

This chapter provides the procedures and other information to configure services and packages at the Lucent CM system.


Link IconServices and packages
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete an LDAP authentication service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a Lucent CM authentication service package
Link IconAllow a Lucent CM call control connection to the Lucent FS 3000
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a call server
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a domain package
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a dialing rule package
Link IconDialing rules
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a feature package
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a user feature package
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete an ISG logging service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a Lucent CM logging service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a messaging service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a search service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a PSI PUID service package
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a PS Contact service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a Presence Service
Link IconAdd, modify, or delete a skin service
Link IconAdd, modify or delete CPE configuration service
Link IconManage CPE configuration files

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