c Commands
ca-profile name [association]
[Tree] (show>certificate ca-profile)
Full Context
show certificate ca-profile
This command shows certificate-authority profile information.
- name
Specifies the name of the Certificate Authority (CA) profile.
- association
Displays associated CA profiles.
cache [peer ip-address] [group ip-address] [source ip-address] [originrp ip-address]
[Tree] (clear>router>msdp cache)
Full Context
clear router msdp cache
This command clears the MSDP cache.
- peer ip-address
Clears the cache of the IP address of the peer to which MSDP source-active (SA) requests for groups matching this entry's group range were sent.
- group ip-address
Clears the group IP address of the SA entry.
- source ip-address
Clears the source IP address of the SA entry.
- originrp ip-address
Clears the origin rendezvous point (RP) address type of the SA entry.
cache aggregate {src-dst-proto | src-dst-proto-port} family {ipv4 | ipv6}
cache all family {ipv4 | ipv6}
[Tree] (tools>dump>cflowd cache)
Full Context
tools dump cflowd cache
This command displays the contents of the cflowd active cache. This information can be displayed either in raw form where every flow entry is displayed or in an aggregated form.
Output fields: tools dump cflowd cache describes the cflowd cache output fields.
Label |
Description |
Proto/Protocol |
Displays the IPv4 or IPv6 protocol type |
Source Address/Src-IP |
Displays the source IP address of the flow (IPv4 or IPv6) |
Destination Address/Dst-IP |
Displays the destination IP address of the flow (IPv4 or IPv6) |
Intf/Ingr |
Displays the ingress interface associated with the sampled flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
Intf/Egr |
Displays the egress interface associated with the sampled flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
S-Port |
Displays the source protocol port number |
D-Port |
Displays the destination protocol port number |
Pkt-Cnt |
Displays the total number of packets sampled for the associated flow |
Byte-Cnt |
Displays the total number of bytes of traffic sampled for the associated flow |
Start-Time |
Displays the system time when the first packet was sampled for the associated flow |
Flags |
Displays the IP flag value from the sampled IP flow header (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
ToS |
Displays the ToS byte values from the sampled IP flow header (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
(Src) Mask |
Displays the IP route mask for the route to the flow source IP address associated with the flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
(Dst) Mask |
Displays the IP route mask for the route to the flow destination IP address associated with the flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
(Src) AS |
Displays the ASN associated with the route to the flow source IP address associated with the flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
(Dst) AS |
Displays the ASN associated with the route to the flow destination IP address associated with the flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
vRtr-ID |
Displays the Virtual Router ID associated with the reported IP flow (only displayed with the raw (all) output) |
- aggregate
Displays the aggregated active cache flow data.
- family
Specifies which IP address family flow data should be displayed.
- all
Displays the raw active cache flow data with no aggregation.
cache-contents [isa mda-id/esa-vm-id] url file-url
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group>ipassist cache-contents)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group ip-identification-assist cache-contents
This command dumps the cache contents generated by the IP identification assist feature into a local or remote destination.
- isa mda-id
Specifies the slot and MDA of the ISA in the format slot/mda.
- isa esa-vm-id
Specifies the ESA and ESA VM in the format esa-esa-id/vm-id.
- url file-url
- Specifies a local or remote destination to which the cache content output is directed.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
Use the following command to direct the cache contents generated by the IP identification assist feature to a remote destination.
tools dump application-assurance group 1 ip-identification-assist cache-contents isa 1/1 url ftp://exuser:expassword@
Application-Assurance Group 1 ip-identification-assist cache contents
Writing to file ftp://exuser:expassword@ ...
File closed
-rw-r--r-- 1 exuser exuser 16553 Aug 24 09:22 sample-cache_1_1.ip-ident-assist-cach
Use the following command to dump information stored in the cache related to the IP identification assist feature for top applications.
tools dump application-assurance group "1" ip-identification-assist cache-contents isa "1/1"
Application-Assurance Group 1 ip-identification-assist cache contents
isa 1/1
Entry IP Address Application Parent Application Status Num IP Matches Num Updates Create Time Last Update Time Last Match Time
---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
1 "Application1" "ParentApplication1" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
2 "Application2" "ParentApplication2" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
3 "Application3" "ParentApplication3" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
150 "Application4" "ParentApplication1" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "N/A"
Total entries in-use: 150
Use the following command to dump detailed information stored in the cache related to the IP identification assist feature for top applications.
tools dump application-assurance group "1" ip-identification-assist cache-contents detail isa "1/1"
Output Example
Application-Assurance Group 1 ip-identification-assist cache contents
isa 1/1
Entry IP Address Application Parent Application Status Num IP Matches Num Updates Create Time Last Update Time Last Match Time
---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
1 "Application1" "ParentApplication1" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Dns Snoop Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Positive App Id "N/A" 0 0 "N/A" "N/A" "N/A"
2 "Application2" "ParentApplication2" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Dns Snoop Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Positive App Id "N/A" 0 0 "N/A" "N/A" "N/A"
3 "Application3" "ParentApplication3" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Dns Snoop Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "06/13/2023 14:29:10" "N/A"
Positive App Id "N/A" 0 0 "N/A" "N/A" "N/A"
150 "Application4" "ParentApplication1" Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "N/A"
Dns Snoop Active-Application 0 0 "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "06/13/2023 14:29:11" "N/A"
Positive App Id "N/A" 0 0 "N/A" "N/A" "N/A"
Total entries in-use: 150
calculate-maps router router-instance subscriber-type nat-sub-type prefix ip-prefix/length
[Tree] (tools>perform>nat>deterministic calculate-maps)
Full Context
tools perform nat deterministic calculate-maps
This command allows the operator to reveal the auto-mappings before they are created in the system, while the inside prefix is still out of service (in a shutdown administrative state). Based on the auto-mapping results, the user can decide to use the auto-mapping and operationalize the prefix (no shutdown command), or to use custom mappings.
The inside IP addresses for deterministic subscribers and for 1:1 protocol agnostic subscribers can be mapped to outside IP addresses in the following ways:
Automatically by the system. By enabling the deterministic prefix (no shutdown command), the system will automatically create map commands and sequentially map subscribers into outside IP address space.
Manually by the operator by configuring the map commands. This gives the operator control over mappings beyond the sequential auto-mapping.
- router-instance
Specifies the inside router name or VPRN service instance where the deterministic prefix resides.
- nat-sub-type
Specifies the NAT subscriber type.
- ip-prefix/length
Specifies the inside prefix containing IP addresses for which mapping is sought. The IP prefix is IPv4 family type for classic LSN subscriber and IPv6 family type for a DS-Lite subscriber.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show call-trace)
Full Context
show call-trace
Commands in this context display information related to the call-trace module.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear call-trace)
Full Context
clear call-trace
This command clears call trace jobs.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
cam-utilization [card slot-number]
[Tree] (tools>dump>filter cam-utilization)
Full Context
tools dump filter cam-utilization
This command, when used without parameters, specifies the utilization per CAM table for line card ACL filters per FP for FP4- and FP5-based cards in the system. Optionally, the card number can be provided as a parameter to limit the output to a single card.
- slot-number
Specifies the IOM slot number.
The following output is an example of CAM utilization information for filters.
Output Example*A:7750# tools dump filter cam-utilization
Filter Cam Utilization
Slot FP Dir Type Cam Utilization %
2 1 Ing ip-mac 0
2 1 Egr ip-mac 100
2 1 Ing ipv6 0
2 1 Egr ipv6 0
[Tree] (show>system candidate)
Full Context
show system candidate
This command shows classic CLI candidate configuration information.
This command is not available in the MD-CLI. Use the MD-CLI info command in a configuration region.
The following output is an example of candidate information, and Output fields: candidate describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:bksim3107# show system candidate
Candidate Config Information
Candidate configuration state : modified
Num editors/viewers : 0
Candidate cfg exclusive locked : no
Last commit state : revert-failed
Last commit time : 10/23/2012 17:21:47
Checkpoint created with last commit : yes
Scheduled revert time : N/A
Last commit revert time : 10/23/2012 17:22:47
Users in edit-cfg mode
Username Type (from)
admin Console
Joris Telnet (
Label |
Description |
Candidate configuration state |
• empty — indicates there are no uncommitted changes in the candidate config • modified — indicates there are uncommitted changes in the candidate config • unconfirmed — indicates there are no uncommitted changes in the candidate config but the result of the last commit will be auto-reverted unless it is confirmed before the timeout expires |
Num editors/viewers |
Displays the number of CLI sessions currently in edit-cfg mode |
Candidate cfg exclusive locked |
Indicates if a user has exclusively locked the candidate using the candidate edit exclusive command |
Last commit state |
• none — indicates there have been no commits since the last reboot of the node • in-progress — indicates the system is currently committing the candidate config • success — indicates the last commit finished successfully • revert-pending — indicates the last commit finished successfully but has not been confirmed yet, and will be auto-reverted if it is not confirmed before the timeout expires • failed — indicates the last commit failed and has been undone • revert-in-progress — indicates the last commit finished successfully but was not confirmed in time and is currently being reverted • reverted — indicates the last commit finished successfully but was not confirmed in time and has been reverted • revert-failed — indicates the last commit finished successfully but was not confirmed in time and the system attempted to revert it but failed |
Last commit time |
Displays the time at which the last commit attempt was started |
Checkpoint created with last commit |
Indicates if a rollback checkpoint was created after the previous commit completed |
Scheduled revert time |
Indicates the currently scheduled auto-revert time based on the confirmed option being used with a candidate commit |
Last commit revert time |
Displays the time the commit was last reverted |
Users in edit-cfg mode |
Lists all the user sessions that are currently in edit-cfg mode |
Type (from) |
Indicates the type of session (such as Console, Telnet, and so on) and also the source of the session (such as the source IP address of the remote host) |
capabilities [system-id | lsp-id] [level level]
[Tree] (show>router>isis capabilities)
Full Context
show router isis capabilities
This command displays the IS-IS capability information.
- system-id
Only the LSPs related to the specified system-id are listed.
- lsp-id
Only the specified LSP is listed.
- level
Specifies the interface level (1, 2, or 1 and 2).
The following output is an example of IS-IS capability information, and Output fields: IS-IS capabilities describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-B# show router isis 0 capabilities
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Capabilities
Displaying Level 1 capabilities
LSP ID : Dut-B.00-00
Router Cap :, D:0, S:0
TE Node Cap : B E M P
SR Cap: IPv4 MPLS-IPv6
SRGB Base:20000, Range:10001
SR Alg: metric based SPF, 128
Node MSD Cap: BMI : 12 ERLD : 15
FAD Sub-Tlv:
Flex-Algorithm : 128
Metric-Type : delay
Calculation-Type : 0
Priority : 100
Flags: M
LSP ID : Dut-D.00-00
Router Cap :, D:0, S:0
TE Node Cap : B E M P
SR Cap: IPv4 MPLS-IPv6
SRGB Base:20000, Range:10001
SR Alg: metric based SPF, 128
Node MSD Cap: BMI : 12 ERLD : 15
FAD Sub-Tlv:
Flex-Algorithm : 128
Metric-Type : delay
Calculation-Type : 0
Priority : 50
Flags: M
Level (1) Capability Count : 2
Displaying Level 2 capabilities
LSP ID : Dut-A.00-00
Router Cap :, D:0, S:0
TE Node Cap : B E M P
SR Cap: IPv4 MPLS-IPv6
SRGB Base:20000, Range:10001
SR Alg: metric based SPF, 128
Node MSD Cap: BMI : 12 ERLD : 15
LSP ID : Dut-B.00-00
Router Cap :, D:0, S:0
TE Node Cap : B E M P
SR Cap: IPv4 MPLS-IPv6
SRGB Base:20000, Range:10001
SR Alg: metric based SPF, 128
Node MSD Cap: BMI : 12 ERLD : 15
FAD Sub-Tlv:
Flex-Algorithm : 128
Metric-Type : delay
Calculation-Type : 0
Priority : 100
Flags: M
LSP ID : Dut-C.00-00
Router Cap :, D:0, S:0
TE Node Cap : B E M P
SR Cap: IPv4 MPLS-IPv6
SRGB Base:20000, Range:10001
SR Alg: metric based SPF, 128
Node MSD Cap: BMI : 12 ERLD : 15
Level (2) Capability Count : 3
Label |
Description |
Flex-Algorithm |
The flexible algorithm number |
Priority |
Displays the FAD priority; It is the tiebreaker when multiple FADs are received |
Metric Type |
The metric used by the winning FAD igp — the IGP metric is used te-metric — the TE metric is used delay — the delay metric is used |
Calculation Type |
Displays the calculation type; for SPF a zero value is only defined |
Flags |
Displays the FAD Flags; the M-flag is used for inter-area; when set, the metric must be used for inter-area traffic to avoid loops and blackhole traffic on ABR/ASBR |
capabilities [router-id]
[Tree] (show>router>ospf capabilities)
[Tree] (show>router>ospf3 capabilities)
Full Context
show router ospf capabilities
show router ospf3 capabilities
This command displays the entries in the Router Information (RI) LSAs.
- router-id
Lists only the LSAs related to that router ID. If no router-id is specified, all database entries are listed.
OSPF Capabilities Output
The following table describes the standard and detailed command output fields for OSPF capabilities.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show router ospf capabilities
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Capabilities
scope Router Id Capabilities
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 22000 range 1001
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 23030 range 71
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 24000 range 1001
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 25000 range 1001
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 21000 range 1001
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 22000 range 1001
Area 0x14: Stub P2P-VLAN
SR Algorithm: IGP-metric-based-SPF
SR Label Range: start label 23030 range 71
No. of LSAs: 7
capture-sap [statistics] sap-id
[Tree] (show>service>id>dynsvc capture-sap)
Full Context
show service id dynamic-services capture-sap
This command displays the status and statistics of a dynamic services capture. Statistics include counters for the number of data triggers received and data trigger drop reasons.
This command is not available in the MD-CLI.
- sap-id
Specifies the dynamic services capture SAP.
- statistics
Displays data trigger receive and drop reason counters for this dynamic services capture SAP.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of capture SAP information.
Output Example# show service id 10 dynamic-services capture-sap 1/1/1:10.*
Dynamic Services Capture SAP 1/1/1:10.*
Dynamic services policy : dyn-svc-1
Administrative state : in-service
Last Mgmt Change : 01/20/2016 12:54:06
# show service id 10 dynamic-services capture-sap 1/1/1:10.* statistics
Dynamic Services Capture SAP 1/1/1:10.* Statistics
Data packets received by SAP : 0
Drop Reason Counters
No policy configured at capture SAP level : 0
No authentication configured in policy : 0
Data-trigger already exists : 0
Lockout is active : 0
Reached data-trigger system limit : 0
No memory available : 0
Unsuccessful authentication : 0
No data-trigger SAP-id in authentication : 0
Corresponding dynamic SAP is not created : 0
Output fields: capture SAP describes the Capture SAP policy fields.
Counter |
Description |
Data packets received by SAP |
The number of dynamic service data triggers received on the capture SAP that reached the CPM. |
No policy configured at capture SAP level |
There is no dynamic-services-policy configured at the capture SAP. This is required to determine the authentication destination. |
No authentication configured in policy |
The authentication section in the specified in dynamic services policy is missing or incomplete. |
Data-trigger already exists |
A new data trigger frame is received for an existing data trigger that is authenticated, but the corresponding dynamic SAP is not yet created. The new data trigger packet is dropped. |
Lockout is active |
The data trigger for this managed SAP is currently in a lockout state due to previous authentication failures. |
Reached data-trigger system limit |
The maximum number of dynamic service data triggers supported on the system is reached. Additional data triggers are dropped. |
No memory available |
There is not enough system memory available to process the data trigger. |
Unsuccessful authentication |
The authentication for a data trigger on this capture SAP failed or timed out. |
No data-trigger SAP-id in authentication |
The dynamic services data trigger SAP ID is not provided in authentication. This is a mandatory parameter. |
Corresponding dynamic SAP is not created |
The data trigger successfully authenticated but the corresponding dynamic SAP was not created. This is typically caused by a dynamic services script error. |
capture-sap [statistics] sap-id
[Tree] (clear>service>id>dynsvc capture-sap)
Full Context
clear service id dynamic-services capture-sap
This command clears the dynamic services capture SAP control plane statistics (data triggers received and data trigger drop reason counters).
- statistics
Clears the data trigger statistics for a capture SAP.
- sap-id
Specifies the dynamic services capture SAP.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
card slot-number cpu [sample-period seconds]
card slot-number fp fp-number dist-cpu-protection
card slot-number fp fp-number [tap tap-number] ingress per-egress-fp-stats
card slot-number fp fp-number [tap tap-number] egress per-ingress-fp-stats
card slot-number fp fp-number policy-accounting
card slot-number memory-pools
card state
card [slot-number]
card [slot-number] detail
card slot-number fp fp-number fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress queue-group mode {access | network}
card slot-number [detail] fp fp-number ingress queue-group queue-group-name instance [instance-number] mode {access | network} [ statistics]
[Tree] (show card)
Full Context
show card
This command displays card information.
If no command line parameters are specified, a card summary for all cards is displayed.
- slot-number
Displays information for the specified card slot.
- cpu
Displays CPU utilization.
- seconds
Displays the number of seconds over which to sample CPU task utilization.
- fp-number
Displays information for the specified forwarding plane.
- dist-cpu-protection
Displays the distributed CPU protection information.
- policy-accounting
Displays the policy accounting information.
- memory-pools
Displays the memory pools for the card.
- state
Displays provisioned and equipped card and MDA information.
- detail
Displays detailed card information.
- fwd-engine
Displays forwarding engine information.
- drop-reason
Displays drop reason information.
- statistics
Displays statistics information.
- ingress
Specifies statistics are ingress related.
- egress
Specifies statistics are egress related.
- tap-number
Displays the source TAP number.
- per-egress-fp-stats
Displays packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic sent from the specified FP to each destination FP. Only supported on 7750 SR-1 and 7750 SR-s platforms.
- per-ingress-fp-stats
Displays packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic received by the specified FP from each source FP. Only supported on 7750 SR-1 and 7750 SR-s platforms.
- queue-group
Displays queue group information.
- mode
Specifies the mode in which the card will operate.
- access
Displays information for the queue groups related to access mode.
- network
Displays information for the queue groups related to network mode.
The following outputs are examples of card information, and the associated tables describe the output fields:
Output Example: show card state (showing 7750 SR-12 Chassis)
Output Example: show card state (showing 7750 SR-14s Chassis)
Output Example: show card state (showing 7450 ESS-12 Chassis)
Output Example: show card state (showing a 7950 XRS Chassis)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing IOM5-e Card)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing XCM-20 Card)
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> detail (for an IOM or XCM Card)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing CPM5 Cards)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing CPM-x20 Cards)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing IOM with license detail)
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> detail (showing IOM with license level)
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
Output Fields: show card<slot-number> fp fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number> ingress per-egress-fp-stats
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number> ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap <tap-number>
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number> egress per-ingress-fp-stats
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number> ingress per-egress-fp-stats
*A:Dut-A# show card
Card Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
6 iom4-e up up
7 iom4-e up up
8 iom4-e-hs up up
9 iom4-e up up
A cpm5 up up/active
B cpm5 up up/standby
Output Example: show card (showing the 7950 XRS-40)
A:Dut-A# show card
Card Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 xcm-x20 up up
2 xcm-x20 up up
A cpm-x20 up up/active
B cpm-x20 up up/standby
C cpm-x20 up down/ext-stby
D cpm-x20 up up/ext-actv
Output Fields: show card
Output fields: card describes the output fields for the show card command.
Label |
Description |
Slot |
The slot number of the card in the chassis. |
Provisioned Type |
The card type that is configured for the slot. Note: CPMs C and D do not appear in the summary unless the Chassis Topology is Extended (for the 7950 XRS-40). |
Equipped Type |
The card type that is actually populated in the slot. Note: CPMs C and D do not appear in the summary unless the Chassis Topology is Extended (for the7950 XRS-40). |
Admin State |
Up — The card is administratively up. Down — The card is administratively down. |
Operational State |
Up — The card is operationally up. Down — The card is operationally down. active — The CPM is the Active CPM for the system (actively managing the system components, processing various protocols, and so on). standby — The CPM is the Standby CPM. The standby is hot synchronized with the Active CPM. ext-actv — The CPM is operating in an Extension role in a 7950 XRS-40 system and is the active extension CPM for the chassis in which it sits. ext-stby — The CPM is operating in an Extension role in a 7950 XRS-40 system and is the standby extension CPM for the chassis in which it sits. |
Comments |
Active — Indicates if the CPM is the active state. Standby — Indicates if the CPM is the standby state. No SFM — Indicates no SFM is online that is usable by this card. Pwr Save — Indicates if the card is in power save mode. Lo Power — Indicates if the card is in low power mode. It is prevented from booting by power management. SFM Test — Indicates card is being held in booting because a B2B standalone SFM inter-connect test is in progress. No MDA — Indicates the card is waiting for MDAs. MDAs are either missing or failed. |
*A:Dut-A# show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Type Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Equipped Type (if different) State State Ports MDA
6 iom4-e up up 2
6/1 me40-1gb-csfp up up 40
6/2 me40-1gb-csfp up up 40
7 iom4-e up up 2
7/1 me40-1gb-csfp up up 40
8 iom4-e-hs up up 2
8/1 me12-10/1gb-sfp+ up up 12
8/2 me40-1gb-csfp up up 40
9 iom4-e up up 2
9/1 me12-10/1gb-sfp+ up up 12
9/2 me12-10/1gb-sfp+ up up 12
A cpm5 up up Active
B cpm5 up up Standby
Output Example: show card state (showing 7750 SR-14s
A:Dut-O# show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Type Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Equipped Type (if different) State State Ports MDA
1 xcm-14s up up 2
1/1 s18-100gb-qsfp28:he1200g+ up up 18
1/x2 iom-s-3.0t:he3000g+ up up
1/x2/1 ms18-100gb-qsfp28 up up 18
1/x2/2 ms4-400g-qsfpdd+4-100g-qsfp28 up up 8
2 xcm-14s up up 2
2/x1 iom-s-3.0t:he3000g+ up up
2/x1/1 ms6-200gb-cfp2-dco up up 6
6 xcm-14s up up 2
6/1 s36-400gb-qsfpdd:he4800g+ up up 36
6/2 s36-100gb-qsfp28:he2400g+ up up 36
A cpm-s up up Active
B cpm-s up up Standby
Output Example: show card state (showing 7450 ESS-12 Chassis)
A:node-2# show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Type Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Equipped Type (if different) State State Ports MDA
1 iom4-e up up 2
1/1 me2-100gb-ms-qsfp28 up up 2
1/2 isa2-tunnel up up 2
A cpm5 up up Active
B cpm5 up down Standby
Output Example: show card state (showing a 7950 XRS
A:node-2# show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Type Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Equipped Type (if different) State State Ports MDA
1 xcm-x20 up up 2
1/1 x40-10g-sfp up up 40
A cpm2-x20 up up Active
B cpm2-x20 up down Standby
Output Fields: show card state
Output fields: card state describes the output fields for the show card state command.
Label |
Description |
Slot/MDA |
The slot number of the card in the chassis. |
Provisioned Type |
The card type that is configured for the slot. |
Equipped Type |
The card type that is actually populated in the slot. |
Admin State |
Up — The card is administratively up. Down — The card is administratively down. |
Operational State |
Up — The card is operationally up. Provisioned — There is no card in the slot but it has been pre-configured. |
Num Ports |
The number of ports available on the MDA. |
Num MDA |
The number of MDAs installed. |
Comments |
Active — Indicates if the CPM is the active state. Standby — Indicates if the CPM is the standby state. No SFM — Indicates no SFM is online that is usable by this card. Pwr Save — Indicates if the card is in power save mode. Lo Power — Indicates if the card is in low power mode. It is prevented from booting by power management. SFM Test — Indicates card is being held in booting because a B2B standalone SFM inter-connect test is in progress. No MDA — Indicates the card is waiting for MDAs. MDAs are either missing or failed. |
*A:Dut-A# show card 1 detail
Card 1
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 iom5-e:he1200g+ up up
IOM Card Licensing Data
Licensed Level : he1200g+
Description : 1.2T /w Agg to 2.4T, High Edge Routing
IOM Card Specific Data
Clock source : none
Fail On Error : Disabled
Reset On Recoverable Error : Disabled
Available MDA slots : 2
Installed MDAs : 2
FP 1 Specific Data
WRED Admin State : Out Of Service
WRED buffer-allocation max : 2500
WRED buffer-allocation min : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs max : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs min : 2500
WRED Slope Policy : default
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Alarm : disabled
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Group : 0
mc-path-mgmt Admin State : Out Of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Policy : default
FP Resource Policy : default
Hw-Agg-Shaping QSets : True
Hw-Agg-Shaping QSet Size : 4
Hw-Agg-Shaping In Use : saps
Stable Pool Sizing : False
Ingress Buffer Pool Size : 8257536 KB
Egress Buffer Pool Size : 8257536 KB
Initial Extract Priority Mode : uniform
HS Pool Policy : None
HS Fixed High Threshold Delta : default
Generation : FP4
Network ingress queue policy : default
Hardware Data
Platform type : 7750
Part number : 3HE12332CARB01
Serial number : NS1936F7144
Manufacture date : 09082019
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0926-03
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 60C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Software boot (rom) version : X-0.0.I6157 on Thu Jan 16 18:06:36 PST
2020 by builder
Software version : TiMOS-I-21.2.B1-6 iom/hops64 Nokia 7750 SR
Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to
applicable license agreements.
Built on Fri Feb 5 18:15:30 PST 2021 by
builder in /builds/c/212B/B1-6/panos/main/
Time of last boot : 2021/02/09 07:35:30
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address : 14:7b:ac:b4:b0:e1
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Last bootup reason : clear card
Memory capacity : 16,384 MB
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing
XCM-20 Card)
A:bkvm20# show card 2 detail
Card 2
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
2 xcm2-x20 up provisioned
(not equipped)
IOM Card Specific Data
Clock source : none
Fail On Error : Disabled
Available MDA slots : 2
Installed MDAs : 0
FP 1 Specific Data
WRED Admin State : Out Of Service
WRED buffer-allocation max : 2500
WRED buffer-allocation min : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs max : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs min : 2500
WRED Slope Policy : default
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Alarm : disabled
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Group : 0
mc-path-mgmt Admin State : Out Of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Policy : default
FP Resource Policy : default
Stable Pool Sizing : False
Initial Extract Priority Mode : uniform
Generation : FP4
Network ingress queue policy : default
FP 2 Specific Data
WRED Admin State : Out Of Service
WRED buffer-allocation max : 2500
WRED buffer-allocation min : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs max : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs min : 2500
WRED Slope Policy : default
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Alarm : disabled
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Group : 0
mc-path-mgmt Admin State : Out Of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Policy : default
FP Resource Policy : default
Stable Pool Sizing : False
Initial Extract Priority Mode : uniform
Generation : FP4
Network ingress queue policy : default
FP 3 Specific Data
WRED Admin State : Out Of Service
WRED buffer-allocation max : 2500
WRED buffer-allocation min : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs max : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs min : 2500
WRED Slope Policy : default
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Alarm : disabled
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Group : 0
mc-path-mgmt Admin State : Out Of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Policy : default
FP Resource Policy : default
Stable Pool Sizing : False
Initial Extract Priority Mode : uniform
Generation : FP4
Network ingress queue policy : default
Hardware Data
Platform type : N/A
Part number :
CLEI code :
Serial number :
Manufacture date :
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Administrative state : up
Operational state : provisioned
Software boot (rom) version : (Not Specified)
Software version : (Not Specified)
Time of last boot : N/A
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address :
Last bootup reason :
Memory capacity : 0 MB
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 1)
Minimum : 0.00 Volts (N/A)
Current : 0.00 Volts
Peak : 0.00 Volts (N/A)
Minimum : 0.00 Watts (N/A)
Current : 0.00 Watts
Peak : 0.00 Watts (N/A)
Max Required : 282.00 Watts
Minimum : 0.00 Amps (N/A)
Current : 0.00 Amps
Peak : 0.00 Amps (N/A)
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> detail (for an IOM or
XCM Card)
Output fields: card detail (for an IOM or XCM Card) describes the output fields for the show card detail command.
Label |
Description |
Clock source |
Source of clock for the IOM. Currently this parameter always displays "none”. |
Available MDA slots |
The number of MDA slots available on the IOM. |
Installed MDAs |
The number of MDAs installed on the IOM. |
FP Resource Policy |
The FP resource policy for the specified FP. |
Initial Extract Priority Mode |
The scheme used to select the initial drop priority of extracted control plane traffic. uniform — Initializes the drop priority of all extracted control traffic as high priority. l3-classify — Initializes the drop priority of all Layer 3 extracted control traffic (for example, BGP or OSPF) based on the QoS classification of the packets. See "Classification-Based Priority for Extracted Protocol Traffic" in the7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide for more details. |
Part number |
The IOM part number. |
CLEI code |
The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code string for the router. |
Serial number |
The serial number. Not user-modifiable. |
Manufacture date |
The chassis manufacture date. Not user-modifiable. |
Manufacturing string |
Factory-inputted manufacturing text string. Not user-modifiable. |
Manufacturing deviations |
Displays a record of changes by manufacturing to the hardware or software that is outside the normal revision control process. |
Administrative state |
Up — The card is administratively up. Down — The card is administratively down. |
Operational state |
Up — The card is operationally up. Down — The card is operationally down. |
Temperature |
Internal chassis temperature. |
Temperature threshold |
The value above which the internal temperature must rise in order to indicate that the temperature is critical. |
Software boot version |
The version of the boot image. |
Software version |
The software version number. |
Time of last boot |
The date and time the most recent boot occurred. |
Current alarm state |
Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board. |
Base MAC address |
Displays the base MAC address of the hardware component. |
Memory capacity |
Displays the memory capacity of the card. |
Generation |
Displays the FP generation of the assembly. N/A is displayed if there is no XMA installed in the card slot. |
Comments |
Active — Indicates if the CPM is the active state. Standby — Indicates if the CPM is the standby state. No SFM — Indicates no SFM is online that is usable by this card. Pwr Save — Indicates if the card is in power save mode. Lo Power — Indicates if the card is in low power mode. It is prevented from booting by power management. SFM Test — Indicates card is being held in booting because a B2B standalone SFM inter-connect test is in progress. No MDA — Indicates the card is waiting for MDAs. MDAs are either missing or failed. |
Network ingress queue policy |
Displays the name of the network ingress queue policy applied to the FP. |
B:Dut-D# show card A detail
Card A
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
A cpm5 up up/active
BOF last modified : N/A
Config file version : FRI APR 12 01:08:10 2019 UTC
Config file last modified : N/A
Config file last saved : 2019/04/16 21:08:31
M/S clocking ref state : primary
Flash - cf1:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : 20101124004146824682
Firmware revision : 20091110
Model number : SMART CF
Size : 3,907 MB
Free space : 798,240 KB
Percent Used : 80 %
Flash - cf2:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : 20101124004180EB80EB
Firmware revision : 20091110
Model number : SMART CF
Size : 3,907 MB
Free space : 1,562 MB
Percent Used : 59 %
Flash - cf3:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : 000060089160A700003F
Firmware revision : 110301a
Model number : SFCF32GBH1BO4TO-I-NC-543-ALU
Size : 31,248 MB
Free space : 27,771 MB
Percent Used : 11 %
Hardware Data
Platform type : 7750
Part number : 3HE08423AARC01
Serial number : NS155160462
Manufacture date : 12222015
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0553-05
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 51C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Software boot (rom) version : X-13.0.R4 on Wed Jul 29 15:56:20 PDT 2015
by builder
Software version : TiMOS-C-16.0.R6 cpm/hops64 Nokia 7750 SR
Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to
applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Feb 27 14:42:05 PST 2019 by
builder in /builds/c/160B/R6/panos/main
Time of last boot : 2019/04/15 09:31:29
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address : e4:81:84:81:ca:06
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Memory capacity : 16,384 MB
System timing oscillator type : OCXO
Secure boot status : enabled
UEFI variables status : ok
A:MLS2-SR164# show card "b" detail
Card B
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
B cpm5 up up/standby
BOF last modified : N/A
Config file version :
Config file last modified : N/A
Config file last saved : N/A
M/S clocking ref state : secondary
Flash - cf1:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : not equipped
Flash - cf2:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : not equipped
Flash - cf3:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : 000060078551A1000397
Firmware revision : 110301a
Model number : SFCF4096H1BO2TO-I-D1-543-ALU
Size : 3,904 MB
Free space : 1,135 MB
Percent Used : 70 %
Hardware Data
Platform type : 7750
Part number : 3HE08423AARC01
Serial number : NS160164783
Manufacture date : 01172016
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0553-05
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 50C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Software boot (rom) version : X-13.0.R4 on Wed Jul 29 15:56:20 PDT 2015
by builder
Software version : TiMOS-C-16.0.R6 cpm/hops64 Nokia 7750 SR
Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to
applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Feb 27 14:42:05 PST 2019 by
builder in /builds/c/160B/R6/panos/main
Time of last boot : 2019/04/15 09:32:04
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address : e4:81:84:81:db:7c
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Memory capacity : 16,384 MB
System timing oscillator type : OCXO
Secure boot status : enabled
UEFI variables status : ok
Output Example: show card <slot-number> detail (showing
CPM-x20 Cards)
*A:bksim3107# show card A detail
Card A
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
A cpm-x20 up up/active
BOF last modified : 2013/05/15 12:33:22
Config file version : FRI MAR 08 13:24:58 2013 UTC
Config file last modified : 2013/05/15 12:34:22
Config file last saved : 2013/05/15 12:36:22
M/S clocking ref state : primary
Flash - cf1:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : serial-1
Firmware revision : v1.0
Model number : PC HD 1
Size : 1,950 MB
Free space : 1,950 MB
Flash - cf2:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : serial-2
Firmware revision : v1.0
Model number : PC HD 2
Size : 0 Bytes
Free space : 0 Bytes
Flash - cf3:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : serial-3
Firmware revision : v1.0
Model number : PC HD 3
Size : 18,432 Bytes
Free space : 6,144 Bytes
Hardware Data
Platform type : 7950
Part number : Sim Part#
CLEI code : Sim CLEI
Serial number : card-11
Manufacture date : 01012003
Manufacturing deviations : Sim MfgDeviation card-11
Manufacturing assembly number : 01-2345-67
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : -1C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Software boot (rom) version : simulated
Software version : TiMOS-C-11.0.R2 cpm/i386 Nokia 7950 XRS*
Time of last boot : 2013/05/13 08:10:33
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address : ac:9f:0b:00:00:01
Memory capacity : 3,072 MB
Inter Chassis CPM Interconnect
CPM Interconnect Port 1
Oper State : up
SFF Status : operational
CPM Interconnect Port 2
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-A# show card D detail
Card D
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
D cpm-x20 up up/ext-stby
BOF last modified : N/A
Config file version :
Config file last modified : N/A
Config file last saved : N/A
M/S clocking ref state : secondary
Flash - cf1:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : WE11K6300191
Firmware revision : 2.1ME
Model number : WDC SSD-D0128S-7117
Size : 122,089 MB
Free space : 122,089 MB
Flash - cf2:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : not equipped
Flash - cf3:
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : SPG2012061404165
Firmware revision : 20101222
Model number : SMART CF
Size : 3,907 MB
Free space : 3,802 MB
Hardware Data
Platform type : 7950
Part number : 3HE07116AARB01
Serial number : NS13426D067
Manufacture date : 03162014
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0488-05
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 39C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Software boot (rom) version : X-12.0.B1-120 on Wed Jul 16 18:55:26 PDT
2014 by builder
Software version : TiMOS-C-12.0.B1-120 cpm/hops64 Nokia_7950 XRS
7950 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Nokia
All rights reserved. All use subject to
applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Jul 16 19:26:12 PDT 2014 by
builder in /rel12.0/b1/B1-120/panos/main
Time of last boot : 2014/07/17 13:41:28
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address : 00:d0:f6:f3:3c:9e
Memory capacity : 8,192 MB
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 2)
Minimum : 53.10 Volts (07/17/2014 12:40:28)
Current : 53.16 Volts
Peak : 54.15 Volts (07/17/2014 12:18:27)
Minimum : 151.10 Watts (07/17/2014 13:31:23)
Current : 202.61 Watts
Peak : 208.79 Watts (07/17/2014 13:00:07)
Max Required : 204.00 Watts
Minimum : 3.69 Amps (07/17/2014 12:18:27)
Current : 3.82 Amps
Peak : 3.94 Amps (07/17/2014 13:07:25)
Inter Chassis CPM Interconnect
CPM Interconnect Port 1
Oper State : up
SFF Status : operational
CPM Interconnect Port 2
Oper State : up
SFF Status : operational
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> detail (for a
Output fields: card detail (for a CPM) describes the output fields for the show card detail command for a CPM card.
Label |
Description |
Slot |
The slot of the card in the chassis. |
Card Provisioned |
The CPM type that is configured for the slot. Note: CPMs C and D will not show up in the summary unless the Chassis Topology is Extended (XRS-40). |
Card Equipped |
The CPM type that is actually populated in the slot. Note: CPMs C and D will not show up in the summary unless the Chassis Topology is Extended (XRS-40). |
Admin State |
Up — The CPM is administratively up. Down — The CPM is administratively down. |
Operational State |
Up — The CPM is operationally up. Down — The CPM is operationally down. |
Inter chassis cpm interconnect |
Up — The CPM is operationally up. Down — The CPM is operationally down. |
BOF last modified |
The date and time of the most recent BOF modification. |
Config file version |
The configuration file version. |
Config file last modified |
The date and time of the most recent config file modification. |
Config file last modified |
The date and time of the most recent config file modification. |
Config file last saved |
The date and time of the most recent config file save. |
CPM card status |
active — The card is acting as the primary (active) CPM in a redundant system. standby — The card is acting as the standby (secondary) CPM in a redundant system. |
Administrative state |
Up — The CPM is administratively up. Down — The CPM is administratively down. |
Operational state |
Up — The CPM is operationally up. Down — The CPM is operationally down. |
Serial number |
The compact flash part number. Not user modifiable. |
Firmware revision |
The firmware version. Not user modifiable. |
Model number |
The compact flash model number. Not user modifiable. |
Size |
The amount of space available on the compact flash card. |
Free space |
The amount of space remaining on the compact flash card. |
Part number |
The CPM part number. |
CLEI code |
The code used to identify the router. |
Serial number |
The CPM part number. Not user modifiable. |
Manufacture date |
The chassis manufacture date. Not user modifiable. |
Manufacturing string |
Factory-set manufacturing text string. Not user modifiable. |
Administrative state |
Up — The card is administratively up. Down — The card is administratively down. |
Operational state |
Up — The card is operationally up. Down — The card is operationally down. |
Time of last boot |
The date and time the most recent boot occurred. |
Current alarm state |
Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board. |
Status |
Displays the current status. |
Temperature |
Internal chassis temperature. |
Temperature threshold |
The value above which the internal temperature must rise in order to indicate that the temperature is critical. |
Software boot version |
The version of the boot image. |
Memory capacity |
The total amount of memory. |
Secure boot status |
Status of the Secure Boot for this CPM. enabled — Secure Boot is enabled disabled — Secure Boot is disabled |
UEFI variable status |
Status of the Secure Boot UEFI variables for this CPM. ok — no update required update required — update is required |
Comments |
Active — Indicates if the CPM is the active state. Standby — Indicates if the CPM is the standby state. No SFM — Indicates no SFM is online that is usable by this card. Pwr Save — Indicates if the card is in power save mode. Lo Power — Indicates if the card is in low power mode. It is prevented from booting by power management. SFM Test — Indicates card is being held in booting because a B2B standalone SFM inter-connect test is in progress. No MDA — Indicates the card is waiting for MDAs. MDAs are either missing or failed. |
*A:bkvm18# show card 1 detail
Card 1
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 iom5-e:he1200g+ up up
IOM Card Licensing Data
Licensed Level : he1200g+
Description : 1.2T /w Agg to 2.4T, High Edge Routing
Licensed Bandwidth Used : 900 Gbps
IOM Card Specific Data
Clock source : none
Fail On Error : Disabled
Reset On Recoverable Error : Disabled
Available MDA slots : 2
Installed MDAs : 0
FP 1 Specific Data
WRED Admin State : Out Of Service
WRED buffer-allocation max : 2500
WRED buffer-allocation min : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs max : 2500
WRED reserved-cbs min : 2500
WRED Slope Policy : default
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Alarm : disabled
hi-bw-mc-srcEgress Group : 0
mc-path-mgmt Admin State : Out Of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Policy : default
FP Resource Policy : default
Stable Pool Sizing : False
Ingress Buffer Allocation : 50.00
Initial Extract Priority Mode : uniform
HS Pool Policy : None
HS Fixed High Threshold Delta : default
Generation : FP4
Network ingress queue policy : default
Hardware Data
Platform type : N/A
Part number :
CLEI code :
Serial number :
Manufacture date :
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Administrative state : up
Operational state : provisioned
Software boot (rom) version : (Not Specified)
Software version : (Not Specified)
Time of last boot : N/A
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Base MAC address :
Last bootup reason :
Memory capacity : 0 MB
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> detail (showing IOM
with license level)
Output fields: card detail (showing IOM with license level) describes the output fields for the show card detail command with IOM licensing information.
Label |
Description |
Slot |
The slot of the card in the chassis. |
Provisioned Type |
The IOM type and level that is configured for the slot. |
Equipped Type (if different) |
The IOM type and level that is actually populated in the slot if it is different than the Provisioned Type. |
Admin State |
Up — The IOM is administratively up. Down — The IOM is administratively down. |
Operational State |
Up — The IOM is operationally up. Down — The IOM is operationally down. |
Licensed Level |
License level of the card. |
Description |
Description of the license. |
Licensed Bandwidth Used |
The total connector bandwidth configured on the assembly. |
Comments |
Active — Indicates if the CPM is the active state. Standby — Indicates if the CPM is the standby state. No SFM — Indicates no SFM is online that is usable by this card. Pwr Save — Indicates if the card is in power save mode. Lo Power — Indicates if the card is in low power mode. It is prevented from booting by power management. SFM Test — Indicates card is being held in booting because a B2B standalone SFM inter-connect test is in progress. No MDA — Indicates the card is waiting for MDAs. MDAs are either missing or failed. |
*A:cses-V93# show card 1 fp 1 fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
Card 1 FP 1 Egress Forwarding Engine Drop Reason Statistics
Egress Encapsulation Exceeded 0
MTU Exceeded 0
Frame too big for port 4
Output Fields: show card<slot-number> fp fwd-engine
drop-reason statistics
Output fields: card forwarding plane forwarding engine drop reason describes the output fields for the show card fp fwd-engine drop-reason command.
Label |
Description |
Card |
The card in the chassis. |
FP |
The egress forwarding plane hardware component. |
Egress Encapsulation Exceeded |
Addition of egress encapsulation headers would have exceeded the maximum frame size. |
MTU Exceeded |
Protocol supports packet fragmentation but fragmentation was blocked (for example, packet is IPv6 or packet is IPv4 and DF set to one). |
Frame too big for port |
Final check before transmitting has detected frame exceeded the port MTU. |
A single frame can only result in one drop reason statistic being incremented.
# show card 4 fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats
Card 4 FP 5 TAP 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 114919092 114919092000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 5782 2154196
Best-Effort 0 0
Card 4 FP 5 TAP 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 114919195 114919195000
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number>
ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap <tap-number>
*A:Dut-A# show card 4 fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap 1
Card 4 FP 5 TAP 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 115935212 115935212000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 5816 2169292
Best-Effort 0 0
*A:Dut-A# show card 4 fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap 2
Card 4 FP 5 TAP 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 115935316 115935316000
Output Example: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number>
egress per-ingress-fp-stats
# show card 1 fp 1 egress per-ingress-fp-stats
Card 1 FP 1 TAP 1 Egress Per-Ingress FP Statistics
To FP/TAP Priority Received Packets Received Octets
1 1/1 Expedite 172437 2207203840
Best-Effort 12345678 3160493568
1 2/1 Expedite 103446 1324118016
Best-Effort 987654 252839424
1 3/1 Expedite 6899108 883085824
Best-Effort 11223344 2873176064
1 4/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 1/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 2/2 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
Output Fields: show card <slot-number> fp <fp-number>
ingress per-egress-fp-stats
Output fields: egress and ingress card statistics per ingress or egress FP describes the output fields for the egress and ingress card statistics per ingress or egress FP.
Label |
Description |
Displays the To forwarding plane TAP information. |
Priority |
Displays the priority (Best-Effort, Expedite, or Auto-Expedite). |
Forwarded Packets |
Displays the unicast packet statistics sent from the specified FP to the destination FP. |
Forwarded Octets |
Displays the unicast octet statistics sent from the specified FP to the destination FP. |
A:node-2# show card 1 cpu sample-period 1
Card a CPU Utilization (Sample period: 1 second)
Name CPU Time CPU Usage Capacity
(uSec) Usage
Agg Schedulers Algorithm 2,188 0.01% 0.18%
Agg Shapers Algorithm 444 ~0.00% 0.04%
BFD 78 ~0.00% ~0.00%
BGP 0 0.00% 0.00%
BGP PE-CE 0 0.00% 0.00%
BIER 0 0.00% 0.00%
CALLTRACE 226 0.01% 0.02%
CFLOWD 21 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Cards & Ports 4,151 0.20% 0.34%
DCPU Control 3555 0.01% 0.01%
DHCP Server 7 ~0.00% ~0.00%
ETH-CFM 430 0.02% 0.02%
HPol Algorithm 333 0.00% 0.00%
HPol Statistics 333 0.00% 0.00%
HQoS Algorithm 444 ~0.00% 0.04%
HQoS Statistics 2188 0.01% 0.18%
ICC 54 ~0.00% ~0.00%
IGMP/MLD 93 ~0.00% ~0.00%
IMSI Db Appl 21 ~0.00% ~0.00%
IOM 0 0.00% 0.00%
IP Stack 1,335 0.06% 0.04%
IS-IS 162 ~0.00% ~0.00%
ISA 1,044 0.05% 0.04%
LDP 241 0.01% 0.02%
Logging 15 ~0.00% ~0.00%
MBUF 0 0.00% 0.00%
MCS 37 ~0.00% ~0.00%
MPLS/RSVP 738 0.03% 0.04%
MSCP 0 0.00% 0.00%
MSDP 0 0.00% 0.00%
Management 1,690 0.08% 0.07%
OAM 1,219 0.06% 0.03%
OSPF 892 0.04% 0.02%
PIM/L2Mcast 0 0.00% 0.00%
PKI 15 ~0.00% ~0.00%
PTP 14 ~0.00% ~0.00%
RIP 0 0.00% 0.00%
RTM/Policies 0 0.00% 0.00%
Redundancy 743 0.03% 0.04%
SDN Protocols 5 ~0.00% ~0.00%
SIM 2,488 0.12% 0.23%
SNMP Daemon 0 0.00% 0.00%
Security 0 0.00% 0.00%
Services 725 0.03% 0.02%
Stats 0 0.00% 0.00%
Stats-Extended 0 0.00% 0.00%
Subscriber Mgmt 549 0.02% ~0.00%
System 8,833 0.44% 0.37%
Traffic Eng 0 0.00% 0.00%
Tree Sid 0 0.00% 0.00%
VRRP 144 ~0.00% ~0.00%
WEB Redirect 62 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Total 2,004,289 100.00%
Idle 1,978,257 98.70%
Usage 26,032 1.29%
Busiest Core Utilization 13,154 1.31%
Label |
Description |
Name |
The name of the CPU task |
CPU Time (uSec) |
The CPU usage time, in microseconds |
CPU Usage |
The CPU usage as a percentage of the total sampled time |
Capacity Usage |
The level the specified service is being utilized. When this number hits 100%, this part of the system is busied out. There may be extra CPU cycles still left for other processes, but this service is running at capacity. This column does not reflect the true CPU utilization value; that data is still available in the CPU Usage column. This column is the busiest task in each group, where busiest is defined as either actually running or blocked attempting to acquire a lock. |
Total |
The total CPU time measured in the sample period |
Idle |
The total CPU idle time |
Usage |
The total CPU usage time |
Busiest Core Utilization |
The CPU utilization of the busiest core |
card slot-number
card slot-number fp fp-number hs-pool high-water-mark
card slot-number fp fp-number hs-pool high-water-mark mid-pool [value]
card slot-number fp fp-number hs-pool high-water-mark root-pool [value]
card slot-number fp fp-number hs-pool high-water-mark system
card slot-number fp fp-number dist-cpu-protection
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress per-egress-fp-stats
card slot-number fp fp-number egress per-ingress-fp-stats
card slot-number soft [hard-reset-unsupported-mdas]
card slot-number fp fp-number fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress mode {access | network} queue-group group-name instance instance statistics
[Tree] (clear card)
Full Context
clear card
This command re-initializes the card in the specified slot. A clear card command (without the soft) is referred to as a Hard Reset. A clear card x soft command (with the soft) is referred to as a Soft Reset.
- slot-number
Clears information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Displays information for the specified forwarding plane.
- high-water-mark
Clears the high water marks within the HS pool on the specified card and FP.
- mid-pool
Clears the high water marks within the mid pools in the HS pool and on the specified card and FP.
- root-pool
Clears the high water marks within the root pools in the HS pool and on the specified card and FP.
- system
Clears the high water marks within the in the HS system pool and on the specified card and FP.
- dist-cpu-protection
Clears the distributed CPU protection information.
- soft
Issues a soft reset of the I/O module (IOM).
- hard-reset-unsupported-mdas
Allows a soft reset operation when some of the MDA’s cannot perform a soft reset. A soft reset is performed on MDAs that support a soft reset and a hard reset is performed on MDAs that do not support soft resets.
- fwd-engine
Specifies to clear the forwarding engine information.
- drop-reason
Specifies to clear the drop reason information.
- statistics
Specifies to clear the statistics.
- ingress
Specifies to clear the ingress information.
- egress
Specifies to clear the egress information.
- per-egress-fp-stats
Specifies to clear packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic sent from the specified FP to each destination FP. Only supported on 7750 SR-1 and 7750 SR-s platforms.
- per-ingress-fp-stats
Specifies to clear packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic received by the specified FP from each source FP. Only supported on 7750 SR-1 and 7750 SR-s platforms.
- mode
Specifies the mode in which the card is to operate.
- access
Specifies to clear the access mode information.
- network
Specifies to clear the network mode information.
- group-name
Specifies the group name, to a maximum of 32 characters.
- instance
Specifies the instance of the named queue group to be cleared.
card slot-number fp fp-number queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [{access | network}] [{ingress | egress}] [arbiter {name | root}] [port port-id] [{detail | root-detail | thresholds | priority-info | depth}]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer-hierarchy card)
Full Context
show qos policer-hierarchy card
This command displays physical card related information.
- slot-number
Displays information about the slot number of the card in the chassis. The maximum slot number is platform dependent.
- fp-number
Displays information about the specified forwarding plane number.
- queue-group-name
Displays information about the specified queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Displays information about the instance of the named queue group.
- name
Displays information about the name of the QoS arbiter.
- root
Displays information about the arbiter root.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port ID.
- access
Displays policer-hierarchy statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Displays policer-hierarchy statistics applied on a network port.
- ingress
Displays ingress queue group information.
- egress
Displays egress queue group information.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- root-detail
Displays detailed information about the arbiter root.
- thresholds
Displays the threshold, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
- priority-info
Displays the threshold information related to the root arbiter.
- depth
Displays the bucket depth, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
card [slot-num]
card [slot-num] all
[Tree] (tools>dump>resource-usage card)
Full Context
tools dump resource-usage card
This command displays resource information for cards.
- slot-num
Specifies a card slot.
- all
Displays all available information for the card, including resource usage information for all child objects of the card such as FPs and MDAs.
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress {access | network} queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [absolute | percent-rate] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] policer policer-id [reference-rate]
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress [tap tap-number] per-egress-fp-stats [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
card slot-number fp fp-number [tap tap-number] egress per-ingress-fp-stats [interval seconds] [ repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor card)
Full Context
monitor card
This command monitors statistics in an ingress and egress Forwarding Plane (FP).
- slot-number
Monitors information on the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Monitors information on the specified FP.
- ingress
Monitors information on the ingress.
- egress
Monitors information on the egress.
- access
Displays policer statistics on the FP access.
- network
Displays policer statistics on the FP network.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue group.
- absolute
Displays the raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- percent-rate
Displays the rate-per-second for each statistic based on the reference rate of 10G.
- seconds
Specifies the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Specifies how many times the command is repeated.
- policer-id
Must exist within the queue-group template applied to the ingress context of the forwarding plane.
- reference-rate
Displays the rate-per-second for each statistic as a percentage based on the reference rate specified.
- tap-number
Specifies the source TAP.
- per-egress-fp-stats
Displays packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic sent from the specified FP to each destination FP.
- per-ingress-fp-stats
Displays packet and octet statistics for unicast traffic received by the specified FP from each source FP.
- rate
Displays the rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
See the following sections for output examples:
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 42659137 42659137000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3338 1054788
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 42659012 42659012000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375377 1375377000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 46 20832
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375605 1375605000
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats rate
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats rate
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 45802801 45802801000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3444 1102780
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 45802905 45802905000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125039 125039364 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1921 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125039 125039273 1000
At time t = 22 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124999 124999273 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1867 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124999 124999182 999
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats absolute
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats absolute
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 49729775 49729775000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3585 1163992
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 49729878 49729878000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 51104481 51104481000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3631 1184824
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 51104584 51104584000
At time t = 22 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 52479477 52479477000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3677 1206224
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 52479581 52479581000
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats absolute tap
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats absolute tap 1
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 53893930 53893930000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3726 1227188
Best-Effort 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 55269466 55269466000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3773 1248320
Best-Effort 0 0
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats absolute tap 2
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 56153283 56153283000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 57528327 57528327000
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats rate tap
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats rate tap 1
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 59487961 59487961000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 3915 1312280
Best-Effort 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125035 125034818 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1955 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 22 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124995 124994909 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1921 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 33 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124994 124993818 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1867 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 44 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125002 125001545 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1886 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 55 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124998 124998182 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1894 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 66 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125001 125000636 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1955 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 77 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124998 124998273 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1921 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 88 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125076 125075545 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1867 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 99 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 125039 125039091 1000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1886 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
At time t = 110 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124999 124998636 999
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4 1894 0
Best-Effort 0 0 0
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats rate tap 2
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 84288530 84288530000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets Mbps
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0 0
Best-Effort 124982 124981818 999
Output Example Ingress per-egress-fp-stats
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 90150683 90150683000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 4949 1778224
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 90150787 90150787000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375025 1375025000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 47 21132
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375024 1375024000
At time t = 22 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375003 1375003000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 45 20532
Best-Effort 0 0
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375003 1375003000
Output Example Ingress per-ingress-fp-stats tap
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap 1
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 93787778 93787778000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 792 788688
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 5071 1833136
Best-Effort 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 1 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375605 1375605000
4 - 5/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
A - 1/1 Expedite 47 20748
Best-Effort 0 0
# monitor card "4" fp 5 ingress per-egress-fp-stats tap 2
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 96041192 96041192000
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1374706 1374706000
At time t = 22 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1374960 1374960000
At time t = 33 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1374980 1374980000
At time t = 44 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375009 1375009000
At time t = 55 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375010 1375010000
At time t = 66 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1374987 1374987000
At time t = 77 sec (Mode: Delta)
Card: 4 FP: 5 Tap: 2 (Ingress Per-Egress FP Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
1 - 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 1375005 1375005000
Output Example Egress per-ingress-fp-stats interval repeat
*A:PE1# monitor card 1 fp 1 egress per-ingress-fp-stats interval 11 repeat 1
Card 1 FP 1 TAP 1 Egress Per-Ingress FP Statistics
To FP/TAP Priority Received Packets Received Octets
1 1/1 Expedite 172437 2207203840
Best-Effort 12345678 3160493568
1 2/1 Expedite 103446 1324118016
Best-Effort 987654 252839424
1 3/1 Expedite 6899108 883085824
Best-Effort 11223344 2873176064
1 4/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 1/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
1 1/1 Expedite 272437 2232803840
Best-Effort 12545678 3211693568
1 2/1 Expedite 403446 1400918016
Best-Effort 1387654 355239424
1 3/1 Expedite 7399108 1011085824
Best-Effort 11823344 3026776064
1 4/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 1/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
Output Example Egress per-ingress-fp-stats interval repeat
# monitor card 1 fp 1 egress per-ingress-fp-stats interval 11 repeat 1 rate
Card 1 FP 1 TAP 1 Egress Per-Ingress FP Statistics
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
To FP/TAP Priority Received Packets Received Octets
1 1/1 Expedite 172437 2207203840
Best-Effort 12345678 3160493568
1 2/1 Expedite 103446 1324118016
Best-Effort 987654 252839424
1 3/1 Expedite 6899108 883085824
Best-Effort 11223344 2873176064
1 4/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 1/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
To FP/TAP Priority Received Packets Received Octets Mbps
1 1/1 Expedite 100000 25600000 19
Best-Effort 200000 51200000 37
1 2/1 Expedite 300000 76800000 56
Best-Effort 400000 102400000 74
1 3/1 Expedite 500000 128000000 93
Best-Effort 600000 153600000 112
1 4/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 1/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
2 2/1 Expedite 0 0
Best-Effort 0 0
card slot-number fp fp-number queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [ingress] [access | networks] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | percent-rate [reference-rate]] [arbiter root | name]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>arbiter-stats card)
Full Context
monitor qos arbiter-stats card
This command monitors arbiter statistics in an ingress FP queue group.
- slot-number
Specifies the slot number associated with the queue group, expressed as an integer.
- fp-number
Specifies the FP number associated with the queue group, expressed as an integer.
- ingress
Displays policer statistics applied on the ingress FP.
- access
Displays policer statistics on the FP access.
- network
Displays policer statistics on the FP network.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- percent-rate
When the percent-rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed based on the reference rate of 10G.
- reference-rate
When a reference-rate value is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed as a percentage based on the reference rate specified.
- name
Specify the name of the policer control policy arbiter.
- root
Specifies the root arbiter.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress [access | network] queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] [arbiter {name | root}]
[Tree] (clear>qos>arbiter-stats card)
Full Context
clear qos arbiter-stats card
This command clears arbiter statistics per card.
- slot-number
Specifies the slot number associated with the queue group.
- fp-number
Specifies the FP number associated with the queue group.
- access
Clears policer statistics on the FP access.
- network
Clears policer statistics on the FP network.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress [access | network] [queue-group queue-group-name] [instance instance-id] [arbiter name | root]
[Tree] (show>qos>arbiter-stats card)
Full Context
show qos arbiter-stats card
This command displays the arbiter statistics per card.
- slot-number
Displays information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Specifies the FP number associated with the queue group.
- access
Displays arbiter statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Displays arbiter statistics applied on a network port.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
card slot-number fp fp-number queue-group group-name instance instance-id {access | network} [detail] [ingress]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer card)
Full Context
show qos policer card
This command displays the policer statistics per card.
- slot-number
Displays information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Specifies the FP number associated with the queue group.
- group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- access
Displays policer statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Displays policer statistics applied on a network port.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- ingress
Displays ingress queue group information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (tools>dump>service>id>fdb card-status)
Full Context
tools dump service id fdb card-status
This command displays the following MAC address information for each line card in the system:
the number of allocated MAC addresses
the number of pending MAC address allocations
the number of pending free MAC addresses
Output Example*A:PE1# tools dump service id 1 fdb card-status
VPLS FDB Card Status at 01/31/2017 08:44:38
Card Allocated PendAlloc PendFree
1 4 0 0
2 4 0 0
5 4 0 0
category-map [category-map]
category-map category-map subscribers
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt category-map)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt category-map
This command displays category map information.
With no parameters specified, a summary view of all configured category maps is displayed.
With the optional category-map name parameter specified, the detailed configuration of the specified category map name is displayed.
With the category-map subscribers parameters specified, all subscribers that have the specified category-map associated are displayed.
- category-map
Specifies the category map name for which information is displayed.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management category map information.
Output ExampleNode# show subscriber-mgmt category-map "cat-map-1"
Category Map: cat-map-1
Description : gy - time and volume
Credit Type : volume Credit Exh. Thresh.: 80%
Activity Thresh. : 0 kb/s
Gx session level
usage monitoring : false
Category: cat-1-time
Description : Rating group for Time quota
Credit Type Over. : none Rating Group : 11
OutOfCredit Action : none
Default Credit : none
Ingress Queues : 1
Egress Queues : 1
Ingress Policers : none
Egress Policers : none
ExhCrdSvcLvl Pir : none
Category: cat-1-volume
Description : Rating group for Volume quota
Credit Type Over. : none Rating Group : 12
OutOfCredit Action : none
Default Credit : none
Ingress Queues : 1
Egress Queues : 1
Ingress Policers : none
Egress Policers : none
ExhCrdSvcLvl Pir : 100
Output fields: category map describes category map output fields.
Field |
Description |
Description |
The user provided description of this policy |
Credit Type |
The volume or time based accounting is performed |
Credit Exh. Thresh |
The credit exhaust threshold considered to take action |
Activity Thresh. |
The threshold (in kb/s) that is applied to determine whether or not activity is occurring |
Gx session level usage monitoring |
Whether category map supports Gx session level usage monitoring |
Credit Type Over. |
Credit type override |
Rating Group |
The rating group applicable for this category |
OutOfCredit Action |
The action to be taken if the credit es exhausted |
Default Credit |
The default value for the Time credit |
Ingress Queues |
The ingress queues defined in this category |
Egress Queues |
The egress queues defined in this category |
Ingress Policers |
The ingress policers defined in this category |
Egress Policers |
The egress queues defined in this category |
ExhCrdSvcLvl Pir |
The credit exhaust threshold considered to take action |
category-set-id category-set
[Tree] (show>app-assure>web-service category-set-id)
Full Context
show application-assurance web-service category-set-id
This command displays information for the web-service category set.
- category-set
Specifies the category set ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output examples show information about SAPs using the application profile.
Output Example# show application-assurance web-service category-set-id 1
Compatible Classifier-ids
Name Description
web-sevice-1 WebTitan Web Filtering
ccrt-replay [session-id session-id] [diameter-application-policy name]
ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy name summary
ccrt-replay summary
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt>diam-session ccrt-replay)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay
This command displays:
information for all diameter sessions that are in CCR-T replay mode:
Diameter session ID
Diameter Application Policy
Replay Time left
statistics per diameter application policy for diameter sessions in CCR-T replay mode or that were in CCR-T replay mode and were dropped or terminated:
Sessions in CCR-T replay mode: the number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that are currently in CCR-T replay mode
Replay sessions dropped (maximum life-time expired): the number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because no CCA-t was received before max-lifetime expiration
Replay sessions dropped (to free resources): the number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because the maximum number of active Diameter sessions for Gx or Gy was reached
Replay sessions dropped (cleared): the number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because the operator issued a clear subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy name sessions command
Replay sessions terminated (CCA-T received): the number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and for which a CCA-t was received before max-lifetime expiration
Statistics last cleared time: timestamp when the statistics were last cleared or n/a if the statistics were never cleared
- name
Specifies the application policy, up to 32 characters.
- session-id
Specifies a diameter session ID.
- summary
Displays summarized information about CCR-T replay.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management CCR-T replay information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay
Diameter Sessions in CCR-t Replay Mode
Session-id Replay Time Left
Diameter Application Policy
diamapppol_gx 0d 21:21:46
diam-gy-1 0d 00:59:16
No. of Matching Entries: 2
*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay session-id ro
Diameter Sessions in CCR-t Replay Mode
Session-id Replay Time Left
Diameter Application Policy
diamapppol_gx 0d 21:21:27
No. of Matching Entries: 1
*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay summary
Diameter Sessions in CCR-t Replay Mode
Total Count : 2
*A:Dut-C# show subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy "diam-gy-1"
Diameter Sessions in CCR-T Replay Mode
Session-id Replay Time Left
Diameter Application Policy
diam-gy-1 0d 00:58:33
No. of Matching Entries: 1
Diameter CCR-T Replay status for policy "diam-gy-1"
Sessions in CCR-T replay mode : 1
Replay sessions dropped (maximum life-time expired) : 0
Replay sessions dropped (to free resources) : 0
Replay sessions dropped (cleared) : 0
Replay sessions terminated (CCA-T received) : 1
Statistics last cleared time : N/A
Output fields: CCR-T replay describes CCRT replay output fields.
Field |
Description |
Session-id |
The diameter session ID that is in CCR-T replay mode |
Diameter Application Policy |
The diameter application policy name to which the Gx or Gy session in CCR-T replay mode belongs |
Replay Time Left |
The remaining max-lifetime before the Diameter Gx or Gy session in CCR-T replay mode is dropped |
No. of Matching Entries |
The number of entries matching the search criteria |
Sessions in CCR-T replay mode |
The number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that are in CCR-T replay mode |
Replay sessions dropped (maximum life-time expired) |
The number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because no CCA-t was received before max-lifetime expiration |
Replay sessions dropped (to free resources) |
The number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because the maximum number of Diameter sessions was reached |
Replay sessions dropped (cleared) |
The number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and got dropped because the operator issued a clear subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy name sessions command |
Replay sessions terminated (CCA-T received) |
The number of Diameter Gx or Gy sessions from the specified diameter application policy that were in CCR-T replay mode and for which a CCA-t was received before max-lifetime expiration |
Statistics last cleared time |
The timestamp when the statistics were last cleared or n/a if the statistics were never cleared |
ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy name statistics
ccrt-replay diameter-application-policy name sessions
[Tree] (clear>subscr-mgmt>diam-session ccrt-replay)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt diameter-session ccrt-replay
This command, when the statistics parameter is specified, clears the CCR-T replay statistics and updates the "Statistics last cleared time” value.
This command, when the sessions parameter is specified, drops the diameter Gx or Gy sessions that are in CCR-T replay mode.
- name
Specifies the diameter application policy, up to 32 characters.
- statistics
Clears the CCR-T replay statistics.
- sessions
Clears the sessions that are in CCR-T replay mode.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>service>statistics>id cem)
Full Context
clear service statistics id cem
This command clears CEM statistics for this service.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
cert-profile name association
cert-profile [name]
cert-profile name entry [value]
[Tree] (show>ipsec cert-profile)
Full Context
show ipsec cert-profile
This command displays IPsec certificate profile information.
- name
Specifies an existing certificate profile name.
- association
Displays information for which this IPsec certificate profile is associated.
- value
Displays information for the specified entry.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the show ipsec cert-profile command.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# show ipsec cert-profile cert "cert-1.der"
Certificate Profile Entry
Id Cert Key Status Flags
1 cert-1.der key-1.der
*A:Dut-A# show ipsec cert-profile "cert-1.der" entry 1
IPsec Certificate Profile: cert-1.der Entry: 1 Detail
Cert File : cert-1.der
Key File : key-1.der
Status Flags : (Not Specified)
Comp Chain : complete
Compute Chain CA Profiles
cert-profile [name]
cert-profile name association
cert-profile name entry entry
[Tree] (show>system>security>tls cert-profile)
Full Context
show system security tls cert-profile
This command displays information about server and client profiles that are using this certificate profile.
- entry
Specifies a certificate profile entry number for which to display information.
- name
Specifies the name of a certificate profile for which to display information.
certificate filename association
[Tree] (show certificate)
[Tree] (show>ipsec certificate)
Full Context
show certificate
show ipsec certificate
This command displays certificate-related information.
- filename
Specifies the certificate file name.
- association
Displays information for which this IPsec certificate is associated.
- show certificate
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- show ipsec certificate
The following output is an example of the show certificate command.
Output Example*A:Dut-B# show certificate ca-profile
Max Cert Chain Depth: 7 (default)
Certificate Display Format: 1 ASCII
CA Profile
CA Profile Admin Oper Cert File CRL File
State State
CA0 up up CA1-00cert.der CA1-00crl.der
CA1 up up CA1-01cert.der CA1-01crl.der
CA2 up up CA1-02cert.der CA1-02crl.der
CA3 up up CA1-03cert.der CA1-03crl.der
CA4 up up CA1-04cert.der CA1-04crl.der
CA5 up up rsa_sha512_1024_0cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_0crl.der
CA6 up up rsa_sha512_1024_1cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_1crl.der
CA7 up up rsa_sha512_1024_2cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_2crl.der
CA8 up up rsa_sha512_1024_3cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_3crl.der
CA9 up up rsa_sha512_1024_4cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_4crl.der
CA10 up up rsa_sha512_1024_5cert.d* rsa_sha512_1024_5crl.der
CA11 up up rsa_sha384_1024_0cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_0crl.der
CA12 up up rsa_sha384_1024_1cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_1crl.der
CA13 up up rsa_sha384_1024_2cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_2crl.der
CA14 up up rsa_sha384_1024_3cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_3crl.der
CA15 up up rsa_sha384_1024_4cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_4crl.der
CA16 up up rsa_sha384_1024_5cert.d* rsa_sha384_1024_5crl.der
CMPv2 up up rsaCMPv2cert.der rsaCMPv2CRL.der
Entries found: 18
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-B# show ipsec certificate cert-1.der association
Associated Tunnels
Tunnel SvcId Sap Admin
tun-1-s-cert-v2 3 tunnel-1.private:3 Up
tun-1-s-cert-MTA-v2 8 tunnel-1.private:7 Up
tun-1-s-cert-i_op-ss-v2 42 tunnel-1.private:10 Up
tun-1-s-cert-MTA-i_op-ss-v2 48 tunnel-1.private:11 Up
IPsec Tunnels: 4
In the following example, the "cert-1.der" is the certificate-profile name, whereas above the cert-1.der is the actual file in use.
*A:Dut-B# show ipsec cert-profile association "cert-1.der"
IPsec tunnels using certificate profile
SvcId Type SAP Tunnel
3 vprn tunnel-1.private:3 tun-1-s-cert-v2
8 vprn tunnel-1.private:7 tun-1-s-cert-MTA-v2
42 vprn tunnel-1.private:10 tun-1-s-cert-i_op-ss-v2
48 vprn tunnel-1.private:11 tun-1-s-cert-MTA-i_op-ss-v2
Number of tunnel entries: 4
IPsec gateways using certificate profile
SvcId Type SAP Gateway
1057 vprn tunnel-1.public:18 d-cert-MTA-g1-1-v2
1092 vprn tunnel-1.public:21 d-cert-i_op-ss-g1-1-v2
Number of gateway entries: 2
show ipsec gateway tunnel
IPsec Remote Users Tunnel Detail
IP Addr:, port: 500
Service Id : 300 Sap Id : tunnel-1.public:100
Address :
Private If : priv
Private Address :
Private Service : 400 Template Id : 1
Replay Window : None Bi Direction SA : true
Host MDA : 1/2
Match TrustAnchor: labroot
Last Oper Changed: 05/04/2016 17:36:20
IKE IDI Type : derAsn1Dn
IKE IDI Value : CN=Client-1
Dynamic Keying Parameters
Transform Id1 : 1 Transform Id2 : None
Transform Id3 : None Transform Id4 : None
IPsec GW Name : rw
Local GW Address :
Ike Policy Id : 1 Ike Pol Auth : cert
Pre Shared Key : None
Cert Profile : segw
Trust Anchor Prof: labroot
Selected Cert : segw-1.cert
Selected Key : segw-1.key
Send Chain Prof : None
Local Id Type : none
Client Database
Name : (Not Specified)
Client ID : None
Radius Acct Plcy : None
Radius Auth Plcy : None
TS-List : <none>
Certificate Status Verify
Primary : crl Secondary : none
Default Result : good
Admin State : Up Send Release : true
Service : 400
Gi-Address :
Server1-Address :
DHCPv4 Lease
Private Address :
Acquired : 2016/05/04 17:36:19 UTC
Renew : 2016/05/04 18:06:19 UTC
Rebind : 2016/05/04 18:28:49 UTC
Valid Lifetime
End : 2016/05/04 18:36:19 UTC
Total : 3600 seconds
Remaining : 3585 seconds
Server :
State : Up
Established : 05/04/2016 17:36:20 Lifetime : 86400
Expires : 05/05/2016 17:36:20
ISAKMP Statistics
Tx Packets : 2 Rx Packets : 2
Tx Errors : 0 Rx Errors : 0
Tx DPD : 0 Rx DPD : 0
Tx DPD ACK : 0 Rx DPD ACK : 0
DPD Timeouts : 0 Rx DPD Errors : 0
IPsec-SA : 1, Inbound (index 2)
SPI : 207232
Auth Algorithm : Sha1 Encr Algorithm : Aes128
Installed : 05/04/2016 17:36:20 Lifetime : 3600
Local Traffic Selectors:
any protocol
Remote Traffic Selectors:
any protocol
Aggregate Statistics
Bytes Processed : 0 Packets Processed: 0
Crypto Errors : 0 Replay Errors : 0
SA Errors : 0 Policy Errors : 0
IPsec-SA : 1, Outbound (index 1)
SPI : 3433111520
Auth Algorithm : Sha1 Encr Algorithm : Aes128
Installed : 05/04/2016 17:36:20 Lifetime : 3600
Local Traffic Selectors:
any protocol
Remote Traffic Selectors:
any protocol
Aggregate Statistics
Bytes Processed : 0 Packets Processed: 0
Crypto Errors : 0 Replay Errors : 0
SA Errors : 0 Policy Errors : 0
Fragmentation Statistics
Encapsulation Overhead : 73
Fragmentation Count : 0
Last Fragmented Packet Size : 0
Fragmentation Count : 0
Last Fragmented Packet Size : 0
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group certificate-profile)
Full Context
show application-assurance group certificate-profile
This command displays certificate profile information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show cflowd)
Full Context
show cflowd
This command displays cflowd information.
[Tree] (show>app-assure cflowd)
Full Context
show application-assurance cflowd
This command configures the context to display cflowd template field information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group cflowd)
Full Context
show application-assurance group cflowd
Commands in this context display cflowd output.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear cflowd)
Full Context
clear cflowd
This command clears the raw and aggregation flow caches which are sending flow data to the configured collectors. This action will trigger all the flows to be discarded. The cache restarts flow data collection from a fresh state. This command also clears global stats collector stats listed in the cflowd show commands.
[Tree] (tools>dump cflowd)
Full Context
tools dump cflowd
Commands in this context dump Cflowd information.
[Tree] (tools>perform cflowd)
Full Context
tools perform cflowd
Commands in this context perform Cflowd operations.
[Tree] (clear>app-assure>group cflowd)
Full Context
clear application-assurance group cflowd
This command clears cflowd application assurance statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
cfm-stack-table [all-ports] [level level] [direction { up | down}] [primary-vlan-enabled vlan-id]
cfm-stack-table [{all-sdps | all-virtuals}] [level level] [direction { up | down}] [primary-vlan-enabled vlan-id]
cfm-stack-table facility [{all-ports | all-port-meps | all-lags | all-lag-meps | all-tunnel-meps | all-router-interfaces}] [level level] [direction { up | down}]
cfm-stack-table facility collect-lmm-stats
cfm-stack-table facility lag lag-id [tunnel tunnel-id] [level level] [direction { up | down]
cfm-stack-table facility port port-id [tunnel tunnel-id] [level level] [ direction {up | down}]
cfm-stack-table facility router-interface interface-name [level level] [direction { up | down]
cfm-stack-table port port-id [ vlan qtag[.qtag]] [level level] [direction {up | down}] [primary-vlan-enabled vlan-id]
cfm-stack-table sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [level level] [direction {up | down}] [primary-vlan-enabled vlan-id]
cfm-stack-table virtual service-id [level level]
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm cfm-stack-table)
Full Context
show eth-cfm cfm-stack-table
This command displays stack-table information. This stack-table is used to display the various management points MEPs and MIPs that are configured on the system. These can be service-based or facility-based. The various options allow the operator to be specific. If no parameters are included then the entire stack-table is displayed.
- port port-id
Displays the bridge port or aggregated port on which MEPs or MHFs are configured.
- vlan vlan-id
Displays the associated VLAN ID.
- level
Displays the MD level of the maintenance point.
- collect-lmm-stats
Displays facility MEPs on which LMM collection is enabled.
- direction up | down
Displays the direction in which the MP faces on the bridge port.
- facility
Displays the CFM stack table information for facility MEPs. The base command displays all the facility MEPs. Options may be included in order to further parse the table for specific facility MEP information.
- sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
Displays CFM stack table information for the specified SDP.
- virtual service-id
Displays CFM stack table information for the specified SDP.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of stack table information. Output fields: ETH-CFM CFM stack table describes the output content.
Output Exampleshow eth-cfm cfm-stack-table
CFM Stack Table Defect Legend:
R = Rdi, M = MacStatus, C = RemoteCCM, E = ErrorCCM, X = XconCCM
A = AisRx, L = CSF LOS Rx, F = CSF AIS/FDI rx, r = CSF RDI rx
G = receiving grace PDU (MCC-ED or VSM) from at least one peer
CFM SAP Stack Table
Sap Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
1/1/4:1001 3 D 13 13 1002 b6:1c:01:01:00:04 ------- -
1/1/9:100 2 U 12 1000 928 00:00:01:01:09:28 ------- -
1/1/10:100 2 U 12 1000 1028 00:00:01:01:10:28 ------- -
CFM Ethernet Tunnel Stack Table
Eth-tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Ethernet Ring Stack Table
Eth-ring Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility Port Stack Table
Port Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
1/1/4 0 0 D 10 11400115 2 00:00:00:00:00:28 ------- -
1/1/6 0 0 D 10 11600117 2 00:00:00:00:00:28 ------- -
CFM Facility LAG Stack Table
Lag Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility Tunnel Stack Table
Port/Lag Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility Interface Stack Table
Interface Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM SAP Primary VLAN Stack Table
Primary VlanId Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
60 3 D 13 13 1001 b6:1c:01:01:00:04 --C---- -
CFM SDP Stack Table
Sdp Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM SDP Primary VLAN Stack Table
Primary VlanId Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Virtual Stack Table
Service Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
Label |
Description |
Sap |
Displays associated SAP IDs. |
Sdp |
Displays the SDP binding for the bridge. |
Level Dir |
Displays the MD level of the maintenance point. |
Md-index |
Displays the maintenance domain (MD) index. |
Ma-index |
Displays the maintenance association (MA) index. |
Mep-id |
Displays the integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. |
Mac-address |
Displays the MAC address of the MP. |
md-admin-name |
Displays the administrative MD name. |
ma-admin-name |
Displays the administrative MA name. |
change-key authentication authentication-protocol old-authentication-key new-authentication-key
change-key authentication authentication-protocol privacy privacy-protocol old-privacy-key new-privacy-key
[Tree] (tools>perform>system>mgmt-itf>snmp change-key)
Full Context
tools perform system management-interface snmp change-key
This command generates KeyChange strings to change SNMPv3 authentication or privacy keys. The SNMP engine ID is not needed because localized keys are required as input. The KeyChange algorithm uses a random string, which generates a different output each time the command is executed.
- authentication
Generates a KeyChange string for an authentication key.
- authentication-protocol
Specifies the SNMPv3 authentication protocol.
- old-authentication-key
Specifies the old localized authentication key.
- new-authentication-key
Specifies the new localized authentication key.
- privacy
Keyword to generate a KeyChange string for a privacy key.
- privacy-protocol
Specifies the SNMPv3 privacy protocol.
- old-privacy-key
Specifies the old localized privacy key.
- new-privacy-key
Specifies the new localized privacy key.
The following output is an example of a generated KeyChange string.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# tools perform system management-interface snmp change-key authentication hmac-sha1-96 5c9ccb02cb2066f226e9d41b428c63ba801a3319
KeyChange string : 8feb0fa890f3607aa0986e7f0a71d3d889da1d3f1f07933770e50639c0770cca4dc0519637796240
channel [router router-instance | vpls service-id | service-name service-name] [fp slot-number[/fp-number]] [group ip-address [source ip-address]] [path path-type] [detail]
[Tree] (show>mcast-management channel)
Full Context
show mcast-management channel
This command displays multicast path management channel related information.
- service-id
Specifies an existing VPLS service ID.
- service-name
A string up to 64 characters.
- slot-number
Displays information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Specifies an FP.
- ip-address
ipv4-address in the form a.b.c.d
- path-type
Specifies the path type.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
The following output is an example of multicast management channel information.
Output Example*A:PE# show mcast-management channel
Multicast Channels
Legend : D - Dynamic E - Explicit
Source Address Slot/Fp Current-Bw Path D/E
Group Address Highest-Bw Plane
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/1 3930 Primary D 3973 17
Multicast Channels : 1
*A:PE# show mcast-management channel detail
Multicast Channels
Source Address :
Group Address :
Slot/Complex : 5/1 Current Bw : 3918 kbps
Dynamic/Explicit : Dynamic Current Path : Primary
Oper Admin Bw : 0 kbps Current Plane : 17
Ing last highest : 3973 Preference : 0
Black-hole rate : None Ing sec highest : 3970
Time remaining : 20 seconds Blackhole : No
Multicast Channels : 1
channel [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [detail]
[Tree] (show>video>perfect-stream channel)
Full Context
show video perfect-stream channel
This command displays video channel information.
- service service-id
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified service ID.
- interface ip-int-name
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified interface.
- address mcast-address
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified multicast channel address.
- source ip-address
Displays video channel information pertaining to the source IP address.
- detail
The output displays detailed video channel information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
channel [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [summary | detail] [pid | config | [analyzer [interval time-interval]]]
[Tree] (show>video channel)
Full Context
show video channel
This command displays video channel information.
- service service-id
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified service ID.
- interface ip-int-name
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified interface.
- address mcast-address
Displays video channel information pertaining to the specified multicast channel address.
- source ip-address
Displays video channel information pertaining to the source IP address.
- summary
The output displays summarized video channel information.
- detail
The output displays detailed video channel information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
The following output is an example of this command.
Output Example*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel analyzer
Video channel analyzer summary
Channel number : 1
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
MDI Delay Factor : 7 MDI Loss Rate : 0
Good Secs : 54
Channel number : 2
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
MDI Delay Factor : 6 MDI Loss Rate : 0
Good Secs : 54
Channel number : 3
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
MDI Delay Factor : 7 MDI Loss Rate : 0
Good Secs : 54
Number of channels : 3
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel analyzer address source interface "video-300" detail
Video channel analyzer detail
Channel number : 1
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
MDI Delay Factor : 8 MDI Loss Rate : 0
Good Secs : 80
GOP Stats
Min Max Avg
GOP Length 40 78 48
Frames/Sec 39 55 53
Frame Stats
I-Frame P-Frame B-Frame
Good 19 986 0
Bad 0 0 0
Error Stats
POA Events QoS Events TNC Events
PAT Rep 0 0 0
PMT Rep 0 0 0
PCR Rep 0 0 0
PAT Syntax Err - - 0
PMT Syntax Err - - 0
Sync Byte Err - 0 -
Sync Loss 0 - -
Unref PID - - 0
Traffic Loss 0 - -
Overall 0 0 0
Reoccuring events only increment counter once every second
Number of channels : 1
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel pid
Video Channel PID
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 0 PID Type : pat
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 2 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 126336
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 32 PID Type : video
MPEG Stream Type : 27 Is PCR PID : Yes
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 1952192
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 33 PID Type : pmt
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 308 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 126336
Number of pids for this channel: 5
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 0 PID Type : pat
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 2 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 126336
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 32 PID Type : video
MPEG Stream Type : 27 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 1949184
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 33 PID Type : pmt
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 308 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 136864
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel pid interface "video-300" source address
Video Channel PID
No Matching Entries
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel config
Video channel config
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Number of channels : 3
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel config interface "video-300"
Video channel config
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
Analyzer State : Enabled Cc Error : Disabled
PAT Rep Err : Enabled TNC PAT Rep : 200
QOS PAT Rep : 400 POA PAT Rep : 600
PAT Syntax : Enabled PCR Rep Err : Enabled
TNC PCR Rep : 200 QOS PCR Rep : 400
POA PCR Rep : 600 Vid PID Absent : 1000
PID PMT Unref : Enabled PMT Rep Err Secs : Enabled
TNC PMT Rep : 400 QOS PMT Rep : 800
POA PMT Rep : 2000 PMT Syntax : Enabled
SCTE35 Err Secs : Disabled TEI Err Secs : Disabled
TS Sync Loss : Enabled Non-Vid Pid Abse*: 1000
Alarm Sev : tnc
Number of channels : 3
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel pid
Video Channel PID
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 0 PID Type : pat
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 16 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 2 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 126336
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 32 PID Type : video
MPEG Stream Type : 27 Is PCR PID : Yes
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 1941664
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 33 PID Type : pmt
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 16 PID Bitrate : 0
*A:SR-12/Dut-C# show video channel pid interface "video-300" source address
Video Channel PID
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 0 PID Type : pat
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 16 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 2 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 136864
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 32 PID Type : video
MPEG Stream Type : 27 Is PCR PID : Yes
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 1931136
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 33 PID Type : pmt
MPEG Stream Type : 0 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 16 PID Bitrate : 0
Service Id : 300 Interface Name : video-300
Group Address : Source Address :
PID : 308 PID Type : audio
MPEG Stream Type : 4 Is PCR PID : No
Cc Err Secs : 0 TEI Err Secs : 0
Absent Err Secs : 0 PID Bitrate : 136864
Number of pids for this channel: 5
Number of channels : 1
channel all [rt-client] [rt-server] [fcc-server] [ad-insert]
channel grp-address [source srcAddr] [rt-client] [ rt-server] [fcc-server] [ ad-insert]
[Tree] (clear>video>statistics>id channel)
Full Context
clear video statistics id channel
This command clears video statistics for a particular channel.
- all
Clears statistics for all channels.
- rt-client
Clears all RET client related statistics.
- rt-server
Clears all RET server related statistics.
- fcc-server
Clears all FCC server related statistics.
- ad-insert
Clears all ad insert related statistics.
- grp-address
Clears statistics for the specified channel group address.
- source srcAddr
Clears statistics for the specified source address.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
charging-filter {charging-filter-id | non-zero}
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>policy charging-filter)
Full Context
show application-assurance group policy charging-filter
This command displays information about the charging filter.
- charging-filter-id
Specifies the ID of an existing charging filter entry.
- non-zero
Specifies to show all non-zero count entries.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the charging filter information, and Output fields: AA group policy charging filter describes the fields.
show application-assurance group 1:0 policy charging-filter 1
Charging Filter Entry 1
Description : "Charging-filter entry for WhatsApp Video"
Admin State : in-service
Charging Group : "cgVideo100"
Hits : 0 flows
Match :
Application : eq "Whats App"
Flow Attribute : flow-attribute video confidence gte 100
Label |
Description |
Charging Filter Entry |
The charging filter |
Description |
The description of the charging filter |
Admin State |
The administrative state of the filter |
Charging Group |
The charging group |
Hits |
The number of hits |
Application |
The matched application |
Flow Attribute |
The flow attribute used by the match criteria |
charging-group charging-group-name
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>policy charging-group)
Full Context
show application-assurance group policy charging-group
This command displays application-assurance policy application information.
- charging-group-name
Specifies the application name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
charging-group [charging-group-name] count [detail]
charging-group count top granularity [max-count max-count]
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub charging-group)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub charging-group
This command displays application-assurance group charging group information.
- charging-group-name
Specifies an existing charging group.
- count
Displays the counters for the charging group.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- top
Displays counters sorted by granularity.
- granularity
Specifies the granularity of the search.
- max-count
Specifies the maximum flows to display.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
charging-group [charging-group-name] count
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub>um charging-group)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub usage-monitor charging-group
This command displays usage monitor statistics for the charging group.
- charging-group-name
Specifies the charging group name, up to 32 characters.
- count
Displays counters for the charging group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
charging-group [charging-group-name] count [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>app-assure>group>aa-sub charging-group)
Full Context
tools dump application-assurance group aa-sub charging-group
This command displays per-subscriber per-charging-group statistics.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
chassis [environment] [ccm] [power-supply] [chassis-id]
chassis class chassis-class
chassis detail [class chassis-class]
[Tree] (show chassis)
Full Context
show chassis
This command displays general status information about the chassis.
- chassis-id
Specifies the ID of the chassis.
- chassis-class
Displays information related to the chassis of the specified class.
- environment
Displays environmental status information about the chassis.
- power-supply
Displays the status of the power supply in the chassis.
- detail
Displays detailed information for all chassis in the system.
- ccm
Displays chassis control module information for platforms that support CCMs.
The following outputs are examples of chassis information, and Output fields: chassis describes the output fields.
Output example: show chassis power-supply (showing 7750 SR-1)
Output example: show chassis (showing 7750 SR with Ethernet satellites configured)
Output example: show chassis (showing the state of the Ethernet satellite compact flash)
A:PE-1# show chassis
System Information
Name : PE-1
Type : 7750 SR-12
Chassis Topology : Standalone
Location : (Not Specified)
Coordinates : (Not Specified)
CLLI code :
Number of slots : 12
Oper number of slots : 12
Num of faceplate ports/connectors : 97
Num of physical ports : 97
Critical LED state : Off
Major LED state : Off
Minor LED state : Off
Over Temperature state : OK
Base MAC address : 10:e8:78:b8:21:47
Admin chassis mode : d
Oper chassis mode : d
Fabric Speed : 10 Gig
FP Generations : FP3
System Profile : none
Chassis Summary
Chassis Role Status
1 Standalone up
Output example: show chassis environment
A:SR-12# show chassis environment
Chassis 1 Detail
Environment Information
Number of fan trays : 3
Number of fans : 6
Fan tray number : 1
Speed : 44 %
Status : up
Fan tray number : 2
Speed : 44 %
Status : up
Fan tray number : 3
Speed : 44 %
Status : up
Output example: show chassis power-supply (showing 7750 SR-1)
A:ALA-4# show chassis power-supply
Chassis 1 Detail
Power Supply Information
Number of power supplies : 1
Power supply number : 1
Power supply type : dc multiple
Power supply model : pem
Status1 : present
Input voltage 1 : 53.81 Volts
Status2 : failed
Input voltage 2 : 0.00 Volts
Output example: show chassis ccm
A:7750-3# show chassis ccm
Chassis Information
Chassis Control Module (CCM) Information
CCM number : 1
Equipped : yes
Type : ccm-xp
Hardware Data
Part number : Sim Part#
CLEI code : Sim CLEI
Serial number : ccm-0
Manufacture date : 01012003
Manufacturing string : Sim MfgString ccm-0
Manufacturing deviations : Sim MfgDeviation ccm-0
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 32C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Time of last boot : N/A
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Output example: show chassis (showing 7950 XRS)
*A:PE-1# show chassis
System Information
Name : PE-1
Type : 7950 XRS-20
Chassis Topology : Standalone
Location : (Not Specified)
Coordinates : (Not Specified)
CLLI code :
Number of slots : 24
Oper number of slots : 12
Num of faceplate ports/connectors : 314
Num of physical ports : 314
Critical LED state : Off
Major LED state : Off
Minor LED state : Amber
Over Temperature state : OK
Base MAC address : 24:af:4a:a3:ac:c5
FP Generations : FP3
System Profile : none
Chassis Summary
Chassis Role Status
1 Standalone up
Output example: show chassis detail (showing 7950 XRS)
*A:PE-1# show chassis detail
System Information
Name : PE-1
Type : 7950 XRS-20
Chassis Topology : Standalone
Location : (Not Specified)
Coordinates : (Not Specified)
CLLI code :
Number of slots : 24
Oper number of slots : 12
Num of faceplate ports/connectors : 314
Num of physical ports : 314
Critical LED state : Off
Major LED state : Off
Minor LED state : Amber
Over Temperature state : OK
Base MAC address : 24:af:4a:a3:ac:c5
FP Generations : FP3
System Profile : none
Chassis 1 Detail
Chassis Status : up
Chassis Role : Standalone
Hardware Data
Part number :
CLEI code :
Serial number : AME4-14
Manufacture date :
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:29:41
Current alarm state : alarm active
Environment Information
Number of fan trays : 2
Number of fans : 16
Fan tray number : 1
Speed : 38 %
Status : up
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07119AARB01
Serial number : NS131062838
Manufacture date : 03212013
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0354-03
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:47
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 1)
Minimum : 53.00 Volts (10/23/2017 12:30:28)
Current : 53.00 Volts
Peak : 54.00 Volts (10/23/2017 12:29:48)
Minimum : 106.00 Watts (10/23/2017 12:30:28)
Current : 159.00 Watts
Peak : 324.00 Watts (10/23/2017 12:29:48)
Max Required : 900.00 Watts
Minimum : 2.00 Amps (10/23/2017 12:29:56)
Current : 3.00 Amps
Peak : 6.00 Amps (10/23/2017 12:29:48)
Fan tray number : 2
Speed : 38 %
Status : up
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07119AARB01
Serial number : NS152062365
Manufacture date : 05232015
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0354-03
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:25
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 1)
Minimum : 52.00 Volts (10/23/2017 12:32:01)
Current : 52.00 Volts
Peak : 54.00 Volts (10/23/2017 12:29:54)
Minimum : 106.00 Watts (10/23/2017 12:30:05)
Current : 156.00 Watts
Peak : 371.00 Watts (10/23/2017 12:29:51)
Max Required : 900.00 Watts
Minimum : 2.00 Amps (10/23/2017 12:29:54)
Current : 3.00 Amps
Peak : 7.00 Amps (10/23/2017 12:29:51)
Power Management Information
Power Management Mode : basic
Power Safety Level : 100%
Power Safety Alert : 0 watts
Number of PEQs : 12
PEQ number : 1
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0116
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:33
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 2
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1249G0022
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:26
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 3
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0141
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:31
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 4
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1249G0201
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:26
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 5
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0123
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:32
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 6
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0061
Manufacture date : 12182012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:34
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 7
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARB01
Serial number : NS13226A310
Manufacture date : 06042013
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 82-0532-02
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:33
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 8
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0152
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:29
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 9
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0122
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:28
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 10
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0146
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:25
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 11
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1249G0202
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:30
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
PEQ number : 12
PEQ Equipped Type : apeq-dc-2000
PEQ Provisioned Type : (Not Specified)
Power-Zone : 1
Status : up
Input Feed Status : input B down
Input Power Mode : N/A
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE07114AARA01
Serial number : NS1250G0115
Manufacture date : 12202012
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number : 8205320107
Administrative state : up
Operational state : unprovisioned
Time of last boot : 2017/10/23 12:27:29
Current alarm state : alarm active
Firmware revision status : acceptable
Chassis Control Module (CCM) Information
CCM Slot : A
Equipped : yes
Hardware Data
Part number : 82-0263-03
CLEI code :
Serial number : AQUA03-30
Manufacture date :
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 45C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Time of last boot : N/A
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 1)
Minimum : 51.67 Volts (10/23/2017 12:31:59)
Current : 51.67 Volts
Peak : 52.68 Volts (10/23/2017 12:29:52)
Minimum : 21.29 Watts (10/23/2017 12:30:20)
Current : 21.98 Watts
Peak : 22.66 Watts (10/23/2017 12:29:50)
Max Required : 22.00 Watts
Minimum : 0.41 Amps (10/23/2017 12:30:20)
Current : 0.43 Amps
Peak : 0.43 Amps (10/23/2017 12:29:50)
CCM Slot : B
Equipped : yes
Hardware Data
Part number : 82-0263-03
CLEI code :
Serial number : AQUA03-10
Manufacture date :
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Administrative state : up
Operational state : up
Temperature : 44C
Temperature threshold : 75C
Time of last boot : N/A
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Hardware Resources (Power-Zone 1)
Minimum : 51.63 Volts (10/23/2017 12:32:00)
Current : 51.63 Volts
Peak : 52.59 Volts (10/23/2017 12:30:14)
Minimum : 22.66 Watts (10/23/2017 12:30:40)
Current : 23.35 Watts
Peak : 23.35 Watts (10/23/2017 12:30:14)
Max Required : 22.00 Watts
Minimum : 0.45 Amps (10/23/2017 12:30:14)
Current : 0.46 Amps
Peak : 0.46 Amps (10/23/2017 12:31:32)
Output example: show chassis (showing 7750 SR with Ethernet satellites configured)
*A:PE-1# show chassis
System Information
Name : PE-1
Type : 7750 SR-12
Chassis Topology : Standalone
Location : (Not Specified)
Coordinates : (Not Specified)
CLLI code :
Number of slots : 12
Oper number of slots : 12
Num of faceplate ports/connectors : 165
Num of physical ports : 165
Critical LED state : Off
Major LED state : Off
Minor LED state : Off
Over Temperature state : OK
Base MAC address : 10:e8:78:b8:21:47
Admin chassis mode : d
Oper chassis mode : d
Fabric Speed : 10 Gig
FP Generations : FP3
System Profile : none
Chassis Summary
Chassis Role Status
1 Standalone up
esat-1 Ethernet Satellite up
Output example: show chassis (showing the state of the Ethernet
satellite compact flash)A:node-2# show chassis "esat-6"
Chassis esat-6 Detail
Chassis Status : up
Chassis Role : Ethernet Satellite
Hardware Data
Part number : 3HE10076ABRC01
CLEI code : IPMB900HRA
Serial number : NS1935C1681
Manufacture date : 08312019
Manufacturing deviations : (Not Specified)
Manufacturing assembly number :
Temperature : 53C
Time of last boot : 2024/06/19 13:20:57
Current alarm state : alarm cleared
Environment Information
Number of fan trays : 1
Fan tray number : 1
Speed : 49 %
Status : up
Power Supply Information
Number of power supplies : 2
Power supply number : 1
Power supply type : ac single
Status : up
AC power : within range
Hardware Data
Part number :
CLEI code :
Serial number :
Power supply number : 2
Power supply type : none
Status : not equipped
Hardware Data
Part number :
CLEI code :
Serial number :
Flash Information
Flash : cf1
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : AA00000000124358
Firmware revision : 1100
Model number : Flash 1
Size : 1,964 MB
Free space : 1,897 MB
Percent Used : 3 %
Flash : cf2
Administrative State : up
Operational state : up
Serial number : 246CT505S1063SC00645
Firmware revision : V2.23
Size : 253,932 KB
Free space : 0 Bytes
Percent Used : 100 %
Label |
Description |
Name |
The system name for the router |
Type |
The router model number |
Chassis Topology |
The inter-chassis topology mode in which the system is operating:
Chassis Status |
The status of the chassis |
Chassis role |
The chassis roles: Standalone – specifies the value for all non-7950 XRS SR OS systems and for 7950 XRS-20 standalone systems 7950 XRS-40 Master 7950 XRS-40 Extension |
Location |
The system location for the device |
Coordinates |
A user-configurable string that indicates the Global Positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates for the location of the chassis For example:
CLLI Code |
The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry |
Number of slots |
The number of slots in the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR chassis that are available for plug-in cards. The total number includes the IOM or CCM slot or slots and the CPM slots. |
Number of ports |
The total number of ports currently installed in this chassis. This count does not include the Ethernet ports on the CPMs or CCMs that are used for management access. |
Oper Number of Slots |
The number of slots in the 7950 XRS chassis that are available for XCM cards and CPM cards operating as the active or standby CPM. The operational number of slots can reach to 24 when the chassis topology is extended. |
Critical LED state |
The current state of the Critical LED in this chassis |
Major LED state |
The current state of the Major LED in this chassis |
Minor LED state |
The current state of the Minor LED in this chassis |
Base MAC address |
The base chassis Ethernet MAC address |
FP Generations |
Identifies the FP generations for cards in the system |
System Profile |
The scaling profile in use by the system |
Over Temperature state |
Indicates if there is currently an over temperature condition (OK = not currently over temp) |
Admin chassis mode |
The configured chassis mode (chassis mode D) |
Oper chassis mode |
The current chassis mode |
Part number |
The part number of the particular hardware assembly. In the show chassis output, the first section of Hardware Data output is for the chassis midplane. |
CLEI code |
The Common Language Equipment Code Identifier (CLEI) code of the particular hardware assembly |
Serial number |
The serial number of the particular hardware assembly |
Manufacture date |
The manufacture date of the particular hardware assembly |
Manufacturing string |
The factory inputted manufacturing text string for the particular hardware assembly |
Manufacturing deviations |
Additional manufacturing data |
Manufacturing assembly number |
Additional manufacturing data |
Time of last boot |
The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state |
The alarm conditions for the specific board |
Number of fan trays |
The total number of fan trays installed in this chassis |
Number of fans |
The total number of fans installed in this chassis |
Fan tray number |
The ID for each fan tray installed in the chassis |
Fan tray type |
The type of fan tray:
Operational status |
The current status of the fan tray |
Speed |
The speed of the fans as a percentage |
Status |
The current status of the particular hardware assembly (up, down, or not equipped) |
Power Supply Information |
Number of power supplies |
The number of power supplies in the chassis |
Power supply number |
The ID for each power supply installed in the chassis |
Power supply type |
The basic type of the power supply |
Status |
The power supply status |
DC power |
Indicates if the DC power is over the safe range |
Over temp |
Indicates if the power supply is over the safe temperature range |
Power supply model |
The model of the power supply |
Input voltage |
The input voltage for the specific power supply or power module. This field is only displayed for a subset of platforms. |
CCM Slot |
The identifier of the CCM (A or B) |
Equipped |
Indicates if the CCM is detected as physically present |
Temperature |
The current temperature detected by the particular hardware assembly |
Temperature threshold |
The temperature at which the particular hardware assembly considers an over temperature condition to exist |
Part number |
The CCM part number |
CLEI code |
The code used to identify the router |
Serial number |
The CCM serial number. Not user modifiable. |
Manufacture date |
The chassis manufacture date. Not user modifiable. |
Manufacturing string |
The factory-inputted manufacturing text string. Not user modifiable. |
Administrative state |
The administrative state of the card:
Operational state |
The operational state of the card:
Temperature |
The internal chassis temperature |
Temperature threshold |
The value above which the internal temperature must rise to indicate that the temperature is critical |
Time of last boot |
The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state |
The alarm conditions for the CCM |
Flash Information |
Flash |
The compact flash (CF) name |
Administrative State |
The administrative state of the CF:
Operational state |
The operational state of the CF:
Serial number |
The serial number of the CF |
Firmware revision |
The firmware revision |
Model number |
The model number of the CF |
Size |
The size of the CF |
Free space |
The free space available on the CF |
Percent used |
The percentage of the CF that has been used |
chassis [phys-chassis-id]
[Tree] (tools>perform chassis)
Full Context
tools perform chassis
The following command performs chassis maintenance operations.
- phys-chassis-id
The identifier of the physical chassis for the tools perform context.
[Tree] (clear chassis)
Full Context
clear chassis
Commands in this context clear data for various pieces of equipment that sit in a chassis.
7750 SR-s
[Tree] (show>mcast-mgmt chassis)
Full Context
show mcast-management chassis
This command displays multicast path management chassis information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (tools>perform>chassis check-bp-eprom)
Full Context
tools perform chassis check-bp-eprom
This command checks the chassis BP EPROM. The function reads the EPROM and is corrected with one of the following:
for each SEEP that is found to be acceptable or can be corrected:
"BP eprom X: ok” with X = seep number
for each SEEP that is found to be unacceptable and cannot be corrected:
"BP eprom X: not ok”
class-forwarding-policy [policy-name]
[Tree] (show>router>mpls class-forwarding-policy)
Full Context
show router mpls class-forwarding-policy
This command displays the mapping of the Forwarding Classes (FCs) to the set IDs as well as the default set ID of the CBF policy. It also shows the number of MPLS LSPs that reference this CBF policy.
- policy-name
Specifies the name of the class-forwarding-policy, up to 256 characters and composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters excluding double quotes. If the string contains spaces, use double quotes to delimit the start and end of the string.
The following output is an example of class forwarding policy information.
Output Example*A:Dut-B>show>router# show router mpls class-forwarding-policy "policy1"
MPLS Class Forwarding Policy Table
Policy Name Default Forwarding Class Set-id Ref
Set-Id be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc Count
policy1 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 50
No. of Forwarding Policies: 1
classic-lsn-sub router-instance ip-prefix ip-prefix/length
classic-lsn-sub router-instance ip-prefix ip-prefix/length subscriber-string
[Tree] (clear>nat classic-lsn-sub)
Full Context
clear nat classic-lsn-sub
This command clears NAT mappings for classic LSN subscribers.
- router-instance
Specifies the router instance, up to 32 characters.
- ip-prefix/length
Specifies the IP prefix and length.
- subscriber-string
Clears subscriber string information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
clear aps-id {protect | working} [number number]
[Tree] (tools>perform>aps clear)
Full Context
tools perform aps clear
This command removes all Automated Protection Switching (APS) operational commands.
- aps-id
This option clears a specific APS on un-bundled SONET/SDH ports.
- protect
This command clears a physical port that is acting as the protection circuit for the APS group.
- working
This command clears a physical port that is acting as the working circuit for this APS group.
- number
Specifies the APS channel number.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
clear ring-index
[Tree] (tools>perform>eth-ring clear)
Full Context
tools perform eth-ring clear
The clear command, at the Ethernet Ring Node, is used for the following operations:
Clearing an active local administrative command, such as a Forced Switch or Manual Switch
Triggering reversion before the WTR or WTB timer expires in case of revertive operation
Triggering reversion in case of non-reactive operation
- ring-index
Specifies an Ethernet Ring index.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
clear id tunnel-id
clear lsp-name
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>mpls>tp-tunnel clear)
Full Context
tools perform router mpls tp-tunnel clear
This command clears all the MPLS-TP linear protection operational commands for the specified LSP that are currently active.
- tunnel-id
Specifies the tunnel number of the MPLS-TP LSP.
- lsp-name
Specifies the name of the MPLS-TP LSP, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (clear)
Full Context
Commands in this context are used to clear specific statistics, reset specific hardware assemblies (for example, cards), and delete temporary operational state data (for example, contents of a log in memory).
clear-arp [ip ipv4-address]
[Tree] (tools>perform>wlan-gw>lanext>bd clear-arp)
Full Context
tools perform wlan-gw lanext bd clear-arp
This command clears all ARP table entries for the specified HLE BD or a specific entry if an IPv4 address is specified.
- ipv4-address
Specifies the IPv4 address of the ARP table entry to be cleared.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
clear-force all-mc
clear-force lag-id lag-id [sub-group sub-group-id]
clear-force peer-mc ip-address
[Tree] (tools>perform>lag clear-force)
Full Context
tools perform lag clear-force
This command clears forced status.
- all-mc
Specifies all MC-LAGs.
- lag-id
Specifies the LAG ID.
- sub-group-id
Specifies the subscriber group ID.
- ip-address
Specifies the peer MC IP address.
[Tree] (tools>perform>system>nsp-proxy clear-history)
Full Context
tools perform system nsp-proxy clear-history
This command clears the NSP proxy history.
clear-lockout-annexb aps-id
[Tree] (tools>perform>aps clear-lockout-annexb)
Full Context
tools perform aps clear-lockout-annexb
This command clears lockout of the Annex B APS group.
- aps-id
Specifies an APS ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
clear-mac [mac ieee-address]
[Tree] (tools>perform>wlan-gw>lanext>bd clear-mac)
Full Context
tools perform wlan-gw lanext bd clear-mac
This command clears all MAC table entries for the specified HLE BD or a specific entry if a MAC address is specified.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address of the MAC table entry to be cleared.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
clear-neighbor [ip6 ipv6-address]
[Tree] (tools>perform>wlan-gw>lanext>bd clear-neighbor)
Full Context
tools perform wlan-gw lanext bd clear-neighbor
This command clears all neighbor table entries for the specified HLE BD or a specific entry if an IPv6 address is specified.
- ipv6-address
Specifies the IPv6 address of the neighbor table entry to be cleared.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>log cli)
Full Context
show log cli
Commands in this context display log information specific to CLI users (classic CLI or MD-CLI).
cli-session-group session-group-name
[Tree] (show>system>security cli-session-group)
Full Context
show system security cli-session-group
This command displays the user profiles of this CLI session group and the session group details.
- session-group-name
Specifies a session group, up to 32 characters.
client all
client client-address ip-address
[Tree] (show>test-oam>twamp client)
Full Context
show test-oam twamp client
This command displays TWAMP client information.
- ip-address
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a client.
- all
Displays all TWAMP client information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of TWAMP client information.
Output Exampleshow test-oam twamp client all
Test Session information for Client
Index : 1 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Index : 2 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Number of Sessions: 2
Test Session information for Client
Index : 1 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Index : 2 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Index : 3 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Number of Sessions: 3
Test Session information for Client 1234:5678:90ab:cdef:1234:5678:90ab:cdef
Index : 1 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Number of Sessions: 1
show test-oam twamp client
Test Session information for Client
Index : 1 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Index : 2 State : Active
SID : 16 byte hex field
Src Address : SourceIP Src UDP Port : port
Dst Address : DestIP Dst UDP Port : port
Number of Sessions: 2
client-db db-name association
client-db db-name client client-index
client-db db-name
[Tree] (show>ipsec client-db)
Full Context
show ipsec client-db
This commands displays information for client databases. Using this command without any parameters will list all configured client database.
- db-name
Species to list all IPsec gateways that use the specified client database.
- association
Displays information for which this client database is associated.
- client client-index
Specifies the client index or client name of client entry in the client database.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the show client-db command.
Output Exampleshow ipsec client-db
IPsec Client Database
Name Admin State Match List
test Up idi peer-ip-prefix
No. of entries: 1
show ipsec client-db "test"
IPsec Client Database "test"
Description: (Not Specified)
Match List : idi peer-ip-prefix
Admin State: Up
Database Client List
Index Name Admin State
1 client-1 Up
2 client-2 Up
No. of entries: 2
client-db db-name lookup peer-ip peer-ip-address
client-db db-name lookup idi string-type {fqdn | rfc822} string-value string-value [peer-ip peer-ip-address]
client-db db-name lookup idi address idi-ip-address [peer-ip peer-ip-address]
[Tree] (tools>perform>ipsec client-db)
Full Context
tools perform ipsec client-db
This command performs a lookup in the specified client-db by using specified input and displays the matching result.
Output Example
tools perform ipsec client-db "test" lookup idi string-type rfc822 string-
value client-1@examplebm.com peer-ip
Result : Ok
Database : test
Criterion - Ike Idi : RFC822 "client-1@examplebm.com"
Criterion - Peer IP :
Matched Record : 1 "client-1"
Elapsed Time (us) : 2
- db-name
Specifies the name of the client-db.
- peer-ip peer-ip-address
Specifies the peer’s tunnel IP address as input, either v4 or v6.
- string-type
Specifies the peer’s IDi as input.
- idi-ip-address
Specifies the peer’s IDi of address type as input, either v4 or v6
- string-value string-value
Specifies the value of FQDN or RFC822 IDi.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
client-tls-profile [client-tls-profile]
client-tls-profile client-tls-profile association
[Tree] (show>system>security>tls client-tls-profile)
Full Context
show system security tls client-tls-profile
This command displays TLS client profile information
- client-tls-profile
Specifies the client TLS profile, up to 32 characters.
The following output is an example of TLS client profile information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C> show system security tls client-tls-profile
Client Profile Information
Name AdminState OperState
ctp up up
ctp-alt1 up up
ctp-alt2 up up
*A:Dut-C> show system security tls client-tls-profile "ctp"
Client Profile Entry "ctp"
Cipher List Name : cl_all
Trust Anchor Profile Name : tap
[Tree] (clear>system>ptp clock-recovery)
Full Context
clear system ptp clock-recovery
This command resets the PTP recovery algorithm.
The algorithms involved in PTP frequency and time recovery are reset to the initial conditions. This command clears any previous history and can be used to ensure a consistent starting state for a test or can be used to clear any unexpected behaviour in the algorithm.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
coa [nas-port-id attr-string] [framed-ip-addr ip-address] [alc-ipv6-addr ipv6-address] [delegated-ipv6-pfx ipv6-prefix[/ipv6-prefix-length]] [framed-ipv6-pfx ipv6-prefix [/ipv6-prefix-length]] [alc-serv-id serv-id] [acct-session-id attr-string] [alc-subscr-id attr-string] [alc-brg-id attr-string] [user-name attr-string] [alc-client-hw-addr mac-address] [attr attribute [attribute]] [attr-from-file file-url] [from-server attr-string] [router-or-service attr-string] [debug]
[Tree] (tools>perform>subscr-mgmt coa)
Full Context
tools perform subscriber-mgmt coa
This command triggers a Change of Authorization (CoA) without a RADIUS authentication policy.
This command can be used to spoof a CoA from a configured server for purposes such as testing CoA python scripts. However, spoofing a CoA from a RADIUS server requires the configuration of a RADIUS authentication policy.
- nas-port-id attr-string
Specifies the physical access circuit of the NAS up to 253 characters.
- ip-address
Specifies the IPv4 host address.
- ipv6-address
Specifies the IPv6 host address.
- ipv6-prefix[/ipv6-prefix-length]
Specifies the IPv6 PD host prefix.
- ipv6-prefix[/ipv6-prefix-length]
Specifies the IPv6 SLAAC host prefix.
- serv-id
Specifies the service ID of the LNS subscriber.
- acct-session-id attr-string
Specifies the subscriber accounting session ID up to 22 characters.
- alc-subscr-id attr-string
Specifies the subscriber ID up to 32 characters.
- alc-brg-id attr-string
Specifies the BRG ID to a maximum of 32 characters.
- user-name attr-string
Specifies the string matching RADIUS VSA [1] username associated to the host(s), up to 32 characters.
- mac-address
Specifies the subscriber host MAC address in the form: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
- attribute
Specifies the attributes (RADIUS VSAs) for override. The VSA must be specified in number format. For example, VSA Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str=”1M-prof” is expressed as 6527.12 ="1M-prof”. Up to five attributes can be specified within this command.
For more information on VSAs, refer to the 7750 SR and VSR RADIUS Attributes Reference Guide.
- file-url
Specifies the file URL where the VSAs are located.
- attr-string
Specifies the RADIUS server name that is configured under the router or VPRN service context, up to 32 characters.
- attr-string
Specifies the router or VPRN service instance where the RADIUS server is configured, up to 32 characters.
- debug
Displays the debug message associated with the CoA command.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subscriber management CoA tools information.
Output ExampleNode# tools perform subscriber-mgmt coa alc-subscr-id subscriber-01 attr 6527,13=new-sla-prof debug
Inject Change-of-Authorization
Change of Authorization(43) id 0 len 50 from vrid 1
VSA [26] 8 Nokia (6527)
SUBSC ID STR [11] 6 subscriber-01
VSA [26] 10 Nokia (6527)
SLA PROF STR [13] 8 new-sla-prof
Hex Packet Dump:
1a 0e 00 00 19 7f 0b 08 77 69 66 69 2d 31 1a 10 00 00 19 7f 0d 0a 73 6c 61
2d 70 72 6f 66
Change of Authorization Ack(44) id 0 len 20 vrid 1
Hex Packet Dump:
[Tree] (clear>subscr-mgmt>authentication coa-statistics)
Full Context
clear subscriber-mgmt authentication coa-statistics
This command clears RADIUS CoA statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
collect-lmm-fc-stats [{sap {sap-id | all} | sdp {sdp-id | all} | interface {interface-name | all}}]
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm collect-lmm-fc-stats)
Full Context
show eth-cfm collect-lmm-fc-stats
This command displays the entities that are configured with per-FC LMM counters, and whether those counters are counting in-profile packets only or all countable packets.
Each entity may have up to eight individual FC-based counters. Each FC includes a positional index value (1 to 8) under the FC that is counting. A "P” indicates that the index is only counting in-profile traffic.
When no display filters are applied, this command displays all entities and the individual FC counters. Optional filters help to reduce the output that is visible to the operator.
- sap-id
Specifies a SAP entity for which to display active individual FC counters.
- sdp-id
Specifies an SDP entity for which to display active individual FC counters.
- interface-name
Specifies an interface entity for which to display active individual FC counters, up to 32 characters maximum.
- all
Keyword to display all SAP, SDP, and interface entities, and the associated active individual FC counters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output example shows information about entities that are configured with per-FC counters.
Output ExampleA:node-2# show eth-cfm collect-lmm-fc-stats
The FC to priority bit mapping for collect-lmm-fc-stats is as follows:
NC = 7, H1 = 6, EF = 5, H2 = 4, L1 = 3, AF = 2, L2 = 1, BE = 0
The number below each FC column indicates which counter index PDUs matching
that FC will be counted in. Entries with a "P" beside the number indicate
that only in-profile traffic is being counted. Entries without a "P" are not
profile aware and count all PDUs associated with that FC.
ETH-CFM SAPs Configured to Collect Per-FC LMM Statistics
Sap SvcId BE L2 AF L1 H2 EF H1 NC
1/1/1:100 2147483647 1 2P 3 4 5 8P
No. of SAPs: 1
ETH-CFM SDPs Configured to Collect Per-FC LMM Statistics
SdpId SvcId BE L2 AF L1 H2 EF H1 NC
500:500 2147483647 1 2 4P 5P 6
No. of SDPs: 1
ETH-CFM Facility Interface MEPs Configured to Collect Per-FC LMM Statistics
Interface Md-index Ma-index MepId BE L2 AF L1 H2 EF H1 NC
No. of Facility Interface MEPs: 1
[Tree] (show>eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats)
Full Context
show eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats
This command displays the entities that are configured with a single LMM counter using the format of the ETH-CFM stack table.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of LMM counter information.
Output Exampleshow eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats
ETH-CFM SAPs Configured to Collect LMM Statistics
SapId SvcId
No. of SAPs: 0
ETH-CFM SDPs Configured to Collect LMM Statistics
SdpId SvcId Type Far End
No. of SDPs: 0
CFM Stack Table Defect Legend:
R = Rdi, M = MacStatus, C = RemoteCCM, E = ErrorCCM, X = XconCCM
A = AisRx, L = CSF LOS Rx, F = CSF AIS/FDI rx, r = CSF RDI rx
G = receiving grace PDU (MCC-ED or VSM) from at least one peer
CFM Facility Port Stack Table
Port Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility LAG Stack Table
Lag Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility Tunnel Stack Table
Port/Lag Tunnel Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
CFM Facility Interface Stack Table
Interface Lvl Dir Md-index Ma-index MepId Mac-address Defect G
No Matching Entries
collect-lmm-stats [sdp-id[:vc-id]]
[Tree] (show>service>sdp-using>eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats)
Full Context
show service sdp-using eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats
This command displays SDP bindings which are configured to collect statistics for LMM tests.
- sdp-id[:vc-id]
Specifies the SDP ID and virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
collector [detail]
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>cflowd collector)
Full Context
show application-assurance group cflowd collector
Commands in this context display cflowd output.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the collector command information.
Output ExampleA:ALU-A# show application-assurance group 1 cflowd collector
Application Assurance Cflowd Collectors for group 1
Host Address Port Version Admin Oper Recs Sent
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2055 10 up up 0 2055 10 up up 0
Collectors : 2
A:ALU-A# show application-assurance group 1 cflowd collector detail
Application Assurance Cflowd Collectors for group 1
Address :
Port : 2055
Description : AA Collector 1
Version : 10
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
Records Sent : 0
Last Changed : 07/27/2009 13:36:50
Address :
Port : 2055
Description : AA Collector 2
Version : 10
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
Records Sent : 0
Last Changed : 07/27/2009 13:37:10
collector collector-id
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>cflowd>dir-exp collector)
Full Context
show application-assurance group cflowd direct-export collector
Commands in this context display cflowd direct-export collector output.
- collector-id
Specifies the ID of the cflowd direct export collector.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the collector command information.
Output ExampleA:Sim# show application-assurance group 1 cflowd direct-export collector 1
Application Assurance Group 1 Cflowd Direct-Export Collector 1
Collector Status : Inactive
Cflowd Version : 10
Admin State : down
Description : (Not Specified)
Host Address Port Admin Oper Records Sent
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4739 DOWN DOWN 0 4739 down down 0
No. of Cflowd Direct Export Collector Addresses: 2
Application Assurance Group 1 Cflowd Collectors
Collector Status : Active
Address :
Port : 4739
Description :
Version : 10
Admin State : down
Oper State : down
Records Sent : 5400
Last Changed : 08/12/2015 19:12:28
Address :
Port : 4739
Description :
Version : 10
Admin State : down
Oper State : down
Records Sent : 5400
Last Changed : 08/12/2015 19:12:35
status [isa <slot/mda>] cflowd
collector [ip-address[:port]] [detail]
[Tree] (show>cflowd collector)
Full Context
show cflowd collector
This command displays administrative and operational status of data collector configuration.
- ip-address
Displays information only about the specified collector IP address.
- :port
Displays information only about the collector on the specified UDP port.
- detail
Displays details about either all collectors or the specified collector.
cflowd Collector Output —The following output is an example of cflowd Collector information, and Output fields: cflowd collector describes the output fields.
A:R51-CfmA# show cflowd collector
Cflowd Collectors
Host Address Port Version AS Type Admin Oper Sent
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2055 v5 peer up up 1380 records 9555 v8 origin up up 90 records 9996 v9 - up up 0 packets 2055 v5 origin up up 1380 records
Collectors : 4
Label |
Description |
Host Address |
The IP address of a remote cflowd collector host to receive the exported cflowd data |
Port |
The UDP port number on the remote cflowd collector host to receive the exported cflowd data |
AS Type |
The style of AS reporting used in the exported flow data |
origin — reflects the endpoints of the AS path which the flow is following |
peer — reflects the AS of the previous and next hops for the flow |
Version |
Specifies the configured version for the associated collector |
Admin |
The desired administrative state for this cflowd remote collector host |
Oper |
The current operational status of this cflowd remote collector host |
Recs Sent |
The number of cflowd records that have been transmitted to this remote collector host |
Collectors |
The total number of collectors using this IP address |
cflowd Collector Detail Output —The following output is an example of cflowd Collector information, and Output fields: cflowd collector detail describes the output fields.
Output Example
A:R51-CfmA# show cflowd collector detail
Cflowd Collectors (detail)
Address :
Port : 2055
Description : Test v5 Collector
Version : 5
AS Type : peer
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
Records Sent : 1260
Last Changed : 09/03/2009 17:24:04
Last Pkt Sent : 09/03/2009 18:07:10
Sent Open Errors
42 0 0
Address :
Port : 9555
Description : Test v8 Collector
Version : 8
AS Type : origin
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
Records Sent : 82
Last Changed : 09/03/2009 17:24:04
Last Pkt Sent : 09/03/2009 18:06:41
Aggregation Type Status Sent Open Errors
as-matrix Disabled 0 0 0
protocol-port Disabled 0 0 0
source-prefix Enabled 21 0 0
destination-prefix Enabled 21 0 0
source-destination-prefix Disabled 0 0 0
raw Disabled 0 0 0
Address :
Port : 9996
Description : Test v9 Collector
Version : 9
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
Packets Sent : 51
Last Changed : 09/03/2009 17:24:04
Last Pkt Sent : 09/03/2009 18:07:10
Template Set : Basic
Traffic Type Template Sent Sent Open Errors
IPv4 09/03/2009 18:07:29 51 1 0
MPLS No template sent 0 0 0
IPv6 No template sent 0 0 0
Label |
Description |
Address |
The IP address of a remote cflowd collector host to receive the exported cflowd data |
Port |
The UDP port number on the remote cflowd collector host to receive the exported cflowd data |
Description |
A user-provided descriptive string for this cflowd remote collector host |
Version |
The version of the flow data sent to the collector |
AS Type |
The style of AS reporting used in the exported flow data |
origin — reflects the endpoints of the AS path which the flow is following |
peer — reflects the AS of the previous and next hops for the flow |
Admin State |
The desired administrative state for this cflowd remote collector host |
Oper State |
The current operational status of this cflowd remote collector host |
Records Sent |
The number of cflowd records that have been transmitted to this remote collector host |
Last Changed |
The time when this row entry was last changed |
Last Pkt Sent |
The time when the last cflowd packet was sent to this remote collector host |
Aggregation Type |
The bit mask which specifies the aggregation schemes used to aggregate multiple individual flows into an aggregated flow for export to this remote host collector |
none — no data will be exported for this remote collector host |
raw — flow data is exported without aggregation in version 5 format |
All other aggregation types use version 8 format to export the flow data to this remote host collector |
Collectors |
The total number of collectors using this IP address |
Sent |
The number of packets with flow date sent to the associated collector |
Open |
This counter shows the number of partially filled packets which have some flow data but are not yet filled or have been timed out (60 seconds maximum) |
Error |
This counter increments when there was an error during exporting of the collector packet; the most common reason will be a UDP unreachable destination for the configured collector |
commit-history [keyword] [commit-id number]
[Tree] (show>system>management-interface commit-history)
Full Context
show system management-interface commit-history
This command displays the history of configuration changes that were committed in model-driven interfaces. A separate history of the last commits is maintained for each configuration region (bof, configure, debug, and LI). Each commit is uniquely identified by a numerical sequential incrementing commit ID assigned by the system.
When a gNMI, NETCONF, or MD-CLI Set request starts a commit transaction, an entry, including the persist ID and rollback duration, displays in the router commit history. When the system confirms the commit, the commit history displays the confirmation or, if the commit is not confirmed and the rollback duration expires, the commit history displays a rollback entry.
This command is not available in the classic CLI.
- keyword
Specifies the configuration region to display.
- number
Specifies the commit history ID to display.
The following output is an example of commit history information, and Output fields: commit history describes the commit history output fields.
Output ExampleA:admin@node-2# show system management-interface commit-history
Commit History
Total Commits : 6
Committed 2024-05-24T20:37:09.1+00:00 by system (System) from Console
Log "Confirmed commit timeout, automatic rollback of commit ID 5."
Location "Configuration is not saved to startup."
Committed 2024-05-24T20:31:06.4+00:00 by admin (gNMI) from 200::
Log "Confirmed commit (persist ID 123), rollback in 10 minutes."
Location "Configuration is not saved to startup."
Committed 2022-02-01T11:13:38.7-05:00 by admin (NETCONF) from
Comment "Fourth commit with NETCONF."
Location "cf3:\config.cfg"
Committed 2022-02-01T11:01:03.8-05:00 by admin (MD-CLI) from
Comment "Third commit with the MD-CLI."
Location "cf3:\config.cfg.1"
Committed 2022-02-01T11:00:47.7-05:00 by admin (MD-CLI) from
Comment "Second commit with the MD-CLI."
Location "cf3:\config.cfg.2"
Committed 2022-02-01T10:56:01.3-05:00 by system (MD-CLI) from Console
Log "System booted version B-22.2.R1."
Location "Configuration is not saved to startup."
Label |
Description |
Commit ID |
Displays the commit ID. |
Committed |
Displays the date and time when the commit completed. |
By |
Displays the user and interface type that committed. |
From |
Displays the origin of the commit operation. |
Comment |
Displays the comment added by the user. |
Log |
Displays the log added by the system. |
Increment |
Displays the incremental saved configuration file location. |
Location |
Displays the complete saved configuration file location. |
community community-string
[Tree] (show>system>security>snmp community)
Full Context
show system security snmp community
This command lists SNMP communities and characteristics. Including the community-name parameter modifies the output to include all details for the specified community, including the source IP address list and validation failure counters.
The following output is an example of SNMP community information.
Output fields: community describes the community output fields.
Output ExampleThe system-created communities that begin with "cli-” are only used for internal CLI management purposes and are not exposed to external SNMP access.
A:ALA-1# show system security snmp community
community access view version group name
cli-li-readwrite n/a li-view v2c cli-li-readwrite
cli-readonly r iso v2c cli-readonly
cli-readwrite rw iso v2c cli-readwrite
my-private1 rw iso v1 v2c snmp-rwa
my-public2 r no-security v1 v2c snmp-ro
test-123 rwa n/a v2c snmp-trap
No. of Communities: 6
A:ALA-1# show system security snmp community "my-public2"
community access view version group name
src-access-list authFailures
my-public2 r no-security v1 v2c snmp-ro
my-list1 5
Label |
Description |
Community |
Displays the community string name for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c access only. |
Access |
Displays access information. r — The community string allows read-only access. rw — The community string allows read-write access. rwa — The community string allows read-write access. mgmt — The unique SNMP community string assigned to the management router. vpls-mgmt — The unique SNMP community string assigned for vpls management. |
View |
Displays the view name. |
Version |
Displays the SNMP version. |
Group Name |
Displays the access group name. |
src-access-list |
Displays the name of the list of source IP addresses that are allowed to use the community, as configured using the community configuration command. |
authFailures |
Displays the number of SNMP requests that have failed validation using this community. |
No of Communities |
Displays the total number of configured community strings. |
community comm-id {detail | longer}
community comm-id
community comm-id hunt
[Tree] (show>router>bgp>routes community)
Full Context
show router bgp routes community
This command displays BGP routes with routes with a community value matching the specified value.
community is a parameter of the show router bgp routes command. Depending on the parameters that are used to issue the command, the output can display a narrower or wider set of routes, including routes belonging to other address families. See the show router bgp routes command description for syntax variants, parameter descriptions and values, and output examples.
- comm-id
Specifies the community ID, up to 72 characters.
- hunt
Displays entries for the specified route.
completed [script-policy-name] [owner owner-name]
[Tree] (clear>system>script-control>script-policy completed)
Full Context
clear system script-control script-policy completed
This command clears completed script run history entries.
- script-policy-name
Specifies to only clear history entries for the specified script-policy. 32 characters maximum.
- owner-name
Specifies to only clear history entries for script-policies with the specified owner. 32 characters maximum.
comprehensive fields
[Tree] (show>app-assure>cflowd comprehensive)
Full Context
show application-assurance cflowd comprehensive
This command displays the fields in the AA cflowd comprehensive template.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of AA cflowd comprehensive template fields, and Output fields: AA cflowd comprehensive describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow application-assurance cflowd comprehensive fields
Fields for Application Assurance cflowd comprehensive template
Name ID Len Mode Dy Description
aaApp 32770 32 MRVL * AA Application
aaAppGrp 32771 32 MRVL * AA Application Group
aaChargingGrp 32888 32 MRVL * AA Charging Group
aaProt 32769 32 MRVL * AA Protocol
aaSubTetheringState 32896 1 MRVL * AA subscriber tethering
aaSubType 32780 1 MRVL . AA Subscriber Type
aaSystemName 32970 32 -R-- * system name
anlCongestionState 32874 1 MRVL * access network location
congestion state
anlTopology 32873 16 MRVL * access network location
anlType 32872 1 MRVL * access network location
apn 32876 33 MRV- * access point name
apnExtended 32928 64 MRV- * extended access point name
bsid 32883 12 MRV- * base station id
cellId 32886 4 MRV- * cell id
cellIdExt 32971 5 -R-- * cell id or 5G NR CGI
chargeId 32877 4 MRV- * charging group id
chargeVolumeIpBytes 32943 8 MR-- * Charging volume bytes
chargingChar 32901 2 MRV- * 3GPP charging
chargingRatingGrp 32921 4 M--- * online/offline charging
rating group
chargingServiceId 32929 4 M--- * online/offline charging
customerId 32902 4 M--- * Customer identifier
destinationIPv4Address 12 4 MRVL . Destination IPv4 address
destinationIPv6Address 28 16 MRVL . Destination IPv6 address
destinationTransportPort 11 2 MRVL . Destination transport port
deviceId 32865 2 MRVL * device ID
deviceMfgId 32866 2 MRVL * device manufacturer ID
deviceOsId 32867 2 MRVL * device operating system ID
deviceOsVer1 32869 1 MRVL * device operating system
version number 1
deviceOsVer2 32870 1 MRVL * device operating system
version number 2
deviceOsVer3 32871 1 MRVL * device operating system
version number 3
dnsAnswerName 32952 64 MR-- * DNS answer name
dnsState 32954 1 MR-- * DNS state
dnsTid 32955 2 MR-- * DNS TID
dnsType 32953 2 MR-- * DNS type
droppedOctetTotalCount 134 8 MRVL . Dropped octet total count
droppedPacketTotalCount 135 8 MRVL . Dropped packet total count
flowActiveBytes 32946 8 MR-- * Flow active bytes
flowActiveTime 32945 4 MR-- * Flow active time
flowAttr_abr_service 32890 1 MRVL * flow attribute: abr
flowAttr_audio 32891 1 MRVL * flow attribute: audio
flowAttr_download 32893 1 MRVL * flow attribute: download
flowAttr_encrypted 32892 1 MRVL * flow attribute: encrypted
flowAttr_esni 32907 1 MRVL * flow attribute: encrypted
flowAttr_realtime_communication 32895 1 MRVL * flow attribute: real time
flowAttr_upload 32894 1 MRVL * flow attribute: upload
flowAttr_video 32889 1 MRVL * flow attribute: video
flowAverageBitrate 32956 4 MRVL * average flow throughput
flowEndReason 136 1 -R-- * Reason for flow
flowPeakBitrate 32958 4 MRVL * peak flow throughput
hostName 32864 64 MRVL * host name
hostNameExtended 32920 101 MRVL * host name extended
httpContentLength 32939 4 MRVL * HTTP Content Length
httpContentType 32938 64 MRVL * HTTP Content Type
httpReferer 32933 64 MRVL * HTTP Referer
httpReplyCode 32937 2 MRVL * HTTP Reply Code
httpRequestMethod 32936 7 MRVL * HTTP Request Method
httpUri 32931 227 MRVL * HTTP URI
httpUriLength 32932 2 MRVL * HTTP URI Length
httpUserAgent 32934 64 MRVL * HTTP User Agent
httpUserAgentLength 32935 2 MRVL * HTTP User Agent Length
imei 32897 8 MRV- * International Mobile
Equipment Identity
imei-aes-128 32916 32 MRV- * imei AES-128 encrypted
imei-aes-256 32919 32 MRV- * imei AES-256 encrypted
imei-sha-1 32910 20 MRV- * imei SHA-1 hashed
imei-sha-256 32913 32 MRV- * imei SHA-256 hashed
imsi 32879 8 MRV- * international mobile
subscriber identity
imsi-aes-128 32915 16 MRV- * imsi AES-128 encrypted
imsi-aes-256 32918 16 MRV- * imsi AES-256 encrypted
imsi-sha-1 32909 20 MRV- * imsi SHA-1 hashed
imsi-sha-256 32912 32 MRV- * imsi SHA-256 hashed
interfaceName 82 32 MRVL . Interface name
ipFamily 32868 1 MRVL * IP Family
ipTTL 192 1 MRVL * IP packet time to live
mcc 32899 2 MRV- * Mobile country code
mmeAmfAddr 32949 16 MR-- * SGSN MME IP Address
mnc 32878 2 MRV- * mobile network code
msisdn 32880 8 MRV- * mobile station
international subscriber
directory number
msisdn-aes-128 32914 16 MRV- * msisdn AES-128 encrypted
msisdn-aes-256 32917 16 MRV- * msisdn AES-256 encrypted
msisdn-sha-1 32908 20 MRV- * msisdn SHA-1 hashed
msisdn-sha-256 32911 32 MRV- * msisdn SHA-256 hashed
multiDevice 32930 2 MRVL * multi-device detection
tracked device
observationPointId 138 4 MRVL . Observation point Id
octetTotalCount 85 8 MRVL . Octet total count
packetTotalCount 86 8 MRVL . Packet total count
pgw-ggsnAddr 32882 16 MRV- * public data network
plmnid 32903 4 MRV- * Public land mobile
network identifier
policyActionRuleUnitName 32926 33 M--- * policy action rule unit
policyChargingRuleUnitName 32925 33 M--- * policy charging rule unit
policyRuleBaseName 32922 81 M--- * policy rule base name
policyRuleName 32923 81 MR-- * policy rule name
policyRuleUnitName 32924 33 M--- * policy rule unit name
postIpPrecedence 257 1 MRVL * Post IP precedence
pra-id 32940 4 M--- * presence reporting area ID
protocolIdentifier 4 1 MRVL . Protocol Identifier
qci 32927 4 MR-- * 3gpp QCI
ratType 32884 2 MRV- * radio access technology
regionId 32885 2 MRV- * region id
regionIdExt 32972 3 -R-- * region id or 5G TAC
roamingStatus 32898 1 M--- * Roaming status
sessionDirection 32781 1 MRVL . Session Direction
sessionDurationMilliseconds 32862 4 MRVL * session duration
sessionEndMilliseconds 32969 8 -R-- * session end time in
sessionEndSeconds 32875 4 MRVL * session end time
sessionStartMilliseconds 32968 8 -R-- * session start time in
sessionStartSeconds 32863 4 MRVL * session start time
sgw-sgsnAddr 32881 16 M--- * serving gateway
sliceId 32951 4 MR-- * Slice ID
sourceIPv4Address 8 4 MRVL . Source IPv4 address
sourceIPv6Address 27 16 MRVL . Source IPv6 address
sourceTransportPort 7 2 MRVL . Source transport port
tcpMaximumSegmentSize 32966 2 MRVL * maximum TCP segment size
tcpRetransmittedBytes 32778 8 MRVL * TCP Retransmitted Bytes
tcpRetransmittedPackets 32779 8 MRVL * TCP Retransmitted Packets
tcpRoundTripTimeAvg 32964 2 MRVL * average TCP round trip
time in milliseconds
tcpRoundTripTimeMax 32962 2 MRVL * maximum TCP round trip
time in milliseconds
tcpRoundTripTimeMin 32960 2 MRVL * minimum TCP round trip
time in milliseconds
tcpSessionEstDelay 32772 4 MRVL * TCP Session Establishment
timeZone 32887 2 M--- * time zone
tlsCname 32950 64 MR-- * TLS cname
uli 32900 18 MRV- * User location information
wireless-device-os-id 32941 1 MRV- * wireless device operating
system ID
wireless-device-type-id 32942 1 MRV- * wireless device type ID
Legend :
Mode (aa-sub-scale mode) M mobile-gateway
R residential
V vpn
L lightweight-internet
Dy (dynamic field) . always included in this record type
* can be dynamically included in this record type
Label |
Description |
Name |
Displays the name of the template field. |
ID |
Displays the ID of the template field. |
Len |
Displays the string length of the template field. |
Mode |
Displays the mode:
Dy |
Displays whether the field is dynamic:
Description |
Displays the description of the template field. |
[Tree] (show config)
Full Context
show config
configuration-mode {mixed | model-driven} check [li | configure]
[Tree] (tools>perform>system>management-interface configuration-mode)
Full Context
tools perform system management-interface configuration-mode
This command checks if the configuration meets the prerequisite reference requirements to change the management interface configuration mode. Incompatible configuration commands are displayed with an error reason if the prerequisite is not met. This command does not check if the configuration has commands that are unsupported in model-driven interfaces.
- mixed
Specifies to check mixed management interface configuration mode.
- model-driven
Specifies to check model-driven management interface configuration mode.
- li
Specifies to only check the li configuration region.
- configure
Specifies to only check the configure configuration region.
[Tree] (show>system>management-interface configuration-sessions)
Full Context
show system management-interface configuration-sessions
This command displays configuration sessions information.
The following output is an example of configuration session information. Output fields: configuration sessions describes the output fields.
Output Example(pr)[]
A:admin@node-1# show system management-interface configuration-sessions
Session ID Region Datastore Lock State
Username Session Mode Idle Time
Session Type From
#65 configure Candidate Unlocked
admin Private 0d 00:00:00
66 configure Candidate Unlocked
admin Private 0d 00:05:41
67 configure Candidate Unlocked
admin Private 0d 00:05:08
68 configure Candidate Unlocked
admin Read-Only 0d 00:02:25
MD-CLI (2)
69 configure Candidate, Running Locked
admin Exclusive 0d 00:01:54
Number of sessions: 5
'#' indicates the current active session
'(n)' indicates the number of internal sessions
Label |
Description |
Session ID |
The session ID. |
Region |
The region or scope that the datastore belongs to. |
Datastore |
Datastores that can be locked. For example: Running and Candidate. |
Lock State |
Locked — Indicates the session is in a locked state. Unlocked — Indicates the session is in an unlocked state. |
Username |
The name of the user. |
Session Mode |
Exclusive — An exclusive session. Global — A shared session. Private — A private session. Private Exclusive — A private exclusive session. Read-Only — A read-only session. |
Idle Time |
The idle time of the session. |
Session Type |
NETCONF — Indicates a NETCONF session is running. MD-CLI — Indicates an MD-CLI session is running. gRPC — Indicates a gRPC session is running. SNMP — Indicates an SNMP session is running. Classic CLI — Indicates a classic CLI session is running. System — Indicates a system session is running. |
From |
The originating IP address, CRON, or EHS. |
connection-profile-vlan [conn-prof-id]
[Tree] (show connection-profile-vlan)
Full Context
show connection-profile-vlan
This command displays information about the connection-profiles (VLAN) in the system. When a specific connection profile is shown, the vlan-ranges that it contains are displayed.
- conn-prof-id
Specifies the VLAN connection profile ID.
The following output is an example of connection profile VLAN information.
Output Example*A:Dut# show connection-profile-vlan
Connection Profile Vlan Summary Information
CP Index Number of Members
1 2
*A:Dut# show connection-profile-vlan 1
Connection Profile 1 Information
Description : (Not Specified)
Last Change : 12/01/2015 16:50:34
Connection Profile Vlan Eth Information
Range Start Range End Last Change
5 100 12/01/2015 16:50:34
150 300 12/01/2015 16:50:34
[Tree] (show>li>x-interfaces connections)
Full Context
show li x-interfaces connections
This command displays the connections between the X1, X2, and X3 interfaces.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
connections [detail] [address ip-address] [port port-number]
[Tree] (show>system connections)
Full Context
show system connections
This command displays UDP and TCP connection information.
If no command line options are specified, a summary of the TCP and UDP connections displays.
Entries in the output with a vRtrID of 4095 and a local address of 127.x.x.x are internal connections serving internal SR OS purposes, and are not used for external protocols.
- ip-address
Displays only the connection information for the specified IP address.
- port-number
Displays only the connection information for the specified port number.
- detail
Appends TCP statistics to the display output.
The following outputs are examples of system connections information, and Output fields: system connections describes the output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12# show system connections
Prot RecvQ TxmtQ Local Address State
MSS Remote Address vRtrID
1024 0
1024 0
1024 0
1024 0
1024 0
1024 0
TCP 0 0 ::.21 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 0
TCP 0 0 ::.22 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 0
TCP 0 0 ::.830 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 0
TCP 0 0 ::.47806 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 0
1024 4095
1024 4095
1024 4095
1024 4095
1024 4095
1024 4095
TCP 0 0 2001:db8::8779:8163.22 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 4095
TCP 0 0 2001:db8::8779:8163.830 LISTEN
1024 ::.0 4095
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 --- 0
UDP 0 0 ::.123 ---
::.0 0
UDP 0 0 ::.50056 ---
::.0 0
UDP 0 0 --- 1
UDP 0 0 --- 4095
UDP 0 0
No. of Connections: 18
Output Example: detail
A:ALA-12# show system connections detail
TCP Statistics
packets sent : 659635
data packets : 338982 (7435146 bytes)
data packet retransmitted : 73 (1368 bytes)
ack-only packets : 320548 (140960 delayed)
URG only packet : 0
window probe packet : 0
window update packet : 0
control packets : 32
packets received : 658893
acks : 338738 for (7435123 bytes)
duplicate acks : 23
ack for unsent data : 0
packets received in-sequence : 334705 (5568368 bytes)
completely duplicate packet : 2 (36 bytes)
packet with some dup. data : 0 (0 bytes)
out-of-order packets : 20 (0 bytes)
packet of data after window : 0 (0 bytes)
window probe : 0
window update packet : 3
packets received after close : 0
discarded for bad checksum : 0
discarded for bad header offset field : 0
discarded because packet too short : 0
connection request : 4
connection accept : 24
connections established (including accepts) : 27
connections closed : 26 (including 2 drops)
embryonic connections dropped : 0
segments updated rtt : 338742 (of 338747 attempts)
retransmit timeouts : 75
connections dropped by rexmit timeout : 0
persist timeouts : 0
keepalive timeouts : 26
keepalive probes sent : 0
connections dropped by keepalive : 1
pcb cache lookups failed : 0
connections dropped by bad md5 digest : 0
connections dropped by enhanced auth : 0
path mtu discovery backoff : 0
Label |
Description |
Proto |
The socket protocol, either TCP or UDP. |
RecvQ |
The number of input packets received by the protocol. |
TxmtQ |
The number of output packets sent by the application. |
Local Address |
The local address of the socket. The socket port is separated by a period. |
Remote Address |
The remote address of the socket. The socket port is separated by a period. |
State |
Listen — The protocol state is in the listen mode. Established — The protocol state is established. vRtrID — The virtual router identifier.
MSS — The TCP maximum segment size. |
connectivity-association [ca-name] [detail]
connectivity-association [detail] type {anysec | macsec}
[Tree] (show>macsec connectivity-association)
Full Context
show macsec connectivity-association
This command displays MACsec specific CA information.
- ca-name
Displays MACsec information for the specified CA name, up to 256 characters in length.
- detail
Displays MACsec CA detailed information.
- anysec
Displays ANYsec CA information.
- macsec
Displays MACsec CA information.
See the following output examples:
Output Example: show macsec connectivity-association <ca-name>
Output Fields: show macsec connectivity-association <ca-name>
Output Example: show macsec connectivity-association <ca-name> detail
Output example: show macsec connectivity-association type anysec detail
Output example: show macsec connectivity-association type macsec detail
A:Dut-C# show macsec connectivity-association
ca-name : dut_B_C_128_01
ca-name : dut_B_C_256_01
ca-name : dut_B_C_128_xpn_01
ca-name : dut_B_C_256_xpn_01
ca-name : to_Juniper_1_1_2__1
ca-name : abcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz@!
Output Fields: show macsec connectivity-association
Output fields: MACsec connectivity association describes the output fields for the show macsec connectivity-association command.
Label |
Description |
ca-name |
Specifies the CA name. |
A:Dut-C# show macsec connectivity-association "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz@!"
Connectivity Association "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz@!"
Admin State : Up
Description : alsfjalsfjafja;lsjflasjflasjfl
Replay Protection : Disabled
Replay Window Size : 333
Macsec Encrypt : Enabled
Clear Tag Mode : dual-tag
Cipher Suite : gcm-aes-256
Encryption Offset : 30
Assigned ports : 2/1/9 2/1/10
Static Cak
MKA Key Server Priority : 16
Active Pre-Shared-Key Index : 1
Active Pre-Shared-Key CKN : aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899
Output Fields: show macsec connectivity-association
Output fields: MACsec connectivity association name describes the output fields for the show macsec connectivity-association <ca-name> command.
Label |
Description |
Admin State |
Up — The CA is administratively up. Down — The CA is administratively down. If port <x/y/z> ethernet>macsec is shutdown, the admin state will be down. Otherwise, the admin state is up. |
Description |
Specifies a user description for this CA. |
Replay Protection |
Enabled — Replay Protection is enabled. Disabled — Replay Protection is disabled. If replay protection is enabled for this CA, the out of window packet will be discarded. |
Replay Window Size |
Specifies the size, in packets, of the replay window. |
Macsec Encrypt |
Enabled — MACsec is enabled. Disabled — MACsec is disabled. |
Clear Tag Mode |
Specifies the clear tag mode: single-tag, dual-tag. |
Cipher Suite |
Specifies the cipher suite used for encrypting the SAK: gcm-aes-128, gcm-aes-256, gcm-aes-xpn-128, gcm-aes-xpn-256. |
Encryption Offset |
Specifies the encryption offset configured on this node: 0, 30, 50. |
Assigned ports |
Specifies all ports that contain this CA. |
MKA Key Server Priority |
Specifies the MKA key server priority: 0-255 (default 16). |
Active Pre-Shared Key Index |
Specifies the active pre-shared key index: 1-2 (default 1). |
Active Pre-Shared Key CKN |
Specifies the active PSK CAK name. |
A:Dut-C# show macsec connectivity-association "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz@!" detail
Connectivity Association "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz@!"
Admin State : Up
Description : alsfjalsfjafja;lsjflasjflasjfl
Replay Protection : Disabled
Replay Window Size : 333
Macsec Encrypt : Enabled
Clear Tag Mode : dual-tag
Cipher Suite : gcm-aes-256
Encryption Offset : 30
Assigned ports : 2/1/9 2/1/10
Static Cak
MKA Key Server Priority : 16
Active Pre-Shared-Key Index : 1
Active Pre-Shared-Key CKN : aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899
Output example: show macsec
connectivity-association type anysec
detail# show macsec connectivity-association type anysec detail
Connectivity Association "test"
Admin State : Up
Description : (Not Specified)
Cipher Suite : gcm-aes-128
Encryption Offset : 0
Encryption Group : EG-1
Static Cak
MKA Key Server Priority : 255
Active Pre-Shared-Key Index : 2
Hello Interval : 2
Active Pre-Shared-Key CKN : 11223344556677889900aabbccddeeff
Encryption Type : aes-128-cmac
Label |
Description |
Encryption Group |
Specifies the encryption group for this CA |
*A:Dut-AS# show macsec connectivity-association type macsec detail
Connectivity Association "test"
Admin State : Down
Description : (Not Specified)
Delay Protection : Disabled
Replay Protection : Disabled
Replay Window Size : 0
Macsec Encrypt : Enabled
Clear Tag Mode : none
Cipher Suite : gcm-aes-128
Encryption Offset : 0
Assigned ports : None
Static Cak
MKA Key Server Priority : 16
Active Pre-Shared-Key Index : 1
Hello Interval : 2
Active Pre-Shared-Key CKN :
Encryption Type :
convergence [family]
[Tree] (show>router>bgp convergence)
Full Context
show router bgp convergence
This command displays information about how the router reconverged its routing state after the last restart of BGP.
- family
Specifies an address family for which to display BGP route convergence information.
Output fields: BGP convergence describes the BGP convergence output fields.
Use the following command to display BGP route convergence information for routes of all address families.
show router bgp convergence
BGP IPv4 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 0
Current established peers : 0
First session established time : 00h00m00s
Last session established time : 00h00m00s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : converged
Converged time : 00h01m22s
BGP VPN-IPv4 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 1
Current established peers : 1
First session established time : 00h00m52s
Last session established time : 00h00m52s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : timeout
Converged time : N/A
BGP IPv6 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 0
Current established peers : 0
First session established time : 00h00m00s
Last session established time : 00h00m00s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : converged
Converged time : 00h01m22s
BGP VPN-IPv6 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 0
Current established peers : 0
First session established time : 00h00m00s
Last session established time : 00h00m00s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : converged
Converged time : 00h01m22s
BGP LABEL-IPv4 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 0
Current established peers : 0
First session established time : 00h00m00s
Last session established time : 00h00m00s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : converged
Converged time : 00h01m22s
BGP LABEL-IPv6 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 0
Current established peers : 0
First session established time : 00h00m00s
Last session established time : 00h00m00s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : converged
Converged time : 00h01m22s
Use the following command to display BGP route convergence information for IPv4 VPN routes.
show router bgp convergence vpn-ipv4
BGP VPN-IPv4 Convergence
Min wait advertise timer : 30
Established peers at min wait timer expiry : 1
Current established peers : 1
First session established time : 00h00m52s
Last session established time : 00h00m52s
Max Wait advertise timer : 90
Converged peers : 0
Converged state : timeout
Converged time : N/A
Label |
Description |
Min wait advertise timer |
The operational value of min-wait-to-advertise (0 if the feature is disabled) Use the min-wait-to-advertise command in the configure router bgp convergence context to configure the minimum amount of time BGP waits after the first session is established, following a BGP-instance restart, before it advertises any routes in a specific set of address families. |
Established peers at min wait timer expiry |
The number of address-family peers that were established when the min-wait-to-advertise command timer value expired (N/A if the feature is disabled) |
Current established peers |
The current number of address family peers that are in the established state |
First session established time |
The time, relative to BGP instance restart at time T=0, when the first address family session was established. This stops being tracked when the min-wait-to-advertise timer expires. |
Last session established time |
The time, relative to BGP instance restart at time T=0, when the last address-family session was established. |
Max Wait advertise timer |
The operational value of the max-wait-to-advertise command for the address family (0 if the feature is disabled) Use the max-wait-to-advertise command in the configure router bgp convergence family context to configure the maximum amount of time BGP waits after the first session is established, following a BGP-instance restart, before it advertises the routes of a specific address family to BGP peers. |
Converged peers |
The number of address-family converged peers. This is the number of BGP neighbors that have, up to now, sent an EOR marker for the address family. N/A if the feature is disabled. |
Converged state |
The convergence state of the address family: waiting, started, partial, timeout or converged. N/A if the feature is disabled. Waiting is when no peers have reconnected yet. The waiting to start transition occurs when the first session comes up. The started to partial transition occurs when at least one address-family peer has sent the EOR marker. The partial to converged transition occurs when all address-family peers that have been up continuously since the min-wait-to-advertise timer expired have sent the EOR marker. The partial to timeout transition occurs when the max-wait-to-advertise timer expires and not all address family peers that have been up continuously since the min-wait-to-advertise timer expired have sent the EOR marker. |
Converged time |
The convergence time of the address family after the last restart, relative to BGP instance restart at time T=0. N/A is displayed if the convergence state is waiting, started, partial, or timeout. |
count [detail]
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub count)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub count
This command displays per-subscriber app-group application and protocol statistics.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the count command.
Output ExampleA:ALU>show>app-assure>group>aa-sub# count
Application-Assurance Subscriber TestSubscriberName
Application Group, Application and Protocol Statistics
Application Group Disc Octets Packets Flows
Database 0% 0 0 0
File Transfer 0% 27243 169 22
Games 0% 0 0 0
Infrastructure 0% 71494 555 515
Instant Messaging 0% 4947792 25587 411
Local Content 0% 923 8 2
Mail 0% 53729 318 22
Mail Server 0% 0 0 0
MultiMedia 0% 31670667 33087 142
NNTP 0% 0 0 0
Peer to Peer .45% 11096224 16339 2431
Premium Partner 0% 0 0 0
Remote Connectivity 0% 15321 171 2
Server 0% 0 0 0
Suspect 72% 1012 11 11
Tunneling 0% 19659289 33535 164
Unknown 0% 1945164 6317 287
Web 0% 29538078 34873 1022
Web Server 0% 0 0 0
Application Disc Octets Packets Flows
HTTP_Local 0% 923 8 2
Protocol Disc Octets Packets Flows
dns 1.8% 40010 277 277
A:ALU>show>app-assure>group>aa-sub# count detail
Application-Assurance Subscriber TestSubscriberName
Application Group, Application and Protocol Statistics
Subscriber Application Group:
Type Octets Packets Flows
TestSubscriberName Instant Messaging:
Admitted from subscriber: 2558576 12720 229
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 2389216 12867 182
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 2912 seconds
Terminated flows: 411
Short Duration flows: 387
Medium Duration flows: 22
Long Duration flows: 2
TestSubscriberName Web:
Admitted from subscriber: 2343429 22806 511
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 1
Admitted to subscriber: 56359191 40528 511
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 1
Total flow duration: 4783 seconds
Terminated flows: 1020
Short Duration flows: 989
Medium Duration flows: 31
Long Duration flows: 0
Subscriber Application:
Type Octets Packets Flows
TestSubscriberName HTTP_Local:
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
Subscriber Protocol:
Type Octets Packets Flows
TestSubscriberName dns:
Admitted from subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied from subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows from subscriber: 0
Admitted to subscriber: 0 0 0
Denied to subscriber: 0 0 0
Active flows to subscriber: 0
Total flow duration: 0 seconds
Terminated flows: 0
Short Duration flows: 0
Medium Duration flows: 0
Long Duration flows: 0
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>aa-sub>um count)
Full Context
show application-assurance group aa-sub usage-monitor count
This command displays usage monitor counters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (clear>service>statistics>id counters)
Full Context
clear service statistics id counters
This command clears all traffic queue counters associated with the service ID.
[Tree] (show>snmp counters)
Full Context
show snmp counters
This command displays SNMP counters information. SNMP counters will continue to increase even when SNMP is shut down. Some internal modules communicate using SNMP packets.
The following output is an example of SNMP counter information.
Output fields: counters describes the SNMP counters output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-1# show snmp counters
SNMP counters:
in packets : 463
in gets : 93
in getnexts : 0
in sets : 370
out packets : 463
out get responses : 463
out traps : 0
variables requested : 33
variables set : 497
Label |
Description |
in packets |
Displays the total number of messages delivered to SNMP from the transport service. |
in gets |
Displays the number of SNMP get request PDUs accepted and processed by SNMP. |
in getnexts |
Displays the number of SNMP get next PDUs accepted and processed by SNMP. |
in sets |
Displays the number of SNMP set request PDUs accepted and processed by SNMP. |
out packets |
Displays the total number of SNMP messages passed from SNMP to the transport service. |
out get responses |
Displays the number of SNMP get response PDUs generated by SNMP. |
out traps |
Displays the number of SNMP Trap PDUs generated by SNMP. |
variables requested |
Displays the number of MIB objects requested by SNMP. |
variables set |
Displays the number of MIB objects set by SNMP as the result of receiving valid SNMP set request PDUs. |
[Tree] (show>snmp>streaming counters)
Full Context
show snmp streaming counters
This command displays counters information for the proprietary SNMP streaming protocol.
The following output is an example of SNMP streaming counters information.
Output fields: streaming counters describes the SNMP streaming counters output fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-B# show snmp streaming counters
STREAMING counters:
in getTables : 772
in getManys : 26
out responses : 848
Label |
Description |
in getTables |
Displays the number of GetTable request packets received. |
in getManys |
Displays the number of GetMany request packets received. |
out responses |
Displays the number of response packets sent. |
[Tree] (tools>dump>filter>resources cpm)
Full Context
tools dump filter resources cpm
This command displays information about filter resource utilization on the CPM, consumption by filter-using services such as OpenFlow, and the filters that use the most resources.
The following output is an example of filter resource utilization information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>tools>dump>filter>resources># cpm
Number of ACL filters defined on CPM
Owner MAC IP IPv6 Total
Configuration 0 7 0 7
Host Common 0 2 0 2
Openflow 0 2 1 3
Total 0 14 4 18
Available filters (except openflow): 16369
Available openflow filters: 16381
Number of ACL filter entries / subentries defined on CPM
Inserted by MAC IP IPv6 Total
User configuration 0 21 1 22
0 21 1 22
Radius 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Credit Control 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Embedded 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Radius shared host 0 2 0 2
0 2 0 2
Openflow 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
PCC-Rule 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total 0 23 1 24
0 23 1 24
Available subentries (except openflow): 262120
Available openflow subentries: 262144
Filters utilizing most resources (ordered by CPM entries)
Type Id Entries Subentries TCAM entries
(per FlexPath)
No Mac filters found
Ip 100 5 5 5
Ip 65535 5 5 5
Ip 1 4 4 4
Ip 5:23 2 2 2
Ip 6:24 2 2 2
Ipv6 fSpec-0 0 0 0
Ipv6 fSpec-2345 0 0 0
Ipv6 _tmnx_ofs_system:1 0 0 0
No more Ipv6 filters
Filters utilizing most resources (ordered by CPM subentries)
Type Id Entries Subentries TCAM entries
(per FlexPath)
No Mac filters found
Ip 100 5 5 5
Ip 65535 5 5 5
Ip 1 4 4 4
Ip 5:23 2 2 2
Ip 6:24 2 2 2
Ipv6 fSpec-0 0 0 0
Ipv6 fSpec-2345 0 0 0
Ipv6 _tmnx_ofs_system:1 0 0 0
No more Ipv6 filters
[Tree] (clear cpm-filter)
Full Context
clear cpm-filter
Commands in this context clear the CPM filter.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (show>system>security cpm-filter)
Full Context
show system security cpm-filter
This command displays CPM filters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (monitor cpm-filter)
Full Context
monitor cpm-filter
This command displays monitor command output for CPM filters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (tools>dump>system cpm-http-redirect)
Full Context
tools dump system cpm-http-redirect
Commands in this context display system-level CPM HTTP redirect information.
cpm-queue queue-id
[Tree] (show>system>security cpm-queue)
Full Context
show system security cpm-queue
This command displays CPM queues.
- queue-id
Specifies an integer value that identifies a CPM queue.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of CPM IPv6 filter information.
Output fields: CPM IPv6 filter describes CPM queue output fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-35# show system security cpm-queue 1001
CPM Queue Entry
Queue Id : 1001
Queue Parameters :
PIR : 10000000 CIR : 1000000
CBS : 4096 MBS : 8192
Label |
Description |
Displays the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) for the queue. |
Displays the amount of bandwidth committed to the queue. |
Displays the amount of buffer drawn from the reserved buffer portion of the queue’s buffer pool. |
Displays the maximum queue depth to which a queue can grow. |
cpm-queue queue-id
[Tree] (clear cpm-queue)
Full Context
clear cpm-queue
This command clears CPM queue information.
- queue-id
Specifies the CPM queue ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
cpu [sample-period seconds]
[Tree] (show>system cpu)
Full Context
show system cpu
This command displays CPU utilization per task over a sample period.
- seconds
Specifies the number of seconds over which to sample CPU task utilization.
The following output is an example of CPU information, and Output fields: system CPU describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:cses-E11# show system cpu sample-period 2
CPU Utilization (Sample period: 2 seconds)
Name CPU Time CPU Usage Capacity
(uSec) Usage
BFD 10 ~0.00% ~0.00%
BGP 0 0.00% 0.00%
CFLOWD 61 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Cards & Ports 8,332 0.41% 0.08%
DHCP Server 79 ~0.00% ~0.00%
ICC 408 0.02% 0.01%
IGMP/MLD 1,768 0.08% 0.08%
IOM 17,197 0.85% 0.31%
IP Stack 4,080 0.20% 0.09%
IS-IS 1,213 0.06% 0.06%
ISA 2,496 0.12% 0.07%
LDP 0 0.00% 0.00%
Logging 32 ~0.00% ~0.00%
MPLS/RSVP 2,380 0.11% 0.08%
MSDP 0 0.00% 0.00%
Management 5,969 0.29% 0.15%
OAM 907 0.04% 0.02%
OSPF 25 ~0.00% ~0.00%
PIM 5,600 0.27% 0.27%
RIP 0 0.00% 0.00%
RTM/Policies 0 0.00% 0.00%
Redundancy 3,635 0.18% 0.13%
SIM 1,462 0.07% 0.04%
SNMP Daemon 0 0.00% 0.00%
Services 2,241 0.11% 0.05%
Stats 0 0.00% 0.00%
Subscriber Mgmt 2,129 0.10% 0.04%
System 8,802 0.43% 0.17%
Traffic Eng 0 0.00% 0.00%
VRRP 697 0.03% 0.02%
WEB Redirect 125 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Total 2,014,761 100.00%
Idle 1,945,113 96.54%
Usage 69,648 3.45%
Busiest Core Utilization 69,648 3.45%
*A:ALA-1# show card 4 cpu
Card 4 CPU Utilization (Sample period: 1 second)
Name CPU Time CPU Usage Capacity
(uSec) Usage
HQoS Algorithm 70 ~0.00% ~0.00%
HQoS Statistics 124 ~0.00% 0.83%
IOM 15,904 0.79% 0.94%
Total 2,003,678 100.00%
Idle 1,987,580 99.19%
Usage 16,098 0.80%
Busiest Core Utilization 8,192 0.81%
Label |
Description |
CPU Utilization |
The total amount of CPU time. |
Name |
The process or protocol name. |
CPU Time (uSec) |
The CPU time each process or protocol has used in the specified time. |
CPU Usage |
The sum of CPU usage of all the processes and protocols. |
Capacity Usage |
The level the specified service is being utilized. When this number hits 100%, this part of the system is busied out. There may be extra CPU cycles still left for other processes, but this service is running at capacity. This column does not reflect the true CPU utilization value; that data is still available in the CPU Usage column. This column is the busiest task in each group, where busiest is defined as either actually running or blocked attempting to acquire a lock. |
Idle |
The current CPU utilization for the system. |
Usage |
The overall percentage of CPU idleness over the specified sample time. |
Busiest Core Utilization |
The utilization percentage of the busiest processor core over the specified sample time. On single core CPUs, this is the overall system utilization percentage over the specified sample time. |
cpu [sample-period seconds]
[Tree] (show>system cpu)
Full Context
show system cpu
This command displays CPU utilization per task over a sample period.
- seconds
Specifies the number of seconds over which to sample CPU task utilization.
The following output is an example of system CPU information. Output fields: system CPU describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:cses-E11# show system cpu sample-period 2
CPU Utilization (Sample period: 2 seconds)
Name CPU Time CPU Usage Capacity
(uSec) Usage
BFD 10 ~0.00% ~0.00%
BGP 0 0.00% 0.00%
CFLOWD 61 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Cards & Ports 8,332 0.41% 0.08%
DHCP Server 79 ~0.00% ~0.00%
ICC 408 0.02% 0.01%
IGMP/MLD 1,768 0.08% 0.08%
IOM 17,197 0.85% 0.31%
IP Stack 4,080 0.20% 0.09%
IS-IS 1,213 0.06% 0.06%
ISA 2,496 0.12% 0.07%
LDP 0 0.00% 0.00%
Logging 32 ~0.00% ~0.00%
MPLS/RSVP 2,380 0.11% 0.08%
MSDP 0 0.00% 0.00%
Management 5,969 0.29% 0.15%
OAM 907 0.04% 0.02%
OSPF 25 ~0.00% ~0.00%
PIM 5,600 0.27% 0.27%
RIP 0 0.00% 0.00%
RTM/Policies 0 0.00% 0.00%
Redundancy 3,635 0.18% 0.13%
SIM 1,462 0.07% 0.04%
SNMP Daemon 0 0.00% 0.00%
Services 2,241 0.11% 0.05%
Stats 0 0.00% 0.00%
Subscriber Mgmt 2,129 0.10% 0.04%
System 8,802 0.43% 0.17%
Traffic Eng 0 0.00% 0.00%
VRRP 697 0.03% 0.02%
WEB Redirect 125 ~0.00% ~0.00%
Total 2,014,761 100.00%
Idle 1,945,113 96.54%
Usage 69,648 3.45%
Busiest Core Utilization 69,648 3.45%
*A:ALA-1# show card 4 cpu
Card 4 CPU Utilization (Sample period: 1 second)
Name CPU Time CPU Usage Capacity
(uSec) Usage
HQoS Algorithm 70 ~0.00% ~0.00%
HQoS Statistics 124 ~0.00% 0.83%
IOM 15,904 0.79% 0.94%
Total 2,003,678 100.00%
Idle 1,987,580 99.19%
Usage 16,098 0.80%
Busiest Core Utilization 8,192 0.81%
Label |
Description |
CPU Utilization |
The total amount of CPU time. |
Name |
The process or protocol name. |
CPU Time (uSec) |
The CPU time each process or protocol has used in the specified time. |
CPU Usage |
The sum of CPU usage of all the processes and protocols. |
Capacity Usage |
Displays the level the specified service is being utilized. When this number hits 100%, this part of the system is busied out. There may be extra CPU cycles still left for other processes, but this service is running at capacity. This column does not reflect the true CPU utilization value; that data is still available in the CPU Usage column. This column is the busiest task in each group, where busiest is defined as either actually running or blocked attempting to acquire a lock. |
[Tree] (show>system>security cpu-protection)
Full Context
show system security cpu-protection
Commands in this context display CPU protection information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of ETH CFM monitoring.
Output Exampleshow system security cpu-protection eth-cfm-monitoring
SAP's where the protection policy Eth-CFM rate limit is exceeded
SAP-Id Service-Id Plcy
1/1/1 3 100
1 SAP('s) found
SDP's where the protection policy Eth-CFM rate limit is exceeded
SDP-Id Service-Id Plcy
1:3 3 100
1 SDP('s) found
show system security cpu-protection eth-cfm-monitoring service-id 3 sap-id 1/1/1
Flows exceeding the Eth-CFM monitoring rate limit
Service-Id : 3
SAP-Id : 1/1/1
Plcy : 100
Limit MAC-Address Level OpCode
First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
0 8c:8c:8c:8c:8c:8c 1 18
03/21/2009 23:32:29 03/21/2009 23:34:39 4000000019
61234 8d:8d:8d:8d:8d:8d 2 19
03/21/2009 23:32:39 03/21/2009 23:34:59 4000000020
61234 Aggregated 3 20
03/21/2009 23:32:49 03/21/2009 23:35:19 4000000021
61234 8f:8f:8f:8f:8f:8f 4 21
03/21/2009 23:32:59 03/21/2009 23:35:39 4000000022
61234 90:90:90:90:90:90 5 22
03/21/2009 23:33:09 03/21/2009 23:35:59 4000000023
61234 91:91:91:91:91:91 6 23
03/21/2009 23:33:19 03/21/2009 23:36:19 4000000024
61234 92:92:92:92:92:92 7 24
03/21/2009 23:33:29 03/21/2009 23:36:39 4000000025
max Aggregated 0 25
03/21/2009 23:33:39 03/21/2009 23:36:59 4000000026
0 94:94:94:94:94:94 1 26
03/21/2009 23:33:49 03/21/2009 23:37:19 4000000027
9 flows(s) found
show system security cpu-protection eth-cfm-monitoring service-id 3 sdp-id 1:3
Flows exceeding the Eth-CFM monitoring rate limit
Service-Id : 3
SDP-Id : 1:3
Plcy : 100
Limit MAC-Address Level OpCode
First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
0 8c:8c:8c:8c:8c:8c 1 18
03/21/2009 23:32:29 03/21/2009 23:34:39 3000000019
61234 8d:8d:8d:8d:8d:8d 2 19
03/21/2009 23:32:39 03/21/2009 23:34:59 3000000020
61234 Aggregated 3 20
03/21/2009 23:32:49 03/21/2009 23:35:19 3000000021
61234 8f:8f:8f:8f:8f:8f 4 21
03/21/2009 23:32:59 03/21/2009 23:35:39 3000000022
61234 90:90:90:90:90:90 5 22
03/21/2009 23:33:09 03/21/2009 23:35:59 3000000023
61234 91:91:91:91:91:91 6 23
03/21/2009 23:33:19 03/21/2009 23:36:19 3000000024
61234 92:92:92:92:92:92 7 24
03/21/2009 23:33:29 03/21/2009 23:36:39 3000000025
max Aggregated 0 25
03/21/2009 23:33:39 03/21/2009 23:36:59 3000000026
0 94:94:94:94:94:94 1 26
03/21/2009 23:33:49 03/21/2009 23:37:19 3000000027
9 flow(s) found
show system security cpu-protection excessive-sources service-id 3 sdp-id 1:3
Sources exceeding the per-source rate limit
Service-Id : 3
SDP-Id : 1:3
Plcy : 100
Limit : 65534
MAC-Address First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
00:00:00:00:00:01 03/22/2009 00:41:59 03/22/2009 01:53:39 3000000043
00:00:00:00:00:02 03/22/2009 00:43:39 03/22/2009 01:56:59 3000000044
00:00:00:00:00:03 03/22/2009 00:45:19 03/22/2009 02:00:19 3000000045
00:00:00:00:00:04 03/22/2009 00:46:59 03/22/2009 02:03:39 3000000046
00:00:00:00:00:05 03/22/2009 00:48:39 03/22/2009 02:06:59 3000000047
5 source(s) found
show system security cpu-protection violators sdp
SDP's where the protection policy overall rate limit is violated
SDP-Id Service-Id
Plcy Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
1:1 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:53 06/27/2010 22:37:20 3000000007
1:2 3
255 max 05/01/2010 01:43:55 06/27/2010 22:37:23 3000000008
1:3 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:57 06/27/2010 22:37:26 3000000009
1:4 3
255 max 05/01/2010 01:43:59 06/27/2010 22:37:29 3000000010
1:5 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:44:01 06/27/2010 22:37:32 3000000011
5 SDP('s) found
show system security cpu-protection excessive-sources
SAP's where the protection policy per-source rate limit is exceeded
SAP-Id Service-Id
Plcy Limit
1/1/1 3
100 65534
1 SAP('s) found
SDP's where the protection policy per-source rate limit is exceeded
SDP-Id Service-Id Plcy Limit
1:3 3 100 65534
1:4 3 255 max
1:5 3 100 65534
3 SDP('s) found
show system security cpu-protection policy association
Associations for CPU Protection policy 100
Description : (Not Specified)
SAP associations
Service Id : 3 Type : VPLS
SAP 1/1/1 mac-monitoring
SAP 1/1/2 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr car
SAP 1/1/3 eth-cfm-monitoring
SAP 1/1/4
Number of SAP's : 4
SDP associations
Service Id : 3 Type : VPLS
SDP 1:1 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr car
SDP 1:3 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr
SDP 1:5 mac-monitoring
SDP 17407:4123456789 eth-cfm-monitoring car
Number of SDP's : 4
Interface associations
Managed SAP associations
Video-Interface associations
Associations for CPU Protection policy 254
Description : Default (Modifiable) CPU-Protection Policy assigned to Access
SAP associations
SDP associations
Interface associations
Router-Name : Base
Router-Name : vprn7
vprn If
Number of interfaces : 2
Managed SAP associations
Video-Interface associations
Associations for CPU Protection policy 255
Description : Default (Modifiable) CPU-Protection Policy assigned to Network
SAP associations
SDP associations
Service Id : 3 Type : VPLS
SDP 1:2
SDP 1:4 eth-cfm-monitoring
Service Id : 6 Type : IES
SDP 1:6
Service Id : 7 Type : VPRN
SDP 1:7
Service Id : 9 Type : Epipe
SDP 1:9
Service Id : 300 Type : VPLS
SDP 1:300
Number of SDP's : 6
Interface associations
Router-Name : Base
Number of interfaces : 1
Managed SAP associations
Video-Interface associations
show system security cpu-protection policy 100 association
Associations for CPU Protection policy 100
Description : (Not Specified)
SAP associations
Service Id : 3 Type : VPLS
SAP 1/1/1 mac-monitoring
SAP 1/1/2 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr car
SAP 1/1/3 eth-cfm-monitoring
SAP 1/1/4
Number of SAP's : 4
SDP associations
Service Id : 3 Type : VPLS
SDP 1:1 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr car
SDP 1:3 eth-cfm-monitoring aggr
SDP 1:5 mac-monitoring
SDP 17407:4123456789 eth-cfm-monitoring car
Number of SDP's : 4
Interface associations
Managed SAP associations
Video-Interface associations
show system security cpu-protection violators
Ports where a rate limit is violated
Type Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
No ports found
Interfaces where the protection policy overall rate limit is violated
Interface-Name Router-Name
Plcy Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
No interfaces found
SAP's where the protection policy overall rate limit is violated
SAP-Id Service-Id
Plcy Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
1/1/1 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:41 06/27/2010 22:37:02 3000000001
1 SAP('s) found
SDP's where the protection policy overall rate limit is violated
SDP-Id Service-Id
Plcy Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
1:1 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:41 06/27/2010 22:37:02 3000000001
1:2 3
255 max 05/01/2010 01:43:43 06/27/2010 22:37:05 3000000002
1:3 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:45 06/27/2010 22:37:08 3000000003
1:4 3
255 max 05/01/2010 01:43:47 06/27/2010 22:37:11 3000000004
1:5 3
100 61234 05/01/2010 01:43:49 06/27/2010 22:37:14 3000000005
5 SDP('s) found
Video clients where the protection policy per-source rate limit is violated
Client IP Address Video-Interface Service-Id
Plcy Limit First-Time Last-Time Violation-Periods
No clients found
[Tree] (clear cpu-protection)
Full Context
clear cpu-protection
Commands in this context clear CPU protection data.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (show>card>virtual cpu-scheduling)
Full Context
show card virtual cpu-scheduling
This command displays the CPU scheduling health on the card. The scheduling health is a measure of the hypervisor load and is expressed by the percentage of clock interrupts that arrive within an accepted time period compared to the last clock interrupt.
[Tree] (clear>card>virtual cpu-scheduling)
Full Context
clear card virtual cpu-scheduling
This command clears virtual CPU scheduling statistics on the card.
cpu-usage mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current]
cpu-usage mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current] esa-vm esa-id/vm-id
cpu-usage mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current] [ show-oid] type {control-plane | data-plane}
cpu-usage mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current] [ show-oid] type {control-plane | data-plane} esa-vm esa-id/vm-id
[Tree] (show>isa>stats>tunnel-isa cpu-usage)
Full Context
show isa statistics tunnel-isa cpu-usage
This command displays the CPU usage of the specified ISA. The information includes control plane usage and data plane usage.
The data plane usage collection depends on the configuration of the config>isa>tunnel-grp>stats-collection>isa-dp-cpu-usage system and collects usage every 5 minutes for the last 24 hours. The output also includes the current value.
- count
Displays information for the number of statistics intervals to be displayed (starting with the most recent).
- minutes
Displays information about the specified period covered by the statistics to be displayed (starting with the most recent).
- current
Displays information about the current statistic value. The values of count and minutes are ignored by the system when this parameter is specified.
- show-oid
Displays information about the Object Identifier (OID) of the current statistical value.
- mda
Displays information about the specified ISA.
- control-plane
Displays information about the control plane.
- data-plane
Displays information about the data plane.
- esa-vm
Displays the ID of the configured ESA and ESA VM.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the show isa stats tunnel-isa cpu-usage configuration.
Output Exampleshow>isa>stats>tunnel-isa# cpu-usage 1/2
16 0.05 2017/05/24 02:30:00 MIN 5
17 0.00 2017/05/24 02:25:00 MIN 5
18 0.03 2017/05/24 02:20:00 MIN 5
19 0.06 2017/05/24 02:15:00 MIN 5
20 0.05 2017/05/24 02:10:00 MIN 5
21 0.07 2017/05/24 02:05:00 MIN 5
22 0.06 2017/05/24 02:00:00 MIN 5
23 0.05 2017/05/24 01:55:00 MIN 5
24 0.00 2017/05/24 01:50:00 MIN 5
25 0.07 2017/05/24 01:45:00 MIN 5
26 0.01 2017/05/24 01:40:00 MIN 5
27 0.04 2017/05/24 01:35:00 MIN 5
28 0.01 2017/05/24 01:30:00 MIN 5
29 0.00 2017/05/24 01:25:00 MIN 5
30 0.01 2017/05/24 01:20:00 MIN 5
31 0.01 2017/05/24 01:15:00 MIN 5
32 0.01 2017/05/24 01:10:00 MIN 5
33 0.06 2017/05/24 01:05:00 MIN 5
34 0.01 2017/05/24 01:00:00 MIN 5
35 0.02 2017/05/24 00:55:00 MIN 5
36 0.03 2017/05/24 00:50:00 MIN 5
37 0.03 2017/05/24 00:45:00 MIN 5
38 0.01 2017/05/24 00:40:00 MIN 5
39 0.01 2017/05/24 00:35:00 MIN 5
40 0.02 2017/05/24 00:30:00 MIN 5
41 0.01 2017/05/24 00:25:00 MIN 5
42 0.03 2017/05/24 00:20:00 MIN 5
43 0.02 2017/05/24 00:15:00 MIN 5
44 0.06 2017/05/24 00:10:00 MIN 5
45 0.05 2017/05/24 00:05:00 MIN 5
46 0.00 2017/05/24 00:00:00 MIN 5
47 0.02 2017/05/23 23:55:00 MIN 5
48 0.04 2017/05/23 23:50:00 MIN 5
49 0.03 2017/05/23 23:45:00 MIN 5
50 0.06 2017/05/23 23:40:00 MIN 5
51 0.00 2017/05/23 23:35:00 MIN 5
52 0.05 2017/05/23 23:30:00 MIN 5
53 0.02 2017/05/23 23:25:00 MIN 5
54 0.03 2017/05/23 23:20:00 MIN 5
55 0.02 2017/05/23 23:15:00 MIN 5
56 0.06 2017/05/23 23:10:00 MIN 5
57 0.04 2017/05/23 23:05:00 MIN 5
58 0.00 2017/05/23 23:00:00 MIN 5
59 0.00 2017/05/23 22:55:00 MIN 5
60 0.04 2017/05/23 22:50:00 MIN 5
61 0.03 2017/05/23 22:45:00 MIN 5
62 0.03 2017/05/23 22:40:00 MIN 5
63 0.04 2017/05/23 22:35:00 MIN 5
64 0.05 2017/05/23 22:30:00 MIN 5
65 0.02 2017/05/23 22:25:00 MIN 5
66 0.05 2017/05/23 22:20:00 MIN 5
67 0.03 2017/05/23 22:15:00 MIN 5
68 0.01 2017/05/23 22:10:00 MIN 5
69 0.02 2017/05/23 22:05:00 MIN 5
70 0.01 2017/05/23 22:00:00 MIN 5
71 0.05 2017/05/23 21:55:00 MIN 5
72 0.02 2017/05/23 21:50:00 MIN 5
73 0.02 2017/05/23 21:45:00 MIN 5
74 0.00 2017/05/23 21:40:00 MIN 5
75 0.00 2017/05/23 21:35:00 MIN 5
76 0.01 2017/05/23 21:30:00 MIN 5
77 0.06 2017/05/23 21:25:00 MIN 5
78 0.01 2017/05/23 21:20:00 MIN 5
79 0.01 2017/05/23 21:15:00 MIN 5
80 0.00 2017/05/23 21:10:00 MIN 5
81 0.06 2017/05/23 21:05:00 MIN 5
82 0.06 2017/05/23 21:00:00 MIN 5
83 0.00 2017/05/23 20:55:00 MIN 5
84 0.02 2017/05/23 20:50:00 MIN 5
85 0.00 2017/05/23 20:45:00 MIN 5
86 0.00 2017/05/23 20:40:00 MIN 5
87 0.06 2017/05/23 20:35:00 MIN 5
88 0.01 2017/05/23 20:30:00 MIN 5
89 0.01 2017/05/23 20:25:00 MIN 5
90 0.02 2017/05/23 20:20:00 MIN 5
91 0.03 2017/05/23 20:15:00 MIN 5
92 0.04 2017/05/23 20:10:00 MIN 5
93 0.05 2017/05/23 20:05:00 MIN 5
94 0.05 2017/05/23 20:00:00 MIN 5
95 0.05 2017/05/23 19:55:00 MIN 5
96 0.05 2017/05/23 19:50:00 MIN 5
97 0.06 2017/05/23 19:45:00 MIN 5
98 0.06 2017/05/23 19:40:00 MIN 5
99 0.05 2017/05/23 19:35:00 MIN 5
100 0.05 2017/05/23 19:30:00 MIN 5
101 0.04 2017/05/23 19:25:00 MIN 5
102 0.04 2017/05/23 19:20:00 MIN 5
103 0.04 2017/05/23 19:15:00 MIN 5
104 0.05 2017/05/23 19:10:00 MIN 5
105 0.04 2017/05/23 19:05:00 MIN 5
106 0.03 2017/05/23 19:00:00 MIN 5
107 0.03 2017/05/23 18:55:00 MIN 5
108 0.01 2017/05/23 18:50:00 MIN 5
109 0.02 2017/05/23 18:45:00 MIN 5
110 0.02 2017/05/23 18:40:00 MIN 5
111 0.02 2017/05/23 18:35:00 MIN 5
112 0.01 2017/05/23 18:30:00 MIN 5
113 0.02 2017/05/23 18:25:00 MIN 5
114 0.02 2017/05/23 18:20:00 MIN 5
115 0.01 2017/05/23 18:15:00 MIN 5
116 0.02 2017/05/23 18:10:00 MIN 5
117 0.01 2017/05/23 18:05:00 MIN 5
118 0.02 2017/05/23 18:00:00 MIN 5
119 0.01 2017/05/23 17:55:00 MIN 5
120 0.08 2017/05/23 17:50:48 MIN 4 SEC 12
1 (CURRENT) 13.13 2017/05/24 03:45:00 SEC 25
2 13.24 2017/05/24 03:40:00 MIN 5
3 13.43 2017/05/24 03:35:00 MIN 5
4 13.30 2017/05/24 03:30:00 MIN 5
5 13.26 2017/05/24 03:25:00 MIN 5
6 13.16 2017/05/24 03:20:00 MIN 5
7 13.16 2017/05/24 03:15:00 MIN 5
8 13.22 2017/05/24 03:10:00 MIN 5
9 13.31 2017/05/24 03:05:00 MIN 5
10 13.95 2017/05/24 03:00:00 MIN 5
11 13.71 2017/05/24 02:55:00 MIN 5
12 14.00 2017/05/24 02:50:00 MIN 5
13 13.26 2017/05/24 02:45:00 MIN 5
14 13.11 2017/05/24 02:40:00 MIN 5
15 13.09 2017/05/24 02:35:00 MIN 5
16 13.22 2017/05/24 02:30:00 MIN 5
17 13.91 2017/05/24 02:25:00 MIN 5
18 13.53 2017/05/24 02:20:00 MIN 5
19 13.83 2017/05/24 02:15:00 MIN 5
20 13.05 2017/05/24 02:10:00 MIN 5
21 13.10 2017/05/24 02:05:00 MIN 5
22 13.09 2017/05/24 02:00:00 MIN 5
23 13.72 2017/05/24 01:55:00 MIN 5
24 13.65 2017/05/24 01:50:00 MIN 5
25 13.81 2017/05/24 01:45:00 MIN 5
26 13.31 2017/05/24 01:40:00 MIN 5
27 13.10 2017/05/24 01:35:00 MIN 5
28 13.10 2017/05/24 01:30:00 MIN 5
29 13.31 2017/05/24 01:25:00 MIN 5
30 13.92 2017/05/24 01:20:00 MIN 5
31 13.58 2017/05/24 01:15:00 MIN 5
32 13.64 2017/05/24 01:10:00 MIN 5
33 13.11 2017/05/24 01:05:00 MIN 5
34 13.18 2017/05/24 01:00:00 MIN 5
35 13.27 2017/05/24 00:55:00 MIN 5
36 13.90 2017/05/24 00:50:00 MIN 5
37 13.59 2017/05/24 00:45:00 MIN 5
38 13.79 2017/05/24 00:40:00 MIN 5
39 13.16 2017/05/24 00:35:00 MIN 5
40 13.24 2017/05/24 00:30:00 MIN 5
41 13.28 2017/05/24 00:25:00 MIN 5
42 14.02 2017/05/24 00:20:00 MIN 5
43 13.65 2017/05/24 00:15:00 MIN 5
44 13.66 2017/05/24 00:10:00 MIN 5
45 13.07 2017/05/24 00:05:00 MIN 5
46 13.12 2017/05/24 00:00:00 MIN 5
47 13.32 2017/05/23 23:55:00 MIN 5
48 13.80 2017/05/23 23:50:00 MIN 5
49 13.69 2017/05/23 23:45:00 MIN 5
50 13.37 2017/05/23 23:40:00 MIN 5
51 13.05 2017/05/23 23:35:00 MIN 5
52 13.07 2017/05/23 23:30:00 MIN 5
53 13.58 2017/05/23 23:25:00 MIN 5
54 13.55 2017/05/23 23:20:00 MIN 5
55 13.80 2017/05/23 23:15:00 MIN 5
56 13.18 2017/05/23 23:10:00 MIN 5
57 13.13 2017/05/23 23:05:00 MIN 5
58 13.12 2017/05/23 23:00:00 MIN 5
59 13.80 2017/05/23 22:55:00 MIN 5
60 13.55 2017/05/23 22:50:00 MIN 5
61 13.77 2017/05/23 22:45:00 MIN 5
62 13.08 2017/05/23 22:40:00 MIN 5
63 9.77 2017/05/23 22:35:00 MIN 5
64 0.02 2017/05/23 22:30:00 MIN 5
65 0.02 2017/05/23 22:25:00 MIN 5
66 0.01 2017/05/23 22:20:00 MIN 5
67 0.00 2017/05/23 22:15:00 MIN 5
68 7.08 2017/05/23 22:10:00 MIN 5
69 13.09 2017/05/23 22:05:00 MIN 5
70 13.58 2017/05/23 22:00:00 MIN 5
71 13.63 2017/05/23 21:55:00 MIN 5
72 6.34 2017/05/23 21:50:00 MIN 5
73 0.00 2017/05/23 21:45:00 MIN 5
74 0.00 2017/05/23 21:40:00 MIN 5
75 0.00 2017/05/23 21:35:00 MIN 5
76 0.00 2017/05/23 21:30:00 MIN 5
77 0.00 2017/05/23 21:25:00 MIN 5
78 0.00 2017/05/23 21:20:00 MIN 5
79 0.00 2017/05/23 21:15:00 MIN 5
80 0.00 2017/05/23 21:10:00 MIN 5
81 0.00 2017/05/23 21:05:00 MIN 5
82 0.00 2017/05/23 21:00:00 MIN 5
83 0.00 2017/05/23 20:55:00 MIN 5
84 0.00 2017/05/23 20:50:00 MIN 5
85 0.00 2017/05/23 20:45:00 MIN 5
86 0.00 2017/05/23 20:40:00 MIN 5
87 0.00 2017/05/23 20:35:00 MIN 5
88 0.00 2017/05/23 20:30:00 MIN 5
89 0.00 2017/05/23 20:25:00 MIN 5
90 0.00 2017/05/23 20:20:00 MIN 5
91 0.00 2017/05/23 20:15:00 MIN 5
92 0.00 2017/05/23 20:10:00 MIN 5
93 0.00 2017/05/23 20:05:00 MIN 5
94 0.00 2017/05/23 20:00:00 MIN 5
95 0.00 2017/05/23 19:55:00 MIN 5
96 0.00 2017/05/23 19:50:00 MIN 5
97 0.00 2017/05/23 19:45:00 MIN 5
98 0.00 2017/05/23 19:40:00 MIN 5
99 0.00 2017/05/23 19:35:00 MIN 5
100 0.00 2017/05/23 19:30:00 MIN 5
101 0.00 2017/05/23 19:25:00 MIN 5
102 0.00 2017/05/23 19:20:00 MIN 5
103 0.00 2017/05/23 19:15:00 MIN 5
104 0.00 2017/05/23 19:10:00 MIN 5
105 0.00 2017/05/23 19:05:00 MIN 5
106 0.00 2017/05/23 19:00:00 MIN 5
107 0.00 2017/05/23 18:55:00 MIN 5
108 0.00 2017/05/23 18:50:00 MIN 5
109 0.00 2017/05/23 18:45:00 MIN 5
110 0.00 2017/05/23 18:40:00 MIN 5
111 0.00 2017/05/23 18:35:00 MIN 5
112 0.00 2017/05/23 18:30:00 MIN 5
113 0.00 2017/05/23 18:25:00 MIN 5
114 0.00 2017/05/23 18:20:00 MIN 5
115 0.00 2017/05/23 18:15:00 MIN 5
116 0.00 2017/05/23 18:10:00 MIN 5
117 0.00 2017/05/23 18:05:00 MIN 5
118 0.00 2017/05/23 18:00:00 MIN 5
119 0.00 2017/05/23 17:55:00 MIN 5
120 0.00 2017/05/23 17:50:48 MIN 4 SEC 12
create-sticky-lease host-name [mac ieee-address] [circuit-id circuit-id] [client-id client-id] [requested-ip-address ip-address] [circuit-id-hex circuit-id-hex-string] [client-id-hex client-id-hex-string]
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp>server>pool create-sticky-lease)
Full Context
tools perform router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool create-sticky-lease
This command tries to create a lease-state in the specified local-dhcp-server pool with the supplied parameters. The hostname uniquely identifies this lease for subsequent operations. mac, circuit-id, and client-id should also have a unique combination of values according to the configured user-ident variables. If the requested-ip-address is provided the server tries to create a lease with this address. If this address is not available in the pool, the command fails.
- host-name
Specifies a string to identify the lease, up to 32 characters. If not specified, it can be internally generated based on MAC@ or another key.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx format.
- circuit-id
Specifies the circuit-id string, up to 255 characters.
- client-id
Specifies the client-id string, up to 255 characters.
- ip-address
Specifies the IPv4 address in dotted notation a.b.c.d.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
credit-control [subscriber sub-ident-string]
credit-control out-of-credit [action action] [summary]
credit-control extended-failure-handling [state] [summary]
[Tree] (show>service>active-subscribers credit-control)
Full Context
show service active-subscribers credit-control
This command displays active subscriber credit control information. Without additional filters, the output lists information for all active subscribers.
The output of this command can be filtered:
per subscriber by specifying the optional subscriber sub-ident-string parameter
per all subscribers that are out of credit by specifying the out-of-credit parameter with the optional action action parameter
per subscribers that have a Diameter Gy session with Extended Failure Handling (EFH) enabled by specifying the extended-failure-handling parameter with the optional state parameter.
- sub-ident-string
Displays credit control information for the specified subscriber, up to 32 characters.
- out-of-credit [action action]
Displays credit control information for subscribers that are out of credit and, optionally, have the specified out of credit action enabled.
- extended-failure-handling [state]
Displays credit control information for subscribers with a Diameter Gy session with EFH enabled. The optional state parameter lists subscribers for which the Diameter Gy session EFH is active, inactive, or both (all).
- summary
Lists the number of matching entries for the specified filter.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of active subscriber’s credit control information.
Output ExampleA:eng-BNG-2 # show service active-subscribers credit-control
Active Subscribers
Subscriber user_1
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:1/1/20:841 - sla:no-prof
Category Map : cat-map-01
Number of categories
static : 1
gx-session : 1
gx-pcc : 0
Category Name : category-01
Ingress Queues : (Not Specified)
Egress Queues : 1
Ingress Policers : (Not Specified)
Egress Policers : (Not Specified)
Idle Timeout : 1000
IP Address
MAC Address Session Origin Svc Fwd
00:00:10:10:12:13 N/A DHCP 1000 Y
Number of active subscribers : 1
The following table describes credit control output fields.
Label |
Description |
Credit Control Policy |
The credit control policy name in use for this subscriber session |
Category Map |
The active category map in use for this subscriber session |
Diameter Session Gy |
The Diameter Gy session ID |
CC Failure Handling |
The current value for Credit Control Failure Handling (CCFH) as configured in the Diameter Gy application policy or as received in an Answer message from the Online Charging Server (OCS) in the CCFH AVP Values: terminate, continue, or retry-and-terminate |
Extended Failure Handling (EFH) - State1 |
The EFH state: active — EFH is enabled and currently active inactive — EFH is enabled and currently inactive |
The number of times interim credit is assigned to all rating groups followed by an attempt to establish a new Diameter Gy session with the Online Charging Server (OCS), or credit control server |
The configured maximum attempts value in the Diameter application policy When an attempt to establish a new Diameter Gy session with the OCS continues to fail after the maximum attempts value is reached, then the user session is terminated (the subscriber hosts are deleted from the system). |
The time since the EFH state became active for this subscriber session |
EFH - Total Active Time1 |
The accumulated time of all occurrences that EFH was active during the lifetime of this subscriber session |
EFH - Total Active Count 1 |
The number of times that EFH was active during the lifetime of this subscriber session |
Number of categories - static |
The number of static categories in use for this subscriber session. |
Number of categories - gx-session |
The number of categories reserved for this subscriber session for Gx session level Usage Monitoring. |
Number of categories - gx-pcc |
The number of dynamic categories in use by this subscriber session for Gx PCC rule-based Usage Monitoring. |
Category - Category Name |
The name of the category as configured in the category map |
Category - Ingress Queues |
The ingress queues for which credit control is applied in this category as configured in the category map |
Category - Egress Queues |
The egress queues for which credit control is applied in this category as configured in the category map |
Category - Ingress Policers |
The ingress policers for which credit control is applied in this category as configured in the category map |
Category - Egress Policers |
The egress policers for which credit control is applied in this category as configured in the category map |
Category - Credit Volume Used |
The used total octets counter (ingress and egress combined) since the last usage reporting of this rating group |
Category - Credit Volume Avail. |
The remaining total granted octets available before a new credit negotiation is triggered for this rating group (category) or the out of credit action is triggered |
Category - Credit Volume Thres. |
The volume quota threshold in octets as received from the OCS. When the Credit Volume Available octets fall below the Credit Volume Threshold, a new credit negotiation is triggered for this rating group (category). The Credit Volume Threshold value is set to Expired and Credit Negotiating is set to True. |
Category - Credit Time Used |
The number of seconds passed since the last reporting of this rating group |
Category - Credit Time Avail. |
The remaining number of seconds before a new credit negotiation is triggered for this rating group (category) or the out of credit action is triggered |
Category - Credit Time Thres. |
The time quota threshold in seconds as received from the OCS When the Credit Time Available falls below the Credit Time Threshold, a new credit negotiation is triggered for this rating group (category). The Credit Time Threshold value is set to Expired and Credit Negotiating is set to true. |
Category - Credit Expired |
The credit expired value: False—Negotiated credit is still available True—All granted credit is exhausted; either new credit is being negotiated with the OCS or the out of credit action is activated. |
Category - Credit Negotiating |
The credit negotiating value: False—There is no credit being requested to the OCS True—New credit is being requested to the OCS |
Category - Out Of Credit Action |
The out of credit action value: None—Out-of-credit action is not active When the out-of-credit action is active, the value is set to one of: ChangeServiceLevel, BlockCategory, Continue, or DisconnectHost |
Category - Quota Holding Time |
The Idle timeout associated with the granted quota. When no traffic associated with the quota is observed for the time specified, a credit negotiation is triggered with the OCS. |
Category - Validity Time Used |
The number of seconds passed since the Validity Time was installed |
Category - Validity Time Avail. |
The remaining number of seconds of the Validity Time before a new usage reporting is triggered for this rating group (category) |
The unreported volume credit for the current occurrence of EFH in an active state. This counter includes the unreported used volume credit for the initial Diameter Gy session that caused the active EFH state and the unreported volume interim credit for previous attempts. Used interim credit for the current attempt is shown in the Credit Volume Used counter. |
Category - EFH Unreported Credit - Total Volume 1 |
The accumulated total unreported volume credit for the previous occurrences of EFH in an active state. The total counter is updated when the EFH state toggles from active to inactive. When interim credit reporting is enabled, the counters are reset to zero when the actual usage reporting for this rating group (category) occurs. When interim credit reporting is disabled, the counters accumulate the total unreported volume credit during the lifetime of the subscriber session. |
The unreported time credit for the current occurrence of EFH in an active state. This counter includes the unreported used time credit for the initial Diameter Gy session that caused the active EFH state and the unreported time interim credit for previous attempts. Used interim credit for the current attempt is shown in the Credit Time Used counter. |
Category - EFH Unreported Credit - Total Time 1 |
The accumulated total unreported time credit for the previous occurrences of EFH in an active state. The total counter is updated when the EFH state toggles from active to inactive. When interim credit reporting is enabled, the counters are reset to zero when the actual usage reporting for this rating group (category) occurs. When interim credit reporting is disabled, the counters accumulate the total unreported time credit during the lifetime of the subscriber session. |
Category - HTTP Rdr URL Override |
The URL returned by a Diameter OCS in a Credit Control Answer (CCA) message Final-Unit-Indication/Redirect-Server/Redirect-Server-Address AVP. This URL is used for Diameter Gy http-redirect out-of-credit actions when allow-override is configured. |
- These fields are only shown when EFH is enabled in the Diameter application policy. EFH is enabled using the configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gy extended-failure-handling no shutdown command.
- These fields are only shown when the EFH state is active.
credit-control-policy [policy-name]
credit-control-policy policy-name subscribers
[Tree] (show>subscr-mgmt credit-control-policy)
Full Context
show subscriber-mgmt credit-control-policy
This command displays credit control policy information.
- policy-name
Specifies the credit control policy name, up to 32 characters.
- subscribers
Displays the subscribers associated with the credit control policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
credit-reset sap sap-id subscriber sub-ident-string sla-profile sla-profile-name {category category-name | all-categories} [spi-sharing-type spi-sharing-type] [spi-sharing-id spi-sharing-id]
credit-reset sap sap-id ip ip-address {category category-name| all-categories} [ mac mac-address]
credit-reset svc service-id ip ip-address {category category-name | all-categories} [mac mac-address]
[Tree] (tools>perform>subscr-mgmt credit-reset)
Full Context
tools perform subscriber-mgmt credit-reset
This command resets the credit for an SLA-profile instance.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- sub-ident-string
Resets the credit for the specified subscriber identification, up to 32 characters.
- sla-profile-name
Resets the credit for the specified SLA profile, up to 32 characters.
- category-name
Resets the credit for the specified category, up to 32 characters.
- spi-sharing-type
Resets the credit for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type.
- spi-sharing-id
Resets the credit for sessions with the specified SPI sharing type and sharing identifier. The SPI sharing identifier is:
an identifier when the sharing type is per-group
an internal PPP or IPoE identifier when the sharing type is a per-PPP or per-IPoE session
- ip-address
Resets the credit for the specified IP address.
- mac-address
Resets the credit for the specified MAC IP address.
- sub-profile-string
Resets the credit for the specified subscriber profile, up to 32 characters.
- service-id
Resets the credit for the specified service ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>system cron)
Full Context
show system cron
Commands in this context display CRON information.
crp [family | ip-address]
[Tree] (show>router>pim crp)
Full Context
show router pim crp
This command displays PIM candidate RP (CRP) information received at the elected Bootstrap router (BSR).
- family
Displays CRP information for the address family.
- ip-address
Displays the IP address of the candidate RP.
The following output is an example of a PIM CRP configuration.
Output ExampleA:WAS# show router pim crp
PIM Candidate RPs
RP Address Group Address Priority Holdtime Expiry Time
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192 150 0d 00:02:19 192 150 0d 00:02:19 192 150 0d 00:02:09
Candidate RPs : 3
A:WAS# show router pim crp
PIM Candidate RPs
RP Address Group Address Priority Holdtime Expiry Time
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192 150 0d 00:01:43
Candidate RPs : 1
Output fields: PIM CRP provides PIM CRP field descriptions.
Label |
Description |
RP Address |
The Candidate RP address |
Group Address |
The range of multicast group addresses for which the CRP is the Candidate RP |
Priority |
The Candidate RP's priority for becoming a rendezvous point (RP). This value is used to elect RP for a group range. A value of 0 is considered as the highest priority. |
Holdtime |
The hold time of the candidate RP. It is used by the Bootstrap router to time out the RP entries if it does not listen to another CRP advertisement within the holdtime period. |
Expiry |
The minimum time remaining before the CRP will be declared down. If the local router is not the BSR, this value is 0. |
Candidate RPs |
The number of CRP entries. |
cspf to ip-addr [from ip-addr] [bandwidth bandwidth] [include-bitmap bitmap] [exclude-bitmap bitmap] [hop-limit limit] [exclude-address excl-addr] [use-te-metric] [strict-srlg] [srlg-group] [exclude-node excl-node-id [excl-node-id] [skip-interface interface-name] [ds-class-type class-type] [cspf-reqtype req-type] [least-fill-min-thd thd] [setup-priority val] [hold-priority val]
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>mpls cspf)
Full Context
tools perform router mpls cspf
This command computes a CSPF path with specified user constraints.
- to ip-addr
Specifies the destination IP address.
- from ip-addr
Specifies the originating IP address.
- bandwidth bandwidth
Specifies the amount of bandwidth in Mb/s to be reserved.
- include-bitmap bitmap
Specifies to include a bit-map that specifies a list of admin groups that should be included during setup. Accepted in decimal, hex, or binary.
- exclude-bitmap bitmap
Specifies to exclude a bit-map that specifies a list of admin groups that should be included during setup. Accepted in decimal, hex, or binary.
- hop-limit limit
Specifies the maximum number of hops for the path.
- exclude-address ip-addr
Specifies IP addresses, up to eight, that should be excluded in the path computation.
- use-te-metric
Specifies the use of the link traffic engineering metric to optimize the path. By default, the link IGP metric is used.
- strict-srlg
Specifies the computation of a path which is strictly disjoint from links which are members of the entered SRLG
- srlg-group grp-id
Specifies up to eight Shared Risk Loss Groups (SRLGs) that path computation should avoid, or must avoid if the strict-srlg option is enabled. An SRLG group represents a set of interfaces which could be subject to the same failures or defects and thus share the same risk of failing.
- exclude-node excl-node-id
Specifies a list of up to eight addresses, that should be excluded during the path computation.
- skip-interface interface-name
Specifies an interface name of up to 32 characters, that should be skipped during the path computation.
- ds-class-type class-type
Specifies the class type (CT) to associate with the computed path.
- cspf-reqtype req-type
Specifies the if all ECMP paths or a single path, selected randomly or using the least-fill parameter, should be returned.
- least-fill-min-thd thd
Specifies the use of the least-fill path selection method in the computation of the path.
- setup-priority val
Specifies the setup priority value to use for the path.
- hold-priority val
Specifies the hold priority value to use for the path.
[Tree] (show>system>security>hash-control custom-hash)
Full Context
show system security hash-control custom-hash
This command displays custom hash information.
[Tree] (show>app-assure>group>policy custom-protocol)
Full Context
show application-assurance group policy custom-protocol
This command displays application-assurance policy custom protocol information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
customer [customer-id [site customer-site-name [associated-subs]]]
[Tree] (show>service customer)
Full Context
show service customer
This command displays service customer information.
- customer-id
Displays only information for the specified customer ID.
- site customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site which is an anchor point for an ingress and egress virtual scheduler hierarchy.
- associated-subs
Displays information for the associated subscribers.
The following output is an example of customer information, and Output fields: customer describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:ALA-12# show service customer
Customer-ID : 1
Contact : Manager
Description : Default customer
Phone : (123) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 2
Contact : Tech Support
Description : Nokia
Phone : (234) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 3
Contact : Fred
Description : Nokia
Phone : (345) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 6
Contact : Ethel
Description : Epipe Customer
Phone : (456) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 7
Contact : Lucy
Description : ABC Customer
Phone : (567) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 8
Contact : Customer Service
Description : IES Customer
Phone : (678) 555-1212
Customer-ID : 274
Contact : Test Engineer on Duty
Description : ABC Company
Phone : 650 123-4567
Customer-ID : 94043
Contact : Test Engineer on Duty
Description : TEST Customer
Phone : (789) 555-1212
Total Customers : 8
*A:ALA-12# show service customer 274
Customer 274
Customer-ID : 274
Contact : Test Engineer on Duty
Description : ABC Company
Phone : 650 123-4567
Multi Service Site
Site : west
Description : (Not Specified)
*A:ALA-12# show service customer 274 site west
Customer 274
Customer-ID : 274
Contact : Test Engineer on Duty
Description : ABC Company
Phone : 650 123-4567
Multi Service Site
Site : west
Description : (Not Specified)
Assignment : Card 5
I. Sched Pol: SLA1
E. Sched Pol: (Not Specified)
Service Association
No Service Association Found.
Label |
Description |
Customer-ID |
The ID that uniquely identifies a customer. |
Contact |
The name of the primary contact person. |
Description |
Generic information about the customer. |
Phone |
The phone/pager number to reach the primary contact person. |
Total Customers |
The total number of customers configured. |
Multi-service site |
Site |
Multi-service site name. A multi-service customer site is a group of SAPs with common origination and termination points. |
Description |
Information about a specific customer's multi-service site. |
Assignment |
The port ID, MDA, or card number, where the SAP's that are members of this multi- service site are defined. |
I. Sched Pol |
The ingress QoS scheduler policy assigned to this multi-service site. |
E. Sched Pol |
The egress QoS scheduler policy assigned to this multi-service site. |
Service Association |
Service-ID |
The ID that uniquely identifies a service. |
The SAP assigned to the service. |
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [{ingress | egress}] [arbiter {name | root}] [{detail | depth}]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer-hierarchy customer)
Full Context
show qos policer-hierarchy customer
This command displays information about the policer hierarchy per customer.
- customer-id
Specifies the customer ID that identifies the customer to the service.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the unique customer site name, up to 32 characters.
- ingress
Displays ingress queue group information.
- egress
Displays egress queue group information.
- name
Displays information about the name of the QoS arbiter.
- root
Displays information about the arbiter root.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- depth
Displays the bucket depth, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [{ingress | egress}] [detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-hierarchy customer)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-hierarchy customer
This command displays the scheduler hierarchy per customer multiservice site.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number associated with a particular customer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the unique name customer site name.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the unique scheduler name created in the context of the scheduler policy.
- ingress
Displays ingress SAP customer scheduler stats.
- egress
Displays egress SAP customer scheduler stats.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of customer scheduler hierarchy information, and Output fields: QoS scheduler hierarchy customer describes the customer scheduler hierarchy fields.
Output Example*A:PE# show qos scheduler-hierarchy customer 1 site "s1"
Scheduler Hierarchy - Customer 1 MSS s1
Root (Ing)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : s1
| |
| |--(S) : Tier0Ingress:1->1/1/1->1
| | |
| | |--(Q) : 1->1/1/1->1 1-1
| | |
| | |--(Q) : 1->1/1/1->1 2-1
| | |
| | |--(Q) : 1->1/1/1->1 5-1
| | |
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
|--(S) : s1
| |
| |--(Q) : 1->1/1/1->1
| |
show qos scheduler-hierarchy customer 1 site "mss"
Scheduler Hierarchy - Customer 1 MSS mss
Root (Ing)
No Active Members Found on slot 3
Root (Egr)
| slot(3)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->8 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->7 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->6 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->5 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->8 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->7 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->6 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->5 (Port pxc-1.b)
Label |
Description |
Legend |
Admin CIR/PIR: Specifies the configured value of CIR/PIR. Assigned CIR/PIR: Specifies the PIR/CIR rate given to a member by that parent level. Offered CIR/PIR: Specifies the offered load on that member. Consumed CIR/PIR: Specifies the amount of scheduler bandwidth used by this member. |
Lvl/Wt |
Specifies the priority level of the scheduler when compared to other child schedulers and queues vying for bandwidth on the parent schedulers during the above-CIR distribution phase of bandwidth allocation. Weight defines the relative weight of this scheduler in comparison to other child schedulers and queues at the same level. |
Cir Lvl/Wt |
Specifies the level of hierarchy when compared to other schedulers and queues when vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler. Weight defines the relative weight of this queue as compared to other child schedulers and queues while vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler. |
Specifies the PIR rate. |
Specifies the CIR rate. |
Parent |
Specifies the parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given the queue aside from the queue’s PIR setting. |
Service-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy. |
Customer-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the customer. |
Specifies the Service Access Point (SAP) within the service where the policy is applied. |
Multi Service Site |
Specifies the multiservice site name. |
Orphan Queues |
Specifies the number of queues in an orphaned state. |
Hierarchy |
Displays the scheduler policy tree structure. |
Tier0 |
Specifies the weight of the queue at its parent internal (Tier0) scheduler. This is a normalized value based on the port speed, or hash weight when used within a LAG. |
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [{ingress | egress}]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-stats customer)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-stats customer
This command displays scheduler statistics customer information.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number associated with a particular customer.
- customer-site-name
The unique customer site name.
- scheduler-name
The unique scheduler name created in the context of the scheduler policy.
- ingress
The keyword to display ingress SAP customer scheduler stats.
- egress
The keyword to display egress SAP customer scheduler stats.
The following output is an example of SAP scheduler-stats customer information, and Output fields: QoS scheduler statistics customer describes the SAP scheduler-stats customer fields.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12# show qos scheduler-stats customer 274 site west scheduler NetworkControl
Scheduler Stats
Scheduler Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
NetworkControl 0 0
Label |
Description |
Scheduler |
Displays the scheduler policy name. |
Forwarded Packets |
Displays the number of packets forwarded. |
Forwarded Octets |
Displays the number of octets forwarded. |
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [egress] [detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>agg-rate customer)
Full Context
show qos agg-rate customer
This command displays the H-QoS aggregate rate limit per customer multiservice site.
- customer customer-id
Specifies the ID number associated with a particular customer.
- site customer-site-name
Specifies the unique customer site name.
- egress
Displays egress SAP customer scheduler stats.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of QoS customer aggregation rate output, and Output fields: QoS aggregation rate customer describes the QoS customer aggregation rate fields.
Output Example*A:PE1# show qos agg-rate customer 1 site "site1" egress
Aggregate Rate Information - Customer 1 MSS site1
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
| AdminRate : 10000
| OperRate : 0
| Limit Unused Bandwidth : disabled
| OnTheWireRates : false
| LastMileOnTheWireRates : false
show qos agg-rate customer 1 site "mss"
Aggregate Rate Information - Customer 1 MSS mss
Root (Egr)
| slot(3)
| AdminRate : 50000
| OperRate : 50000
| Limit Unused Bandwidth : disabled
| OnTheWireRates : false
| LastMileOnTheWireRates : false
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->8 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->7 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->6 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 2->pw-2:100->5 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->8 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->7 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->6 (Port pxc-1.b)
|--(Q) : 1->pw-1:100->5 (Port pxc-1.b)
Label |
Description |
AdminRate |
Displays the configured aggregate rate in the subscriber profile. |
OperRate |
Displays the actual downstream rate. |
Limit Unused Bandwidth |
Indicates whether the limit-unused-bandwidth command is enabled to protect against exceeding the aggregated bandwidth. |
OnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates. |
LastMileOnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates for the last mile only. |
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [arbiter {root | name}] [ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>arbiter-stats customer)
Full Context
monitor qos arbiter-stats customer
This command monitors arbiter statistics for a customer site.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number to be associated with the customer, expressed as an integer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site which is an anchor point for ingress and egress arbiter hierarchy.
- name
Specifies the name of the policer control policy arbiter. This parameter is mandatory if the SAP resides on a LAG in adapt-qos link or port-fair mode.
- root
Specifies the root arbiter.
- ingress
Displays arbiter-name statistics applied on the site ingress.
- egress
Displays arbiter-name statistics applied on the site egress.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>scheduler-stats customer)
Full Context
monitor qos scheduler-stats customer
This command monitors scheduler statistics per customer multi-service-site. The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified customer ID and customer site name. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display. When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta. Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. These commands display selected statistics per the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number to be associated with the customer, expressed as an integer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site, which is an anchor point for ingress and egress virtual scheduler hierarchy.
- scheduler-name
Specifies an existing scheduler-name. Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier level context. This parameter is mandatory if the customer resides on a LAG in adapt-qos link or port-fair mode.
- ingress
Displays the customer’s multi-service-site ingress scheduler policy.
- egress
Displays the customer’s multi-service-site egress scheduler policy.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [arbiter {name | root}] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (clear>qos>arbiter-stats customer)
Full Context
clear qos arbiter-stats customer
This command clears the arbiter statistics per customer.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number of the associated customer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
- ingress
Clears the arbiter name statistics applied on the site ingress.
- egress
Clears the arbiter name statistics applied on the site egress.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (clear>qos>scheduler-stats customer)
Full Context
clear qos scheduler-stats customer
This command clears the scheduler statistics per customer multi-service site.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number of the associated customer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site name, up to 32 characters.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the scheduler name, up to 32 characters.
- ingress
Clears the customer’s multi-service site ingress scheduler policy.
- egress
Clears customer’s multi-service site egress scheduler policy.
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [arbiter name | root] [ingress | egress]
[Tree] (show>qos>arbiter-stats customer)
Full Context
show qos arbiter-stats customer
This command displays the arbiter statistics per customer multi-service site.
- customer-id
Specifies the ID number associated with a particular customer.
- customer-site-name
Specifies the customer site name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
- egress
Displays egress queue group information.
- ingress
Displays ingress queue group information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR