Chapter 7: Map highlighting
Tunnel and service topology highlights
To highlight the shortest path between two IP addresses
To highlight the bidirectional shortest path between two IP addresses
To highlight the shortest path between two IP addresses and highlight LFA path
To highlight the shortest path between two IP addresses, run a ping, and highlight ping test results
To highlight the constrained shortest path between two IP addresses
To highlight the path for the default route from a source
To highlight the network route between two routers
To create a Source Entry Point between Managed PTP Peers to an unmanaged PTP Peer
To highlight PTP Peers in a Sync Domain
To highlight the IPv6 shortest path between two routers
To highlight composite services
To highlight services from the topology map
To highlight a VPRN prefix path
To highlight historical IP paths
To highlight point-to-multipoint LSPs
To highlight point-to-multipoint LSPs from the topology map contextual menu
To perform a highlighted path audit
To manage active highlights on a topology map
To view highlights on a flat map
To use the Configure Info Tables button
To use the Global Info Tables button
To apply an info table configuration to a map object
To apply an info table configuration to a map highlight
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