Show Service Commands

Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.



egress-label start-label [end-label]




This command displays service information using the range of egress labels.

If only the mandatory start-label parameter is specified, only services using the specified label are displayed.

If both start-label and end-label parameters are specified, the services using the labels in the specified range are displayed.

Use the show router ldp bindings command to display dynamic labels.



the ending egress label value for which to display services using the label range


2049 to 131071


the start-label value


the starting egress label value for which to display services using the label range. If only start-label is specified, services only using start-label are displayed.


0, or 2048 to 131071


The following output is an example of service egress label information, and Service Egress Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example

In the example below, services 3, 5 and 6 are IES, and services 5000 and 5001 are VPLS services.

*A:ALU-12>show>service# egress-label 0 131071
Martini Service Labels
Svc Id     Sdp Binding        Type  I.Lbl                 E.Lbl
3          15:15              Spok  0                     0
5          5:5                Spok  0                     0
6          5:6                Spok  0                     0
5000       15:5000            Mesh  0                     0
5000       15:5001            Spok  0                     0
5001       5001:100           Spok  0                     0
Number of Bindings Found : 6
Table 1. Service Egress Field Descriptions



Svc Id

The ID that identifies a service

Sdp Binding

The ID that identifies an SDP


Indicates whether the SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh

I. Lbl

The VC label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by the SDP

E. Lbl

The VC label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by the SDP

Number of Bindings Found

The total number of SDP bindings that exist within the specified label range



id service-id




This command accesses the context to display information for a particular service ID. Once the particular service context has been accessed, the filtering commands listed below are available.



the unique service identification number or name that identifies the service in the service domain


detailed information about the service


ARP entries for the service


basic service information


DHCP entries for the service


service endpoint information


FDB entries for the service


service interfaces


labels being used by this service


MAC move related information about this service


SAPs associated with the service


SDPs associated with the service


service split horizon groups


static hosts configured on this service







This command displays detailed information for all aspects of the service.


The following output is an example of service ID all information, and Service ID All Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-A# show service id 1 all 
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 1                   
Service Type      : VPRN                
Name              : XYZ Vprn 1
Description       : Default Description For VPRN ID 1
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 07/23/2018 15:31:42 
Last Mgmt Change  : 07/23/2018 15:31:42 
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
Route Dist.       :         VPRN Type         : regular
AS Number         : None                Router Id         :
ECMP              : Enabled             ECMP Max Routes   : 1
Max IPv4 Routes   : No Limit            

Auto Bind Tunnel
Resolution        : filter              
Filter Protocol   : sr-te

Max IPv6 Routes   : No Limit            
Ignore NH Metric  : Disabled            
Hash Label        : Disabled            
Entropy Label     : Disabled            
Vrf Target        : target:1:1          
Vrf Import        : None
Vrf Export        : None
MVPN Vrf Target   : None                
MVPN Vrf Import   : None
MVPN Vrf Export   : None
Label mode        : vrf                 
BGP VPN Backup    : Disabled            
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 0
IPT Count         : 0                   

Service Destination Points(SDPs)      
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points

SAP 1/1/2:1
Service Id         : 1                        
SAP                : 1/1/2:1                  Encap             : q-tag
Description        : sap-1-
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None                     
Last Status Change : 07/23/2018 15:31:47      
Last Mgmt Change   : 07/23/2018 15:31:42      
Sub Type           : regular                  
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking  : both                     
Ing Scheduler Mode : 4-priority               Egr Scheduler Mode: 4-priority
Ing Agg Rate Limit : max                      Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Ing Agg cir        : 0                        Egr Agg cir       : 0
Ing Shaper Group   : default                  Egr Shaper Group  : default
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Ingress qos-policy : 1                        Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp    : (none)                   Egress Port QGrp  : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst   : (none)                   Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy      : n/a                      Multipoint shared : Disabled
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time     : N/A

                        Packets                 Octets
Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)
Dropped               : 0                       0                        
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Off. LowPrio          : 938                     380828                   
Off. Managed          : 0                       0                        

Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     380828                   

Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0                        
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 958                     373620                   
Sap per Queue stats
                        Packets                 Octets

Ingress Queue 1 (Priority)
Off. Combined         : 0                       0                        
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     380828                   
Ingress Queue 3 (Profile) 
Off. ColorIn          : 0                       0                         
Off. ColorOut         : 0                       0                         
Off. Uncolor          : 0                       0                         
Dro. ColorOut         : 0                       0                         
Dro. ColorIn/Uncolor  : 0                       0                         
For. InProf           : 0                       0                         
For. OutProf          : 0                       0  

Egress Queue 1
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 958                     373620                   
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0                        
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0                        
Service Interfaces

If Name           : ies-1-
Admin State       : Up                  Oper (v4/v6)      : Up/Up
Protocols         : None
IP Addr/mask      :      Address Type      : Primary
IGP Inhibit       : Disabled            Broadcast Address : Host-ones
HoldUp-Time       : 0                   Track Srrp Inst   : 0
IPv6 Address     : 2001:10:10:100::1/64
IPv6 Addr State   : PREFERRED           
HoldUp-Time       : 0                   Track Srrp Inst   : 0
Link Lcl Address : fe80::be6b:4dff:fe52:b374/64
Link Lcl State    : PREFERRED           
Description       : N/A
Ignore Port State : None                
Description       : (Not Specified)
If Index          : 2                   Virt. If Index    : 2
Last Oper Chg     : 07/23/2018 15:31:47 Global If Index   : 257
Srrp En Rtng      : Disabled            Hold time         : N/A
SAP Id            : 1/1/2:1
TOS Marking       : Trusted             If Type           : VPRN
SNTP B.Cast       : False               
MAC Address       : bc:6b:4d:52:b3:74   
TCP MSS V4        : 0                   TCP MSS V6        : 0
ARP Timeout       : 14400s              IPv6 Nbr ReachTime: 30s
ARP Retry Timer   : 5000ms              IPv6 stale time   : 14400s
ARP Limit         : Disabled            IPv6 Nbr Limit    : Disabled
ARP Threshold     : Disabled            IPv6 Nbr Threshold: Disabled
ARP Limit Log Only: Disabled            IPv6 Nbr Log Only : Disabled
IP Oper MTU       : 1500                
ARP Populate      : Disabled            Host Conn Verify  : Disabled
LdpSyncTimer      : None                
LSR Load Balance  : system              
 Hashing Treatment: system              
 Use Ingress Port : system              
TEID Load Balance : Disabled            
SPI Load Balance  : Disabled            
L4 Load Balance   : system              
Reassem. Profile  : none                
uRPF Chk          : disabled            
Rx Pkts           : 958                 Rx Bytes          : 388400
Rx V4 Pkts        : 469                 Rx V4 Bytes       : 193228
Rx V4 Discard Pkts: 0                   Rx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
Inv Hdr CRC Pkts : 0                    Inv Hdr CRC Bytes: 0
Inv Length Pkts  : 0                    Inv Length Bytes : 0
Inv GRE Protocol*: 0                    Inv GRE Protocol*: 0
Dest Unreach Pkts: 0                    Dest Unreach Byt*: 0
Inv Mcast Addr P*: 0                    Inv Mcast Addr B*: 0
Directed Bcast P*: 0                    Directed Bcast B*: 0
Src Martian Addr*: 0                    Src Martian Addr*: 0
Dest Martian Add*: 0                    Dest Martian Add*: 0
Black Hole Pkts  : 0                    Black Hole Bytes : 0
FltrActionDrop P*: 0                    FltrActionDrop B*: 0
FltrNHUnreach Pk*: 0                    FltrNHUnreach By*: 0
FltrNHNotDirect *: 0                    FltrNHNotDirect *: 0
TTL Expired Pkts : 0                    TTL Expired Bytes: 0
Slowpath Pkts    : 0                    Slowpath Bytes   : 0
MTU Exceeded Pkts: 0                    MTU Exceeded Byt*: 0
Queue Pkts       : 0                    Queue Bytes      : 0
EncryptionDrop P*: 0                    EncryptionDrop B*: 0
  Last Tunnel     : (Not Specified)
Other Discards P*: 0                    Other Discards B*: 0
Rx V6 Pkts        : 489                 Rx V6 Bytes       : 195172
Rx V6 Discard Pkts: 8                   Rx V6 Discard Byt*: 688
Inv Length Pkts  : 0                    Inv Length Bytes : 0
Dest Unreach Pkts: 0                    Dest Unreach Byt*: 0
Inv Mcast Addr P*: 8                    Inv Mcast Addr B*: 688
Src Martian Addr*: 0                    Src Martian Addr*: 0
Dest Martian Add*: 0                    Dest Martian Add*: 0
Black Hole Pkts  : 0                    Black Hole Bytes : 0
FltrActionDrop P*: 0                    FltrActionDrop B*: 0
TTL Expired Pkts : 0                    TTL Expired Bytes: 0
Slowpath Pkts    : 0                    Slowpath Bytes   : 0
MTU Exceeded Pkts: 0                    MTU Exceeded Byt*: 0
Queue Pkts       : 0                    Queue Bytes      : 0
EncryptionDrop P*: 0                    EncryptionDrop B*: 0
  Last Tunnel     : (Not Specified)
Other Discards P*: 0                    Other Discards B*: 0
Tx Pkts           : 964                 Tx Bytes          : 395212
Tx V4 Pkts        : 479                 Tx V4 Bytes       : 197348
Tx V4 Discard Pkts: 0                   Tx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
FltrActionDrop P*: 0                    FltrActionDrop B*: 0
MTU Exceeded Pkts: 0                    MTU Exceeded Byt*: 0
Queue Pkts       : 0                    Queue Bytes      : 0
EncryptionDrop P*: 0                    EncryptionDrop B*: 0
  Last Tunnel     : (Not Specified)
Other Discards P*: 0                    Other Discards B*: 0
Tx V6 Pkts        : 485                 Tx V6 Bytes       : 197864
Tx V6 Discard Pkts: 0                   Tx V6 Discard Byt*: 0
FltrActionDrop P*: 0                    FltrActionDrop B*: 0
MTU Exceeded Pkts: 0                    MTU Exceeded Byt*: 0
Queue Pkts       : 0                    Queue Bytes      : 0
EncryptionDrop P*: 0                    EncryptionDrop B*: 0
  Last Tunnel     : (Not Specified)
Other Discards P*: 0                    Other Discards B*: 0

Security Details
Admin Zone        : None                Oper Zone         : None
Bypass            : No                  
Rx V4 Discard Pkts: 0                   Rx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
Unsup Proto Pkts : 0                    Unsup Proto Bytes: 0
Unsup Svc Pkts   : 0                    Unsup Svc Bytes  : 0
Unsup ICMP Type *: 0                    Unsup ICMP Type *: 0
Fragment Pkts    : 0                    Fragment Bytes   : 0
No Session Pkts  : 0                    No Session Bytes : 0
NAT Rte Loop Pkts: 0                    NAT Rte Loop Byt*: 0
Other Discards P*: 0                    Other Discards B*: 0

Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP     : Disabled            Local Proxy ARP   : Disabled
Policies          : none                

Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND      : Disabled            
Policies          : none                

DHCP no local server

DHCP Details
Description  : (Not Specified)
Admin State       : Down                Lease Populate    : 0
Action            : Keep                Trusted           : Disabled

DHCP6 Relay Details
Description       : (Not Specified)
Admin State       : Down                Lease Populate    : 0
Oper State        : Down                Nbr Resolution    : Disabled
If-Id Option      : None                Remote Id         : Disabled
Src Addr          : Not configured

DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State       : Down                Max. Lease States : 8000

ICMP Details
Unreachables     : Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
TTL Expired      : Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
Parameter Problem: Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
ICMP Mask Reply  : True

ICMPv6 Details
Packet Too Big   : Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
Parameter Problem: Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
Redirects        : Disabled
Time Exceeded    : Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
Unreachables     : Number - 100         Time (seconds)   - 10   
IPCP Address Extension Details
Peer IP Addr      : Not configured      
Peer Pri DNS Addr : Not configured      
Peer Sec DNS Addr : Not configured      

Admin Groups
No Matching Entries

Srlg Groups
No Matching Entries

Group Encryption
Inbound Keygroup *: N/A                 
Outbound Keygroup*: N/A                 
IP Transports
No Matching Entries
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:7705:Dut-A# show service  id 1000 all  
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 1000                
Service Type      : Epipe               
Name              : XYZ Epipe 1000
Description       : Default epipe description for service id 1000
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 07/23/2018 18:46:02 
Last Mgmt Change  : 07/23/2018 18:44:07 
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514                
Vc Switching      : False               
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 1
Per Svc Hashing   : Disabled            
TEID Hashing      : Disabled            L4 Hashing        : Disabled
Force QTag Fwd    : Disabled            
BGP Information

Service Destination Points(SDPs)
Sdp Id 1000:1000  -(
Description     : Default sdp description
SDP Id             : 1000:1000                Type              : Spoke
VC Type            : Ether                    VC Tag            : n/a
Admin Path MTU     : 0                        Oper Path MTU     : 1546
Delivery           : MPLS                     
Far End            :
Tunnel Far End     : n/a                      LSP Types         : SR-ISIS
Entropy Label      : Disabled                 
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
MinReqd SdpOperMTU : 1514                     
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled
Ingress Label      : 131052                   Egress Label      : 131062
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
Admin ControlWord  : Not Preferred            Oper ControlWord  : False
Admin BW(Kbps)     : 0                        Oper BW(Kbps)     : 0
Last Status Change : 07/23/2018 18:46:02      Signaling         : TLDP
Last Mgmt Change   : 07/23/2018 18:44:07      
Endpoint           : N/A                      Precedence        : 4
PW Status Sig      : Enabled                  
Force Vlan-Vc      : Disabled                 
Class Fwding State : Down                     
Flags              : None
Local Pw Bits      : None
Peer Pw Bits       : None
Peer Fault Ip      : None                     
Peer Vccv CV Bits  : lspPing
Peer Vccv CC Bits  : mplsRouterAlertLabel

Application Profile: None                     
Standby Sig Slave  : False                    

Ingress Qos Policy : (none)                   Egress Qos Policy : (none)
Ingress FP QGrp    : (none)                   Egress Port QGrp  : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst   : (none)                   Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)

KeepAlive Information :
Admin State        : Disabled                 Oper State        : Disabled
Hello Time         : 10                       Hello Msg Len     : 0
Max Drop Count     : 3                        Hold Down Time    : 10

Statistics            :
I. Fwd. Pkts.      : 938                      I. Dro. Pkts.     : 0
I. Fwd. Octs.      : 399588                   I. Dro. Octs.     : n/a
E. Fwd. Pkts.      : 938                      E. Fwd. Octets    : 410844
E. Dro. Pkts.      : 0                        
Grp Enc Stats         :
I. Fwd. Pkts.      : 0                        I. Fwd. Octs.     : 0
I. Dro. Inv. Spi.  : 0                        I. Dro. OthEncPkt*: 0
E. Fwd. Pkts.      : 0                        E. Fwd. Octs.     : 0
E. Dro. Enc. Pkts. : 0                        
RSVP/Static LSPs
Associated LSP List :
No LSPs Associated

Segment Routing
ISIS               : enabled                  LSP Id            : 524327
Oper Instance Id   : 0                        
OSPF               : disabled                 
TE-LSP             : disabled                 
Number of SDPs : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Service Access Points

SAP 1/1/2:1000
Service Id         : 1000                     
SAP                : 1/1/2:1000               Encap             : q-tag
Description        : Default sap description for service id 1000
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None                     
Last Status Change : 07/23/2018 18:44:13      
Last Mgmt Change   : 07/23/2018 18:44:07      
Sub Type           : regular                  
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Hold Meps Up       : Disabled                 
Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
qinq-pbit-marking  : both                     
Ing Scheduler Mode : 4-priority               Egr Scheduler Mode: 4-priority
Ing Agg Rate Limit : max                      Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Ing Agg cir        : 0                        Egr Agg cir       : 0
Ing Shaper Group   : default                  Egr Shaper Group  : default
Endpoint           : N/A                      
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 
Vlan-translation   : None                     
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Ignore Oper Down   : Disabled                 
Loopback           : None                     
Swap Mac Addr      : Disabled                 Loopback Time Left: unspecified

ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Hold Meps Up       : Disabled                 

Ingress qos-policy : 1                        Egress qos-policy : 1
Ingress FP QGrp    : (none)                   Egress Port QGrp  : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst   : (none)                   Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Shared Q plcy      : n/a                      Multipoint shared : Disabled
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time     : N/A

                        Packets                 Octets
Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)
Dropped               : 0                       0                        
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Off. LowPrio          : 938                     386456                   
Off. Managed          : 0                       0                        

Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     386456                   

Forwarding Engine Stats (Egress)
Dropped               : 0                       n/a                      

Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 1)
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0                        
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     386456                   
Sap per Queue stats
                        Packets                 Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Priority)
Off. Combined         : 0                       0                        
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0                        
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0                        
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     386456                   
Egress Queue 1
For. InProf           : 0                       0                        
For. OutProf          : 938                     386456                   
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0                        
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0                        
Service Endpoints
No Endpoints found.                   

VLL Sites
Site                Site-Id   Dest                Admin       Oper  Fwdr
No Matching Entries
Table 2. Service ID All Field Descriptions



Service Detailed Information

Service Id

The service identifier

Service Type

The type of service (VPRN)


The service name


A description of the service

Customer Id

The customer identifier

Last Status Change

The date and time of the most recent change in the administrative or operating status of the service

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this service

Admin State

The desired state of the service

Oper State

The current operational state of the service

Route Dist.

The route distribution number


Only valid in services that accept mesh SDP bindings. It validates the VC ID portion of each mesh SDP binding defined in the service.

AS Number

The autonomous system number

Router Id

The router ID for this service


Displays equal cost multipath information

ECMP Max Routes

The maximum number of routes that can be received from the neighbors in the group or for the specific neighbor

Max IPv4 Routes

The maximum number of routes that can be used for path sharing

Max IPv6 Routes

Not applicable

Auto Bind

The automatic binding type for the SDP assigned to this service

Vrf Target

The route target in the VRF applied to this service

Vrf Import

The VRF import policy applied to this service

Vrf Export

The VRF export policy applied to this service

SAP Count

The number of SAPs specified for this service

SDP Bind Count

The number of SDPs bound to this service

Service Destination Points (SDPs)


The SDP identifier


Indicates whether this service SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh

VC Type

The VC type: ether or vlan

VC Tag

The explicit dot1q value used when encapsulating to the SDP far end

Admin Path MTU

The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Oper Path MTU

The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Far End

Specifies the IP address of the remote end of the GRE, MPLS, or IP tunnel defined by this SDP

Tunnel Far End


LSP Types

Indicates the supported LSP types: R = RSVP, L = LDP, B = BGP, I = SR-ISIS, O = SR-OSPF, T = SR-TE, n/a = not applicable


Specifies the type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE, MPLS, or IP

Admin State

The administrative state of this SDP

Oper State

The operational state of this SDP

Acct. Pol

The accounting policy applied to the SDP

Collect Stats

Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SDP

Ingress Label

The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP

Egress Label

The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by this SDP

Ing mac Fltr

Not applicable

Egr mac Fltr

Not applicable

Ing ip Fltr

The SDP ingress filter policy ID

Egr ip Fltr

The SDP egress filter policy ID

Ing ipv6 Fltr

Not applicable

Egr ipv6 Fltr

Not applicable

Admin ControlWord

The administrative state of the control word: Preferred (control word enabled) or Not Preferred (control word disabled)

Oper ControlWord

The operational state of the control word: True (control word enabled) or False (control word disabled)

Last Status Change

The date and time of the most recent status change to this SDP


The signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on this SDP

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this SDP

Class Fwding State

Not applicable


Specifies the conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. Display output includes: ServiceAdminDown, SapAdminDown, InterfaceAdminDown, PortOperDown, PortMTUTooSmall, L2OperDown, SapIngressQoSMismatch, SapEgressQoSMismatch, RelearnLimitExceeded, RxProtSrcMac, ParentIfAdminDown, NoSapIpipeCeIpAddr, TodResourceUnavail, TodMssResourceUnavail, SapParamMismatch, CemSapNoEcidOrMacAddr, StandByForMcRing, ServiceMTUTooSmall, SapIngressNamedPoolMismatch, SapEgressNamedPoolMismatch, NoSapEpipeRingNode

KeepAlive Information

Admin State

The operating status of the keepalive protocol

Oper State

The current status of the keepalive protocol

Hello Time

Specifies how often the SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP

Hello Msg Len

The length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP

Max Drop Count

The maximum number of consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault

Hold Down Time

The time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state


I. Fwd. Pkts.

The number of forwarded ingress packets

I. Dro. Pkts.

The number of dropped ingress packets

I. Fwd. Octs.

The number of forwarded ingress octets

I. Dro. Octs.

The number of dropped ingress octets

E. Fwd. Pkts.

The number of forwarded egress packets

E. Fwd. Octets

The number of forwarded egress octets

Associated LSP LIST

If the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the far-end field.

If the SDP type is GRE, the following message displays: SDP delivery mechanism is not MPLS

Number of SDPs

The total number of SDPs applied to this service ID

Service Access Points

Service Id

The service identifier


The SAP identifier


The encapsulation type of the SAP

Admin State

The administrative state of the SAP

Oper State

The operating state of the SAP


Specifies the conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. Display output includes: ServiceAdminDown, SapAdminDown, InterfaceAdminDown, PortOperDown, PortMTUTooSmall, L2OperDown, SapIngressQoSMismatch, SapEgressQoSMismatch, RelearnLimitExceeded, RxProtSrcMac, ParentIfAdminDown, NoSapIpipeCeIpAddr, TodResourceUnavail, TodMssResourceUnavail, SapParamMismatch, CemSapNoEcidOrMacAddr, StandByForMcRing, ServiceMTUTooSmall, SapIngressNamedPoolMismatch, SapEgressNamedPoolMismatch, NoSapEpipeRingNode

Multi Svc Site

Indicates the multiservice site that the SAP is a member of

Last Status Change

The time of the most recent operating status change to this SAP

Last Mgmt Change

The time of the most recent management-initiated change to this SAP

Sub Type

The supported sub type: regular

Dot1Q Ethertype

The value of the dot1q Ethertype

QinQ Ethertype

The value of the qinq Ethertype

Admin MTU

The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through the SAP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Oper MTU

The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through the SAP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Ingr IP Fltr-Id

The ingress filter policy ID assigned to the SAP

Egr IP Fltr-Id

The egress filter policy ID assigned to the SAP

Ingr Mac Fltr-Id

Not applicable

Ingr IPv6 Fltr-ID

Not applicable

Egr IPv6 Fltr-ID

Not applicable


Indicates whether a time-based policy is applied to a multiservice site


Indicates the qinq P-bit marking for the service: both or top

Ing Scheduler Mode

Indicates the ingress scheduler mode for the SAP

Egr Scheduler Mode

Indicates the egress scheduler mode for the SAP

Ing Agg Rate Limit

Indicates the PIR rate limit in the access ingress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Egr Agg Rate Limit

Indicates the PIR rate limit in the access egress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Ing Agg cir

Indicates the CIR rate limit in the access ingress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Egr Agg cir

Indicates the CIR rate limit in the access egress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Ing Shaper Group

Indicates the ingress shaper group for the SAP

Egr Shaper Group

Indicates the egress shaper group for the SAP

Q Frame-Based Acct

Not applicable

Acct. Pol

The accounting policy applied to the SAP

Collect Stats

Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SAP

Anti Spoofing

Not applicable

Nbr Static Hosts

Not applicable


Ingress qos-policy

The SAP ingress QoS policy ID

Egress qos-policy

The SAP egress QoS policy ID

Shared Q plcy

Not applicable

Multipoint shared

Not applicable

Segment Routing


Indicates the state of segment routing for IS-IS: enabled or disabled


The LSP identifier

Oper Instance Id

The IS-IS instance identifier for the SR IS-IS instance


Indicates the state of segment routing for OSPF: enabled or disabled


Indicates the state of segment routing for TE LSP: enabled or disabled

TWAMP-Light Reflector

Admin State

Displays one of the following:

Up—the server or prefix is administratively enabled (no shutdown) in configuration

Down—the server or prefix is administratively disabled (shutdown) in configuration

Up Time

The time since the server process was started, measured in days (d), hours, minutes, and seconds

Configured UDP Port

The UDP port number used

Test Packets Rx

The total number of test packets received from session senders

Test Packets Tx

The total number of test packets sent to session senders

TWAMP Light Controller Prefix List

The IP address prefixes of TWAMP Light clients

SAP Statistics

Last Cleared time

The date and time that a clear command was issued on the statistics

Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)


The number of packets or octets dropped by the forwarding engine

Off. HiPrio

The number of high-priority packets or octets offered to the forwarding engine

Off. LowPrio

The number of low-priority packets offered to the forwarding engine

Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy)

Dro. HiPrio

The number of high-priority packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

Dro. LowPrio

The number of low-priority packets discarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy)

Dro. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

Dro. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

Sap per Queue stats

Ingress Queue n (Priority)

The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP, where n is the index number

Off. Combined

The combined total number of high-priority and low-priority packets or octets offered to the forwarding engine

Off. HiPrio

The number of packets or octets of high-priority traffic for the SAP (offered)

Off. LoPrio

The number of packets or octets count of low-priority traffic for the SAP (offered)

Dro. HiPrio

The number of high-priority traffic packets or octets dropped

Dro. LoPrio

The number of low-priority traffic packets or octets dropped

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded

Ingress Queue n (Profile)

The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP, where n is the index number

Off. ColorIn

The number of packets or octets colored as in-profile for the SAP (offered)

Off. ColorOut

The number of packets or octets colored as out-of-profile for the SAP (offered)

Off. Uncolor

The number of packets or octets that are unprofiled for the SAP (offered)

Dro. ColorOut

The number of packets or octets colored as out-of-profile that were dropped for the SAP

Dro. ColorIn/Uncolor

The number of packets or octets that were colored as in-profile or were unprofiled that were dropped for the SAP

For. InProf

The number of forwarded packets or octets colored as in-profile (FC profile set to ‟in” or ‟no profile” and rate less than or equal to CIR)

For. OutProf

The number of forwarded packets or octets that were colored as out-of-profile (FC profile set to ‟out” or ‟no profile” and rate above CIR)

Egress Queue n

The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP, where n is the index number

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded

For. OutProf

Number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded

Dro. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP

Dro. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded

Service Interfaces


If Name

The name used to refer to the interface

Admin State

The desired state of the interface

Oper (v4/v6)

The operating state of the interface


The protocols supported on the interface

IP Addr/mask

The IP address/IP subnet/broadcast address of the interface


If Index

The index corresponding to this interface. The primary index is 1. For example, all interfaces are defined in the Base virtual router context.

Virt. If Index

The virtual interface index of the VPRN interface

Last Oper Chg

The date and time of the last operating state change on the interface

Global If Index

The global interface index of the VPRN interface

TOS Marking

Specifies whether the ToS marking is trusted or untrusted for the interface

If Type

The interface type


Specifies whether SNTP broadcast client mode is enabled or disabled

MAC Address

The 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address

Arp Timeout

The timeout for an ARP entry learned on the interface


The IP maximum transmit unit for the interface

ICMP Mask Reply

Specifies whether ICMP mask reply is enabled or disabled

ARP Populate

Specifies if ARP is enabled or disabled

Host Conn Verify

Not applicable


Not applicable

Proxy ARP Details

Rem Proxy ARP

Indicates whether remote proxy ARP is enabled or disabled

Local Proxy ARP

Indicates whether local proxy ARP is enabled or disabled


Specifies the policy statements applied to proxy ARP

DHCP Details

Admin State

The desired state of DHCP

Lease Populate

Not applicable


The processing required that occurs when the 7705 SAR receives a DHCP request that already has a Relay Agent Information Option (Option 82):


Indicates whether trusted mode is enabled or disabled on the IP interface

ICMP Details


The rate for ICMP redirect messages


The rate for ICMP unreachable messages

TTL Expired

The rate for ICMP TTL messages

IPCP Address Extension Details

Peer IP Addr

Specifies the remote IP address to be assigned to the far-end of the associated PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions

Peer Pri DNS Addr

Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the primary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions

Peer Sec DNS Addr

Specifies a unicast IPv4 address for the secondary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions



arp [ip-address] | [mac ieee-address] | [sap sap-id] | [interface ip-int-name]




This command displays the ARP table for the VPRN instance.



the IP address for which ARP entries will be displayed


a.b.c.d ( to


all IP addresses


the 48-bit MAC address for which ARP entries will be displayed. The MAC address can be expressed in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff or aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff, where aa, bb, cc, dd, ee and ff are hexadecimal numbers.


xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx


all MAC addresses


the SAP ID for which ARP entries will be displayed. See SAP ID Configurations for a full list of SAP IDs.


the IP interface name for which to display matching ARPs


The following output is an example of service ID ARP information, and Service ID ARP Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# arp
ARP Table
IP Address      MAC Address       Type    Expiry    Interface         SAP
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------   98-90-96-B9-9D-61 Other   00:00:00  ies-100-190.11.1  1/1/11:0
Table 3. Service ID ARP Field Descriptions



IP Address

The IP address of the ARP entry

MAC Address

The MAC address of the ARP entry


Dyn—the ARP entry is a dynamic ARP entry

Inv—the ARP entry is an inactive static ARP entry (invalid).

Oth—the ARP entry is a local or system ARP entry

Sta—the ARP entry is an active static ARP entry


The age of the ARP entry


The IP interface name associated with the ARP entry


The port identifier of the SAP







This command displays basic information about the service ID, including service type, description, SAPs and SDPs.


The following output is an example of service ID base information, and Service ID Base Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-C>config>router>mpls# show service id 3 base
Service Basic Information
Service Id :         3
Service Type :       VPRN
Name :               XYZ Vprn 3
Description :        Default Description For VPRN ID 3
Customer Id :        1                   Creation Origin  : manual
Last Status Change:  05/17/2021 18:48:14
Last Mgmt Change :   05/17/2021 18:48:14
Admin State :                            Up Oper State    : Up
Router Oper State :  Up
Route Dist.       :        VPRN Type        : regular
AS Number         :  65000               Router Id        :
ECMP              :  Enabled             ECMP Max Routes  : 8
Max IPv4 Routes   :  No Limit
Auto Bind Tunnel
Resolution        :  filter
Filter Protocol   :  rsvp
Weighted ECMP     :  Enabled             ECMP Max Routes   : 8
Max IPv6 Routes   :  No Limit
Ignore NH Metric  :  Disabled
Hash Label        :  Disabled
Entropy Label     :  Disabled
Vrf Target        :  target:65000:1
Vrf Import        :  None
Vrf Export        :  None
MVPN Vrf Target   :  None
MVPN Vrf Import   :  None
MVPN Vrf Export   :  None
Label mode        :  vrf
BGP VPN Backup    :  Disabled

SAP Count         :  1                   SDP Bind Count   : 0
IPT Count         :  0

Service Access & Destination Points
Identifier                              Type     AdmMTU    OprMTU     Adm   Opr
sap:1/1/2                               null     1572      1572       Up    Up
IP Transports
IptId     Adm   Opr
No Matching Entries
Table 4. Service ID Base Field Descriptions



Service Id

The service identifier

Service Type

The type of service: VPRN


The service name


Generic information about the service

Customer Id

The customer identifier

Creation Origin

The method used to create this service, either manual or automatic

Last Status Change

The date and time of the most recent status change to this service

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this service

Admin State

The desired state of the service

Up Oper State

The operating state of the service

Router Oper State

The operating state of the router

Route Dist.

The largest frame size (in octets) that this service can handle


Only valid in services that accept mesh SDP bindings. It validates the VC ID portion of each mesh SDP binding defined in the service.

AS Number

The autonomous system number

Router id

The router ID for this service


Specifies whether equal cost multipath is enabled or disabled for this service

ECMP Max Routes

The maximum number of ECMP routes that can be received from the neighbors in the group or for the specific neighbor

Max IPv4 Routes

The maximum number of IPv4 routes that can be used for path sharing

Auto Bind Tunnel Resolution

The auto-bind resolution mode, either any, filter, or disabled

Filter Protocol

The auto-bind filter protocol

Weighted ECMP

Specifies whether auto-bind weighted ECMP option is enabled or disabled

ECMP Max Routes

The maximum number of weighted ECMP routes that can be received from the neighbors in the group or for the specific neighbor

Max IPv6 Routes

The maximum number of IPv6 routes that can be used for path sharing

Ignore NH Metric

Specifies whether the ignore next hop metric option is enabled or disabled

Hash Label

Specifies whether the hash label option is enabled or disabled

Entropy Label

Specifies whether the entropy label option is enabled or disabled

Vrf Target

The route target in the VRF applied to this service

Vrf Import

The VRF import policy applied to this service

Vrf Export

The VRF export policy applied to this service

MVPN Vrf Target

The MVPN route target in the VRF applied to this service

MVPN Vrf Import

The MVPN VRF import policy applied to this service

MVPN Vrf Export

The MVPN VRF export policy applied to this service

Label mode

The label mode for this service

BGP VPN Backup

Specifies whether the BGP VPN backup option is enabled or disabled

SAP Count

The number of SAPs defined on this service

SDP Bind Count

The number of SDPs bound to this service

IPT Count

The number of IP transport subservices associated with this service

Service Access & Destination Points


The service access (SAP) and destination (SDP) points


The signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on the SDP


The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented


The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented


The administrative state of the SAP or SDP


The operating state of the SAP or SDP

IP Transports


The IP transport subservice ID


The administrative state of the IP transport subservice


The operating state of the IP transport subservice







This command enables the context to display DHCP information for the specified service.



statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]




This command displays DHCP statistics information.



the interface name for which DHCP statistics will be displayed


the IP address of the interface for which to display information


a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)


The following output is an example of server ID DHCP statistics information, and Service ID DHCP Statistics Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id>dhcp# statistics
DHCP Global Statistics, service 6
Rx Packets                           : 0
Tx Packets                           : 0
Rx Malformed Packets                 : 0
Rx Untrusted Packets                 : 0
Client Packets Discarded             : 0
Client Packets Relayed               : 0
Server Packets Discarded             : 0
Server Packets Relayed               : 0
Table 5. Service ID DHCP Statistics Field Descriptions



DHCP Global Statistics, service x

Rx Packets

The number of packets received from the DHCP clients

Tx Packets

The number of packets transmitted to the DHCP clients

Rx Malformed Packets

The number of corrupted/invalid packets received from the DHCP clients

Rx Untrusted Packets

The number of untrusted packets received from the DHCP clients. In this case, a frame is dropped due to the client sending a DHCP packet with Option 82 filled in before ‟trust” is set under the DHCP interface command.

Client Packets Discarded

The number of packets received from the DHCP clients that were discarded

Client Packets Relayed

The number of packets received from the DHCP clients that were forwarded

Server Packets Discarded

The number of packets received from the DHCP server that were discarded

Server Packets Relayed

The number of packets received from the DHCP server that were forwarded



summary [interface interface-name | saps]




This command displays DHCP configuration summary information.



the interface name for which DHCP summary statistics will be displayed


displays SAPs per interface


The following output is an example of service ID DHCP summary information, and Service ID DHCP Summary Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id>dhcp# summary
DHCP Summary, service 6
Interface Name                   Arp      Used/                 Info    Admin
  SapId/Sdp                      Populate Provided              Option  State
vprn_interface                   No       0/0                   Keep    Down
Interfaces: 1
Table 6. Service ID DHCP Summary Field Descriptions



DHCP Summary, service x

Interface Name Sap/Sdp

The name of the interface

Arp Populate

Specifies whether ARP populate is enabled or disabled


Used—the number of lease-states that are currently in use on the specified interface, that is, the number of clients on the interface that got an IP address by DHCP. This value is always less than or equal to the ‟Provided” field.

Provided—the lease-populate value that is configured for a specific interface

Info Option

Keep—the existing information is kept on the packet and the router does not add any additional information

Replace—on ingress, the existing information-option is replaced with the information-option from the router

Drop—the packet is dropped and an error is logged

Admin State

The administrative state



interface [{[ip-address | ip-int-name] [interface-type] [detail] [family]} | summary]




This command displays information for the IP interfaces associated with the service.

If no optional parameters are specified, a summary of all IP interfaces associated with the service are displayed.



the IP address of the interface for which to display information


ipv4-address: a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)

ipv6-address: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)


x: [0 to FFFF]H

d [0 to 255]D


the IP interface name for which to display information

interface type

displays either group or subscriber interfaces


displays detailed IP interface information


displays the IP interface family


ipv4, ipv6


displays summary IP interface information


The following output is an example of service ID interface information, and Service ID Interface Detailed Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# interface
Interface Table
Interface-Name                   Adm         Opr(v4/v6)  Type    Port/SapId
   IP-Address                                                    PfxState
vprn_interface                   Up          Down/Down   VPRN    1/5/2
   -                                                             -
Interfaces : 1

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# interface summary
Service Interface Summary
Service Id          Interfaces          Admin-Up            Oper-Up(v4/v6)
6                   1                   1                   0/0

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# interface detail
Interface Table

If Name      : vprn_interface
Admin State  : Up                               Oper (v4/v6)     : Down/Down
Protocols    : None

IP Addr/mask : Not Assigned
If Index     : 2                                Virt. If Index   : 2
Last Oper Chg: 02/03/2010 21:59:02              Global If Index  : 125
SAP Id       : 1/5/2
TOS Marking  : Trusted                          If Type          : VPRN
SNTP B.Cast  : False
MAC Address  :                                  Arp Timeout      : 14400
IP MTU       : 1500                             ICMP Mask Reply  : True
Arp Populate : Disabled                         Host Conn Verify : Disabled
LdpSyncTimer : None

Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP: Disabled                         Local Proxy ARP  : Disabled
Policies     : none

Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies     : none

DHCP Details
Admin State  : Down                             Lease Populate   : 0
Action       : Keep                             Trusted          : Disabled

DHCP6 Relay Details
Admin State  : Down                             Lease Populate   : 0
Oper State   : Down                             Nbr Resolution   : Disabled
If-Id Option : None                             Remote Id        : Disabled
Src Addr     : Not configured

DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State  : Down                             Max. Lease States: 8000

ICMP Details
Redirects    : Number - 100                     Time (seconds)   - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100                     Time (seconds)   - 10
TTL Expired  : Number - 100                     Time (seconds)   - 10

IPCP Address Extension Details
Peer IP Addr*: Not configured
Peer Pri DNS*: Not configured
Peer Sec DNS*: Not configured
Interfaces : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Table 7. Service ID Interface Detailed Field Descriptions




If Name

The name used to refer to the interface

Admin State

The desired state of the interface

Oper (v4/v6)

The operating state of the interface


The protocols supported on this interface

IP Addr/mask

The IP address/IP subnet/broadcast address of the interface


If Index

The index corresponding to this interface. The primary index is 1. For example, all interfaces are defined in the Base virtual router context.

Virt. If Index

The virtual interface index of the VPRN interface

Last Oper Chg

The date and time of the last operating state change on the interface

Global If Index

The global interface index of the VPRN interface

TOS Marking

Specifies whether the ToS marking is trusted or untrusted for the interface

If Type

The interface type


Specifies whether SNTP broadcast client mode is enabled or disabled

MAC Address

The 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address

Arp Timeout

The timeout for an ARP entry learned on the interface


The IP maximum transmit unit for the interface

ICMP Mask Reply

Specifies whether ICMP mask reply is enabled or disabled

ARP Populate

Specifies if ARP is enabled or disabled

Host Conn Verify

Not applicable


Not applicable

Proxy ARP Details

Rem Proxy ARP

Indicates whether remote proxy ARP is enabled or disabled

Local Proxy ARP

Indicates whether local proxy ARP is enabled or disabled


Specifies the policy statements applied to proxy ARP

DHCP Details

Admin State

The administrative state of DHCP

Lease Populate

Not applicable


The processing required that occurs when the 7705 SAR receives a DHCP request that already has a Relay Agent Information Option (Option 82):


Indicates whether trusted mode is enabled or disabled on the IP interface

ICMP Details


The rate for ICMP redirect messages


The rate for ICMP unreachable messages

TTL Expired

The rate for ICMP TTL messages

IPCP Address Extension Details

Peer IP Addr

The remote IP address to be assigned to the far end of the associated PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions

Peer Pri DNS

The unicast IPv4 address for the primary DNS server to be signaled to the far end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions

Peer Sec DNS

The unicast IPv4 address for the secondary DNS server to be signaled to the far end of the associate PPP/MLPPP link via IPCP extensions



ip-transport ipt-id [detail | statistics]




This command displays information for a specified IP transport subservice within this VPRN service. If no IP transport subservice is specified, summary information is displayed for all IP transport subservices associated with the VPRN service.



the physical port associated with the IP transport subservice, in the format slot/mda/


displays detailed information for the specified IP transport subservice


displays statistical information for the specified IP transport subservice


The following output is an example of IP transport subservice summary information for a specified service, and Service IP Transport Subservice Summary Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12# show service id 100 ip-transport
IP Transport (Summary), Service 100
IptId     LocalIP         LocalPort Proto RemHost DSCP FC FltrUnkn Adm  Opr
1/2/4.1     3000      tcp   2       ef   ef disabled Up   Up
Entries found: 1
Table 8. Service IP Transport Subservice Summary Field Descriptions



IP Transport (Summary), Service x


The IP transport subservice physical port identifier


The IP address (IPv4) that is used for the local host


The port number that is used by remote hosts to establish TCP/UDP sessions to the local host


The protocol type that is used for all sessions to and from the local host (either TCP or UDP)


The number of remote hosts associated with the IP transport subservice


The DSCP name used to mark the DSCP field in IP transport packets


The FC name used for IP transport packets


Indicates whether the filter-unknown-host command is enabled or disabled on the IP transport subservice


The administrative state of the IP transport subservice


The operational state of the IP transport subservice

Entries found:

The number of IP transport subservices associated with this service

The following output is an example of detailed information for a specified IP transport subservice within a specified service, and Service IP Transport Subservice Detailed Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-C# show service id 100 ip-transport 1/2/4.1 detail
IP Transport
Service Id         : 100 (VPRN)
IP Transport Id    : 1/2/4.1
Description        : (Not Specified)
Admin State        : Up                        Oper State          : Up
Oper Flags         : (Not Specified)
Local IP Address   :               Local Port Number   : 3000
Local IP Protocol  : tcp
DSCP               : ef                        Filter Unknown Host : enabled
FC                 : ef                        Profile             : in
TCP Inact Timeout  : 30
TCP Max Retries    : 5
TCP Retry Interval : 5
Num Remote Hosts   : 0
Last Mgmt Change   : 12/07/2016 16:48:22
Last Oper Change   : 12/07/2016 16:48:22
IP Transport Accumulated Statistics
Known Remote Hosts
  Packets sent                           : 44
  Characters sent                        : 66000
  Packets received                       : 67
  Characters received                    : 51114
  Connections                            : 2
    To                                   : 2
    From                                 : 0
  Connection retries                     : 20
  Connection failures                    : 2
  Currently connected                    : 0
Unknown Remote Hosts
  Packets sent                           : 119
  Characters sent                        : 178500
  Packets received                       : 153
  Characters received                    : 116039
  Successful connections from            : 2
  Rejected due to unknown host filter    : 37
  Rejected due to out of resources       : 0
  Inactivity timeouts                    : 0
  Last RemIp:RemPort                     :
  Currently connected                    : 0
Dropped packets due to no remote hosts   : 27
Table 9. Service IP Transport Subservice Detailed Field Descriptions



IP Transport

Service Id

The ID that identifies the service (the service type is shown in brackets)

IP Transport Id

The physical port identifier for this IP transport subservice


The description associated with this IP transport subservice

Admin State

The administrative state of this IP transport subservice

Oper State

The operational state of this IP transport subservice

Oper Flags

The operational flags associated with this IP transport subservice

Local IP Address

The IP address (IPv4) that is used for the local host

Local Port Number

The port number that is used by remote hosts to establish TCP/UDP sessions to the local host

Local IP Protocol

The protocol type that is used for all sessions to and from the local host (either TCP or UDP)


The DSCP name used to mark the DSCP field in IP transport packets

Filter Unknown Host

Indicates whether the filter-unknown-host command is enabled or disabled for this IP transport subservice


The FC name used for IP transport packets


The profile marking for the IP transport packets (in or out)

TCP Inact Timeout

The configured inactivity timeout value for TCP connections

TCP Max Retries

The configured maximum retry value for TCP connections

TCP Retry Interval

The configured retry interval value for TCP connections

Num Remote Hosts

The number of remote hosts associated with this IP transport subservice

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this IP transport subservice

Last Oper Change

The date and time of the most recent operational status change for this IP transport subservice

IP Transport Accumulated Statistics

Known Remote Hosts

Packets sent

The number of packets sent to the host

Characters sent

The number of data characters sent to the host

Packets received

The number of packets received from the host

Characters received

The number of data characters received from the host




The number of connections to and from the host

Connection retries

The number of connection retries to the host

Connection failures

The number of connection failures to the host

Currently connected

The number of hosts currently connected

Unknown Remote Hosts

Packets sent

The number of packets sent to the host

Characters sent

The number of data characters sent to the host

Packets received

The number of packets received from the host

Characters received

The number of data characters received from the host

Successful connections from

The number of successful connections from the host

Rejected due to unknown host filter

The number of rejected connection attempts from the host due to the filter-unknown-host command being enabled

Rejected due to out of resource

The number of connection attempts from the host that were rejected due to the unavailability of resources

Inactivity timeouts

The number of connections from the host that timed out due to inactivity

Last RemIp:RemPort

The IP address (IPv4) and port number used by the host for the last connection

Currently connected

The number of hosts that are currently connected

Dropped packets due to no remote hosts

The number of packets dropped due to no hosts being connected



remote-host host-id [detail | statistics]




This command displays information for a specified remote host within this IP transport subservice within this service. If no remote host is specified, summary information is displayed for all remote hosts within this IP transport subservice.



the remote host identifier


1 to 2147483647or a name string up to 64 characters long


displays detailed information for a specified remote host


displays summary information for a specified remote host


The following output is an example of IP transport subservice remote host summary information when no remote host is specified, and IP Transport Subservice Remote Host Summary Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-C# show service id 100 ip-transport 1/6/4.1 remote-host
IPT Remote Host (Summary), Service 100 IPT 1/6/4.1
RemId      RemIp:RemPort         Rcvd Chars Sent Chars Drop Chars State
                                 Rcvd Pkts  Sent Pkts  Drop Pkts  Up Time
1      2555       2044       0          connected
                                 5          4          0          00h01m21s 
(unknown)      0          2044       5110       connected
                                 0          4          10         00h00m42s
Number of known remote hosts: 1
Number of unknown remote hosts: 1
Total entries found: 2
Table 10. IP Transport Subservice Remote Host Summary Field Descriptions



IP Remote Host (Summary), Service x IPT x/x/x.x


The remote host identifier


The IP address (IPv4) and port number used by the remote host

Rcvd Chars

The number of data characters received from the remote host

Sent Chars

The number of data characters sent to the remote host

Drop Chars

The number of data characters destined for the remote host that were dropped


The operational state of the packet transport session connection to the remote host

Rcvd Pkts

The number of packets received from the remote host

Sent Pkts

The number of packets sent to the remote host

Drop Pkts

The number of packets destined for the remote host that were dropped

Up Time

The amount of time that the remote host has been connected

Number of known remote hosts

The number of known remote hosts associated with the IP transport subservice

Number of unknown remote hosts

The number of unknown remote hosts associated with the IP transport subservice

Total entries found

The total number of hosts associated with the IP transport subservice

The following output is an example of IP transport subservice detailed information for a specified remote host, and IP Transport Subservice Remote Host Detailed Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-C# show service id 100 ip-transport 1/2/4.1 remote-host 1 detail
IPT Remote Host
Service Id         : 100 (VPRN)
IP Transport Id    : 1/2/4.1
Remote Host Id     : 1
Name               : (Not Specified)
Description        : (Not Specified)
IP Address         :               Port Number         : 4000
Last Mgmt Change   : 12/07/2016 16:48:44
Session State      : connected                 Up Time             : 00h01m44s
Last Connect       : successful
IPT Remote Host Statistics
Sent Pkts       : 134                   Sent Chars      : 201000
Dropped Pkts    : 0                     Dropped Chars   : 0
Rcvd Pkts       : 267                   Rcvd Chars      : 201000
Session information
  Connections                            : 2
    To                                   : 1
    From                                 : 1
  Connection retries                     : 0
  Connection failures                    : 0
  Closed by far end                      : 1
  Inactivity timeouts                    : 0
Table 11. IP Transport Subservice Remote Host Detailed Field Descriptions



IP Remote Host

Service Id

The ID that identifies the service (the service type is shown in brackets)

IP Transport Id

The physical port identifier for the IP transport subservice

Remote host Id

The host identifier associated with this remote host


The name associated with this remote host


The description associated with this remote host

IP Address

The IP address associated with this remote host

Port Number

The port number associated with this remote host

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this remote host

Session State

The operational state of the packet transport session to this host

Up Time

The amount of time that this remote host has been connected

Last Connect

Indicates whether the last connection attempt to this remote host was successful or unsuccessful

IP Remote Host Statistics

Sent Pkts

The number of packets sent to this remote host

Sent Chars

The number of data characters sent to this remote host

Dropped Pkts

The number of packets destined for this remote host that were dropped

Dropped Chars

The number of data characters destined for this remote host that were dropped

Rcvd Pkts

The number of packets received from this remote host

Rcvd Chars

The number of data characters received from this remote host

Session information



The number of connections made to this host


The number of connections made from the host

Connection retries

The number of connection retries to this host

Connection failures

The number of connection failures to this host

Closed by far end

The number of connections closed by the far end

Inactivity timeouts

The number of connection that were timed out due to inactivity



sap [sap-id [detail]]




This command displays information for the SAPs associated with the service.

If no optional parameters are specified, a summary of all associated SAPs is displayed.



the SAP ID for which SAP information will be displayed. See SAP ID Configurations for a full list of SAP IDs.


displays detailed information for the SAP


The following output is an example of service SAP information, and Service ID SAP Detailed Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap
SAP(Summary), Service 6
PortId                          SvcId      Ing.  Ing.    Egr.  Egr.   Adm  Opr
                                           QoS   Fltr    QoS   Fltr
1/5/2                           6          2     ip4     2     none   Up   Down
Number of SAPs : 1
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2 detail
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02
Sub Type           : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100

Admin MTU          : 1514                     Oper MTU          : 1514
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : 2                        Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
tod-suite          : None                     qinq-pbit-marking : both
Ing Scheduler Mode : 4-priority               Egr Scheduler Mode: 16-priority
Ing Agg Rate Limit : max                      Egr Agg Rate Limit: 7000
Ing Agg cir        : 0                        Egr Agg cir       : 700
Ing Shaper Group   : default                  Egr Shaper Group  : default
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Anti Spoofing      : None                     Nbr Static Hosts  : 0

Ingress qos-policy : 2                        Egress qos-policy : 2
Shared Q plcy      : n/a                      Multipoint shared : Disabled
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time     : N/A

                        Packets                 Octets
Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)
Dropped               : 0                       0
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LowPrio          : 0                       0

Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 2)
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0

Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 2)
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
Sap per Queue stats
                        Packets                 Octets

Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LoPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. LoPrio           : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0

Egress Queue 1
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0

*A:ALU-12>>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2 atm
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2 qos
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02

Ingress qos-policy : 2                        Egress qos-policy : 2
Shared Q plcy      : n/a                      Multipoint shared : Disabled

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2 sap-stats
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down

Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02
Sap Statistics
Last Cleared Time     : N/A

                        Packets                 Octets
Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)
Dropped               : 0                       0
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LowPrio          : 0                       0

Queueing Stats(Ingress QoS Policy 2)
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0

Queueing Stats(Egress QoS Policy 2)
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sap 1/5/2 stats

Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 6
SAP                : 1/5/2                    Encap             : null
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : ServiceAdminDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01
Last Mgmt Change   : 02/03/2010 21:59:02
Sap per Queue stats
                        Packets                 Octets
Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority)
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LoPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. LoPrio           : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0

Egress Queue 1
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0
Table 12. Service ID SAP Detailed Field Descriptions



Service Id

The service identifier


The SAP identifier


The encapsulation type of the SAP

Admin State

The administrative state of the SAP

Oper State

The operating state of the SAP


Specifies the conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. Display output includes: ServiceAdminDown, SapAdminDown, InterfaceAdminDown, PortOperDown, PortMTUTooSmall, L2OperDown, SapIngressQoSMismatch, SapEgressQoSMismatch, RelearnLimitExceeded, RxProtSrcMac, ParentIfAdminDown, NoSapIpipeCeIpAddr, TodResourceUnavail, TodMssResourceUnavail, SapParamMismatch, CemSapNoEcidOrMacAddr, StandByForMcRing, ServiceMTUTooSmall, SapIngressNamedPoolMismatch, SapEgressNamedPoolMismatch, NoSapEpipeRingNode

Last Status Change

The time of the most recent operating status change to this SAP

Last Mgmt Change

The time of the most recent management-initiated change to this SAP

Sub Type

The supported sub type: regular

Dot1Q Ethertype

The value of the dot1q Ethertype

QinQ Ethertype

The value of the qinq Ethertype

Admin MTU

The desired largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through the SAP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Oper MTU

The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through the SAP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Ingr IP Fltr-Id

The ingress filter policy ID assigned to the SAP

Egr IP Fltr-Id

The egress filter policy ID assigned to the SAP

Ingr Mac Fltr-Id

Not applicable

Egr Mac Fltr-Id

Not applicable


Indicates whether a time-based policy is applied to a multiservice site


Indicates the qinq P-bit marking for the service: both or top

Ing Scheduler Mode

The scheduler mode for the SAP in the access ingress direction: 4-priority or 16-priority

Egr Scheduler Mode

The scheduler mode for the SAP in the access egress direction: 4-priority or 16-priority

Ing Agg Rate Limit

The PIR rate limit in the access ingress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Egr Agg Rate Limit

The PIR rate limit in the access egress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Ing Agg cir

The CIR rate limit in the access ingress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Egr Agg cir

The CIR rate limit in the access egress direction for the aggregate of the SAP queues

Ing Shaper Group

The ingress shaper group for the SAP

Egr Shaper Group

The egress shaper group for the SAP

Acct. Pol

The accounting policy ID assigned to the SAP

Collect Stats

Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SAP

Anti Spoofing

Not applicable

Nbr Static Hosts

Not applicable


Ingress qos-policy

The ingress QoS policy ID assigned to the SAP

Egress qos-policy

The egress QoS policy ID assigned to the SAP

Shared Q plcy

Not applicable

Multipoint shared

Not applicable

Sap Statistics

Last Cleared Time

The date and time that a clear command was issued on statistics

Forwarding Engine Stats (Ingress)


The number of packets or octets dropped by the forwarding engine

Off. HiPrio

The number of high-priority packets or octets offered to the forwarding engine

Off. LowPrio

The number of low-priority packets offered to the forwarding engine

Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy)

Dro. HiPrio

The number of high-priority packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

Dro. LowPrio

The number of low-priority packets discarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP ingress QoS policy

Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy)

Dro. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

Dro. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded, as determined by the SAP egress QoS policy

Sap per Queue stats

Ingress Queue n (Priority)

The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP, where n is the index number

Off. Combined

The combined total number of high-priority and low-priority packets or octets offered to the forwarding engine

Off. HiPrio

The number of packets or octets of high-priority traffic for the SAP (offered)

Off. LoPrio

The number of packets or octets count of low-priority traffic for the SAP (offered)

Dro. HiPrio

The number of high-priority traffic packets or octets dropped

Dro. LoPrio

The number of low-priority traffic packets or octets dropped

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded

Ingress Queue n (Profile)

The index of the ingress QoS queue of this SAP, where n is the index number

Off. ColorIn

The number of packets or octets colored as in-profile for the SAP (offered)

Off. ColorOut

The number of packets or octets colored as out-of-profile for the SAP (offered)

Off. Uncolor

The number of packets or octets that are unprofiled for the SAP (offered)

Dro. ColorOut

The number of packets or octets colored as out-of-profile that were dropped for the SAP

Dro. ColorIn/Uncolor

The number of packets or octets that were colored as in-profile or unprofiled that were dropped for the SAP

For. InProf

The number of forwarded packets or octets colored as in-profile (FC profile set to ‟in” or ‟no profile” and rate less than or equal to CIR)

For. OutProf

The number of forwarded packets or octets that were colored as out-of-profile (FC profile set to ‟out” or ‟no profile” and rate above CIR)

Egress Queue n

The index of the egress QoS queue of the SAP, where n is the index number

For. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets (rate below CIR) forwarded

For. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets (rate above CIR) forwarded

Dro. InProf

The number of in-profile packets or octets dropped for the SAP

Dro. OutProf

The number of out-of-profile packets or octets discarded



ingress-label start-label [end-label]




This command displays service information using the range of ingress labels.

If only the mandatory start-label parameter is specified, only services using the specified label are displayed.

If both start-label and end-label parameters are specified, the services using the labels in the specified range are displayed.

Use the show router ldp bindings command to display dynamic labels.



the ending ingress label value for which to display services using the label range


2049 to 131071


the start-label value


the starting ingress label value for which to display services using the label range. If only start-label is specified, services only using start-label are displayed.


0, or 2048 to 131071


The following output is an example of service ingress label information, and Service Ingress Output Fields describes the fields.

Output Example

In the example below, services 3, 5 and 6 are IES, and services 5000 and 5001 are VPLS services.

*A:ALU-12>show>service# ingress-label 0 131071
Martini Service Labels
Svc Id     Sdp Binding        Type  I.Lbl                 E.Lbl
3          15:15              Spok  0                     0
5          5:5                Spok  0                     0
6          5:6                Spok  0                     0
5000       15:5000            Mesh  0                     0
5000       15:5001            Spok  0                     0
5001       5001:100           Spok  0                     0
Number of Bindings Found : 6
Table 13. Service Ingress Output Fields



Svc Id

The ID that identifies a service

Sdp Binding

The ID that identifies an SDP


Indicates whether the SDP binding is a spoke or a mesh

I. Lbl

The VC label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by the SDP

E. Lbl

The VC label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by the SDP

Number of Bindings Found

The total number of SDP bindings that exist within the specified label range



ip-transport-using [ip-transport ipt-id]




This command displays IP transport subservice information for a specified port. If no port is specified, the command displays a summary of all IP transport subservices defined for the VPRN service.



the physical port associated with the IP transport subservice, in the format slot/mda/


The following output is an example of ip-transport-using information, and IP-Transport-Using Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-48# show service ip-transport-using
IP Transports 
IptId            SvcId     Type  Adm  Opr   
1/2/4.1          100       VPRN  Up   Up   
Entries found: 1
Table 14. IP-Transport-Using Field Descriptions



IP Transports


The IP transport subservice physical port identifier


The service identifier


The type of service


The administrative state of the IP transport subservice


The operational state of the IP transport subservice

Entries found

The number of IP transport subservices using this service



sdp {[sdp-id[:vc-id] | far-end ip-addr]} [detail]

sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id]]




This command displays information for the SDPs associated with the service. If no optional parameters are specified, a summary of all associated SDPs is displayed.



the SDP ID for which SDP information will be displayed


1 to 17407


all SDPs


the virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID


1 to 4294967295


displays only SDPs matching with the specified far-end IP address


displays detailed SDP information


The following output is an example of service ID SDP information, and Service ID SDP Detailed Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId            Type IP address      Adm     Opr       I.Lbl       E.Lbl
1:6              Spok     Up      Down      n/a         n/a
Number of SDPs : 1

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sdp 1
Service Destination Point (Sdp Id : 1)
SdpId            Type IP address      Adm     Opr       I.Lbl       E.Lbl
1:6              Spok     Up      Down      n/a         n/a

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sdp far-end
Service Destination Point(Far-End :
SdpId            Type IP address      Adm     Opr       I.Lbl       E.Lbl
1:6              Spok     Up      Down      n/a         n/a
Number of SDPs : 1

*A:ALU-12>show>service>id# sdp detail
Services: Service Destination Points Details
 Sdp Id 1:6  -(
SDP Id             : 1:6                      Type              : Spoke
VC Type            : n/a                      VC Tag            : n/a
Admin Path MTU     : 0                        Oper Path MTU     : 0
Far End            :              Delivery          : MPLS
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled
Ingress Label      : n/a                      Egress Label      : n/a
Ing mac Fltr       : n/a                      Egr mac Fltr      : n/a
Ing ip Fltr        : n/a                      Egr ip Fltr       : n/a
Ing ipv6 Fltr      : n/a                      Egr ipv6 Fltr     : n/a
Admin ControlWord  : Not Preferred            Oper ControlWord  : False
Last Status Change : 02/03/2010 21:59:01      Signaling         : n/a
Last Mgmt Change   : 03/01/2010 18:55:58
Class Fwding State : Down
Flags              : SdpOperDown

KeepAlive Information :
Admin State        : Disabled                 Oper State        : Disabled
Hello Time         : 10                       Hello Msg Len     : 0
Max Drop Count     : 3                        Hold Down Time    : 10

Statistics            :
I. Fwd. Pkts.      : n/a                      I. Dro. Pkts.     : n/a
I. Fwd. Octs.      : n/a                      I. Dro. Octs.     : n/a
E. Fwd. Pkts.      : n/a                      E. Fwd. Octets    : n/a

Associated LSP LIST :
No LSPs Associated
Number of SDPs : 1
Table 15. Service ID SDP Detailed Field Descriptions



Sdp Id

The SDP identifier


Indicates whether the SDP is a spoke or a mesh

VC Type

The VC type: ether or vlan

VC Tag

The explicit dot1q value used when encapsulating to the SDP far end

Admin Path MTU

The operating path MTU of the SDP is equal to the admin path MTU (when one is set) or the dynamically computed tunnel MTU, when no admin path MTU is set (the default case)

Oper Path MTU

The actual largest service frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted through this SDP to the far-end router, without requiring the packet to be fragmented

Far End

The IP address of the remote end of the GRE, MPLS, or IP tunnel defined by this SDP.


Specifies the type of delivery used by the SDP: GRE, MPLS, or IP

Admin State

The administrative state of this SDP

Oper State

The operational state of this SDP

Acct. Pol

The accounting policy applied to the SDP

Collect Stats

Specifies whether accounting statistics are collected on the SDP

Ingress Label

The label used by the far-end device to send packets to this device in this service by this SDP

Egress Label

The label used by this device to send packets to the far-end device in this service by the SDP

Ing mac Fltr

Not applicable

Egr mac Fltr

Not applicable

Ing ip Fltr

The ingress filter policy ID assigned to the SDP

Egr ip Fltr

The egress filter policy ID assigned to the SDP

Admin ControlWord

The administrative state of the control word: Preferred (control word enabled) or Not Preferred (control word disabled)

Oper ControlWord

The operational state of the control word: True (control word enabled) or False (control word disabled)

Last Status Change

The date and time of the most recent change to the SDP


The signaling protocol used to obtain the ingress and egress labels used in frames transmitted and received on this SDP

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this SDP

Class Fwding State

Not applicable


Specifies the conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. Display output includes: ServiceAdminDown, SapAdminDown, InterfaceAdminDown, PortOperDown, PortMTUTooSmall, L2OperDown, SapIngressQoSMismatch, SapEgressQoSMismatch, RelearnLimitExceeded, RxProtSrcMac, ParentIfAdminDown, NoSapIpipeCeIpAddr, TodResourceUnavail, TodMssResourceUnavail, SapParamMismatch, CemSapNoEcidOrMacAddr, StandByForMcRing, ServiceMTUTooSmall, SapIngressNamedPoolMismatch, SapEgressNamedPoolMismatch, NoSapEpipeRingNode

KeepAlive Information

Admin State

The administrative state of the keepalive process

Oper State

The operational state of the keepalive process

Hello Time

Specifies how often the SDP echo request messages are transmitted on this SDP

Hell Msg Length

The length of the SDP echo request messages transmitted on this SDP

Max Drop Count

The maximum number of consecutive SDP echo request messages that can be unacknowledged before the keepalive protocol reports a fault

Hold Down Time

The time to wait before the keepalive operating status is eligible to enter the alive state


I. Fwd. Pkts.

The number of forwarded ingress packets

I. Dro. Pkts.

The number of dropped ingress packets

I. Fwd. Octs.

The number of forwarded ingress octets

I. Dro. Octs.

The number of dropped ingress octets

E. Fwd. Pkts.

The number of forwarded egress packets

E. Fwd. Octets

The number of forwarded egress octets

Associated LSP LIST

If the SDP type is MPLS, a list of LSPs used to reach the far-end router displays. All the LSPs in the list must terminate at the IP address specified in the far-end field.

If the SDP type is GRE, the following message displays: SDP delivery mechanism is not MPLS.

Number of SDPs

The total number of SDPs applied to this service ID







This command displays OAM TWAMP Light status information.


The following output is an example of TWAMP Light information, and TWAMP Light Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-3# show service id 10 twamp-light
TWAMP Light Reflector          
Admin State          : Up             
Up Time              : 0d 00:12:01             
Configured UDP Port  : 1025           
Test Packets Rx      : 0                   Test Packets Tx     : 0           
TWAMP Light Controller Prefix List                                                                                                                                                                           
Table 16. TWAMP Light Field Descriptions



TWAMP Light Reflector

Admin State

Displays one of the following:

Up—the server or prefix is administratively enabled (no shutdown) in configuration

Down—the server or prefix is administratively disabled (shutdown) in configuration

Up Time

The time since the server process was started, measured in days (d), hours, minutes, and seconds

Configured UDP Port

The UDP port number used

Test Packets Rx

The total number of test packets received from session senders

Test Packets Tx

The total number of test packets sent to session senders

TWAMP Light Controller Prefix List

The IP address prefixes of TWAMP Light clients



service-using vprn [sdp sdp-id] [customer customer-id]




This command displays the services matching certain usage properties.

If no optional parameters are specified, all services defined on the system are displayed.



displays matching VPRN services


displays only services bound to the specified SDP ID


1 to 17407


displays only those services associated with the specified customer ID


1 to 2147483647


The following output is an example of service-using information, and Service Service-Using Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-12>show>service# service-using vprn
Services [vprn]
ServiceId    Type      Adm    Opr        CustomerId        Last Mgmt Change
6            VPRN      Down   Down       1                 03/01/2010 18:55:58
Matching Services : 1

*A:ALU-12>show>service# service-using customer 1
Services  Customer 1
ServiceId    Type      Adm    Opr        CustomerId        Last Mgmt Change
1            Cpipe     Down   Down       1                 02/03/2010 21:59:01
2            Epipe     Down   Down       1                 02/03/2010 21:59:02
5            Apipe     Down   Down       1                 02/03/2010 21:59:02
6            VPRN      Down   Down       1                 03/01/2010 18:55:58
23           IES       Down   Down       1                 02/03/2010 21:59:01
100          Ipipe     Down   Down       1                 02/03/2010 21:59:02
Matching Services : 6
Table 17. Service Service-Using Field Descriptions



Service Id

The service identifier


The service type configured for the service ID


The service name


A description of the service


The desired state of the service


The operating state of the service


The ID of the customer who owns this service

Last Mgmt Change

The date and time of the most recent management-initiated change to this service

Matching Services

The number of services of the same type