync-if-timing
Satellite esat-1 Synchronous Interface Timing Operational Information
System Status : Master Locked
System Quality Level : eec1
Quality Level Selection : Enabled
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : eec1
Qualified For Use : yes
Selected For Use : yes
Source Port : esat-1/1/c33/u1
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : eec1
Qualified For Use : yes
Selected For Use : no
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : esat-1/1/c35/u1
The following output is an example of Ethernet satellite synchronous interface timing information for the case where one of the client ports has been configured as an input reference. Output fields: system satellite timing describes the fields.
show system satellite eth-sat 1 sync-if-timing
Satellite esat-1 Synchronous Interface Timing Operational Information
System Status : Master Locked
System Quality Level : eec1
Quality Level Selection : Enabled
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : eec1
Qualified For Use : yes
Selected For Use : no
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : esat-1/1/c1/1
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : eec1
Qualified For Use : yes
Selected For Use : yes
Source Port : esat-1/1/c35/u1
Label |
Description |
System Status |
Indicates the system status |
System Quality Level |
Indicates the quality level being generated by the system clock |
Quality Level Selection |
Indicates the quality level selection status |
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) |
Indicates the offset that is applied within the central clock to align the local oscillator to the frequency of the selected input reference. The units for this value are parts per million (ppm). This value should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of the frequency accuracy of the output of the central clock. If the central clock is locked to a true Primary Reference Clock or Stratum 1 frequency reference, this value should report a number within the range [-5, +5] ppm. |
Reference Input 1/2 |
Admin Status |
down — Indicates ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively shutdown up — Indicates ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively enabled diag — Indicates the reference has been forced using the force-reference command |
Rx Quality Level |
Indicates the QL value received on the interface
Quality Level Override |
Indicates whether the QL value used to determine the reference was configured directly by the user |
Qualified for Use |
Indicates whether the reference has been qualified to be used as a source of timing for the node |
Not Qualified Due To |
Indicates the reason why the reference has not been qualified |
Selected for Use |
Indicates whether the method is presently selected |
Not Selected Due To |
Indicates the reason why the method is not selected:
Source Port |
Identifies the source port for the reference |
sync-if-timing [cpm-slot]
[Tree] (show>system sync-if-timing)
Full Context
show system sync-if-timing
This command displays synchronous interface timing operational information.
- cpm-slot
Specifies the system CPM slot.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of sync-if-timing information, and Output fields: system timing describes the output fields.
Output ExampleThe following system example shows:
sync-if timing, or
sync-if-timing "A” when the SETS reference on the active CPM-A locks to BITS A, or
sync-if-timing "B” when the SETS reference on the active CPM-B locks to BITS A
The following output applies only to the 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e and 7950 XRS-16/20/40 platforms.
*A:Dut-B# show system sync-if-timing or show system sync-if-timing "A"
System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A : Master Locked
Reference Input Mode : Revertive
Quality Level Selection : Disabled
Reference Selected : BITS A
System Quality Level : prc
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0
Input Minimum Quality Level : st3
Wait to Restore Timer : Disabled
Reference Order : bits ref1 ref2
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 1/1/5
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 3/1/5
Reference BITS A
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : Yes
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
Reference BITS B
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
The following system example shows:
sync-if timing standby, or
sync-if-timing "B” when the SETS reference on the standby CPM-B locks to Mate CPM (BITS A), or
sync-if-timing "A” when the SETS reference on the standby CPM-A locks to Mate CPM (BITS A)
The following output applies only to the 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e and 7950 XRS-16/20/40 platforms.
*A:Dut-B# show system sync-if-timing standby or show system sync-if-timing "B"
System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM B : Master Locked
Reference Input Mode : Revertive
Quality Level Selection : Disabled
Reference Selected : Mate CPM (BITS A)
System Quality Level : prc
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0sync-if-timing "A
Input Minimum Quality Level : st3
Wait to Restore Timer : Disabled
Reference Order : bits ref1 ref2
Reference Mate CPM
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : Yes
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 1/1/5
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 3/1/5
Reference BITS A
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
Reference BITS B
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
The following system example shows:
sync-if timing, or
sync-if-timing "A” when the SETS reference on the active CPM-A locks to BITS B, or
sync-if-timing "B” when the SETS reference on the active CPM-B locks to BITS B
The following output applies only to the 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e and 7950 XRS-16/20/40 platforms.
*A:Dut-B# show system sync-if-timing or show system sync-if-timing "A"
System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A : Master Locked
Reference Input Mode : Non-revertive
Quality Level Selection : Disabled
Reference Selected : BITS B
System Quality Level : prc
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0
Input Minimum Quality Level : st3
Wait to Restore Timer : Disabled
Reference Order : bits ref1 ref2
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 1/1/5
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 3/1/5
Reference BITS A
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : previous failure
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
Reference BITS B
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : Yes
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
The following system example shows:
sync-if timing standby, or
sync-if-timing "B” when the SETS reference on the standby CPM-B locks to Mate CPM (BITS B), or
sync-if-timing "A” when the SETS reference on the standby CPM-A locks to Mate CPM (BITS B)
The following output applies only to the 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e and 7950 XRS-16/20/40 platforms.
*A:Dut-B# show system sync-if-timing standby or show system sync-if-timing "B"
System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM B : Master Locked
Reference Input Mode : Non-revertive
Quality Level Selection : Disabled
Reference Selected : Mate CPM (BITS B)
System Quality Level : prc
Current Frequency Offset (ppm) : +0
Input Minimum Quality Level : st3
Wait to Restore Timer : Disabled
Reference Order : bits ref1 ref2
Reference Mate CPM
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : Yes
Reference Input 1
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 1/1/5
Reference Input 2
Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Source Port : 3/1/5
Reference BITS A
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : previous failure
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
Reference BITS B
Input Admin Status : up
Rx Quality Level : prc
Quality Level Override : none
Qualified For Use : Yes
Selected For Use : No
Not Selected Due To : on standby
Interface Type : E1
Framing : PCM31 CRC
Line Coding : HDB3
SSM Bit : 8
Output Admin Status : up
Output Minimum Quality Level : st2
Output Source : line reference
Output Reference Selected : ref1
Output Squelch : Disabled
Tx Quality Level : prc
Label |
Description |
System Status CPM A/B |
Indicates the present status of the synchronous timing equipment subsystem (SETS). Not Present — Only shown on systems without central clocks Master Freerun — The clock is in free-run because it hasn’t had a qualified input reference to lock to Master Holdover — The clock was locked to an input reference but has lost all qualified input references and is in holdover. Master Locked — The clock is locked to an input reference Acquiring — The clock is training to a qualified input reference. |
Reference Input Mode |
Revertive — Indicates that for a re-validated or a newly validated reference source which has a higher priority than the currently selected reference has reverted to the new reference source. Non-revertive — The clock cannot revert to a higher priority clock if the current clock goes offline. |
Quality Level Selection |
Indicates whether the ql-selection command has been enabled or disabled. If this command is enabled, then the reference is selected first using the QL value, then by the priority reference order. If this command is not enabled, then the reference is selected by the priority reference order. |
Reference Selected |
Indicates which reference has been selected:
System Quality Level |
Indicates the quality level being generated by the system clock. |
Current Frequency Offset |
This value indicates the offset that is applied within the central clock to align the local oscillator to the frequency of the selected input reference. The units for this value are parts per million (ppm). This value should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of the frequency accuracy of the output of the central clock. If the central clock is locked to a true Primary Reference Clock or Stratum 1 frequency reference, this value should report a number within the range [-5, +5] ppm. |
Input Minimum Quality Level |
The configured minimum acceptable QL to consider for use by the central clock. |
Wait to Restore Timer |
The configured timeout to use for the Wait to Restore timer. |
Reference Order |
ref1, ref2, bits — Indicates that the priority order of the timing references. |
Reference Mate CPM |
Data within this block represents the status of the timing reference provided by the Mate CPM. This will be the BITS input from the standby CPM. |
Admin Status |
down — The ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively shutdown. up — The ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively enabled. diag — Indicates the reference has been forced using the force-reference command. |
Quality Level Override |
Indicates whether the QL value used to determine the reference was configured directly by the user. |
Rx Quality Level |
Indicates the QL value received on the interface.
Qualified for Use |
Indicates whether the reference has been qualified to be used as a source of timing for the node. |
Not Qualified Due To |
Indicates the reason why the reference has not been qualified:
Selected for Use |
Indicates whether the method is presently selected. |
Not Selected Due To |
Indicates the reason why the method is not selected:
Source Port |
Identifies the Source port for the reference. |
Interface Type |
The interface type configured for the BITS port. |
Framing |
The framing configured for the BITS port. |
Line Coding |
The line coding configured for the BITS port. |
Line Length |
The line length value of the BITS output. |
Output Admin Status |
down — The BITS output is administratively shutdown. up — The BITS output is administratively enabled. |
Output Minimum Quality Level |
The configured minimum acceptable QL to use for the BITSout signal. |
Output Source |
The source to be used to provide the signal on the BITS output port. line reference — unfiltered recovered line reference. internal clock — filtered node clock output. |
Output Reference Selected |
The reference selected as the source for the BITS output signal (ref1, ref2, or PTP). |
Output Squelch |
Indicates whether the squelch function for BITSout is enabled or disabled. |
TX Quality Level |
QL value for BITS output signal. |
sync-if-timing {ref1 | ref2 | bits | bitsa | bitsb | gnss | gnssa | gnssb | synce | syncea | synceb }
[Tree] (clear>system sync-if-timing)
Full Context
clear system sync-if-timing
This command individually clears (re-enables) a previously failed reference. As long as the reference is one of the valid options, this command is always executed. An inherent behavior enables the revertive mode which causes a reevaluation of all available references.
The timing options may vary depending on the platform because not all options are supported on all platforms.
This command also clears the Wait-to-Restore state of the reference so that it can be selected.
- ref1
Clears the first timing reference.
- ref2
Clears the second timing reference.
- bits
Clears the bits timing reference on the CPM.
- bitsa
Clears the BITS port timing reference of CPM A for redundant systems with a BITS port on each CPM.
- bitsb
Clears the BITS port timing reference of CPM B for redundant systems with a BITS port on each CPM.
- gnss
Clears the GNSS port timing reference. This keyword is only supported on 7750 SR single‑slot FP5 platforms.
- gnssa
Clears the GNSS port timing reference for the CPM in slot A. This keyword is only supported on 7750 SR-2se platforms.
- gnssb
Clears the GNSS port timing reference for the CPM in slot B. This keyword is only supported on 7750 SR-2se platforms.
- synce
Clears the SyncE/1588 port timing reference. This keyword is only supported on single slot systems.
- syncea
Clears the SyncE/1588 port of the CPM A timing reference. This keyword is only supported on platforms supporting redundant CPM.
- synceb
Clears the SyncE/1588 port of the CPM B timing reference. This keyword is only suported on platforms supporting redundant CPM.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sync-if-timing reference
[Tree] (clear>system>satellite>eth-sat sync-if-timing)
Full Context
clear system satellite eth-sat sync-if-timing
This command clears (re-enables) a previously failed reference on the Ethernet satellite.
- reference
Specifies to clear the first or second timing reference.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (show>redundancy synchronization)
Full Context
show redundancy synchronization
This command displays redundancy synchronization times.
The following output is an example of redundancy synchronization information, and Output fields: synchronization describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1>show>redundancy# synchronization
Synchronization Information
Standby Status : disabled
Last Standby Failure : N/A
Standby Up Time : N/A
Failover Time : N/A
Failover Reason : N/A
Boot/Config Sync Mode : None
Boot/Config Sync Status : No synchronization
Last Config File Sync Time : Never
Last Boot Env Sync Time : Never
Label |
Description |
Standby Status |
Displays the status of the standby CPM. |
Last Standby Failure |
Displays the timestamp of the last standby failure. |
Standby Up Time |
Displays the length of time the standby CPM has been up. |
Failover Time |
Displays the timestamp when the last redundancy failover occurred causing a switchover from active to standby CPM. If there is no redundant CPM card in this system or no failover has occurred since the system last booted, the value will be 0. |
Failover Reason |
Displays a text string giving an explanation of the cause of the last redundancy failover. If no failover has occurred, an empty string displays. |
Boot/Config Sync Mode |
Displays the type of synchronization operation to perform between the primary and secondary CPMs after a change has been made to the configuration files or the boot environment information contained in the boot options file (BOF). |
Boot/Config Sync Status |
Displays the results of the last synchronization operation between the primary and secondary CPMs. |
Last Config File Sync Time |
Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the configuration files. |
Last Boot Env Sync Time |
Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the boot environment files. |
syslog [syslog-id]
[Tree] (show>log syslog)
Full Context
show log syslog
This command displays syslog event log destination summary information or detailed information on a specific syslog destination.
- syslog-id
Displays detailed information on the specified syslog event log destination.
The following output is an example of syslog information, and Output fields: log syslog describes the output fields.
Output example: syslog summaryA:node-2# show log syslog
Syslog Target Hosts
Syslog Name
Id Ip Address Port Sev Level
Below Level Drop Facility Prefix
TLS Profile
Sunnyvale Server
1 514 emergency
0 local7 yes
Naperville Server
2 514 info
0 local7 yes
Label |
Description |
Syslog Name |
The syslog name for the syslog destination |
Id |
The syslog ID for the syslog destination |
Ip Address |
The IP address of the syslog target host |
Port |
The configured port number used when sending Syslog messages |
Sev Level |
The Syslog message severity level threshold |
Below Level Drop |
A count of messages not sent to the syslog collector target because the severity level of the message was above the configured severity. The higher the level, the lower the severity. |
Facility |
The facility code for messages sent to the syslog target host |
Prefix |
Yes — A log prefix was prepended to the Syslog message sent to the syslog host No — A log prefix was not prepended to the Syslog message sent to the syslog host |
TLS Profile |
The TLS profile name |
The following output is an example of syslog information, and Output fields: log syslog ID describes the output fields.
Output example: syslog ID 1 summaryA:node-2# show log syslog 1
Syslog target 1 name Sunnyvale Server
IP Address :
Port : 514
Log-ids : none
Prefix : TMNX
Facility : local7
Severity Level : info
Prefix : yes
Below Level Drop : 0
Description : N/A
TLS Profile Name : N/A
HOSTNAME : node-2
TIMESTAMP Format : millisecond
Label |
Description |
IP Address |
The IP address of the syslog target host |
Port |
The configured port number used when sending Syslog messages |
Log-ids |
Events are directed to this destination |
Prefix |
The prefix string prepended to the Syslog message |
Facility |
The facility code for messages sent to the syslog target host |
Severity Level |
The Syslog message severity level threshold |
Prefix |
Yes — A log prefix was prepended to the Syslog message sent to the syslog host No — A log prefix was not prepended to the Syslog message sent to the syslog host |
Below Level Drop |
A count of the messages not sent to the syslog collector target because the severity level of the message was above the configured severity. The higher the level, the lower the severity. |
Description |
The syslog server description |
TLS Profile Name |
The TLS profile name |
A string-based name used for the syslog HOSTNAME field instead of an IP address |
The timestamp format used for the syslog TIMESTAMP field:
[Tree] (show>service>nat syslog)
Full Context
show service nat syslog
This command enters the connect to display NAT syslog information
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
syslog-export-policy name associations
syslog-export-policy name
[Tree] (show>service>nat>syslog syslog-export-policy)
Full Context
show service nat syslog syslog-export-policy
This command displays information about syslog export policies.
- name
Displays information about the specified NAT syslog export policy.
- associations
Displays where the syslog-export-policy is configured.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of syslog export policy information.
Output Example*SR-OS-NODE-1# show service nat syslog syslog-export-policy <name>
NAT syslog policy
Log prefix
Max tx delay (deciseconds)
Rate limit (pps)
Severity level
Last management change
Source IP address
Administrative state
Destination port
IP address
Last management change
The following output is an example of syslog export policy associations.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show service nat syslog syslog-export-policy <name> associations
policies with syslog-export-policy <name>
No. of policies
The following output is an example of syslog-export-policy <name> information.
*A:Dut-C# show service nat nat-policy <name>
NAT Policy policy_lsn_1_3
Description :
Pool :
Router :
Filtering :
Block limit :
Reserved ports :
Port usage High Watermark (%) :
Port usage Low Watermark (%) :
Port forwarding limit :
Port forwarding range end :
Session limit :
Reserved sessions :
Session usage High Watermark (%) :
Session usage Low Watermark (%) :
ALG enabled :
Prioritized forwarding classes :
Timeout TCP established (s) :
Timeout TCP transitory (s) :
Timeout TCP SYN (s) :
Timeout TCP TIME-WAIT (s) :
Timeout TCP RST (s) :
Timeout UDP mapping (s) :
Timeout UDP initial (s) :
Timeout UDP DNS (s) :
Timeout ICMP Query (s) :
Timeout SIP Inactive Media (s) :
Subscriber retention (s) :
UDP inbound refresh :
TCP MSS Adjust :
Destination NAT classifier :
Destination-NAT-only router :
Destination-NAT-only ISA NAT group :
IPFIX export policy :
Syslog export policy syslog-export-policy associated with this nat-policy
Reset unknown TCP :
L2 outside :
Last Mgmt Change :
The following output is an example of syslog-export-policy information.
*A:Dut-C>show>service>nat>syslog# syslog-export-policy
Syslog export policies
Syslog export policy
Description description of each syslog-export-policy
No. of syslog export policies:
Output fields: syslog export policy displays syslog export policy field descriptions.
Field |
Description |
Description |
Displays the description for the syslog export policy. |
Facility |
Displays information about the facility. Valid values: kernel, user, mail, systemd, auth, syslogd, printer, netnews, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, logaudit, logalert, cron2, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7 |
Log prefix |
Displays information about the log prefix. |
Max tx delay (deciseconds) |
Displays the time waited to aggregate multiple events info a single log message (event aggregation). |
Displays information about the IP MTU of the syslog frame. |
Rate limit (pps) |
Displays the rate limit imposed on syslog frames sent toward the collector. |
Severity level |
Displays the syslog severity level. Valid values: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug |
Includes |
Displays the optional fields related to the flow that can be included in the flow log message. |
Last management change |
Displays the time and date of the last configuration change. |
Router |
Displays the routing instance from which the collector is reachable. |
Source IP address |
Displays the source IP address of the syslog frame. |
Administrative state |
Displays the administrative state of the collector. |
Destination port |
Displays the destination port of the collector. |
IP address |
Displays the IP address of the collector. |
Syslog export policy |
Displays the syslog export policy associated with this NAT policy. |
No. of syslog export policies |
Displays the number of syslog export policies configured in the system. |
[Tree] (show system)
Full Context
show system
Commands in this context display system information.
[Tree] (tools>perform system)
Full Context
tools perform system
This command is a tool for controlling the system.
[Tree] (show>service system)
Full Context
show service system
Commands in this context display service system information.
system [all]
[Tree] (tools>dump>resource-usage system)
Full Context
tools dump resource-usage system
This command displays resource information for resources that are managed at the system level.
- all
Displays all system resource usage information, as well as resource usage information for all cards, FPs, and MDAs in the system.
The following output is an example of system information.
Output Example*A:PE# tools dump resource-usage system
Resource Usage Information for System
Total Allocated Free
SAP Ingress QoS Policies | 3071 1 3070
SAP Egress QoS Policies | 3071 2 3069
Ingress Queue-Group Templates | 2047 4 2043
Egress Queue-Group Templates | 2047 5 2042
Egress Port Queue-Group Instances | 163839 4 163835
Ingress FP Queue-Group Instances | 16383 0 16383
Fast Depth Monitored Queues | 50000 25 49975
Egress Port VPort | 40959 1 40958
[Tree] (clear system)
Full Context
clear system
This command allows an operator to clear system information.
[Tree] (tools>dump system)
Full Context
tools dump system
Commands in this context dump tools for system.
[Tree] (tools>dump>service system)
Full Context
tools dump service system
Commands in this context dump service system information.
system status
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>status system)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt status system
This command displays subscriber management status information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management system status information.
Output Example*B:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt status system
Subscriber Management System Status
Chassis 1
Memory usage high : No
DHCP message processing overload : No
Statistics usage high : No
Number of subscribers using statistics : 0
Data-trigger statistics
Packets received : 0
Packets dropped : 0
Packets in queue (actual) : 0
Packets in queue (peak) : 1
Bridged Residential Gateway statistics
BRG initialized : 0
BRG operational : 0
BRG in connectivity verification : 0
BRG on hold : 0
BRG authenticated by proxy : 0
Subscriber VLAN statistics resources
Administrative state : in-service
Number of entries : 2
Interface statistics resources
Administrative state sub-if : in-service
Number of sub-if stats entries : 1
Administrative state grp-if : in-service
Number of grp-if stats entries : 2
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm system-config)
Full Context
show eth-cfm system-config
This command shows various ETH-CFM system-level configuration parameters under the config> eth-cfm [{redundancy | slm | system}] hierarchies and various system capabilities.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of ETH-CFM system-level configuration information.
Output Exampleshow eth-cfm system-config
CFM System Configuration
MC-LAG Standby MEP Shutdown: false
MC-LAG Hold-Timer : 1 second(s)
Synthetic Loss Measurement
Inactivity Timer : 100 second(s)
ETH-CCM Grace-Period
Transmit Enabled : true
Sender ID Information
ChassisID Subtype : chassisComponent
MD Auto-Id Range Information
md-index start : 3294967295
md-index end : 4294967295
ma-index start : 3294967295
ma-index end : 4294967295
Name-based display : false
ETH-CFM System Configuration Limits
Component Current Usage System Limit
Maintenance Domain (MD) 2 25000
Maintenance Association (MA) 2 25000
Extended MA (up to 400 MEPs) 0 10
Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) 2 25000
One-second MEP 1 10000
Sub-second MEP 0 7000
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) 0 25000
Client Signal Fail (CSF) 0 25000
Primary Vlan Ingress MP 0 19999
Primary Vlan Egress MP 0 19999
LMM Stats Enabled 0 8000
LBM Concurrent Tests 0 1000
Multicast LB Tests 0 10
LTM Concurrent Tests 0 100
MD Auto-Id Range Information
md-index start : 3000000000
md-index end : 4000000000
ma-index start : 3000000000
ma-index end : 4000000000
ETH-CFM System Configuration Limits
Component Current Usage System Limit
Maintenance Domain (MD) 9 25000
Maintenance Association (MA) 26 25000
Extended MA (up to 400 MEPs) 0 10
Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) 18 25000
One-second MEP 16 5000
Sub-second MEP 0 5000
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) 2 25000
Client Signal Fail (CSF) 0 25000
Primary Vlan Ingress MP 3 19999
Primary Vlan Egress MP 3 19999
LMM Stats Enabled 1 8000
LBM Concurrent Tests 0 100
Multicast LB Tests 0 10
LTM Concurrent Tests 0 100
system-filter [chained-to]
[Tree] (show>filter system-filter)
Full Context
show filter system-filter
This command shows system filter information.
- chained-to
Displays filters that chain to a given system filter.
No Parameters Specified — When no parameters are specified, the output is grouped for IPv4 and IPv6, and displays information about the active system filter and all filters with scope system.
The following output is an example of system filter information when no parameters are specified.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>show>filter# system-filter
IP system filters
Filter-Id Active
100 Yes
65535 No
No. of IP system filters (total / active): 2 / 1
IPv6 system filters
Filter-Id Active
No Matching Entries
No. of IPv6 system filters (total / active): 0 / 0
With chained-to Option Specified — The following output is an example of system filter information when the chained-to option is specified.
*A:Dut-C>show>filter# system-filter chained-to
IP filters that chain to the active IP system filter
3 4 5 6
5:23 6:24
No. of IP filters that chain to the active IP system filter: 6
IPv6 filters that chain to the active IPv6 system filter
No Matching Entries
No. of IPv6 filters that chain to the active IPv6 system filter: 0
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm system-info)
Full Context
show eth-cfm system-info
This command displays system-level ETH-CFM information states.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of system-level ETH-CFM information.
Output Exampleshow eth-cfm system-info
CFM System State Information
ETH-CCM Grace-Period : Inactive
system-statistics data-trigger
[Tree] (clear>subscr-mgmt system-statistics)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt system-statistics
This command clears subscriber statistics at the system level.
- data-trigger
Clears data trigger statistics for all data trigger enabled SAPs in the system.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>nat system-statistics)
Full Context
clear nat system-statistics
This command clears NAT statistics at the system level.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR