n Commands
[Tree] (clear nat)
Full Context
clear nat
Commands in this context clear NAT commands.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>router nat)
Full Context
show router nat
Commands in this context display NAT related information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (show>service nat)
Full Context
show service nat
Commands in this context display NAT information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
nat-group nat-group-id [associations]
nat-group nat-group-id [associations]
nat-group nat-group-id inter-chassis-redundancy
nat-group nat-group-id statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
nat-group nat-group-id statistics mda mda-id [non-zero-value-only]
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number inter-chassis-redundancy
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number reassembly-statistics [non-zero-value-only]
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number statistics [non-zero-value-only]
nat-group [nat-group-id] members
[Tree] (show>isa nat-group)
Full Context
show isa nat-group
This command lists all active member ISAs (or group members). Up to 16 group members can be displayed (16 is the supported number of LAG links). Members can share physical ISAs (MDAs) and the physical locality of the group members can be determined from the Mda column in the output.
The number of group members will be <=X and the actual number of displayed group members will depend on the configuration based calculation.
- nat-group-id
Specifies the NAT group ID.
- associations
Displays associations applicable to the specified NAT group.
- statistics
Displays NAT group statistics.
- member
Displays statistics information about the resources of a member of a NAT ISA group.
- member-number
Specifies the member number.
- non-zero-value-only
Displays statistics information display whose value is bigger than zero.
- reassembly-statistics
Displays statistics information about IP datagram reassembly on NAT-capable ISA groups.
- inter-chassis-redundancy
Displays information about inter-chassis redundancy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following shows output examples.
Output Exampleshow isa nat-group
ISA NAT Group Summary
Mda Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
3/1 active - -
3/2 - active busy
4/1 - busy active
4/2 - standby standby
*A:SR12_PPPOE>config>isa>nat-group# show isa nat-group 1
ISA NAT Group 1
Admin state : inService
Operational state : inService
Active MDA limit : 2
NAT specific information for ISA group 1
Reserved sessions : 0
High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Accounting policy : my-acct-plcy
Last Mgmt Change : 01/28/2012 14:47:59
ISA Group 1 members
Group Member State Mda Addresses Blocks Se-% Hi Se-Prio
1 1 active 3/1 3 3 < 1 N 0
1 2 active 3/2 4 4 < 1 N 0
No. of members: 2
*A:SR12_PPPOE>config>isa>nat-group# show isa nat-group
ISA NAT Group Summary
Mda Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
2/1 - provisioned - -
3/1 active - up -
3/1 active - up -
3/2 active - up -
3/2 active - up -
*A:SR12_PPPOE>config>isa>nat-group# show isa nat-group 1
ISA NAT Group 1
Admin state : inService
Operational state : inService
Active MDA limit : 2
NAT specific information for ISA group 1
Reserved sessions : 0
High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Accounting policy : my-acct-plcy
Last Mgmt Change : 01/28/2012 14:47:59
ISA Group 1 members
Group Member State Mda Addresses Blocks Se-% Hi Se-Prio
1 1 active 3/1 3 3 < 1 N 0
1 2 active 3/2 4 4 < 1 N 0
No. of members: 2
A:SR12_PPPOE# show isa nat-group 3 member 1 statistics
ISA NAT Group 3 Member 1
no resource : 0
pkt rx on wrong port : 0
unsupported protocol : 0
no host or host group : 0
no ip or port : 0
no matching flow : 3
max flow exceeded : 0
TCP no flow for RST : 0
TCP no flow for FIN : 0
TCP no flow : 0
addr. dep. filtering : 0
ICMP type unsupported : 0
ICMP local unsupported : 0
ICMP checksum error : 0
ICMP embedded checksum error : 0
ICMP unsupported L4 : 0
ICMP too short : 0
ICMP length error : 0
Pkt not IPv4 or IPv6 : 0
Pkt rcv error : 0
Pkt error : 0
IPv4 header checksum violation : 0
IPv4 header malformed : 0
IPv4 malformed packet : 0
IPv4 ttl zero : 0
IPv4 opt /IPv6 ext headers : 0
IPv4 undefined error : 0
IPv6 fragments unsupported : 0
TCP/UDP malformed : 0
TCP/UDP checksum failure : 0
TCP/UDP length error : 0
Pkt send error : 0
no buf to copy pkt : 0
no policy : 0
locked by mgmt core : 0
port range log failed : 0
MTU exceeded : 0
DS Lite unrecognized next hdr : 0
DS Lite unknown AFTR : 0
too many fragments for IP packet : 0
too many fragmented packets : 0
too many fragment holes : 0
too many frags buffered : 0
fragment list expired : 0
fragment rate too high : 0
flow log failed : 0
no multiple host or subscr. IPs allowed : 0
to local : 1
to local ignored : 0
NAT64 disabled : 0
NAT64 invalid src addr : 0
NAT64 frag has zero checksum : 0
NAT64 v4 has zero checksum : 0
NAT64 ICMP frag unsupported : 0
CPM out of memory : 0
new flow : 1
TCP closed : 1
TCP expired : 0
UDP expired : 0
ICMP expired : 0
ICMP local : 0
found flow : 34
ARPs ignored : 4
Fragments RX L2A : 0
Fragments RX LSN : 0
Fragments RX DSL : 0
Fragments RX OUT : 0
Fragments TX L2A : 0
Fragments TX LSN : 0
Fragments TX DSL : 0
Fragments TX NAT64 : 0
Fragments TX OUT : 0
flow create logged : 0
flow delete logged : 0
flow log pkt tx : 0
config>isa# show isa nat-group 1 member 1 statistics
ISA NAT Group 1 Member 1
no resource : 0
[eNatFlowNoResource] "no resource",\
->the default, all errors without more specific reason
[eNatFlowWrongPort] "pkt rx on wrong port",\
-> packet came in on wrong port on ISA
[eNatFlowWrongProt] "unsupported protocol",\
-> protocol is not UDMP/TCP/ICMP
[eNatFlowNoHostGrp] "no host or host group",\
-> cannot create new host group because out of resources, or
current host group is not usable at the moment (because in a transient
[eNatFlowNoIpOrPort] "no ip or port",\
-> no Ip or port range available
[eNatFlowNoMatchingFlow] "no matching flow",\
-> no matching flow found
[eNatFlowMaxExceeded] "max flow exceeded",\
-> max flows for subscriber exceeded
[eNatFlowTcpUnexpectedRst] "TCP no flow for RST",\
[eNatFlowTcpUnexpectedFin] "TCP no flow for FIN",\
[eNatFlowTcpUnexpected] "TCP no flow",\
-> TCP state machine problem
[eNatFlowAddressDependentFiltering] "addr. dep. filtering",\
-> pkt dropped because of addr. dependent filtering
[eNatFlowUnsupportedICMP] "ICMP type unsupported",\
-> unsupported icmp type
[eNatFlowUnsupportedLocalICMP] "ICMP local unsupported",\
-> packet to ip address on ISA is not an echo request
[eNatFlowIcmpChecksumError] "ICMP checksum error",\
-> ICMP checksum error
[eNatFlowIcmpEmbeddedPktChecksumError] "ICMP embedded checksum
-> checksum error on embedded IP header
[eNatFlowIcmpEmbeddedPktUnsupportedL4] "ICMP unsupported L4",\
-> embedded IP packet is not UDP/TCP
[eNatFlowIcmpTooShort] "ICMP too short",\
-> packet too short to include the ICMP header
[eNatFlowIcmpLengthError] "ICMP length error",\
-> packet too short to include the embedded header
[eNatFlowPacketErrorNotIp] "Pkt not IPv4 or IPv6",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorRecv] "Pkt rcv error",\
[eNatFlowPacketError] "Pkt error",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4HdrChk] "IPv4 header checksum
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4HdrMal] "IPv4 header malformed",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4PktMal] "IPv4 malformed packet",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4TtlZero] "IPv4 ttl zero",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4Optv6Ext] "IPv4 opt /IPv6 ext headers",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv4Bad] "IPv4 undefined error", \
[eNatFlowPacketErrorIpv6Frag] "IPv6 fragments unsupported",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorTcpUdpMal] "TCP/UDP malformed",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorTcpUdpChk] "TCP/UDP checksum failure",\
[eNatFlowPacketErrorTcpUdpLen] "TCP/UDP length error",\
-> malformed incoming packet
[eNatFlowPacketSendError] "Pkt send error",\
-> failed to tx the packet
[eNatFlowPacketNoCpyBuf] "no buf to copy pkt",\
-> failed to copy the packet to another buffer needed for
correct processing
[eNatFlowLockedByMgmtCore] "locked by mgmt core",\
-> resources temp. locked by the mgmt core
[eNatFlowPRLogFailed] "port range log failed",\
-> port range log failed
[eNatFlowMtuExceeded] "MTU exceeded",\
-> outgoing packet too big for DS-Lite tunnel or nat64 mtu
[eNatFlowDslUnrecNextHdr] "DS Lite unrecognized next
->ipv6 pkt has wrong next header
[eNatFlowDslUnknownAFTR] "DS Lite unknown AFTR",\
-> AFTR address is unrecognised
[eNatFlowTooManyFragsForIpPkt] "too many fragments for IP
[eNatFlowTooManyFragmentedPkts] "too many fragmented
[eNatFlowTooManyFragHoles] "too many fragment holes",\
[eNatFlowFragListExpire] "fragment list expired",\
[eNatFlowTooManyFragBufs] "too many frags buffered",\
[eNatFlowFragRateTooHigh] "fragment rate too high",\
-> various fragment problems
[eNatFlowNoPolicy] "no policy",\
->vrf not mapped to a policy
[eNatFlowLogFailed] "flow log failed",\
-> flow logging cannot follow the setup rate
[eNatFlowMultiHostOrSubscrIp] "no multiple host or
subscr. IPs allowed",\
->multiple hosts or subscribers on the inside in use without
port translation
[eNatFlowToLocalError] "to local ignored",\
-> radius authentication failure (?)
[eNatFlow64Disabled] "NAT64 disabled",\
-> nat64 was disabled
[eNatFlow64InvalidSource] "NAT64 invalid src addr",\
-> source address matches pref64
[eNatFlow64FragZeroChecksum] "NAT64 frag has zero
-> v4 UDP frag has zero checksum
[eNatFlow64ZeroChecksum] "NAT64 v4 has zero checksum",\
-> v4 UDP has zero checksum, and policy configured to drop
[eNatFlow64FragIcmp] "NAT64 ICMP frag unsupported"\
->v4 fragmented ICMP
show isa nat-group 3
ISA NAT Group 3
Description : nat-group-3
Admin state : inService
Operational state : inService
Degraded : false
Redundancy : inter-chassis
Active MDA limit : 1
Failed MDA limit : 0
Scaling profile : profile1
NAT specific information for ISA group 3
Reserved sessions : 0
High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Accounting policy : (Not Specified)
UPnP mapping limit : 524288
Suppress LsnSubBlksFree : false
LSN support : enabled
Last Mgmt Change : 05/28/2020 17:48:58
ISA Group 3 members
Group Member State MDA/VM Addresses Blocks Se-% Hi Se-Prio
3 1 active esa-4/2 65536 262144 < 1 N 0
No. of members: 1
show isa nat-group 3 inter-chassis-redundancy
NAT inter-chassis redundancy
State : active
State changes : 3
Time of last change : 05/28/2020 17:49:06
In control : true
Health : 1000
Peer health : 1000
Preferred : false
Peer preferred : false
show isa nat-group 3 statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
NAT inter-chassis redundancy statistics
Transmitted frames : 1227
Transmission failures : 0
Received frames : 1206
Receive failures (wrong peer) : 0
Keepalive timeouts : 0
Field |
Description |
Transmitted frames |
Displays the total number of transmitted frames on the CPM level. |
Transmission failures |
Displays the transmission failures, for example due to missing route to the peer. |
Received frames |
Displays the total number of received frames on the CPM level. |
Received failures (wrong peer) |
Displays the received failures due to wrong peer. |
Keepalive timeouts |
Displays the total number of keepalive timeouts. |
show isa nat-group 3 member 1 inter-chassis-redundancy
NAT inter-chassis redundancy member state
State : active
Peer state : standby
Local IP address :
Remote IP address :
Unsupported flows : 0
Tracked flows : 888074
Tracked flows not synced : 112
Tracked flows pending : 960
Flows synced : 887002
Flows marked to delete : 0
Flows delete pending : 0
Time of last failure : N/A
Failure cause : N/A
Field |
Description |
State |
Displays the state of the NAT inter-chassis redundancy member. |
Peer state |
Displays the state of the peer. |
Local IP address |
Displays the local IP address. |
Remote IP address |
Displays the IP address of the remote client. |
Unsupported flows |
Displays the flows other than TCP/UDP/ICMP in 1:1 NAT that are agnostic and by default created per subscriber by configuration on both nodes. There is no need to synchronize such flows. |
Tracked flows |
Displays the TCP/UDP/ICMP flows. |
Tracked flows not synced |
Displays the outstanding flows on the active node waiting to be synchronized (transient condition). On the standby node, all flows are in this state. |
Tracked flows pending |
Displays the flows waiting to be acknowledged. |
Flows synced |
Displays the flows that are synchronized. |
Flows marked to delete |
Displays the flows marked to be deleted due to a timeout, deleted pinhole or simply as a result of an invoked clear command. |
Flows delete pending |
Displays the flows waiting to be deleted due to a timeout, deleted pinhole or simply as a result of an invoked clear command. |
Time of last failure |
Displays the time of the last ISA failure. |
Failure cause |
Displays the cause of the ISA failure. |
show isa nat-group 3 member 1 statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
NAT inter-chassis redundancy member statistics
Transmitted frames : 16540
Retransmitted frames : 0
Transmitted flow create messages : 1823651
Transmitted flow delete messages : 929264
Transmitted ALG frames : 0
Received frames : 32745
Received flow create messages : 0
Received flow delete messages : 0
Received ALG frames : 0
Dropped flow create messages (no policy) : 0
Dropped flow create messsages (no port block) : 0
Received fragments : 0
Field |
Description |
Transmitted frames |
Displays all transmitted frames on the ISA level. |
Retransmitted frames |
Displays the retransmitted frames due to loss (lack of acknowledgment). |
Transmitted flow create messages |
Displays the transmitted flow create messages. |
Transmitted flow delete messages |
Displays the transmitted flow delete messages. |
Transmitted ALG messages |
Displays the transmitted application layer gateway messages. |
Received frames |
Displays all frames received. |
Received flow create messages |
Displays the received flow create messages. |
Received flow delete messages |
Displays the received flow delete messages. |
Received ALG frames |
Displays the received application layer gateway messages. |
Dropped flow create messages (no policy) |
Displays the dropped flow create messages due to lack of policy. |
Dropped flow create messages (no port block) |
Displays the dropped flow create messages due to block of port. |
Received fragments |
Displays all fragments received. |
show isa nat-group <nat-group-id> members
ISA Group 1 members
Group Member State Mda Addresses Blocks Se-% Hi Se-Prio
1 1 active 1/2 17 2088 < 1 N 0
1 2 active 1/2 17 2088 < 1 N 0
1 3 bypass 1/2 17 2088 < 1 N 0
1 4 active 2/2 17 2088 < 1 N 0
1 5 active 2/2 17 2088 < 1 N 0
No. of members: 5
State |
Descriptions |
Active |
The member is actively serving traffic. |
Failed |
The member is in a failed state where forwarding is not possible and L2-aware bypass redundancy mode is disabled. This event is normally associated with an MS-ISA failure. |
failedBypass |
The member is in failed state and the subscribers that it was serving before the failover occurred are in a bypass mode. In a bypass mode, subscribers are normally routed according to the routing table in the inside routing context (as opposed to steered to MS-ISA where NAT is performed). The operator should ensure that the routing leads those subscribers to a centralized CGN node that serve as a backup device. This event is normally associated with an MS-ISA failure while the L2-aware bypass redundancy mode is enabled. |
activeBypass |
The member transitions in this state after a recovery while the L2-aware bypass mode of operation is enabled. Some subscribers that this member was serving before the failover are in bypass mode, while others that came on-line after the restoration are actively being served by this member. |
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number l2-aware-subscribers
nat-group nat-group-id statistics mda mda-id
nat-group nat-group-id statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number resource-peak-values
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number statistics
nat-group nat-group-id member member-number statistics inter-chassis-redundancy
[Tree] (clear>nat>isa nat-group)
Full Context
clear nat isa nat-group
This command clears ISA nat-group commands related statistics or removes all the subscribers that are associated with a specific NAT group member.
- nat-group-id
Specifies the NAT group ID to clear.
- member-number
Specifies the member number.
- mda-id
Specifies the MDA for which to clear performance measurements in slot/mda format.
- l2-aware-subscribers
Specifies to clear the NAT group ID’s l2-aware subscribers.
- statistics
Specifies to clear the NAT group ID’s statistics.
- resource-peak-values
Specifies to reset the resource peak values to the current resource measurements.
- inter-chassis-redundancy
Specifies to clear the inter-chassis redundancy data.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
nat-policy nat-policy-name associations
nat-policy nat-policy-name
nat-policy nat-policy-name statistics
[Tree] (show>service>nat nat-policy)
Full Context
show service nat nat-policy
This command displays NAT policy information.
- nat-policy-name
Specifies the NAT Policy name.
- associations
Keyword; displays the router instances and/or subscriber profiles associated with the NAT policy.
- statistics
Keyword; displays statistics of the specified NAT policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of this command.
Output Exampleshow service nat nat-policy
NAT policies
Policy Description
No. of NAT policies: 3
*A:SR12_PPPOE>show>router>nat# show service nat nat-policy "priv-nat-policy"
NAT Policy priv-nat-policy
Pool : privpool
Router : Base
Filtering : endpointIndependent
Block limit : 4
Reserved ports : 0
Port usage High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Port usage Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Port forwarding limit : 64
Session limit : 65535
Reserved sessions : 0
Session usage High Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
Session usage Low Watermark (%) : (Not Specified)
ALG enabled : ftp rtsp sip
Prioritized forwarding classes : (Not Specified)
Timeout TCP established (s) : 7440
Timeout TCP transitory (s) : 240
Timeout TCP SYN (s) : 15
Timeout TCP TIME-WAIT (s) : 0
Timeout UDP mapping (s) : 300
Timeout UDP initial (s) : 15
Timeout UDP DNS (s) : 15
Timeout ICMP Query (s) : 60
Timeout SIP Inactive Media (s) : 120
Subscriber retention (s) : 0
UDP inbound refresh : false
TCP MSS Adjust : (Not Specified)
Destination-NAT IP : (Not Specified)
IPFIX export policy : (Not Specified)
Last Mgmt Change : 01/28/2012 14:47:59
show service nat nat-policy "outPolicy2” associations
NAT Policy outPolicy2 Subscriber Profile Associations
No. of subscriber profiles: 1
show service nat nat-policy "outPolicy2” statistics
NAT Policy outPolicy2 Statistics
mda 3/1
hostsActive : 1
hostsPeak : 1
sessionsTcpCreated : 0
sessionsTcpDestroyed : 0
sessionsUdpCreated : 0
sessionsUdpDestroyed : 0
sessionsIcmpQueryCreated : 0
sessionsIcmpQueryDestroyed : 0
nat-system-resources mda mda-id
nat-system-resources mda mda-id detail
nat-system-resources esa-vm vapp-id
nat-system-resources detail esa-vm vapp-id
nat-system-resources nat-group nat-group-id member
[Tree] (show>isa nat-system-resources)
Full Context
show isa nat-system-resources
This command displays ISA NAT system resources.
- mda-id
Specifies the card and slot identifying a provisioned ISA.
- nat-group-id
Specifies the NAT group ID.
- vapp-id
Specifies the ID of the configured ESA and ESA VM.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of ISA NAT ESA-VM system resources and Output fields: ISA NAT ESA-VM system resources describes the output fields.
Output Example# show isa nat-system-resources esa-vm 1/1
ISA NAT ESA-VM 1/1 resources
Name Maximum Limit
Actual Peak Peak Timestamp
Flows 131072 N/A
0 0
Policies 4096 N/A
0 0
Port-ranges configured 524288 100%
0 0
Port-ranges used 0 100%
0 0
Port-ranges retained 0 100%
0 0
Ports 1006632960 100%
0 0
IP-addresses 65536 100%
0 0
Large-scale hosts 8192 100%
0 0
Subscriber-cache entries 8192 N/A
0 0
L2-aware subscribers 2048 100%
0 0
L2-aware hosts 4096 100%
0 0
Delayed ICMP's 200 N/A
0 0
ALG session 24576 N/A
0 0
Upstream fragment lists 2048 N/A
0 0
Downstream fragment lists 1024 N/A
0 0
Upstream fragment bufs 2048 N/A
0 0
Downstream fragment bufs 1024 N/A
0 0
Dormant subscribers 0 N/A
0 0
UPnP mappings 1024 N/A
0 0
UPnP sessions 100 N/A
0 0
One-to-one IP-addresses 8192 100%
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 0 2 N/A
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 1 2 N/A
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 2 1 N/A
0 0
Flowlog packets set 0 256 N/A
0 0
Flowlog packets set 1 256 N/A
0 0
Flowlog packets set 2 256 N/A
0 0
PPPoE sessions 2048 N/A
0 0
Flexible-port IP-addresses 128 100%
0 0
LI entries 255 N/A
0 0
Label |
Description |
Name |
The ISA NAT system resource name |
Maximum |
The maximum resource value |
Limit |
The resource limit |
Actual |
The actual resource value |
Peak |
The peak resource value |
Peak Timestamp |
The date and time of the peak resource usage |
The following output is an example of ISA NAT group system resources and Output fields: ISA NAT group system resources describes the output fields.
Output Example# show isa nat-system-resources nat-group 1 member 1
ISA NAT group 1 member 1 resources
Name Maximum
Actual Peak Peak Timestamp
Flows 131072
0 0
Policies 4096
0 0
Port-ranges configured 524288
0 0
Port-ranges used 0
0 0
Port-ranges retained 0
0 0
Ports 1006632960
0 0
IP-addresses 65536
0 0
Large-scale hosts 8192
0 0
Subscriber-cache entries 8192
0 0
L2-aware subscribers 2048
0 0
L2-aware hosts 4096
0 0
Delayed ICMP's 200
0 0
ALG session 24576
0 0
Upstream fragment lists 2048
0 0
Downstream fragment lists 1024
0 0
Upstream fragment bufs 2048
0 0
Downstream fragment bufs 1024
0 0
Dormant subscribers 0
0 0
UPnP mappings 1024
0 0
UPnP sessions 100
0 0
One-to-one IP-addresses 8192
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 0 2
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 1 2
0 0
Flowlog destinations set 2 1
0 0
Flowlog packets set 0 256
0 0
Flowlog packets set 1 256
0 0
Flowlog packets set 2 256
0 0
PPPoE sessions 2048
0 0
Flexible-port IP-addresses 128
0 0
LI entries 255
0 0
Label |
Description |
Name |
The ISA NAT system resource name |
Maximum |
The maximum resource value |
Actual |
The actual resource value |
Peak |
The peak resource value |
Peak Timestamp |
The date and time of the peak resource usage |
nat64-lsn-sub router router-instance ipv6-address-prefix ipv6-prefix
[Tree] (clear>nat nat64-lsn-sub)
Full Context
clear nat nat64-lsn-sub
This command clears NAT mappings for NAT64 LSN subscribers.
- router-instance
Specifies the router instance, up to 32 characters.
- ipv6-prefix
Specifies the IPv6 prefix and length.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
neighbor service-id
[Tree] (clear>service>id neighbor)
Full Context
clear service id neighbor
This command clears commands for a specific service. It clears the discovered IPv6 address of the neighboring CE associated with an Ipipe SAP. When IPv6CP comes back up following the execution of this command on an IPv6CP SAP, the node checks if an IPv6 address has been learned for the remote CE attached to the Ipipe service. If one has been learned, then this is used to bring up IPv6CP.
- service-id
The ID that uniquely identifies a service.
- service-name
Neighboring IPv6 address.
neighbor [{sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id} [address ip-address]] [detail] [family]
[Tree] (show>service>id>pim-snooping neighbor)
Full Context
show service id pim-snooping neighbor
This command displays PIM neighbor information.
- ip-int-name
Only displays the interface information associated with the specified IP interface name
- sap-id
Displays the neighbor information associated with the specified SAP
- sdp-id:vc-id
Displays the neighbor information associated with the specified SDP
- ip-address
Displays information for the neighbor with the specified IP address
- detail
Displays detailed neighbor information
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 information for the specified neighbor
The following output is an example of service PIM snooping neighbor information.
Output Example*A:PE# show service id 1 pim-snooping neighbor
PIM Snooping Neighbors ipv4
Port Id Nbr DR Prty Up Time Expiry Time Hold Time
Nbr Address
SAP:1/1/9:1 1 0d 00:05:23 0d 00:01:23 105
EVPN-MPLS 1 0d 00:05:02 0d 00:01:43 105
EVPN-MPLS 1 0d 00:05:02 0d 00:01:43 105
Neighbors : 3
neighbor [ip-address | evpn-mpls | sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | vxlan vtep ip-address vni vni-id] [family]
[Tree] (clear>service>id>pim-snooping neighbor)
Full Context
clear service id pim-snooping neighbor
This command clears PIM snooping neighbor information.
- ip-address
Clears information for the neighbor with the specified IP address
- sap sap-id
Clears PIM snooping entries associated with the specified SAP
- sdp sdp-id:vc-id
Clears PIM entries associated with the specified SDP. For a spoke-SDP, the VC ID must be specified; for a mesh SDP, the VC ID is optional.
- family
Displays either IPv4 or IPv6 information
- evpn-mpls
Clears PIM snooping statistics for EVPN-MPLS destinations
neighbor [ip-address [detail]]
neighbor [as-number [detail]]
neighbor ip-address [family [type mvpn-type] [evpn-type]] routes [brief] [community comm-id]
neighbor ip-address [family] damping
neighbor as-number [family] damping
neighbor ip-address orf [paths]
neighbor ip-address graceful-restart
neighbor [dynamic]
neighbor ip-address epe-statistics
[Tree] (show>router>bgp neighbor)
Full Context
show router bgp neighbor
This command displays BGP neighbor information and can be entered with or without any parameters. Issuing the command without any parameters displays information for all BGP peers. When the command is issued with a specific IP address or ASN, information is displayed only for the specified peer or peers with the same AS.
When either received-routes or advertised-routes is specified, the routes exchanged with the specified peer are listed (see the second output example, below).
When either history or suppressed is specified, the routes learned from those peers that either have a history or are suppressed (respectively) are listed.
The "State” field displays the BGP peer’s protocol state. In addition to the standard protocol states, this field can also display the "Disabled” operational state, which indicates the peer is operationally disabled and must be restarted by the operator.
The information generated by this command is not available by SNMP.
- as-number
Displays information for the specified AS number.
- brief
Displays information in a brief format. This parameter is only supported with received-routes and advertised-routes.
- community
Displays all routes with the specified BGP community.
- comm-id
Specifies community IDs, up to 72 characters.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- dynamic
Displays information for dynamic BGP neighbors.
- evpn-type
Displays information for the specified EVPN route type.
- family
Specifies the type of routing information to display.
- received-routes
Displays the number of routes received from this peer.
- advertised-routes
Displays the number of routes advertised to this peer.
- damping
Displays damping information for the specified AS number or neighbor IP address.
- paths
Displays ORF path information for the specified neighbor IP address.
- graceful-restart
Displays neighbors configured for graceful restart.
- ip-address
Displays information for the specified neighbor IP address.
- mvpn-type
Displays information for the specified MVPN route type.
- orf
Displays outbound route filtering for the BGP instance. Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) is used to inform a neighbor of targets (using target-list) that it is willing to receive. This mechanism helps lessen the update exchanges between neighbors and saves CPU cycles to process routes that could have been received from the neighbor only to be dropped or ignored.
- epe-statistics
Displays egress peer engineering (EPE) statistics for the specified IP address.
Output fields: BGP neighbor describes the standard and detailed command output fields for a BGP neighbor.
The following outputs are examples of BGP neighbor information.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer : Group : headquarters1
Peer AS : 300Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 200Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : Yes
State : Active Last State : Idle
Last Event : stop
Last Error : Cease
Local Family : IPv4 Remote Family : Unused
Hold Time : 90 Keep Alive : 30
Active Hold Time : 0 Active Keep Alive: 0
Cluster Id :
Preference : 170 Num of Flaps : 0
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Active Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
TTL Security : Enabled Min TTL Value : 255
Graceful Restart : Disabled Stale Routes Time: n/a
Egress Engineering : Enabled
Local Capability : RouteRefresh MP-BGP
Remote Capability :
Import Policy : None Specified - Default Accept
Export Policy : None Specified - Default Accept
Peer : Group : Santa Clara
Peer AS : 100Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 200Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : External
State : Connect Last State : Active
Last Event : openFail
Last Error : Cease
Local Family : IPv4 Remote Family : Unused
Hold Time : 90 Keep Alive : 30
Active Hold Time : 0 Active Keep Alive: 0
Cluster Id :
Preference : 170 Num of Flaps : 0
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Active Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 1
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
TTL Security : Disabled Min TTL Value : n/a
Graceful Restart : Disabled Stale Routes Time: n/a
Local Capability : RouteRefresh MP-BGP
Remote Capability:
Import Policy : None Specified - Default Accept
Export Policy : None Specified - Default Accept
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Group : bgp_group_1 34567890123456789012
Peer AS : 20 Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 100 Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal
State : Active Last State : Idle
Last Event : stop
Last Error : Cease
Local Family : IPv4
Remote Family : Unused
Hold Time : 10 Keep Alive : 30
Active Hold Time : 0 Active Keep Alive : 0
Cluster Id :
Preference : 101 Num of Flaps : 0
Recd. Paths : 0
IPv4 Recd. Prefixes : 0 IPv4 Active Prefixes : 0
IPv4 Suppressed Pfxs : 0 VPN-IPv4 Suppr. Pfxs : 0
VPN-IPv4 Recd. Pfxs : 0 VPN-IPv4 Active Pfxs : 0
Mc IPv4 Recd. Pfxs. : 0 Mc IPv4 Active Pfxs. : 0
Mc IPv4 Suppr. Pfxs : 0 IPv6 Suppressed Pfxs : 0
IPv6 Recd. Prefixes : 0 IPv6 Active Prefixes : 0
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
TTL Security : Disabled Min TTL Value : n/a
Graceful Restart : Enabled Stale Routes Time : 360
Advertise Inactive : Disabled Peer Tracking : Enabled
Advertise Label : None Bfd Enabled : Yes
Auth key chain : n/a
Bfd Enabled : Disabled Layer 2 VPN Cisco Interop : Disabled
Egress Engineering : Enabled
Local Capability : RouteRefresh MP-BGP
Remote Capability :
Import Policy : test i1
: test i2
: test i3
: test i4
: test i5 890123456789012345678901
Export Policy : test e1
: test e2
: test e3
: test e4
: test e5 890123456789012345678901
Neighbors : 1
The following output is an example of information for a specific BGP neighbor.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Group : 1
Peer AS : 100 Peer Port : 49725
Peer Address :
Local AS : 100 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal
State : Established Last State : Established
Last Event : recvKeepAlive
Last Error : Cease
Local Family : IPv4
Remote Family : IPv4
Hold Time : 3 Keep Alive : 1
Active Hold Time : 3 Active Keep Alive : 1
Cluster Id : None
Preference : 170 Num of Flaps : 0
Recd. Paths : 1
IPv4 Recd. Prefixes : 11 IPv4 Active Prefixes : 10
IPv4 Suppressed Pfxs : 0 VPN-IPv4 Suppr. Pfxs : 0
VPN-IPv4 Recd. Pfxs : 0 VPN-IPv4 Active Pfxs : 0
Mc IPv4 Recd. Pfxs. : 0 Mc IPv4 Active Pfxs. : 0
Mc IPv4 Suppr. Pfxs : 0 IPv6 Suppressed Pfxs : 0
IPv6 Recd. Prefixes : 0 IPv6 Active Prefixes : 0
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
i/p Messages : 471 o/p Messages : 473
i/p Octets : 3241 o/p Octets : 3241
i/p Updates : 4 o/p Updates : 4
TTL Security : Disabled Min TTL Value : n/a
Advertise Inactive : Disabled Peer Tracking : Disabled
Advertise Label : None
Auth key chain : eta_keychain1
Bfd Enabled : Enabled Layer 2 VPN Cisco Interop : Disabled
Egress Engineering : Enabled
Local Capability : RouteRefresh MP-BGP
Remote Capability : RouteRefresh MP-BGP
Import Policy : None Specified - Default Accept
Export Policy : static2bgp
Neighbors : 1
The following outputs are examples of ORF information for specific BGP neighbors.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor orf
BGP Neighbor ORF
Send List (Automatic)
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor orf
BGP Neighbor ORF
Receive List
The following outputs are examples of SR IPv6 policy route information for BGP neighbors in the BGP and BGP group contexts.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor advertised-routes sr-policy-ipv6
BGP Router ID: AS:2 Local AS:2
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Flag RD/Color/End Point LocalPref MED
Nexthop (Router) Path-Id IGP Cost
As-Path Label
i 2/20/3ffe::a14:102 100 None
::a14:102 None N/A
No As-Path
i 3/30/:: 100 None
::a14:102 None N/A
No As-Path
Routes : 2
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor received-routes sr-policy-ipv6
BGP Router ID: AS:2 Local AS:2
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Flag RD/Color/End Point LocalPref MED
Nexthop (Router) Path-Id IGP Cost
As-Path Label
u*>i 2/20/3ffe::a14:102 100 None
::a14:102 None N/A
No As-Path
u*>i 3/30/:: 100 None
::a14:102 None N/A
No As-Path
Routes : 2
The following output is an example of detailed BGP neighbor information.
Output Example
# show router bgp neighbor detail
BGP Neighbor (detail)
Peer : Group : To_AS_40000
Peer AS : 65205 Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65206 Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : External
State : Active Last State : Connect
Last Event : openFail
Last Error : Hold Timer Expire
Connect Retry : 20 Local Pref. : 100
Min Route Advt. : 30 Min AS Orig. : 15
Damping : Disabled Loop Detect : Ignore
MED Out : No MED Out Authentication : None
Next Hop Self : Disabled AggregatorID Zero: Disabled
Remove Private : Disabled Passive : Disabled
Prefix Limit : No Limit
Hold Time : 90 Keep Alive : 30
Active Hold Time : 0 Active Keep Alive: 0
Cluster Id : None Client Reflect : Enabled
Preference : 170 Num of Flaps : 0
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Active Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
Export Policy : direct2bgp
The following output is an example of detailed information for a specific BGP neighbor.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor detail
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : onegroup
Peer AS : 200 Peer Port : 59126
Peer Address :
Local AS : 100 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established
Last Event : recvOpen
Last Error : Cease (Connection Collision Resolution)
Local Family : IPv6 MCAST-IPv4 MVPN-IPv4 Route-Target MVPN-IPv6 EVPN
Remote Family : IPv6 MCAST-IPv4 MVPN-IPv4 Route-Target MVPN-IPv6 EVPN
Connect Retry : 1 Local Pref. : 100
Min Route Advt. : 1
Multihop : 0 (Default) AS Override : Disabled
Damping : Disabled Loop Detect : Ignore
MED Out : No MED Out Authentication : None
Next Hop Self : Disabled AggregatorID Zero : Disabled
Remove Private : Disabled
Passive : Disabled
Peer Identifier : Fsm Est. Trans : 19
Fsm Est. Time : 02d07h16m InUpd Elap. Time : 02d09h04m
Hold Time : 90 Keep Alive : 30
Min Hold Time : 0
Active Hold Time : 90 Active Keep Alive : 30
Cluster Id : None Client Reflect : Enabled
Preference : 170 Num of Update Flaps : 12
Input Queue : 0 Output Queue : 0
Input Messages : 6671 Output Messages : 6687
Input Octets : 132830 Output Octets : 148304
Input Updates : 35 Output Updates : 51
Input RtRefresh : 0 Output RtRefresh : 0
Duplicate Prefixes : 0 Duplicate Withdrawals: 0
As-path Loops : 17 Cluster-list Loops : 0
Originator-id Loops : 0 As-confed Loops : 0
Upd Treat As Withdraw: 0 Pfx Treat As Withdraw: 0
TTL Security : Disabled Min TTL Value : n/a
Graceful Restart : Enabled Stale Routes Time : 364
Restart Time : 299
Long-Lived GR : Disabled
Advertise Inactive : Disabled Peer Tracking : Enabled
Peer Tracking Policy : peerTracking
Nexthop Res Policy : pol-non-existing
Auth key chain : n/a
Disable Cap Nego : Disabled Bfd Enabled : Enabled
Default Route Tgt : Disabled
Aigp Metric : Enabled Split Horizon : Enabled
Damp Peer Oscillatio*: Disabled Update Errors : 0
GR Notification : Enabled Fault Tolerance : Disabled
Rem Idle Hold Time : 00h00m00s
Next-Hop Unchanged : n/a
L2 VPN Cisco Interop : Disabled
sel-lbl-ipv4-install : Disabled
Egress Engineering : Enabled
SRv6 : Disabled SRv6 Route Advertise*: Disabled
Local Capability : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN BfdStrictMode
Remote Capability : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN BfdStrictMode
Local AddPath Capabi*: Send - evpn (5) ipv4 (5) ipv6 (5) label-ipv4 (5)
label-ipv6 (5) vpn-ipv4 (5) vpn-ipv6 (5)
: Receive - ipv4 vpn-ipv4 ipv6 vpn-ipv6 label-ipv4
label-ipv6 evpn
Remote AddPath Capab*: Send - ipv6 label-ipv4 evpn
: Receive - ipv6 label-ipv4 evpn
Import Policy : bgpimp
: Default Accept
Export Policy : export_bgp_optionC
: Default Accept
Origin Validation : n/a
Add EBGP Link-Bw : n/a
Aggr EBGP Link-Bw : n/a
Send EBGP Link-Bw : n/a
Accept EBGP Link-Bw : n/a
Adv-ipv6-next-hop : n/a
Ext-nh-encoding : n/a
Remote Ext-nh-encodi*: n/a
Convergence Sent-EOR : ipv6 label-ipv4
Convergence Recv-EOR : ipv6 label-ipv4
Exceeded min-wait : Yes
Ebgp Pref : 170 Ibgp Pref : 170
Ebgp Label Pref : 170 Ibgp Label Pref : 170
Tcp Mss : 1024
Tcp Rcvd Mss : 1024
Received Paths : 30
Backup IPv4 : 0 Backup IPv6 : 0
Backup VPN-IPv4 : 0 Backup VPN-IPv6 : 0
Backup Label-IPv4 : 0 Backup Label-IPv6 : 0
Ingress prefix counters per family.
IPv4 received : 0 IPv6 received : 70
IPv4 active : 0 IPv6 active : 0
IPv4 suppressed : 0 IPv6 suppressed : 0
IPv4 rejected : 0 IPv6 rejected : 0
VPN-IPv4 received : 0 VPN-IPv6 received : 0
VPN-IPv4 active : 0 VPN-IPv6 active : 0
VPN-IPv4 suppressed : 0 VPN-IPv6 suppressed : 0
VPN-IPv4 rejected : 0 VPN-IPv6 rejected : 0
Label-IPv4 received : 59 Label-IPv6 received : 0
Label-IPv4 active : 17 Label-IPv6 active : 0
Label-IPv4 suppressed: 0 Label-IPv6 suppressed: 0
Label-IPv4 rejected : 0 Label-IPv6 rejected : 0
MVPN-IPv4 received : 0 MVPN-IPv6 received : 0
MVPN-IPv4 active : 0 MVPN-IPv6 active : 0
MVPN-IPv4 suppressed : 0 MVPN-IPv6 suppressed : 0
MVPN-IPv4 rejected : 0 MVPN-IPv6 rejected : 0
Mcast-IPv4 received : 16 Mcast-IPv6 received : 26
Mcast-IPv4 active : 0 Mcast-IPv6 active : 0
Mcast-IPv4 suppressed: 0 Mcast-IPv6 suppressed: 0
Mcast-IPv4 rejected : 0 Mcast-IPv6 rejected : 0
Mc-VPN-IPv4 received : 0 Mc-VPN-IPv6 received : 0
Mc-VPN-IPv4 active : 0 Mc-VPN-IPv6 active : 0
Mc-VPN-IPv4 suppress*: 0 Mc-VPN-IPv6 suppress*: 0
Mc-VPN-IPv4 rejected : 0 Mc-VPN-IPv6 rejected : 0
MDT-Safi received : 0 RT-Constrnt received : 0
MDT-Safi active : 0 RT-Constrnt active : 0
MDT-Safi suppressed : 0 RT-Constrnt suppress*: 0
MDT-Safi rejected : 0 RT-Constrnt rejected : 0
L2-VPN received : 0 EVPN received : 0
L2-VPN active : 0 EVPN active : 0
L2-VPN suppressed : 0 EVPN suppressed : 0
L2-VPN rejected : 0 EVPN rejected : 0
Flow-IPv4 received : 0 Flow-IPv6 received : 0
Flow-IPv4 active : 0 Flow-IPv6 active : 0
Flow-IPv4 suppressed : 0 Flow-IPv6 suppressed : 0
Flow-IPv4 rejected : 0 Flow-IPv6 rejected : 0
MS-PW received : 0 BGP-LS received : 0
MS-PW active : 0 BGP-LS active : 0
MS-PW suppressed : 0 BGP-LS suppressed : 0
MS-PW rejected : 0 BGP-LS rejected : 0
SRPLCY-IPV4 received : 0 SRPLCY-IPV6 received : 0
SRPLCY-IPV4 active : 0 SRPLCY-IPV6 active : 0
SRPLCY-IPV4 suppress*: 0 SRPLCY-IPV6 suppress*: 0
SRPLCY-IPV4 rejected : 0 SRPLCY-IPV6 rejected : 0
Flow-VPN-IPv4 receiv*: 0 Flow-VPN-IPv6 receiv*: 0
Flow-VPN-IPv4 active : 0 Flow-VPN-IPv6 active : 0
Flow-VPN-IPv4 suppre*: 0 Flow-VPN-IPv6 suppre*: 0
Flow-VPN-IPv4 reject*: 0 Flow-VPN-IPv6 reject*: 0
Prefix Limits Per Address Family
Family Limit IdleTimeout TH LogOnly PostImport ExcessInact
mcastIpv4 1 forever 90 Disabled Disabled 16
labelIpv4 100000 forever 90 Disabled Disabled 0
SRv6 Params per Family
Family Strip Tlv
No SRv6 entries configur
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Neighbors shown : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Label |
Description |
Peer |
The IP address of the configured BGP peer. |
Group |
The BGP peer group to which this peer is assigned. |
Peer AS |
The configured or inherited peer AS for the peer group. |
Peer Address |
The configured address for the BGP peer. |
Peer Port |
The TCP port number used on the far-end system. |
Local AS |
The configured or inherited local AS for the peer group. |
Local Address |
The configured or inherited local address for originating peering for the peer group. |
Local Port |
The TCP port number used on the local system. |
Peer Type |
External — Peer type configured as external BGP peers. Internal — Peer type configured as internal BGP peers. |
Bfd |
Yes — BFD is enabled. No — BFD is disabled. |
Dynamic Peer |
Yes — The session is dynamic (unconfigured). No — The session is statically configured. |
State |
Idle — The BGP peer is not accepting connections. (Shutdown) is displayed in addition, if the peer is administratively disabled. Active — BGP is listening for and accepting TCP connections from this peer. Connect — BGP is attempting to establish a TCP connections from this peer. Open Sent — BGP has sent an OPEN message to the peer and is waiting for an OPEN message from the peer. Open Confirm — BGP has received a valid OPEN message from the peer and is awaiting a KEEPALIVE or NOTIFICATION. Established — BGP has successfully established a peering and is exchanging routing information. |
Last State |
Idle — The BGP peer is not accepting connections. Active — BGP is listening for and accepting TCP connections from this peer. Connect — BGP is attempting to establish a TCP connections from this peer. Open Sent — BGP has sent an OPEN message to the peer and is waiting for an OPEN message from the peer. Open Confirm — BGP has received a valid OPEN message from the peer and is awaiting a KEEPALIVE or NOTIFICATION. |
Last Event |
start — BGP has initialized the BGP neighbor. stop — BGP has disabled the BGP neighbor. open — BGP transport connection opened. close — BGP transport connection closed. openFail — BGP transport connection failed to open. error — BGP transport connection error. connectRetry — Connect retry timer expired. holdTime — Hold time timer expired. keepAlive — Keepalive timer expired. recvOpen — Receive an OPEN message. revKeepalive — Receive a KEEPALIVE message. recvUpdate — Receive an UPDATE message. recvNotify — Receive a NOTIFICATION message. None — No events have occurred. |
Last Error |
Displays the last BGP error and subcode to occur on the BGP neighbor. |
Connect Retry |
The configured or inherited connect retry timer value. |
Local Pref. |
The configured or inherited local preference value. |
Min Route Advt. |
The minimum amount of time that must pass between route updates for the same IP prefix. |
Min AS Originate |
The minimum amount of time that must pass between updates for a route originated by the local router. |
Multihop |
The maximum number of router hops a BGP connection can traverse. |
Damping |
Disabled — BGP neighbor is configured not to dampen route flaps. Enabled — BGP neighbor is configured to dampen route flaps. |
Loop Detect |
Ignore — The BGP neighbor is configured to ignore routes with an AS loop. Drop — The BGP neighbor is configured to drop the BGP peering if an AS loop is detected. Off — AS loop detection is disabled for the neighbor. |
MED Out |
The configured or inherited MED value assigned to advertised routes without a MED attribute. |
Authentication |
None — No authentication is configured. MD5 — MD5 authentication is configured. |
Next Hop Self |
Disabled — BGP is not configured to send only its own IP address as the BGP nexthop in route updates to the specified neighbor. Enabled — BGP will send only its own IP address as the BGP nexthop in route updates to the neighbor. |
AggregatorID Zero |
Disabled — The BGP Neighbor is not configured to set the aggregator ID to in all originated route aggregates. Enabled — The BGP Neighbor is configured to set the aggregator ID to in all originated route aggregates. |
Remove Private |
Disabled — BGP will not remove all private AS numbers from the AS path attribute, in updates sent to the specified neighbor. Enabled — BGP will remove all private AS numbers from the AS path attribute, in updates sent to the specified neighbor. |
Passive |
Disabled — BGP will actively attempt to establish a BGP connection with the specified neighbor. Enabled — BGP will not actively attempt to establish a BGP connection with the specified neighbor. |
Prefix Limit |
No Limit — No route limit assigned to the BGP peer group. 1 to 4294967295 — The maximum number of routes BGP can learn from a peer. |
Hold Time |
The configured hold time setting. |
Keep Alive |
The configured keepalive setting. |
Active Hold Time |
The negotiated hold time, if the BGP neighbor is in an established state. |
Active Keep Alive |
The negotiated keepalive time, if the BGP neighbor is in an established state. |
Cluster Id |
The configured route reflector cluster ID. None — No cluster ID has been configured. |
Client Reflect |
Disabled — The BGP route reflector is configured not to reflect routes to this neighbor. Enabled — The BGP route reflector is configured to reflect routes to this neighbor. |
Preference |
The configured route preference value for the peer group. |
Num of Flaps |
The number of route flaps in the neighbor connection. |
Recd. Prefixes |
The number of routes received from the BGP neighbor. |
Active Prefixes |
The number of routes received from the BGP neighbor and active in the forwarding table. |
Recd. Paths |
The number of unique sets of path attributes received from the BGP neighbor. |
Suppressed Paths |
The number of unique sets of path attributes received from the BGP neighbor and suppressed due to route damping. |
Input Queue |
The number of BGP messages to be processed. |
Output Queue |
The number of BGP messages to be transmitted. |
i/p Messages |
Total number of packets received from the BGP neighbor. |
o/p Messages |
Total number of packets sent to the BGP neighbor. |
i/p Octets |
Total number of octets received from the BGP neighbor. |
o/p Octets |
Total number of octets sent to the BGP neighbor. |
Export Policy |
The configured export policies for the peer group. |
Import Policy |
The configured import policies for the peer group. |
Egress Engineering |
Enabled — EPE is enabled for the BGP neighbor. Disabled — EPE is disabled for the BGP neighbor. |
Output fields: standard and detailed BGP neighbor describes the command output for both the standard and detailed information for a neighbor.
The following output is an example of information about routes received from a specific BGP neighbor.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor received-routes
BGP Router ID: AS:100 Local AS:100
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
BGP Routes
Flag Network LocalPref MED
Nexthop (Router) Path-Id Label
u*>i n/a None 238 -
*i n/a 2000 3752 -
u*>i n/a 1000 3751 -
Routes : 3
The following output is an example of information about routes advertised to a specific BGP neighbor.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor advertised-routes
BGP Router ID: AS:100 Local AS:100
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
BGP Routes
Flag Network LocalPref MED
Nexthop (Router) Path-Id Label
i n/a None 88 -
i n/a 2000 1118 -
i n/a 2000 790 -
Routes : 3
The following output is an example of information about graceful restart for a specific BGP neighbor.
Output Example
A:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor graceful-restart
BGP Neighbor Graceful Restart
Graceful Restart locally configured for peer: Enabled
Peer's Graceful Restart feature : Enabled
NLRI(s) that peer supports restart for : IPv4-Unicast IPv4-MPLS IPv4-VPN
NLRI(s) that peer saved forwarding for : IPv4-Unicast IPv4-MPLS IPv4-VPN
NLRI(s) that restart is negotiated for : None
NLRI(s) of received end-of-rib markers : IPv4-Unicast
NLRI(s) of all end-of-rib markers sent : IPv4-Unicast
Restart time locally configured for peer : 120 seconds
Restart time requested by the peer : 390 seconds
Time stale routes from peer are kept for : 360 seconds
Graceful restart status on the peer : Not currently being helped
Number of Restarts : 328
Last Restart at : 08/20/2006 12:22:06
The following output is an example of EPE statistics for a specific BGP neighbor.
Output ExampleA:node-2>show>router>bgp# neighbor epe-statistics
Label Type Pkt Count Byte Count
524277 node-sid 0 0
524278 adj-sid 0 0
524276 adj-sid 0 0
Label |
Description |
BGP Router ID |
The local BGP router ID. |
AS |
The configured autonomous system number. |
Local AS |
The configured local AS setting. If not configured, then it is the same value as the AS. |
Flag |
u — used s — suppressed h — history d — decayed * — valid i — igp e — egp ? — incomplete > — best |
Network |
Route IP prefix and mask length for the route. |
Next Hop |
BGP nexthop for the route. |
LocalPref |
BGP local preference path attribute for the route. |
BGP Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) path attribute for the route. |
AS Path |
The BGP AS path for the route. |
Egress Engineering |
Enabled — EPE is enabled for the BGP neighbor. Disabled — EPE is disabled for the BGP neighbor. |
neighbor [ip-address | ip-int-name] [detail] [advertised-routes]
[Tree] (show>router>rip neighbor)
Full Context
show router rip neighbor
Displays RIP neighbor interface information.
- ip-address | ip-int-name
Displays information for the specified IP interface.
- advertised-routes
Displays the routes advertised to RIP neighbors. If no neighbors are specified, then all routes advertised to all neighbors are displayed. If a specific neighbor is given then only routes advertised to the given neighbor/interface are displayed.
The following output is an example of standard RIP group information, and Output fields: RIP neighbor describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:ALA-12# show router 3 rip neighbor
RIP Neighbors
Interface Adm Opr Primary IP Send Recv Metric
Mode Mode In
router-21/1 Up Up None Both 1
router-21/2 Up Up BCast Both 1
router-21/3 Up Up BCast Both 1
router-21/4 Up Up BCast Both 1
router-21/5 Up Up BCast Both 1
router-21/6 Up Up None Both 1
router-21/7 Up Up None Both 1
Label |
Description |
Neighbor |
The RIP neighbor interface name. |
Adm |
Down — The RIP neighbor interface is administratively down. Up — The RIP neighbor interface is administratively up. |
Opr |
Down — The RIP neighbor interface is operationally down. Up — The RIP neighbor interface is operationally up. |
Primary IP |
The primary IP address of the RIP neighbor interface. |
Send Mode |
Bcast — Specifies that RIPv2 formatted messages are sent to the broadcast address Mcast — Specifies that RIPv2 formatted messages are sent to the multicast address None — Specifies that no RIP messages are sent (i.e., silent listener). RIPv1 — Specifies that RIPv1 formatted messages are sent to the broadcast address. |
Recv Mode |
Both — Specifies that RIP updates in either version 1 or version 2 format will be accepted. None — Specifies that RIP updates will not be accepted. RIPv1 — Specifies that RIP updates in version 1 format only will be accepted. RIPv2 — Specifies that RIP updates in version 2 format only will be accepted. |
Metric In |
The metric added to routes received from a RIP neighbor. |
Detailed Show RIP Neighbor Output
The following output is an example of detailed RIP group information, and Output fields: RIP neighbor detail describes the output fields.
Output Example*A:ALA-12# show router 3 rip peers
RIP Peers
Peer IP Addr Interface Name Version Last Update
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ router-2/2 RIPv2 0 router-2/3 RIPv2 2 router-2/5 RIPv2 8 router-2/4 RIPv2 0
No. of Peers: 4
*A:ALA-12# show router 3 rip neighbor detail
RIP Neighbors (Detail)
Neighbor "router-2/7"
Description : No Description Available
Primary IP : Group : seven
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Send Mode : None Receive Mode : Both
Metric In : 1 Metric Out : 1
Split Horizon : Enabled Check Zero : Disabled
Message Size : 25 Preference : 100
Auth. Type : None Update Timer : 3
Timeout Timer : 6 Flush Timer : 6
Export Policies:
Import Policies:
Label |
Description |
Neighbor |
The RIP neighbor name. |
Description |
The RIP neighbor description. No Description Available indicates no description is configured. |
Primary IP |
The RIP neighbor interface primary IP address. |
Group |
The RIP group name of the neighbor interface. |
Admin State |
Down — The RIP neighbor interface is administratively down. Up — The RIP neighbor interface is administratively up. |
Oper State |
Down — The RIP neighbor interface is operationally down. Up — The RIP neighbor interface is operationally up. |
Send Mode |
Bcast — Specifies that RIPv2 formatted messages are sent to the broadcast address. Mcast — Specifies that RIPv2 formatted messages are sent to the multicast address. None — Specifies that no RIP messages are sent (i.e., silent listener). RIPv1 — Specifies that RIPv1 formatted messages are sent to the broadcast address. |
Recv Mode |
Both — Specifies that RIP updates in either version 1 or version 2 format will be accepted. None — Specifies that RIP updates will not be accepted. RIPv1 — Specifies that RIP updates in version 1 format only will be accepted. RIPv2 — Specifies that RIP updates in version 2 format only will be accepted. |
Metric In |
The metric value added to routes received from a RIP neighbor. |
Metric Out |
The value added to routes exported into RIP and advertised to RIP neighbors. |
Split Horizon |
Disabled — Split horizon disabled for the neighbor. Enabled — Split horizon and poison reverse enabled for the neighbor. |
Check Zero |
Disabled — Checking of the mandatory zero fields in the RIPv1 and RIPv2 specifications are not checked allowing receipt of RIP messages even if mandatory zero fields are non-zero for the neighbor. Enabled — Checking of the mandatory zero fields in the RIPv1 and RIPv2 specifications and rejecting noncompliant RIP messages is enabled for the neighbor. |
Message Size |
The maximum number of routes per RIP update message. |
Preference |
The preference of RIP routes from the neighbor. |
Auth. Type |
Specifies the authentication type. |
Update Timer |
The current setting of the RIP update timer value expressed in seconds. |
Timeout Timer |
The current RIP timeout timer value expressed in seconds. |
Export Policies |
The export route policy that is used to determine routes advertised to all peers. |
Import Policies |
The import route policy that is used to determine which routes are accepted from RIP neighbors. |
*A:ALA-12# show router 3 rip neighbors interface advertised-routes
RIP Advertised Routes
Destination Interface NextHop Metric Tag TTL
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 0x2002 n/a 10 0x2002 n/a 10 0x2002 n/a 10 0x2002 n/a 10 0x2002 n/a 1 0x0000 n/a 10 0x2002 n/a 16 0x0000 n/a 2 0x0000 n/a 3 0x0000 n/a
No. of Advertised Routes: 10
neighbor {ip-address | as as-number | external | all} [soft | soft-inbound | hard]
neighbor {ip-address | as as-number | external | all} soft-route-refresh [family]
neighbor {ip-address | as as-number | external | all} statistics
neighbor ip-address end-of-rib
[Tree] (clear>router>bgp neighbor)
Full Context
clear router bgp neighbor
This command resets the specified BGP peer or set of peers. By default, or when the hard option is specified, the TCP connection is brought down and the state of the BGP session returns to IDLE.
If the soft-route-refresh option is specified without an accompanying family parameter, then the session remains established and one ROUTE_REFRESH message is transmitted to the peer for each address family active on the session. If the soft-route-refresh option is specified with an accompanying family parameter, the session remains established and a single ROUTE_REFRESH message is transmitted to the peer requesting that it resend only its routes belonging to that one address family.
SR OS routers respond to route refresh requests for any supported AFI/SAFI.
- ip-address
Resets the BGP neighbor with the specified IP address.
- as as-number
Resets all BGP neighbors with the specified peer AS.
- external
Resets all EBGP neighbors.
- all
Resets all BGP neighbors.
- soft
Specifies that BGP neighbors re-evaluate all routes in the Local-RIB against the configured export policies.
- soft-inbound
Specifies that BGP neighbors re-evaluate all routes in the RIB-In against the configures import policies.
- hard
Initiates a hard reconfiguration.
- statistics
Clears BGP neighbor statistics.
- end-of-rib
Clears the routing information base (RIB). This command applies when the router is helping the BGP neighbor through a BGP graceful restart. When the clear router bgp neighbor command is issued without the end-of-rib option and the neighbor is in the process of restarting, stale routes from the neighbor will be retained until the stale-routes-time is reached or else the neighbor exits graceful restart. When the command is issued with the end-of-rib option, stale routes from the neighbor are deleted immediately and graceful restart procedures are aborted.
- soft-route-refresh
Clears the session by sending one or more ROUTE_REFRESH messages to the peer, but the session stays up.
- family
Specifies the one address family that should be encoded in the ROUTE_REFRESH request sent to the peer.
neighbor [ip-address] [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>rsvp neighbor)
Full Context
show router rsvp neighbor
This command shows neighbor information.
- ip-address
Displays RSVP information about the specified IP address.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of RSVP neighbor information.
Output Example*A:Dut-A>config>router>mpls>lsp$ /show router rsvp neighbor
RSVP Neighbors
Legend :
LR - Local Refresh Reduction RR - Remote Refresh Reduction
LD - Local Reliable Delivery RM - Remote Node supports Message ID
LG - Local Graceful Restart RG - Remote Graceful Restart
Neighbor Interface Hello Last Oper Flags
============================================================================== ip- N/A 0d 00:00:44 ip- N/A 0d 00:00:44
Neighbors : 2
*A:SR1# show router rsvp neighbor detail
RSVP Neighbors (Detailed)
Legend :
LR - Local Refresh Reduction RR - Remote Refresh Reduction
LD - Local Reliable Delivery RM - Remote Node supports Message ID
LG - Local Graceful Restart RG - Remote Graceful Restart
Neighbor :
Interface : int_SR1_SR3 Hello State : Up
Last Oper Change : 0d 00:01:02 Flags :
Source Instance : 0x6c8b7 Dst. Instance : 0x530f8e0
Hello Refresh Time : 2 secs Hello Timeout Time : 8 secs
Hello Timeout Cnt : 0 Inst. Mismatch Cnt : 0
Srefresh Time Rem. : 0 secs Epoch Num Rx : 0
Max Msg Id Rx : 0 Out of order Msgs : 0
Retransmitted Msgs : 0 GR Helper : Disabled
GR Proc Invoked Cnt: 0 GR Helper State : None
GR Helper Time Rem : N/A GR Nbr Restart Cap : N/A
GR Nbr Restart Time: N/A GR Nbr Recvry Time : N/A
*B:edge13# show router rsvp neighbor
RSVP Neighbors
Legend :
LR - Local Refresh Reduction RR - Remote Refresh Reduction
LD - Local Reliable Delivery RM - Remote Node supports Message ID
LG - Local Graceful Restart RG - Remote Graceful Restart
Neighbor Interface Hello Last Oper Flags Change
======================================================================== e13c2_1 Up 1d 00:52:56 LR RR LD RM
LG RG e13c2_2 Up 1d 00:52:56 LR RR LD RM e13s1_1 Up 1d 00:52:54 LR RR LD RM
LG e13s1_2 Up 1d 00:52:56 e13s2_1 Up 1d 00:52:56 e13s2_2 Up 1d 00:52:56
Neighbors : 6
neighbor [ip-address] [detail]
[Tree] (tools>dump>router>rsvp neighbor)
Full Context
tools dump router rsvp neighbor
This command dumps RSVP neighbor information.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address.
- detail
Specifies detailed information.
The following output is an example of MPLS RSVP neighbor details.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# tools dump router rsvp neighbor
nbrAddr ifIndex 2
nbrAddr ifIndex 5
Total Neighbor Count: 2
*A:Dut-C# tools dump router rsvp neighbor detail
nbrAddr ifIndex 2
Hello Adjacency: UP DownStream Sessions: 1 UpStream Sessions: 0 Flags: []
SrcInstance: 0xddfe1 DstInstance: 0xde226 LastOperChange: 000 00:00:09.940
NbrDownCount: 0 InstanceMismatchCount: 0 HelloTimeoutCount: 0 BFDDownCount: 0
ProtectGroupId: 1026
Refresh Reduction FSM State: NBR_RRS_DISABLED
Refresh Reduction: Disabled
Ack Desired: Disabled
Remote Neighbor Message Id: Disabled
Remote Neighbor Srefresh: Disabled
RR Sequence Number: 0
NeighborRREpoch: 0 Max Message Id received: 0
Num Tx MsgIds present in the tree: 0
Num Rx MsgIds present in the tree: 0
Num Ack/Nacks Queued: 0
Num Out of order Msgs: 0
Num Retransmitted Msgs: 0
Num Gshut PathErrs sent: 0 Psbs Skipped: 0
Timer Off Gshut Started at 0(0 secs back)
Graceful Helper Disabled
Nbr Restart Cap Absent
nbrAddr ifIndex 5
Hello Adjacency: UP DownStream Sessions: 1 UpStream Sessions: 0 Flags: []
SrcInstance: 0xdcd58 DstInstance: 0xdcea3 LastOperChange: 000 00:00:57.310
NbrDownCount: 0 InstanceMismatchCount: 0 HelloTimeoutCount: 0 BFDDownCount: 0
ProtectGroupId: 1025
Refresh Reduction FSM State: NBR_RRS_DISABLED
Refresh Reduction: Disabled
Ack Desired: Disabled
Remote Neighbor Message Id: Disabled
Remote Neighbor Srefresh: Disabled
RR Sequence Number: 0
NeighborRREpoch: 0 Max Message Id received: 0
Num Tx MsgIds present in the tree: 0
Num Rx MsgIds present in the tree: 0
Num Ack/Nacks Queued: 0
Num Out of order Msgs: 0
Num Retransmitted Msgs: 0
Num Gshut PathErrs sent: 0 Psbs Skipped: 0
Timer Off Gshut Started at 0(0 secs back)
Graceful Helper Disabled
Nbr Restart Cap Absent
Total Neighbor Count: 2
neighbor [ip-address | ip-int-name [address neighbor-ip-address]] [detail] [family]
[Tree] (show>router>pim neighbor)
Full Context
show router pim neighbor
This command displays PIM neighbor information. This can be important if an interface has more than one adjacency. For example, a LAN-interface configuration with three routers connected and all are running PIM on their LAN interfaces. These routers then have two adjacencies on their LAN interface, each with different neighbors. If the address ip-address parameter is not defined in this example, then the show command output would display two adjacencies.
- ip-int-name
Displays interface information associated with the specified IP interface name.
- ip-address
Displays interface information associated with the specified IP address.
- neighbor-ip-address
Displays information about the IP address of the neighbor, on the other side of the interface.
- detail
Displays detailed neighbor information.
- family
Displays family information for the specified neighbor.
The following output is an example of a PIM neighbor configuration. Output fields: PIM neighbor provides PIM neighbor field descriptions.
Output ExampleALA-1# show router pim neighbor
PIM Neighbors
Interface Nbr DR Nbr Address Up Time Expiry Time Hold
Priority Time
ip- 5 0d 00:10:39 0d 00:01:36 105
ip- 5 0d 00:10:39 0d 00:01:35 105
ip- 3 0d 00:09:31 0d 00:01:15 105
Neighbors : 3
*A:Dut-C# show router 100 pim neighbor ipv6
PIM Neighbor ipv6
Interface Nbr DR Prty Up Time Expiry Time Hold Time
Nbr Address
vprn_itf_C_1100 1 0d 00:02:54 0d 00:01:43 105
mpls-if-74456(W) 1 0d 00:02:10 never 65535
mpls-if-74457(W) 1 0d 00:02:10 never 65535
mpls-virt-if-1030145 1 0d 00:02:44 never 65535
Neighbors : 4
ALA-1# show router pim neighbor detail
PIM Neighbor
Interface : ip-
Neighbor Addr : DR Priority : 5
Tracking Support : No LAN Delay(ms) : 500
Gen Id : 26470 Override Intvl(ms) : 2500
Up Time : 0d 00:10:41 Expiry Time : 0d 00:01:34
Hold Time(sec) : 105
PIM Neighbor
Interface : ip-
Neighbor Addr : DR Priority : 5
Tracking Support : No LAN Delay(ms) : 500
Gen Id : 37928 Override Intvl(ms) : 2500
Up Time : 0d 00:10:42 Expiry Time : 0d 00:01:33
Hold Time(sec) : 105
PIM Neighbor
Interface : ip-
Neighbor Addr : DR Priority : 3
Tracking Support : No LAN Delay(ms) : 500
Gen Id : 742098371 Override Intvl(ms) : 2500
Up Time : 0d 00:09:33 Expiry Time : 0d 00:01:43
Hold Time(sec) : 105
Neighbors : 3
Label |
Description |
Interface |
The neighbor’s interface name. (W) indicates wildcard tunnels. |
Nbr DR Priority |
The value of the neighbor's DR priority which is received in the hello message. |
Nbr Address |
The neighbor’s address. |
Up Time |
The time since this PIM neighbor (last) became a neighbor of the local router |
Expiry Time |
The minimum time remaining before this PIM neighbor is aged out 0 — Means that this neighbor never ages out. This happens when the PIM neighbor sends a Hello message with holdtime set to `0xffff'. |
Hold Time |
The value of the hold time present in the hello message |
DR Priority |
The value of the neighbor's DR priority which is received in the hello message |
Tracking Support |
Indicates if the T bit in the LAN prune delay option was present in the hello message. This indicates the neighbor's capability to disable join message suppression. |
LAN Delay |
The value of the LAN delay field present in the hello message received from the neighbor |
Gen Id |
A randomly generated 32-bit value that is regenerated each time PIM forwarding is started or restarted on the interface, including when the router itself restarts. When a hello message with a new GenID is received from a neighbor, any old hello information about that neighbor is discarded and superseded by the information from the new hello message. |
Override Intvl (ms) |
The value of the override interval present in the Hello message |
neighbor [ip-int-name | ip-address | mpls-if-name] [ family]
[Tree] (clear>router>pim neighbor)
Full Context
clear router pim neighbor
This command clears PIM neighbor data on a specified interface or IP address.
- ip-int-name
Clears PIM neighbor on the specified interface.
- ip-address
Clears PIM neighbor on the specified IP address.
- mpls-if-name
Clears information associated with the specified MPLS interface.
- family
Clears neighbor family information.
neighbor [{{ip-int-name | ip-address} | mac ieee-mac-address | summary}] [{dynamic | static | managed}]
[Tree] (show>router neighbor)
Full Context
show router neighbor
This command displays information about the IPv6 neighbor cache.
- ip-int-name
Specifies the IP interface name.
- ip-address
Specifies the address of the IPv6 interface address.
- ieee-mac-address
Specifies the MAC address.
- summary
Displays summary neighbor information.
- dynamic
Displays dynamic neighbor information.
- static
Displays static neighbor information.
- managed
Displays managed neighbor information.
Neighbor Output — The following output is an example of IPv6 neighbor information, and Output fields: neighbor describes the fields.
Output ExampleB:CORE2# show router neighbor
Neighbor Table (Router: Base)
IPv6 Address Interface
MAC Address State Expiry Type RTR
fe80::203:faff:fe78:5c88 net1_1_2
00:16:4d:50:17:a3 STALE 03h52m08s Dynamic Yes
fe80::203:faff:fe81:6888 net1_2_3
00:03:fa:1a:79:22 STALE 03h29m28s Dynamic Yes
No. of Neighbor Entries: 2
Label |
Description |
IPv6 Address |
Displays the IPv6 address |
Interface |
Displays the name of the IPv6 interface name |
MAC Address |
Specifies the link-layer address |
State |
Displays the current administrative state |
Exp |
Displays the number of seconds until the entry expires |
Type |
Displays the type of IPv6 interface |
Interface |
Displays the interface name |
Rtr |
Specifies whether a neighbor is a router |
Mtu |
Displays the MTU size |
neighbor {all | ipv6-address [ interface interface-name]}
neighbor interface {ip-int-name | ipv6-address}
[Tree] (clear>router neighbor)
Full Context
clear router neighbor
This command clears IPv6 neighbor information.
- all
Clears all IPv6 neighbors.
- ipv6-address
Clears the specified IPv6 neighbors.
- interface-name
Specifies the interface name.
- ip-int-name
Clears the specified neighbor interface information, up to 32 characters.
neighbor [detail]
[Tree] (show>ospf neighbor)
[Tree] (show>ospf3 neighbor)
Full Context
show ospf neighbor
show ospf3 neighbor
This command shows all OSPFv2 or OSPFv3 neighbor information.
- detail
Displays the detailed OSPF and OSPF3 neighbor status for all routers and all instances.
The following output is an example of OSPF and OSPF3 neighbor information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C# show ospf neighbor
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
DUTC_TO_DUTB.1.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTE.1.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTB.2.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTE.2.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTA.13.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTA.14.0 Full 1 0 9
No. of Neighbors: 6
Rtr vprn1 OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
DUTC_TO_DUTA.7.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTD.7.0 Full 1 0 12
DUTC_TO_DUTA.8.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTD.8.0 Full 1 0 12
No. of Neighbors: 4
*A:Dut-C# show ospf neighbor detail
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors (detail)
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: DUTC_TO_DUTB.1.0
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : - E - - - - O --
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 09/20/2018 14:38:42
Up Time : 0d 00:02:34 Time Before Dead : 9 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown (0)
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
*A:Dut-C# show ospf3 neighbor
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
DUTC_TO_DUTB.3.0 Full 1 0 8
DUTC_TO_DUTE.3.0 Full 1 0 8
DUTC_TO_DUTB.4.0 Full 1 0 8
DUTC_TO_DUTE.4.0 Full 1 0 8
DUTC_TO_DUTA.15.0 Full 1 0 8
DUTC_TO_DUTA.16.0 Full 1 0 9
No. of Neighbors: 6
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 64 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
DUTC_TO_DUTB.5.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTE.5.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTB.6.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTE.6.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTA.17.0 Full 1 0 9
DUTC_TO_DUTA.18.0 Full 1 0 9
No. of Neighbors: 6
*A:Dut-C# show ospf3 neighbor detail
Rtr Base OSPFv3 Instance 0 Neighbors (detail)
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: DUTC_TO_DUTB.3.0
Neighbor IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:2-"DUTC_TO_DUTB.3.0"
Local IF IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:3-"DUTC_TO_DUTB.3.0"
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : ----R--EV6
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 09/20/2018 14:38:43
Up Time : 0d 00:03:01 Time Before Dead : 8 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown (0)
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: DUTC_TO_DUTE.3.0
Neighbor IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:5-"DUTC_TO_DUTE.3.0"
Local IF IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:3-"DUTC_TO_DUTE.3.0"
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : ----R--EV6
Events : 6 Last Event Time : 09/20/2018 14:38:43
Up Time : 0d 00:03:02 Time Before Dead : 9 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown (0)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: DUTC_TO_DUTB.4.0
Neighbor IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:2-"DUTC_TO_DUTB.4.0"
Local IF IP Addr : fe80::200:ff:fe00:3-"DUTC_TO_DUTB.4.0"
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : ----R--EV6
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 09/20/2018 14:38:43
Up Time : 0d 00:03:02 Time Before Dead : 9 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown (0)
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
neighbor [ip-int-name | ip-address] [detail]
neighbor [ip-int-name] [router-id] [detail]
neighbor overview
neighbor [remote ip-address] [detail]
[Tree] (show>router>ospf3 neighbor)
[Tree] (show>router>ospf neighbor)
Full Context
show router ospf3 neighbor
show router ospf neighbor
This command displays neighbor information. To reduce the amount of output, the user can select the neighbors on a given interface by address or name.
The detail option produces a large amount of data. It is recommended to use detail only when requesting a specific neighbor.
- ip-int-name
Displays neighbor information only for neighbors of the interface identified by the interface name.
- ip-address
Displays neighbor information only for neighbors of the interface identified by the IP address.
- router-id
Displays neighbor information for the neighbor identified by the specified router ID in the show> router>ospf3 context.
- remote
Displays neighbor information for the neighbor identified by the specified remote IP address in the show>router>ospf context.
Standard OSPF Neighbor Output
Output fields: OSPF neighbor describes the standard command output fields for an OSPF neighbor.
Label |
Description |
Nbr IP Addr |
The IP address this neighbor is using in its IP Source Address. On addressless links, this will not be, but the address of another of the neighbor's interfaces. |
Nbr Rtr Id |
A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the Autonomous System. |
Nbr State |
Down — This is the initial state of a neighbor conversation. It indicates that there has been no recent information received from the neighbor. Attempt — This state is only valid for neighbors attached to NBMA networks. It indicates that no recent information has been received from the neighbor, but that a more concerted effort should be made to contact the neighbor. Init — In this state, a Hello packet has recently been seen from the neighbor. However, bidirectional communication has not yet been established with the neighbor (the router itself did not appear in the neighbor's Hello packet). Two Way — In this state, communication between the two routers is bidirectional. ExchStart — This is the first step in creating an adjacency between the two neighboring routers. The goal of this step is to decide which router is the master, and to decide upon the initial Database Descriptor sequence number. Exchange — In this state the router is describing its entire link state database by sending Database Description packets to the neighbor. Loading — In this state, Link State Request packets are sent to the neighbor asking for the more recent LSAs that have been discovered (but not yet received) in the Exchange state. Full — In this state, the neighboring routers are fully adjacent. These adjacencies will now appear in router-LSAs and network-LSAs. |
Priority |
The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. |
RetxQ Len |
The current length of the retransmission queue. |
Dead Time |
The time until this neighbor is declared down, this timer is set to the dead router interval when a valid hello packet is received from the neighbor. |
No. of Neighbors |
The number of adjacent OSPF neighbors on this interface. |
A:ALA-A# show router ospf 1 neighbor
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 1 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
pc157-2/1 Full 1 0 37
pc157-2/2 Full 100 0 33
pc157-2/3 Full 1 0 38
No. of Neighbors: 3
Detailed OSPF Neighbor Output
Output fields: OSPF neighbor detail describes the detailed command output fields for an OSPF neighbor.
Label |
Description |
Neighbor IP Addr |
The IP address this neighbor is using in its IP source address. On addressless links, this will not be, but the address of another of the neighbor's interfaces. |
Local IF IP Addr |
The IP address of this OSPF interface. |
Area Id |
A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the area to which this interface is connected. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone |
Designated Rtr |
The IP Interface address of the router identified as the Designated Router for the network in which this interface is configured. Set to if there is no Designated router. |
Neighbor Rtr Id |
A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the AS. |
Neighbor State |
Down — This is the initial state of a neighbor conversation. It indicates that there has been no recent information received from the neighbor. Attempt — This state is only valid for neighbors attached to NBMA networks. It indicates that no recent information has been received from the neighbor, but that a more concerted effort should be made to contact the neighbor. Init — In this state, a Hello packet has recently been seen from the neighbor. However, bidirectional communication has not yet been established with the neighbor (the router itself did not appear in the neighbor's Hello packet). Two Way — In this state, communication between the two routers is bidirectional. Exchange start — This is the first step in creating an adjacency between the two neighboring routers. The goal of this step is to decide which router is the master, and to decide upon the initial Database Descriptor sequence number. Exchange — In this state the router is describing its entire link state database by sending Database Description packets to the neighbor. Loading — In this state, Link State Request packets are sent to the neighbor asking for the more recent LSAs that have been discovered (but not yet received) in the Exchange state. Full — In this state, the neighboring routers are fully adjacent. These adjacencies will now appear in router-LSAs and network-LSAs. |
Priority |
The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. |
Retrans Q Length |
The current length of the retransmission queue. |
Options |
E — External Routes Support MC — Multicast Support N/P — Type 7 LSA Support EA — External Attribute LSA Support DC — Demand Circuit Support O — Opaque LSA Support |
Backup Desig Rtr |
The IP Interface address of the router identified as the Backup Designated Router for the network in which this interface is configured. Set to if there is no backup designated router. |
Events |
The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state, or an error has occurred. |
Last Event Time |
The time when the last event occurred that affected the adjacency to the neighbor. |
Up Time |
This value represents the uninterrupted time, in hundredths of seconds, the adjacency to this neighbor has been up. To evaluate when the last state change occurred see last event time. |
Time Before Dead |
The time until this neighbor is declared down, this timer is set to the dead router interval when a valid hello packet is received from the neighbor. |
Bad Nbr States |
The total number of OSPF packets received when the neighbor state was not expecting to receive this packet type since this interface was last enabled. |
LSA Inst fails |
The total number of times an LSA could not be installed into the LSDB due to a resource allocation issue since this interface was last enabled. |
Bad Seq Nums |
The total number of times when a database description packet was received with a sequence number mismatch since this interface was last enabled. |
Bad MTUs |
The total number of times when the MTU in a received database description packet was larger than the MTU of the receiving interface since this interface was last enabled. |
Bad Packets |
The total number of times when an LS update was received with an illegal LS type or an option mismatch since this interface was last enabled. |
LSA not in LSDB |
The total number of times when an LS request was received for an LSA not installed in the LSDB of this router since this interface was last enabled. |
Option Mismatches |
The total number of times when a LS update was received with an option mismatch since this interface was last enabled. |
Nbr Duplicates |
The total number of times when a duplicate database description packet was received during the exchange state since this interface was last enabled. |
*A:Dut-C# show router ospf neighbor detail
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors (detail)
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: to_Dut-A
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id : Adj SR SID : Label 262141
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : - E - - - - O --
Events : 5 Last Event Time : 05/27/2015 08:36:02
Up Time : 0d 00:11:01 Time Before Dead : 8 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: to_Dut-B1
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id : Adj SR SID : Label 262139
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : - E - - - - O --
Events : 6 Last Event Time : 05/27/2015 08:36:03
Up Time : 0d 00:11:03 Time Before Dead : 10 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: to_Dut-B2
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id : Adj SR SID : Label 262138
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : - E - - - - O --
Events : 5 Last Event Time : 05/27/2015 08:36:03
Up Time : 0d 00:11:01 Time Before Dead : 9 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: to_Dut-E
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id : Adj SR SID : Label 262140
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : - E - - - - O --
Events : 7 Last Event Time : 05/27/2015 08:36:04
Up Time : 0d 00:11:01 Time Before Dead : 8 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
A:ALA-A# show router ospf 1 neighbor detail
Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 1 Neighbors (detail)
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: pc157-2/1
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : -E--O-
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 05/06/2006 00:11:16
Up Time : 1d 18:20:20 Time Before Dead : 38 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: pc157-2/2
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 100
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : -E--O-
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 05/05/2006 01:39:13
Up Time : 0d 16:52:27 Time Before Dead : 33 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
Neighbor Rtr Id : Interface: pc157-2/3
Neighbor IP Addr :
Local IF IP Addr :
Area Id :
Designated Rtr : Backup Desig Rtr :
Neighbor State : Full Priority : 1
Retrans Q Length : 0 Options : -E--O-
Events : 4 Last Event Time : 05/05/2006 08:35:18
Up Time : 0d 09:56:25 Time Before Dead : 38 sec
GR Helper : Not Helping GR Helper Age : 0 sec
GR Exit Reason : None GR Restart Reason: Unknown
Bad Nbr States : 1 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
Num Restarts : 0 Last Restart at : Never
neighbor [ip-int-name | ip-address]
neighbor [ip-int-name] [router-id]
[Tree] (clear>router>ospf3 neighbor)
[Tree] (clear>router>ospf neighbor)
Full Context
clear router ospf3 neighbor
clear router ospf neighbor
This command marks the neighbor as dead and re-initiates the affected adjacencies.
- ip-int-name
Clears all neighbors for the interface specified by this interface name.
- ip-address
Clears all neighbors for the interface specified by this IP address.
- router-id
Clears all neighbors for the interface specified by this router ID.
neighbor [ip-int-name | ipv6-address] [detail]
neighbor [detail] advertised-routes [ip-int-name | ipv6-link-local-address]
[Tree] (show>router>ripng neighbor)
Full Context
show router ripng neighbor
This command displays RIPng neighbor interface information. If no IPv6 interface or address is specified, this command displays information for all neighbor interfaces.
- ip-int-name | ipv6-address
Displays information for the specified IPv6 interface and address.
- advertised-routes
Displays the routes advertised to RIPng neighbors. If no neighbors are specified, all routes advertised to all neighbors are displayed. If a neighbor is specified, only routes advertised to that neighbor/interface are displayed.
- ipv6-link-local-address
Displays information about the of the IPv6 link local address for the neighbor.
- detail
Displays detailed information.
The following output is an example of RIPng neighbor information.
Output Example*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor "one"
RIP-NG Neighbors
Interface Adm Opr Primary IP Send Recv Metric
Mode Mode In
one Up Up 3ffe::10:10:3:* RipNg RipNg 1
No. of Neighbors: 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor "one" detail
RIP-NG Neighbors (Detail)
Neighbor "one"
Description : n/a
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:3:3/1* Group : A
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Send Mode : RipNg Receive Mode : RipNg
Metric In : 1 Metric Out : 1
Split Horizon : Enabled Check Zero : Disabled
Message Size : 25 Preference : 100
Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
BFD : Enabled
Export Policies:
Import Policies:
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor 3ffe::10:10:12:3
RIP-NG Neighbors
Interface Adm Opr Primary IP Send Recv Metric
Mode Mode In
three Up Up 3ffe::10:10:12* RipNg RipNg 1
No. of Neighbors: 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor 3ffe::10:10:12:3 detail
RIP-NG Neighbors (Detail)
Neighbor "three"
Description : n/a
Primary IP : 3ffe::10:10:12:3/* Group : B
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Send Mode : RipNg Receive Mode : RipNg
Metric In : 1 Metric Out : 1
Split Horizon : Enabled Check Zero : Disabled
Message Size : 25 Preference : 100
Update Timer : 1
Timeout Timer : 5 Flush Timer : 5
BFD : Disabled
Export Policies:
Import Policies:
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor advertised-routes
RIP-NG Advertised Routes
Destination Interface
Link-local-address Metric TTL
3ffe::103:800/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
No. of Advertised Routes: 28
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor advertised-routes "one"
RIP-NG Advertised Routes
Destination Interface
Link-local-address Metric TTL
3ffe::103:800/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
No. of Advertised Routes: 7
*A:Dut-C>config>router>if# show router ripng neighbor advertised-routes fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0
RIP-NG Advertised Routes
Destination Interface
Link-local-address Metric TTL
3ffe::103:800/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::103:800/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:3:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:12:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:103:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:10:112:0/120 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:2/128 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 16 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 one
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 two
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 three
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
3ffe::10:20:1:3/128 four
fe80::662d:ffff:fe00:0 1 n/a
No. of Advertised Routes: 28
neighbor ip-addr [ip-addr] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>router>bgp neighbor)
Full Context
monitor router bgp neighbor
This command displays statistical BGP neighbor information at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified neighbor(s). The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display.
When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- ip-addr
Displays damping information for entries received from the BGP neighbor. Up to five IP addresses can be specified.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
The following output is an example of BGP neighbor information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor>router>bgp# neighbor interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for BGP Neighbor
At time t = 0 sec
Recd. Prefixes : 2 Sent Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Num of Flaps : 0
i/p Messages : 916 o/p Messages : 916
i/p Octets : 17510 o/p Octets : 17386
i/p Updates : 2 o/p Updates : 0
At time t = 3 sec
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Sent Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Num of Flaps : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
At time t = 6 sec
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Sent Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Num of Flaps : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 0 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
At time t = 9 sec
Recd. Prefixes : 0 Sent Prefixes : 0
Recd. Paths : 0 Suppressed Paths : 0
Num of Flaps : 0
i/p Messages : 0 o/p Messages : 0
i/p Octets : 6 o/p Octets : 0
i/p Updates : 0 o/p Updates : 0
neighbor ip-address [ip-address] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>router>ospf neighbor)
Full Context
monitor router ospf neighbor
This command displays statistical OSPF neighbor information at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified OSPF neighbors. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display.
When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address to display information for entries received from the specified OSPF neighbor. Up to five IP addresses can be specified.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display, in seconds.
- repeat
Configures the number of times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
The following output is an example of OSPF neighbor information.
Output ExampleA:ALA-12>monitor>router# ospf neighbor interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for OSPF Neighbor
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
A:ALA-12>monitor>router# ospf neighbor interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for OSPF Neighbor
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Rate)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Rate)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Rate)
Bad Nbr States : 0 LSA Inst fails : 0
Bad Seq Nums : 0 Bad MTUs : 0
Bad Packets : 0 LSA not in LSDB : 0
Option Mismatches: 0 Nbr Duplicates : 0
neighbor router-id interface-name [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] area area-id
[Tree] (monitor>router>ospf3 neighbor)
Full Context
monitor router ospf3 neighbor
This command displays statistical OSPF3 neighbor information at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified OSPF3 neighbor(s). The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display.
When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- router-id
Specifies the IP address.
- interface-name
Specifies the interface name, up to 32 characters.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display, in seconds.
- repeat
Configures the number of times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
- area-id
Specifies the OSPF area, up to 256 characters.
neighbor neighbor [neighbor] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
[Tree] (monitor>router>ripng neighbor)
[Tree] (monitor>router>rip neighbor)
Full Context
monitor router ripng neighbor
monitor router rip neighbor
This command displays statistical RIP neighbor information at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.
The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified RIP neighbor(s). The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous display. When the keyword rate is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Monitor commands are similar to show commands but only statistical information displays. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.
- neighbor
Specifies the IP interface name or the IP address of the neighbor to be monitored. Up to five can be specified in a single statement.
- seconds
Configures the interval for each display, in seconds.
- repeat
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
- absolute
Displays raw statistics, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
- rate
Displays rate-per-second for each statistic instead of the delta.
neighbor ieee-address
[Tree] (clear>system>ptp>port neighbor)
Full Context
clear system ptp port neighbor
This command clears PTP port neighbor information.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
neighbor-table [ip6 ipv6-address] [class class] [next-index index]
[Tree] (tools>dump>wlan-gw>lanext>bd neighbor-table)
Full Context
tools dump wlan-gw lanext bd neighbor-table
This command dumps neighbor table entries for the specified HLE BD.
- ipv6-address
Specifies the IPv6 address of the neighbor entry to be displayed.
- class
Specifies the source on which to filter the neighbor table entries.
- index
Specify the next-index index parameter to display the next set of results If there are more results than the current output. The additional results are indicated at the bottom of the current output.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
neighbors group [name] [ip-address]
[Tree] (show>service>id>gsmp neighbors)
Full Context
show service id gsmp neighbors
This command display GSMP neighbor information.
- group
A GSMP group defines a set of GSMP neighbors which have the same properties.
- name
Specifies a GSMP group name is unique only within the scope of the service in which it is defined.
- ip-address
Specifies the ip-address of the neighbor.
The following output is an example of service GSMP neighbor information.
Output ExampleThese commands show the configured neighbors per service, regardless that there exists an open TCP connection with this neighbor. The admin state is shown because for a neighbor to be admin enabled, the service, gsmp node, group node and the neighbor node in this service must all be in the no shutdown state. Session gives the number of session (open TCP connections) for each configured neighbor.
A:active>show>service>id>gsmp# neighbors
GSMP neighbors
Group Neighbor AdminState Sessions
dslam1 Enabled 0
dslam1 Enabled 0
Number of neighbors shown: 2
A:active>show>service>id>gsmp# neighbors group dslam1
GSMP neighbors
Group Neighbor AdminState Sessions
dslam1 Enabled 0
dslam1 Enabled 0
Number of neighbors shown: 2
A:active>show>service>id>gsmp# neighbors group dslam1
GSMP neighbors
Group Neighbor AdminState Sessions
dslam1 Enabled 0
The following table describes show service-id gsmp neighbors group output fields:
Label |
Description |
Group |
The GSMP group name |
Neighbor |
The neighbor IP address |
AdminState |
The administrative state of the neighbor |
Sessions |
The number of sessions (open TCP connections) for each configured neighbor |
netconf connection
netconf counters
netconf schema-path
[Tree] (show>system netconf)
Full Context
show system netconf
This command displays NETCONF information.
- connection
Keyword to display active NETCONF sessions.
- counters
Keyword to display NETCONF counters.
- schema-path
Keyword to display the operational schema-path state leaf, which indicates the current path of the SR OS schema files.
The following output is an example of NETCONF information, and Output fields: NETCONF describes the NETCONF output fields.
Output Example# show system netconf
Administrative State : Enabled
Operational State : Up
Label |
Description |
Administrative State |
Enabled — Indicates that NETCONF is enabled. Disabled — Indicates that NETCONF is disabled. |
Operational State |
Up — Indicates that NETCONF is operational. Down — Indicates that NETCONF has no connections present. Transition — Indicates that NETCONF is waiting for the delay-on-boot timer to expire. |
The following output is an example of NETCONF connection information, and Output fields: NETCONF connection describes the NETCONF connection output fields.
Output Example# show system netconf connection
NETCONF Server connections
Connection Username Session Status Running Candidate
Id Locked? Locked?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- admin 56 connected no no
Number of NETCONF sessions : 1
Label |
Description |
Connection |
The IP address of the connected routers (remote client). |
Username |
The name of the user. |
Session ID |
The NETCONF session ID. |
Status |
Connected or not connected. |
Running Locked? |
Yes — Indicates the <running> datastore is locked. No — Indicates the <running> datastore is not locked. |
Candidate Locked? |
Yes — Indicates the <candidate> datastore is locked. No — Indicates the <candidate> datastore is not locked. |
Number of NETCONF sessions |
Total NETCONF sessions |
The following output is an example of NETCONF counter information, and Output fields: NETCONF counters describes the NETCONF counter output fields.
Output Example# show system netconf counters
NETCONF counters:
Rx Messages
in gets : 23
in get-configs : 19
in edit-configs : 35
in copy-configs : 0
in delete-configs : 0
in validates : 0
in close-sessions : 0
in kill-sessions : 0
in locks : 0
in unlocks : 0
in commits : 2
in discards : 1
Rx Total : 80
Tx Messages
out rpc-errors : 4
Tx Total : 9
Failed requests due to lock being taken by other sessions
failed edit-configs: 1
failed locks : 0
Label |
Description |
RX Messages |
Types and numbers of received messages |
RX Total |
Total of all received messages |
TX Messages |
Types and numbers of sent messages |
TX Total |
Total of all sent messages |
failed edit-configs |
Number of failed <edit-config> requests due to a lock (including implicit ones) being taken by other netconf sessions |
failed locks |
Number of failed <lock> requests due to a lock (including implicit ones) being taken by other netconf sessions |
The following output is an example of NETCONF schema path information, and Output fields: NETCONF schema path describes the NETCONF schema path output fields.
Output ExampleA:node-2# show system netconf schema-path
NETCONF Schema Path
Operational : cf3:\timos\yang.tim
Label |
Description |
Operational |
Operational schema-path state leaf, indicating the current path of the SR OS schema files. This value is updated at boot time or at configuration time. |
network [policy-id] [detail] [match-criteria]
[Tree] (show>qos network)
Full Context
show qos network
This command displays network policy information.
- policy-id
Displays information for the specific policy ID.
- detail
Includes information about ingress and egress DSCP and LSP EXP bit mappings and network policy interface associations.
- match-criteria
Includes the match-criteria.
The following output is an example of network QoS Policy information, and Output fields: QoS network describes the network QoS Policy output fields.
Output ExampleA:PE1# show qos network
Network Policies
Policy-Id Name Remark LerUseDscp Description
1 default False False Default network QoS policy.
A:PE1# show qos network 1
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id : 1 Remark : False
Forward Class : be Profile : Out
LER Use DSCP : False Scope : Template
Description : Default network QoS policy.
Name : default
A:PE1# show qos network 1 detail
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id : 1 Remark : False
Forward Class : be Profile : Out
LER Use DSCP : False Scope : Template
Description : Default network QoS policy.
Name : default
DSCP (Ingress) Forwarding Class Profile
be be Out
ef ef In
cs1 l2 In
nc1 h1 In
nc2 nc In
af11 af In
af12 af Out
af13 af Out
af21 l1 In
af22 l1 Out
af23 l1 Out
af31 l1 In
af32 l1 Out
af33 l1 Out
af41 h2 In
af42 h2 Out
af43 h2 Out
DSCP (Egress) Forwarding Class Profile
No Matching Entries
Prec (Egress) Forwarding Class Profile
No Matching Entries
LSP EXP Bit Map Forwarding Class Profile
0 be Out
1 l2 In
2 af Out
3 af In
4 h2 In
5 ef In
6 h1 In
7 nc In
Dot1p Bit Map Forwarding Class Profile
No Matching Entries
Egress Forwarding Class Mapping
FC Value : 0 FC Name : be
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : be In-Profile : be
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0 In-Profile : 0
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0 In-Profile : 0
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 1 FC Name : l2
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : cs1 In-Profile : cs1
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 In-Profile : 1
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 In-Profile : 1
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 2 FC Name : af
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af12 In-Profile : af11
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 2
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 3
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 3 FC Name : l1
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af22 In-Profile : af21
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 3 In-Profile : 3
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 3
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 4 FC Name : h2
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af42 In-Profile : af41
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4 In-Profile : 4
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4 In-Profile : 4
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 5 FC Name : ef
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : ef In-Profile : ef
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5 In-Profile : 5
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5 In-Profile : 5
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 6 FC Name : h1
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc1 In-Profile : nc1
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6 In-Profile : 6
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6 In-Profile : 6
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
FC Value : 7 FC Name : nc
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc2 In-Profile : nc2
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7 In-Profile : 7
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7 In-Profile : 7
DE Mark : None
Redirect Grp Q : None Redirect Grp Plcr: None
Ingress Forwarding Class Mapping
FC Value : 0 FC Name : be
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 1 FC Name : l2
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 2 FC Name : af
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 3 FC Name : l1
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 4 FC Name : h2
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 5 FC Name : ef
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 6 FC Name : h1
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
FC Value : 7 FC Name : nc
Redirect UniCast Plcr : None Redirect MultiCast Plcr : None
Redirect BroadCast Plcr : None Redirect Unknown Plcr : None
Match Criteria (Ingress)
No Matching Entries
Match Criteria (Egress)
No Matching Entries
Interface Association
Interface : system
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : system
Interface : int
IP Addr. : Port Id : 1/1/1
Service Associations
Service Id Service Type Direction
No Matching Entries Found
SDP Associations
Service Id Service Type Sdp Id Direction
No Matching Entries Found
Label |
Description |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy. |
Remark |
True — Remarking is enabled for all packets that egress this router where the network policy is applied. The remarking is based on the forwarding class to DSCP and LSP EXP bit mapping defined under the egress node of the network QoS policy. False — Remarking is disabled. |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy context in the configuration file. |
Forwarding Class/ FC Name |
Specifies the default ingress forwarding class (configured using the network ingress default-action command) assigned to packets for which there is no other configured forwarding class classification. |
Profile |
Specifies the default ingress packet profile (configured using the network ingress default-action command) assigned to packets for which there is no other configured packet profile classification. |
DSCP Mapping: |
Out-of-Profile |
Displays the DSCP used for out-of-profile traffic. |
In-Profile |
Displays the DSCP used for in-profile traffic. |
LSP EXP Bit Mapping: |
Out-of-Profile |
Displays the LSP EXP value used for out-of-profile traffic. |
In-Profile |
Displays the LSP EXP value used for in-profile traffic. |
Interface |
Displays the interface name. |
IP Addr |
Displays the interface IP address. |
Port-Id |
Specifies the physical port identifier that associates the interface. |
network-domains [detail] [network-domain-name]
network-domains network-domain-name interface-association
network-domains [network-domain-name] mcast-association [ state {consistent | inconsistent}]
network-domains network-domain-name sdp-association
[Tree] (show>router network-domains)
Full Context
show router network-domains
This command displays network-domains information.
- detail
Displays detailed network-domains information.
- network-domain-name
Displays information for a specific network domain.
- interface-association
Displays information for an interface network domain association.
- mcast-association
Displays information for a multicast network domain association.
- state
Displays information for the state of a network domain.
- sdp-association
Displays information for an SDP network domain association
The following output is an example of network domain information.
Output Example*A:Dut-T>config>router# show router network-domains
Network Domain Table
Network Domain Description
net1 Network domain 1
default Default Network Domain
Network Domains : 2
*A:Dut-T>config>router# show router network-domains detail
Network Domain Table (Router: Base)
Network Domain : net1
Description : Network domain 1
No. Of Ifs Associated : 2
No. Of SDPs Associated : 0
Network Domain : default
Description : Default Network Domain
No. Of Ifs Associated : 3
No. Of SDPs Associated : 0
*A:Dut-T>config>router# show router network-domains "net1" interface-association
Interface Network Domain Association Table
Interface Name Port Network Domain
intf1 1/2/2 net1
intf2 6/1/2 net1
Interfaces : 2
*A:Dut-T>config>service# show router network-domains "net1" sdp-association
SDP Network Domain Association Table
SDP Id Network Domain
100 net1
SDPs : 1
network-queue [network-queue-policy-name] [ detail]
[Tree] (show>qos network-queue)
Full Context
show qos network-queue
This command displays network queue policy information.
- network-queue-policy-name
The name of the network queue policy.
- detail
Includes each queue’s rates and adaptation-rule and cbs details. It also shows FC-to-queue mapping details.
The following output is an example of network-queue information.
Output Example*A:PE# show qos network-queue
Network Queue Policies
Policy-Id Description
default Default network queue QoS policy.
*A:PE# show qos network-queue "default"
QoS Network Queue Policy
Network Queue Policy (default)
Policy : default
Description : Default network queue QoS policy.
Wrr Policy : (Not Specified)
Pkt.Byte Offset : 0
HS Attachment Policy: default
FP : 1-1
Port-id : 1/1/2
Port-id : 1/1/3
Port-id : 1/1/4
Port-id : 1/1/5
Port-id : 1/1/6
Port-id : 1/1/7
Port-id : 1/1/8
*A:PE# show qos network-queue "default" detail
QoS Network Queue Policy
Network Queue Policy (default)
Policy : default
Description : Default network queue QoS policy.
Wrr Policy : (Not Specified)
Pkt.Byte Offset : 0
HS Attachment Policy: default
Queue Information
Queue-Id : 1 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 0
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 2 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 25
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 3.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 3 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 25
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 10.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 4 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 25
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 3.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 5 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 10.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 6 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 10.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 7 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 10
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 3.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 8 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 10
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 3.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 9 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 0
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 10 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 5
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 11 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 5
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 12 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 5
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 13 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 14 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 50.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 15 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 10
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
Queue-Id : 16 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
PIR : 100 CIR : 10
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
FIR : 0 FIR Rule : closest
MBS : 25.00 CBS : 1.00
Avg Frame Overhead : 0.00
Parent : No
PIR Level/Weight : n/a CIR Level/Weight : n/a
Low Drop Tail : def
HS Queue Information
Queue-Id : 1
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 2
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 3
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 4
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 5
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 6
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 7
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 8
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 9
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 10
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 11
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 12
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 13
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 14
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 15
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
Queue-Id : 16
PIR : 100
PIR Rule : closest
HS Class Weight : 1 HS Wrr Weight : 1
HS Wred-Q Slope Plcy : _tmnx_hs_default
HS Alt Class Pool : False HS MBS : 100.00
HS Wrr Group Information
HS Wrr Group Id : 1 Class Weight : 1
Percent Rate : 100 PIR Adaptation Rule: closest
HS Wrr Group Id : 2 Class Weight : 1
Percent Rate : 100 PIR Adaptation Rule: closest
FC UCastQ MCastQ
be 1 9
l2 2 10
af 3 11
l1 4 12
h2 5 13
ef 6 14
h1 7 15
nc 8 16
FP : 1-1
Port-id : 1/1/2
Port-id : 1/1/3
Port-id : 1/1/4
Port-id : 1/1/5
Port-id : 1/1/6
Port-id : 1/1/7
Port-id : 1/1/8
next-hop [family [service-id service-id]] [ip-address[detail]]
[Tree] (show>router>bgp next-hop)
Full Context
show router bgp next-hop
This command displays BGP next-hop information.
- family
Specifies the type of routing information to be distributed by the BGP instance.
- ip-address
Displays the next hop information for the specified IP address.
- detail
Keyword to display the longer, more detailed version of the output.
- service-id service-id
Specifies the service ID.
The following output is an example of BGP next-hop information that displays the next-hop resolution enforcement of the administrative-tag policy, and Output fields: BGP nexthop describes the output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router bgp next-hop vpn-ipv4
BGP Router ID: AS:100 Local AS:100
BGP VPN Next Hop
VPN Next Hop Owner
Autobind FibProg Reason
Labels (User-labels) FlexAlgo Metric
Admin-tag-policy (enforcement) Last Mod.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSVP
rsvp sr-te Y
-- (2) -- 10
rtAdmTagPol1 (strict-tagged strict-untagged) 01h55m49s
Next Hops : 4
Label |
Description |
BGP Router ID |
The local BGP router ID |
AS |
The configured autonomous system number |
Local AS |
The configured local AS setting. If not configured, the value is the same as the AS |
VPN Next Hop |
The next-hop address |
Owner |
The routing protocol used to derive the best next hop |
Autobind |
The autobind status for VPRN autobind |
FibProg |
The status of the FIB:
Reason |
The reason |
Labels (User-labels) |
The labels and user labels |
FlexAlgo |
The status of flexible algorithms:
Admin-tag-policy (enforcement) |
The administrative tag policy and the next-hop resolution enforcement of the administrative tag policy |
Metric |
The number of routes using the resolving prefix |
Last Mod. |
The time elapsed since the next hop was modified |
Next Hops |
The number of next hops |
The following output is a detailed example of BGP next-hop information that displays the next-hop resolution enforcement of the administrative-tag policy, and Output fields: BGP detailed next hopOutput fields: BGP detailed next-hop describes the output fields.
Output exampleA:node-2# show router bgp next-hop vpn-ipv4 detail
BGP Router ID: AS:100 Local AS:100
BGP VPN Next Hop
VPN Next Hop :
Autobind : rsvp sr-te
Labels : --
User-labels : 2
Admin-tag-policy : rtAdmTagPol1
Enforcement: strict-tagged strict-untagged
Color : --
Created : 01h56m03s
Last-modified : 01h55m53s
Resolving Prefix :
Preference : 7 Metric : 10
Reference Count : 2 Owner : RSVP
Fib Programmed : Y
Resolved Next Hop:
Egress Label : 524273 TunnelId : 3
Next Hops : 2
Label |
Description |
BGP Router ID |
The local BGP router ID |
AS |
The configured autonomous system number |
Local AS |
The configured local AS setting. If not configured, the value is the same as the AS. |
VPN Next Hop |
The next-hop address |
Autobind |
The autobind service configured |
Labels |
The labels |
User-labels |
The user labels |
Admin-tag-policy |
The name of the administrative policy configured |
Enforcement |
The configured enforcement |
Color |
The configured color |
Created |
The time elapsed since the next hop was created |
Last-modified |
The time elapsed since the next hop was modified |
Resolving prefix |
The prefix of the best next hop |
Preference |
The BGP preference attribute for the routes |
Metric |
The IGP cost to reach the BGP next hop |
Reference Count |
The number of routes using the resolving prefix |
Owner |
The routing protocol used to derive the best next hop |
Fib Programmed |
The status of the FIB:
Resolved Next Hop |
The resolved next hop |
Egress Label |
The egress label |
TunnelId |
The tunnel ID |
Next Hops |
The number of next hops |
The following output is an example of BGP next-hop information, and Output fields: BGP next hop describes the command output fields for a BGP next hop.
Output exampleA:node-2>show>router>bgp# next-hop
BGP Router ID: AS:2 Local AS:2
BGP Next Hop
Next Hop Pref Owner
Resolving Prefix FibProg Metric
Resolved Next Hop Colored Ref. Count
Admin-tag-policy FlexAlgo Last Mod.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 OSPF N 10 N 0
-- -- 01h25m52s
Next Hops : 1
The following output is an example of detailed BGP next-hop information.
Output exampleA:node-2>show>router>bgp# next-hop detail
BGP Router ID: AS:1 Local AS:1
BGP Next Hop
Next Hop :
Admin-tag-policy : --
Color : --
Created : 00h00m50s
Last-modified : 00h00m50s
Resolving Prefix :
Preference : 10 Metric : 10
Reference Count : 1 Owner : OSPF
Fib Programmed : N
Resolved Next Hop:
Egress Label : 16777215
Pending Next Hop Change
Resolving Prefix :
Preference : 10 Metric : 10
Reference Count : 1 Owner : BGP (OSPF)
Fib Programmed : Y
Resolved Next Hop:
Egress Label : 16777216
The following output is an example of BGP next-hop information for an EVPN service.
Output exampleA:node-2>show>router>bgp# next-hop evpn service-id 202
BGP Router ID: AS:200 Local AS:200
BGP VPN Next Hop
VPN Next Hop Owner
Autobind FibProg Reason
Labels (User-labels) FlexAlgo Metric
Admin-tag-policy (enforcement) Last Mod.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDP
ldp bgp Y
rvpls (2) -- 10
-- (N) 00h01m24s
Next Hops : 1
The following output is an example of detailed BGP next-hop information for an EVPN service.
Output exampleA:node-2>show>router>bgp# next-hop evpn service-id 202 detail
BGP Router ID: AS:200 Local AS:200
BGP VPN Next Hop
VPN Next Hop :
Autobind : ldp bgp
Labels : rvpls
User-labels : 2
Admin-tag-policy : --
Enforcement: : strict-tagged strict-untagged
Color : --
Created : 00h01m26s
Last-modified : 00h01m26s
Resolving Prefix :
Preference : 9 Metric : 10
Reference Count : 102 Owner : LDP
Fib Programmed : Y
Resolved Next Hop:
Egress Label : 159997 TunnelId : 65563
Next Hops : 1
The following output is an example of detailed information for a BGP next hop that is unresolvable until a Strict-Mode BFD session to a peer with the same address comes back up after going down.
Output exampleA:Dut-C>config>router>bgp# show router bgp next-hop ipv4 detail
BGP Router ID: AS:100 Local AS:100
BGP Next Hop
Next Hop :
Admin-tag-policy : --
Color : --
Bfd-strict-mode : Y
Created : 00h02m32s
Last-modified : 00h02m32s
Reference Count : 1 Reason : BfdStrictDown
Fib Programmed : N
Next Hop :
Admin-tag-policy : --
Color : --
Created : 00h38m09s
Last-modified : 00h38m09s
Resolving Prefix :
Preference : 10 Metric : 10
Reference Count : 0 Owner : OSPF
Fib Programmed : N
Resolved Next Hop:
Egress Label : 16777215
Next Hops : 2
Label |
Description |
The local BGP router ID |
AS |
The configured autonomous system number |
Local AS |
The configured local AS setting. If not configured, then the value is the same as the AS |
Next Hop |
The next-hop address |
Resolving Prefix |
The prefix of the best next hop |
Owner |
The routing protocol used to derive the best next hop |
Preference |
The BGP preference attribute for the routes |
Reference Count |
The number of routes using the resolving prefix |
Resolved Next Hop |
The IP address of the next hop |
Last Modified |
The time elapsed since the next hop was modified |
Created (only visible in detailed output) |
The time elapsed since the next hop was created |
Bfd-strict-mode |
Y — The next hop becomes unresolved when a Strict-Mode BFD session goes down. |
Reason (if the next hop is unresolvable because the BFD session is down) |
BfdStrictDown — The next hop is unresolvable until a Strict-Mode BFD session to a peer with the same address comes back up after going down. |
[Tree] (show>router>bgp>routes>bgp-ls node)
Full Context
show router bgp routes bgp-ls node
This command displays BGP-LS NLRIs for node types.
[Tree] (tools>perform>system nsp-proxy)
Full Context
tools perform system nsp-proxy
Commands in this context perform NSP proxy functions.
nsp-proxy [detail] module {bmp | pce | rom | topo} db {active | standby}
nsp-proxy [detail]
nsp-proxy [detail] module {bmp | pce | rom | topo}
[Tree] (tools>dump>system nsp-proxy)
Full Context
tools dump system nsp-proxy
This command displays system NSP proxy information.
- detail
Keyword to display detailed information
- module
Keyword to specify the module.
- db
Keyword to specify the database.
ntp [{peers | peer [router router-instance | service-name service-name] peer-address} | {servers | server [router router-instance | service-name service-name] server-address} | [all]] [detail]
[Tree] (show>system ntp)
Full Context
show system ntp
This command displays NTP protocol configuration and state.
- peers
Generates a list of known peers.
- peer-address
Specifies the address of a specific peer.
- servers
Generates a list of known servers.
- server-address
Specifies the address of a specific server.
- router-instance
Specifies the routing context that contains the interface in the form of router-name or service-id.
- service name
Specifies the service name for the VPRN. The name can be up to 64 characters in length. Note that CPM routing instances are not supported.
- all
Generates information for all clients, servers, and peers.
- detail
Provides detailed information.
The following output is an example of NTP information, and Output fields: NTP describes the output fields.
Output Exampleshow system ntp
NTP Status
Configured : Yes Stratum : 4
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server Enabled : No Server Authenticate : No
Clock Source : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:2
Auth Check : Yes
Auth Keychain : KeyChainName
Current Date & Time: 2015/07/10 12:46:30 UTC
show system ntp all
NTP Status
Configured : Yes Stratum : 4
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server Enabled : No Server Authenticate : No
Clock Source : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:2
Auth Check : Yes
Auth Keychain : KeyChainName
Current Date & Time: 2015/07/10 12:46:32 UTC
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.396
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -30.850
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.654
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -30.939
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.206
67890 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:5:3
chosen 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.405
67890 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:1:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.054
67890 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:2:4
outlyer 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.682
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:3:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.897
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:4:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.991
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
candidate 2 bclnt y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.991
67890 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
Base 03/06/2013 21:32:35
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:1 03/06/2013 21:32:30
show system ntp detail
NTP Status
Configured : Yes Stratum : 4
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server Enabled : No Server Authenticate : No
Clock Source : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:2
Auth Check : Yes
Auth Keychain : KeyChainName
Auth Errors : 0 Auth Errors Ignored : 0
Auth Key Id Errors : 0 Auth Key Type Errors : 0
Current Date & Time: 2015/07/10 12:46:34 UTC
NTP Configured Broadcast/Multicast Interfaces
vRouter Interface Address Type Auth Poll
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -30.563
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.233
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.808
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -34.563
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.507
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:5:3
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.990
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:1:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.926
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:2:4
chosen 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.803
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:3:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.897
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:4:4
outlyer 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -50.180
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
Base 03/06/2013 21:33:31
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:1 03/06/2013 21:33:32
show system ntp all detail
NTP Status
Configured : Yes Stratum : 4
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server Enabled : No Server Authenticate : No
Clock Source : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:2
Auth Check : Yes
Auth Keychain : KeyChainName
Auth Errors : 0 Auth Errors Ignored : 0
Auth Key Id Errors : 0 Auth Key Type Errors : 0
Current Date & Time: 2015/07/10 12:46:36 UTC
NTP Configured Broadcast/Multicast Interfaces
vRouter Interface Address Type Auth Poll
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn16 ies-16- bcast yes 8
vprn17 ies- bcast no 8
vprn18 ies- bcast no 8
vprn19 ies- bcast no 8
vprn20 ies- bcast no 8
vprn996 ies- bcast no 8
vprn997 ies- bcast no 8
vprn998 ies- bcast no 8
vprn999 ies- bcast no 8
vprn1000 ies- bcast no 8
management management mcast yes 8
Base ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
Base ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
Base ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
Base ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
67890 ip- Host-ones bclnt yes n/a
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -30.563
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.233
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.808
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -34.563
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -35.507
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:5:3
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.990
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:1:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.926
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:2:4
chosen 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.803
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:3:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.897
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:4:4
outlyer 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -50.180
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
Base 03/06/2013 21:33:31
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:1 03/06/2013 21:33:32
show system ntp peers
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.918
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.940
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:2:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.970
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:3:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.505
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:4:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYY. -21.143
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:5:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.598
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:8:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.038
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:7:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -20.427
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:9:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.709
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:10:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.729
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:6:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:2 03/06/2013 21:35:22
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:2 03/06/2013 21:35:27
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:2 03/06/2013 21:35:30
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:2 03/06/2013 21:35:24
show system ntp peers detail
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.918
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.940
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:2:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.970
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:3:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.505
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:4:4
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYY. -21.143
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:5:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.598
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:8:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.038
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:7:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -20.427
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:9:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYYY -20.709
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:10:4
candidate 2 paspr y 8 YYYYYYY. -19.729
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:6:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:2 03/06/2013 21:35:22
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:2 03/06/2013 21:35:27
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:2 03/06/2013 21:35:30
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:2 03/06/2013 21:35:24
show system ntp peer router Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
NTP Peer
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -24.164
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
show system ntp peer router Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4 detail
NTP Peer
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -24.164
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
show system ntp servers
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -25.124
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.409
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -26.174
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -25.193
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.499
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:5:3
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.050
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:1:4
chosen 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.754
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:2:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.891
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:3:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.562
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:4:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.687
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
Base 03/06/2013 21:39:27
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:1 03/06/2013 21:39:21
show system ntp servers detail
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -25.124
Base 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.409
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:2:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -26.174
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:3:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -25.193
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:4:3
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.499
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:5:3
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -49.050
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:1:4
chosen 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.754
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:2:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.891
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:3:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.562
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:4:4
candidate 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -48.687
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:70:5:4
NTP Clients
vRouter Time Last Request Rx
Base 03/06/2013 21:39:27
2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:10:100:1 03/06/2013 21:39:21
show system ntp server service-name vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
NTP Server
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.679
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
show system ntp server servicename vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3 detail
NTP Server
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.679
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
show system ntp peer router 20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
NTP Peer
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -24.164
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
show system ntp peer router 20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4 detail
NTP Peer
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
candidate 2 actpr y 8 YYYYYYYY -24.164
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:50:1:4
show system ntp server router 20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
NTP Server
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.679
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
show system ntp server router 20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3 detail
NTP Server
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
Router Remote
invalid 2 srvr y 8 YYYYYYYY -19.679
vprn20 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:40:1:3
Label |
Description |
Configured |
Yes — NTP is configured No — NTP is not configured |
Admin Status |
up — Administrative state is enabled down — Administrative state is disabled |
Server Enabled |
Yes — This node is configured to serve external clients No — This node is not configured to server external clients |
Stratum |
Displays stratum level of this node |
Oper Status |
up — The operational state is enabled down — The operational state is disabled |
Auth Check |
Displays the authentication requirement |
Auth KeyChain |
Displays the authentication keychain name |
Server Authenticate |
Yes — Authentication is mandatory on received requests No — Authentication is not mandatory on received requests |
Clock Source |
Address of the chosen server |
Auth Errors |
Displays the number of authentication errors |
Auth Errors Ignored |
Displays the number of authentication errors ignored |
Auth key Id Errors |
Displays the number of key identification errors |
Auth Key Type Errors |
Displays the number of authentication key type errors |
Current Date & Time |
Current date and time as determined by the NTP process in the node |
vRouter |
The router instance containing the interface |
Router |
The router instance containing the address |
Interface |
The interface configured in NTP |
Address |
The address used for transmitted messages |
Type |
bcast — broadcast interface mcast — multicast interface bclnt — broadcast client srvr — server actpr — active peer paspr — passive peer |
Auth |
yes — Authentication in use no — Authentication not in use |
Poll |
# — Current poll interval used on the interface |
State |
Reject — The peer is rejected and will not be used for synchronization. Rejection reasons could be the peer is unreachable, the peer is synchronized to this local server so synchronizing with it would create a sync loop, or the synchronization distance is too large. This is the normal startup state. Invalid — The peer is not maintaining an accurate clock. This peer will not be used for synchronization. Excess — The peer's synchronization distance is greater than ten other peers. This peer will not be used for synchronization. Outlier — The peer is discarded as an outlier. This peer will not be used for synchronization. Candidate — The peer is accepted as a possible source of synchronization. Selected — The peer is an acceptable source of synchronization, but its synchronization distance is greater than six other peers. Chosen — The peer is chosen as the source of synchronization. ChosenPPS — The peer is chosen as the source of synchronization, but the actual synchronization is occurring from a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal. |
Remote |
The IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which this local host is exchanging NTP packets |
Reference ID |
When stratum is between 0 and 15 this field shows the IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which the remote is exchanging NTP packets. For reference clocks, this field shows the identification assigned to the clock, such as, ".GPS.” For an NTP server or peer, if the client has not yet synchronized to a server/peer, the status cannot be determined and displays the following codes: Peer Codes: ACST — The association belongs to any cast server. AUTH — Server authentication failed. Wait while the association is restarted. AUTO — Autokey sequence failed. Wait while the association is restarted. BCST — The association belongs to a broadcast server. CRPT— Cryptographic authentication or identification failed. The details should be in the system log file or the cryptostats statistics file, if configured. No further messages will be sent to the server. DENY — Access denied by remote server. No further messages will be sent to the server. DROP — Lost peer in symmetric mode. Wait while the association is restarted. RSTR — Access denied due to local policy. No further messages are sent to the server. INIT — The association has not yet synchronized for the first time. MCST — The association belongs to a manycast server. NKEY — No key found. Either the key was never installed or is not trusted. RATE — Rate exceeded. The server has temporarily denied access because the client exceeded the rate threshold. RMOT — The association from a remote host running the ntpdc utility has had unauthorized attempted access. STEP — A step change in system time has occurred, but the association has not yet resynchronized. System Codes: INIT — The system clock has not yet synchronized for the first time. STEP — A step change in system time has occurred, but the system clock has not yet resynchronized. |
St |
Stratum level of this node |
A |
y — Authentication is enabled n — Authentication is disabled |
Poll |
Polling interval |
Reach |
Shows the reachability for the most recent polls (up to 8) Y — The NTP peer or server did respond in the indicated poll No — The NTP peer or server did not respond in the indicated poll |
Offset |
The time between the local and remote UTC time, in milliseconds |
Time Last Request Rx |
The time at which the last request was received from the client |
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type isa mda
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type esa-vm esa-id/vm-id
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type system
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type tunnel-group tunnel-group-id
[Tree] (show>isa>stats>ip-tunnel-stats number-of-tunnels)
Full Context
show isa statistics ip-tunnel-stats number-of-tunnels
This command displays the number of tunnels that are operationally up for the specified tunnel and scope.
The following scope types are supported:
per ISA
per tunnel group
per system
Note that L2TPv2 does not have a per-ISA scope.
The system collects statistics every hour for the past 24 hours per wall clock. A current value is also included in the output.
- tunnel-type
Displays information about the tunnel type.
- mda
Displays information about the ISA ID.
- system
Displays information about the system.
- tunnel-group-id
Displays information about the tunnel group ID.
- esa-vm
Displays the ID of the configured ESA and ESA VM.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
number-of-tunnels gateway name [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current]
number-of-tunnels [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [ current] esa-vm esa-id/vm-id
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type [ history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current] [show-oid] esa-vm esa-id/vm-id
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type gateway name [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [ current] [show-oid]
number-of-tunnels isa mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current]
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type isa mda [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [ current] [show-oid]
number-of-tunnels system [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [ current]
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type system [ history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current] [show-oid]
number-of-tunnels tunnel-group tunnel-group-id [ history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [current]
number-of-tunnels tunnel-type tunnel-type tunnel-group tunnel-group-id [history-stats-in-count count] [history-stats-in-min minutes] [ current] [show-oid]
[Tree] (show>isa>stats>ipsec-stats number-of-tunnels)
Full Context
show isa statistics ipsec-stats number-of-tunnels
This command displays information for the number of IPsec tunnel statistics of the specified tunnel type and scope. The system collects statistics every hour for the last 24 hour according to the wall clock. The current value is also included in the output.
This command supports following scopes:
per system
per ISA
per tunnel group
per IPsec GW
The start time value in the output indicates the time when the results are collected.
- tunnel-type
Displays information about the specified the tunnel type.
- mda
Displays information about the specified ISA ID.
- tunnel-group-id
Displays information about the specified tunnel group ID.
- name
Displays information about the specified IPsec GW name up to 32 characters in length.
- count
Displays information for the number of statistics intervals to be displayed (starting with the most recent).
- minutes
Displays information about the specified period covered by the statistics to be displayed (starting with the most recent).
- current
Displays information about the current value. The values of count and minutes are ignored by the system once this parameter is specified.
- show-oid
Displays information about the Object Identifier (OID) of the current statistical value.
- esa-vm
Displays the ID of the configured ESA and ESA VM.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of the show isa statistics ipsec-stats number of tunnels command.
Output Exampleshow>isa>stats>ipsec-stats# number-of-tunnels tunnel-group 1
1 (CURRENT) 1 2017/05/23 00:30:13 N/A
2 1 2017/05/23 00:00:00 N/A
3 1 2017/05/22 23:00:00 N/A
4 0 2017/05/22 22:00:00 N/A
5 0 2017/05/22 21:00:00 N/A
6 0 2017/05/22 20:00:00 N/A
7 0 2017/05/22 19:00:00 N/A
8 1 2017/05/22 18:00:00 N/A
1 (CURRENT) 0 2017/05/23 00:30:13 N/A
2 0 2017/05/23 00:00:00 N/A
3 0 2017/05/22 23:00:00 N/A
4 0 2017/05/22 22:00:00 N/A
5 0 2017/05/22 21:00:00 N/A
6 0 2017/05/22 20:00:00 N/A
7 0 2017/05/22 19:00:00 N/A
8 0 2017/05/22 18:00:00 N/A
1 (CURRENT) 0 2017/05/23 00:30:13 N/A
2 0 2017/05/23 00:00:00 N/A
3 0 2017/05/22 23:00:00 N/A
4 0 2017/05/22 22:00:00 N/A
5 0 2017/05/22 21:00:00 N/A
6 0 2017/05/22 20:00:00 N/A
7 0 2017/05/22 19:00:00 N/A
8 0 2017/05/22 18:00:00 N/A
1 (CURRENT) 1 2017/05/23 00:30:13 N/A
2 1 2017/05/23 00:00:00 N/A
3 1 2017/05/22 23:00:00 N/A
4 0 2017/05/22 22:00:00 N/A
5 0 2017/05/22 21:00:00 N/A
6 0 2017/05/22 20:00:00 N/A
7 0 2017/05/22 19:00:00 N/A
8 1 2017/05/22 18:00:00 N/A
1 (CURRENT) 1 2017/05/23 00:32:04 N/A
2 1 2017/05/23 00:00:00 N/A
3 1 2017/05/22 23:00:00 N/A
4 0 2017/05/22 22:00:00 N/A
5 0 2017/05/22 21:00:00 N/A
6 0 2017/05/22 20:00:00 N/A
7 0 2017/05/22 19:00:00 N/A
8 1 2017/05/22 18:00:00 N/A