p Commands – Part II
pool pool-name
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp6>server pool)
[Tree] (tools>perform>router>dhcp>server pool)
Full Context
tools perform router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool
tools perform router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool
This command performs local DHCP or DHCP6 server IP address pool tasks.
- pool-name
Specifies the pool name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
pool pool-name
[Tree] (show>router>nat pool)
Full Context
show router nat pool
This command displays NAT pool information.
- pool-name
Specifies the pool name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of this command.
Output Exampleshow router nat pool
NAT pools
Pool NAT-group Type Admin-state
MyPool 1 l2Aware inService
MyPool2 1 l2Aware inService
No. of pools: 2
*A:SR12_PPPOE>show>router>nat# show router "Base" nat pool "privpool"
NAT Pool privpool
ISA NAT Group : 3
Pool type : largeScale
Admin state : inService
Mode : auto (napt)
Port forwarding range : 1 - 1023
Port reservation : 128 blocks
Block usage High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Block usage Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Subscriber limit per IP address : 65535
Active : true
Last Mgmt Change : 01/28/2012 14:47:59
NAT address ranges of pool privpool
Range Drain Num-blk
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1
No. of ranges: 1
NAT members of pool privpool ISA NAT group 3
Member Block-Usage-% Hi
1 < 1 N
2 < 1 N
No. of members: 2
pool-ext-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp>server pool-ext-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats
This command displays extended statistics per DHCPv4 pool in local DHCPv4 server.
The following statistics are included in output:
The number of stable leases in the pool
The number of provisioned address in the pool
The number of used address in the pool
The number of free address in the pool
The percentage of used address
The percentage of free address
For each statistic (except for provisioned addresses), there is current value and peak value, peak value is the highest value since pool creation or last reset via the clear router rt-id dhcp local-dhcp-server svr-name pool-ext-stats command.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of DHCPv4 local server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of pool extended statistics information.
Output Exampleshow router 500 dhcp local-dhcp-server "d4" pool-ext-stats "pool-1"
Extended pool statistics for server "d4"
Current Peak TimeStamp
Pool pool-1
Stable Leases 0 0 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Provisioned Addresses 101
Used Addresses 0 0 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Free Addresses 101 101 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Used Pct 0 0 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Free Pct 100 100 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Last Reset Time 01/07/2013 19:07:11
Number of entries 1
Output fields: extended pool statistics describes extended pool statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
Current |
The current pool statistics |
Peak |
The peak value since the last reset |
Timestamp |
The date and time of the last reset |
Pool |
The pool name |
Stable Leases |
The number of stable leases in the pool |
Provisioned Addresses |
The number of provisioned addresses in the pool |
Used Addressed |
The number of used addresses in the pool |
Free Addresses |
The number of free addresses in the pool |
Used Pct |
The percentage of subnets in use in the pool |
Free Pct |
The percentage of unused subnets in the pool |
Last Reset Time |
The date and time of the last reset in the pool |
Number of entries |
The total number of entries |
pool-ext-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6>server pool-ext-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats
This command displays extended statistics per DHCPv6 pool in local DHCPv6 server.
The following statistics are included in output:
The number of stable leases in the pool
The number of provisioned /64 address block in the pool
The number of used /64 address block in the pool
The number of free /64 address block in the pool
The percentage of used address (with /64 address block)
The percentage of free address (with /64 address block)
For each statistic (except for Provisioned Addresses), there is current value and peak value, peak value is the highest value since pool creation or last reset via command "clear router <rt-id> dhcp6 local-dhcp-server <svr-name> pool-ext-stats”.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of DHCPv6 local server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of subnet statistics information.
Output Exampleshow router 500 dhcp6 local-dhcp-server "d6" pool-ext-stats "pool-v6"
Extended pool statistics for server "d6"
Current Peak TimeStamp
Pool pool-v6
Stable Leases 0 0 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Provisioned Blks 4
Used Blks 0 0 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Free Blks 4 4 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Used Pct 0 0 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Free Pct 100 100 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Last Reset Time 01/07/2013 19:54:52
Number of entries 1
Output fields: DHCP6 pool extended statistics describes DHCP6 extended pool statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
Current |
The current pool statistics |
Peak |
The peak value since the last reset |
TimeStamp |
The date and time of the last reset |
Pool |
The pool name |
Stable Leases |
The number of stable leases |
Provisioned Blks |
The number of provisioned blocks in this pool |
Free Blks |
The number of free blocks in this pool |
Used Pct |
The percentage of extended statistics in use |
Free Pct |
The percentage of /64 blocks currently unused |
Last Reset Time |
The date and time of the last reset |
Number of entries |
The total number of entries |
pool-ext-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp6>server pool-ext-stats)
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp>server pool-ext-stats)
Full Context
clear router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats
clear router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats
This command clears extended pool statistics.
- pool-name
Clears information about the pool name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
pool-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6>server pool-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-stats
This command displays pool statistics.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of DHCPv6 local server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of pool statistics information.
Output Example*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp6 local-dhcp-server "d6" pool-stats
DHCPv6 server pool statistics
Pool : v6-1
Dropped Int no prefix WAN : 0
Dropped Int no prefix SLAAC : 0
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp local-dhcp-server "d4" failover-
failover-pool-stats failover-server-stats
*A:vsim-2# show router 500 dhcp local-dhcp-server "d4" failover-pool-stats
Failover config for pool v4-1
Failover Admin State inService
Failover Oper State normal
Failover Persist Key 0xFFFFFFFF
Administrative MCLT 0h10m0s
Operational MCLT 0h10m0s
Startup Wait Time 0h2m0s
Partner Down Delay 23h59m59s
Ignore MCLT disabled
Failover statistics for pool v4-1
Dropped Invalid Packets 0
Failover Shutdown 0
Lease Already Expired 0
Maximum Lease Count Reached 0
Subnet Not Found 0
Range Not Found 0
Host Conflict 0
Address Conflict 0
Peer Conflict 0
Persistence Congestion 0
No Lease Hold Time Configured 0
Lease Not Found 0
Number of pools found 1
Output fields: failover pool statistics describes pool statistics output field descriptions.
Field |
Description |
Failover Admin State |
Identifiers the failover state of the DHCP server instance inService — The failover admin state is in service outOfService — The failover admin state is out of service |
Failover Oper State |
The operational state of a DHCP server instance |
Failover Persist Key |
The maximum amount of time that one server can extend a lease for a client's binding beyond the time known by the partner server |
Administrative MCLT |
The administrative Maximum Client Lead Time (MCLT) |
Operational MCLT |
Indicates the operational MCLT |
Startup Wait Time |
The startup wait time. The startup wait time is the time that one IP address pool attempts to contact the partner IP address pool. During this time, the IP address pool is unresponsive to DHCP client requests. |
Partner Down Delay |
The minimum safe-time after the beginning of COMMUNICATIONS-INTERRUPTED state. After the expiry of this time, the server enters the PARTNER-DOWN state. |
Ignore McLT |
The ignore McLT status. If, after the transition COMMUNICATIONS-INTERRUPTED-to-PARTNER-DOWN state, the DHCP server instance ignores the safety period with a duration of Maximum Client Lead Time; a 'true’ value has the effect that the DHCP server starts offering IP addresses from the partner's scope immediately after this transition, without waiting for existing leases allocated by the partner and not known by this system to time out. A 'true’ value increases the risk that duplicate addresses are offered; if the transition to PARTNER-DOWN state is likely to be caused by a failure of the partner system rather than a communications problem, this risk is reduced. |
Failover statistics for pool |
The failover statistics for each pool |
Dropped Invalid Packets |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the packet was malformed |
Failover Shutdown |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the failover state if the DHCP server instance is shut down |
Lease Already Expired |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the corresponding lease has expired |
Maximum Lease Count Reached |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the maximum number of leases were reached |
Subnet Not Found |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because a valid subnet could not be found for the lease |
Range Not Found |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because a valid include range could not be found for the lease. |
Host Conflict |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because this DHCP server instance has already leased this address to another host |
Address Conflict |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because this DHCP server instance has already leased another address to this host |
Peer Conflict |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the failover peer has leased an address within a subnet range of which the failover control is set to local on this local DHCP server instance |
Persist Congestion |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because of persistence congestion on this DHCP server instance |
No Lease Hold Time Configured |
The number of BNDUPD packets that were dropped because the lease hold time is zero on this DHCP server instance |
Lease Not Found |
The number of Binding Database Update (BNDUPD) remove packets were dropped because the corresponding lease could not be found. |
Number of pools found |
The total number of pools found |
pool-threshold-stats [pool-name] detail [ format {exact | scientific}]
pool-threshold-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (show>router>dhcp6>server pool-threshold-stats)
Full Context
show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-threshold-stats
This commands displays pool level threshold stats of local DHCPv6 server. A minimum-free threshold needs to be configured before system collects threshold stats for the prefix.
The stats for each threshold are calculated based on the configured minimum-free prefix length.
For example, a /59 prefix is provision in the local DHCPv6 server, and the server allocated two PD leases, one /62 and one /63. And there is a /63 minimum threshold configured. The threshold stats are calculated based on /63 as the base unit (block). Then the value of current used block would be 3 because there is one /62 lease and one /63 lease, that equals to a total of three /63.
- pool-name
Specifies the name of the pool in local DHCPv6 server.
- detail
Displays detailed output.
- format
Specifies the format in the display to be either exact or scientific.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of pool threshold statistics information.
Output Exampleshow router 500 dhcp6 local-dhcp-server "d6" pool-threshold-stats "1"
Server "d6"
Operational state : inService
Pool : 1
Stable leases : 2
Advertised leases : 0
Threshold Used Peak Too low Depleted Peak timestamp
/62 25% 25% N N 01/21/2015 21:52:12
/63 19% 19% N N 01/21/2015 21:52:12
The command shown above displays an overview of pool level thresholds in the specified pool:
The Peak field indicates the peak value of used
The Too low field indicate if the configured minimum-free threshold is exceeded
The Depleted field indicate if there is no available prefix with the length in the provisioned prefix
The Peak timestamp field indicates the time of peak used value
show router 500 dhcp6 local-dhcp-server "d6" pool-threshold-stats "1" detail
Server "d6"
Operational state : inService
Pool : 1
Stable leases : 2
Advertised leases : 0
Threshold : /62
Current Provisioned Blks : 8.000000x10^0
Current Used Blks : 2.000000x10^0
Current Free Blks : 6.000000x10^0
Current Used Percent : 25%
Current Used Peak Blks : 2.000000x10^0
Current Used Peak Percent : 25%
Current Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:52:12
Current Free Percent : 75%
Current Free Too Low : N
Current Free Depleted : N
Local Provisioned Blks : 8.000000x10^0
Local Used Blks : 2.000000x10^0
Local Free Blks : 6.000000x10^0
Local Used Peak Blks : 2.000000x10^0
Local Used Peak Percent : 25%
Local Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:52:12
Remote Provisioned Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Free Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Peak Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Peak Percent : 0%
Remote Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:47:39
Peak Reset Time : 01/21/2015 21:47:39
Valid Data : Y
Threshold : /63
Current Provisioned Blks : 1.600000x10^1
Current Used Blks : 3.000000x10^0
Current Free Blks : 1.300000x10^1
Current Used Percent : 19%
Current Used Peak Blks : 3.000000x10^0
Current Used Peak Percent : 19%
Current Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:52:12
Current Free Percent : 81%
Current Free Too Low : N
Current Free Depleted : N
Local Provisioned Blks : 1.600000x10^1
Local Used Blks : 3.000000x10^0
Local Free Blks : 1.300000x10^1
Local Used Peak Blks : 3.000000x10^0
Local Used Peak Percent : 19%
Local Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:52:12
Remote Provisioned Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Free Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Peak Blks : 0.000000x10^0
Remote Used Peak Percent : 0%
Remote Used Peak Time : 01/21/2015 21:47:39
Peak Reset Time : 01/21/2015 21:47:39
Valid Data : Y
The above command displays detailed statistics of all pool level thresholds in the specified pool:
Blks in the output means the minimum free prefix length.
Valid Data output indicates whether the data you see is valid or not. The data is invalid when a background stats update is scheduled or busy.
Output fields: pool threshold statistics describes pool threshold statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
Operational state |
The operational state of the local DHCP server instance unknown — The operational state is unknown inService — The operational state is in service outOfService — The operational state is out of service transition — The operational state is in transition waitPersistence — The DHCP server instance is waiting for a persistence action to complete. |
Pool |
The pool ID |
Stable Leases |
The number of stable leases |
Advertised leases |
The number of advertised leases |
Threshold |
The prefix level threshold |
Current Provisioned Blks |
The number of provisioned blocks in this pool |
Current Used Blks |
The number of used blocks in this pool |
Current Free Blks |
The number of free blocks in this pool |
Current Used Percent |
The percentage of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length in the pool compared to the number of provisioned prefixes |
Current Used Peak Blks |
A 64-bit word of the peak value of the number of used blocks in the pool with a prefix length |
Current Used Peak Percent |
The peak value of the number of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length in the pool as a percentage of the provisioned prefixes. This depends on the current failover state of the DHCP server or pool |
Current Used Peak Time |
The time at which the peak value of the number of used prefixes in the pool was reached |
Current Free Percent |
The percentage of free prefixes with the minimum free threshold length in the pool compared to the number of provisioned prefixes. This depends on the current failover state of the DHCP server or pool |
Current Free Too Low |
The number of free prefixes with the minimum free threshold length available in the pool that is below the configured number of prefixes with the minimum free threshold length |
Current Free Depleted |
The number of prefixes with the minimum free threshold length available in the pool |
Local Provisioned Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of provisioned prefixes with the minimum free threshold length local in the pool |
Local Used Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length local in the pool |
Local Free Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of free prefixes with the minimum free threshold length local in the pool |
Local Used Peak Blks |
A 64-bit word of the peak value of the number of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length local in the pool |
Local Used Peak Percent |
The peak value of the number of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length local in the pool as a percentage of the provisioned prefixes |
Local Used Peak Time |
The time at which the peak value of the number of used prefixes local in the pool was reached |
Remote Provisioned Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of provisioned prefixes with the minimum free threshold length remote in the pool |
Remote Used Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of used prefixes with the minimum free threshold length remote in the pool |
Remote Free Blks |
A 64-bit word of the number of free prefixes with the minimum free threshold length remote in the pool |
pool-threshold-stats [pool-name]
[Tree] (clear>router>dhcp6>server pool-threshold-stats)
Full Context
clear router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-threshold-stats
This commands resets the peak stats in the pool level threshold stats in the specified pool. If the pool name is not specified, then the peak stats in all pools in the server are reset.
- pool-name
Clears information about the specified local DHCPv6 server pool.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
pools mda-id[/port]
pools mda-id[/port] access-app [pool-name]
pools mda-id[/port] access-app [service service-id]
pools mda-id[/port] access-app queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
pools mda-id[/port] network-egress [pool-name]
pools mda-id[/port] network-egress queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
pools mda-id[/port] [direction [{pool-name | service service-id | queue-group queue-group-name} [instance instance-id]]]
pools slot-number
pools slot-number fp fp-number
pools slot-number fp fp-number app-ingress
pools slot-number fp fp-number network-ingress statistics
pools port access-app statistics
pools port network-egress statistics
[Tree] (show pools)
Full Context
show pools
This command displays pool information.
- mda-id[/port]
Displays the pool information of the specified MDA and port.
- access-app
Specifies the pool application as either access ingress or egress.
- pool-name
Displays the pool information of the specified pool. If specified, the name must be default.
- service-id
Displays the pool information for the specified service.
- queue-group-name
Displays the information for the specified queue group.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue group.
- network-egress
Displays the network egress information.
- direction
Displays the information for the ingress or egress direction.
- slot-number
Displays the information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Displays the information for the specified FP.
- app-ingress
Displays the network ingress or access ingress information.
- statistics
Displays the buffer pool statistics.
The following outputs are example of pool information, and Output fields: pools describes the output fields.
The pool shared in use stat only increases when a queue is asking for a buffer outside its reserved size. If all the buffers in a pool are assigned to queues within their reserved size, then only the reserved in use size will increase. In case of resv CBS over subscription (CBS sum for all queues is bigger than pool resvCbs), it is possible that pool resv in use stat can increase above the actual pool reserved size.
*A:PE# show pools 5/1
MDA Pools
Slot/MDA App. Pool Name Actual ResvCBS PoolSize
Admin ResvCBS
5/1 Acc-Ing default 0 0
5/1 Acc-Egr default 0 0
5/1 Net-Egr default 0 0
Port Pools
Port App. Pool Name Actual ResvCBS PoolSize
Admin ResvCBS
5/1/1 Acc-Ing default 16128 52224
5/1/1 Acc-Egr default 23040 75264
5/1/1 Net-Egr default 0 0
5/1/2 Acc-Ing default 0 0
5/1/2 Acc-Egr default 0 0
5/1/2 Net-Egr default 32256 75264
5/1/3 Acc-Ing default 0 0
5/1/3 Acc-Egr default 0 0
5/1/3 Net-Egr default 32256 75264
5/1/4 Acc-Ing default 0 0
5/1/4 Acc-Egr default 0 0
5/1/4 Net-Egr default 32256 75264
5/1/5 Acc-Ing default 0 0
5/1/5 Acc-Egr default 0 0
5/1/5 Net-Egr default 32256 75264
Output Example: show pools network-egress
*A:PE# show pools 5/1/5 network-egress
Pool Information
Port : 5/1/5
Application : Net-Egr Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : Sum
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Queue-Group:Instance : qg1:1
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 75264 KB
Pool Shared : 43008 KB Pool Resv : 32256 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
Sum 32232 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1 Net=be Port=5/1/5
FC Map : be
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 37632 KB Oper MBS : 37632 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 37632 KB High Drop Tail : 37632 KB
Low Drop Tail : 33792 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 33792 KB
CBS : 744 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 2 Net=l2 Port=5/1/5
FC Map : l2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 37632 KB Oper MBS : 37632 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 37632 KB High Drop Tail : 37632 KB
Low Drop Tail : 33792 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 33792 KB
CBS : 2256 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 3 Net=af Port=5/1/5
FC Map : af
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 37632 KB Oper MBS : 37632 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 37632 KB High Drop Tail : 37632 KB
Low Drop Tail : 33792 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 33792 KB
CBS : 7488 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 4 Net=l1 Port=5/1/5
FC Map : l1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 2500000 Oper CIR : 2500000
Admin MBS : 18816 KB Oper MBS : 18816 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 18816 KB High Drop Tail : 18816 KB
Low Drop Tail : 16896 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 16896 KB
CBS : 2256 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 5 Net=h2 Port=5/1/5
FC Map : h2
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 37632 KB Oper MBS : 37632 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 37632 KB High Drop Tail : 37632 KB
Low Drop Tail : 33792 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 33792 KB
CBS : 7488 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 6 Net=ef Port=5/1/5
FC Map : ef
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 10000000 Oper CIR : Max
Admin MBS : 37632 KB Oper MBS : 37632 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 37632 KB High Drop Tail : 37632 KB
Low Drop Tail : 33792 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 33792 KB
CBS : 7488 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 7 Net=h1 Port=5/1/5
FC Map : h1
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 18816 KB Oper MBS : 18816 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 18816 KB High Drop Tail : 18816 KB
Low Drop Tail : 16896 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 16896 KB
CBS : 2256 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 8 Net=nc Port=5/1/5
FC Map : nc
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 1000000 Oper CIR : 1000000
Admin MBS : 18816 KB Oper MBS : 18816 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 18816 KB High Drop Tail : 18816 KB
Low Drop Tail : 16896 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 16896 KB
CBS : 2256 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : netQGrp->qg1:1(5/1/5)->1
FC Map : not-applicable
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop T*: 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example: show pool access-ingress
*A:PE# show pools 5/1/1 access-ingress
Pool Information
Port : 5/1/1
Application : Acc-Ing Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : 30%(default)
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 52224 KB
Pool Shared : 36096 KB Pool Resv : 16128 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
30% 0 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1->5/1/1:1->1
FC Map : be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Dest Tap : 5/1 Dest FP : 1
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin FIR : 0 Oper FIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop Tail : 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : 1->5/1/1:1->11
FC Map : be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Dest Tap : MCast Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin FIR : 0 Oper FIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop Tail : 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example: show pools access-egress
*A:PE# show pools 5/1/1 access-egress
Pool Information
Port : 5/1/1
Application : Acc-Egr Pool Name : default
CLI Config. Resv CBS : 30%(default)
Resv CBS Step : 0% Resv CBS Max : 0%
Amber Alarm Threshold: 0% Red Alarm Threshold : 0%
Queue-Group:Instance : policer-output-queues:1
Utilization State Start-Avg Max-Avg Max-Prob
HiPlus-Slope Down 85% 100% 80%
High-Slope Down 70% 90% 80%
Low-Slope Down 50% 75% 80%
Exceed-Slope Down 30% 55% 80%
Time Avg Factor : 7
Pool Total : 75264 KB
Pool Shared : 52224 KB Pool Resv : 23040 KB
Current Resv CBS Provisioned Rising Falling Alarm
%age all Queues Alarm Thd Alarm Thd Color
30% 0 KB NA NA Green
Pool Total In Use : 0 KB
Pool Shared In Use : 0 KB Pool Resv In Use : 0 KB
WA Shared In Use : 0 KB
HiPlus-Slope Drop Pr*: 0 Hi-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Lo-Slope Drop Prob : 0 Excd-Slope Drop Prob : 0
Queue Information
Queue : 1->5/1/1:1->1
FC Map : be l2 af l1 h2 ef h1 nc
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop Tail : 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : accQGrp->policer-output-queues:1(5/1/1)->1
FC Map : not-applicable
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop Tail : 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
Queue : accQGrp->policer-output-queues:1(5/1/1)->2
FC Map : not-applicable
Dest Tap : not-applicable Dest FP : not-applicable
Admin PIR : 10000000 Oper PIR : Max
Admin CIR : 0 Oper CIR : 0
Admin MBS : 12288 KB Oper MBS : 12288 KB
High-Plus Drop Tail : 12288 KB High Drop Tail : 12288 KB
Low Drop Tail : 10944 KB Exceed Drop Tail : 9792 KB
CBS : 0 KB Depth : 0
Slope : not-applicable
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Output Example: show pools access-ingress statistics
:admin@Dut-A# show pools 1/1/c1/1 access-ingress statistics
Pool Stats Information
Fwd: 15/15000
Drop due to:
Queue: 13038037/13038037000
Exceed-Slope: 0/0
Low-Slope: 0/0
High-Slope: 0/0
HiPlus-Slope: 0/0
Pool Shared: 0/0
Pool Total: 0/0
Other: 0/0
Total: 13038052/13038052000
Output Fields: show pools
Output fields: pools describes the output fields for the show pools command.
Label |
Description |
Type |
Specifies the pool type. |
Specifies the card-FP or MDA-FP or card, MDA, or port designation. |
Application/Type |
Specifies what the pool would be used for. The pools could be used for access or network traffic at either ingress or egress. |
Pool Name |
Specifies the name of the pool being used. |
Resv CBS |
Specifies the percentage of pool size reserved for CBS. |
Utilization |
Specifies the type of the slope policy. |
State |
The administrative status of the port. |
Start-Avg |
Specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0. |
Max-Avg |
Specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped. |
Time Avg Factor |
Specifies the time average factor the weighting between the previous shared buffer average utilization result and the new shared buffer utilization in determining the new shared buffer average utilization. |
Actual ResvCBS |
Specifies the actual percentage of pool size reserved for CBS. |
Admin ResvCBS |
Specifies the percentage of pool size reserved for CBS. |
PoolSize |
Specifies the size in percentage of buffer space. The value '-1' implies that the pool size should be computed as per fair weighting between all other pools. |
Pool Total |
Displays the total pool size. |
Pool Shared |
Displays the amount of the pool which is shared. |
Pool Resv |
Specifies the percentage of reserved pool size. |
Pool Total In Use |
Displays the total amount of the pool which is in use. |
Pool Shared In Use |
Displays the amount of the pool which is shared that is in use. |
Queue |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded in the queue. |
Exceed-Slope |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded because of wred-slope (exceed). |
Low-Slope |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded because of wred-slope (low). |
High-Slope |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded because of wred-slope (high). |
HiPlus-Slope |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded because of wred-slope (hiPlus). |
Pool Shared |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded by exceeding shared-buffer-pool size. |
Pool Total |
Specifies the number of packets/octets discarded after the total size of the bufferpool is reached. |
pools port-id {access-ingress | access-egress | network-egress} statistics
pools slot-number fp fp-number {network-ingress} statistics
[Tree] (clear pools)
Full Context
clear pools
This command clears buffer pool statistics.
- port-id
Clears information for the specified port.
- slot-number
Clears information for the specified card slot.
- fp-number
Clears information for the specified FP.
- statistics
Clears buffer pool statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
port [port-id] [statistics [egress-aggregate]] [detail]
port [port-id] statistics aggregate-queue
port port-id associations
port [port-id] description [detail]
port port-id dotx1 [detail]
port aps
port port-id ethernet [association | detail]
port port-id ethernet [association | detail] efm-oam [event-logs [{failure | degraded}] [{active | cleared}]]
port port-id ethernet [association | detail] lldp [nearest-bridge | nearest-non-tpmr | nearest-customer] [remote-info] [detail]
port A/gnss
port B/gnss
port port-id hs-secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name [statistics | associations]
port port-id hs-secondary-shaper
port port-id hw-agg-shaper-scheduler [statistics] [monitor-threshold]
port port-id macsec sub-port sub-port-id [detail] [statistics]
port port-id monitor-threshold
port port-id optical
port port-id otu
port port-id port-queues queue queue-id
port port-id port-queues queue-depth [queue queue-id]
port port-id port-scheduler statistics
port port-id queue-group [ingress | egress] [ queue-group-name] [access | network] [instance instance-id]
port port-id queue-group [ingress | egress] [ queue-group-name] [access | network] associations [instance instance-id]
port port-id queue-group [ingress | egress] queue-group-name [access | network] [instance instance-id] queue-depth [queue queue-id]
port port-id queue-group [ingress | egress] [ queue-group-name] [access | network] statistics [instance instance-id]
port port-id queue-group summary
port port-id vport vport-name monitor-threshold
[Tree] (show port)
Full Context
show port
This command displays port or channel information.
If the port-id parameter only specifies a portion of a port identifier, a summary of all ports that start with that portion is displayed. For example, specifying a slot number and MDA number displays a summary of all ports on that MDA. If no port-id is provided, a summary of all ports in the system is displayed.
If the detail keyword is specified without any port-id, the detailed output of every port is displayed. This is useful for generating a complete report or as an input into the | match post-filtering command to display only specific fields for all ports (customized summaries).
If the port-id specifies a unique port, information about that port is displayed. The specific information displayed depends on the type of port. Additional information can be displayed if the detail keyword is included. In addition, information subsets can be displayed by using various keywords. For example, the otu keyword displays only the OTU interface information for the port.
When the associations keyword is specified and the port-id is a member of a LAG, the command is interpreted as a request to display the associations of that LAG (see the show lag lag-id associations command).
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID in the form slot/mda/port. The following table describes the port ID values.
Table 6. Output fields: port ID values Product
7750 SR-12
1 to 10
1, 2
1 to 60
(depending on the MDA type)
7750 SR-7
1 to 5
1, 2
7950 XRS
1 to 20
7450 ESS-7
1 to 4
7450 ESS-12
1 to 0
7750 SR single-slot FP5
7750 SR-2se
Channelized MDAs
slot/mda/port [1 to 4]. [1 to 3]. [1 to 28]. [..24]
For example, 7/2/
slot/mda/port. [1 to 3]. [1 to 28]. [..24]
For example, 7/2/
slot/mda/port. [1 to 28] . [..24]
For example, 7/1/1.1.1
- access
Keyword that displays the queue group name is on an access port.
- active
Keyword that displays only active events.
- aggregate-queue
Keyword that displays the aggregated number of forwarded and dropped packets and bytes per direction across all queues on a PXC port (pxc-<id>.a or pxc-<id>.b).
The system aggregates statistics from all queues under the specified PXC port for presentation. The duration required to gather these statistics is typically brief, though it may vary based on the system load at the time of querying and the number of queues and member ports in a LAG.
Statistics are cached for a 30-second interval. Consequently, executing this command more frequently than every 30 seconds yields identical results and the tmnxPortLastFetchedTime MIB entry and YANG state variable does not change.
- aps
Keyword that displays the ports on APS groups.
- associations
Keyword that displays a list of port association.
- cleared
Keyword that displays remote information about the bridge MAC.
- degraded
Keyword that displays degrade severity events.
- description
Keyword that displays port description strings.
- detail
Keyword that displays detailed information.
- dot1x
Keyword that displays information about 802.1x status and statistics.
- egress
Keyword that displays whether the queue group name is an egress policy.
- egress-aggregate
Keyword that displays aggregate egress statistics.
- ethernet
Keyword that displays Ethernet port information.
- failure
Keyword that displays failure severity events.
- A/gnss
Keyword that displays interface information for the GNSS port on CPM A.
- B/gnss
Keyword that displays interface information for the GNSS port on CPM B.
- hs-secondary-shaper
Keyword that displays information about a specific HS secondary shaper on a port.
- ingress
Keyword that displays whether the queue group name is an ingress policy.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue group.
- macsec
Keyword that displays the MACsec information for the port.
- monitor-threshold
Keyword that displays the exceed-count for the port-scheduler under Vport (if specified) or for a physical port.
- optical
Keyword that displays optical information.
- otu
Keyword that displays optical transport unit (OTU) information.
- nearest-bridge
Keyword that displays nearest bridge information.
- nearest-customer
Keyword that displays nearest customer information.
- nearest-non-tpmr
Keyword that displays nearest Two-Port MAC Relay (TPMR) information.
- network
Keyword that displays the queue group name is on a network port.
- port-scheduler
Keyword that displays the packet and octet counters for traffic exiting the specified port with an applied port scheduler policy, showing the total forwarded and dropped packets and octets, and the forwarded and dropped packets and octets per level.
- queue
Keyword that displays the queue information.
- queue-depth
Keyword that displays queue depth information for the specified queue group queue.
- queue-group
Keyword that displays the queue group information.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of an existing queue group template, up to 32 characters.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue identification.
- remote-info
Keyword that displays remote information about the bridge MAC.
- secondary-shaper-name
Displays information about the HS secondary name, up to 32 characters.
- statistics
Keyword that displays port statistics.
- vport-name
Specifies the name of the Vport up, to 32 characters in length.
The following outputs are examples, and Output fields: port ID provides an alphabetized list of descriptions for the output fields.
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Summary Table of Ports)
Output Example: show port <port-id> detail (Ethernet Interface Port)
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Excerpt Showing CFP Port with a QSFP28 Adapter)
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet efm-oam event-logs
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet efm-oam event-logs
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet lldp remote-info detail
Output Example: show port <port-id> macsec sub-port <sub-port-id> detail
Output Example: show port <port-id> macsec sub-port <sub-port-id> statistics
Output Example: show port <port-id> for a QSFP-LS optical line system
Output Example: show port <port-id> port-scheduler statistics
Output Example: show port <port-id> port-queues queue <queue-id>
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Showing Channelized Ports)
Output Example: show port <port-id> [statistics [egress-aggregate]] [detail]
Output Example: show port detail for a satellite uplink port
Output Example: show port detail for a satellite client port
*A:cses-V22# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Down Yes Up 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/2 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/3 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/4 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/5 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/6 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/7 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/8 Up Yes Up 8704 8704 - hybr dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/9 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/10 Down Yes Down 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
A:admin@mci(right-b4)# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/m1/1 Link Up anchor 100G
1/1/c1 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c1/1 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
Ports on Port Cross Connect 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
pxc-1.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-1.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Summary
Table of Ports)
*A:ALU-1# show port 1/1
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Down No Down 1518 1518 1 accs dotq gige
1/1/2 Down No Down 1578 1578 - netw null gige
1/1/3 Down No Down 1578 1578 - netw null gige
1/1/4 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null gige
1/1/5 Up No Down 1578 1578 - netw null gige
Output Example: show port <port-id> associations
A:ALA-1# show port 1/1/6 associations
Interface Table
Router/ServiceId Name Encap Val
Router: Base if1000 1000
Router: Base if2000 2000
Output Example: show port <port-id> detail (Ethernet
Interface Port)
A:ALU-1# show port 5/1/4 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description : 10-Gig Ethernet
Interface : 5/1/4 Oper Speed : 10 Gbps
Link-level : Ethernet Config Speed : N/A
Admin State : up Oper Duplex : full
Oper State : down Config Duplex : N/A
Physical Link : No MTU : 9212
Single Fiber Mode : No Min Frame Length : 64 Bytes
IfIndex : 170000384 Hold time up : 0 seconds
Last State Change : 04/28/2017 13:09:15 Hold time down : 0 seconds
Hold Time Down Rmng: 0 cs Hold Time Up Rmng: 0 cs
Last Cleared Time : N/A DDM Events : Enabled
Phys State Chng Cnt: 10 RS-FEC Mode : None
Configured Mode : network Encap Type : null
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
PBB Ethertype : 0x88e7
Ing. Pool % Rate : 100 Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Ing. Pool Policy : n/a
Egr. Pool Policy : n/a
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default
Egr. Sched. Pol : n/a
HS Scheduler Plcy : default
HS Port Pool Plcy : default
Monitor Port Sched : Disabled
Monitor Agg Q Stats: Disabled
Auto-negotiate : N/A MDI/MDX : N/A
Oper Phy-tx-clock : not-applicable
Accounting Policy : None Collect-stats : Disabled
Acct Plcy Eth Phys : None Collect Eth Phys : Disabled
Egress Rate : Default Ingress Rate : Default
Oper Egress Rate : unrestricted
Load-balance-algo : Default LACP Tunnel : Disabled
Access Bandwidth : Not-Applicable Booking Factor : 100
Access Available BW: 0
Access Booked BW : 0
Sflow : Disabled
Dampening State : Active Current Penalties: 2297
Suppress Threshold : 1500 Reuse Threshold : 1000
Max Penalties : 4000 Max Suppress Time: 40 seconds
Half Life : 20 seconds
Down-when-looped : Disabled Keep-alive : 10
Loop Detected : False Retry : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Sync. Status Msg. : Disabled Rx Quality Level : N/A
Tx DUS/DNU : Disabled Tx Quality Level : N/A
SSM Code Type : sdh ESMC Tunnel : Disabled
PTP Timestamping : Enabled
PTP IPv4 address :
PTP IPv6 address : 2001:db8::1
Down On Int. Error : Disabled DOIE Tx Disable : Disabled
CRC Mon SD Thresh : Disabled CRC Mon Window : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh : Disabled
Sym Mon SD Thresh : Disabled Sym Mon Window : 10 seconds
Sym Mon SF Thresh : Disabled Tot Sym Mon Errs : 0
EFM OAM : Disabled EFM OAM Link Mon : Disabled
Ignr EFM OAM State : False
Configured Address : 10:e8:78:4d:24:f0
Hardware Address : 10:e8:78:4d:24:f0
Cfg Alarm : remote local
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type : SFP
Model Number : 3HE04823AAAA01 ALA IPU3ANKEAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 1310 nm Diag Capable : yes
Connector Code : LC Vendor OUI : 00:90:65
Manufacture date : 2016/07/23 Media : Ethernet
Serial Number : AW40PC8
Part Number : FTLX1471D3BCL-A5
Optical Compliance : 10GBASE-LR
Link Length support: 10km for SMF
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Internally Calibrated
Value High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Temperature (C) +38.1 +78.0 +73.0 -8.0 -13.0
Supply Voltage (V) 3.31 3.70 3.60 3.00 2.90
Tx Bias Current (mA) 40.3 85.0 80.0 20.0 15.0
Tx Output Power (dBm) -1.29 2.00 1.00 -7.00 -8.00
Rx Optical Power (avg dBm) -1.38 2.50 2.00 -18.01 -20.00
OTU Interface
OTU Status : Disabled
Traffic Statistics
Input Output
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
Utilization (300 seconds) 0.00% 0.00%
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts : 0 Drop Events : 0
Multicast Pckts : 0 CRC/Align Errors : 0
Undersize Pckts : 0 Fragments : 0
Oversize Pckts : 0 Jabbers : 0
Collisions : 0
Octets : 0
Packets : 0
Packets of 64 Octets : 0
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets : 0
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets : 0
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets : 0
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets : 0
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets : 0
Packets of 1519 or more Octets : 0
Port Statistics
Input Output
Unicast Packets 0 0
Multicast Packets 0 0
Broadcast Packets 0 0
Discards 0 0
Unknown Proto Discards 0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors : 0 Sngl Collisions : 0
FCS Errors : 0 Mult Collisions : 0
SQE Test Errors : 0 Late Collisions : 0
CSE : 0 Excess Collisns : 0
Too long Frames : 0 Int MAC Tx Errs : 0
Symbol Errors : 0 Int MAC Rx Errs : 0
In Pause Frames : 0 Out Pause Frames : 0
Per Threshold MDA Discard Statistics
Packets Octets
Threshold 0 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 1 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 2 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 3 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 4 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 5 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 6 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 7 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 8 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 9 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 10 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 11 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 12 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 13 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 14 Dropped : 0 0
Threshold 15 Dropped : 0 0
Ingress Port Forwarding Engine Drop Reason Statistics
IPv4 Header Error 0
IPv4 Invalid Address 0
IPv6 Header Error 0
IPv6 Invalid Address 0
IP Route Blackholed 0
ACL Filter Discards 0
Unicast RPF Check Failed 0
BFD Spoof Check Failed 0
Unicast MAC Destination Address Mismatch 0
Multicast MAC With Unicast Dest IP 0
Unknown MAC Destination Address Discarded in VPLS 0
L2 Service MTU Exceeded 0
Needs ICMP 0
Unknown Labeled Packet 0
Queue Statistics
Ingress Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 3 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 4 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 5 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 6 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 7 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 8 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 9 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 10 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 12 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 13 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 14 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 15 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 16 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 1 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 2 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 3 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 4 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 5 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 6 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 7 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 8 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Excerpt Showing CFP Port
with a QSFP28 Adapter)
B:Dut-A# show port 3/2/1
Adapter Data
Adapter Type : cfp-to-qsfp28
Model Number : 3HE13894AARA01
Vendor OUI : 00:00:00
Manufacture date : 2018/07/07
Serial Number : RS183000030002
Part Number : 3HE13894AARA01
Output Example: show port <port-id> dot1x
A:Dut-C# show port 2/1/11 dot1x
802.1x Port Status
Port control : force-auth
Port status : authorized
Authenticator PAE state : force-auth
Backend state : idle
Reauth enabled : no Reauth period : N/A
Max auth requests : 2 Transmit period : 30
Supplicant timeout : 30 Server timeout : 30
Quiet period : 60
Radius-plcy : N/A
Tunneling : false
802.1x Session Statistics
authentication method : remote-radius
last session id : PAC-04258000-6E64D82E
last session time : 49213d04h
last session username : N/A
last session term cause : N/A
user tx octets : 1525626453326
user tx frames : 329677551
user rx octets : 1399995911442
user rx frames : 302536308
Admin State : Up
eapol-destination-address :
Security Zone : 3
ca-name : dut_B_C_256_01
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet
*A:ALA-12>config# show port 1/1/1 ethernet
Ethernet Interface
Description : 1-Gig/10-Gig Ethernet
Interface : 1/1/1 Oper Speed : 10 Gbps
Link-level : Ethernet Config Speed : 10 Gbps
Admin State : down Oper Duplex : full
Oper State : down
Config Duplex : N/A
Physical Link : No MTU : 8704
Single Fiber Mode : No Min Frame Length : 64 Bytes
IfIndex : 35684352 Hold time up : 0 seconds
Last State Change : 06/09/2022 17:09:47 Hold time down : 0 seconds
Hold Time Down Rmng: 0 cs Hold Time Up Rmng: 0 cs
Last Cleared Time : N/A DDM Events : Enabled
Phys State Chng Cnt: 0
RS-FEC Config Mode : None
RS-FEC Oper Mode : None
Configured Mode : network Encap Type : null
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
PBB Ethertype : 0x88e7
Ing. Pool % Rate : 100 Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default
Egr. Sched. Pol : n/a
DCPU Prot Policy : _default-port-policy
Oper DCPU Prot Plcy: _default-port-policy
Monitor Port Sched : Disabled
Monitor Agg Q Stats: Disabled
Monitor Oper Group : test
Auto-negotiate : N/A MDI/MDX : N/A
Oper Phy-tx-clock : not-applicable
Accounting Policy : None Collect-stats : Disabled
Acct Plcy Eth Phys : None Collect Eth Phys : Disabled
Egress Rate : Default Ingress Rate : Default
Oper Egress Rate : Unrestricted
Load-balance-algo : Default LACP Tunnel : Disabled
Access Bandwidth : Not-Applicable Booking Factor : 100
Access Available BW: 0
Access Booked BW : 0
Sflow : Disabled
Discard Rx Pause : Disabled
Tx Pause Frames : Enabled
Suppress Threshold : 2000 Reuse Threshold : 1000
Max Penalties : 16000 Max Suppress Time: 20 seconds
Half Life : 5 seconds
Down-when-looped : Disabled Keep-alive : 10
Loop Detected : False Retry : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Sync. Status Msg. : Disabled Rx Quality Level : N/A
Tx DUS/DNU : Disabled Tx Quality Level : N/A
SSM Code Type : sdh ESMC Tunnel : Disabled
PTP Timestamping : Enabled
PTP IPv4 address :
PTP IPv6 address : 2001:db8::1
Down On Int. Error : Disabled DOIE Tx Disable : Disabled
CRC Mon SD Thresh : Disabled CRC Mon Window : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh : Disabled
Sym Mon SD Thresh : Disabled Sym Mon Window : 10 seconds
Sym Mon SF Thresh : Disabled Tot Sym Mon Errs : 0
EFM OAM : Disabled EFM OAM Link Mon : Disabled
Ignr EFM OAM State : False
Configured Address : b6:1b:01:01:00:01
Hardware Address : b6:1b:01:01:00:01
Cfg Alarm : remote local
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type : SFP DCO : Disabled
Model Number : 3HE04823AAAA01 ALA IPU3ANKEAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 1310 nm Diag Capable : yes
Connector Code : LC Vendor OUI : 00:90:65
Manufacture date : 2009/12/17 Media : Ethernet
Serial Number : UGR04DK
Part Number : FTLX1471D3BCL-A5
Optical Compliance : 10GBASE-LR
Link Length support: 10km for SMF
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Internally Calibrated
Value High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Temperature (C) +25.4 +78.0 +73.0 -8.0 -13.0
Supply Voltage (V) 3.31 3.70 3.60 3.00 2.90
Tx Bias Current (mA) 35.6 85.0 80.0 20.0 15.0
Tx Output Power (dBm) -1.46 2.00 1.00 -7.00 -8.00
Rx Optical Power (avg dBm) -2.18 2.50 2.00 -18.01 -20.00
Traffic Statistics
Input Output
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
Utilization (300 seconds) 0.00% 0.00%
Port Statistics
Input Output
Unicast Packets 0 0
Multicast Packets 0 0
Broadcast Packets 0 0
Discards 0 0
Unknown Proto Discards 0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors : 0 Sngl Collisions : 0
FCS Errors : 0 Mult Collisions : 0
SQE Test Errors : 0 Late Collisions : 0
CSE : 0 Excess Collisns : 0
Too long Frames : 0 Int MAC Tx Errs : 0
Symbol Errors : 0 Int MAC Rx Errs : 0
In Pause Frames : 0 Out Pause Frames : 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet efm-oam
show port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam
Ethernet Oam (802.3ah)
Admin State : down
Oper State : disabled
Mode : active
Pdu Size : 1518
Config Revision : 0
Function Support : LB
Transmit Interval : 1000 ms
Multiplier : 5
Hold Time : 0
Tunneling : false
Loop Detected : false
Grace Tx Enable : true (inactive)
Grace Vendor OUI : 00:16:4d
Dying Gasp on Reset: true (inactive)
Soft Reset Tx Act : none
Trigger Fault : none
Vendor OUI : 00:16:4d (alu)
Vendor Info : 00:01:00:02
No Peer Information Available
Loopback State : None
Loopback Ignore Rx : Ignore
Ignore Efm State : false
Link Monitoring : disabled
Peer RDI Rx
Critical Event : out-of-service
Dying Gasp : out-of-service
Link Fault : out-of-service
Event Notify : log-only
Local SF Action Discovery
Event Burst : 1 Ad Link Mon Cap : yes
Port Action : out-of-service
Dying Gasp : disabled
Critical Event : disabled
Errored Frame Errored Frame Period
Enabled : no Enabled : no
Event Notify : enabled Event Notify : enabled
SF Threshold : 1 SF Threshold : 1
SD Threshold : disabled (0) SD Threshold : disabled (0)
Window : 10 ds Window : 1488095 frames
Errored Symbol Period Errored Frame Seconds Summary
Enabled : no Enabled : no
Event Notify : enabled Event Notify : enabled
SF Threshold : 1 SF Threshold : 1
SD Threshold : disabled (0) SD Threshold : disabled (0)
Window (time) : 10 ds Window : 600 ds
Window (symbols) : 125000000
Active Failure Ethernet OAM Event Logs
Number of Logs : 0
Ethernet Oam Statistics
Input Output
Information 0 0
Loopback Control 0 0
Unique Event Notify 0 0
Duplicate Event Notify 0 0
Unsupported Codes 0 0
Frames Lost 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet efm-oam
show port 1/2/1 ethernet efm-oam event-logs
Active Failure Ethernet OAM Event Logs
Log Index : 2
Event Time Reference : 10d 03:58:24
Location : remote
Type : Dying Gasp
Event Total : 1
Port Affecting : yes
Number of Logs : 1
Active Degraded Ethernet OAM Event Logs
Number of Logs : 0
Cleared Failure Ethernet OAM Event Logs
Number of Logs : 0
Cleared Degraded Ethernet OAM Event Logs
Number of Logs : 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet lldp remote-info
show port 1/1/1 ethernet lldp remote-info detail
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-bridge Remote Peer Information
Remote Peer Index 9 at timestamp 12/08/2014 21:34:30:
Supported Caps : bridge router
Enabled Caps : bridge router
Chassis Id Subtype : 4 (macAddress)
Chassis Id : D8:1C:FF:00:00:00
PortId Subtype : 5 (interfaceName)
Port Id : 31:2F:32:2F:32
Port Description : n/a
System Name : cses-V28
System Description : TiMOS-B-0.0.I4269 both/i386 Nokia 7750 SR Copyright
(c) 2000-2016 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable
license agreements.
Built on Wed Dec 3 19:14:27 PST 2014 by builder in /
Remote Peer Index 9 management addresses at time 12/08/2014 21:34:30:
Address SubType : 1 (IPv4)
Address :
Address If SubType : 2 Address If Id : 1
Address OID : .
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-non-tpmr Remote Peer Information
No remote peers found
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-customer Remote Peer Information
No remote peers found
Output Example: show port <port-id> ethernet lldp detail
show port 1/1/1 ethernet lldp detail
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-bridge
Admin State : txAndRx Notifications : Disabled
Tunnel Nearest Bridge : Disabled
Transmit TLVs : portDesc sysName sysDesc sysCap
PortID TLV Subtype : tx-if-name
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system) : Enabled Address :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled Address : ::
Port LLDP Stats:
Tx Frames : 11749 Tx Length Err Frames : 0
Rx Frames : 70399 Rx Frame Discard : 0
Rx Frame Errors : 0 Rx TLV Discard : 0
Rx TLV Unknown : 0 Rx Ageouts : 3
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-non-tpmr
Admin State : disabled Notifications : Disabled
Transmit TLVs : None
PortID TLV Subtype : tx-local
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system) : Disabled Address :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled Address : ::
Port LLDP Stats:
Tx Frames : 0 Tx Length Err Frames : 0
Rx Frames : 0 Rx Frame Discard : 0
Rx Frame Errors : 0 Rx TLV Discard : 0
Rx TLV Unknown : 0 Rx Ageouts : 0
Port 1/1/1 Bridge nearest-customer
Admin State : disabled Notifications : Disabled
Transmit TLVs : None
PortID TLV Subtype : tx-local
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system) : Disabled Address :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled Address : ::
Port LLDP Stats:
Tx Frames : 0 Tx Length Err Frames : 0
Rx Frames : 0 Rx Frame Discard : 0
Rx Frame Errors : 0 Rx TLV Discard : 0
Rx TLV Unknown : 0 Rx Ageouts : 0
Output Example: show port A/gnss (GNSS RF
# show port A/gnss
GNSS Physical Interface
Description : GNSS receiver
Interface : A/gnss Port IfIndex : 1611137290
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Physical Link : Yes
Constellation : gps
Ant. Cable Delay : 0 Elev. Mask Angle : 10
Antenna Status : ok Visible Satellites : 9
Sync Status : locked Used Satellites : 7
Receiver Status : Position Hold
Time : 2020/04/23 18:47:38 Latitude : +45.34811
UTC Offset : 17 Longitude : -75.92142
Firmware Version : 2.04.0 Altitude (m MSL) : 90
Output Example: show port <port-id> macsec sub-port
<sub-port-id> detail
*A:Dut-C# show port 2/1/11 macsec sub-port 1 statistics
MACsec Statistics
Untagged Packets : 0
Too Long Packets : 0
TxSc SCI PortNum : 1
Protected Packets : 0
Encrypted Packets : 0
Protected Octets : 0
Encrypted Octets : 0
AN : 0
Protected SA Packets : 0
Encrypted SA Packets : 0
AN : 1
Protected SA Packets : 0
Encrypted SA Packets : 0
AN : 2
Protected SA Packets : 0
Encrypted SA Packets : 0
AN : 3
Protected SA Packets : 0
Encrypted SA Packets : 0
No Tag Packets : 4681
Bad Tag Packets : 0
No SCI Packets : 0
Overrun Packets : 0
SCI : a47b2ce1110d0001
No Using SA Packets : 0
Late Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
Delayed Packets : 0
Unchecked Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
Validated Octets : 0
Decrypted Octets : 0
SCI : a47b2ce1110d0001
AN : 2
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
AN : 3
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
SCI : a47b2ce1128e0001
No Using SA Packets : 0
Late Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
Delayed Packets : 0
Unchecked Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
Validated Octets : 0
Decrypted Octets : 0
SCI : a47b2ce1128e0001
AN : 0
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
AN : 1
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
AN : 2
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
AN : 3
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> macsec sub-port
<sub-port-id> statistics
A:Dut-C# show port 2/1/11 macsec statistics
MACsec Statistics
Untagged Packets : 0
Too Long Packets : 0
No Tag Packets : 758
Bad Tag Packets : 0
No SCI Packets : 0
Overrun Packets : 0
Protected Packets : 0
Encrypted Packets : 355170025
Protected Octets : 0
Encrypted Octets : 1637917300250
SCI : 00:00:a4:7b:2c:e1
No Using SA Packets : 0
Late Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
Delayed Packets : 0
Unchecked Packets : 0
OK Packets : 325904694
Validated Octets : 0
Decrypted Octets : 1502922287478
AN : 0
Protected SA Packets : 0
Encrypted SA Packets : 355170201
SCI : 00:00:a4:7b:2c:e1
AN : 0
No Using SA Packets : 0
Not Valid Packets : 0
OK Packets : 325904947
Output Example: show port <port-id> optical detail
In the "Coherent Optical Module” section of the output example, the configurable Tx Pwr values are only shown if the module supports this option.
*A:ALU-1# show port 4/1/1 optical detail
Optical Interface
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type : MSA-100GLH
Model Number : 28-0089-XX
TX Laser Wavelength: 1558.172 nm
TX Laser Frequency : 192.400 THz
Laser Tunability : fully-tunable
Config Freq (MHz) : 195300000 Min Freq (MHz) : 191300000
Oper Freq (MHz) : 195300000 Max Freq (MHz) : 196100000
Fine Tune Range : 6000 MHz Fine Tune Resolution : 1 MHz
Supported Grids : 100GHz 75GHz 50GHz 25GHz 12.5GHz 6.25GHz
Diag Capable : yes
Number of Lanes : 1
Connector Code : LC Vendor OUI : 00:03:fa
Manufacture date : 2012/07/16 Media : Ethernet
Serial Number : 122900645
Part Number : AC100-201-00E
Optical Compliance : DWDM-TUN
Link Length support: 80km for SMF
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
Value High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Temperature (C) +60.9 +80.0 +70.0 +0.0 -5.0
Supply Voltage (V) 12.07 13.00 12.60 11.40 11.00
Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Lane Temperature (C) +75.0 +70.0 +20.0 +15.0
Lane Tx Bias Current (mA) 10.0 9.0 3.0 2.0
Lane Tx Output Power (dBm) 3.00 2.00 0.00 -1.00
Lane Rx Optical Pwr (avg dBm) 8.16 5.00 -20.00 -23.01
Lane ID Temp(C)/Alm Tx Bias(mA)/Alm Tx Pwr(dBm)/Alm Rx Pwr(dBm)/Alm
1 +48.4 5.1 0.99 -10.45
Coherent Optical Module
Cfg Tx Target Power: 1.00 dBm
Cfg Rx LOS Thresh : -23.00 dBm
Disp Control Mode : automatic Sweep Start Disp : -25500 ps/nm
Cfg Dispersion : 0 ps/nm Sweep End Disp : 2000 ps/nm
CPR Window Size : 4 symbols
Cfg Tx Pwr Minimum : -22.90 dBm
Cfg Tx Pwr Maximum : 4.00 dBm
Cfg Alarms : modflt mod netrx nettx hosttx
Alarm Status :
Defect Points :
Rx Q Margin : 10.1 dB Chromatic Disp : 1 ps/nm
SNR X Polar : 19.7 dB Diff Group Delay : 0 ps
SNR Y Polar : 19.8 dB Pre-FEC BER : 0.000E+00
Module State : ready
Tx Turn-Up States : init laserTurnUp laserReadyOff laserReady
modulatorConverge outputPowerAdjust
Rx Turn-Up States : init laserReady waitForInput adcSignal opticalLock
Coherent Optical Port Statistics (Elapsed Seconds: 1281709)
Statistic Current Average Minimum Maximum
Rx BER 9.060E-04 2.500E-01 0.000E+00 5.000E-01
Rx SNR (dB) 17.9 9.0 0.0 18.0
Rx OSNR (dB) 29.5 15.0 0.0 30.1
Rx Chromatic Disp (ps/nm) 2050 1027 0 2054
Rx Diff Group Delay (ps) 1 1 0 2
Rx Freq Offset (MHz) 108 90 -42 223
Rx Q (dB) 9.8 4.9 0.0 9.9
Rx Signal Power (dBm) -0.04 -2.57 -99.00 0.44
Tx Total Power (dBm) -11.88 -3.01 -99.00 0.00
Rx Total Power (dbm) -11.88 -3.01 -99.00 0.00
Polar Depend Loss (dB) 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.7
State of polar ROC (krad/s) 0 65535 65535 0
Rx Media Frame Error Count 122 65535 65535 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> for a
QSFP-LS optical line system
show port 1/1/c2
QSFP-DD Connector
Description : QSFP-DD Connector
Interface : 1/1/c2
Admin State : up
Oper State : up
IfIndex : 1610899584
Last State Change : 09/28/2023 16:43:14
Last Cleared Time : N/A DDM Events : Enabled
Breakout : no breakout
RS-FEC Config Mode : None
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : unsupported
Transceiver Type : QSFP28 DCO : Disabled
OLS : Enabled OLS Egr Amp Gain : 22.00 dB
Model Number : none
TX Laser Wavelength: 1550 nm Diag Capable : yes
Number of Lanes : 2
Connector Code : CS Vendor OUI : 00:1c:73
Manufacture date : 2022/10/21 Media : Ethernet
Serial Number : P20600032
Part Number : QSFP-AMP-ZR
Optical Compliance : QSFP-AMP-ZR
Link Length support: 100km for SMF
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
Value High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Temperature (C) +33.1 +70.0 +65.0 +0.0 -5.0
Supply Voltage (V) 3.29 3.46 3.40 3.20 3.13
Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Pump Temperature (C) +75.0 +70.0 +5.0 +0.0
Amplifier Gain (dB) 25.50 25.10 0.00 0.00
Amplifier Output Power (dBm) 17.10 17.00 0.00 -6.04
Amplifier Input Power (dBm) 14.80 13.80 -22.52 -26.20
Amp ID Pump Temp(C)/Alm Gain (dB)/Alm Out Pwr(dBm)/Alm In Pwr(dBm)/Alm
EgrAmp +33.6 22.00 1.35 -21.94
IngAmp +33.5 20.30 2.80 -18.18
Output Example: show port <port-id> otu detail
A:ALA-49>config>port# show port 3/2/1 otu detail
OTU Interface
OTU Status : Enabled FEC Mode : enhanced
Data Rate : 11.049 Gb/s
Cfg Alarms : loc los lof lom otu-ber-sf otu-bdi fec-sf
Alarm Status :
SF/SD Method : FEC SF Threshold : 1E-5
SD Threshold : 1E-7
SM-TTI Tx (auto) : ALA-49:3/2/1/C17
SM-TTI Rx : (Not Specified)
OTU Statistics
Statistics Count
FEC Corrected 0s 0
FEC Corrected 1s 0
FEC Unrrectable Sub-rows 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> port-scheduler
*A:PE1# show port 5/1/5 port-scheduler statistics
Port 5/1/5 Port Scheduler
Policy-Name : esp1
Description : (Not Specified)
Last Cleared Time : 11/16/2018 15:30:10
Packets Octets
Forwarded: 211912 27124736
Dropped* : 853335 109226880
Port Scheduler per Level Queueing Statistics
Packets Octets
Level : 8
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 7
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 6
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 5
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 4
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 3
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped* : 0 0
Level : 2
Forwarded: 84784 10852352
Dropped* : 270297 34598016
Level : 1
Forwarded: 127128 16272384
Dropped* : 583038 74628864
* indicates that the policer drop statistics are not included if HQoS policers
are managed by the scheduler.
Output Example: show port <port-id> port-queues queue
# show port port-queues queue-depth queue 5
Queue Depth Information (Port-based Network Egress)
Name : Queue: 5 Port=1/1/1
MBS : Def
Violation Threshold Percnt: xx.xx
Violation Total Count : xxx
Violation Last Seen : Thu Mar 26 12:39:33 PDT 2020
Queue Depths (percentage)
0%-10% 11%-20% 21%-30% 31%-40% 41%-50% 51%-60% 61%-70% 71%-80% 81%-90% 91%-100%
100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Average Elapsed Time : 0d 00:11:11
Wghtd Avg Queue Poll Interval : 100 ms
Wghtd Avg HiWtrMark Poll Interval: 1000 ms
Output Example: show port <port-id> queue-group
*A:PE# show port 5/1/1 queue-group ingress
Ethernet Port 5/1/1 Access Ingress Queue-Group
Group Name : qg1
Description : (Not Specified)
Sched Policy : None Acct Pol : None
Collect Stats : disabled
Ing. QGroup : qg1 Queue-Id : 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin PIR : max* Admin CIR : 0*
PIR Rule : closest* CIR Rule : closest*
Admin FIR : 0* FIR Rule : closest*
CBS : def* MBS : def*
Monitor Depth : not-applicable
Low Drop Tail : def*
* means the value is inherited
*A:PE# show port 5/1/1 queue-group egress
Ethernet port 5/1/1 Access Egress queue-group
Group Name : qg1 Instance-Id : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Sched Policy : None Acct Pol : None
Collect Stats : disabled Agg. Limit : max
Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Frame Based Acc : Disabled
HS Turbo Queues : Disabled
Queue-Group : qg1 Instance-Id : 1 Queue-Id : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin PIR : 50000* Admin CIR : 0*
PIR Rule : closest* CIR Rule : closest*
CBS : def* MBS : 1000 KB*
Weight : not-applicable CIR Weight : not-applicable
Monitor Depth : not-applicable
HiPlus Drop Tail : def* Hi Drop Tail : def*
Low Drop Tail : def* Exceed Drop *: def*
* means the value is inherited
No Host-Matches found
Group Name : policer-output-qu* Instance-Id : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Sched Policy : None Acct Pol : None
Collect Stats : disabled Agg. Limit : max
Limit Unused BW : Disabled
Frame Based Acc : Disabled
HS Turbo Queues : Disabled
Queue-Group : policer-output-qu* Instance-Id : 1 Queue-Id : 1
Description : Default egress policer output queues.
Admin PIR : max* Admin CIR : 0*
PIR Rule : closest* CIR Rule : closest*
CBS : def* MBS : def*
Weight : not-applicable CIR Weight : not-applicable
Monitor Depth : not-applicable
HiPlus Drop Tail : def* Hi Drop Tail : def*
Low Drop Tail : def* Exceed Drop *: def*
Queue-Group : policer-output-qu* Instance-Id : 1 Queue-Id : 2
Description : Default egress policer output queues.
Admin PIR : max* Admin CIR : 0*
PIR Rule : closest* CIR Rule : closest*
CBS : def* MBS : def*
Weight : not-applicable CIR Weight : not-applicable
Monitor Depth : not-applicable
HiPlus Drop Tail : def* Hi Drop Tail : def*
Low Drop Tail : def* Exceed Drop *: def*
* means the value is inherited
No Host-Matches found
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:PE# show port 5/1/1 queue-group summary
Port queue-group summary
Access-egress queue groups:
Total number of access-egress queue groups : 2
Network-egress queue groups:
Total number of network-egress queue groups : 0
Access-ingress queue groups:
Total number of access-ingress queue groups : 1
Output Example: show port <port-id> (Showing Channelized
A:ALA-7# show port 7/1/1.ds0grp-1.1
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description : DS3
Interface : 7/1/1.ds0grp-1.1
TimeSlots : 1
Speed : 64 CRC : 16
Admin Status : up Oper status : down
Last State Change : 2007/04/11 01:14:37 Chan-Grp IfIndex : 656441433
Configured mode : access Encap Type : bcp-null
Admin MTU : 1522 Oper MTU : 1522
Physical Link : No
Port Statistics
Input Output
Unicast Packets 0 0
Multicast Packets 0 0
Broadcast Packets 0 0
Discards 0 0
Unknown Proto Discards 0
A:ALA-48# show port 3/1/3.e3
TDM Interface
Description : E3
Interface : 3/1/3.e3
Type : e3 Framing : g751
Admin Status : up Oper status : down
Physical Link : No Clock Source : loop-timed
Last State Change : 04/11/2007 06:54:28 Port IfIndex : 589398019
Configured mode : access Encap Type : bcp-null
Admin MTU : 1518 Oper MTU : 1518
CRC : 16 Channelized : none
Idle Cycle Flags : flags Loopback : none
FEAC Loop Respond : Disabled In FEAC Loop : No
BERT Pattern : none BERT Duration : N/A
Output Example: show port <port-id> [statistics
[egress-aggregate]] [detail]
The output displays the aggregate egress queue statistics for ports configured with monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats which have non-zero counters. This can be shown for a single port, or all ports on an MDA or card. When the detail parameter is added, the output includes those ports with counters that are all zero.
*A:PE# show port 2 statistics egress-aggregate detail
Port 2/1/1 Egress Aggregate Statistics on Slot 2
Forwarded Dropped Total
PacketsIn 303 0 303
PacketsOut 0 0 0
OctetsIn 25996 0 25996
OctetsOut 0 0 0
Port 2/1/2 Egress Aggregate Statistics on Slot 2
Forwarded Dropped Total
PacketsIn 140 0 140
PacketsOut 0 0 0
OctetsIn 9598 0 9598
OctetsOut 0 0 0
Output Example: show port <port-id> vport
*A:Dut-A# show port 1/1/2 vport "vp1"
Ethernet port 1/1/2 Access Egress vport
VPort Name : vp1
Description : (Not Specified)
Sched Policy : psp
Dest: dslam1
*A:Dut-A# show port 1/1/2 vport "vp1" associations
Ethernet port 1/1/2 Access Egress vport
VPort "vp1"
svc-id : 1
sap : 1/1/2:1
subscr: s1
ip :
mac : 00:00:00:00:00:01 pppoe-sid: N/A
*A:Dut-A# show port 1/1/1 vport "abc" monitor-threshold
Port 1/1/1 Vport "abc" Monitor Threshold Info
Attribute Exceed Count Config Rate Threshold Prcnt
Agg-Eps 0 212 32
Lvl-1 0 12323 89
Lvl-2 0 32132 32
Lvl-5 0 2323 4
Grp-01234567890123458746513513355656 0 2121 12
Start Time : 01/07/2015 16:53:16 End Time : 01/07/2015 16:53:36
Total Samples :
If the Vport name is omitted, statistics for all Vports are displayed (bulk read). The statistics are displayed only for the levels, groups, and agg-eps for which the monitor-threshold is enabled. The output information filtering per level, group, or agg-eps is not embedded in the show commands natively. Instead, the output can be filtered with the match extensions for the show command. For example, show port 1/1/1 vport test monitor-threshold | match Lvl-1.
*A:sne# show port 1/1/4 vport statistics
Port 1/1/4 Access Egress vport
VPort Name : vp1
Description : (Not Specified)
Sched Policy : portschedpol1
Rate Limit : Max
Rate Modify : disabled
Modify delta : 0
Vport Queueing Statistics
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Packets Octets
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Vport per Level Queueing Statistics
Packets Octets
Level : 8
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 7
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 6
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 5
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 4
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 3
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 2
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Level : 1
Forwarded: 0 0
Dropped : 0 0
Dest: dslam1
Output Example: show port
*A:cses-V22# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Down Yes Up 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/2 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/3 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/4 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/5 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/6 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/7 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/8 Up Yes Up 8704 8704 - hybr dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/9 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/10 Down Yes Down 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
A:admin@mci(right-b4)# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/m1/1 Link Up anchor 100G
1/1/c1 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c1/1 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
Ports on Port Cross Connect 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
pxc-1.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-1.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
Output Example: show port detail for a satellite uplink port
show port esat-1/1/c5/u1 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description : 400-Gig Ethernet
Interface : esat-1/1/c5/u1 Oper Speed : 400 Gbps
Link-level : Ethernet Config Speed : N/A
Admin State : up Oper Duplex : full
Oper State : up
Config Duplex : N/A
Physical Link : Yes MTU : 9212
Single Fiber Mode : No Min Frame Length : 64 Bytes
IfIndex : 1140966017 Hold time up : 0 seconds
Last State Change : 09/30/2023 07:42:28 Hold time down : 0 seconds
Hold Time Down Rmng: 0 cs Hold Time Up Rmng: 0 cs
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Phys State Chng Cnt: 55
RS-FEC Config Mode : None
RS-FEC Oper Mode : cl119
Far-end port ID : 1/x1/1/c2/1
Configured Mode : access Encap Type : 802.1q
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
PBB Ethertype : 0x88e7
Ing. Pool % Rate : 100 Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: n/a
Egr. Sched. Pol : n/a
HwAggShaper Sch Pol: n/a
Monitor Port Sched : Disabled
Monitor Agg Q Stats: Disabled
Monitor Oper Group : none
Monitor HwAggShap *: Disabled
Auto-negotiate : N/A MDI/MDX : N/A
Oper Phy-tx-clock : not-applicable
Accounting Policy : None Collect-stats : Disabled
Acct Plcy Eth Phys : None Collect Eth Phys : Disabled
Egress Rate : Default Ingress Rate : Default
Oper Egress Rate : Unrestricted
Load-balance-algo : Default LACP Tunnel : Disabled
Access Bandwidth : Not-Applicable Booking Factor : 100
Access Available BW: 0
Access Booked BW : 0
Sflow : Disabled
Discard Rx Pause : Disabled
Tx Pause Frames : Enabled
Down-when-looped : Disabled Keep-alive : 10
Loop Detected : False Retry : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Sync. Status Msg. : Disabled Rx Quality Level : N/A
Tx DUS/DNU : Disabled Tx Quality Level : N/A
SSM Code Type : sdh ESMC Tunnel : Disabled
CRC Mon SD Thresh : 6*10E-7 CRC Mon Window : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh : 4*10E-5
EFM OAM : Disabled EFM OAM Link Mon : Disabled
Ignr EFM OAM State : False
Configured Address : e4:41:64:7b:42:27
Hardware Address : e4:41:64:7b:42:27
Cfg Alarm : remote local
Ethernet Bandwidth Notification Message Information
ETH-BN Egr Rate Changes: Disabled
ETH-BN Rate (kbps) : None
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Traffic Statistics
Input Output
Octets 12287868837323 12276482441319
Packets 29574258275 29537765516
Errors 0 0
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts : 1235438977 Drop Events : 0
Multicast Pckts : 3667667411 CRC/Align Errors : 0
Undersize Pckts : 0 Fragments : 0
Oversize Pckts : 0 Jabbers : 0
Collisions : 0
Octets : 24564351278642
Packets : 59112023791
Packets of 64 Octets : 19931
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets : 49484559475
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets : 3035408192
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets : 1661149068
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets : 1094762996
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets : 668024442
Packets of 1519 or more Octets : 3168099687
Port Statistics
Input Output
Unicast Packets 27115598668 27093318735
Multicast Packets 1838494691 1829172720
Broadcast Packets 620164916 615274061
Discards 0 0
Unknown Proto Discards 0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors : 0 Sngl Collisions : 0
FCS Errors : 0 Mult Collisions : 0
SQE Test Errors : 0 Late Collisions : 0
CSE : 0 Excess Collisns : 0
Too long Frames : 0 Int MAC Tx Errs : 0
Symbol Errors : 0 Int MAC Rx Errs : 0
In Pause Frames : 0 Out Pause Frames : 0
Sat Port Queue Statistics
Sat Egress Queue 1 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 8257120707 4112066787804
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 2 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 317138867 21905134529
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 3 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 312021096 22007488810
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 4 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 14673309206 998842948449
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 5 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 6 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 7 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 8 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Output Example: show port detail for a satellite client port
show port esat-1/1/c2/4 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description : 25-Gig Ethernet
Interface : esat-1/1/c2/4 Oper Speed : 25 Gbps
Link-level : Ethernet Config Speed : N/A
Admin State : down Oper Duplex : full
Oper State : down
Config Duplex : N/A
Physical Link : No MTU : 9208
Single Fiber Mode : No Min Frame Length : 64 Bytes
IfIndex : 1140932868 Hold time up : 0 seconds
Last State Change : 09/30/2023 07:41:51 Hold time down : 0 seconds
Hold Time Down Rmng: 0 cs Hold Time Up Rmng: 0 cs
Last Cleared Time : N/A
Phys State Chng Cnt: 0
RS-FEC Config Mode : None
RS-FEC Oper Mode : None
Configured Mode : network Encap Type : null
Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100
PBB Ethertype : 0x88e7
Ing. Pool % Rate : 100 Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default
Egr. Sched. Pol : n/a
DCPU Prot Policy : _default-port-policy
Oper DCPU Prot Plcy: _default-port-policy
HwAggShaper Sch Pol: n/a
Monitor Port Sched : Disabled
Monitor Agg Q Stats: Disabled
Monitor Oper Group : none
Monitor HwAggShap *: Disabled
Auto-negotiate : N/A MDI/MDX : N/A
Oper Phy-tx-clock : not-applicable
Accounting Policy : None Collect-stats : Disabled
Acct Plcy Eth Phys : None Collect Eth Phys : Disabled
Egress Rate : Default Ingress Rate : Default
Oper Egress Rate : Unrestricted
Load-balance-algo : Default LACP Tunnel : Disabled
Access Bandwidth : Not-Applicable Booking Factor : 100
Access Available BW: 0
Access Booked BW : 0
Sflow : Disabled
Discard Rx Pause : Disabled
Tx Pause Frames : Enabled
Down-when-looped : Disabled Keep-alive : 10
Loop Detected : False Retry : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Sync. Status Msg. : Disabled Rx Quality Level : N/A
Tx DUS/DNU : Disabled Tx Quality Level : N/A
SSM Code Type : sdh ESMC Tunnel : Disabled
PTP TS Capability :
CRC Mon SD Thresh : Disabled CRC Mon Window : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh : Disabled
EFM OAM : Disabled EFM OAM Link Mon : Disabled
Ignr EFM OAM State : False
Configured Address : e4:41:64:7b:42:12
Hardware Address : e4:41:64:7b:42:12
Cfg Alarm : remote local
Alarm Status : local
Reported Alarms : local
Ethernet Bandwidth Notification Message Information
ETH-BN Egr Rate Changes: Disabled
ETH-BN Rate (kbps) : None
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Traffic Statistics
Input Output
Octets 735804410152 735804410344
Packets 5454727392 5454727395
Errors 0 0
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts : 3 Drop Events : 0
Multicast Pckts : 0 CRC/Align Errors : 0
Undersize Pckts : 0 Fragments : 0
Oversize Pckts : 0 Jabbers : 0
Collisions : 0
Octets : 1471608820496
Packets : 10909454787
Packets of 64 Octets : 2333235065
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets : 8495213712
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets : 0
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets : 0
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets : 0
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets : 0
Packets of 1519 or more Octets : 81006010
Port Statistics
Input Output
Unicast Packets 5454727392 5454727392
Multicast Packets 0 0
Broadcast Packets 0 3
Discards 0 0
Unknown Proto Discards 0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors : 0 Sngl Collisions : 0
FCS Errors : 0 Mult Collisions : 0
SQE Test Errors : 0 Late Collisions : 0
CSE : 0 Excess Collisns : 0
Too long Frames : 0 Int MAC Tx Errs : 0
Symbol Errors : 0 Int MAC Rx Errs : 0
In Pause Frames : 0 Out Pause Frames : 0
Ingress Port Forwarding Engine Drop Reason Statistics
IPv4 Header Error 0
IPv4 Invalid Address 0
IPv6 Header Error 0
IPv6 Invalid Address 0
IP Route Blackholed 0
ACL Filter Discards 0
Unicast RPF Check Failed 0
BFD Spoof Check Failed 0
Unicast MAC Destination Address Mismatch 0
Multicast MAC With Unicast Dest IP 0
Unknown MAC Destination Address Discarded in VPLS 0
L2 Service MTU Exceeded 0
Needs ICMP 0
Sat Port Queue Statistics
Sat Egress Queue 1 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 5454727392 757623319720
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 2 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 3 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 4 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 5 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 6 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 7 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 0 0
Drop Stats : 0 0
Sat Egress Queue 8 Packets Octets
Fwd Stats : 3 204
Drop Stats : 0 0
Queue Statistics
Ingress Queue 1 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 2 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 3 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 4 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 5 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 6 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 7 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 8 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 9 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 10 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 11 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 12 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 13 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 14 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 15 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Ingress Queue 16 Packets Octets
In Profile forwarded : 0 0
In Profile dropped : 0 0
Out Profile forwarded : 0 0
Out Profile dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 1 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 2 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 3 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 4 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 5 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 6 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 7 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Egress Queue 8 Packets Octets
In/Inplus Prof fwded : 0 0
In/Inplus Prof dropped: 0 0
Out/Exc Prof fwded : 0 0
Out/Exc Prof dropped : 0 0
Output Example: show port statistics aggregate-queue
Port Statistics on Slot 1
Port-id Ingress Packets Fwd Ingress Octets Fwd
Ingress Packets Drop Ingress Octets Drop
Egress Packets Fwd Egress Octets Fwd
Egress Packets Drop Egress Octets Drop
pxc1.a 4654649 94523288
22544 99852
98652214 65889554
55451 22144
Output fields: port ID describes the output fields for the show port <port-id> command.
Label |
Description |
50GHz Ch Min/Max |
The 50 GHz channel minimum and maximum |
100GHz Ch Min/Max |
The 100 GHz channel minimum and maximum |
Acct Pol |
The accounting policy for the egress queue-group |
ACL Filter Discards |
The packet was dropped by a filter (ACL) on the line card (such as IP or MAC filter). Packets dropped by CPM filters or ESM anti-spoof filters do not increment this counter. |
Active Pre-Shared Key CKN |
The active PSK CAK name |
Active Pre-Shared Key Index |
The active pre-shared key index: 1 to 2 (default 1) |
Adapter Type |
The type of adapter module |
Addr Ctrl Invalid |
The number of invalid address control received |
Address |
The IP address associated with the index |
Admin CIR |
The administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. |
Admin FIR |
The admin queue FIR rate |
Admin PIR |
The administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabricor out an egress interface. |
Admin State |
Up — The entity is administratively up Down — The entity is administratively down |
Agg. Limit |
The agg-rate adaptation rule setting |
The number of AIS cells transmitted and received on this connection for both end to end and segment |
The number of AIS-P packets received |
Alarm Status |
The bits used to indicate alarms: loc — A loss of clock which causes the operational state of the port to be downed lais — Line alarm indication signal errors lrdi — Line remote defect indication errors. LRDIs are caused by remote LOF, LOC, and LOS ss1f — Section synchronization failure as reported by the S1 byte sb1err — Section B1 errors lb2erSd — Line signal degradation BER errors lb2erSf — Line signal failure BER errors slof — Section loss of frame errors slos — Section loss of signal errors stxptr — Section synchronization error on the transmit side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per channel srxptr — Section synchronization error on the receive side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per SONET path lrei — Line error condition raised by the remote as a result of B1 errors received from this node |
Alignment Errors |
The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets |
Altitude (m MSL) |
The altitude of the GNSS antenna above mean sea level, in meters |
Amplifier Gain (dB) |
The amplifier gain high and low warning alarms |
Amplifier Input Power (dBm) |
The amplifier input power high and low warning alarms |
Amplifier Output Power (dBm) |
The amplifier output power high and low warning alarms |
AN |
The AN for identifying the receiving SA |
Ant. Cable Delay |
The amount of time, in nanoseconds, compensated for signal delay because of cable length Refer to the cable manufacturer data to determine accurate signal delay statistics for the type and length of cable used |
Antenna status |
ok: valid antenna connection under-current: open condition. The port remains operationally up in the event that any GNSS splitters used do not provide a load. over-current: short circuit, or maximum power limits for the receiver have been exceeded no-bias voltage: antenna power disabled |
Assigned ports |
Specifies all ports that contain this CA |
authentication method |
The 802.1x session authentication method |
Authenticator PAE state |
The 802.1x port authenticator PAE state |
Auto-negotiate |
True — The link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters False — The duplex and speed values are used for the link |
Average Elapsed Time |
The average elapsed time |
Backend state |
The 802.1x port backend state |
Bad Tag Packets |
The number of received packets discarded with an invalid SecTAG or a zero value Packet Number (PN) or an invalid Integrity Check Value (ICV) |
BFD Spoof Check Failed |
The received BFD packet either failed the TTL check (single hop BFD TTL should be 255) or failed the source IP address lookup of known sessions. This counter may increment when BFD sessions are first configured since one side may start sending before the other is completely programmed and ready. |
Breakout | The connector breakout configured for the port |
Broadcast Packets Input/Output |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |
Broadcast Packets |
Input — The number of input broadcast packets Output — The number of output broadcast packets |
Broadcast Pckts |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |
CA name/ca-name |
The CA name assigned to the port |
Cast Type |
The connection topology type |
The CBS value defining the reserved size for the queue |
Cells |
The number of input and output cells HEC discarded cells are not included in the input cell numbers |
Cfg Alarm |
The alarms that are reported when raised or cleared. Alarms that are not in this list are not reported when they are raised or cleared but appear in the Alarm Status. pais — Path alarm indication signal errors plop — Path loss of pointer (per tributary) errors prdi — Path remote defect indication errors pb3err — Path B3 errors pplm — Path payload mismatch. As a result, the path can be operationally downed prei — Path error condition raised by the remote as a result of B3 errors received from this node puneq — Unequipped path errors. plcd — Path loss of codegroup delineation error. It is applicable only when the value of tmnxPortEtherXGigMode is set to 'wan'. |
Cfg MTU |
The configured MTU |
Cfg Rx Channel |
The configured DWDM ITU channel at which the coherent optical module is expected to operate |
Cfg Rx LOS Thresh |
The configured LOS threshold of the average input power |
Cfg Tx Pwr Maximum |
The maximum power setting supported by the transceiver (only displayed if the equipped optical module supports configurable transmit power) |
Cfg Tx Pwr Minimum |
The minimum power setting supported by the transceiver (only displayed if the equipped optical module supports configurable transmit power) |
Cfg Tx Target power |
The manually-configured average target output power |
Chan-Grp IfIndex |
The channel group’s interface index number which reflects its initialization sequence |
Cipher Suite |
The cipher suite used for encrypting the SAK: gcm-aes-128, gcm-aes-256, gcm-aes-xpn-128, gcm-aes-xpn-256 |
CIR Rule |
min — The operational CIR for the queue is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command except where the derived operational CIR is greater than the operational PIR. If the derived operational CIR is greater than the derived operational PIR, the operational CIR will be made equal to the operational PIR. max — The operational CIR for the queue is equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command. closest — The operational CIR for the queue is the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational CIR. |
CIR Weight |
The weight the queue or scheduler uses at the within-CIR port priority level |
Clear Tag Mode |
In the case of VLAN-tagged traffic, if the traffic is crossing a network, one or two VLAN tags can be transmitted in clear text so that this traffic can receive preferential treatment over the network based on 802.1 q-tag or p-bits. Values: single-tag, dual-tag |
Coherent Optical Module |
Information for the coherent optical module |
Coherent Optical Port Statistics |
Statistics for the coherent optical port For Coherent CFP, the Rx Power field displays per-channel power. |
Collect-stats Collect Stats |
Enabled — The collection of accounting and statistical data for the network Ethernet port is enabled. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. Disabled — Collection is disabled. Statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPU will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file. |
Collisions |
The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment |
Config Duplex |
Full — The link is set to full duplex mode Half — The link is set to half duplex mode |
Config Revision |
The configuration revision |
Config Speed |
The configured speed of the interface |
Configured Address |
The configured Ethernet MAC address |
Configured Freq |
The configured frequency for the transceiver |
Configured Mode |
network — The port is configured for transport network use access — The port is configured for service access |
Configured Mode |
network — The port is configured for transport network use access — The port is configured for service access. Channelized ports are always access ports |
Configured VCs |
The number of configured VCs |
Connector Code |
The vendor organizationally unique identifier field (OUI) contains the IEEE company identifier for the vendor |
Constellation |
The type of GNSS satellite navigation system used |
The precision of the cyclic redundancy check. 16 — A 16-bit CRC calculation. 32 — A 32-bit CRC calculation. 32-bit CRC increases the error detection ability, but it also adds some performance overhead. |
CRC Mon SD Thresh |
The error rate (for CRC errors) at which to declare the Signal Degrade (SD) condition on an Ethernet interface. If the field displays Disabled, no error rate has been specified. |
CRC Mon SF Thresh |
The CRC error rate at which to declare the Signal Fail (SF) condition on an Ethernet interface. If the field displays Disabled, no error rate has been specified. |
CRC Mon Window |
The size of the sliding window, in seconds, over which the Ethernet frames are sampled to detect signal fail or signal degrade conditions. |
CRC/Align Errors |
The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error). |
CRC-10 Errors |
The number of cells discarded on this VPL with CRC 10 errors |
CRC-32 Errors |
The number of valid AAL-5 SDUs and AAL-5 SDUs with CRC-32 errors received by the AAL-5 VCC |
The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface |
CV-P |
The number of Coding Violations |
Current Freq |
The current frequency |
Current Penalties |
The current accumulated penalties for port dampening |
DAC Percent |
The DAC percentage of the transceiver |
Dampening State |
The port dampening state: Disabled, Idle, or Active |
Data Rate |
The data rate at which the port is operating. When OTU is encapsulating 10-Gigabit Ethernet WAN, the data rate is 10.709 Gb/s, the G.709 standard OTU2 data rate. When OTU is encapsulating 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN, the data rate is either 11.049 Gb/s or 11.096 Gb/s, depending on the otu2-lan-data-rate configuration parameter of the port's OTU parameters. These data rates (11.049 Gb/s and 11.096 Gb/s) are considered OTU2e data rates that are non-standard or over-clocked with respect to G.709, but have become widely used in optical networking to transport un-altered 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN payloads. |
DDM Events |
Enabled — DDM events are enabled Disabled — DDM events are disabled |
Decrypted Octets |
The number of octets of plain text recovered from received packets that were integrity protected and encrypted |
Delayed Packets |
The number of received packets with the condition a PN lower than the lower bound of the replay protection on this SC |
Description |
A text description for the entity |
Diag Capable |
Indicates whether the transceiver is capable of performing diagnostics |
Discards |
Input — The number of discarded input packets Output — The number of discarded output packets |
Discards Input/Output |
The number of inbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space |
Disp Control Mode |
The current operational mode of the tunable dispersion compensation module |
DOIE Tx Disable |
Enabled — Laser is enabled if an internal MAC transmit error is encountered Disabled — Laser is disabled if an internal MAC transmit error is encountered |
Dot1Q Ethertype |
The Ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is Dot1Q |
Down On Int. Error |
Enabled — Down on internal error feature is enabled Disabled — Down on internal error feature is disabled |
Down-when-looped |
The feature is enabled or disabled |
Drop Count |
The number of keepalive or LQR messages that were missed before the line was brought down |
Dropped |
The number of dropped packets and octets |
Drop Events |
The total number of events in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected. |
Dropped CLP |
The number of times the CLP1 cells have been dropped. CLP1 cells have lower priority than CLP0 cells and are expected to be discarded first in times of congestion. |
Dying Gasp |
Indicates whether dying gasp is enabled or disabled |
Dying Gasp on Reset |
EFM OAM dying gasp messages on reset: true or false |
eapol-destination-address |
The destination MAC address used in the EAPoL packet for MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) PDUs |
EgrAmp |
The egress amplifier alarm information, including:
Encryption Offset |
The encryption offset configured on this node: 0, 30, 50. In the case of IP traffic, the IP header can be transmitted in clear text so that the traffic is routed accordingly when crossing the network. A value of 30 is used for IPv4 and 50 for IPv6. |
Enabled — EFM OAM is enabled Disabled — EFM OAM is disabled |
EFM OAM Link Mon |
Enabled — Link monitoring functionality is enabled Disabled — Link monitoring functionality is disabled |
Egr. Sched. Pol |
The port scheduler policy or that the default policy default is in use |
Egress CBR |
The total CBR bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction |
Egress NRT-VBR |
The total non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction |
Egress Octets |
The egress octets on a per-port basis |
Egress Octets Drop |
The number of egress octets dropped |
Egress Octets Fwd |
The number of egress octets forwarded |
Egress Packets |
The egress packets on a per-port basis |
Egress Packets Drop |
The number of egress packets dropped |
Egress Packets Fwd |
The number of egress packets forwarded |
Egress Rate |
The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate |
Egress RT-VBR |
The total real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction |
Egress UBR |
The total unspecified bit rate (UBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction |
Elev. Mask Angle |
The configured elevation angle below which satellites are ignored. The default elevation mask angle is 10°. Five or more satellites must be in view of the GNSS receiver antenna at all times when the receiver is in the process of obtaining a position fix, and these satellites must be above the configured elevation mask angle. |
Encap-match |
Specifies which types of traffic MACsec is enabled for |
Encap Type |
Null — Ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service dot1q — Ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags where each tag signifies a different service |
Encap Value |
The dot1q or qinq encapsulation value on the port for this IP interface |
Encrypted Octets |
The number of plain text octets that are integrity protected and encrypted on the transmitting SC |
Encrypted Packets |
The number of packets that are integrity protected and encrypted for this transmitting SA |
Encrypted SA Packets |
The number of packets that are integrity protected and encrypted for this SA |
Encryption Offset |
Specifies the encryption offset configured on this node: 0, 30, 50. In the case of IP traffic, the IP header can be transmitted in clear text so that the traffic is routed accordingly when crossing the network. A value of 30 will be used for IPv4 and 50 for IPv6. |
Endpoint Type |
The endpoint type |
Errored Frame Enabled |
Specifies whether errored frames are enabled |
Errored Frame Event Notify |
Specifies whether errored frame events notification is enabled |
Errored Frame Period Enabled |
Specifies whether an errored frame period is enabled |
Errored Frame Period Event Notify |
Specifies whether an errored frame period event notification is enabled |
Errors Input/Output |
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors. |
ESMC Tunnel |
Indicates whether ESMC frames are tunneled in Epipe or VPLS service |
ES-P |
The number of Errored Seconds |
Exceed Drop |
The queue depth beyond which exceed-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and are discarded |
Excess Collisns |
The number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions |
Far End |
The SONET path far end |
FCS Errors |
The number of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check |
FEC Corrected 0s |
The number of bits that were received as 0s but corrected to 1s |
FEC Corrected 1s |
The number of bits that were received as 1s but corrected to 0s |
FEC Mode |
Type of FEC (Forward Error Correction) in effect: g709, enhanced or disabled. When g709 is selected, the standard FEC method is used. When enhanced is selected, a proprietary FEC algorithm is used that extends optical reach in long haul applications. When disabled the bytes that are reserved for FEC in the OTU frame are transmitted as zeros and the FEC decoder is bypassed, but OTU framing is still in effect. |
The number of severely Errored seconds were the number of uncorrectable sub-rows was greater than 15% of the maximum |
FEC Uncorrectable Sub-Rows |
The number of sub-rows that were not corrected because too many errors were detected |
Fifo Error |
The number of FIFO errors |
Fine Tuning |
Indicates whether the transceiver supports fine tuning for the frequency |
FIR Rule |
The queue FIR rule |
Firmware Version |
Firmware version of the GNSS receiver |
FR Interface Status |
The status of the Frame Relay interface as determined by the performance of the DLCMI. If no DLCMI is running, the Frame Relay interface stays in the running state indefinitely. |
Forwarded |
The number of forwarded packets and octets |
FP Number |
The number of the FP that manages this port |
Fragments |
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error) |
Frame Based Acc |
Frame-based accounting for queues parented to the scheduling policy and for the schedulers within the scheduler policy |
Grace Tx Enable |
Specifies whether grace Tx is enabled |
Grace Vendor OUI |
The EFM OAM grace vendor Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) |
Grp-<name> Group Name |
The group name |
Half Life |
The time, in seconds, that must pass before penalties decay to one-half the initial amount |
Hardware Address |
The interface's hardware or system assigned MAC address at its protocol sub-layer |
HEC Errors (Dropped) |
The number of cells with uncorrectable HEC errors on this interface |
HEC Errors (Fixed) |
The number of fixed HEC errors on this interface |
HiPlus Drop Tail |
The queue depth beyond which inplus-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and are discarded |
Hi Drop Tail |
The queue depth beyond which in-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and are discarded |
Hold Time |
The EFM OAM hold-time |
Hold time down |
The link down dampening time in seconds. The down timer controls the dampening timer for link down transitions |
Hold Time Down Rmng |
The time remaining for a hold down timer. If the hold timer is not active, this displays zero. |
Hold time up |
The link up dampening time in seconds. The port link dampening timer value which reduces the number of link transitions reported to upper layer protocols. |
Hold Time Up Rmng |
The time remaining for a hold up timer. If the hold timer is not active, this displays zero. |
HS Turbo Queues |
HS turbo queues that allow the corresponding HSQ queue group queues for higher throughput |
IfIndex |
The interface's index number which reflects its initialization sequence |
Ignore Efm State |
The suppress port operational state changes due to EFM OAM: true or false |
Ignr EFM OAM State |
Enabled — Any failure in the protocol state machine does not impact the state of the port Disabled — The port state is affected by any existing EFM-OAM protocol fault condition |
Index 1 |
Management IP information, one per type maximum (system IPv4, IPv6 system, oob, oob IPv6) |
IngAmp |
The ingress amplifier alarm information, including:
In Packets |
The number of echo-reply packets received |
In Pause Frames |
The number of In Pause frames |
Ingress CBR |
The total CBR bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction |
Ingress NRT-VBR |
The total non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction |
Ingress Octets |
The ingress octets on a per-port basis |
Ingress Octets Drop |
The number of ingress octets dropped |
Ingress Octets Fwd |
The number of ingress octets forwarded |
Ingress Packets |
The ingress packets on a per-port basis |
Ingress Packets Drop |
The number of ingress packets dropped |
Ingress Packets Fwd |
The number of ingress packets forwarded |
Ingress Port Forwarding Engine Drop Reason Statistics |
When any of the packet counters increments, it indicates that a packet was dropped in the ingress data path or extracted to the control plane for further processing. The detailed per-reason drop statistics are available per-port for Ethernet ports (local on the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, or satellite client ports) and for PXC sub-ports. An aggregate forwarding engine drop counter (packet and byte) is available per-SAP. |
Ing. QGroup |
The ingress queue group name |
Ingress Rate |
The maximum amount of ingress bandwidth (in mb/s) that this Ethernet port can receive with the configured sub-rate using packet-based accounting |
Ingress RT-VBR |
The total real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction |
Ingress UBR |
The total unspecified bit rate (UBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction |
Host-Matches |
A string optionally used by subscriber management to map subscriber's and subscriber host's queued traffic to a specific egress port virtual port |
Input/Output |
When the collection of accounting and statistical data is enabled, then octet, packet, error, and utilization statistics are displayed |
Instance-Id |
The queue-group instance ID |
Int MAC Rx Errs |
The number of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error |
Int MAC Tx Errs |
The number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error |
Interface |
The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format |
Interface-name port-id |
The interface name of the port |
ip ip-address |
The IP address |
IP Route Blackholed |
The destination IP address of the packet matches a black hole route |
IPv4 Header Error |
The IPv4 packet header contains an error such as an IPv4 header checksum error, an invalid IP version number (not 4 or 6), or an incorrect Total Length field |
IPv4 Invalid Address |
An error in the source (SA) or destination (DA) IPv4 address was detected. For example class D or class E IPv4 DAs, loopback SA (, DA, SA is a subnet broadcast or network address and cases where the IPv4 address is a multicast address but the Ethernet destination address is not RFC1112 compliant. RFC1112 checks are also carried out on Ipipe traffic. |
IPv6 Header Error |
The IPv6 packet header contains an error such as an incorrect Payload Length field or an IP version not equal to '6' when the Ethernet etype indicates it is IPv6 |
IPv6 Invalid Address |
An error in the source (SA) or destination (DA) IPv6 address was detected. For example, an unspecified IPv6 DA, an IPv6 multicast SA and cases where the IPv6 address is a multicast address but the Ethernet destination address is not RFC2464 compliant. RFC 2464 checks are also carried out on IPIPE traffic. |
Jabbers |
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error) |
Keep Alive |
The time interval, in seconds, between keep-alive PDUs |
L2 Service MTU Exceeded |
The length of the packet received on a SAP bound to a layer 2 service (such as VPLS or EPIPE) exceeded the configured MTU for the service |
LACP Tunnel |
Indicates whether LACP packet tunneling is enabled or disabled |
The LAG or multi-link trunk (MLT) that the port is assigned to |
Laser Tunability |
The laser tune-ability of the transceiver |
Last Changed |
The date and time when the interface connection entered its current operational state |
Last Cleared Last Cleared Time |
The date and time the restart count reset to zero |
Last cleared time Last Cleared Time |
The time of the last clear |
last session id |
The 802.1x last session ID |
last session term cause |
The 802.1x last session term cause |
last session time |
The 802.1x last session time |
last session username |
The 802.1x last session username |
Last State Change |
The system time moment that the entity is up |
Last Unknown VPI/VCI |
The last unknown VPI/VCI that was received on this interface |
Late Collisions |
The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than one slot time into the transmission of a packet |
Late Packets |
The number of received packets that have been discarded due to replay window protection on this SC |
Latitude |
The latitude of the GNSS antenna |
The number of LCD-P packets received |
Level |
The level number |
Licensed |
The licensed state |
Limit Unused BW |
The aggregate rate overrun protection on the aggregate context |
Link Length support |
The link length support for the transceiver |
Link Monitoring |
The EFM OAM link monitoring parameters: enabled or disabled |
Link-level |
Ethernet — The port is configured as Ethernet |
LMI Type |
The LMI type |
Load-balance-algo |
The load balancing algorithm used on the port |
Local Magic Number |
The local magic number to be sent to the peer. The magic number provides a method to detect loopbacks. If the value of the local magic number is the same as the value of remote magic number, then it is possible that the link might be looped back. If the two magic numbers do not match, then the link is not looped back. |
Longitude |
The longitude of the GNSS antenna |
Loopback |
The number of loopback requests and responses transmitted and received on this connection for both end to end and segment |
Loop Detected |
True — Loop detected False — No loop detected |
The number of Loss Of Pointer path (LOP) occurrences |
Low Drop Tail |
The low drop tail percent reduction from MBS |
mac mac-address |
The MAC address |
MAC Chip Number |
The number of the MAC chip that manages this port |
Macsec Encrypt |
Enabled — MACsec encryption is enabled on the traffic. All fields behind source or destination MAC addresses are encrypted on each packet. Disabled — MACsec encryption is disabled for the traffic. The packet fields are sent in clear text but data integrity is checked on each packet, and the MACsec overhead (header and ICV) is still added to each packet. |
macsec-enabled |
The MACsec is enabled or disabled |
Manufacture date |
The manufacturing date of the hardware component in the mmddyyyy ASCII format |
Max auth requests |
The 802.1x port maximum authorization requests |
Max Packet Error |
The number of maximum packet errors |
Min Packet Error |
The number of minimum packet errors |
Max Penalties |
The maximum penalty value for port dampening |
Maximum Frequency |
The supported maximum frequency for the transceiver |
Max Suppress Time |
Elapsed time, in seconds, after the link comes up before the worst case accumulated penalties have decayed to the reuse threshold |
The MBS value defining the maximum size for the queue |
Media |
The media supported for the SFP |
Min Frame Length |
The configured minimum transmitted frame length |
Minimum Frequency |
The supported minimum frequency for the transceiver |
MKA Key Server Priority |
The MKA key server priority: 0 to 255 (default 16). A priority of 0 means more it is more likely to become the MKA server. If multiple participants have the same priority, the MAC address becomes the differentiator for electing the MKA server. |
Mode |
The mode of the interface. It can be set as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) |
Mode |
The mode of OAM operation for an Ethernet port: active or passive |
Model Number |
The model number of the transceiver or adapter |
Monitor Depth |
Queue depth monitoring for the specified queue enabled or disabled |
Monitor Oper Group |
Operational group being monitored |
Monitor Port Sched |
Enabled — Congestion monitoring on an Egress Port Schedule (EPS) is enabled Disabled — Congestion monitoring on an EPS is disabled |
The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets |
Mult Collisions |
The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully |
Multicast MAC With Unicast Dest IP |
The Ethernet destination (MAC) address is multicast but the IP address is unicast |
Multicast Packets Input/Output |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both group and functional addresses. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |
Multicast Packets |
Input — The number of input multicast packets Output — The number of output multicast packets |
Multicast Pckts |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |
Name |
The entity name |
Needs ICMP |
The received packet requires the router to generate an ICMP message. For example, the IP packet TTL is expired or the destination host, network, or ESM subscriber is unreachable. Host unreachable can occur, among other reasons, if the destination address (for example, of a packet resolves to a loopback interface subnet (for example, but does not match the specific loopback address (for example, Destination unreachable can also occur, for example, in response to an IPv6 packet received by a router from a point-to-point link (a non-Ethernet link) destined to an address within a subnet assigned to that same link (other than one of the receiving router's own addresses) as described in RFC 4443. |
Net. Egr. Queue Pol |
The network egress queue policy or that the default policy is used |
No SCI Packets |
The number of received packets discarded with unknown SCI information when the C bit in the SecTAG is set |
No Tag Packets |
The number of received packets discarded without the MAC security tag (SecTAG) |
No Using SA Packets |
The number of received packets that have been discarded on this SA which is not currently in use |
Notifications |
LLDP notifications (enabled, disabled) |
Not Valid Packets |
The number of not valid packets that have been discarded on this active SA |
Number OCD Events |
The number of times the Out of Cell Delineation (OCD) events occurred |
Number of Lanes |
The number of lanes of the transceiver |
Number of Logs |
The number of logs |
Octets |
The number of input and output octets. HEC discarded cells are not included in the input octet numbers. |
Octets |
The total number of octets received |
OctetsIn Dropped |
The number dropped egress octets that were in-profile |
OctetsIn Forwarded |
The number of forwarded egress octets that were in-profile |
OctetsIn Total |
The total number of egress octets that were forwarded and dropped |
OctetsOut Dropped |
The number of dropped egress octets that were out-of-profile |
OctetsOut Forwarded |
The number of forwarded egress octets that were in-profile |
OctetsOut Total |
The total number of egress octets that were forwarded and dropped |
OK Packets |
The number of validated packets on this SA |
Oper Duplex |
full — The link is set to full duplex mode half — The link is set to half duplex mode |
Oper Egress Rate |
The operational egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that the Ethernet interface can generate |
Oper MTU |
For channels that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the channel. |
Oper Speed |
The operating speed of the interface |
Oper State |
up — The entity is operationally up down — The entity is operationally down Additionally, the lag-id of the LAG it belongs to in addition to the status of the LAG member (active or standby) is specified |
Oper Status |
The operational status of the port |
Oper Status |
up: the port is operationally up (communication between the main board and the GNSS receiver is established and the port is ready to receive GNSS signals) down: the port is operationally down (none of the up conditions have been met) |
Operational Channel |
The operational channel for the transceiver |
Operational Frequency |
The operational frequency for the transceiver |
Optical Compliance |
The optical compliance code of the transceiver |
Optical Compliance |
The optical compliance code of the transceiver |
Other |
The number of OAM cells that are received but not identified |
OTU Status |
The status of the OTU (Optical Transport Unit): enabled or disabled. When OTU is enabled, and additional layer of framing encapsulates an MDA's natively programmed mode of operation, 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN or WAN, adding SONET-Like Framing with FEC (Forward Error Correction). When OTU is disabled, the MDA operates in a 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN or WAN as per Ethernet provisioning. |
Out packets |
The number of echo-request packets sent |
Out Pause Frames |
The number of Out Pause frames |
Over Sized SDUs |
The total number of oversized SDU discards |
Overrun Packets |
The number of packets discarded because the number of received packets exceeded the cryptographic performance capabilities |
Oversize Pckts |
The total number of packets received that were longer than can be accepted by the physical layer of that port (9900 octets excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets for GE ports) and were otherwise well formed |
Packet Abort Error |
The number of packets aborted due to errors received |
Packets |
The total number of packets received |
Packets |
The number of input and output packets. Packets discarded due to HEC or oversize discards are not counted. CRC errors are also in the packet counts show up on the VC level statistics but not on the port level. |
PacketsIn Dropped |
The number dropped egress packets that were out-of-profile |
PacketsIn Forwarded |
The number of forwarded egress packets that were in-profile |
PacketsIn Total |
The total number of egress packets that were forwarded and dropped |
PacketsOut Dropped |
The number of dropped egress packets that were out-of-profile |
PacketsOut Forwarded |
The number of forwarded egress packets that were in-profile |
PacketsOut Total |
The total number of egress packets that were forwarded and dropped |
Parity Error |
The number of parity errors received |
Part Number |
The vendor part number contains ASCII characters, defining the vendor part number or product name |
PBB Ethertype |
The Ethertype used for PBB encapsulation |
Per Threshold MDA Discard Statistics |
See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide, "Packet Classification and Scheduling” section |
Phy Link Physical Link |
Yes — A physical link is present No — A physical link is not present |
Phys State Chng Cnt |
Increments when a fully qualified (de-bounced) transition occurs at the physical layer of an Ethernet port which includes the following transitions of the Port State as shown in the show port summary: - from "Down” to either "Link Up” or "Up” - from either "Link Up” or "Up” to "Down” This counter does not increment for changes purely in the link protocol states (for example, "Link Up" to "Up"). The counter is reset if the container objects for the port are deleted (for example, MDA deconfigured, or IOM type changes). |
PIR Rule |
min — The operational PIR for the queue is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command max — The operational PIR for the queue is equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command closest — The operational PIR for the queue is the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command |
Physical Link |
Yes — A physical link is present No — A physical link is not present For GNSS ports: Yes — The port is operationally up (communication between the main board and the GNSS receiver is established and the port is ready to receive GNSS signals. For example, if the GNSS port is configured, the operational status is up, the receiver status is 3D FIX, and you disconnect the GNSS RF cable from the port, the physical link on the port still shows as up. No — The port is operationally down (none of the up conditions apply) |
The number of PLM-P packets received |
The number of backward error indications received from the far end in the path monitor overhead |
The number of detected BIP-8 errors in the path monitor overhead |
The section monitor severely errored seconds where the number of PM-BIP8 was greater than 15% of the maximum |
Polar Depend Loss (dB) |
The polarization dependent loss in decibels |
Policy-Name |
The policy name |
Port control |
The 802.1x port control: auto, force-auth, force-unauth |
Port Encap |
Null — Ingress frames will not use tags or labels to delineate a service dot1q — Ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags where each tag signifies a different service |
Port ID |
The port ID that is configured or displayed. |
Port <id> Bridge nearest-bridge |
Port <id> Bridge nearest-non-tpmr |
Port <id> Bridge nearest-customer |
Port IfIndex |
The GNSS interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence |
Port Mode |
Network — The port is configured for transport network use Access — The port is configured for service access Hybrid — The port is configured for both access and network use |
Port State |
Up — The port is physically present and has physical link present Down — The port is physically present but does not have a link. This state may also be considered as Link Down Ghost — A port that is not physically present None — The port is in its initial creation state or about to be deleted Link Up — A port that is physically present and has physical link present |
Port status |
The 802.1x port status |
PorID TLV Subtype |
The encoding of the port identifier TLVs transmitted to the peer (tx-if-alias, tx-if-name, tx-local) |
Port Type |
The type of port or optics installed |
Present Channel |
The channel that the transceiver is currently on |
Protected Octets |
The number of plain text octets that are integrity protected but not encrypted on the transmitting SC |
Protected Packets |
The number of packets that are integrity protected but not encrypted for this transmitting SA |
Protected SA Packets |
The number of packets that are integrity protected but not encrypted for this SA |
Protocol |
The applicable protocols for the specified port |
PTP IPv4 address | IPv4 destination address of incoming PTP messages that should be timestamped. Only unicast addresses are supported. |
PTP IPv6 address | IPv6 destination address of incoming PTP messages that should be timestamped. Only unicast addresses are supported. |
PTP Timestamping | Filter status for ingress timestamping of PTP messages to match multiple PTP flows |
Pump Temperature (C) |
The pump temperature high and low warning alarms |
QinQ Ethertype |
The Ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is QinQ |
Queue |
The queue information |
Queue Depths (percentage) |
The queue depth percentages |
Queue-Id |
The queue-id that uniquely identifies the queue |
Quiet period |
The 802.1x port quiet period: 1 to 3600 seconds |
Radius-plcy |
The 802.1x port RADIUS policy name |
Range |
The usable range to fine tune the frequency |
The number of RDI cells transmitted and received on this connection for both end to end and segment |
The number of RDI-P packets received |
Reassembly Timeouts |
The number of reassembly timeout occurrences |
Reauth enabled |
no — The 802.1x port reauth enabled is not up yes — The 802.1x port reauth enabled is up |
Reauth period |
The 802.1x port reauthorization period |
Receiver status |
Acquiring Satellites: GNSS receiver is attempting to track satellite Position Hold: GNSS receiver position is determined and GNSS receiver is no longer solving for position; TRAIM algorithm is correcting for time bias 2D Fix: GNSS receiver is attempting to obtain a two-dimensional position (latitude, longitude) solution 3D Fix: GNSS receiver is attempting to obtain a three-dimensional position (latitude, longitude, altitude) solution Unknown: default state on power-up Communication Lost: occurs after 30 s of missing Channel/Data/Status messages or TRAIM status messages from the GNSS receiver Communication Established: occurs after a successful reestablishment of communication following a Communication Lost status |
Remote Error |
The number of remote error received |
Remote Magic Number |
The magic number sent by the peer. If the value of remote magic number is the same as the value of the local magic number, then it is possible that the link might be looped back. If the two magic numbers do not match, then the link is not looped back. |
Replay Protection |
Enabled — Replay Protection is enabled Disabled — Replay Protection is disabled If replay protection is enabled for this CA, the out of replay-window packets will be discarded. Otherwise, the Replay Window Size value is ignored. The default value is disabled, so that when adding MACsec to an interface, it will not affect traffic immediately. |
Replay Window Size |
The size, in packets, of the replay window. Each packet is assigned a unique packet number. Replay protection enforces strict ordering of the packets and protects against replay attacks. In networks where out-of-order packets are expected, the window size can be set up to 4294967295. |
Request Interval |
The time interval in seconds at which keepalive requests are issued |
Resolution |
The resolution used to fine tuning the frequency |
Restart Count |
The number of times that this Control Protocol has reached the 'open' state |
Retry |
The minimum wait time, in seconds, before re-enabling the port after loop detection |
Reuse Threshold |
The threshold at which the port up state is no longer suppressed, after the port has been in a suppressed state and the accumulated penalties decay drops below this threshold |
RS-FEC Mode |
The RS-FEC mode |
RxDTV Adjust |
The Rx DTV adjust status |
Rx Ageouts |
The number of LLDP frames received on the port with a properly formatted TLV that was not supported on the receiving port |
Rx Frames |
The number of LLDP frames received on the port |
Rx Frame Discard |
The number of LLDP frames received but discarded on the port |
Rx Frame Errors |
The number of LLDP frames received with errors on the port |
Rx Media Frame Error Count |
The receive media frame error count |
Rx TLV Discard |
The number of LLDP frames received on the port discarded because of the TLV |
Rx TLV Unknown |
The number of LLDP frames received on the port with a properly formatted TLV that was not supported on the receiving port |
Rx Total Power (dbm) |
The receive total power |
Rx Quality Level |
Indicates which QL value has been received from the interface |
Rx Signal Label |
The received signal label |
Rx Trace Str (Hex) |
The received SONET path trace string in hexadecimal |
sap |
The physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition |
Sat Port Queue Statistics | The satellite queue statistics with per-queue forward and drop information (packet and octet counters) for satellite uplink and client ports |
Sched Policy |
The name of the scheduler policy assigned to the virtual port |
The Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) |
SD Threshold |
The configured error rate threshold at which the SD (Signal Degrade) alarm is raised |
Security Zone |
The security zone this port belongs |
Serial Number |
The vendor serial number of the hardware component |
Server timeout |
The 802.1x port server timeout |
Service-id port-id |
The service IDs affected by the encap-match configured under this sub-port. One or more services can be affected by the match (by using * or by targeting ports with traffic aggregations, for example). |
The number of Severely Errored Seconds |
SF Threshold |
The configured error rate threshold at which the SF (Signal Fail) alarm is raised |
SF/SD Method |
The selected method for declaring the SF (Signal Fail) or SD (Signal Degrade) alarm. When BIP8 is selected, the error rate of SM-BIP8 errors in the OTU frames declares SF or SD (This is very similar to SONET SF/SD which uses a rate of B2 errors). When FEC is selected, the rate of corrected bits declares SF or SD. This effectively indicates that the link would be degraded (SD) or failed (SF) if FEC was disabled and gives the user an early warning that the link is degrading or is about to fail. |
Sflow |
Enabled — sFlow data collection for the port is enabled Disabled — sFlow data collection is disabled |
Additional information related to the port. This can include optical compliance and the link length if available from the installed optics. If there is no optical compliance information programmed in the part, “Unspecified” is displayed. GIGE — The GigE SFP type FASTE — The FastE SFP type GIGX — The GigX SFP type MDI — Indicates that the Ethernet interface is of type MDI (Media Dependent Interface) MDX — Indicates that the Ethernet interface is of type MDX (Media Dependent Interface with crossovers) |
Shaped Bandwidth |
The total shaped bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction |
Signal Label |
The C2 byte value |
Single Fiber Mode |
Yes - Single fiber option is configured No - Single fiber option is not configured |
Slot ID |
The slot number of the card in the chassis |
The number of backward error indications received from the far end in the section monitor overhead |
The number of detected BIP-8 errors in the section monitor overhead |
Section monitor severely errored seconds where the number of SM-BIP8 was greater than 15% of the maximum |
This is the SM-TTI (Section Monitor Trail Trace Identifier received by this port. When the received TTI is a printable string of characters, it will be displayed as a text string. When the received TTI contains one or more non-printable characters, it will be displayed at a sequence of 64 hex bytes. When the received TTI is all zeros, the string "Not Specified” will be displayed. |
SM-TTI Tx (<mode>) |
This is the configured SM-TTI (Section Monitor Trail Trace Identifier) to be transmitted by this port in the OTU overhead bytes. The modes are auto, string, or bytes. In the auto and string modes, a printable character string will be displayed. In bytes mode, up to 64 hex bytes are displayed. |
Sngl Collisions |
The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully |
Speed |
The speed of the DS0 channels used in the associated channel-group |
SQE Errors |
The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received on a particular interface |
SSM Code Type |
The SSM code type in use on the port |
State of polar ROC (krad/s) |
The state of polarization rate of change |
Subport |
The MACsec sub-port used. Multiple MACsec instances can be configured under one port, matching traffic based on the encap-match parameter. |
subscr Subscriber |
The subscriber ID |
Supplicant timeout |
The 802.1x port supplicant timeout |
Supply Voltage (V) |
The supply voltage of the DDM |
Supported Grids |
A list of supported grids for the transceiver |
Suppress Threshold |
The threshold at which the port up state is suppressed until the accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold again |
Svc ID svc-id |
The service identifier |
Symbol Errors |
For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present |
Sym Mon SD Thresh |
The error rate (for symbol errors) at which to declare the Signal Degrade (SD) condition on an Ethernet interface. If the field displays Disabled, no error rate has been specified |
Sym Mon SF Thresh |
The symbol error rate at which to declare the Signal Fail (SF) condition on an Ethernet interface. If the field displays Disabled, no error rate has been specified |
Sym Mon Window |
The size of the sliding window, in seconds, over which the errors are measured |
Sync Status |
locked: GNSS time is within alarm limits not locked: GNSS time is outside of the alarm limits and/or there is an insufficient number of tracked satellites |
Sync. Status Msg |
Whether synchronization status messages are enabled or disabled |
Tagged Cells |
The number of cells that have been demoted from CLP0 to CLP1 |
Temperature (C) |
The temperature of the DDM |
Threshold exceeded |
The number of times that the drop count was reached |
Time |
GPS date and time |
Time to link drop |
The time remaining before the link will be declared dropped if a keepalive echo reply packet is not received |
TimeSlots |
The DS0 time slot used in the T1/E1 channel-group |
Too long Frames |
The number of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size |
Too Long Packets |
The number of transmitted packets discarded because the packet length is greater than the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the Ethernet physical interface |
Total number of access-egress queue groups |
The total number of access-egress queue groups associated with the queue-group summary |
Total number of network-egress queue groups |
The total number of network-egress queue groups associated with the queue-group summary |
Total number of access-ingress queue groups |
The total number of access-ingress queue groups associated with the queue-group summary |
Tot Sym Mon Errs |
The total number of symbol errors |
Trace String |
The SONET path trace string |
Traffic Statistics |
See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide, "Statistics on Physical PXC Ports” section |
Transceiver Code |
The code for the transmission media |
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) |
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) information, such as temperature and supply voltage |
Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) |
Transceiver lane DDM information, such as lane temperature and Tx bias current |
Transceiver Status |
The status of the transceiver |
Transceiver Type |
The type of transceiver |
Transmit Interval |
The transmit interval of OAMPDUs |
Transmit period |
The 802.1x port transmit period |
Transmit TLVs |
The LLDP TLV to transmit (port-desc, sys-name, sys-desc, sys-cap) |
Trigger Fault |
The triggered EFM OAM fault |
Tunneling |
true — The 802.1x port tunneling is on false — The 802.1x port tunneling is not on. |
Tunnel Nearest Bridge |
The nearest bridge tunneling frames (enabled, disabled) |
Whether the QL value is forcibly set to QL-DUS/QL-DNU |
Tx Frames |
The number of LLDP frames transmitted from the port |
TX Laser Frequency |
The transceiver laser frequency |
TX Laser Wavelength |
The transceiver laser wavelength |
Tx Length Err Frames |
The number of LLDP frames transmitted with length error from the port |
Tx Pause Frames |
Setting to control transmission of PAUSE frames |
Tx Quality Level |
The QL value being transmitted out of the interface |
Type |
The connection type |
The number of Unavailable Seconds |
Unchecked Packets |
The number of packets that have failed the integrity check on this SC |
Unequipped |
The number of unequipped packets received |
Undersize Pckts |
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed |
Unicast MAC Destination Address Mismatch |
The unicast destination MAC address is a null address or does not match any of the expected MAC addresses associated with the receiving interface. Packets with multicast or broadcast MAC addresses do not increment this counter |
Unicast Packets |
Input — The number of input unicast packets Output — The number of output unicast packets |
Unicast Packets Input/Output |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. |
Unicast Packets Input/Output |
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer |
Unicast RPF Check Failed |
The IP packet failed the unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF) check |
Unknown Labeled Packet |
The MPLS packets dropped by the ingress port forwarding engine because of an unknown label (ILM lookup failure) or an unexpected service label |
Unknown MAC Destination Address Discarded in VPLS |
The MAC destination address lookup in the MAC FDB failed and the VPLS service is configured to discard packets with unknown destination MAC addresses |
Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output |
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received through the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing the number of transmission units received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. |
Unknown Proto Discards |
Input — The number of discarded unknown protocol packets |
Untagged Packets |
The number of transmitted packets without the MAC security tag (SecTAG) when the value oftmnxMacsecConnAssocReplayProtect for the configured CA is set to 'false' |
Use Broadcast Addr |
True — Indicates that the broadcast address is to be used for the destination MAC address False — Indicates that the local port MAC address is to be used for the destination MAC address |
Used Satellites |
Displays the number of tracked satellites |
user rx frames |
The 802.1x session user Rx frames |
user rx octets |
The 802.1x session user Rx octets |
user tx frames |
The 802.1x session user Tx frames |
user tx octets |
The 802.1x session user Tx octets |
UTC offset |
Displays the difference between GPS time and UTC time UTC time = GPS time – UTC offset |
Utilization Input/Output |
The value computed as the average of the traffic observed over the configured interval, presented as a percentage of the maximum possible traffic |
Validated Octets |
The number of octets of plain text recovered from received packets that were integrity protected but not encrypted |
Vendor OUI |
The vendor-specific Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) field containing the IEEE company identifier for the vendor |
Violation Last Seen |
The date and time of the last violation |
Violation Threshold Percnt |
The violation threshold percentage |
Violation Total Count |
The violation total count |
Visable Satellites |
The number of satellites that the GNSS receiver should see at the current time. This number can be 0 if the GNSS receiver has not yet downloaded an almanac, even if Used Satellites is more than 0. |
The VPI/VCI values |
Vport Name |
The virtual port name |
Weight |
The relative weight of this scheduler in comparison to other child schedulers and queues at the same strict level |
Wghtd Avg Queue Poll Interval |
The weighted average queue poll interval |
Wghtd Avg HiWtrMark Poll Interval |
The weighted average high water mark queue poll interval |
port [detail]
[Tree] (show port)
Full Context
show port
This command displays information about all ports configured on all cards in the chassis.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of port information.
Output Example*A:cses-V22# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Down Yes Up 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/2 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/3 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/4 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/5 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/6 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/7 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/8 Up Yes Up 8704 8704 - hybr dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/9 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/10 Down Yes Down 8704 8704 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
A:admin@mci(right-b4)# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/m1/1 Link Up anchor 100G
1/1/c1 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c1/1 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
1/1/c1/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige
Ports on Port Cross Connect 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
pxc-1.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-1.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.a Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
pxc-2.b Up Yes Link Up 1574 1574 - hybr dotq xgige
port {port-id | connector-id | connector-port-id | aps-id | esa-vm-id} statistics
port port-id ethernet dampening
port port-id ethernet efm-oam events [local | remote]
port port-id exp-secondary-shaper shaper-name statistics
port port-id fwd-engine drop-reason statistics
port port-id hs-secondary-shaper shaper-name statistics
port port-id monitor-threshold
port port-id hs-pool high-water-mark {[standard value] | [alternate value]}
port port-id phys-state-change-count
port port-id port-scheduler statistics
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] queue-depth [ queue queue-id] {ingress | egress} [ access | network]
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [ instance instance-id] [access | network] { ingress | egress} statistics
port port-id vport [name] monitor-threshold
port port-id vport name statistics
port port-id statistics aggregate-queue
[Tree] (clear port)
Full Context
clear port
This command clears port statistics for the specified ports.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port identifier.
- aps-id
Specifies the APS group identifier.
1 to 64
- esa-vm-id
Specifies the ESA VM identifier.
- statistics
Keyword that clears the statistics for the specified port.
- cp
Clears Connection Profile statistics.
- interface-connection
Keyword that clears the interface-connection statistics.
- ilmi
Keyword that clears the ILMI information. This parameter is only applicable for ports/bundles that support ILMI.
- pvc
Keyword that clears the PVC statistics.
- pvp
Keyword that clears the PVP statistics.
- pvt
Keyword that clears the PVT statistics.
- slot
Specifies the slot number.
- mda
The MDA number.
- port-connection
Keyword that clears the port-connection statistics.
- phys-state-change-count
Keyword that clears the counter that tracks physical port state transitions for ethernet ports ("Phys State Chng Cnt" in "show port" output, or tmnxPortPhysStateChangeCount in the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB).
- port-scheduler
Keyword that clears the packet and octet counters for the port scheduler that is applied to the specified port.
- queue-group-name
Clears the specified port queue group name. It uniquely identifies a port ingress queue group in the managed system, up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the specific instance of a queue group.
- ingress
Keyword that clears the ingress queue group information.
- egress
Keyword that clears the egress queue group information.
- access
Keyword that clears the access mode statistics for the queue group.
- network
Keyword that clears the network mode statistics for the queue group.
- ethernet
Keyword that clears the Ethernet port statistics.
- dampening
Keyword that clears the current accumulated penalties of the exponential port dampening feature for the port. The accumulated penalties can be cleared only with this command keyword.
- efm-oam
Keyword that clears the efm-oam statistics on the port.
- events
Keyword that clears the efm-oam events.
- local
Keyword that clears only local EFM OAM events.
- remote
Keyword that clears only remote (received from peer) events. Local and remote is not specified.
- shaper-name
Clears information about the specified shaper name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Clears information about the specified Vport name up to 32 characters.
- standard value
Keyword that clears the high water marks within specific standard port class pools using the standard parameters.
- alternate value
Keyword that clears the high water marks within specific alternative port class pools using the alternative parameters.
- aggregate-queue
Keyword that clears the aggregated forwarded and dropped packets in all queued statistics for the specified port.
port port-id
[Tree] (tools>dump port)
Full Context
tools dump port
Commands in this context dump port information.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID.
1 to 128
port [sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id] [group [grp-ip-address]] [detail] [family]
[Tree] (show>service>id>pim-snooping port)
Full Context
show service id pim-snooping port
This command displays PIM port information.
- sap-id
Displays the port information associated with the specified SAP
- sdp-id:vc-id
Displays the port information associated with the specified SDP
- grp-ip-address
Specifies the IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information
- detail
Displays detailed port information
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 information for the specified port
The following output is an example of service PIM snooping information.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 pim-snooping port
PIM Snooping Ports ipv4
Sap/Sdp Id Opr
SAP:1/1/1 Up
SAP:1/1/2 Up
port port-id [{ingress | egress}] [{access | network}] queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] [{ detail | root-detail | thresholds | priority-info | depth}] [arbiter {name | root}]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer-hierarchy port)
Full Context
show qos policer-hierarchy port
This command displays information about the policer hierarchy per port.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port.
- ingress
Displays ingress port information.
- egress
Displays egress port information.
- access
Displays policer-hierarchy statistics applied on the specified access port.
- network
Displays policer hierarchy statistics applied on the specified network port.
- queue-group-name
Displays information about the specified queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Displays information about the instance of the named queue group.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- root-detail
Displays detailed information about the arbiter root.
- thresholds
Displays the threshold, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
- priority-info
Displays the threshold information related to the root arbiter.
- depth
Displays the bucket depth, parenting, rate, and traffic information related to a policer.
- name
Displays information about the name of the QoS arbiter of this forwarding plane.
- root
Displays information about the arbiter root.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [{ ingress | egress}] [{access | network}] [instance instance-id] [detail]
port port-id vport name summary
port port-id [detail]
port port-id vport name [scheduler scheduler-name] [ detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-hierarchy port)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-hierarchy port
This command displays scheduler hierarchy information per port.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- queue-group-name
Displays information about the specified queue group on the port.
- scheduler-name
Displays information about the specified scheduler policy on the port.
- ingress
Specifies to display ingress queue group information.
- egress
Specifies to display egress queue group information.
- access
Displays scheduler-hierarchy statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Displays scheduler-hierarchy statistics applied on a network port.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue group.
- vport name
Displays statistics for the named VPORT.
The following output is an example of port scheduler hierarchy information, and Output fields: QoS schedule hierarchy port describes port scheduler hierarchy fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-R# show qos scheduler-hierarchy port 1/2/1 detail
Scheduler Hierarchy - Port 1/2/1
Port-scheduler-policy p1
Port Bandwidth : 10000000 Max Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 8]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 7]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 6]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
(Q) : 2->1/2/1:1->3
Assigned : 768 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 0
[Within CIR Level 5]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 4]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 3]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 2]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
(S) voip(SAP 1/2/1:1)
Assigned : 0 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 40
(S) all(SAP 1/2/1:1)
Assigned : 19000 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 50
[Within CIR Level 1]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Within CIR Level 0]
Rate : 0
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 8]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 7]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 6]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 5]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 4]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 3]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
[Above CIR Level 2]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
(S) voip(SAP 1/2/1:1)
Assigned : 10000000 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 30
(S) all(SAP 1/2/1:1)
Assigned : 960000 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 50
[Above CIR Level 1]
Rate : max
Consumed : 0 Offered : 0
(Q) : 2->1/2/1:1->3
Assigned : 786 Offered : 0
Consumed : 0
Weight : 1
Label |
Description |
S |
Displays the scheduler name. |
Q |
Displays the queue ID and information. |
Admin CIR/PIR: |
Specifies the configured value of CIR/PIR. |
Assigned CIR/PIR: |
Specifies the on-the-wire PIR/CIR rate given to a member by that parent level. |
Offered CIR/PIR: |
Specifies the on-the-wire offered load on that member. |
Consumed CIR/PIR: |
Specifies the amount of scheduler bandwidth used by this member. |
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [egress] [{access | network}] [instance instance-id] [ detail]
port port-id vport name [detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>agg-rate port)
Full Context
show qos agg-rate port
This command displays the H-QoS aggregate rate limit per port or Vport.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
- queue-group queue-group-name
Displays information about the specified queue group on the port.
- egress
Displays egress queue group information.
- access
Displays H-QoS aggregate rate limit information on an access port.
- network
Displays H-QoS aggregate rate limit information on a network port.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- vport name
Displays H-QoS aggregate rate limit information for the specified Vport.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of QoS port aggregation rate output, and Output fields: QoS aggregation rate describes the QoS port aggregation rate fields.
Output Example*A:PE# show qos agg-rate port 1/1/1 queue-group "qg1" instance 1 access egress
Aggregate Rate Information - Queue Group Port 1/1/1
Egress Scheduler Policy :
Egress Queue-Group : qg1 Instance-Id : 1
Root (Egr)
| slot(1)
| AdminRate : 10000
| OperRate : 0
| Limit Unused Bandwidth : disabled
| OnTheWireRates : false
| LastMileOnTheWireRates : false
Label |
Description |
Egress Scheduler Policy |
Indicates the name of the egress scheduler policy. |
Egress Queue-Group |
Indicates the queue group name. |
Instance-Id |
Indicates the identifier of a specific instance of the queue group. |
AdminRate |
Displays the configured aggregate rate in the subscriber profile. |
OperRate |
Displays the actual downstream rate. |
Limit Unused Bandwidth |
Indicates whether the limit-unused-bandwidth command is enabled to protect against exceeding the aggregated bandwidth |
OnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates. |
LastMileOnTheWireRates |
Indicates whether the displayed rates are on-the-wire rates for the last mile only. |
port port-id [detail]
[Tree] (show>system>ptp port)
Full Context
show system ptp port
This command displays PTP port information.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
The following output is an example of PTP port information, and Output fields: PTP port describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow system ptp port
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Summary Information
Port PTP Adm/Opr PTP State Neighbors Tx Rate Rx Rate
10/2/16 up/up passive 5 12312 4400
1/1/1 up/up slave 1 12312 4400
1/1/2 up/up master 61 12312 4400
1/1/3 up/down disabled 0 0 0
1/1/4 up/up listening 0 0 0
No. of PTP Ports : 5 Total 99999 999999
Label |
Description |
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Summary Information |
Port |
The port ID |
PTP Adm/Opr |
The PTP administrative and operational states |
PTP State |
The PTP state |
Neighbors |
The neighbors |
Tx Rate |
The transmit rate |
Rx Rate |
The receive rate |
No. of PTP Ports |
The total number of PTP ports |
The following output is an example of PTP port details information, and Output fields: PTP port detail describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow system ptp port 1/1/4 detail
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Information
Port : 1/1/4
PTP Admin State : up PTP Oper State : up
Local MAC Add : ca:47:01:04:00:02 Mulicast MAC Addr : 01:1b:19:00:00:00
Cfg Sync Rate : 64 pkt/s Cfg Delay Req Rate : 64 pkt/s
Master-Only : false G.8275 Priority : 128
monitorReceiver : false monitorSender : false
PTP Port Number : 1 PTP Port State : master
Neighbors : 1 Timestamp Point : port
Port Asymmetry : 0 ns
Profile Name : Primary
Profile : ITU-T G.8275.2 Domain : 44
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Neighbor Clocks
Port : 1/4/2 MAC Address : ca:45:01:01:00:01
Clock Id : ca45fffffe000000 PTP Port # : 1
Rx Packet Rate : 129 PTSF-unusable : N/A
Best Master : no Parent Clock : no
Backup Source : yes
Monitor Time State: acquiring Changed : 2023/05/29 13:57:36
Last Packet Offset From Master : +1 ns Last Calc: 2021/09/02 12:41:13
Last Packet Mean Path Delay : +15 ns Last Calc: 2021/09/02 12:41:13
APTS Asymmetry : +140,737,488 ms Last Calc : 2023/05/29 13:52:09
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics
Input Output
PTP Packets 253 11
Announce 243 1
Sync 0 0
Follow Up 0 0
Delay Request 0 0
Delay Response 0 0
Signaling 10 10
Other 0 0
Discards 0 0
Bad PTP domain 0 0
Alternate Master 0 0
Out Of Sequence 0 0
Packet Timing Signal Fail - Unusable 2848 0
Other 0 0
Label |
Description |
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Information |
Port |
The port ID |
PTP Admin State |
The PTP administrative state |
PTP Oper State |
The PTP operational state |
Local MAC Addr |
The local MAC address op |
Multicast MAC Addr |
The multicast MAC address |
Cfg Sync Rate |
The configured synchronization rate |
Cfg Delay Req Rate |
The configured delay request rate |
Master-Only |
The master-only value |
G.8275 Priority |
The G.8275 priority |
monitorReceiver |
The monitorReceiver state |
monitorSender |
The monitorSender state |
PTP Port Number |
The PTP port number |
PTP Port State |
The PTP port state |
Neighbors |
The neighbors |
Timestamp Point |
The timestamp point |
Port Asymmetry |
The port asymmetry time |
Profile Name |
The profile name |
Profile |
The profile |
Domain |
The domain |
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Neighbor Clocks |
Port |
The port ID |
MAC Address |
The MAC address |
Clock Id |
The clock ID |
PTP Port # |
The port number assigned to this PTP clock |
Rx Packet Rate |
The receive rate |
PTSF-unusable |
Indicates if there is a Packet Timing Signal Fail (PTSF)-unusable condition associated with a neighbor port |
Best Master |
Indicates if this peer is selected as the best master clock by the BTCA |
Parent Clock |
Indicates if this is the parent clock. May differ from the best master if there is a local GNSS. |
Backup Source |
Indicates if this port is operating as a backup slave to the parent clock |
Monitor Time State |
Time recovery state of the monitored PTP port or peer |
Last Packet Offset from Master |
The offsetFromMaster calculated from the last packet exchange with the parent clock |
Last Packet Mean Path Delay |
The meanPathDelay calculated from the last packet exchange with the parent clock |
APTS Asymmetry |
The asymmetry computed by the backup source. This is used to compensate if the clock switches to this backup. |
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics |
Input |
The number of input packets within the specified category |
Output |
The number of output packets within the specified category |
port port-id neighbor ieee-address ptsf-unusable statistics
[Tree] (clear>system>ptp port)
Full Context
clear system ptp port
This command clears PTP port information.
- port-id
Clears the specified port ID.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address.
- ptsf-unusable
Keyword used to clear the PTSF-unusable condition associated with a neighbor port.
- statistics
Keyword used to clear statistics information of the specified port ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
port port-id [port-id] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [multiclass] [aggregate-queue]
port all-ethernet-rates [interval seconds] [repeat repeat]
[Tree] (monitor port)
Full Context
monitor port
This command enables port traffic monitoring. The specified port(s) statistical information displays at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified port(s). The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display.
When the rate is specified, the "rate per second" for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- port-id
Specify up to 5 port IDs. Port-IDs are only MLPPP bundles or bundle protection groups when the multiclass is specified.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
1 to 64
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Keyword that displays the raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Keyword that displays the rate-per-second for each statistic; instead of the delta.
- all-ethernet-rates
Keyword that displays port traffic monitoring and utilization output for all data Ethernet ports enabled in the system, in a table output format.
- aggregate-queue
Keyword that periodically displays the aggregated number of forwarded and dropped packets and bytes per direction across all queues on a PXC port (pxc-<id>.a or pxc-<id>.b).
The system periodically aggregates statistics from all queues under the specified PXC port for presentation. The duration required to gather these statistics is typically brief, though it may vary based on the system load at the time of querying and the number of queues and member ports in a LAG.
Statistics are cached for a 30-second interval, which is also the minimum interval at which this command can output results.
The following outputs are examples of port information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor# port 2/1/4 interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for Port 2/1/4
Input Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 0 0
Packets 39 175
Errors 0 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets 0 0
Packets 39 175
Errors 0 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets 0 0
Packets 39 175
Errors 0 0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets 0 0
Packets 39 175
Errors 0 0
A:ALA-12>monitor# port 2/1/4 interval 3 repeat 3 rate
Monitor statistics for Port 2/1/4
Input Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 0 0
Packets 39 175
Errors 0 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Rate)
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Rate)
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Rate)
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
*A:Cpm-A> monitor port bundle-fr-1/1.1
Monitor statistics for Port bundle-fr-1/1.1
Input Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Errors 0 0
*A:Cpm-A> monitor port pxc-1.a interval 30 repeat 10 aggregate-queue
Monitor statistics for port pxc-1.a
Ingress Packets Fwd Ingress Octets Fwd
Ingress Packets Drop Ingress Octers Drop
Egress Packets Fwd Egress Octets Fwd
Egress Packets Drop Egress Octets Drop
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
4654649 94523288
22544 99852
98652214 65889554
55451 22144
At time t = 30 sec (Mode: Delta)
4654649 94523288
22544 99852
98652214 65889554
55451 22144
At time t = 60 sec (Mode: Delta)
4654649 94523288
22544 99852
98652214 65889554
55451 22144
*A:Cpm-A> monitor port pxc-1.a interval 30 repeat 10 rate aggregate-queue
Monitor statistics for port pxc-1.a
Input Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Forwarded Packets 454649 94288
Forwarded Bytes 3343434 777998
At time t = 30 sec
Rate [kbps] 4654649 94288
Utilization (% of port capacity) 22.54 9.98
At time t = 60 sec
Rate [kbps] 4654649 94288
Utilization (% of port capacity) 22.54 9.98
The following output is an example of port Ethernet information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor# port all-ethernet-rates interval 3 repeat 100
Monitor statistics for all Ethernet Port Rates
Port-Id D Bits Packets Errors Util
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
5/1/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
5/2/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Rate)
5/1/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
5/2/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Rate)
5/1/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
5/2/1 I 0 0 0 0.00
O 0 0 0 0.00
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Rate)
5/1/1 I 4286480384 697669 0 43.98
I 4286382080 697653 0 43.98
5/2/1 I 4254070784 692394 0 43.64
I 4253952000 692375 0 43.64
At time t = 12 sec (Mode: Rate)
5/1/1 I 9746288640 1586K 0 99.99
I 9746216960 1586K 0 99.99
5/2/1 I 9746280448 1586K 0 99.99
I 9746167808 1586K 0 99.99
port port-id [port-id] atm [aal-5 | cp cp-id | ilmi | interface-connection | pvc vpi/vci [aal-5 | oam] | pvp vpi [aal-5 | oam | pvt vpi1.vpi2] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
port port-id [port-id] hw-agg-shaper-sched [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
port port-id [port-id] hw-agg-shaper-sched [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] monitor-threshold
port port-id [port-id] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [multiclass]
port port-id [port-id] port-scheduler [ interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor port)
Full Context
monitor port
This command enables port traffic monitoring. Various keywords can be used to monitor specific attributes of the ATM port. The specified port(s) statistical information displays at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified port(s). The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display.
When the rate is specified, the "rate per second" for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- port-id
Specifies up to five port IDs. Port-IDs are only be MLPPP bundles or bundle protection groups when the multiclass is specified.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 64
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays the rate-per-second for each statistic, instead of the delta.
- monitor-threshold
Displays the exceed count for the port-scheduler under Vport (if specified) or for a physical port.
- multiclass
Monitors multiclass statistics.
- port-scheduler
Monitors the packet and octet counters for traffic exiting the specified port for the applicable applied port scheduler policy.
- atm
Monitors ATM statistics.
- aal-5
Monitors the AAL-5 statistics for the port.
- cp-id
Monitors ATM connection profile statistics.
- ilmi
Monitors ATM ILMI statistics.
- interface-connection
Monitors ATM interface connection statistics.
- pvc vpi/vci
Monitors ATM PVC statistics.
- pvp vpi
Monitors ATM PVP statistics
- pvt vpi1.vpi2
Monitors ATM PVT statistics.
- oam
Monitors ATM PVC/PVP OAM statistics.
The following output is an example of port ATM information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-49# monitor port 9/1/1 atm interval 3 repeat 2 absolute
Monitor ATM statistics for Port 9/1/1
Input Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 0 0
Cells 0 0
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets 0 0
Cells 0 0
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets 0 0
Cells 0 0
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells 0
*A:PE1# monitor port 5/1/5 port-scheduler interval 11 repeat 1
Monitor Port Scheduler statistics for Port 5/1/5
Forwarded Dropped
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 2177303552 2687166080
Packets 17010184 20993485
Level 1
Octets 1306180608 1936799360
Packets 10204536 15131245
Level 2
Octets 871122944 750366720
Packets 6805648 5862240
Level 3
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 4
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 5
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 6
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 7
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 8
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Delta)
Octets 29900288 36902528
Packets 233596 288301
Level 1
Octets 17937408 26597632
Packets 140136 207794
Level 2
Octets 11962880 10304896
Packets 93460 80507
Level 3
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 4
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 5
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 6
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 7
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 8
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
*A:PE1# monitor port 5/1/5 vport "dslam-3" interval 11 repeat 1 rate
Monitor Port Scheduler statistics for Port 5/1/5
Forwarded Dropped
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets 2207203840 2724068608
Packets 17243780 21281786
Level 1
Octets 1324118016 1963396992
Packets 10344672 15339039
Level 2
Octets 883085824 760671616
Packets 6899108 5942747
Level 3
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 4
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 5
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 6
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 7
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Level 8
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
At time t = 11 sec (Mode: Rate)
Octets 3909578 4825079
Packets 30544 37696
Bits 31276624 38600632
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.36 0.44
Level 1
Octets 2345386 3477723
Packets 18323 27170
Bits 18763088 27821784
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.21 0.32
Level 2
Octets 1564192 1347356
Packets 12220 10526
Bits 12513536 10778848
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.14 0.12
Level 3
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
Level 4
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
Level 5
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
Level 6
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
Level 7
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
Level 8
Octets 0 0
Packets 0 0
Bits 0 0
Utilization (% of port capacity) 0.00 0.00
port port-id egress network queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [ interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [arbiter [root | name]]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>arbiter-stats port)
Full Context
monitor qos arbiter-stats port
This command monitors arbiter statistics in an egress port queue group.
- port port-id
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
- egress network
Specifies statistics are for an egress network queue group.
- queue-group queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group up to 32 characters.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- interval seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
When the rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed.
- arbiter name
Specify the name of the policer control policy arbiter.
- root
Specify the root arbiter.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [ ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [ absolute | rate] [access | network] [instance instance-id]
port port-id vport name [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>qos>scheduler-stats port)
Full Context
monitor qos scheduler-stats port
This command enables port traffic monitoring.
- port port-id
Specifies the port ID.
- queue-group queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group up to 32 characters.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- ingress
Specifies statistics are for an ingress queue group.
- egress
Specifies statistics are for an egress queue group.
- interval seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
When the rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed.
- access
Displays scheduler statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Displays scheduler statistics applied on a network port.
port port-id exp-secondary-shaper shaper-name [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
port port-id vport name [interval seconds] [repeat repeat]
[Tree] (monitor>qos port)
Full Context
monitor qos port
This command monitors expanded secondary shaper statistics.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
- shaper-name
Displays statistics for the named exp secondary shaper.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic.
- vport name
Displays statistics for the named Vport.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [egress] [network] [instance instance-id] [arbiter {name | root}]
[Tree] (clear>qos>arbiter-stats port)
Full Context
clear qos arbiter-stats port
This command clears the arbiter statistics per port.
- port-id
Specifies the port ID.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- network
Clears the egress network queue group statistics.
- instance-id
Specifies the ID of a specific instance for the queue group.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [ingress | egress] [access | network] [instance instance-id] [scheduler scheduler-name]
port port-id vport name [scheduler scheduler-name]
[Tree] (clear>qos>scheduler-stats port)
Full Context
clear qos scheduler-stats port
This command clears the scheduler statistics per port.
- port-id
Specifies the ID of a specific instance for the queue group.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- ingress
Clears statistics for the ingress queue group.
- egress
Clears statistics for the egress queue group.
- access
Clears scheduler statistics applied on an access port.
- network
Clears scheduler statistics applied on a network port.
- instance-id
Specifies the ID of a specific instance for the queue group.
- name
Specifies the Vport name, up to 32 characters.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the scheduler name, up to 32 characters.
port port-id egress [network] [queue-group queue-group-name] [instance instance-id] [arbiter name | root]
[Tree] (show>qos>arbiter-stats port)
Full Context
show qos arbiter-stats port
This command displays the arbiter statistics per port.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port.
- network
Displays arbiter statistics applied on a network port.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- name
Specifies the arbiter name, up to 32 characters.
- root
Specifies the arbiter root, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
port port-id network egress queue-group group-name instance instance-id [ detail]
[Tree] (show>qos>policer port)
Full Context
show qos policer port
This command displays the policer statistics per port.
- port-id
Displays information about the specified port.
- group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
port port-id vport name [scheduler scheduler-name]
[Tree] (show>qos>scheduler-stats port)
Full Context
show qos scheduler-stats port
This command displays the Vport scheduler stats.
- port-id
Displays information for the specified port.
- name
Displays information for the specified Vport.
- scheduler-name
Displays information for the specified scheduler-name.
The following output is an example of Vport scheduler information.
Output Example*A:BNG# show qos scheduler-stats port 1/1/1 vport "dslam1" scheduler "dslam-sched"
Scheduler Stats
Scheduler Forwarded Packets Forwarded Octets
Egress Schedulers
dslam-sched 0 0
Output fields: Vport scheduler statistics describes Vport scheduler statistics output fields.
Field |
Description |
Scheduler |
The scheduler name |
Forwarded Packets |
The number of forwarded packets, as determined by the subscriber ingress scheduler policy |
Forwarded Octets |
The number of forwarded octets, as determined by the subscriber ingress scheduler policy |